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Risk Level Before Risk Level After

Activity Hazard Sources Cause Consequence Mitigate Type Mitigation Mitigate Type
Rotating/ moving Cement mixer Body part contact with rotating Injuries 4 3 1. Cover rotating part of machine must be installed 4 1 4 M
machinery part of machine 12 H

Rotating/ moving Cutting wheel Personal contact Injuries/Fatalities 5 2 1. SOP for rotating equipment 5 1 5 M
10 H
machinery 2. Pre-mobilization inspection
Rotating/ moving Cutting wheel Sparks emitted from cutting 1. Eye damage 5 2 1. Guards inspected as part of pre-mobilization inspection 5 1 5 M
machinery process 2. Ignition Source 10 H 2. Training
3. PPE
Civil Work

Pinch/ trap hazards Bending the rebar Pinching of hands Injuries 3 4 1. Implement pinch point awareness program 3 3 9 M
12 H
2. PPE
Working at heights Scaffolding 1. Falling from different level Injuries/fatalities 5 2 1. Scaffolding procedure 5 1 5 M
2. Falling object 10 H 2. Working at height procedure
3. Collapsing scaffolding 2. Check whether work in height procedure deal with rescue
Working at heights Un-tied hook Personnel falling from height Injuries/fatalities 5 2 1. Socialization of Working at Height Procedure 5 1 5 M
10 H 2. Use of correct PPE
3. Full Body harness inspection

Working at heights Un-Standard PPE Personnel falling from height Injury/ Fatality 5 2 10 H 1. Full Body harness inspection 5 1 5 M

Micro particle Cement/dust Inhalation Lunge disease 5 2 10 H 1. Wear dust mask 5 1 5 M

1. Falling from different level 2.

Working at heights Structure erected Injury/ Fatality 5 2 10 H 1. Working at height procedure 5 1 5 M
Falling object
Installing structure Tightening Baulting Caught between Injuries 1. Implement pinch point awareness program
5 2 10 H 5 1 5 M
2. PPE
1. Lifting & Rigging Procedures
1. Crane toppled 1. Injury/ Fatality
Lifting operation Crane 5 2 10 H 2. Valid Crane & Lifting Gear Inspection 5 1 5 M
2. Falling object 2. Property damage
3. Certified Crane & Rigger
1. Sky lift toppled 1. Lifting & Rigging Procedures
1. Injury/ Fatality
Working at height Sky Lift/sky master 2. Falling object 5 2 10 H 2. Valid Crane & Lifting Gear Inspection 5 1 5 M
2. Property damage
3. Falling from height 3. Certified Crane & Rigger
1. Heavy material
Lifting operation Manual Handling 1. Injuries/back pain 4 3 12 H 1. Implement manual handling procedure 4 1 4 L
Structure and Pipe Rack

2. Ergonomic position
1. Implement Hot work procedure
1. Injury/ Fatality
Open Flame Welding operation 1. Fire & Explosion 5 2 10 H 2. Stand by Fire Watcher 5 1 5 M
2. Property damage

1. Implement Hot work procedure

Compressed Gas 1. Fire & Explosion 1. Injuries/ Fatality 2. Stand by Fire Watcher
Open Flame 5 2 10 H 5 1 5 M
Cylinder 2. Struct against 2. Property damage 3. Compressed Gas Cylinder Procedures

Rotating/ moving Sparks emitted from cutting 1. Fire 1. Implement Hot work procedure
machinery Grinding operation process 2. Eye injury 5 2 10 H 2. Stand by Fire Watcher 5 1 5 M
3. Use proper PPE
Rotating/ moving 1. Lifting & Rigging Procedures
machinery 1. Struck against 1. Property damage
Crane operation 4 2 8 M 2. Valid Crane & Lifting Gear Inspection 4 1 4 L
2. Pinch point 2. injuries
3. Certified Crane & Rigger
1. Inhalation 1. Lunge disease 1. Use propper PPE
Chemical Painting 2 4 8 M 2 2 4 L
2. Exposure to skin 2. Irritation 2. MSDS
Structure and Pipe Rack

Risk Level Before Risk Level After

Activity Hazard Sources Cause Consequence Mitigate Type Mitigation Mitigate Type
1. Risk Assessment
Transporting Equipment Vehicle Condition Vehicle Incident Injuries 5 2 10 S 2. Permit to Drive 5 1 5 M
3. Vehicle Inspection prior to use

Radioactive Hazard Survey and Testing Careless use of testing Health issues 1. Safety procedure for radiography activity
equipment 2. Certified technician
5 2 10 M 3. Barricades & Signage procedure 5 1 5 M
4. Use correct PPE

Working at heights Scaffolding 1. Falling from different level Injury/ Fatality 5 2 10 1. Scaffolding procedure 2. Working at height procedure 5 1 5 M
2. Falling object 2. Check whether work in height procedure deal with rescue
3. Collapsing scaffolding H activity

Working at heights Potential use of Manlift Personnel falling from manlift Injury/ Fatality 5 2 10 If manlifts are used, training, daily inspection and procedure to 5 1 5 M
be developed and implemented
Mechanical Work

Risk Level Before Risk Level After

Activity Hazard Sources Cause Consequence Mitigate Type Mitigation Mitigate Type
Working at heights Un-tied hook Personnel falling from height Injury/ Fatality 5 2 10 1. Socialization of Working at Height Procedure 5 1 5 M
H 2. Use of correct PPE
3. Full Body harness inspection
Working at heights Un-Standard PPE Personnel falling from height Injury/ Fatality 5 2 10 H 1. Full Body harness inspection 5 1 5 M

1. Lifting & Rigging Procedures

1. Crane toppled 1. Injury/ Fatality
Lifting operation Crane 5 2 10 H 2. Valid Crane & Lifting Gear Inspection 5 1 5 M
2. Falling object 2. Property damage
3. Certified Crane & Rigger
Lifting operation Sky Lift/sky master 1. Sky lift toppled 1. Lifting & Rigging Procedures
1. Injury/ Fatality
2. Falling object 5 2 10 H 2. Valid Crane & Lifting Gear Inspection 5 1 5 M
2. Property damage
3. Falling from height 3. Certified Crane & Rigger
1. Heavy material
Lifting operation Manual Handling 1. Injuries/back pain 4 3 12 H 1. Implement manual handling procedure 4 1 4 L
2. Ergonomic position
Rotating/ moving 1. Lifting & Rigging Procedures
machinery 1. Struck against 1. Property damage
Crane operation 4 2 8 M 2. Valid Crane & Lifting Gear Inspection 4 1 4 L
2. Pinch point 2. Injury to Worker
3. Certified Crane & Rigger
1. Lifting & Rigging Procedures
Rotating/ moving 1. Struck against 1. Property damage
Crane operation 4 2 8 M 2. Valid Crane & Lifting Gear Inspection 4 1 4 L
Equipment 2. Pinch point 2. Injury to Worker
3. Certified Crane & Rigger
Mechanical Work

Rotating/ moving Sparks emitted from cutting 1. Fire 1. Implement Hot work procedure
machinery Grinding operation process 2. Eye injury 5 2 10 H 2. Stand by Fire Watcher 5 1 5 M
3. Use proper PPE
Noise Hazard Working at noise area in a long hearing loss 1. PPE Procedure & Training
Grinding operation time 5 2 10 M 2. Safety Sign Procedure 5 1 5 M

Noise Hazard Generator set/ Powered Working at noise area in a long hearing loss 1. PPE Procedure & Training
time 5 2 10 M 2. Safety Sign Procedure 5 1 5 M

Rotating/ moving 1. Cuts 1. Hand Injury

machinery 2. Pinch point 2. Electrocuted/ Fatality 1. SOP
Circular saw 5 2 10 H 5 1 5 M
3. Electrical Power 2. PETI Procedures

1. Confined Space Procedure

1. Oxygen deficiency 1. Unsconscious 2. Confined Space training
Respiratory Problem Confined Space 5 2 10 H 5 1 5 M
2. Intoxicated 2. Fatality 3. PPE Procedure
3. Appropriate PPE
1. Inhalation 1. Lunge disease 1. PPE Procedure
Chemical Hazard Painting 2 4 8 M 2 2 4 L
2. Exposure to skin 2. Irritation 2. CSDS/ MSDS
1. Implement Hot work procedure
Welding & Cutting 1. Injury/ Fatality
Open Flame 1. Fire & Explosion 5 2 10 H 2. Stand by Fire Watcher 5 1 5 M
operation 2. Property damage
3. Fire Extinguisher
Compressed Gas 1. Fire and Exlposion 1. Property damage 1. Compressed Gas Cylinder Procedure
Hazardous gas 5 2 10 H 5 1 5 M
Cylinder 2. Intoxicated 2. Unsconscious 2. Respiratory protection procedure
1. Unsconscious 1. Recommendation for Electrical Safety Procedure
Electrical Hand & Power Tools 2. Skin burn 5 2 10 H 2. PETI Procedure 5 1 5 M
3. Fatality 3. PPE Procedure

Risk Level Before Risk Level After

Activity Hazard Sources Cause Consequence Mitigate Type Mitigation Mitigate Type
1. Unsconscious
Electrocuted 1. Recommendation for Electrical Safety Procedure
Electrical power connection 2. Skin burn 5 2 10 H 5 1 5 M
2. PPE Procedure
3. Fatality

1. Injury to Worker
Heavy Equipment 1. Collision
Collision Hazard 2. Property Damage 3 4 12 H 1. Land Transport Procedure 3 3 9 M
Movement 2. Collapsed Material
3. Oil Spill
Rotating/ moving Sparks emitted from cutting 1. Fire 1. Implement Hot work procedure
machinery Grinding operation process 2. Eye injury 5 2 10 H 2. Stand by Fire Watcher 5 1 5 M
3. Use proper PPE
Rotating/ moving No Guard on Grinding Disc Injuries/fatalities 1. Implement Hot work procedure
machinery Grinding operation 5 2 10 H 2. Stand by Fire Watcher 5 1 5 M
3. Use proper PPE
Working at heights Un-tied hook Personnel falling from height Injury/ Fatality 5 2 10 1. Working at Height Procedure 5 1 5 M
2. WAH Training
H 3. Use of correct PPE
4. Full Body harness inspection

Flange tightening Bad ergonomic conditions Injuries 1. Socialization of Pinch Point Hazards
2. Safety awareness training & Work permit
3 4 12 S 3. Use Correct PPE 3 3 9 M
4. Use Stify Stick

Pipe Storage Improper storage or staging 1. Hand Injury 1. Socialization of Pinch Point Hazards
2. Hit by object 2. Safety awareness training & Work permit
5 2 10 M 3. Use Correct PPE 5 1 5 M
4. Use Stify Stick
Piping Work

Pinch/ trap hazards

Stringing Pipe movement 1. Hand Injury 1. Socialization of Pinch Point Hazards
2. Hit by object 2. Safety awareness training & Work permit
3. Use Correct PPE
4. Use Stify Stick

Pipes on temporary Shifting piping Injuries, fatalities 1. Socialization of Pinch Point Hazards
supports 2. Safety awareness training & Work permit
5 2 10 M 3. Use Correct PPE 5 1 5 M
4. Use Stify Stick

Lifting operation Loosen lifted material Falling objects 1. Injuries, fatalities 1. Rigging & Lifting Procedure
2. Property damage 5 2 10 M 2. Competent person & JSA 5 1 5 M
3. Proper Manual Handling Procedure

Lifting operation 1. Heavy material

Manual Handling 1. Injuries/back pain 4 3 12 H 1. Implement manual handling procedure 4 1 4 L
2. Ergonomic position

1. Implement Hot work procedure

Welding & Cutting 1. Injury/ Fatality
Open Flame Fire & Explosion 5 2 10 H 2. Stand by Fire Watcher 5 1 5 M
operation 2. Property damage
3. Fire Extinguisher

Noise Hazard Stranging Working at noise area hearing loss 1. PPE Procedure & Training
5 2 10 M 2. Safety Sign Procedure 5 1 5 M

Risk Level Before Risk Level After

Activity Hazard Sources Cause Consequence Mitigate Type Mitigation Mitigate Type
Radioactive Hazard Survey and Testing Careless use of testing Health issues 1. Ionizing Radiation
equipment 2. Certified technician
5 2 10 M 3. Barricades & Signage procedure 5 1 5 M
4. Use correct PPE

Pinch Point Tray Fabrication and 1. Manual handling Injury to workers 1. Correct manual handling practice
Instrument Work

installation 2. Use of hand tools 2. Use correct PPE

4 2 8 M 5 1 5 M

Slip, Trip & Fall Working at Height Personnel falling from height Injury/ Fatality 5 2 10 1. Socialization of Working at Height Procedure 5 1 5 M
2. Use of correct PPE
H 3. Full Body harness inspection

Remark: C: Cause/ Severity

F: Frequency
RR: Risk Rate

Prepared By,

Luqman osman
HSE Engineer

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