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Hospital Practice

ISSN: 2154-8331 (Print) 2377-1003 (Online) Journal homepage:

Treatment of Postpartum Endometritis

Mark Martens M.D., Sebastian Faro M.D., Ph.D., Hunter Hammill M.D. &
Maurizio Maccato M.D.

To cite this article: Mark Martens M.D., Sebastian Faro M.D., Ph.D., Hunter Hammill M.D.
& Maurizio Maccato M.D. (1990) Treatment of Postpartum Endometritis, Hospital Practice,
25:sup4, 13-19, DOI: 10.1080/21548331.1990.11704111

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Published online: 17 May 2016.

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Treatment of
Postpartum Endometritis
M A R K M ART E N 5, M. D., 5 E BA 5 TI AN FAR 0, M. D., PH. D., H U N T E R HA M M I L L, M. D.,
University of Texas at Galveston and Bay/or College of Medicine

ecause of the polymicro- biotic prophylaxis on vaginal

B bial nature of postpartum

endometritis, typically in-
volving gram-negative and
microflora, 15 a failure to ap-
preciate the spectrum of ac-
tivity of ,8-lactam antibiotics,
In this study, cefoxitin
alone (2 gm, every 8
gram-positive aerobic and an- and failure to obtain culture hours) was generally suf-
aerobic bacteria,L2 treatment specimens from the uterine ficient to cure postpartum
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 16:57 23 June 2016

has traditionally focused on fundus and from venous blood endometritis, even when
the use of clindamycin plus as well as other suspected the patient had received
an aminoglycoside.s-5 Although sites of infection. 16 prophylaxis with a /3-
,8-lactam antibiotics, such as With current practice in lactam antibiotic. When
cefoxitin, cefotetan, imipenem, mind, we undertook to deter- single-agent therapy fails,
mezlocillin, ticarcillin, pipera- mine if 1) cefoxitin would be
addition of ampicillin
cillin, and ticarcillin/clavulanic effective therapy for postpar-
usually results in a prompt
acid have been demonstrated tum endometritis in patients
to be as effective as clinda- who had received a cephalo-
clinical response.
mycin plus gentamicin, sin- sporin or penicillin for prophy-
gle-agent therapy has not laxis; 2) an every-eight-hour
gained wide acceptance. 6 - 12 regimen was appropriate for
Patients with ruptured mem- such use of cefoxitin; and 3)
branes who have been in labor in patients failing initial ce-
for prolonged periods and are foxitin therapy, cefoxitin could
subsequently delivered by ce- be continued and supplement-
sarean section are at greatest ed with an agent effective
risk for developing postpartum against the isolated or sus-
endometritis. Antibiotic pro- pected resistant pathogens.
phylaxis is commonly used for
these patients. 13·14 If endome-
Patients and Protocol
tritis occurs despite prophy-
laxis, physicians commonly The presence of one or more
assume the presence of a more of the following criteria de-
complex infection and pre- fined eligibility in the study:
scribe combination therapy. an oral body temperature of
Dr. Martens is Director, Division of In-
Alternatively, when a patient 38° C or higher on two occa- fectious Diseases, and Associate Pro-
fails to respond favorably to a sions, at least six hours apart fessor of Obstetrics/Gynecology, Uni-
single-agent therapeutic regi- and 24 hours after delivery; versity of Texas Medical School at
Galveston. Dr. Faro is Professor and
men, many physicians replace one oral body temperature of Vice Chairman, Department of Obstet-
that agent with clindamycin at least 38.3° C; a white blood rics and Gynecology, and Director, In-
plus gentamicin. cell count of 14,000/mm3 or fectious Disease Section, Bay/or Col-
This common approach higher; a 10% or greater in- lege of Medicine, Houston. Drs.
Hammi/1 and Maccato are Assistant
stems from a lack of under- crease in immature polymor- Professors of Obstetrics and Gynecol-
standing of the effect of anti- phonuclear leukocytes from ogy, Bay/or College of Medicine.

sation of cefoxitin without
Table 1. Demographic Data addition of another antibiotic.
by Outcome of Postpartum Patients who did not show a
Patients with Endometritis positive response (diminution
Cure Failure
of symptoms or absence of
N=45 N=7 fever) after receiving cefoxitin
(87%) (13%) for 48 hours were categorized
as "clinical failures"; they were
Age 24.6±5.6 22.4±3.6
reexamined to establish that
Gravidity 2.3±1.5 2.4±1.3 the original diagnosis was cor-
Parity 1.9±1.1 1.9±0.8 rect and that there was no new
Race focus of infection. Ampicillin,
White 31 (69"-b) 5 (71%) 2 gm every six hours, was then
- - ---·-
Black 14 (31%)
2 (29"-b) added to their regimen.

Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 16:57 23 June 2016

baseline sample; tachycardia; a

markedly tender uterus; puru- Specimens for culture and
lent or foul-smelling lochia. antibiotic susceptibility testing
Fifty-two women entered the were obtained from the inner
study, having given written aspect of the uterine fundus,
informed consent approved by venous blood, and urine. Speci-
the institutional review boards mens from the uterine fundus
of the participating hospitals. were obtained with an endo-
None of the four women who metrial suction curette (Pip-
had vaginal deliveries, but 43 elle, Unimar, Wilton, Conn.)Y
of the 48 patients who had placed in an anaerobic trans-
cesarean section deliveries, port vial, and processed as pre-
received intravenous antibiot- viously described. 5 ·12 Venous
ic prophylaxis during delivery. blood was obtained by needle
Cefoxitin was administered in- aspiration, in duplicate, from
travenously, 2 gm every eight the volar aspect of the arms; a
hours. Patients were consid- total of 10 ml from each arm
ered cured if they were afe- was divided into 5-ml aliquots
brile and asymptomatic fqr and inoculated into one blood
more than 24 hours after ces- culture bottle for the growth

Table 2. Clinical Characteristics by Outcome of

Postpartum Patients with Endometritis

Cure Failure

Route of delivery
Cesarean 42 6
- - - - - - - - ------- - - - - - -
Vaginal 3 1

Maximum temperature (0 C) 38.6±0.5 39.1 ±0.4

WBC at diagnosis (cells/mm3) 14,400±3,700 13,700±2,100

Estimated blood loss (ml) 688±213 717±281

Operating time (min) 51±15 52±16

of aerobic and into another for & r
anaerobic bacteria 12
All isolates were identified
by the Sceptor System (BBL,
The cure rate (for postpartum
Cockeysville, Md.). Anaerobic endometritis) achieved with this
susceptibility testing was per-
formed by both the Sceptor dosage (using 2 gm of cefoxitin
microbroth system (Johnston
Laboratories, Towson, Md.)
every 8 hours) was comparable to
and the spiral gradient end- that achieved when the drug was
point method (SGE) (Spiral
System Instruments, Bethes- administered every six hours in
da, Md. (see Dr. Hill's article,
page 31). For the SGE method,
other studies.
the cefoxitin stock solution
was prepared in 0.1 M sodium
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 16:57 23 June 2016

phosphate buffer. Antibiotic is, 20 (47%) had received cefa-

gradient plates were made on zolin, 18 a second- or third-
prereduced Wilkins-Chalgren generation cephalosporin, and
agar (60 ml of agar in 15-cm five a penicillin (see Table 3).
Petri dishes, achieving an agar In one of the 45 patients
depth of 3.3 mm), and plates classified as cured, a serous
were allowed to dcy in an an- fluid collected, causing a
aerobic environment for one wound separation. Among the
hour before inoculation. Broth seven patients who failed to
cultures (brain-heart infusion respond to initial therapy with
agar plus vitamin K1 and he- cefoxitin alone, six responded
min) of the isolates were ad-
justed to a turbidity equiva-
lent to 0.5 MacFarland. Wil- Table 3.
kins-Chalgren plates without Antibiotic Prophylaxis in
antibiotic were inoculated to 43 Patients with
serve as growth controls. All Postpartum Endometritis
plates were incubated for 48
hours at 36° C in an anaero- Cure Failure

bic chamber. Gradient plates Cefazolin (1 gm) 9 1

were interpreted by reading
Cefazolin (1 gmx3) 7
the junction at which growth
Cefazolin (2 gm) 3
ceased. 18- 20
Cefoxitin (1 gm) 2 1

Cefoxitin (2 gm) 6 1
Ceftizoxime (1 gm) 4
Of the 52 patients in the
Cefonicid (1 gm) 2
study, 45 (87%) were cured
and seven required additional Cefotetan (1 gm) 2

antibiotic therapy. The demo- Ampicillin (2 gm) 1 2

graphic and clinical data for Mezlocillin (4 gm) 1
the two groups are presented
Piperacillin (4 gm) 1
in Tables 1 and 2.
No prophylaxis 4 1
Of the 43 patients who had
received antibiotic prophylax-
Table 4. Endometrial Baderiallsolates in Patients
with Postpartum Endometritis*
I Gram-Nelf_ative

Streptococcus sp 3 (6%) Acinetobacter
ca/coaceticus 1 (2%)

Streptococcus agalactiae 6 (12%) Citrobacter freundii 1 (2%)

Streptococcus faecalis 18 (35%) Escherichia coli 2 (4%)

Staphylococcus aureus 3 (6%) Enterobacter c/oacae 2 (4%)

Staphylococcus epidermidis 10 (19%) Gardnere/la vagina/is 9 (17%)

Lactobacillus 2 (4%) Haemophilus
influenzae 1 (2"..b)

Diphtheroids 7 (13%) Proteus mirabi/is 2 (4%)

Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 16:57 23 June 2016

aeruginosa 2 (4%)

Klebsiella pneumoniae 1 (2"..b)


Peptostreptococcus 5 (11%) Porphyromonas

asaccharolytica 5 (10%)

Bacteroides bivius 7 (13%)

Bacteroides fragilis 2 (4%)


Candida albicans 2 (4%)

Ureaplasma urealyticum 28 (54%)

Mycoplasma hominis 12 (23%)

Chlamydia trachomatis 1 (2%)

• Percentages are based on total number of patients (52) in study
Isolates were not cultured in five patients

to ampicillin. A wound infec- Ureaplasma urealyticum,

tion developed in one, and Streptococcus jaecalis, and
another patient, diagnosed as Mycoplasma hominis. No bac-
having septic pelvic vein throm- teria were retrieved from the
bosis, required heparin to specimens of one of the treat-
achieve resolution of her signs ment failures and four of the
and symptoms of infection. patients who were cured with
There were no adverse reac- cefoxitin alone.
tions to any of the antibiotics In susceptibility studies,
administered. none of the 19 anaerobic iso-
Bacterial isolates were ob- lates was resistant to cefoxitin,
tained from endometrial sam- clindamycin, metronidazole,
ples from 4 7 patients (see Ta- amoxicillin/ clavulanate, or
ble 4). Among the 45 patients ticarcillin/clavulanate. One iso-
cured by cefoxitin alone. the late of Bacteroidesjragilis was
most frequent isolates were resistant to cefotetan, cefo-

Table 5. Clinical Failures
Patient Site of
No. Isolation Ort?anism Comments
1 Endometrium Ureaplasma Ampicillin added on
urealyticum day 3

2 Blood Escherichia coli Ampidlin, gentamicin,

clindamycin added
on day 2
Endometrium Staphylococcus
Urine Citrobacter sp

3 Endometrium S. faecalis Ampicillin added on

S. epidermidis day 2
Bacteroides bivius
U. urealyticum
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 16:57 23 June 2016

4 Endometrium S. faecalis Gentamicin added

U. urealyticum on day 2and
ampicillin added on
day 5

5 Endometrium S. faecalis Ampicillin added on

Diphtheroids day 3 without
S. epidermidis response. Heparin
Klebsiella added on day 5 for
pneumoniae septic pelvic

6 Endometrium S. faecalis Ampicillin added on

S. epidermidis day 2 without
B. bivius response. Wound
Group 8 opened with
Streptococcus defervescence

7 No growth

taxime, and ceftizoxime; two ministered every eight hours

isolates of B. bivius were resist- was generally effective against
ant to cefotaxime, one isolate postpartum endometritis in
of Peptostreptococcus was re- patients who had received anti-
sistant to cefotetan and cefti- biotic prophylaxis, even when
zoxime, and one isolate of Por- that prophylaxis involved the
phyromonas asaccharolytica use of a cephalosporin. The
was resistant to cefotaxime. cure rate achieved with this
dosage was comparable to that
achieved when the drug was
Discussion administered every six hours
Cefoxitin is accepted as a in other studies.s. 11 ·22 Antibiotic
generally effective agent for prophylaxis, especially with a
the treatment of postpartum cephalosporin. may have re-
endometritis. 21 •22 In this inves- sulted in selection for S. fae-
tigation, 2 gm of cefoxitin ad- cal is, a finding in agreement

Antibiotic susceptibility testing
revealed that all anaerobes
isolated from these patients (with
postpartum endometritis) were
susceptible to cefoxitin.

with other studies. 11 osa. The choice of the proper

When a patient fails to re- additional antibiotic to en-
spond to an initial agent, it is hance the spectrum provided
Downloaded by [RMIT University Library] at 16:57 23 June 2016

customary to replace it with by cefoxitin can logically be

either clindamycin plus gen- based on culture data of the
tamicin or ampicillin plus clin- bacteria isolated from a par-
damycin plus gentamicin; ticular site of infection. The
nevertheless, all patients in laboratory should be able to
this study who showed no re- determine within 48 hours if
sponse to cefoxitin did re- bacterial growth is present
spond when ampicillin was and its gram-stain character-
added. Two were given gen- istics, which can direct the
tamicin along with ampicillin choice to ampicillin for pre-
alone and one, clindamycin sumed S.jaecalis infection or
plus gentamicin in addition to gentamicin for presumed
to ampicillin. A review of these resistant gram-negative infec-
three patients' bacteriologic tion. This procedure simpli-
findings (see Table 5) suggests fies the choices of antibiotics
that there was no in vitro for treatment of postpartum
data to support the use of any endometritis.
of the additional drugs. In In summary, single-agent
fact, one patient (#4) received therapy with cefoxitin was
gentamicin on day 2 but generally effective for patients
showed no response until with postpartum endometritis,
ampicillin was added. even in those who had re-
ceived a ,13-lactam agent for
Antibiotic susceptibility test- prophylaxis. For those patients
ing revealed that all anaerobes who failed initial treatment
isolated from these patients with cefoxitin, simple addition
were susceptible to cefoxitin. of ampicillin generally resulted
This finding supports our prac- in a pro_mpt clinical response.
tice of not routinely substitut- In most cases, addition of a single
ing clindamycin for cefoxitin supplemental antibiotic should
to improve anaerobic coverage. be directed toward the pre-
Cefoxitin typically does not sumed or isolated resistant
provide adequate coverage for pathogenic organism and mul-
S.jaecalis, Enterobacter cloa- tiple antibiotic additions or
cae, or Pseudomonas aerugin- changes are not required. D

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