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International Journal of Pavement Engineering

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Development of dynamic modulus master curves for

hot-mix asphalt with abbreviated testing temperatures
a a a
Alex K. Apeagyei , Brian K. Diefenderfer & Stacey D. Diefenderfer
Virginia Transportation Research Council , Charlottesville , VA , USA
Published online: 11 Apr 2011.

To cite this article: Alex K. Apeagyei , Brian K. Diefenderfer & Stacey D. Diefenderfer (2012) Development of dynamic
modulus master curves for hot-mix asphalt with abbreviated testing temperatures, International Journal of Pavement
Engineering, 13:2, 98-109, DOI: 10.1080/10298436.2011.566612

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International Journal of Pavement Engineering
Vol. 13, No. 2, April 2012, 98–109

Development of dynamic modulus master curves for hot-mix asphalt with

abbreviated testing temperatures
Alex K. Apeagyei*, Brian K. Diefenderfer1 and Stacey D. Diefenderfer2
Virginia Transportation Research Council, Charlottesville, VA, USA
(Received 15 January 2010; final version received 23 February 2011)

This paper describes an abbreviated testing temperature (ABBREV) approach for developing dynamic modulus (jE*j)
master curves for hot-mix asphalt (HMA). The ABBREV approach uses three instead of the five standard temperatures
required under AASHTO TP 62. Testing at the lowest and highest temperatures as specified under AASHTO TP 62 is not
required. Potential savings in testing time were a key motivation for the study. Using a database of jE*j from up to 36 HMA
mixtures, we developed regression models to estimate the jE*j at the lowest and highest testing temperatures. By combining
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the predicted jE*j at the lowest and highest temperatures with measured jE*j at intermediate temperatures (4, 21 and 388C),
we found the ABBREV master curves to be comparable with those of AASHTO TP 62. The results suggest that jE*j master
curve for HMA could be developed without the need to conduct tests at the lowest and highest testing temperatures
recommended under AASHTO TP 62.
Keywords: hot-mix asphalt; dynamic modulus; master curve

1. Introduction Dougan et al. (2003) identified several issues

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is in associated with the development of jE*j master curves
the process of implementing the Guide for the Mechan- based on TP 62. The authors concluded that excessive
istic-Empirical Design of New and Rehabilitated Pave- testing time (including sample preparation and condition-
ment Structures (MEPDG). The adoption of the MEPDG ing), which was estimated to be around one week per
in Virginia is expected to improve pavement analysis and mixture type, needed to be reduced to enable routine
design and offer improved capability for prediction of determination of jE*j by organisations outside the research
arena, particularly state departments of transportation.
pavement performance and maintenance needs. For
Kim et al. (2004) also identified conditioning time as a
flexible pavements, one of the key design inputs for the
major component of the overall time required under TP 62
MEPDG is the dynamic modulus (jE*j) in the form of a
to develop jE*j master curves and proposed measures to
master curve. The jE*j master curve is used to characterise
address the issue. The authors applied the concept of
the temperature and loading-rate (frequency) dependency
time – temperature superposition by which the same
of the stress –strain behaviour of hot-mix asphalt (HMA),
modulus value of a material can be obtained either at
and requires tests to be performed at multiple temperatures low-test temperatures and long-loading times or at high-
and loading frequencies typically encountered on pave- test temperatures and short-loading times. This is possible
ments. Because of the importance of jE*j, standard by assuming that HMA is a thermorheologically simple
procedures (American Association of State Highway and material. On the basis of the time – temperature super-
Transportation Officials [AASHTO] TP 62) (TP 62) are position principle, the following abbreviated procedure
specified for developing the master curves. was proposed by Kim and co-workers: (1) reducing the
Development of jE*j master curve under TP 62 number of test temperatures from five to three and (2)
requires testing two or three replicate HMA specimens at increasing test frequencies from six to eight as given in
five temperatures (2 10, 4, 21, 38 and 548C) and six Table 1. An increase in the number of loading frequencies
loading frequencies (25, 10, 5, 1, 0.5 and 0.1 Hz). was justified, according to the authors, to enable sufficient
Therefore, a substantial amount of testing time is required overlap in the jE*j data obtained at two temperatures. This
for developing jE*j master curves. Testing time has thus is because in order to find the frequencies at two
been recognised by many investigators as too prohibitive temperatures that yield similar jE*j values, the data must
for routine master curve development (Dougan et al. 2003, overlap.
Kim et al. 2004, Bonaquist 2008, Bonaquist and Bonaquist and Christensen (2005) and Bonaquist
Christensen 2005). (2008) also recognised the substantial effort required for

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 1029-8436 print/ISSN 1477-268X online
q 2012 Taylor & Francis
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 99

Table 1. Comparison of modified jE*j testing protocols with AASHTO TP 62.

Modified AASHTO TP 62
Testing condition AASHTO TP62 Witczak (2003) Kim et al. (2004) Bonaquist and Christensen (2005)
Temperature (8C) 210, 4, 21, 38, 54 2 10, 21, 54 210, 10, 35 4, 21, 46
Frequency (Hz) 25, 10, 5, 1, 0.5, 0.1 33, 2.22, 0.15, 0.01 25, 10, 5, 1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.05, 0.01 10, 1, 0.1, 0.01
As reported in Bonaquist and Christensen (2005).

developing jE*j master curves under TP 62. They noted be reasonably accurate even though predictions at the
that testing time, especially at the lowest specified temperature extremes appear to be less accurate.
temperature of 2 108C, was a major problem and proposed Schwartz (2005) evaluated the accuracy and robust-
an abbreviated testing temperature (ABBREV) procedure ness of the Witczak jE*j predictive model and noted that
requiring only three testing temperatures. The concepts although the Witczak model could provide sufficiently
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used to justify the modified procedures included (1) accurate and robust estimates of jE*j, the model may
significant overlap in measured jE*j suggesting that jE*j overestimate jE*j at higher temperatures. The author
may not be needed when numerical methods are used to concluded that due to the high effect of temperature on
perform the time –temperature shifting for the master jE*j, the Witczak model is unable to distinguish between
curve; (2) the Hirsch model (Christensen et al. 2003) could performance of different mixtures under similar environ-
be used to estimate limiting maximum modulus of HMA mental conditions. For such conditions, Schwartz
based on binder stiffness and mixture volumetric data, suggested that accurate determination of jE*j, as would
thereby eliminating the need to conduct low-temperature be obtained from laboratory testing, may be needed.
testing at 2 108C; (3) estimating the maximum stiffness Review of the existing studies on jE*j suggest that
to be 1.0 GPa (145,000 psi) for unmodified asphalt binders there is still the need for further studies on prediction of
and (4) limiting the highest test temperature to 468C to jE*j for developing master curves especially at the lowest
avoid the common problem of glued gauge points and highest testing temperatures.
becoming loose during the jE*j test. A model for
predicting the maximum jE*j of HMA based on the
Hirsch model was, therefore, given as shown in Equation 2. Purpose, scope and background
(1). Using Equation (1), the authors reported a limiting 2.1 Purpose and scope
maximum jE*j of HMA to be in the range of 20.6–
The primary objective of this study was to determine
26.2 GPa (3,000,000– 3,800,000 psi). The authors showed
whether the HMA jE*j master curve obtained from testing
that using the Hirsch model to estimate the limiting maxi-
in accordance with AASHTO TP 62 could be produced
mum modulus, reasonable jE*j master curves could be
from testing at only three temperatures (4, 21 and 388C)
obtained without the low-temperature (2 108C) test data.
and estimating the jE*j at 2 10 and 548C. The same
     number of frequencies as specified under AASHTO TP 62
E*max ¼ Pe 4; 200; 000 1 2 þ 435; 000 was used. The results were used to determine whether the
100 10; 000
three-temperature ABBREV approach would be appro-
1 2 Pe priate for use with typical HMA mixtures produced in
þ ;
ðð1 2 ðVMA=100ÞÞ=4; 200; 000Þ þ ðVMA=435; 000ðVFAÞÞ Virginia and elsewhere. It was anticipated that the results
ð1Þ would help expedite determination of jE*j data needed for
the implementation of the MEPDG by reducing the time
where required for testing. Potential savings in testing time were,
jE*jmax is the limiting maximum mixture jE*j (psi), therefore, a key motivation for the study.
VMA is the voids in the mineral aggregate (%) and The scope of work included measuring jE*j at three
VFA is the voids filled with asphalt (%) and temperatures (4, 21 and 388C) and estimating jE*j at two
temperatures (2 12 and 548C) for nine typical HMA
mixtures used in Virginia. From this, jE*j master curves and
  0:58 the corresponding temperature-shift factors for the selected
20 þ 435; 000ðVFAÞ=VMA
Pe ¼  0:58 : mixtures were developed. The nine HMA mixtures
650 þ 435; 000ðVFAÞ=VMA considered in this study are typically used by VDOT and
included (1) three 9.5 mm nominal maximum aggregate
The model has been extensively evaluated in previous size (NMAS) surface mixtures (SM9.5), (2) three 19.0
studies (Dongré et al. 2005, Kim et al. 2005) and found to NMAS intermediate mixtures (IM19.0) and (3) three 25.0
100 A.K. Apeagyei et al.

Table 2. Mixture details (after Flintsch et al. 2007).

Per cent passing sieve size (mm)

Mixture ID 25 19 12.5 9.5 4.75 2.36 1.18 0.6 0.3 0.15 0.075 (%) (%)
SM-1 100.0 100.0 97.4 89.9 57.2 37.9 27.9 19.4 10.9 6.8 5.0 4.93 20
SM-2 100.0 100.0 100.0 96.3 57.1 37.6 28.1 20.2 12.8 8.5 6.3 5.91 15
SM-3 100.0 100.0 99.2 91.4 55.8 39.5 30.0 21.5 13.4 9.1 6.3 6.32 0
IM-1 100.0 100.0 95.8 87.5 53.0 37.7 29.4 21.8 14.5 9.9 6.6 5.26 20
IM-2 100.0 97.6 84.6 73.3 41.5 29.8 24.2 18.1 11.5 6.6 3.8 4.52 20
IM-3 100.0 96.4 79.8 69.5 45.6 30.4 21.1 15.4 10.4 7.2 5.5 4.89 20
BM-1 99.2 94.4 75.9 66.0 46.3 31.3 23.0 16.6 10.6 7.4 5.4 4.62 25
BM-2 84.1 73.8 69.6 66.6 42.9 26.5 17.0 11.4 8.2 6.5 5.5 4.86 0
BM-3 97.3 87.6 73.3 64.8 48.0 24.2 17.1 13.1 8.9 7.1 6.1 3.91 15
IM-4 100.0 95.5 82.5 70.7 41.1 30.3 24.7 18.2 11.0 6.2 3.9 5.43 0
BM-4 100.0 98.8 85.3 75.4 58.5 40.0 30.3 23.4 14.4 8.0 5.9 4.51 15
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Note: AC, asphalt content.

NMAS base mixtures (BM25.0). All jE*j test data used for compared with testing at the intermediate temperatures
the initial development of the ABBREV approach were (4, 21 and 388C). Another potential problem identified was
obtained from published data (Flintsch et al. 2007). The how to maintain the integrity of deformation measure-
ABBREV approach was then verified using data from four ments taken at the highest test temperature of 548C.
additional HMA mixtures that were not used in the Previous studies suggested that gauge points for
development of the ABBREV prediction models. Finally, deformation gauges used during jE*j testing may not
unified jE*j predictive models based on 36 mixtures data bond well to HMA at these temperatures (Bonaquist and
were developed using regression analyses to enable Christensen 2005). The ABBREV approach, a modified
widespread applicability of the ABBREV approach. AASHTO TP 62 procedure, was investigated as a potential
Details about the mixtures used in this study to develop remedy to circumvent some of these identified issues and
the initial ABBREV models are summarised in Table 2 to expedite the testing of mixtures.
and include (1) mixture type, (2) NMAS, (3) per cent
binder, (4) per cent air voids and (5) amount of recycled
asphalt pavement (RAP) used. A PG 64– 22 asphalt binder 2.2.1 AASHTO TP 62 jE*j master curve
was used in all the mixes; however, the amount of RAP
HMA is considered as a viscoelastic material, and
ranged from 0 to 25%. Additional details of the mixtures
therefore, the modulus or stress – strain behaviour depends
are provided in Flintsch et al. (2007).
on temperature and loading rate. The temperature and
loading-rate effects of HMA are characterised by the jE*j
master curve under MEPDG. The basis for constructing an
2.2 Background HMA jE*j master curve is the time – temperature super-
Recently, testing of 11 typical HMA mixtures used in position principle. The procedures for constructing the
Virginia was conducted (Flintsch et al. 2007, 2008) to jE*j master curve involve several steps. First, jE*j data at
determine among other properties, the jE*j for design of multiple testing temperatures and loading frequencies are
pavements. The tests were conducted using standard compiled. Next, a reference temperature, typically 218C, is
procedures (AASHTO TP 62) at five test temperatures. specified. A graph of jE*j versus frequency is plotted for
The limited number of mixes tested underscored the all test temperatures. Next, the jE*j data at all
potential need for further evaluation of additional mixtures temperatures other than the reference temperature are
to include different binder types, aggregate types and shifted horizontally with respect to the loading-frequency
mixture types to reflect the multiplicity of mixes used in axis to produce a single sigmoidal shaped curve. A model
Virginia. Preliminary estimates suggest that to test describing the resulting sigmoidal curve is called a master
comprehensively all relevant HMA mixes in Virginia, curve. Shifting is usually performed using commercial
approximately 3240 individual jE*j tests would be optimisation algorithms (such as Microsoft EXCEL
required (36 mixes £ 3 replicates £ 5 temperatures £ 6 solver), and results in the determination of model
frequencies). In addition to the number of individual jE*j parameters. The temperature dependency of the material
tests, it was estimated that about 4 additional hours per is indicated by the amount of shifting (shift factor aT) at
sample would be needed just to condition the specimens at each temperature, and the master curve itself indicates the
the lowest temperature of 2 108C specified in TP 62 loading-rate dependency. Thus, both the master curve and
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 101

the corresponding temperature-shift factors are needed to a function of the temperature dependency of the mixture,
characterise fully the loading-rate and temperature effects and can be approximated by any one of the models shown
of HMA. The sigmoidal model shown in Equation (2) and in Equation (4) through (6). Together with the master
temperature-shift factor relationships (Equations (4) curve, the relationship between shift factor and tempera-
through (6)) are commonly used to characterise jE*j of ture can be used to describe completely the stress –strain
HMA (Pellinen and Witczak 2002). In this study, the linear viscoelastic response of HMA at a reference
Arrhenius model (Equation (4)), the Williams –Landel – temperature of 218C.
Ferry Equations (Equation (5)) and the global ageing
model (Mirza and Witczak 1995) (Equation (6)) were all
found to model the temperature-shift factor well. The 3. Materials and methods
Arrhenius model was used in this study for convenience. 3.1 jE*j for selected Virginia mixes
a Table 3 shows the jE*j test data chosen for this study to
log jE* j ¼ d þ ; ð2Þ
1 þ e bþgðlog f r Þ develop models for the ABBREV procedure. The data
represent results of jE*j testing conducted at five test
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where jE*j is the dynamic modulus; d, the minimum value temperatures and six loading frequencies using typical
of jE*j; d þ a, the maximum value of jE*j; b and g are the HMA mixtures produced in Virginia with the minimum
parameters describing the shape of the sigmoidal function test temperature being 2 128C. The data, obtained from
and fr the reduced frequency. Flintsch et al. (2007), were selected to represent varying
amounts of RAP, NMAS and binder contents typically
f r ¼ f ðaT Þ; ð3Þ
used in Virginia. As shown in Table 3, the nine mixtures
where aT is the shift factor as a function of temperature T, were grouped into three categories: surface mixture (SM),
intermediate mixture (IM) and base mixture (BM) having
DEa 1 1 a NMAS of 9.5, 19.0 and 25.0 mm, respectively.
log aT ¼ 2 ; ð4Þ Procedures proposed by Pellinen and Witczak (2002)
2:303R T T d
for constructing jE*j master curves using numerical
where DEa is the apparent activation energy (J/mol); R, the optimisation techniques were followed. Both shift factors
universal gas constant (¼ 8.314 J/K2mol); T, the tempera- and sigmoidal model parameters were determined
ture (K); Tref, the temperature at reference temperature simultaneously by minimising the sum of squares of
(K). errors between the predicted and the measured jE*j. The
Microsoft Excel Solver code was used for the optimisation
C 1 ðT 2 T d Þ process. Using the jE*j data as given in Table 3, we
log aT ¼ ; ð5Þ
C2 þ ðT 2 T ref Þ developed master curves for each mixture. Figure 1 shows
typical master curve for an SM. Unless otherwise noted,
where C1 and C2 are the regression constants and Td is the the reference temperature used for constructing the jE*j
defining temperature (K). master curves presented in this paper was 218C.
log aT ¼ c 10AþVTS log T r 2 log ðh70 RTFOT Þ ; ð6Þ

where c is the regression constant, A and VTS are the 3.2 jE*j using the ABBREV approach
viscosity –temperature susceptibility parameters for roll- The ABBREV procedure is proposed to estimate the HMA
ing thin film oven test-aged binder; Tr, the temperature in R jE*j master curve using test data from only three
and h70 RTFOT , the viscosity of RTFOT-aged binder at temperatures (4, 21 and 388C) instead of the standard
reference temperature (cP). five test temperatures specified in AASHTO TP 62. First,
As previously stated, under typical pavement loading jE*j data at the lowest testing temperature are estimated
and temperatures, HMA could be considered as a from the 48C jE*j data, whereas data at 548C are estimated
rheologically simple material. Thus, the time – temperature from 388C jE*j data. Next, the ABBREV-estimated jE*j
superposition principle applies to HMA. This is the basis data at the lowest and highest temperatures are combined
for constructing jE*j master curves used to account for the with measured jE*j data at the three intermediate
temperature and loading-rate effects of HMA during the temperatures. Following this, the process for determining
design of pavements under the MEPDG protocols. Using jE*j master curve and the corresponding shift factors in the
this procedure, we used a sigmoidal model of the form ABBREV method follows similar approach as the
depicted in Equation (2) to shift jE*j data obtained under standard five temperature data-based AASHTO TP 62
standard testing conditions (five temperatures and six approach. The data given in Table 3 were used to develop
frequencies) to form a single line called the master curve. regression models that relate jE*j at 4 and 388C to 2 12
The amount of shifting required at each test temperature is and 548C, respectively.
102 A.K. Apeagyei et al.

Table 3. AASHTO TP 62-based jE*j for typical Virginia mixtures (after Flintsch et al. 2007).

jE*j (MPa)
Temperature (8C) Frequency (Hz) SM-1 SM-2 SM-3 IM-1 IM-2 IM-3 BM-1 BM-2 BM-3
2 12 25 29,882 25,545 21,505 23,863 19,409 30,523 29,454 31,330 32,757
10 27,972 24,132 20,450 22,842 18,223 29,123 28,793 30,420 31,716
5 27,303 23,187 19,567 22,249 17,526 28,317 28,020 29,254 30,875
1 24,773 21,594 17,292 20,533 15,941 26,476 25,890 26,579 28,737
0.5 23,428 21,063 16,299 19,795 15,162 25,600 24,697 25,187 27,786
0.1 21,429 17,954 13,783 17,733 13,486 22,939 22,187 20,739 25,242
4 25 17,664 17,968 12,804 18,092 14,920 22,160 19,098 17,547 22,946
10 15,941 16,196 11,238 16,506 13,576 20,291 16,396 15,368 21,360
5 14,741 14,865 10,115 15,348 12,583 19,030 15,175 14,052 20,181
1 11,907 11,962 7619 12,645 10,253 15,892 12,893 10,673 17,182
0.5 10,618 10,597 6529 11,473 9218 14,493 11,618 9039 18,002
0.1 7977 7798 4420 8860 7026 11,280 9101 6060 14,258
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21 25 9391 8253 5433 9115 7729 10,845 9784 6447 16,203

10 7743 6771 4316 7743 6584 9060 8184 5137 14,017
5 6605 5743 3537 6729 5661 7770 7033 4240 12,307
1 4351 3702 2137 4619 3785 5295 4737 2592 8605
0.5 3440 2875 1620 3723 2992 4254 3792 2006 6998
0.1 2110 1724 986 2324 1875 2661 2372 1248 4392
38 25 3137 2737 1503 3592 2910 3744 3296 1937 5964
10 2427 2013 1062 2758 2220 2861 2620 1427 4509
5 1910 1538 834 2172 1751 2255 2062 1138 3585
1 1062 848 496 1220 1000 1276 1179 738 2034
0.5 793 662 400 903 765 965 896 634 1531
0.1 503 441 290 558 503 607 579 510 938
54 25 910 710 469 1069 924 1103 1076 731 1634
10 655 524 345 758 655 800 786 565 1151
5 524 434 283 593 517 641 634 490 903
1 359 303 200 365 345 421 407 393 565
0.5 317 269 172 303 296 365 352 372 476
0.1 276 234 138 228 241 303 283 331 365

For the mixtures given in Table 3, two model types even though the preceding models were used in this study,
were identified to describe the relationship between jE*j at any other models that could relate jE*j data at any two
4 to 2 128C and jE*j at 38 to 548C. The models were (1) a temperatures could be used.
second-order polynomial of the form y ¼ Ax 2 þ Bx þ C The ABBREV models were developed for each
for relating jE*j at 388C to jE*j at 548C and (2) a power- mixture using the functional forms as discussed above.
law model of the form y ¼ Dx E relating jE*j at 48C to jE*j The second-order polynomial model was used to estimate
at the lowest testing temperature. It should be noted that jE*j at 548C from jE*j at 388C values whereas to estimate
jE*j values at 2 128C, the power-law model was used to
describe the relationship between jE*j at 2 12 and 48C.
The results of the ABBREV predictions are given in Table
4 and typified in Figures 2 (mixture SM-1) and 3 (mixture
BM-1). Close inspection of the results indicates that the
ABBREV predictions are in close agreement with the
results obtained by the standard TP 62 testing procedures.
The results show that reasonable relationship exists
between jE*j values obtained at the 48C and the lowest
testing temperature, and between jE*j at 388C and the
highest testing temperature. However, because different
models were obtained for the different mixtures, there
exists a need to develop unified models using all the
mixtures for models of high-predictive value. The develop-
Figure 1. Typical HMA jE*j master curve for Virginia mixes ment of ABBREV models considering all the mixtures
(Tref ¼ 218C). combined is presented next.
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 103

Table 4. Comparison of ABBREV-predicted jE*j with AASHTO TP 62-based jE*j at two temperatures. jE*j is measured in MPa.

Temperature (8C) 212 54

Frequency (Hz) 25 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 25 10 5 1 0.5 0.1
SM-1 TP 62 29,880 27,973 27,304 24,775 23,429 21,426 912 657 527 358 319 279
ABBREV 29,426 28,192 27,290 24,963 23,795 21,123 1351 933 688 404 344 296
SM-2 TP 62 25,547 24,135 23,188 21,594 21,060 17,956 713 527 431 303 270 231
ABBREV 25,364 24,338 23,518 21,569 20,554 18,185 710 531 429 299 268 234
SM-3 TP 62 21,502 20,448 19,568 17,295 16,302 13,781 471 346 284 197 171 137
ABBREV 22,161 21,037 20,173 18,020 16,946 14,503 533 405 352 295 283 271
IM-1 TP 62 23,866 22,840 22,251 20,535 19,792 17,732 1065 758 593 364 301 224
ABBREV 23,795 22,913 22,238 20,538 19,730 17,740 1121 803 614 365 298 234
IM-2 TP 62 19,411 18,220 17,526 15,937 15,160 13,484 923 656 519 345 299 243
ABBREV 19,142 18,300 17,653 16,016 15,226 13,380 919 664 519 338 294 251
IM-3 TP 62 30,521 29,122 28,316 26,476 25,601 22,936 1106 803 641 422 368 303
ABBREV 30,322 29,243 28,480 26,448 25,465 22,967 1108 812 642 419 364 307
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BM-1 TP 62 29,453 28,791 28,021 25,893 24,695 22,184 1077 789 632 405 349 280
ABBREV 30,201 28,399 27,529 25,781 24,724 22,409 1064 805 623 398 343 289
BM-2 TP 62 31,333 30,417 29,258 26,582 25,190 20,741 731 564 487 396 370 330
ABBREV 31,881 30,288 29,256 26,304 24,667 21,131 728 567 488 389 365 338
BM-3 TP 62 32,755 31,714 30,874 28,737 27,786 25,242 1631 1153 906 569 478 369
ABBREV 32,844 31,573 30,599 28,730 28,000 25,263 1612 1152 903 560 470 377

Note: TP 62, AASHTO TP 62; ABBREV, Abbreviated testing temperature.

For the nine mixtures as given in Table 3, numerical models,

optimisation methods were used to estimate the model
parameters by minimising the sum of square errors jE * j54C ¼ 2:79 £ 1025 ðjE * j38C Þ2 þ 0:1076jE * j38C
between predicted jE*j and measured jE*j. The resulting þ 214:3837; ð7Þ
models (Equations (7) and (8)) for the combined jE*j data
R 2 ¼ 0:94;
from all nine mixtures showed some promise as predictive

where jE*j54C ¼ jE*j at 548C at a given frequency (MPa);

jE*j38C ¼ jE*j at 388C at the same frequency as jE*j54C

jE * j212C ¼ 187:7003ðjE * j4C Þ0:5102 ; R 2 ¼ 0:66; ð8Þ

where jE*j212C ¼ jE*j at 2 128C at a given frequency

(MPa) and jE*j4C ¼ jE*j at 48C at a given frequency
As indicated above, with the ABBREV approach,
predicted jE*j at the highest and lowest testing
temperatures is combined with those at the intermediate
temperatures to construct master curves. Figure 4 shows
the master curve obtained using the ABBREV models
(Equations (7) and (8)), for an SM. As shown in Figure 4,
shift factors obtained for both AASHTO TP 62 and
ABBREV master curves were quite close. The plot in
Figure 4 was typical of master curves for mixtures
considered in this study, showing good jE*j predictions
based on the ABBREV procedure. It can be seen from
Figure 4 that the ABBREV-predicted jE*j master curve
Figure 2. Comparison of ABBREV jE*j with TP 62 jE*j at compares quite well with the TP 62-measured jE*j master
548C. curve.
104 A.K. Apeagyei et al.
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Figure 3. Comparison of ABBREV jE*j with TP 62 jE*j at Figure 5. Comparison of ABBREV jE*j with AASHTO TP 62
2 108C. jE*j.

the ABBREV procedure predicted the TP 62-measured

A summarised comparison of the ABBREV-based jE*j quite well. In general, the ABBREV predictions for
jE*j predictions and the TP 62-measured jE*j master the surface mixes were better than those for the
curves is shown in Figure 5 for all nine mixes used in the intermediate and base mixes. The effects of gradation
ABBREV model development. The comparisons in and binder type appeared to influence prediction of jE*j
Figure 5 were possible because for each mixture shown, using the ABBREV approach as expected. This is a
temperature-shift factors used for both TP 62 and drawback to most empirically based approaches.
ABBREV master curves were similar. It can be seen that Additional mixtures from other published sources are
discussed in subsequent sections to provide additional
models to enable comprehensive ABBREV jE*j predic-
tions. The models described above are recognised to be
very simple, and the predictive abilities of such simplistic
regression models cannot be reasonably estimated.
However, the approach revealed important factors that
could be used to conduct more rigorous statistical analysis
as discussed next.

3.2.1 Determination of unified jE*j prediction models for

VA mixtures
Even though the prediction models presented in Equations
(7) and (8) showed some potential, like most simplified
regression models, the predictive ability tends to be quite
limited. As shown in Figures 4 and 5, more robust models
with quantifiable predicted abilities are required to ensure
widespread applicability of the ABBREV models.
Statistical analyses using multiple linear regression
methods were, therefore, conducted to determine unified
Figure 4. Comparison of ABBREV jE*j master curve with prediction models capable of predicting jE*j in a larger
AASHTO TP 62 jE*j master curve for surface mix (SM2). data-set. The analyses were conducted using commercially
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 105

available statistical analysis software (SAS 2007). Data for 3.3 Application of the ABBREV approach to four
the nine Virginia mixtures given in Table 3 were used. mixtures
Several models utilising factors such as frequency, and To estimate how well the ABBREV approach predicts
jE*j at various temperatures were evaluated using multiple jE*j, four mixtures that were not used in the development
regression, and the ‘best’ models were selected as those of the ABBREV models were selected for the verification
having the highest R 2, lowest Mallows’ Cp and low P- of the ABBREV models. First, two mixtures from Flintsch
values. A model with a low Cp usually has high-predictive et al. (2007) were used. The mixtures included one BM-4
ability, whereas high R 2 and low P-values indicate that the and one IM-4. It must be noted that mixture IM-4
model is useful in explaining the variability in the data. contained hydrated lime but no RAP, and was thus quite
The resulting models for predicting jE*j at the low and
unique compared with the other mixtures. Two additional
high temperatures are presented in Equations (9) and (10),
Virginia mixtures (08-1019D and 081036D) tested during
the current study were also used to verify the ABBREV
models. These two additional mixtures were all SMs and
contained 10 – 15% RAP.
jE * j210C ¼ 25987:2344 þ 1:00539jE * j4C
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 01:34 04 January 2015

The ABBREV-predicted jE*j values compared with

þ 6537:1562 £ log f þ 3:3966 the AASHTO TP 62-based jE*j values for the four
mixtures are given in Table 5. It can be seen from Table 5
jE * j4C;25 2 jE * j4C;0:1 that at the lowest testing temperatures, on average, the
£ ;
1 þ elog f differences between the ABBREV-approach and TP 62-
measured jE*j ranged from 3.1 to 16% for all the mixtures
ðR 2 ¼ 0:81; C p ¼ 0:56; P-value , 0:001Þ: except for Mixture IM-4, where the average difference was
about 30%. The corresponding differences between
ABBREV predictions and measured jE*j ranged from
where jE*j210C ¼ jE*j at 2 108C at a given frequency 0.8 to 31% for the four mixtures at the highest testing
(MPa); jE*j4C ¼ jE*j at 48C at the same frequency as
temperature of 548C. The average differences for both the
jE*j210C (MPa); f is the testing frequency (Hz);
high and low temperatures averaged about 12.6% for all
jE*j4C,25 ¼ jE*j at 48C and frequency of 25 Hz (MPa)
the mixtures combined. The worst prediction was for IM-4
and jE*j4C,0.1 ¼ jE*j at 48C and frequency of 0.1 Hz
at the colder temperatures, where differences of up to 30%
were observed. As previously indicated, mixture IM-4 was
uniquely different which may account for the relatively
jE * j54C ¼ 242:0873 þ 0:2334jE * j38C 2 22:6443 poorer prediction. It appears that the unified models
presented in Equations (9) and (10) predict jE*j quite well.
£ log f 2 25:0850 £ ð25 2 f Þ: ð10Þ Data presented in Table 5 together with the measured
jE*j data obtained at the three intermediate temperatures
ðR 2 ¼ 0:97; Cp ¼ 3:43; P-value , 0:001Þ; and various testing frequencies were used to construct jE*j
master curves. The results of the master curves from the
combined data are plotted in Figure 6, where the jE*j
where jE* j54C ¼ jE*j at 548C at a given frequency (MPa); master curve from TP 62 and the Hirsch (HSC) model are
jE*j38C ¼ jE*j at 388C at the same frequency as jE*j54C compared with the ABBREV-based jE*j. As previously
(MPa) and f is the testing frequency (Hz). stated, the Hirsch model is currently one of the widely used

Table 5. Comparison of ABBREV-predicted jE*j (MPa) using the unified models with TP 62-based jE*j.

Temperature (8C) 212, 2 10a 54

Frequency (Hz) 25 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 25 10 5 1 0.5 0.1
IM-4 TP 62 23,097 21,339 20,760 19,188 18,478 17,058 724 517 414 296 262 221
ABBREV 29,613 27,668 26,614 25,035 24,395 22,382 818 561 448 301 265 233
BM-4 TP 62 27,786 26,407 25,531 23,159 22,091 19,581 896 641 510 338 290 228
ABBREV 29,431 27,587 26,554 24,879 24,223 22,328 881 636 518 348 300 253
08-1019D TP 62 23,214 22,401 21,614 19,727 18,873 16,881 1589 1307 1043 558 378 255
ABBREV 25,503 23,520 22,240 19,897 18,926 16,361 1166 887 742 502 405 308
08-1036D TP 62 19,938 18,655 17,700 15,587 14,673 12,657 1078 939 771 414 296 213
ABBREV 20,555 18,224 16,835 14,179 13,102 10,604 896 673 558 405 332 278
Mixtures 08-1019D and 08-1036D were tested at 2108C.
106 A.K. Apeagyei et al.
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Figure 6. Comparison of ABBREV-based master curve (ABB) with AASHTO TP 62 (TP62), Hirsch (HSC) and Witczak (WZK)
models. Top left: Mixture BM-4. Top right: Mixture IM-4. Bottom left: Mixture 08-1019D. Bottom right: 08-1036D.

abbreviated temperature testing approaches for developing suggest that the Witczak model predicted jE*j values that
jE*j master curves of HMA. were comparatively lower than the other three methods in
The results obtained for the four mixtures using the most of the mixtures considered. These results demon-
Witczak jE*j predicted model as implemented in the strate, in the four mixtures, the veracity of the unified
MEPDG software version 1.10 are also shown in Figure 6. ABBREV models and suggest the need for the use of a
The Witczak model predictions were included in Figure 6 larger data-set for model development.
as part of the comparisons between ABBREV and existing
jE*j master development methods because the model is
one of the commonly used jE*j prediction models in the 3.4 Adapting the ABBREV approach for general
MEPDG, which is fast becoming the state of practice in applications
pavement design. A level three analysis was conducted to The foregoing results based on the ABBREV approach
estimate jE*j master curves using the input values developed for nine Virginia mixtures showed some
presented in Table 6. promise as an expedited alternative to the use of TP 62.
All the four approaches produced master curves with To enable widespread applicability of the approach
very high R 2 (generally better than 0.99). There appears to beyond mixtures used in the model development (i.e. the
be close agreement between the ABBREV-based jE*j and nine Virginia mixtures in Table 3), additional ABBREV
both TP 62 and Hirsch model-based jE*j values. The models were developed using 36 additional mixtures
differences between the ABBREV-predicted and TP 62 (including the nine Virginia mixtures) with very different
averaged between 2.7 and 11.5%. However, the data binder types and mixture properties. The mixtures were

Table 6. Input parameters for Witczak jE*j predictive model.

Mix ID Performance grade A VTS P34 P38 P4 P200 Va Vbe

IM-4 PG 64-22 10.98 2 3.680 1.2 24.6 41.5 5.9 7.2 12.8
BM-4 PG 64-22 10.98 2 3.680 4.5 29.4 58.9 3.9 5.6 10.5
08-1019D PG 76-22 9.715 2 3.208 0.0 2.80 39.5 5.8 6.8 12.1
08-1036D PG 76-22 9.715 2 3.208 0.0 16.1 48.7 5.6 7.0 11.8

Note: A and VTS, binder viscosity regression parameters; P34, cumulative percentage retained on 19.0 mm sieve; P38, cumulative percentage retained on 9.5 mm sieve; P4,
cumulative percentage retained on 4.75 mm sieve; P200, percentage passing the 0.075 mm sieve; Va, per cent air voids; Vbe, effective binder content by volume, Vbe, voids in
mineral aggregate minus Va.
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 107
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Figure 7. Comparison of unified ABBREV jE*j-prediction models with AASHTO TP 62 jE*j for 36 different mixtures. Left jE*j
predictions at 548C. Right jE*j predictions at 2 108C.

obtained from published sources (Pellinen 2001, Dougan Figure 7 shows a comparison of the unified ABBREV
et al. 2003, Bhasin et al. 2004, Flintsch et al. 2007). The models (Equations (11) and (12)) predictions and AASHTO
resulting unified model for the 36 mixtures is presented in TP 62 procedures. A total of 216 data points (representing 36
Equations (11) and (12). mixtures and 6 frequencies) are plotted at each temperature
as shown in Figure 7. The close agreement between the
jE * j210C ¼ 1; 665; 951 2 63:2391jE * j4C ABBREV predictions and AASHTO TP measured jE*j for
the 36 different mixtures can be seen from the figure even
þ 0:0005325jE * j4C þ 16; 608 though large differences could be seen for a few of the
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi mixtures. Of particular interest is the prediction for NMVado
£ jE * j4C 2 685; 254 £ log jE * j4C ð11Þ mixtures at high temperatures and AFL-2 at low
temperatures. These two mixtures have both been high-
þ X:
lighted with filled squares in Figure 7. The NMVado mixture
contained a PG 82-16 asphalt binder and showed the largest
ðR 2 ¼ 0:82; C p ¼ 6:16; P-value , 0:001Þ;
jE*j at the highest testing temperature of the 36 mixtures that
where are used to develop the ABBREV models. The other mixture,
pffiffiffi which showed poor ABBREV-predictions, was AFL-2
X ¼ 8982:0952 £ log f 2 1224:3290 £ f þ 3:0684 mixture that contained AC-20 asphalt binder.
jE * j4C;25 2 jE * j4C;0:1
£ ;
1 þ e log f 4. Discussions
jE * j54C ¼ 24771:2832 þ 1:9830jE * j38C The foregoing results and analyses suggest that the
ABBREV procedure presented in this study could be used
2 0:0000755jE * j38C 2 173:4241 to estimate the jE*j of HMA without the need to perform
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi actual tests at the highest and lowest testing temperatures
£ jE * j38C þ 2952:81 £ log jE * j38C recommended in AASHTO TP 62. By combining the
predicted jE*j at the lowest and highest temperatures with
þY ð12Þ measured jE*j at intermediate temperatures (4, 21 and
388C), the ABBREV master curves were found to be
Y ¼ 4:6928f 2 192:035 £ log f comparable with those of AASHTO TP 62. On average,
jE * j38C;25 2 jE * j38C;0:1 the predicted jE*j using the ABBREV approach was found
2 0:1241* : to be generally within 10% of those measured by
1 þ elog f
AASHTO TP 62 procedures. The limited data obtained
ðR 2 ¼ 0:83; C p ¼ 6:03; P-value , 0:001Þ; in this study showed that ABBREV jE*j master curves
were comparable to those produced with using either the
where jE*j38C,25 ¼ jE*j at 388C and 25 Hz frequency Hirsch model or the AASHTO TP 62 protocols.
(MPa) and jE*j38C,0.01 ¼ jE*j at 388C and 0.1 Hz As previously noted, the quality of jE*j predictions
frequency as jE*j54C (MPa). based on the ABBREV approach as with most empirically
108 A.K. Apeagyei et al.

based approaches is dependent on the data-set used to involving ABBREV of HMA for jE*j; however, the
develop the prediction models. The accuracy of the ABBREV approach does not require the assumption
ABBREV approach could be improved with additional test of a common limiting (maximum and minimum)
data. The predictive ability of the ABBREV models was stiffness for all HMA.
clearly improved with the unified models developed from
Additional studies are recommended to improve and
the 36 different mixtures. The accuracy of the ABBREV-
validate the ABBREV approach for production use. The
approach predictions compares quite well with that of
results of the study suggest that the ABBREV approach
those previously published. The results suggest that jE*j
could be used for mixes with characteristics similar to
master curve for HMA could be developed without the
those of the mixes considered in this study.
need to conduct tests at the lowest and highest testing
temperatures recommended under AASHTO TP 62. The
ABBREV approach presented in this study could be used
as an expedited alternative to the approach of AASHTO
The authors acknowledge the assistance of the following Virginia
TP 62. The ABBREV approach adds to the current
Transportation Research Council personnel in this study: Donnie
methods for determining jE*j master curves using
Downloaded by [University of Saskatchewan Library] at 01:34 04 January 2015

Dodds and Troy Deeds for material testing and Linda Evans for
ABBREVs. With the ABBREV approach, jE*j master assistance with the editorial process.
curves could be obtained without the need to assume the
maximum and minimum limiting stiffness modulus for
asphalt concrete, as is currently done with some existing Notes
approaches. Another potential advantage of the ABBREV 1. Email:
approach compared with existing jE*j predictive models 2. Email:
concerns mixtures containing RAP or polymer-modified
asphalt binders. For these mixtures, when using the
ABBREV approach, no binder extraction testing may be References
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5. Conclusions
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