From Signaling Pathways To Microtubule Dynamics TH

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From signaling pathways to microtubule

dynamics: The key players

Article in Current opinion in cell biology · February 2010

DOI: 10.1016/ · Source: PubMed


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1 author:

Sandrine Etienne-Manneville
Institut Pasteur International Network


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From signaling pathways to microtubule dynamics: the key

Sandrine Etienne-Manneville

Microtubules are highly dynamic structures whose regulation is and which often corresponds to the centrosome, to the
crucial for cell division, cell polarity, cell migration, or neuronal periphery of the cell where microtubule plus-ends con-
differentiation. Because they contribute to most cellular stantly explore the cytoplasm. The microtubule plus-
functions, they must be regulated in response to extracellular ends display what is called dynamic instability, a funda-
and intracellular signals. The parameters of microtubule mental process which encompasses a succession of slow
dynamics are numerous and complex and the connection polymerization and rapid depolymerization phases sep-
between signaling pathways and regulation of microtubule arated by transitions. The transition between polymer-
dynamics remain obscure. Recent observations reveal key ization and shortening is called a catastrophe and the
players that can both integrate the diversity of signaling transition between depolymerization and growth is
cascades and directly influence microtubule dynamics. I review called a rescue. Dynamic instability allows microtubules
here how modifications of the tubulin dimer, tubulin modifying to search and find the various elements of the cell
enzymes, and microtubule-associated proteins are directly architecture. Microtubules serve as tracks for dynein
involved in the regulation of microtubule behavior and and kinesin molecular motors that deliver membrane
functions. vesicles, constituent proteins, and regulatory factors. In
addition to their fundamental role in cell division, micro-
Address tubules also participate in cell shape changes and
Institut Pasteur, Cell Polarity and Migration Group and CNRS URA 2582, directed motility in migrating cells or neuronal growth
25 rue du Dr Roux, 75724 Paris Cedex 15, France cones [1]. During the last decade, it has become clear
Corresponding author: Etienne-Manneville, Sandrine
that the microtubule network, like the actin cytoskele-
( ton, is regulated by a multitude of stimuli. A number of
extracellular or intracellular signals including stimu-
lation by soluble factors, cellular interactions, and
Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2010, 22:104–111 physical constraints are shown to control microtubule
This review comes from a themed issue on
organization [2–5]. Recent and comprehensive reviews
Cell structure and dynamics of these pathways can be found in [1,6–9]. Formation and
Edited by Arshad Desai and Marileen Dogterom positioning of the mitotic spindle as well as microtubule-
dependent neuronal differentiation and migration have
Available online 22nd December 2009
brought forward new signaling pathways regulating
0955-0674/$ – see front matter microtubule dynamics and functions. Polarity proteins,
# 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. such as MARK/Par1 and the Wnt target GSK3 kinase, or
Aurora B which controls spindle pole assembly, and more
DOI 10.1016/
general signaling components, such as heterotrimeric G
proteins, modulate the activity of microtubule-associ-
ated proteins (MAPs) that act at the interface between
signaling cascades and microtubules. I will focus here on
the recent observations that point to essential molecular
Microtubules are stiff, cylindrical polymers of a-tubulins
targets responsible for the coupling between signaling
and b-tubulins. Head-to-tail association of a–b hetero-
pathways and microtubule dynamics.
dimers forms linear protofilaments. Tubulin sheets of 13
protofilaments are sealed by lateral interactions between
the most external protofilaments to form the fully poly- Tubulin, more than a solid brick
merized, hollowed microtubules. The polarized arrange- The most direct way to affect microtubule dynamics is to
ment of the tubulin dimers gives the polymer a control the accessibility or the conformation of its build-
molecular polarity with a ‘minus’ (a-tubulin) end and ing brick the a–b-tubulin dimer. Tubulin dimers are
a ‘plus’ (b-tubulin) end. Microtubules form the stable formed by an a-tubulin constitutively associated to a
rigid core of complex structures such as axonemes in cilia guanosine triphosphate (GTP) and a b-tubulin which
and flagella. But, like microfilaments, microtubules can cycles between a GTP-bound form and a guanosine
undergo rapid polymerization and depolymerization. In diphosphate (GDP)-bound form (Figure 1a). Polymeriz-
interphase animal cells, the microtubule network gener- ation occurs by the addition of tubulin dimers and also
ally extends as a radial array from the microtubule oligomers that are formed prior their incorporation in the
organizing center, where most minus-ends are anchored growing microtubules [10].

Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2010, 22:104–111

Regulation of microtubule dynamics Etienne-Manneville 105

Figure 1

Protofilament conformation is a key parameter in microtubule dynamics. (a) Microtubule polymerization occurs by head-to-tail addition of a–b tubulin
heterodimers. Binding of GTP to b-tubulin and then integration to the protofilament straighten the dimers. (b) Microtubule polymerization. The plus-end
displays a sheet-like conformation which is eventually sealed to form the microtubule. The straight conformation of the growing protofilaments (formed
by polymerization of GTP-bound dimers, green b-tubulin) protects the microtubule from depolymerization. Following polymerization, GTP hydrolysis
occurs (red b-tubulin), but some GTP-bound b-tubulins can remain along the microtubule (GTP-remnant). (c) During depolymerization, protofilaments
containing GDP–b-tubulin are curved outwards. Depolymerization can stop where GTP-remnants form a stable ring of straight dimers (lower panel).
Some of the molecules (MAPs, XMAP215, and MCAK) binding to microtubules or tubulin dimers to control their conformation are represented.

A critical parameter in microtubule dynamics is the forming the hollow tube [14] (Figure 1b). After polymer-
conformation of the tubulin protofilaments (Figure 1). ization, hydrolysis of the GTP occurs with time and
Association of a GTP or a GDP with the b-tubulin greatly usually when the dimer is included within the microtu-
affects the conformation of the tubulin dimer and controls bule. Although the phosphate is not released, the GDP-
microtubule assembly and dynamics [11]. When b-tubu- Pi-bound dimer exhibits an increased curvature, making
lin is bound to GTP, the corresponding dimer displays a the protofilaments more prone to depolymerization. In
straighter conformation which facilitates the extension of the absence of GTP-bound tubulin at the end of the
the protofilaments [11,12]. Following association with the microtubule, the protofilaments curve outwards losing
microtubule wall, the tubulin dimer further straightens lateral contacts and depolymerizing rapidly (Figure 1c).
[13] (Figure 1a). The plus-ends of growing microtubules When the microtubule is growing, the delayed hydrolysis
are therefore formed of GTP-bound dimers included in of the GTP results in the existence of a ‘GTP-cap’ that
straight protofilaments which organize as a sheet before is thought to stabilize the open-sheet conformation of Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2010, 22:104–111

106 Cell structure and dynamics

growing microtubule plus-ends and to prevent microtu- regulate microtubule interaction and thus the function
bule shrinkage and catastrophe [15,16]. The size of the of these proteins. Kinases of the Par1/MARK family
GTP-cap depends on the polymerization rate and may phosphorylate the Tau protein and related MAPs on a
also vary with the GTPase activity of tubulin. Using a conserved KXGS motif to induce their dissociation from
recombinant antibody specifically recognizing GTP– microtubules. This regulatory mechanism is extensively
tubulin, Dimitrov et al. have been able to localize studied as it participates to cell polarity in the Caenor-
GTP–tubulin in vivo [17]. In addition to the expected habditis elegans embryo and in epithelial cells, and also to
GTP-cap, GTP-bound tubulin is also present along the neuronal differentiation and neurodegenerative diseases
microtubules (Figure 1b) sometimes forming long such as Alzheimer’s disease (see for a review [7]). The
stretches that seem to correlate with microtubule bund- GSK3 kinase, a crucial intermediate in Wnt signaling and
ling. GTP–tubulin also appears as discrete dot-like in cell polarity, is also involved in this regulatory mechan-
regions. These GTP–tubulin clusters seem to, at least ism not only by phosphorylating Tau or MAPs on residues
temporarily, block microtubule shrinking as they corre- different from those regulated by MARK but also by
spond to the location of rescue events (Figure 1c). GTP- modulating MARK activity by phosphorylation [27].
remnants form during in vitro polymerization suggesting The precise pattern of phosphorylation achieved by the
that their presence does not require any other external convergence of multiple pathways on microtubule-associ-
factors. The regulation of the tubulin GTPase activity is ated proteins may allow a fine tuning of microtubule
likely to be critical in the control of microtubule dynamics stability. For the moment, only very few reports indicate
and stability. a possible regulation of the tubulin GTPase activity. Inter-
estingly, the alpha subunit of heterotrimeric G proteins
Several proteins regulate microtubule dynamics by mod- activates the GTP hydrolysis [28]. It may thus control
ifying the accessibility and the conformation of tubulin microtubule polymerization at the plus-ends and also
dimers. The microtubule destabilizing drug colchicine influence the stability of the overall microtubule by con-
prevents curved tubulin from adopting a straight structure trolling the position of GTP-remnants. Since heterotri-
and inhibits assembly [18]. Stathmin inhibits microtubule meric G proteins play a key role in microtubule-dependent
growth by sequestering soluble tubulin and decreasing asymmetric positioning of the mitotic spindle in C. elegans
the concentration of accessible tubulins in proximity of and Drosophila [29], it is tempting to hypothesize that
microtubule-ends. Stathmin binds with tubulin hetero- regulation of tubulin GTPase activity is at the interface
dimers in a curved complex which prevents incorporation between polarity signaling pathways and the regulation of
of the complexed tubulins into microtubules. Stathmin microtubule dynamics and anchoring at the cell cortex.
association with tubulin is inhibited by phosphorylation.
Among the four phosphorylable serine residues, Ser16 Tubulin post-translational modifications, road
and Ser63 seem to be the most critical [19]. Regulation of signs along the lattice
Stathmin by phosphorylation on Ser16 by the Rac effector Tubulins can be modified by several post-translational
PAK1 has been involved in the regulation of the micro- modifications, including acetylation, detyrosination, and
tubule network in migrating cells and developing neurons deglutamylation of detyrosinated tubulin (D2 modifi-
[20,21]. Phosphorylation of the same serine residue by cation), poly-glutamylation and poly-glycylation [30]
Aurora B has also been involved during mitotic spindle (Figure 2). These modifications occur when tubulin is
assembly [22]. Other kinases like Calmodulin-dependent included into a microtubule. Except D2 modification,
kinase, Erk MAP kinase, or PKA have also been shown to these reactions are reversible.
phosphorylate Stathmin, which appears as a key target for
a large variety of signaling pathways. The microtubule Detyrosination is catalyzed, once tubulin is incorporated
destabilizer MCAK stabilizes the curved conformation of into the microtubule lattice, by cytosolic carboxypepti-
the protofilaments at the microtubule-end and thereby dases which are not yet fully characterized [30]. Tubulin
favors depolymerization [23] (Figure 1c). During mitosis, tyrosine ligase (TTL) catalyzes the reverse reaction on
phosphorylation by Aurora B leads to MCAK recruitment soluble tubulin only. Detyrosination was initially thought
to spindle poles and promotes bipolar spindle assembly not to affect the dynamics of microtubules [31] but rather
[24]. to mark stable microtubules and affect microtubule inter-
action with molecular motors and in particular with kine-
In contrast to microtubule destabilizers, XMAP215 inter- sins [32,33] (Figure 2a). Depletion of TTL has important
acts with tubulin dimers to facilitate their addition to consequences on neuron differentiation while the
microtubule plus-ends and promote microtubule growth microtubule network appears globally unaffected [34].
[25,26]. In the same way as taxol stabilizes microtubules However, it now seems that the accumulation of detyr-
by straightening the GDP–tubulin protofilaments [12], osinated tubulin alters the binding of EB1 and Clip170,
MAPs stabilize microtubule by interacting with consecu- which are key regulators of microtubule dynamics [35,36],
tive dimers in the microtubule lattice (Figures 1b and 2a). suggesting that tyrosination can at least indirectly affect
Once again, phosphorylation appears as a means to microtubule dynamics.

Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2010, 22:104–111

Regulation of microtubule dynamics Etienne-Manneville 107

Figure 2

Tubulin structure and post-translational modifications control microtubule interactions with partner proteins. (a) Along a polymerized microtubule,
post-translational modifications such as detyrosination (carboxy-terminal EE, light blue), (poly)glutamylation (turquoise EEE), and (poly)glycylation
(mainly in axonemes, purple GGG), regulate microtubule association with motors (kinesins) or MAPs (microtubule-associated proteins). Acetylation
that occurs on the inner surface of the microtubule is not shown. (b) EB1 (bright green) recognizes the conformation of the growing microtubule plus-
end. For simplification, EB1 dimers are not depicted. More microtubule plus-end tracking proteins (+TIPs) are recruited to the plus-ends by binding
directly to tyrosinated a-tubulin (carboxy-terminal EEY) or to EB1 sequences.

Acetylation, like detyrosination, was initially thought to although acetylation occurs on K40, an amino acid
simply mark stable, long-lived microtubules. In agree- exposed in the microtubule lumen, it has been shown
ment, the tubulin deacetylase HDAC6-deficient mice to affect the interactions of molecular motors with the
show hyperacetylated tubulin in most tissues but develop microtubule exterior wall [32,33].
normally [37]. However, evidence is now accumulating
that tubulin acetylation may play a role in microtubule The impact of other tubulin modifications on microtubule
functions [38,39]. Creppe et al. have recently uncovered a dynamics has not yet been clearly determined. The
putative tubulin acetylase activity associated with the recent identification of a large family of TTL-Like
multisubunit histone acetyltransferase elongator complex (TTLL) genes encoding poly-glutamylases (TTLL 1,
which is involved in dendrite and axonal growth [40]. 4–7, 11, and 13) and poly-glycylases (TTLL 3, 8, 10, and
This may be due to the fact that such tubulin modifying 12) [43,44,45] has given the opportunity to determine
enzymes have multiple substrates in addition to tubulin the effects of such modifications on microtubule
[41,42]. However, in this case, expression of a nonacety- dynamics. These TTLLs differ in their specificity for
latable a-tubulin mimics the effects of acetylase a-tubulin or b-tubulin and in catalyzing the initiation or
depletion supporting the direct role of tubulin acetylation the elongation of the peptidic side chain [43]. The
in migration and branching of cortical neurons. In fact, accumulation of these post-translational modifications Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2010, 22:104–111

108 Cell structure and dynamics

in microtubules of cilia, flagella and mitotic spindle is now tration or activity of the cytosolic EB1 pool may be locally
echoed by the fact that TTLLs appear to be required for controlled [57]. The extent of the GTP-cap in parallel to
the organization and function of microtubules in cilia and the regulation of the protofilament curvature at plus-ends
flagella [46,47]. Like detyrosination, poly-glutamylation, is likely to control EB1 recruitment.
and poly-glycylation occur on the carboxy-terminal region
of tubulins that are likely to influence the binding of In addition to its direct role in the regulation of micro-
microtubule-interacting proteins. Association of kinesin tubule dynamics, EB1 acts as a loading factor of other
motors with microtubules is affected by these modifi- +TIPs. The wide variety of EB1 partners can fall into two
cations (Figure 2a). Kinesin-1 requires b-tubulin poly- distinct categories: proteins containing a cytoskeleton-
modifications [32], whereas kinesin-3 is sensitive to a- associated protein-glycine-rich (CAP-Gly) domain, like
tubulin poly-glutamylation [48]. In addition severing Clip170 and p150Glued [56] and proteins including an
proteins that can dramatically affect microtubule EB1-binding domain composed of a short SxIP motif
dynamics are also influenced by b-tubulin poly-modifi- ([58] and K Slep, this issue). Clip170, initially thought
cations [49,50]. to autonomously track microtubule plus-ends, in fact
recognizes the EB1–tubulin complex present at the
Accumulation of tubulin modifications in neuronal cells plus-ends [59] and p150Glued may function similarly.
[51], altered expression levels of TTL during tumorigen- The positively charged CAP-Gly domain interacts with
esis together with the existence of new genetic tools will the EEY/F carboxy-terminal acidic motif which is present
probably encourage many studies to help us understand both on EB1 and tyrosinated tubulins (Figure 2b) [60].
how the enzymes responsible for these modifications are Since detyrosination of tubulin occurs after polymeriz-
regulated and further determine the consequences of ation, tyrosinated tubulin is preferentially found at the
these microtubule modifications. Although how tubulin plus-ends. The accumulation of Clip170 and p150Glued at
post-translational modifications can directly affect micro- the plus-ends of microtubules is likely to result from their
tubule dynamics remains to be determined, it is clear that direct binding to tyrosinated tubulin and from their
they can affect microtubule interactions with their regu- association to plus-end tracking EB1. In TTL-null neurons
latory partners and thus indirectly regulate microtubule which do not contain tyrosinated tubulin, Clip170 is mis-
polymerization. A remaining and important question here localized whereas EB1 localization is unaffected [34],
is how the activity and the localization of the tubulin suggesting that tyrosinated tubulin remains the primary
modifying enzymes are regulated. signal for CAP-Gly protein tracking properties and that
regulation of tubulin carboxypeptidase may also contribute
EB1, master at the plus-ends to control dynamics at microtubule plus-ends.
Proteins specifically accumulating at the plus-ends, called
+TIPs, such as end-binding (EB) proteins, adenomatous Proteins such as APC, CLASPs, or MCAK, which were all
polyposis coli (APC), or Clip170 are fundamental regu- known to bind EB1 but did not show any obvious
lators of microtubule plus-end dynamics and have there- sequence similarities, all present a SxIP motif [58,61].
fore been the center of attention [52] (please also see the CDK5RAP2 has also been shown to interact via the same
review by K Slep in this issue). The EB proteins EB1 and interaction motif [62]. The carboxy-terminal domain of
EB3 have recently appeared as key proteins of the plus- EB1 appears as a mini docking platform as the list of
ends. In contrast to most +TIPs, EBs can track micro- interacting partners, participating in microtubule plus-
tubule plus-ends in an autonomous manner [53]. Like its end function, lengthens (Figure 2b). Different +TIPs
yeast ortholog Mal3p, EB1 interacts preferentially with may be recruited simultaneously on EB1 dimers (K Slep,
the free lateral sides of protofilaments and therefore this issue). The EEY/F binding site of the CAP-Gly
shows an enhanced affinity for the plus-end structure proteins [63] is separated by only eight residues from
of a polymerizing microtubule as opposed to the older the site recognizing the SxIP motif suggesting that the
closed microtubule lattice [53,54] (Figure 2b). EB1 two categories of proteins may interact and either com-
directly stimulates microtubule nucleation and growth pete or cooperate to control microtubule plus-end
by facilitating the incorporation of tubulin dimers and dynamics. Regulation of interactions at the plus-ends
promotes microtubule sheet closure by strengthening can affect both microtubule dynamics and microtubule
lateral interactions between straight adjacent protofila- functions. Can signaling pathways control the nature and
ments [55,56]. On the one hand, the accelerated closure the quantity of +TIPs present on a microtubule extre-
of the microtubule sheet results in an increase in cata- mity? The regulation is likely to be very local as micro-
strophe events, probably because the conformation of the tubules not only have different functions in different
unsealed microtubule-ends stabilizes the plus-ends. On regions of the cells but can also display various properties
the other hand, high concentration of EB1 increases the in a same cell area. Phosphorylation near the EB1-binding
rescue frequency by interacting with and stabilizing the domains of +TIPs also regulates their interaction with
microtubule wall [55]. In vivo, EB1 rather acts as an EB1 [58,64]. Phosphorylation also affects the inter-
inhibitor of catastrophes suggesting that the concen- action between MCAK and EB1-TIP150 preventing

Current Opinion in Cell Biology 2010, 22:104–111

Regulation of microtubule dynamics Etienne-Manneville 109

MCAK recruitment to microtubule plus-ends [65]. Some Acknowledgements

+TIPs can also be found along microtubules, where they SEM is supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, the
Institut Pasteur, the Fondation de France and La Ligue contre le Cancer
may facilitate rescue events. Whether GTP-remnants and is a member of the EMBO YIP.
along the microtubule exhibit a peculiar structure that
resembles a plus-end and facilitates EB1 binding is still References and recommended reading
unclear. It is nevertheless tempting to consider that Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review,
have been highlighted as:
localization of +TIPs along microtubules may result from
a local inhibition of tubulin GTPase activity which would  of special interest
result in a higher probability of rescue [17,56].  of outstanding interest

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