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Earth-Science Reviews, 24 (1987) 1-42

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam--Printed in The Netherlands

The Chemistry of the Hydrogen Sulfide and Iron Sulfide

Systems in Natural Waters



Morse, J.W., Millero, F.J., Cornwell, J.C. and Rickard, D., 1987. The chemistry of the hydrogen sulfide and iron
sulfide systems in natural waters. Earth-Sci. Rev., 24: 1-42.

Reduced sulfur compounds are ubiquitous components of anaerobic sediments and euxinic marine environments.
They are primarily produced through a complex net of both chemically and biologically mediated reactions. This
results in a wide variety of dissolved and solid inorganic and organic products.
Much of the recent research effort in this area has focused on biogeochemicalinteractions and modelling sediment
diagenesis. Several excellent reviews are available on these specific topics. However, relatively little attention has been
paid to more basic inorganic chemistry of this system; the topic of this review.

INTRODUCTION posits, usually associated with active areas of

crustal spreading. They often contain a much
Authigenic sulfide minerals occur in marine wider variety of sulfide minerals than those
sediments primarily as the result of either produced through biologic processes. While
biologic processes or submarine hydrothermal some of the material presented in this paper
activity. The biologic processes leading to is germane to the chemistry of these hydro-
sulfide mineral formation are characteristic of thermally derived minerals, our primary inter-
anoxic sediments and marine waters where est is in the chemistry of iron sulfide minerals
biologic oxidation of organic matter is accom- characteristic of anoxic marine basins and
plished through bacterial reduction of sulfate sediments, and the chemistry of associated
and production of hydrogen sulfide. Subse- dissolved inorganic sulfur compounds. Read-
quent biologically mediated reactions result ers interested in the genesis and chemistry of
in the formation of elemental sulfur and other sulfide minerals might wish to initially
numerous reduced sulfur compounds. U n d e r refer to Ribbe (1974) or Vaughan and Craig
such conditions, iron oxide minerals are also (1978).
reduced, producing Fe 2÷ ions. These ions can Numerous papers have been written about
react with the hydrogen sulfide and other the sulfur system in natural waters and asso-
sulfur compounds to form a variety of iron ciated diagenetic reactions in sediments (e.g.,
sulfide minerals, m a n y of which are thermo- Berner, 1970, 1972, 1974, 1980, 1981, 1982;
dynamically metastable. Because iron is the Gardner, 1973, 1974, 1979; Goldhaber and
most abundant sulfide-forming metal in most Kaplan, 1974; Goldhaber et al., 1977; Aller,
sediments these sulfides are dominantly iron 1980a; Davison, 1980; Jacobs and Emerson,
sulfides, with pyrite being by far the most 1982; Jacobs et al., 1985; Boulegue et al.,
commonly occurring mineral. 1982; Emerson et al., 1983; Berner and West-
Hydrothermally derived sulfide minerals rich, 1985). The literature dealing specifically
occur in marine sediments in localized de- with the chemistry of hydrogen sulfide and

0012-8252/87/$14.70 © 1987 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

International Equation of State for Seawater. He
has been interested in understanding how ionic
interactions affect the physical-chemical proper-
ties of natural waters and the chemical equilibria
that occur in these waters. His more recent inter-
ests are concerned with how ionic interactions
affect the rates of chemical reactions in natural
waters. He has served on the Joint Panel of Ocean
John W. Morse is currently Professor and Tables and Standards, the Ocean Science Board
Chairman of Chemical Oceanography at Texas A and the National Science Foundation Oceano-
& M University, College Station, Texas 77843. He graphic Panel.
received his BS at the Institute of Technology at
the University of Minnesota, and M Phil and PhD
in Geology at Yale University. He has held a joint
faculty appointment in Oceanography and Chem-
istry at Florida State University, been on the
faculty of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and
Atmospheric Science of the University of Miami,
and served a year with the National Science
Foundation as a Program Associate in Marine
Jeffrey C. Cornwell is an assistant research
Chemistry. His primary research interests have
scientist in the Department of Oceanography at
focused on the interactions between marine miner-
Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas
als and seawater. He is best known for his studies
77843. After receiving a BS in chemistry at Hobart
of carbonate mineral solubility, surface chemistry
College, he headed north to the University of
and reaction kinetics, but is currently primarily
Alaska in Fairbanks for a PhD in chemical oc-
involved in similar studies of sulfide minerals.
eanography. His doctoral research on manganese,
iron and phosphorus cycling in an arctic lake
emphasized processes which control formation of
authigenic oxides and phosphates in recent sedi-
ments. He currently is investigating the analytical
chemistry of sedimentary iron sulfide minerals,
their solubility in seawater, and their distribution
in coastal and shelf sediments in the Gulf of

Frank J. Millero is Professor of Marine and

Physical Chemistry at the Rosenstiel School of
Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of
Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami,
Florida 33149. He received a BS degree from Ohio
State in 1961 and a PhD degree from Carnegie-
Mellon in 1965. After a short stint in industry, he
accepted a faculty position at the University of
Miami in 1966. His major research interests are
involved with the application of physical chem- David Rickard is a geochemist who obtained
istry to natural systems. He has made numerous his first degree and PhD at Imperial College,
studies on the PVT properties of natural waters London. His thesis topic was the chemical and
and was instrumental in the formulation of the microbiological formation of iron sulfides. After

his doctorate he moved to Stockholm, Sweden pointed as a research associate professor with
where he was a research fellow with the Swedish NETC in Sweden and founded the Ore Research
Natural Science Research (NERC) Council. After Group at Stockholm University. He directed that
sojourns in the USA as a visiting professor of group until he took the Chair in Mining Geology
geochemistry and in Australia as a visiting scien- at the Institute of Materials, University College,
tist at the Baas Becking Laboratory, he was ap- Newport Road, Cardiff CF2 1TA, U.K.

related dissolved sulfur compounds, and iron (80 AD) and noted clearly the mineral's
sulfide minerals is widely scattered. Results sulfurous nature and its brassy appearance.
are often inconsistent or presented in a Dioscorides had previously noted that pyrite
manner which makes direct comparisons dif- could contain copper.
ficult. The primary objective of this article is This situation remained through Georgious
to present the existing chemical data in a Agricola's time. In Book 10 of his De Natura
systematic manner. This information will be Fossilium (1546) he describes pyrite as a
used as a basis for discussion of the occur- generic term for a group of minerals, but was
rence of iron sulfide minerals and associated apparently unaware that the mineral con-
metals in common marine sediments and tained iron. He notes, however, in De Ortu et
anoxic basins. It is hoped that this paper will Causis Subterraneorum (1546) that pyrite is a
not only serve as a useful reference to past mineral from which sulfur could be obtained.
work, but also clearly illustrate the many J.G. Wallerius (1747) described pyrite as
areas where further research is needed. "sulfur ferro mineralisatum", and distin-
guished three different varieties including kies
AN HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE (pyrite), marcasite and wasserkies, a whiter
form of marcasite. Marcasite had in earlier
Knowledge prior to the 20th century times been used as a synonym of pyrite. It
derives from the Aramacean term marqua-
Claudius Galen (130-200 AD), surgeon to shitha and was used by Arab scientists of the
the gladiators, was the author of over 500 first millennium. In particular, it was used for
medical treatises. His works were first trans- pyrite by Jabir (Abu Mussa Djafor al Soft) in
lated into Latin in 1490, and first published the 8th century. Hatchett (1804) determined
in the original Greek in 1525. The editor of that both pyrite and marcasite were FeS2, and
the Basle folio (Discori, 1557) of Dioscorides this result was confirmed by Berzelius in 1819.
De Materia Medici (c. 50 AD), which Hauy (1801) had previously commented on
dominated science in Europe for 1500 years, "la dimorphie de fer sulfure".
was much influenced by the new availability Even at this early stage the relationship
of Galen's works. In an expansive footnote between pyrite and organic matter was noted.
(pp. 473-474) to Dioscorides' description of Bakewell (1815) described an experiment in
the mineral pyrite, he quotes Galen as noting which mouse droppings accidentally got into
the first description of the mineral by Archi- a jar of iron(II) sulfate. After standing for
medes (c. 287 BC). some time, in what must have been an inter-
The ancients knew pyrite only as a group esting laboratory, the droppings were re-
of minerals that produced sparks when struck, covered with pyrite crystals. Bischoff (1832)
hence the name from ~rvO, fire. Theophrastus, described pyrite in recent mud, associated
however, in the Historia Plantarum (c. 300 particularly, with plant stalk. He felt this
BC) had described a mineral which was prob- demonstrated that pyrite formed in the pres-
ably pyrite. The Elder Pliny used this name ence of organic matter. Malaguti and
for pyrite in volume 36 of Historia Naturalis Durocher (1852) first described pyrite from
recent marine sediments. They found it in become recognized as one of the most com-
bluish intertidal muds on the beach at Saint- m o n forms of pyrite in sediments.
Malo on the Bretagne coast. The ubiquity and importance of pyrite in
Gautier (1893) stated that H2S was one of modern sediments were not recognized until
the products of the putrefaction of organic the second half of the 20th century. Sugawara
matter, and that the pyrite observed replacing et al. (1953, 1954), were probably the first to
fossil bones and shells was precipitated by comment on the importance of pyrite in sedi-
H2S produced by decomposing organic ments. Their work occurred over 50 years
matter. In 1895, Beijerink demonstrated the after the publication of the report of the
existence of a number of bacteria that were Challenger expedition (Murray and Renard,
able to reduce sulfate to hydrogen sulfide, 1891) which had noted the abundance of blue
and the complex interaction between the di- muds in the oceans, and where the surprising
verse disciplines of chemistry, biology, and decrease of sulfate in the interstitial waters of
geology in pyrite formation was established. marine sediments had been remarked upon
by Murray and Irving (1895). It was not until
Findings during the period 1900-1960 the work of Berner in the 1960's that the
chemistry, formation and significance of sedi-
During the next half of the century no mentary iron sulfide formation began to be
great progress was made concerning iron understood.
sulfide formation. Doss (1912a) described a
mineral 'melnikovite' from the Melnikov THERMODYNAMICS OF H2S IN AQUEOUS
Estates, Samara, Russia as a hydrogel from SOLUTIONS
Miocene clays. He suggested that pyrite was
formed by a transformation of troilite gel Solubility of H e S in water and seawater
through melnikovite and ultimately pyrite.
This work was generally ignored until about A critical aspect of understanding the oc-
1960, and melnikovite entered the literature currence and behavior of sedimentary iron
as a microscopic description of a fine-grained, sulfide minerals is the chemistry of the H zS
black melange of pyrite and an unknown system and other inorganic sulfur compounds
substance from various ore deposits. Ameri- in dilute solutions and seawater. The chem-
can research was dominated by the work of istry of H2S in seawater is not dissimilar to
Allen et al. (1912) who defined three phases that of the carbonic acid system. The primary
in the sulfur-iron system; pyrite, marcasite, considerations are the solubility of the gas
and pyrrhotite. and the resulting diprotic dissociation.
At the same time a considerable amount of H2S(g ) --} H2S(aq) (1)
information was being obtained from ob-
servation of pyrite and sulfides in the modern H2S --} H + + H S - (2)
natural environment. Daubree (1875) had H S - ---' H + + S 2- (3)
previously taken great delight in finding pyrite
forming in timbers of the British royal yacht, The most extensive measurements of the
Osborne. In 1875, he described globular pyrite solubility of H2S in water and seawater are
from a Roman pavement situated beneath a the work of Douabul and Riley (1979). They
conduit for mineral waters at Bourbon-les- made measurements over the temperature
Bains. Widespread reports of the globular range of 2 ° - 3 0 ° C and the salinity range of
forms of pyrite in sedimentary environments 0-40. Both increasing temperature and salin-
caused Rust (1931) to coin the name: ity were found to decrease the solubility of
"framboids" for them from the French H2S. The solubility of a gas in water and
framboise or raspberry. In later times it has seawater can be represented by an equation
fi: : : .
of the form used by Weiss (1974): the gas, k is the salting coefficient, and S is
the salinity. The value of k at various temper-
In K 0 (mol 1-1 a t m - 1) =
atures can be determined from the salinity-
- 41.0563 + 66.4005(100/T) dependent term of eq. 4. A comparison of k
+ 15.1060 l n ( T / 1 0 0 ) and yg for H2S in seawater with other gases
(Millero and Schreiber, 1982) is shown in
+ S [ - 0 . 6 0 5 8 3 + 0.379753(T/100) Table I. The values for H 2 S a r e lower than
- 0.602340(T/100) 2] (4 ) other gases, but similar to other weak acids
(e.g., k = 0.052 and yg = 1.09 for H 3 P O 4 in
where S is the salinity and T is the absolute 0.7 m NaC1; Millero and Schreiber, 1982).
temperature ( T = t ° C + 273.15). Eq. 4 is valid Since the activity coefficient of H2S in
when the fugacity of H E S , fH2S, is at 1 atm. seawater is near unity, the interactions be-
The concentration of H2S, C*, at other tween the major sea salts and H2S are quite
fugacities can be determined from: small.
C * ( m o l 1-1) = g0fH2 s (5)
Ionization of H2S in water and seawater
The Henry's law constant ( H s = l / K 0 ) for
pure water from 25 ° to 260°C can be esti- H2S can dissociate into two other forms in
mated (Clarke and Glew, 1971) from: aquatic solutions whose relative abundances
log Hs(atm-kg H 2 0 mo1-1) are pH-dependent, in a manner similar to a
diprotic acid. It is, therefore, important to
= 102.325 - 4 4 2 3 . 1 1 / T have reliable constants for the ionization of
- 36.6296 log T + 0.13870T (6) H2S in natural waters. The first ionization
constant (Kx) has been measured by a num-
The decrease in the solubility of H2S with
ber of workers. Almgren et al. (1976) have
the addition of salt or the salting out is simi-
tabulated the values presented in Table II.
lar to other gases and can be represented by
the Setchenow equation: They selected the mean value for p K 1 = 7.01
___0.02. A problem with these results is that
l n ( C o / C ) = ln(yg ) = kS (7) the extrapolations to infinite dilution were
where Co and C are the solubilities in water not made in a consistent manner.
and seawater, 3'~ is the activity coefficient of The value of K 1 is related to observed
concentrations and activity coefficients by:

TABLE I g 1 = yH +[H +] 7HS-[HS-I/YH:s [H2 S]

The salting out and activity coefficients of gases in
seawater ,1 = KI*(YH+YHS-/YH2S) (8)

Gas k y Where KI* = [H + ][HS- ] / [ H 2S] is the stoichi-

H 2S 0.020 1.03 ometric constant and 7, is the activity coeffi-
H4C 0.092 1.16 cient for species i. Millero [1983a] used the
CO: 0.095 1.17 data of Almgren et al. (1976) in NaC1 solu-
Ne 0.101 1.18 tions and activity coefficients calculated using
02 0.121 1.22
Pitzer (1973) equations to estimate a value for
Ar 0.121 1.22
Kr 0.128 1.23 p K a = 6.98 + 0.02 at 25°C. This is in excel-
CH 4 0.129 1.24 lent agreement with the values obtained by
N2 0.131 1.24 Berner (1967), and Goldhaber and Kaplan
CO 0.134 1.25 (1975). His general conclusion was that the
,a Where n ( C o / C ) = In y = kl (Millero and Schreiber, activity coefficient for H S - is similiar to that
1982). of C1 .
Values of p K a for the ionization of H2S in water at The speciation of H2S in various ionic media at 25°C
25°C (from Almgren et al., 1976) and pH = 8.1 .a

Value Reference Species H20 0.7 m NaC1 Seawater

(%) (%) (S = 35) (%)
7.07 Tumanova et al. (1957)
7.06 Loy and Himmelblau (1961) HRS 7.05 4.00 3.00
7.05 Ringbom (1953) HS- 92.95 96.00 97.00
7.04 Bruner and Zawadki (1909) S2 9.3-10 5 1.9.10-4 3.8.10-4
Thiel and Gessner (1914) .1 Calculated using p K 1 = 6.98, 6.72, 6.60, and p K 2 =
7.02 Ellis and Golding (1959)
14.6, 13.8, 13.8, respectively, in H20, NaC1, and
7.00 Goates et al. (1952)
6.00 Kubli (1946)
Konopik and Leberl (1949)
Pohl (1962)
6.98 Khodakovskii et al. (1965) genbach (1971) may be more reliable than the
6.97 Wright and Maass (1932) lower values obtained by others.
Kapustinskii (1940) Since S 2- probably forms strong com-
6.96 Latimer (1952)
plexes with divalent ions, pK~ in natural
7.01 + 0.02 (Mean)
waters may be substantially lower than pure
water. Fortunately, for most natural waters
( p H = 6 to 9) the S 2- species is not very
The experimental values for the ionization abundant. This can be shown from the frac-
constant of H S - in water(K 2) scatter widely tion of various species in water, 0.7m NaCI,
(Goldhaber and Kaplan, 1975; see Table III). and S = 35 seawater (see Table IV).
The mean value of the results is pK 2 = 13.78 The effect of temperature on the ionization
_+ 0.74. Because activity coefficients for NazS of H2S in water has been measured by Ellis
and K z S a r e not available, it is difficult to and Milestone (1967), and Ellis and Giggen-
properly extrapolate the results to infinite bach (1971) to 250°C, and Tsonopoulos et al.
dilution. If Na2CO 3 is used as a model, val- (1976) to 150°C, using spectrophotometric
ues for pK 2 in pure water as high as 14.6 are methods. The two studies are not in good
estimated. Recent workers (Meyer et al., 1983) agreement above 75°C, as shown in Fig. 1.
have suggested that the pK 2 = 17.1 of Gig- These differences may be due to errors in the

Values of p K 2 obtained by various workers (from Goldhaber and Kaplan, 1975)

Temperature pK 2 Method Reference

20 12.44 Potentiometric Kubli (1946)
13.10 Colorimetric Konopik and Leberl (1949)
14.10 Spectrophotometric Ellis and Golding (1959)
14.15 Potentiometric Widmer and Schwarzenbach
14.0 Spectrophotometric Ellis and Milestone (1967)
17.1 Spectrophotometric Giggenbach (1971)
25 14.92 Solubility Knox (1906)
13.78 Potentiometric Maronny (1959)
30 13.85 Spectrophotometric Muhammad and Sundarahm
13.78 _+0.74 (mean)
300 250 200 150 lO0 50 O*C
8,0 l I I I l


0 •;
ZO. 7.0


6.0 I I I
1.79 2.0 2.70 3.20 3.70

(l/T) 103
Fig. 1. The effect of temperature on the pK~' of H2S in water (Ellis and Milestone, 1967; Ellis and Giggenbach, 1971;
Tsonopoulos et al., 1976).

assignment of p H values (Barbero et al., 1982). 25°C results of Goldhaber and Kaplan
Millero (1986) has estimated that the in- [1975]). The results have been fitted to equa-
fluence of temperature on pK1 can be de- tions of the form (Millero, 1986):
scribed by eq. 9 (solid line in Fig. 1):
pK~' = p K 1 + A S 1/2 + B S (12)
p K x = 32.55 + 1519.44/T
where the p K 1 is given by eq. 9 and A and B
- 15.672 log T + 0.02722T (9)
are T-dependent coefficients. F r o m the re-
Measurements of the p K 1 for HzS in suits of Almgren et al. (1976), we obtain
seawater have been made by Goldhaber and (o = 0.02):
Kaplan (1975) and Almgren et al. (1976). The
results of Goldhaber and Kaplan (1975) are A = -0.2391 + 35.685/T (13)
on the NBS scale; while the results of A1- B = 0.0109 - 0 . 3 7 7 6 / T (14)
mgren et al. (1976) are on the total proton
concentration scale (Hansson, 1973). The ap- F r o m the results of Goldhaber and Kaplan
parent constants ( K ' ) of Goldhaber and (1975), we obtain (o = 0.02):
Kaplan (1975) are defined by:
A = -0.2288 + 45.598/T (15)
K( = all+ [ H S - ] T/[H2S] r (10)
B = 0.0215 - 5 . 3 5 9 / T (16)
while the stoichiometric constants (K~*) of
Almgren et al. (1976) are defined by: The effect of temperature on the pK~' and
pK] in seawater are similar to the thermody-
K~' = [H+]T[HS ]T/[H2SIT (11) namic values.
Since the electrode system used by Gold- It should be pointed out that the activity
haber and Kaplan (1975) was not calibrated coefficient equations of Pitzer (1973) can pre-
in seawater, it is not possible to adjust the dict values of pK~', in seawater at 25°C, that
two studies to a c o m m o n p H scale. agrees to within 0.02 units. It is thus possible
The effect of salinity on the values of pK~" to determine reliable values of p K 1 in natural
determined by Almgren et al. (1976) at 5 and waters of known composition (Millero, 1986).
25°C are shown in Fig. 2 (also given are the The influence of pressure on K 1 for the



I "

,e~ 6.9


6.5 I
3 4
~ 5 6

Fig. 2. The effect of salinity on the pK~' of H2S in seawater at 5 ° and 25°C (Almgren et al., 1976; Goldhaber and
Kaplan, 1975).

ionization of H2S can be estimated from: Formation of polysulfides

ln( K P / K ° ) = - ( A V I / R T ) P When H2S is added to oxygen-free water, a
+0.5( A K 1 / R T ) P 2 (17) clear solution is formed. If the solution con-
tains 0 2 and has a p H = 6 to 9, a straw or
where AV1 and AK 1 = - a A V 1 / a P are, re- greenish color develops. The intensity of the
spectively, the change in volume and com- color depends upon the initial concentration
pressibility for the ionization at I atm ( P = 0). of elemental sulfur. U p o n acidification, a
For pure water from 25 ° to 200 ° C, the values whitish colloidal suspension forms and ex-
of AV° and AK ° are given by (Millero, 1986): hibits an adsorption band at 285 to 290 nm
(U.V.). If the solution is diluted to 2 . 1 0 -4
-AV1 ° = 16.33 - 0.05738t + 7.9048 • 10-4t 2 M, the color disappears completely, but the
(18) UV adsorption is still observable. This is re-
lated to the formation of polysulfide ions S~
- 103AK ° = 2.18 - 7.6507 • 10-3t through the interaction of S with H S -
+ 1.0540.10-4t 2 (19) (Schwarzenbach and Fisher, 1960; Teder,
1971; R i c k a r d , 1975; Boulegue, 1976;
For seawater (S = 35) the value of AVI* and Boulegue and Michard, 1978):
AKI* from 0 to 4 0 ° C can be estimated from
(Millero, 1986): H S - + ( 1 / 8 ) S 8 ~ S2- + H + (22)

--AVI* = 11.07 + 0.009t + 0 . 9 4 2 . 1 0 - 3 t 2 H S - + ( 1 / 4 ) S 8 ~ S2- + H + (23)

H S - + ( 3 / 8 ) S 8 ---, $42- + H + (24)
- 103AK~* = 2.89 -- 0.054t (21)
H S - + ( 1 / 2 ) S s ~ S2- + H + (25)
Estimates at higher temperatures can be made
by assuming that the transfer of the solutes H S - + ( 5 / 8 ) S 8 ~ S2- + H + (26)
from water to seawater are independent of
temperature and equal to the values of 25 ° C. The S2- species can react with H + to form
I0-3 I
T h e r m o d y n a m i c constants for the formation of poly-
sulfides in water at 2 5 ° C .1

Reaction pK
(~)S8 + H S - = $32- + H + 12.5 10-4

(~)Ss+HS-=S 2 +H + 9.52
(½)S 8 + H S - = S2 - + H + 9.41 "~
(~)$8 + U S - = S2 + H + 9.62 E
H S 4- = S2 - + H + 7.0 ~"
- ~,
HS 5 = $5z - + H + 6.1 .~ 10-5

H2S = H + + HS 7.0
HS = H + +S 2- 13.9 o

.1 F r o m Boulegue and Michard (1978) as tabulated b y

E m e r s o n et al. (1983).

HS~- ions. For example:

$42- + H + ~ HS 4 (27)
+ H + -0 HS - (28) 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 II

reactions are potentially important (Boulegue

and Michard, 1978). At a given p H the total OH

reduced sulfur is given by (Jacobs and Emer- Fig. 3. The various forms o f reduced sulfur in water as a
function of p H (Boulegue and Michard, 1978).
son, 1982):
ST = [H2S ] + I n s - ] + [S 2-] + [S2-]
function of p H have been determined by
+[HS4-] + IS2-] + [$62-] (29) Boulegue and Michard (1978). These results
however, this may be only an approximation are shown in Fig. 3. At a pH = 8 the pre-
since Gillard (personal communication to dominant forms are HS-, S t - , S~ , $62- , and
Rickard, 1978) has found up to $25- spectro- H2S, respectively, 84%, 8%, 3%, 3% and 2%.
scopically. Whenever the concentration of Boulegue et al. (1982) have recently de-
sulfur is greater than its saturation value, termined the various forms of reduced sulfur
- - 5 • 1 0 - 6 M (LaMer and Kenyon, 1947), the (HS-, S~-, and $20 3) in pore waters.
sulfur in solution should be great enough to It may be interesting to note that not all
give equilibrium concentrations of all the the bonds in the S,2- chain are of the same
polysulfides. length. The shorter ( = high energy) bonds are
The various forms of reduced sulfur as a more susceptible to breakage. This is prob-
function of pH can be calculated from this ably the reason for the increased stability of
equation and the equilibrium constants for $42- , S2- as well as the formation of dis-
eqs. 22-28. These constants, which have been ulfides (e.g. Fe 2 + + - S - S = S - S - S -o
determined by Boulegue and Michard (1978) FeS 2 + - S - S - S-).
and tabulated by Emerson et al. (1983), are
given in Table V. Since the constants have Kinetics of oxidation of HeS in aqueous solu-
not been determined in seawater, it is neces- tion
sary to make estimates of the activity coeffi-
cients of the various reduced ionic species for The oxidation of H z S in natural waters has
these solutions (Jacobs and Emerson, 1982). been studied by a number of workers (Ostlund
The various forms of reduced sulfur as a and Alexander, 1963; Skopinstev et al., 1964;




m I , , 9
200 400 800 800 fOOD

t 1/2, min
Fig. 4. The half times for the oxidation of H2S as a function of the [O2]/[H28 ] ratio (Almgren and Hagstrom, 1974;
Cline and Richards, 1969; Sorokin, 1971; Avrahami and Golding, 1968; Ostlund and Alexander, 1963).

Avrahami and Oolding, 1968; Cline and where k 1 = k2[O2] and tl/2 = I n 2 / k 1.
Richards, 1969; Sorokin, 1970, 1971; Chen Chen and Morris (1972a) made the most
and Morris, 1972a; Boulegue, 1972; Almgren extensive studies on the effect of pH on the
and Hagstrom, 1974; Gourmelon et al., 1977). oxidation of H2S. Below a pH of 6.0 the
The oxidation kinetics are complicated and oxidation rate was very slow. They found
the results of various workers are not in good induction periods to be 0.2 to 6 h and sug-
agreement. The half times for the pseudo gested that the reaction was preceded by a
first-order rate equation (k 1 = first-order rate chain mechanism. A summary of the first-
constant, t = time) of total H zS order rate constants (they actually suggested
- d [ H 2 S ] / d t = k,[H2S] r (30) a reaction order of 1.34) as a function of pH
is shown in Fig. 5. From a pH of 6 to 8.5 the
vary from 0.4 to 65 h (Nriagu and Hem, rate equation increases, from 8.5 to 9.0 the
1978). This is related to the different condi- rate decreases and increases again to a p H of
tions used in the various studies and possibly about 11.0. At p H values above 11.0 the rate
due to the different experimental methods equation decreases again. The increase in the
used. This can be demonstrated by plotting reaction rate from pH 6 to 8.5 (the range of
the half time versus the initial 02 to H2S (or most natural waters) is expended due to the
H S - ) ratio in the solutions shown in Fig. 4. ionization of HaS = H + + HS-. The rate con-
The overall oxidation of the total H2S can stant (k) for the overall oxidation of H2S (eq.
be characterized by the general equation: 33) is related to the individual values for
aH2S + bO 2 ~ products (31) HzS(k0) and H S - ( k l ) by (Millero, 1986):
with an overall rate equation given by: k[HaS] T= ko[H2S] + kl[HS- l (34 t
- d [ H z S ] / d t = k.[HzS]" [O2] a (32) The data of Chen and Morris (1972b) from
p H = 6 t o 8 g i v e s k 0 = 0 + _ 0 . 0 1 M - ~ h - 1 and
where k. is the rate constant and n = a + b is
k 1 =2.5 +0.1.107 M -1 h-1. Thus, the
the overall order of the reaction. When [Oz]
oxidation is largely due to the oxidation of
>> [H2S ], the rate equation has been found to
H S - over the pH range of most natural
be pseudo first-order in total [HS-]:
waters. At low levels of sulfide Avrahami and
- d [ H 2 S ] / d t = kl[H2S] r (33) Golding (1968) have suggested the rate de-

2S --





/ I I I I I I
7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Fig. 5. The pseudo first order rate constant for the oxidation of H 2S in water as a function of pH at 25 °C (Chen and
Morris, 1972a).

termining step is: ( p H = 7.2) may be important. The reaction:

H S - + 1.5 02 -~ SO 2- + H + (35) H S O 3 + S --* $2O 2 - + n + (39)
The SO32- is rapidly removed from solution is also shifted to the right at high pH. Since
by: these complications occur at p H ' s higher than
SO32- + 0.5 0 2 ~ SO 2 - (36) commonly found in natural waters, they do
not significantly affect the oxidation of H2S
SO 2- + H S - + 0.5 02 -~ S2O 2 - ÷ O H - in these waters.
(37) Catalytic effects of metal ions in water on
are the oxidation of HES have been examined in
The thiosulfate and elemental sulfur
detail by Chen and Morris (1972b) and
oxidized slowly to SO42-"
Snavely and Blount (1969). The catalytic
$2O2- + 0 . 5 0 2 --* SO 2 - + S (38) effects were found to follow the sequence
Ni 2+ > Co 2+ > M n 2+ > Cu 2+ > Fe 2+ > Ca 2+
Measurements of H S - , SO 2 - , $2O 2 - , SO42- = Mg 2+. The oxidation rate is increased 45 to
during the oxidation of H2S in seawater have 100 times in the p H range of 7 to 9 and the
been made by Cline and Richards (1969). induction period is reduced (Chen and Mor-
Their results for a ratio of [O2]/[H2S ] = 4.0 ris, 1972b). Two possible mechanisms pro-
are shown in Fig. 6. posed by Chen and Morris (1972b) involve
Chen and Morris (1972a) have discussed the formation of a free radical which activates
the effect p01ysulfides have on the oxidation the autooxidation:
of H2S. At a p H = 7.0, the equilibrium calcu-
lations (Fig. 3) indicate that polysulfides are a M 2+ + 02 + H + -~ M 3+ + H O 2 (40)
significant fraction of total sulfides and at p H
M 3+ + H S - ~ M 2+ + H S (41)
greater than 9 the polysulfides are dominant.
Chen and Morris (1972a) suggest that these or"
polysulfides may be responsible for the com- M ( H S ) + + 02 -* M 2÷ + S O+ H O 2 (42)
plex p H behavior above 8.0. Other factors
such as dissociation of HSO~- = H + + SO 2- H O 2 + H S - -~ 2 O H - + S ° (43)


"" 40

0 • " " e"

0"; / $2023-

-- ,

20 40 60 80

Time, hr
Fig. 6. The various forms of sulfur formed during the oxidations of H2S in seawater (Cline and Richards, 1969).

Organic compounds have also been found MAJOR SEDIMENTARY IRON SULFIDE MINER-
to influence the rate of oxidation of H2S. ALS
Phenols, aldehydes, aniline, urea, and vanillin
enhance the rate 2 to 20 times. EDTA, NTA, General characteristics

cyanide, citrate, peptone, and glycerol inhibit

the oxidation by less than five times (Cline Authigenic iron sulfide minerals are com-
and Richards, 1969; Chen and Morris, 1972b). mon components of both recent and ancient
These studies clearly point out the impor- marine sediments. The major iron sulfide
tance of these catalytic effects in natural minerals found in sediments are: "amor-
waters and may account for the large range of phous" FeS, which is possibly a mixture of
half times found by various workers in fine-grained greigite and mackinawite (Ber-
seawater. Further experiments are needed in ner, 1967); mackinawite, sometimes referred
seawater with natural levels or organics to to as tetragonal sulfide or kansite,
examine these catalytic effects. Fe0.995_1.023 S (Ward, 1970); greigite, Fe3S4;
The effect of temperature (25-55°C) on and pyrite, cubic FeS 2. The "amorphous"
the rate of oxidation of H S - in water has FeS, mackinawite, and greigite often are
been made by Avrahami and Golding (1968). transformed during burial diagenesis to pyrite.
They found an activation energy ( A H ) equal Rickard (1969) and Sweeney and Kaplan
to 8.0 + 0.4 kcal. mol-1. (1973) also have suggested that pyrrhotite
(FeS11) may be a precursor to pyrite forma-
d ln(k)/d(1/T) = - AH/R (44)
tion. However, because of its rarity in marine
For a 25°C increase in temperature the rate sediments, it shall not be considered in detail
will increase by 3.5 + 0.1 times. The effect of in this paper. "Amorphous" FeS, mackin-
temperature on the oxidation of H 2 S in awite, and greigite have traditionally been
seawater has not been determined. considered soluble in hot HCI, while pyrite is
not. They are, consequently, often referred to
as "acid volatile sulfides" (later we shall criti-
cally examine this concept). Here they will be
called metastable iron sulfides, since in the

presence of HS at concentrations above S2 or even O in the structure. However, the

pyrite saturation (and an oxidizing agent) they important point is that it is possible to pro-
transform to pyrite. However, when excess duce under "reasonable" conditions an iron
H S - is not present, they can persist for long sulfide phase which, while having a similar
periods of time (e.g., Berner, 1974, 1981). composition to mackinawite, is extremely
fine-grained and can be distinctly more solu-
Amorphous FeS ble. As such, it is a probable precursor to
mackinawite in sediments rich in organic
Amorphous iron sulfide is produced by the matter and iron where reaction rates are high.
reaction between hydrogen sulfide and fer-
rous iron in aqueous solutions at neutral pH. Mackinawite
Its exact composition and characteristics have
been the source of some disagreement over Mackinawite is a tetragonal sulfur-defi-
the years. Berner (1964a) found it to be cient iron(II) sulfide, FeSI_ x. It occurs as
amorphous by X-ray diffraction and more both one of the major constituents of black
soluble than mackinawite (Berner, 1967). He sedimentary iron sulfides and in high temper-
suggested that it may be an extremely fine- ature sulfide deposits.
grained mixture of mackinawit6 and greigite. Milton and Milton (1958) described the
Rickard (1969) found X-ray diffraction peaks occurrence of a sulfide mineral, apparently
characteristic of mackinawite and questioned valleriite from the Mackinaw Mine, Washing-
if it was indeed distinct from mackinawite. ton. Kuovo et al. (1963) described a phase
W.A. Kornicker (pers. commun., 1985) has with similar properties from Outukupu, Fin-
recently found that amorphous FeS trans- land. Birks et al. (1959) showed that the Mac-
forms to mackinawite in a stirred aqueous kinaw material was copper deficient, and that
solution with excess H2S in a few days at its composition approached FeS. Kuovo et al.
room temperature. He has also found that (1963) demonstrated that the Outukupu phase
drying can change many of its properties, was a tetragonal iron sulfide. The phase was
indicating that it may exist primarily as a defined as mackinawite by Evans et al. (1964).
hydrate. However, Rickard (1969) found the Mackinawite is identical to many previously
strongest mackinawate peak in aqueous sus- described synthetic iron(II) sulfide phases. In
pensions sealed in X-ray transparent capillar- particular, "kansite" (Meyer et al., 1958) still
ies after one hour. Sweeney and Kaplan (1973) creeps into the corrosion literature as a syn-
found the initial precipitate had a narrow onym for mackinawite. Berner (1962) first
range in composition of from FeS087 to identified a synthetic phase as tetragonal iron
FeS092, while Berner (1964) and Rickard sulfide and subsequently showed that it was a
(1969) found a higher upper sulfur content of major constituent of "hydrotroilite", the black
FeS1. x. They attributed this to adsorption of iron sulfide of sediments (Berner, 1964).
hydrogen sulfide. It is possible that many of The mackinawite structure is similar to
these disagreements may be the result of dif- FeSe space group p 4 / n m n (Kuovo et al.,
ferences in the methods of preparation, caus- 1963) having an anti-PbO type structure (Fig.
ing different degrees of oxidation. For exam- 7). It consists of a distorted cubic close-packed
ple, it is thought that Fe3S4, the thiospinel, array of sulfur atoms with iron in some of the
may be produced by oxidation of FeS (Swee- tetrahedral interstices but vacancies in the
ney and Kaplan, 1973) as Fe3S 4 (smythite) is larger octahedral spaces. The structure was
derived from pyrrhotite oxidation (Taylor, refined by Taylor and Finger (1971). Each Fe
1970). One of us (Rickard) thinks that devia- atom is at the center of a slightly distorted
tions from stoichiometry may be due to the tetrahedron which shares edges to form sheets
incorporation of minor amounts of Fe(III), of tetrahedra. The sheets are stacked parallel

synthetic phase of FeS09. Clark and Clark

(1968) found ratios of FeS0.9 to FeS0~946.Ward
(1970) reviewed available data on mackin-
awite compositions and concluded that the
ideal compositions could be represented by a
formula near FeSo.94. Even so, crystallochemi-
cal considerations could support the possi-
bility of a range of compositions.
Fig. 7. The crystal structure of mackinawite. Synthesis of mackinawite has demon-
strated that it is a pure phase in the
to the c axis, giving a perfect (001) cleavage. iron-sulfur system. However, natural mackin-
The metal-metal distance is 2.602 A across awite commonly found in association with
the shared edge and is close to the metal- sulfide ores shows considerable contents of
metal distance i n the body-centered cubic other transition metals.
form of iron (2.59 ,~). This indicates the im- Clark (1969) found that mackinawite from
portance of metal-metal bonding in mackin- the Abessedo Mine, Vinhais, Portugal con-
awite. tained up to 9% chromium. This is the most
Mossbauer analyses have been presented chromium found in solid solution in any ter-
by Bertaut et al. (1965), Morice et al. (1969), restrial sulfide mineral. The mackinawite was
and Vaughan and Ridout (1970). Bertaut et associated with native iron. Clark (1969) sug-
al. (1965) claimed that mackinawite was non- gested a complete solid solution between
metallic although their analyses revealed no troilite and daubreelite (FeCrzS4), the only
ordered magnetic moment on the iron down well characterized ternary phase in the
to 1.7°K. Hulliger (1968) suggested this was C r - F e - S system at high temperature. Bruns
due to an oxyhydroxide film on the particle (1957) found a black ferromagnetic material,
surfaces. Vaughan and Ridout (1970) con- kansite, forming during the corrosion of chro-
firmed the absence of an internal field and mium steel by hot H2S. It had a C r - F e
showed that mackinawite contains low-spin atomic ratio of between 0.6 and 1.1 and was
Fe 2+. They suggested that the d electrons in associated with daubreelite. Thus it is possi-
mackinawite are extensively delocalized in the ble that some sort of solid solution is possible
basal plane forming metallic bonds. in the C r - F e - S system involving mackin-
Taylor and Finger (1971) found crystallo- awite. However, it now seems probable that
graphic evidence c o n f i r m i n g analytical the chromium mackinawite formed during
suggestions that mackinawite was sulfur defi- hydration of olivine, as proposed by Cham-
cient. It is the first mineral to demonstrate berlain et al. (1965) for the Muskox ultra-
this phenomenon. The considerable amount mafic complex.
of metal-metal bonding in the structure, sug- Mackinawite may also contain significant
gested by the very short metal-metal sep- amounts of Ni, Co, and Cu. In fact, it is now
aration, might reduce the strength of the known to be a major ore mineral for Ni in
metal-metal bonds, and leave the sulfur un- some deposits. Vaughan (1969) found 18.7%
bonded. The unbonded sulfur could be Ni in mackinawite from the Vlakfontein nickel
compensated for by the omission of an occa- pipe in the South African Transvaal. Clark
sional sulfur atom. (1970) found more than 18.5% Co in mackin-
The composition of mackinawite should, awite from the Kilembe deposit, Uganda. In
therefore, be written FeSI_ x, rather than the same paper, Clark quotes Zoka, Clark
Fe I _xS, indicating that it is a sulfur-deficient and Takeno as finding up to 8.8% copper.
compound. The composition of pure FeSI_ X Earlier, Clark (1966) had suggested a formula
varies. Rickard (1969) gave a formula for the M80.93- M80.96 (where M is the sum of the

metal cations) for mackinawite. Like the oxyspinel of iron, magnetite,

Vaughan (1970) suggested that mackin- greigite is highly ferrimagnetic (Hulliger,
awite is able to accommodate cations in ad- 1968). It also shows semiconducting proper-
ditional layers between S-S layers in tetra- ties. The Mossbauer spectrum of greigite has
hedral coordination with sulfur. Such non- been the subject of several investigations
stoichiometry would affect the c parameter as (Uda, 1968; Morice et al., 1969; Coey and
observed previously (Vaughan, 1969). Ward Spender, 1970; Vaughan and Ridout, 1970).
(1970) suggested, by comparison with other The results show inconsistencies due to tem-
metal chalcogenides with similar structures, perature a n d method of separation. The com-
that mackinawite accommodates excess ca- plex room temperature spectrum does not
tions in the large octahedral vacancies in the demonstrate the presence of Fe 3+ ions, al-
structure. It is apparent that mackinawite can though two distinct iron sites are indicated.
take up a large content of cations with similar This apparently confirmed the formulation
atomic radii to iron. FcA32 + oa0 o 2,33
for greigite suggested by Berner
(1967). Vaughan and Ridout (1970) con-
Greigite firmed the room temperature Mossbauer
spectrum of Morice et al. (1969), but found
Greigite is the thiospinel of iron, Fe3S4. It that at 4.2°K it resolves into three sets of
is a major constituent of black sedimentary six-line magnetic hyperfine spectra. These are
iron sulfide and is found in younger sedimen- attributable to high spin Fe 3+ iron in tetra-
tary rocks. It was first defined by Skinner et hedral sites and octahedral sites, and high
al. (1964) from a Tertiary lacustrine sequence spin Fe z+ in octahedral sites. At higher tem-
in California. Polushkina and Sidorenko peratures the greigite spectrum collapses into
(1963) had previously discovered the thio- a single quadrupole split line, due to the rapid
spinel of iron, but had named it melnikovite, relaxation of atomic spins. Vaughan and
thinking it identical to Doss's (1912a,b) origi- Ridout (1970) noted that magnetic reversals
nal material. Unfortunately, Doss had used due to thermal motion take place in a shorter
the term to describe a supposed magnetic time than the Mossbauer transition.
form of FeS 2, and the name had suffered The composition of type greigite is
considerable abuse in the literature in the F%.00S4.00 (Skinner et al., 1964). Polushkina
intervening years. Therefore, the commission and Sidorenko (1963) give the composition of
on Minerals and Mineral Names of the Inter- their melnikovite (identical to greigite) as
national Mineralogical Association, approved Fe2.83S4 to Fe3.11S4. Black Sea concretions
the name greigite for the mineral. It is still showed melnikovite with a composition of
referred to as melnikovite in modern Russian Fe3.15S4, and Doss's original material had a
literature. composition of FeL84S4. These data would
Greigite is the sulfur analog of magnetite suggest possible significant deviations from
and has a similar inverse spinel structure. The the ideal formula for greigite.
similarity of densities of greigite (4.06 g cm-3) A large number of thiospinels are known.
and type smythite (4.07 g c m -3) reflect both Extensive solid solutions exist between end
the similarity in composition and the similar- member phases such as C03S4 and Ni3S 4. Cu
ity of the sulfur packings: greigite has cubic may substitute for Co in C03S4 to a marked
close packing and smythite a mixture of cubic extent and Ni3S 4 may take up Fe up to the
and hexagonal close packing. The unit cell of composition FeNi2S4, the mineral valleriite
type greigite has a 0 = 9.876 A and consists of (Vokes, 1967). However, only small amounts
eight (Fe3S4) groups. Eight Fe atoms occur in of nickel (0.22%) have been detected in grei-
tetrahedral sites and sixteen in octahedral gite (Radusinovic, 1966). Vaughan and Ridout
sites. (1971) note that low spin Fe 2+ ions occur in

valleriite which is metallic, but high spin Fe 2+ The cations are coordinated to six sulfur
ions occur in greigite which is semiconduct- atoms in a slightly distorted octahedron. The
ing. This would explain the lack of solid anion octahedra share corners. Each sulfur
solution between FeBi2S 4 and Fe3S4. Hulliger atom is equidistant from three cations which
(1968) states that CoF%S 4 and MnFe2S 4 are form a triangular planar group to one side.
doubtful synthetic spinel phases, although The other sulfur atom of the pair is on the
CuFe2S 4 is known. Thus, apart from Ni, Cu other side resulting in a distorted tetrahedral
might be expected to be found in small quan- coordination for sulfur.
tities in greigite, but not Co and Mn. Various correlations of structural parame-
ters with chemical composition have been
Pyrite proposed. Lepp (1956) claimed that lower
cell-sizes for pyrite synthesized at lower tem-
The pyrite structure was one of the earliest peratures were indicative of lower sulfur con-
analyzed by the X-ray diffraction model tents. Studies of the bravoite group (inter-
(Bragg, 1914). Pyrite is an iron(II) polysulfide mediates in the FeS2-CoS2-NiS 2 system) have
(Morice et al., 1969). Its structure is cubic established that cell-size increases with Co
(space group Pa3 and Z = 4) with metal atoms and Ni content (Bannister, 1940; Peacock and
at the comers and face centers of the cube Smith, 1941; Vaughan, 1968).
and dumbell-shaped polysulfide anions (S 2) 2- Bither et al. (1968) developed a qualitative
at the cube center and at the midpoints of the bonding model for pyrite-type compounds,
cube edges (Fig. 8). The midpoint of the based on electrical and magnetic properties.
S2-group occupies the Cl-sites of an NaC1 Natural pyrite may exhibit p-type or n-type
structure, while the Fe atoms occupy the Na- semiconduction (Agaev and Emujazov, 1963)
positions. The S2- groups are oriented such due to minor impurity elements or deviation
that their axes are parallel to four non-inter- from stoichiometry (Voitkevitch et al., 1965)
secting body diagonals of the cubic space and attempts have been made to link this to
lattice. mode of origin. Synthetic pyrite exhibits n-
type semiconduction. Bither et al. (1968)
showed that pyrite becomes a metallic con-
ductor if the CoS 2 content is greater than
Hulliger (1968) and Nickel (1968) pointed
out the importance of the low spin d 6 config-
uration in the stability of pyrite-type com-
pounds. The low spin d 6 configuration of
pyrite is very stable.
Many pyrite analyses have recorded sulfur
iron ratios at variance with the 2.0 of the
ideal formula. Kullerud and Yoder (1959)
3~ I [ / I
suggested that the composition of pure pyrite
2 ° is FeS2.0o, and that variations from this figure
are either within experimental error or caused
by the presence of impurities.
A large number of sulfides exist, both nat-
• Fe urally and synthetically, which are isostruct-
©s ural with pyrite. Thus, pyrite analyses should,
and commonly do, record the presence of
Fig. 8. The crystal structure of pyrite. significant amounts of trace elements, par-

ticularly related transition metals and arsenic. uct as:

However, it is often difficult to distinguish
between matter in true solid solution in the csp= [M2+][HS-I/[H+I (46)
pyrite structure and impurities contained in
discrete minerals. Particular confusion may which avoids use of K2(H2S ). The recent
arise from arsenic (possibly present as work of Taylor (1980) on the mechanism of
arsenopyrite), copper (often as chalcopyrite), mackinawite formation has added support to
and gold (usually as the native element). this type of approach to solubility. He has
Considerable data are available for the Co suggested that the formation of mackinawite
and Ni contents of pyrite. Up to 13.9% Co (and probably amorphous iron sulfide) pro-
has been found in pyrite (Fleischer, 1955) but ceeds by the following series of reactions
many cobaltian pyrites are zoned. Fleischer which do not involve H2S.
(1955) concludes that there is good evidence
that sedimentary pyrite generally has Co and Fe 2+ + SH ~ FeSH + (47)
Ni. 2 FeSH + ~ Fe2S 2 + 2 H + (48)
nFe2S 2 ~ mackinawite (49)
AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS Goldhaber and Kaplan (1975) suggested
using total ion concentrations rather than
Solubility of iron sulfide minerals calculated activities to express solubility.
While we agree that direct analytic data
should always be reported in such systems, it
Berner (1967) and Doyle (1968) have per-
is also important to note that use of total
formed the only laboratory studies of the
concentrations rather than ion activity prod-
solubility of metastable iron sulfides. Berner
ucts precludes the comparison of the relative
used synthetic phases, while Doyle used a
saturation states of different waters and, in
natural sediment to try to establish which
fact, limits the use of the solubility data to
phase was controlling iron sulfide solubility
waters of nearly the same composition as
based on Berner's studies. It is not possible
those in which the solubility measurements
from these studies to directly assess the
were made. The solubility of the iron sulfide
influences of such important natural variables
minerals are, consequently, presented here as
as temperature, pressure, and salinity on the
activity products which were calculated based
solubility of these phases.
on the data of Berner (1967), the solubility of
Another problem is that the iron sulfide
H2S of Douabul and Riley (1979), our selected
solubility values are directly dependent on the
value for PKI(H2S ) = (6.98), and "/FEZ+calcu-
constants used for hydrogen sulfide solubility
lated from the Davies equation. All values are
and dissociation. Earlier in this paper we
for 25°C and 1 atm pressure.
pointed out the difficulties in obtaining a
Amorphous FeS and mackinawite:
precise value frr the second dissociation con-
stant of hydrogen sulfide. Based on similar
considerations, Goldhaber and Kaplan (1975)
H + + FeS ---, Fe 2+ + HS (50)
suggested it was possible to avoid the prob- gsp = aFe2.aHs /all+ (51)
lems associated with the second dissociation
KspA.Fe S = 1.14( + 0.23). 10-3
constant for hydrogen sulfide by considering
the solubility controlling reaction to be: pKA_Fe s = 2.95( _+0.09)
H + + MS ~ M 2+ + H S - (45) gspmack = 2.86( + 0.57) • 10 -4

It is then possible to write the solubility prod- pK mack= 3.55( + 0.09)


Greigite: ity products to natural waters it is necessary

to know ion activity coefficients in these solu-
3 H ÷ + Fe3S 4 ~ 3 Fe 2÷ + 3 H S - + S0 (52)
tions. Values are presented for seawater of
Kspgreig = [ aFeE+aHs_/aH+] 3 S = 35 and a "typical" anoxic sediment pore
water in Table VI. It is important to note that
= 1.50(+__0.54). 10 -13 (53)
major discrepancies exist in the estimates for
PKgreig = 12.85( +__0.15) the Fe 2+ activity coefficient and that 7Hs- =
YC1 •
The solubility product of pyrite has also been
Davison (1980) has used the Fe 2 ÷ - H S -
calculated using this approach by Emerson et
solubility approach to critically evaluate the
al. (1983):
observed compositions of a n u m b e r of anoxic
H ÷ + FeS 2 ~ Fe 2+ + H S - + SO (54) waters in terms of ferrous sulfide solubility.
His calculated activity products for the differ-
Ksppyrite = ave2+ai_ts/aH+ = 3.98.10 -17 (55) ent waters along with their saturation state
pKpyrite = 16.4
relative to the different metastable iron
sulfides, based on the values calculated here,
In order to apply these thermodynamic activ- are presented in Table VII. A wide range of


The activities of ions in seawater and a "typical" anoxic pore water

Component M -/ a M y a Ay a pw//a sw

Na ÷ 0.486 0.69 0.34 0.486 0.70 0.34 0.00 1.0

K ÷ 0.0186 0.62 0.012 0.0186 0.63 0.012 0.00 1.0
H + - 10 - 8 0.70 - 7 - 10 - 9 - 10 - 7 0.95 - 10 - 7 0.25 14
NH~ - 0 0.61 - 0 - 0.0005 0.62 0.00031 0.01 oo
M g 2÷ 0.0547 0.25 0.014 0.0547 0.26 0.014 0.01 1.0
Ca 2÷ 0.0107 0.22 0.0024 0.0107 0.24 0.0026 0.02 1.1
Sr 2÷ 0 .0 0009 0.22 2.10 -5 ? 0.23 - 0.01 -
Ba 2÷ - 0.19 - - 0.20 - 0.01 -
F e 2+ - 0 0.17 - 0 5 - 10 6 0.17 8.5 • 10 - 7 0.00 oo

C1 0.566 0.63 0.36 0.566 0.63 0.36 0.00 1.0

F- 0.0 0007 0.34 2 - 10 - 5 0.00007 0.33 2.10 -5 -0.01 1.0
Br 0.0 0087 0.65 0.00057 0.00087 0.65 0.00057 0.00 1.0
HCO 3 0.00193 0.54 0.0010 - 0.056 0.53 0.030 - 0.01 30
I- - 0.69 - ? 0.69 - 0.00 -
OH- - 10 -6 0.24 - 2 - 10 7 - 10 - 7 0.23 - 2 - 10 - 8 -0.01 0.1
B(OH)4 0.0 0009 0.47 4.10 -5 0.0 0009 0.46 4 - 10 - 5 -0.01 1.0
H 2 PO4- - 0.40 - - 0.39 - - 0.01 -
SO42- 0.0297 0.085 0.0025 - 0 0.084 - 0 -0.001 0
CO~- 0.0020 0.029 5.8.10- 5 _ 0.028 - - 0.001 -
HPO~ - 10 7 0.051 - 5 • 10 9 - 0.0005 0.049 2.45 • 1 0 - 5 -0.001 4900
PO43- - 4.4.10 -6 - - 4.1 - 10 - 5 - 3.7.10 5 _

A y = Ypw - Ysw
Bicarbonate based on charge balance.
A l l y ' s e x c e p t F e 2÷ b a s e d o n M i l l e r o a n d S c h r e i b e r (1982).
y f o r F e 2+ is b a s e d o n D a v i s o n (1979). I t is n o t r e l i a b l e i n p o r e w a t e r s d u e t o u n k n o w n i n t e r a c t i o n s w i t h p o l y s u l f i d e s ,
o r g a n i c s etc. I n a d d i t i o n , m a j o r d i s a g r e e m e n t s e x i s t a b o u t a p p r o p r i a t e v a l u e s f o r t h e h y d r o x y c o m p l e x (e.g. a l s o see
M o r e l a n d M o r g a n , 1972; K e s t e r e t al., 1975; B a e s a n d M e s m e r , 1976).

TABLE VII found at the shallower depths. Jacobs and

Fe2+-HS - activity products and saturation states (f~) Emerson (1982) have also found evidence for
relative to different metastable iron sulfides in anoxic pore water equilibrium with greigite in sedi-
waters ments from Saanich Inlet. It is important to
Site aFe 2+a~/s - ~amorph. ~mack, flgreig. keep in mind that frequently several iron
()<104) sulfide phases can be present in close associa-
Skejennungen 87.1 7.64 30.5 4.4-106 tion in reducing sediments and that the con-
Esthwaite 25.7 2.25 8.98 1.1.105 cept of pore waters being in equilibrium with
Abereiddy 11.5 1.01 4.01 1.0.104 a given phase should be used with caution.
Clear Lake 5.62 0.49 1.97 1200
Black Sea 1.41 0.12 0.49 18.7
Cariaco Trench 0.37 0.03 0.13 0.34
Iron sulfide reaction pathways and kinetics
Lake Nitinat 0.16 0.01 0.06 0.03
The previous discussions have alluded to
.1 See Davison (1980) for detailed discussion.
the fact that formation of the sedimentary
iron sulfide minerals involves a complex set
of chemical reactions in which kinetics plays
saturation states is observed, from waters that an important role. Berner (1970) was among
are over 7 times supersaturated with respect the first to succinctly summarize the major
to mackinawite to waters which are only 3% processes involved in the formation of sedi-
of saturation relative to greigite. Clearly, it is mentary iron sulfides, for typical anoxic
not possible to make any sweeping generaliza- marine sediments overlain by oxic waters. His
tions about what iron sulfide phase controls three major steps in the formation of pyrite
the Fe 2 + - H S - activity product in anoxic were: (1) reduction of sulfate to hydrogen
waters. sulfide by bacteria; (2) reaction of the hydro-
A number of studies have been conducted gen sulfide with iron minerals to form iron
in order to try to establish which iron sulfide monosulfides; (3) reaction of the iron mono-
phase controls pore water chemistry in anoxic sulfides with sulfur to form pyrite. Berner
sediments. Doyle (1968) used sediments from considered the most important factors in-
Linsely Pond, Connecticut, in which mackin- fluencing this set of reactions to be the availa-
awite was the dominant phase, in laboratory bility of metabolizable organic matter for
experiments. He obtained indirect results in bacterial reduction of the sulfate, diffusion of
good agreement with the solubility of mackin- sulfate into the sediment, the concentration
awite predicted from Berner's (1967) data. and reactivity of iron minerals, and the pro-
Doyle suggested that mackinawite should be duction of elemental sulfur. His experimental
stable relative to greigite in freshwater sedi- work confirmed the earlier hypothesis of
ments. However, this cannot be an absolute Ostroumov (1953) that the net reaction for
generalization since both greigite and pyrite formation of pyrite is:
have been observed forming in freshwater
FeS + S O~ FeS 2 (56)
and non-marine sediments (e.g., Dell, 1972,
1975; Browne and Wood, 1974). Boulegue et Since Berner (1970) outlined these basic
al. (1982) found that for pore waters of the processes considerable additional work has
Great Salt marsh of Delaware the Fe 2÷ con- been done on the details of the reactions
centrations in the depth range of 50-54 cm involved and what circumstances may result
were close to those predicted for equilibrium in different reaction paths being followed (see
with amorphous iron sulfide. At shallower Fig. 9 for general summaries). Rickard (1974)
depths (10-14 cm), they were close to the and Pyzik and Sommer (1981) have investi-
value predicted for greigite equilibrium. This gated the interaction of hydrogen sulfide with
is consistent with the less reducing conditions goethite, which is believed to be the most

Feaq (Sn)

re. ?q~,
• biogenic Rickard (1969)


./'-P'HzS ~,ac
'(er~ ~ FeSz PYRITE
S 0 c ~ s 0 ~

Berner (1972)


PYRRHOTITE Sweeney and (1973)
Fig. 9. The proposed reaction paths for pyrite formation in anoxic sediments of Rickard (1969), Berner (1972), and
Sweeney and Kaplan (1973).

important sedimentary source for the iron 3 H20 + 8 F e O O H + 5 H S -

involved in the formation of iron sulfides.
S2- + 8 F e O H + + 11 O H - (59)
Here we will concentrate on the more recent
study of Pyzik and Sommer (1981) which 3 H 2 0 + 8 F e O O H + 2 HS
incorporated m a n y of Rickard's (1974) find- S:O 2- + 8 F e O H ÷ + 8 OH (60)
ings into a more mechanistic model. Their
results and model are applicable to the inter- Tetra- and pentasulfides, the only stable poly-
action of hydrogen sulfide with goethite over sulfides under the reaction conditions (Gig-
the p H range of 7 to 8.5. They pointed out genbach, 1972), form by reaction of the ele-
that there are at least four possible reactions mental sulfur with dissolved hydrogen sulfide
which could be important: (Teder, 1971).
H20 + 2 FeOOH + HS- (x- 1)S ° + H S - ~ S~- + H + (61)
So + 2 F e O H + + 3 O H - (57) where x = 2, 3, 4, or 5.
Iron reduction was found by Pyzik and
2 H20 + 6 FeOOH + 4 HS-
Sommer (1981) to occur in two phases: an
---, S2- + 6 F e O H + + 8 O H - (58) initial rapid phase which was truly dependent

on a surface reduction process and a dissolu- 1) Protona,ion of surface adsorp,ion sites

tion phase from which most of the ferrous I /OH ~ FIe / O H
iron is produced. The second phase reaction 0 0 0 OH+---OH -
follows the rate equation: ~ Fie/ + H20 ~ Fie /
d(reduction F e ) / d t =' -0.5
/£A" FeOOH ;~ T a H +0.5 (62) / Fie ~ / Fie

where k is the rate constant, A is the specific 2) Exchange of HS~ ,.,ith OH- in fixed tayer
J /OH ~-Ie/OHh
surface area of goethite, S T is the total molar
sulfide concentration, and (H ÷) is the hydro- O OH - - - O H - + HS- ~ 0 OH+---SH- + OH"
gen ion activity. / Fie ~ / Fie
As part of their study, Pyzik and Sommer I / ~-Ie/t-
(1981) also measured the rate of FeS forma- ?
31 Reduction of ferric iron
tion. The rate equation they found for their
data was: ~/OH ~ I /OH
FI ~ / I ~ + + sO
/ O OH+--- SH- O OH - - - H +
d(FeS)/dt = kSTaH+AFeoOH (63) / Fle~ / Fie
They hypothesized that the FeS formed first / ~e ~ / Fie.~
as dissolved hydrate (FeS.H20) which then 4) Profonation of ferrous hydroxide surface layer
precipitated by a dehydration reaction. Their ~F~+z/OH ~ F e +12/OH2÷
overall reaction sequence is summarized in
0 /OH2 + 0 OH2+
Fig. 10.
~ F ~ .2" + 2 H+ --~F~ +2/
It was previously mentioned that Taylor O OH O OH
(1980) envisions a different reaction path for
the formation of FeS. In his model, aqueous
5) Dissolution of ferrous hydroxide
FeSH + complexes react to produce Fe2S 2 di-
~F~+2 / OH~+
mers and H +. These dimers then polymerize
to make solid FeS. Ivarson and Hallberg 0 OHz*
~ F L÷27" ~ Fe(OH)+ + OH-
(1976) have also suggested that an oxidation-
0 OH~+
reduction cycle driven by bacteria, which in- ~F~+2 /
volves the mineral jarosite (KFe3(SO4) 2
61 Precipitation of iron monosutfide
(0H)6), may be important for the formation
FeOH+I,q)+HS - ~La, FeS . [x+l] H20(aql
of FeS in the dynamic upper sediment zone
near the oxic-anoxic boundary. FeS • [x+l] H20 fa~tFeS + HzO
Since mackinawite is often a probable pre- F i g . 10. T h e p o s t u l a t e d overall reaction mechamsm for
c u r s o r ' t o greigite a n d / o r pyrite formation formation of ferrous monosulfide (from Pyzik and
and may be dissolved if iron or hydrogen Sommer, 1981).
sulfide concentrations become sufficiently
low, it is important to understand its dissolu- where S T is the total reduced sulfur evoked,
Kt is the rate constant, A is approximate
tion kinetics. Pankow and Morgan (1979) have
surface area of mackinawite, and V is the
carried out a detailed study of mackinawite
solution volume. The reaction was found to
dissolution under anoxic conditions. At pH
be close to independent of ionic strength and
values less than 4.3, the dissolution rate was
to have an activation energy of 6.8 ( + 1.2)
found to be first-order with respect to H + ion
kcal. mol-~. At pH values greater than 5 the
concentration. The equation that they arrived
dissolution rate of the mackinawite was found
at for the rate of mackinawite dissolution
to be pH-independent and a second rate con-
under these conditions is:
stant was added (k2).
d[Sx]/dt = kt(A/V)aH+ (64) d[ST]/dt = (A/V)(k, aH++ k2) (65)

The activation energy in the higher pH reg- berts et al., 1969). Others have favored sedi-
ime was 7.3 ( + 1.0) kcal. mo1-1. Pankow and mentary pyrite formation by precursor iron
Morgan (1979) suggested that since the rate sulfide such as mackinawite or greigite inter-
of dissolution was pH-independent above a acting with excess H2S and elemental sulfur
p H of 5, some mechanism other than hydro- (e.g., Bemer, 1969, 1970; Rickard, 1969;
gen ion attack on mackinawite surfaces must Skripchenko, 1969; Feld, 1977). Also, Swee-
be important for dissolution. They also found ney and Kaplan (1973) demonstrated that
that copper at low concentrations could sig- spherical greigite reacting with oxygen was a
nificantly slow the dissolution rate of mackin- likely precursor to framboidal pyrite forma-
awite, perhaps by replacing surficial iron and tion, while Goldhaber and Kaplan (1974)
forming a CuS coating on the mackinawite. found evidence that euhedral pyrite could be
While greigite can be an important compo- formed by mackinawite interaction with ele-
nent of sediment iron sulfides and is widely mental sulfur.
accepted as the necessary precursor for the Rickard (1975) carried out an extensive
formation of framboidal pyrite (e.g., Berner, review of earlier investigations of the kinetics
1969, 1970; Sweeney and Kaplan, 1973), less and probable mechanisms involved in the for-
is known about its mechanism and kinetics of mation of pyrite from aqueous solutions. His
formation than mackinawite or pyrite. Con- experiments produced euhedral pyrite. Its rate
siderable controversy has existed over whether of formation could be described by the equa-
air (02) is necessary for the conversion of tion:
mackinawite to greigite (see previous discus-
sion) and Hallberg (1972) has suggested that Rate = k 1(FeS)2(S) PH2s (66)
mackinawite may not be necessary as a pre- or,
cursor to greigite. Taylor et al. (1979) have
found that only a very short exposure of Rate = k 2(FeS)2(S) {SS 2- } all. (67)
mackinawite to air results in the probable where k 1 and k 2 are rate constants, (FeS) is
formation of a magnetite and elemental sulfur the iron sulfide surface area, (S) is the surface
surface which can then drive formation of area of elemental sulfur, PH2s is the partial
greigite through a series of oxidative reac- pressure of hydrogen sulfide, and {SS 2- } is
tions. In over 200 experiments performed over the sum of the dissolved sulfide activities.
a temperature range of 35°-160°C, no grei- Rickard (1975) determined the activation en-
gite was ever observed when air was strictly ergy of the reaction to be 17 kcal. mol-1. This
excluded. They also note that, based on model demands that both FeS and elemental
topotaxial relations found between mackin- sulfur must undergo dissolution reactions. The
awite and greigite by Horiuchi et al. (1970) final pyrite producing reaction is believed to
and Horiuchi (1971), conversion of mackin- be a direct precipitation reaction between fer-
awite to greigite could occur by growth of a rous iron, hydrogen sulfide, and polysulfide
sulfur sublattice on the mackinawite (101) derived from the elemental sulfur.
plane and outward diffusion and redistribu-
Fe 2 ÷ + S 2- + H S - ~ F e S 2 + S 2- + g + (68)
tion of iron atoms to produce a greigite (222)
plane. Berner et al. (1979) have stressed that for
The mechanisms involved in the formation the conversion of mackinawite and greigite to
of sedimentary pyrite have received extensive pyrite excess H2S must be present, and that
investigation and speculation. Some early for sediments overlain by waters low in
workers suggested that sedimentary pyrite was sulfate, which is the primary source of the
formed by the reaction of ferrous iron with H 2 S , these metastable phases may persist for
thiosulfate (e.g., Allen et al., 1912; Volkov extensive periods of time. The validity of his
and Ostroumov, 1957), or polysulfides (Ro- hypothesis was reinforced by the general ob-

servation of a correlation of the ratio of FeS 2 observations of the distribution of different

to "acid volatile" FeS with salinity, though forms of pyrite in a pyritiferous carbonate
this hypothesis has since been questioned concretion and the surrounding sediment. The
(Davison et al., 1985). sediment surrounding the concretion con-
Recently, considerable interest has been tained framboidal pyrite which he speculated
focused on the findings of Howarth and his formed from highly supersaturated waters and
associates that euhedral pyrite can form di- monosulfide precursors. He believed that the
rectly and rapidly from solution without pre- euhedral pyrite within the iron-poor concre-
cursor iron sulfide phases (Howarth, 1978; tion may not have formed rapidly, but pre-
Howarth and Teal, 1979; Luther et al., 1982; cipitated from waters undersaturated with re-
Giblin and Howarth, 1984). The primary en- spect to the iron monosulfides yet super-
vironment for this type of pyrite formation is saturated with respect to pyrite. Sulfur iso-
salt marsh sediments with high organic con- tope measurements of the pyrites were in
tent, rapid sulfate reduction, and low pH. substantial agreement with this model.
Howarth (1979) and Berner et al. (1979) both
emphasize the importance of low pH in keep- The microbiological formation of iron sulfides
ing the solution undersaturated with respect
to monosulfides but supersaturated with re- The main source of sulfide in sediments for
spect to pyrite. Luther et al. (1982) found iron sulfide formation is from dissimilatory
framboidal and euhedral pyrite coexisting in sulfate reduction by bacteria of the genera
marsh sediments from Great Sippewissett, Desulfovibrio and Desulfotomaculum. The fact
Sapelo Island and Hackensack Meadows, and that laboratory cultivation of these bacteria
from Newark Bay sediments. They suggested, results in precipitation of metal sulfides has
based on earlier studies, that the framboidal been known since Beijerinck first cultivated
pyrite was formed by a slow process from them in 1895. It is, in fact, used as a qualita-
greigite, and that single crystal pyrite forms tive diagnostic check on bacterial growth in
rapidly by direct precipitation. batch culture studies. The medium first black-
The interpretation of processes occurring ens as bacterial H2S reacts with small amounts
in these sediments is largely based on 35S-de- of iron in the medium and then clears as the
rived data. Jorgensen et al. (1984) have found iron sulfide settles and the bacterial growth
major problems with the 35S technique as rate lessens. Issatchenko (1912) first reported
currently used. Their results indicate that cur- a specific mineral sulfide being formed
rent methods can grossly overestimate the through this process when he identified pyrite
rate and proportion of pyrite formation. This in cultures of sulfate reducers. Miller (1950)
has thrown many of the previously discussed prepared a variety of metal sulfides by this
results into considerable question. Also, the method, including sulfides of antimony, bi-
observations that crystalline greigite is not smuth, cobalt, cadmium, iron, nickel, lead,
dissolved by normal "acid volatile" sulfide and tin. He failed to produce copper sulfide,
methods (Berner, personal communication and did not identify any of the metal sulfides
quoted by Westrich, 1983) and that com- produced. Baas Becking and Moore (1961)
monly used methods may cause oxidation of synthesized sulfides of copper, lead, zinc, and
FeS-derived S to S O make questionable much silver in biologic systems including covellite,
of the currently available data on the distri- digenite, galena, sphalerite, and "argentite"
bution and proportions of "acid volatile" (acanthite, according to McDiarmid, 1966).
sulfides and pyrite (see later discussion of this However, a major question still remained
problem). unanswered: are bacterially produced metal
Raiswell (1982) has invoked a reasoning sulfides any different from inorganically pro-
similar to that of Howarth's to explain his duced metal sulfides? The question is of more

than academic importance because (a) sedi- More recently, H.E. Jones (personal com-
mentary iron sulfides are bacterially pro- munication to Rickard) has identified prob-
duced, and (b) an extremely close spatial as- able iron sulfide particles of unknown iden-
sociation exists between the iron sulfides and tity and composition within the cells of
the bacteria themselves in laboratory cultures. sulfate-reducing bacteria. Freke and Tate
Observations show that, probably as a result (1961) found "magnetic FeaSs" produced by
of unfavorable conditions, viable, motile, semi-continuous cultures of sulfate-reducing
sulfate-reducing bacteria may become coated bacteria. At that time Postgate (1965), in one
with iron sulfides during laboratory cultiva- of his periodic reviews of all things connected
tion. The iron sulfide is precipitated on the with sulfate-reducing bacteria, thought that
cell wall, within the capsule or slime layer this was a "remarkable observation". Subse-
surrounding the cell itself. In such an en- quently Rickard (1969) showed that Freke
vironment it would be possible for the and Tate's material was a mixture of greigite
organism itself to exert some influence on the and hematite, and was formed under condi-
iron sulfide formed. tions which would be expected from the in-
Rickard (1968, 1969) made a detailed study organic experiments of Berner (1964) and
of the iron sulfides formed through the reac- Rickard (1969).
tion between iron bacterium Desulfovibrio de- Although the possibility that the iron
sulfuricans in batch culture. Mackinawite, sulfides formed through bacterial activities
greigite, pyrrhotite, marcasite, and pyrite were may include unusual varieties cannot be dis-
formed. No differences were found between missed, present evidence indicates that they
the compositions and structures of these bio- are no different from inorganically-produced
genic iron sulfides and those produced by varieties. Valleriite-type sulfides may contain
purely inorganic processes. Furthermore, the a variety of materials between the sulfide
biogenic and abiogenic iron sulfides were layers and it is not outside the bounds of
formed under the same conditions (Rickard, possibility that, in the presence of bacteria,
1969). Rickard (1969) concluded that the organic substances might be included. A de-
bacteria produce only sulfide species (not tailed reinvestigation of Hallberg's material
polysulfides nor intermediate sulfur oxyacids) might be worthwhile in this respect. Further-
and that biogenic and abiogenic iron sulfides more, the presence of organic-iron sulfide
could not be distinguished. complexes such as ferrodoxins within the
Hallberg (1972) reported a similar investi- bacteria might be considered to encourage the
gation but used a continuous culture system development of methods for investigating the
with more closely defined experimental con- actual nature of H.E. Jones' intracellular iron
ditions than is possible with batch culture sulfide inclusions.
techniques. Hallberg reported the synthesis of Overall, however, the major pathways of
pyrite, greigite, and mackinawite, but sug- iron sulfide formation are identical in the
gested that a primary hexagonal phase was a presence and absence of bacteria.
new iron sulfide possibly resulting from
bacterial activity. However, subsequent stud- Oxidative dissolution of iron sulfides
ies of this material have cast a shadow of
doubt over this observation, especially with Although the primary concern with respect
regard to the presence of sulfide in this to the iron sulfide minerals has been with
material. their formation and relative stability, it is
Issatchenko (1912) reported that pyrite was important to realize that they can also be
formed within the bacterial cells themselves. attacked by oxidative processes in natural
His 1912 paper contains beautiful hand- waters. Oxidative processes are especially im-
painted watercolors of this phenomenon. portant near interfaces between oxic and

anoxic water masses, and in the upper portion The thiosulfate is then desorbed and can dis-
of anoxic sediments where the boundary be- proportionate to sulfite and elemental sulfur:
tween oxic and anoxic oxidations is highly
FezO3~ads) ~ FeSzO3~aq ) (72)
dynamic (e.g., see Berner, 1980). In this re-
gion diffusion, bioturbation, bioirrigation, and FeS203 + 2 H + ~ Fe 2+ + H2SO 3 + S o (73)
transport of oxygen by plant roots can all Sulfite is then further oxidized to sulfate:
contribute to non-steady state micro- and
mini-environments. Recently Luther et al. H203 + (1/2)O 2 ~ HSO 4 + H + (74)
(1980) and Giblin and Howarth (1984) have The dissolved ferrous iron produced by this
placed special emphasis on the seasonality of reaction can also be subsequently oxidized.
oxygen transport by plant roots in salt This may lead to the precipitation of iron
marshes and its potential importance to the oxides or jarosite.
net iron budget of such environments.
Little is known about the mechanism or Trace metal-sulfide association
kinetics of oxidative dissolution of mackin-
awite. There is some indication that it may Most trace metals of environment interest
involve direct attack on the mackinawite by form highly insoluble sulfides, with PKsp val-
molecular oxygen (see Pankow and Morgan, ues ranging from 25.2 for ZnS to 53.2 for HgS
1980, for discussion). We have also been un- (Framson and Leckie, 1978, based on S 2
able to find any studies o f the oxidative dis- instead of HS-). From early measurements of
solution of greigite. However, an extensive hydrogen sulfide concentrations for typical
literature exists on the aqueous oxidation of shallow water fine-grained, sediments, con-
pyrite by molecular oxygen. Lowson (1982) centrations for trace metals in equilibrium
has compiled an excellent review of this liter- with their sulfide minerals were calculated.
ature and, consequently, we will only briefly (Based on our present knowledge of ion com-
summarize the most salient points for natural plex formation the activity coefficients which
systems here. were used were much too large.) The calcu-
Lowson's review of the oxidative dissolu- lated equilibrium concentrations were very
tion indicates that there is general agreement low. When actual measurements of dissolved
on the overall stoichiometry of the reaction metals in anoxic pore waters were made, the
being: observed concentrations were several orders
2 FeS 2 + 7 0 2 + 2 H20 ~ 2 FeSO 4 of magnitude higher than predicted (e.g.,
Brooks et al., 1968; Presley et al., 1972). Since
+ 2 H2SO 4 (69) that time considerable controversy has per-
However, there is little agreement on the sisted over the relative importance of sulfide-
order of the reaction with respect to oxygen, type complexes versus organic matter in
the influence of pH and pyrite surface area, maintaining trace metals at their relatively
the activation energy of the reaction, or the high concentrations in anoxic pore waters (see
mechanisms involved. Among the most at- for example, Duchart et al., 1973; Rashid and
tractive models are those in which dissolved Leonard, 1973; Saxby, 1973; Gardner, 1974;
oxygen is adsorbed to form surface atomic Boulegue, 1977; Krom and Sholkovitz, 1978;
oxygen: Mantoura et al., 1978; Lyons et al., 1979;
O2~aq~ ~ 2 O(ads ) (70) Boulegue et al., 1982). Based on this literature
it appears that the relative importance of
followed by a slow reaction in which the organic complexes may vary substantially at
pyrite sulfur is oxidized to adsorbed thiosul- different locations, but that in general poly-
fate: sulfide complexes are probably more im-
30~ads ~• FeS ~ FezO3~as) (71) portant. An example of the significance of

cd2 [Cd(HS)+]


\',, //" ',\,

[Cd(HS)3] / o

2 4 6 8 I0 12 14

Fig. 11. Cd speciation as a function of pH in a solution with hydrogen sulfide [after Ste-Marie et al., 1964].

these types of complexes is presented in Fig. the probable importance of sorption reactions
11 for Cd speciation (Ste-Marie et al., 1964). and suggested that MoS 3 may form as a dis-
When these types of interactions have been crete phase. Philipchuk and Volkov (1974)
considered, close to equilibrium metal con- have found a strong correlation in Black Sea
centrations can be calculated in a variety of waters between increasing H S - concentra-
sediments for several metal sulfide phases tions and decreasing concentrations of Mo.
(e.g., Boulegue et al., 1982; Jacobs and Mo is strongly correlated with the sulfidic
Emerson, 1982; also see Emerson et al., 1983 fraction in the underlying sediments. Malcolm
for an excellent summary review). (1985) has also recently made a detailed study
The study of trace metal behavior in sedi- of Mo behavior in anoxic sediments. He found
ments and anoxic waters has primarily di- it was very mobile in the upper portion of
vided itself into three interrelated areas: (1) these sediments, but was fixed in a sulfide
the composition of the sulfide fraction of phase at depth.
suspended matter and sediments; (2) copre- Zinc is also strongly associated with sulfides
cipitation reactions versus the formation of in many anoxic waters and sediments (e.g.,
discrete phases; and (3) adsorption of Spencer et al., 1972; McArthur, 1978; Kitano
"scavenging" reactions. The first area is et al., 1980; Luther et al., 1980). Elderfield et
largely descriptive. It is important for identi- al. (1979) found that Zn behavior was similar
fying the trace metals which are most strongly to that of Mo in being excluded during
associated with sulfide phases. transformation reactions from iron sulfide to
Korolov (1958) was among the first to note pyrite. The importance of Pb interaction with
the strong association of Mo with sedimen- suspended sulfides has been demonstrated in
tary sulfides. He found that 70 to 96% of the the Cariaco Trench where 21°Pb is scavenged
Mo found in anoxic environments could be from the water column on iron sulfides (Bacon
coprecipitated with iron sulfides, but that et al., 1980). Other trace metals which have
much of it was released during the transfor- been found to be frequently associated with
mation of FeS to pyrite. Bertine (1972) also the sulfide fraction of suspended matter and
found a strong association of Mo with iron sediments in anaerobic environments include:
sulfides. Her data indicated that in anoxic Cu, Co, Ni, Cd, As, Sb, Hg, and occasionally
waters approximately 70% of the Mo is com- Mn (e.g., see preceding references and Volkov
bined with iron sulfides. She also pointed out and Fomina, 1974; Boulegue, 1977; Suess,

1979; Kitano and Fujiyoshi, 1980; Oakley et conclusions highly speculative.

al., 1980; Boulegue et al., 1982; Jacobs and The most comprehensive study of trace
Emerson, 1982; Jacobs et al., 1985; Davies- metal geochemistry in anoxic waters is the
Colley et al., 1985). It is important to note recently completed dissertation of Jacobs
that the relative association of the different (1984). Metal profiles were measured in the
trace metals varies in different environments. anoxic waters of Saanich Inlet, Lake Nitinat,
For example, Nissenbaum and Swaine (1976) Framvaren Fjord, and the Cariaco Trench.
found Ni and Co strongly associated with The most important observation is that in
sulfides, while Zn and Mo were more strongly most cases dissolved metal concentrations in
bound by organic matter. sulfidic waters are not controlled by equi-
Interest has also focused on the questions librium with pure metal sulfides. This can be
of whether trace metals found associated with interpreted as strong evidence that adsorption
the sulfide fraction of suspended matter and or coprecipitation reactions play an im-
sediments are presented as discrete phases or portant role in controlling trace metal con-
as coprecipitates with the more common centrations in anoxic waters. This hypothesis
abundant iron sulfides. In spite of the impor- is further reinforced by the previously men-
tance of this question, little solid observa- tioned observation of Bacon et al. (1980) that
tional or experimental data is available. Cd 21°pb is being removed from anoxic waters in
has received the most attention. Framson and the Cariaco Trench by incorporation into
Leckie (1978) point out that geometric restric- metal sulfides.
tions and t h e fact that CdS is highly ionic Surprisingly little work has been done on
while FeS is highly covalent, make Cd sub- the surface chemistry of metal sulfides in
stitution in FeS difficult. They measured a general and iron sulfides as clearly defined
distribution coefficient for Cd in FeS of 3.5- phases in particular. Early work on solid
10 4. Based on these results it was hypothe- surfaces such as CdS was aimed at establish-
sized that Cd should form a separate sulfide ing their potential for metal chromatography
phase. The observations of Jacobs and Emer- (e.g., Phillips and Kraus, 1963, 1965). They
son (1982) for Saanich Inlet sediments are proposed surface exchange reactions of the
consistent with this concept, while those of form:
Boulegue (1977) for groundwaters from En- M z/mS + ( 2 / n ) N +" ~ ( 2 / m ) M +m + N 2 / . S
ghien-les-Bains, France suggest the coprecipi-
tation of Cd with FeS. (75)
Suess (1979) has identified 7-MnS in Wu and Yang (1976) used Cu(II)S as an
marine sediments, but again there is a ques- adsorbate for a variety of radiotracers. They
tion of how general the formation of MnS as established the general relation that the ad-
a distinct phase is, since Jacobs and Emerson sorption affinity of metals on sulfides is in-
(1982) and Boulegue (1977) have found evi- versely related to the metal sulfide solubility.
dence for the coprecipitation of Mn with FeS. A similar general relationship has recently
The possible formation of CuS as a separate been found by Oakley et al. (1980) for metal
phase in marine sediments has also been sug- " d o p e d " synthetic sediments.
gested as a possibility, based on calculations James and M c N a u g h t o n (1977) have
which indicate some sediments are close to studied the sorption of Zn(II) on HgS at Zn
equilibrium with either covellite or chalcocite concentrations below that of its sulfide solu-
(Jacobs and Emerson, 1982; Boulegue et al., bility. They found a strong pH-dependence
1982). However, Boulegue et al. (1982) pointed for the sorption reaction. Two major types of
out that the large uncertainty in calculating exchange reactions were hypothesized:
Cu activity coefficients in solutions rich in HgSH + Zn 2+ ~ HgSZn +
polysulfides and organic matter make such
+H + (K a=10-3) (76)


+2H + ( K 2 = 1 0 -5) VIRONMENTS
Under low conditions, reaction 76 is domi- Hydrogen sulfides and related compound
nant while at higher pH values, reaction 77 is
most important. Analytic methods
Few studies have been done in which the The concentrations of H2S (SH2S = H2S
surface chemistry of a specific iron sulfide + H S - + S 2-) have been determined in natu-
was investigated. Nelson et al. (1977) mea- ral environments using a variety of tech-
s u e d the sorption of silver on mackinawite. niques. A modified methylene blue method
The experiments were done at pH of 9 and (Cline, 1969) is most commonly used, with a
ionic strength of 0.1. They found rapid and detection limit of approximately 1 /~mol 1-1.
nearly complete removal of the silver from Silver sulfide ion selective electrodes have
solution (greater than 99% in less than 5 min). been successfully used in sediment and water
It was suggested that the silver may diffuse (Berner, 1963; Orion Research, 1977; Vivit et
into the mackinawite crystal lattice and dis- al., 1984). Davison and Heaney (1980) have
place Fe. Conway et al. (1980) used cyclic utilized polarographic techniques for sulfide
voltametry to study the surface reactivity of determination, Goldhaber and Kaplan (1980)
FeS and FeS 2. At low pH values the FeS 2 used AgS gravimetry for porewater analysis,
surface processes were almost completely re- iodometric methods have been used (Ameri-
versible, while FeS surface processes were can Public Health Association, 1980), and
more complex and less reversible. Under al- others use a gas chromatographic head-space
kaline pH conditions the FeS 2 surface reac- technique (Hawke et al., 1985).
tions also became less reversible and possibly Sulfate reduction products other than H 2S
involved a surface region 20 times thicker (e.g., S~ , $2O2- , SO 2- , polythionates) have
than under the low pH conditions. been measured infrequently. Polysulfides have
In recent years there have been significant been determined colorimetrically (Giggen-
advances in surface analytic techniques. One bach, 1972; Pyzik and Sommer, 1981), using a
technique which has proven especially useful potentiometric titration (Boulegue et al., 1982)
in the study of metal sulfides is ESCA (elec- and by polarographic techniques (Luther et
tron microscopy for chemical analysis), now al., 1985a). Thiosulfate and sulfite have been
more often referred to as XPS (X-ray photo- analyzed by colorimetric (Jacobs, 1984), Hg
electron spectroscopy). It has proven particu- titration (Boulegue et al., 1984), ion chro-
larly useful for quantitative analysis and de- matographic (Moses et al., 1984), and polaro-
termination of metal ion valence states. Stud- graphic techniques (Luther et al., 1985b), with
ies in which this approach has been used to the latter two techniques useful for poly-
characterize sulfides include: Brown et al. thionates. Very low levels of these sulfur re-
(1979) who studied Hg 2+ and Hg ° sorption dox intermediates are found in most anoxic
on pyrite and pyrrhotite; Gopalakrishnan et environments, but refinement of techniques
al. (1979) who found that CuS was unique in and their application to more sulfidic en-
having both Cu 2+ and Cu + present with an vironments may change our perception of
average valence of +1.33; Folmer and Jel- their role in S cycling. Indeed, recent investi-
linek (1980) who found + 1 Cu in a number gations of salt marsh porewater by Luther et
of sulfides and selenides; and Van Bruggen al. (1985) have revealed high concentrations
(1982) who found Cu in all sulfide binary and of organic and inorganic S intermediates.
ternary compounds to be monovalent, even Elemental sulfur determination in sedi-
when formed from Cu(II) solutions. ments involves its extraction into an organic

solvent followed by chemical analysis. Organic physical constraints on vertical mixing and
solvents have included acetone (Berner, 1970; horizontal advection result in dissolved
Zhabina and Volkov, 1978; Jacobs, 1984), oxygen inputs lower than those required for
hexane (Heim et al., 1984), and carbon dis- the oxidation of labile organic matter
ulfide (Fliermans and Brock, 1973; Troelson (Richards, 1965; Deuser, 1975). When the
and Jorgensen, 1982). Chemical analysis tech- oxygen is depleted, other electron acceptors
niques for elemental sulfur include colorimet- ( N O ; , Mn(IV), Fe(III), SO 2-) are used for
ric determination as a ferric thiocyanate the microbial organic matter oxidation
(Fliermans and Brock, 1973), conversion of (Stumm and Morgan, 1981; Froelich et al.,
S O to H2S followed by H2S titration (Zhabina 1979). In anoxic marine waters, low con-
and Volkov, 1978) and gas chromatography centrations of energetically more favored
(Heim et al., 1984). Concentrations in marine electron acceptors results in the predomi-
sediments generally are much less than 10 nance of sulfate reduction relative to other
/.tmol per gram dry sediment. microbial processes.
Characteristic 02 and H2S distributions in
Environmental distributions three anoxic basins are presented in Fig. 12.
Hydrogen sulfide in the marine environ- Maximum H2S concentrations range from
ment has been studied both in the water approximately 40 ~mol 1 1 in the perma-
column of anoxic basins and in sediment pore nently anoxic Cariaco Basin (Bacon et al.,
waters. Water column anoxia occurs when 1980) and seasonally anoxic Saanich Inlet

02 (pmol.L"I) 02 (}Jmol.L"I)
200 400 2OO 40O
0 ' ~
02 02

I00 ,e IO0

ZH2S "e-. e

200 200 I
4000 8000 0 20 40
~H2S (pmol.L-I) £H2S (iJmol.L °1)
0 200 400

1500 I
20 40
tH2S (~mol.L "1)

Fig. 12. Hydrogen sulfide and oxygen distributions in three anoxic basins. The data from Framvaren Fjord, Saanich
Inlet and Cariaco Basin are from Skie (1983), Emerson et al. (1979) and Bacon et al. (1980), respectively. Note the 200
times increase of ZH2S in Framvaren Fjord relative to the other two basins.


SO~" Solid S SO~- Solid S

(retool. L "1 } (}"3) (n~nol.L "I ) (~mol.g "1 )

15 3O 100 200 15 30 ZOO 400

O0 I • i I ,e m &

: IL •


i0 %,

! I
"->,, /
500 IO00 125 250
~H25 (~mol.L"I ) I:H2S (~mol.L -1)

SO~" Solid S SO~" Solid S

( r ~ o l .L "1 ) (~mol .cm"3 ) (mmol.L"l) (•mol.g'l)

15 30 O 150 300 l5 30 30 60
! ! I &
IoI~-- !

; °~
t ' ' /

L.:..; 250

250 500
BOO 1600
[H2S (pmo1.L-I)

Fig. 13. Pore water and solid phase S distributions in anoxic sediments for Limfjorden (Howarth and Jorgensen, 1984),
the FOAM site (Goldhaber et al., 1977), the Carmen Basin (Goldhaber, 1980) and a piston core from 509 m depth off
the Mississippi delta (Cornwell, unpublished data). For the dissolved data, ZHzS and SO2 are presented.
Concentrations of acid volatile-S and pyrite-S vary greatly within cores and between sites. The Mississippi delta
samples were analyzed with cold 6 N HC1 + SnC12 (AVS1), hot 6 N HC1 + SnC12(AVS2) and total reduced sulfur
(ZS) via Cr reduction.

(Emerson et al., 1979) to almost 8000 # m o l $2 O 2 - values of 1 2 / z m o l 1-1 in Lake Nitinat,

1-1 in Framvaren Fjord (Skei, 1983). A survey an order of magnitude lower than SH2S val-
of anoxic basins (Deuser, 1975) indicates that ues. Iron concentrations in these basins ap-
most anoxic marine basin SH2S concentra- pear to generally conform to mackinawite-
tions are less than Framvaren Fjord, with a greigite solubility limits.
median value of 350 /zmol g-1. The world's Sediment distributions of SH2S are also
largest anoxic basin, the Black Sea, has SH2S quite variable, ranging from undetectable to
values up to 400/~mol 1-1. several thousand ~moles per liter (Fig. 13).
The distribution of other reduced sulfur These distributions are probably not good
species has only recently been carried out by indicators of sulfate reduction rates because
Jacobs [1984]. She found that the sulfur redox of the variable availability of labile Fe within
intermediates were detectable only near the sediments. There is little information on the
O2-SH2S interface, with S O exceeding 7 ~ m o l distribution of sulfur redox intermediates in
1-1 on one occasion in Saanich Inlet and marine sediments except for elemental S,

which generally makes up only a small part of ditions. These techniques create two cate-
total sediment S. As in anoxic basins, sulfur gories of iron sulfide minerals: acid volatile
redox intermediates should occur most read- sulfides (amorphous FeS, mackinawite, and
ily where upwardly diffusing H2S reacts with possibly greigite) and pyrite. It is not possible
oxygen. Sediment bioturbation may also pro- to distinguish individual monosulfide miner-
duce these other S redox species by mixing als in this analysis scheme. The general proce-
reduced acid volatile sulfide minerals and dure involves the addition of acid to a closed
pyrite into oxic horizons. reaction vessel, the stripping and trapping of
the H2S produced, and the analysis of sulfide
Iron sulfides in sediments by gravimetry or iodometric titration.
A wide variety of extraction conditions has
Analytic methods been used to determine acid volatile sulfide
The determination of the forms of solid (AVS) content (Table IX). Hot and cold di-
phase iron sulfides in sediments has been gestion, using 1 to 12 N HC1, have been most
attempted using several different kinds of commonly used. An artifact of these di-
techniques. Direct observation of sediments gestions is the underestimation of AVS be-
using SEM and microprobe techniques (Suess, cause of the reaction of liberated ferric iron
1979) are useful for crystalline phases, but is with sulfide to produce elemental sulfur
not especially useful for identifying iron (Pruden and Bloomfield, 1968). Stannous
monosulfide phases, nor are they very quanti- chloride has commonly been added to reduce
tative. X-ray diffraction is not a good alterna- ferric iron to ferrous iron to prevent sulfide
tive because of the low levels of iron sulfide oxidation (Berner et al., 1979; Pruden and
(generally less than several percent of sedi- Bloomfield, 1968). Titanium(Ill) has also been
ment) commonly found. used to reduce this interference (Albert, 1984;
The most common methods for iron sulfide D. Albert, personal communication 1985).
determination in aquatic sediments are based Several observations by investigators have
on the rapid dissolution of iron monosulfide indicated that caution should be exercised
minerals in acid and the absence of signifi- when interpreting AVS data. Berner (personal
cant pyrite dissociation under equivalent con- communication cited in Westrich, 1983) has

Extraction methods for iron sulfide digestion

(A) Acid volatile sulfide (H2S emanation)

(1) Cold HC1 (1-12 N) Aller (1980b), Jorgensen (1977),
Goldhaber et al. (1977)
(2) Hot HC1 (6-12 N) Bemer (1974), Zhabina and Volkov (1978)
(3) Cold HC1 (6 N) + SnC12 Westrich (1983)
(4) Hot HC1 (6 N) + SnC12 Westrich (1983), Berner et al. (1979)
(5) Cold H2SO4 (1 N) + TiC13 Albert (1984)
(B) Total reduced S (H2S emanation)
(1) Cr 2+ reduction Zhabina and Volkov (1978),
Westrich (1983)
(C) Total S
(1) Aqua-regia digestion Goldhaber et al. (1977)
(2) Combustion Bemer (1974)
(D) Pyrite--via Fe content
(1) HNO3 digestion after removal Lord (1982)
of iron oxide and silicates

Comparison of iron sulfide digestion results for four sediments from the Gulf of Mexico region .l

Digesting Port Aransas Gulf Shelf Orca Basin Delta Front

1 N HC1 6.9 + 0.3 - 51.8 + 0.3 7.9 + 0.5
6 N HC1 6.1 ___0.1 0.1 54.3 + 4.5 8.1 + 2.1
6 N HC1 + 7.7 ___0.1 0.1 70.5 _+0.1 8.2 _+0.3
Hot 6 N HC1 5.1 + 0.2 0.1 53.9 + 0.7 5.5 + 0.1
Hot 6 N HC1 + 18.3 + 1.2 8.1 + 1.5 103.4 + 1.3 24.9 + 0.9
1 N H:SO 4 + - - 68.0 + 1.0 8.4 + 0.2
TiCI 3
HC1 + Cr 2÷ 40.2 + 0.9 84.7 ___4.2 114.5 + 0.7 30.2 + 1.6
Pyrite-S(1) 32.5 + 0.9 84.6 ___4.2 44.0 + 0.7 22.0 + 1.6
Pyrite-S(2) 21.9 + 1.5 76.6 ___4.6 11.1 _ 1.5 5.3 + 1.8
.1 The Port Aransas sample is from a shallow salt marsh creek, the Shelf sample is from 30 to 35 cm deep in a core
(water depth = 161 m), the Orca Basin sample is from 372 to 377 cm in a core, and the Delta Front Perimeter sample
is from a sulfate-depleted core (97 to 99 cm interval) taken from 509 m water depth. All values are /~mol g-1 dry
sediment. Pyrite-S(1) is the pyrite estimate from the difference of the cold 6 N HC1 + SnC12 and chromium results;
pyrite-S(2) is the difference between the hot 6 N HC1 + SnC12 and chromium digestions.

suggested that h o t acid c o n d i t i o n s are re- ing and, at this time, we c a n n o t explain the
q u i r e d for r a p i d dissolution of greigite. C h a n - differences. R e c o v e r y of e l e m e n t a l sulfur with
t o n (1983), however, has i n d i c a t e d that such the hot HC1 + s t a n n o u s chloride digestion
h o t acid digestions with s t a n n o u s chloride c a n n o t a c c o u n t for all of the d i f f e r e n c e be-
c a n dissolve significant quantities of pyrite. cause of low c o n c e n t r a t i o n s of e l e m e n t a l S in
O u r o w n results ( C o r n w e l l a n d Morse, 1986) these sediments. T h e 1 N H 2 S O 4 + T i C 1 3
s h o w that s y n t h e t i c greigite dissolution is in- t e c h n i q u e yields values similar to the 6 N
c o m p l e t e w i t h o u t heating a n d that s t a n n o u s HC1 + SnC12 technique.
chloride e n h a n c e s greigite recovery. W e have Pyrite sulfur has b e e n e s t i m a t e d in several
also f o u n d a slow dissolution of crystalline ways. Z h a b i n a a n d V o l k o v (1978) a n d West-
p y r i t e a n d are investigating the dissolution of rich (1983) have used an H C 1 - C r ( I I ) reduc-
p o o r l y crystalline synthetic p y r i t e with a hot 6 tion t e c h n i q u e for the d e t e r m i n a t i o n of total
N H C I a n d s t a n n o u s chloride mixture. r e d u c e d sulfur (e.g., H 2 S + S O + AVS +
C o m p a r i s o n s of d i f f e r e n t AVS e x t r a c t i o n FeS2). T h e c o n c e n t r a t i o n of p y r i t e in sedi-
t e c h n i q u e s have n o t b e e n published. T a b l e X m e n t s low in e l e m e n t a l S is e s t i m a t e d as the
shows d a t a f r o m f o u r s e d i m e n t samples using d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e e n AVS and total r e d u c e d S.
d i f f e r e n t extractants. T h e e x t r a c t i o n effi- E s t i m a t e s of p y r i t e S for o u r f o u r G u l f of
ciency of 1 a n d 6 N HC1 are quite similar, M e x i c o s e d i m e n t s are strongly i n f l u e n c e d b y
with hot HC1 showing a s o m e w h a t lower value the AVS m e t h o d used, with the p y r i t e con-
in two cases, p r o b a b l y b e c a u s e of e n h a n c e d c e n t r a t i o n v a r y i n g up to a f a c t o r of f o u r for
F e ( I I I ) dissolution. As expected, the a d d i t i o n the O r c a Basin a n d D e l t a F r o n t P e r i m e t e r
o f s t a n n o u s c h l o r i d e in the 6 N HC1 digestion samples ( T a b l e X). T h e q u e s t i o n remains as
yields s o m e w h a t larger values b e c a u s e o f the to w h e t h e r the h o t 6 N HC1 + s t a n n o u s chlo-
e l i m i n a t i o n of the F e ( I I I ) interference. T h e ride o v e r e s t i m a t e s n o n - p y r i t i c iron sulfides,
m u c h higher values o b t a i n e d f r o m the h o t or w h e t h e r cold c o n d i t i o n s u n d e r e s t i m a t e it.
HC1 + S n C I : digestion are s o m e w h a t surpris- B e r n e r (1970) a n d others have used total

digestions to characterize sediment S content. the most important S burial phase. The Car-
This technique measures the same compo- men Basin site shows similar quantities of
nents as the chromium reduction technique as AVS and pyrite to depths exceeding I m . The
well as organic S. Organic S makes up a Mississippi Delta core presents results from
negligible portion of total S (Berner, 1970) cold 6 N + SnC12 digestions, hot 6 N + SnC12
and, in most reducing marine sediments, an digestions, and Cr 2+ reduction digestions for
organic S correction is unnecessary for pyrite total reduced S. Pyrite concentrations in this
determination. core are the difference between total reduced
Another means of estimation of pyrite con- S and AVS, the latter changing dramatically
tent is via the determination of pyrite-Fe. with AVS reaction conditions. The strong
Lord (1982) has developed a technique in correlation between C r 2+ and hot AVS di-
which iron oxides and iron silicates are de- gestions ( r 2 = 0.80, df-= 5, P < 0.01) suggest
composed with reducing and hydrofluoric acid that hot AVS digests 76 :k 7% of pyrite-S (de-
solutions, leaving pyrite-Fe to be digested with fined as total reduced S-cold AVS). Part of
nitric acid. Comparison of this method with this amount could be greigite S or poorly
chromium reduction-AVS techniques yields crystalline pyrite. Further investigations will
excellent agreement (Canfield et al., un- help to clarify this point (Cornwell and Morse,
published manuscript). 1986).
The quantity and distribution of AVS and
Sediment distributions pyrite-S in marine sediments depends upon a
Much of our understanding of the distribu- large number of variables including carbon
tion of iron sulfides in marine sediments has input rate, sediment burial rate, sulfate diffu-
come from relatively few investigators and sion, bioturbation, iron input and reactivity,
few sites. Berner and many co-workers and sediment temperature (Berner and West-
(Berner, 1970; Goldhaber et al., 1977; Aller, rich, 1985; Goldhaber and Kaplan, 1980;
1980a,b; Westrich, 1983) have provided de- Berner, 1984). A sediment with a water con-
tailed sulfur distributions and understanding tent of 50% can have a maximum reduced S
of biogeochemical processes for sediments content of 30 ~mol g-1 if the only S source is
from coastal Connecticut and Long Island buried pore water SO 2-. Examination of Fig.
Sound. Studies in coastal sediments from 13 shows a much higher S content in these
Denmark by Jorgensen and co-workers sediments, a result of enhanced SO42- input
(Jorgensen, 1977; Troelson and Jorgensen, from diffusion, mixing, and bioirrigation.
1982; Howarth and Jorgensen, 1984) have Although there has been much progress in
emphasized sulfate reduction rates and the the area of sediment S biogeochemistry, the
fate of reduced sulfur. Other important sulfide mechanisms which result in different forms of
study sites (emphasizing sediment sulfides) reduced iron sulfide in sediments are not well
include the Gulf of California (Goldhaber understood. The role of reduction rate, iron
and Kaplan, 1980), numerous studies in salt availability, and S redox species such as poly-
marshes (Howarth, 1979; Lord and Church, sulfides in determining the form of iron sulfide
1983; King et al., 1985), and investigations of produced in marine sediments is not well
hydrothermal sediments (Zhabina alad Soko- known at this time. Progress can best be
lov, 1982). made by further detailed lab studies on sulfide
The distribution of iron sulfides in four mineral genesis, improvement of techniques
different sedimentary environments is shown for identifying sedimentary sulfides, and ex-
in Fig. 13. The short cores from Limfjorden amining a broader spectrum of sulfide deposi-
and the FOAM site indicate that the forma- tion sites.
tion of AVS and pyrite occurs very near the
sediment-water interface, with pyrite being

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS American Public Health Association, American Water

Works Association, and Water Pollution Control
Federation, 1980. Standard Methods for the Ex-
T h i s p a p e r w a s c o o r d i n a t e d a n d initiated
amination of Water and Waste Water. 15th ed.,
b y J o h n M o r s e , w h o w a s also p r i m a r i l y re- Washington, D.C.
s p o n s i b l e for the c h e m i s t r y o f sulfide m i n e r - Avrahami, M. and Golding, R.M., 1968. The oxidation
als in a q u e o u s solution. F r a n k M i l l e r o was of the sulfide ion at very low concentrations in
m a i n l y r e s p o n s i b l e for the s o l u t i o n c h e m i s t r y aqueous solutions. J. Chem. Soc. (A), pp. 647-651.
o f H 2 S a n d o t h e r dissolved sulfur c o m - Baas Becking, L.G.M. and Moore, D., 1961. Biogenic
sulfides. Econ. Geol., 56: 259-272.
p o u n d s . J e f f r e y C o r n w e l l p r e p a r e d the section
Bacon, P.B., Brewer, P.G., Spencer, D.W., Murray, J.W.
o n the d i s t r i b u t i o n of H 2 S a n d i r o n sulfide and Goddard, J., 1980. Lead-210, polonium-210,
m i n e r a l s in the m a r i n e e n v i r o n m e n t . D a v i d manganese and iron in the Cariaco Trench. Deep-Sea
R i c k a r d m a i n l y c o n t r i b u t e d the historical, Res., 27A: 119-135.
c r y s t a l c h e m i c a l a n d m i c r o b i o l o g i c a l sections. Baes, C.F., Jr. and Miesmer, R.E., 1976. The Hydrolysis
of Cations. Wiley Interscience, New York, N.Y., 489
J o h n M o r s e a n d J e f f r e y C o r n w e l l w e r e sup-
p o r t e d in this w o r k b y the N a t i o n a l Science PP.
Bakewell, R., 1815. An Introduction to Geology.
Foundation Marine Chemistry Program. London.
F r a n k M i l l e r o ' s efforts w e r e s u p p o r t e d b y the Bannister, F.A., 1940. Bravoite from Mill Close Mine,
N a t i o n a l Science F o u n d a t i o n M a r i n e C h e m - Derbyshire. Mineral. Mag., 25: 609-614.
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D a v i d R i c k a r d a c k n o w l e d g e s the s u p p o r t of
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the U . K . N a t i o n a l E n v i r o n m e n t a l R e s e a r c h near 25°C: the temperature dependence of H2S
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