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B.A.Sc, The University of British Columbia, 1985







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February 1988


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Department of Cti&AiCAL- W SrZ-£l"J6

The University of British Columbia

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Date /W - Z~ / f

The Lielmezs-Merriman equation of state has been modified in such a wa3'

that it can be applied over the entire PVT surface except along the critical

isotherm. The dimensionless T coordinate has been defined according to the two

regions on the PVT surface as :

T /T - 1
T = — for T < T
T /T - 1
c b


* T/T - 1
T = for T > T
V b T
" 1

where T c is the critical temperature and is the normal boiling point. The

a-function is now given by the following :

a = 1 + p(T*) q
for T < T c


a = 1 - p(T ) q
for T > T

The two substance-dependent constants p and q are generated from the vapor

pressure data.

The applicability of the proposed modification has been tested by

comparing its predictions of various pure compound physical and thermodynamic

properties with known experimental data and with predictions from the

Soave-Redlich-Kwong and Peng-Robinson equations of state. The proposed equation

is the most accurate equation of state for calculating vapor pressure, and

saturated vapor and liquid volumes. The Peng-Robinson equation is the best for

enthalp}' and entropy of vaporization estimations. The Soave-Redlich-Kwong

equation is the least accurate equation for pressure and volume predictions in the

single phase regions. F o r temperature prediction, all three equations of state give

similar results in the subcritical and supercritical regions. None of the three

equations is capable of representing all departure functions accurately. The

Peng-Robinson equation and the proposed equation are very similar in accuracy

except in the region where the temperature is near the critical. That is, between

0.95 < T r ^ 1.05, the proposed equation gives rather poor results. F o r isobaric

heat capacity calculation, both Soave-Redlich-Kwong and Peng-Robinson equations

are adequate. The Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation gives the lowest overall average

RMS % error for Joule-Thomson coefficient estimation. The Soave-Redlich-Kwong

equation also provides the most reliable prediction for the J o u l e - T h o m s o n inversion

curve right up to the m a x i m u m inversion pressure.

None of the cubic equations of state studied in this work is recommended

for second virial coefficient calculation below T = 0.8.

r An a-function specifically

designed for the calculation of second virial coefficient has been included in this

work. The estimation from the proposed function gives equal, if not better,

accuracy than the Tsonopoulos correlation.









3.1. Theoretical Considerations 19
3.2. L i e l m e z s - M e r r i m a n E q u a t i o n of State 25
3.3. Modified L i e l m e z s - M e r r i m a n E q u a t i o n of State 32


4.1. Region I : Saturation 46
4.2. Region II : Subcritical 70
4.3. Region III : Supercritical 89
4.4. Region I V : Compressed L i q u i d 106
4.5. Inversion C u r v e 123


5.1. Introduction 137
5.2. Theoretical Background 139
5.3. A N e w Correlation 141
5.4. C o m p a r i s o n 145





1. Critical Compressibility F a c t o r 164
1.1. T h e Soave-Redlich-Kwong E q u a t i o n 169
1.2. T h e Peng-Robinson E q u a t i o n 169
1.3. T h i s Work 170
2. Constants A and B 170
2.1. T h e Soave-Redlich-Kwong E q u a t i o n 171
2.2. T h e Peng-Robinson Equation 171
2.3. T h i s W o r k 172
3. Compressibility Factor Equation 172

3.1. T h e Soave-Redlich-Kwong E q u a t i o n 173
3.2. T h e Peng-Robinson Equation 173
3.3. This Work 173
4. F u g a c i t y Coefficient 173
4.1. T h e Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation 176
4.2. T h e Peng-Robinson Equation 176
4.3. T h i s Work 177
5. E n t h a l p y Departure Function 177
5.1. T h e Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation 179
5.2. T h e Peng-Robinson Equation 180
5.3. T h i s W o r k 181
6. Heat Capacity D e p a r t u r e Function 183
6.1. T h e Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation 189
6.2. T h e Peng-Robinson Equation 190
6.3. This Work 190
7. Joule-Thomson Coefficient 191
7.1. T h e Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation 191
7.2. T h e Peng-Robinson E q u a t i o n 192
7.3. T h i s W o r k 192
8. Inversion C u r v e 192
8.1. T h e Soave-Redlich-Kwong E q u a t i o n 195
8.2. T h e Peng-Robinson E q u a t i o n 195
8.3. T h i s W o r k 196
9. V i r i a l Coefficients 197
9.1. T h e Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation 199
9.2. T h e Peng-Robinson Equation 199
9.3. T h i s W o r k 200


Figure 1.1 Division of the Pressure-Volume surface 6

Figure 3.1 Maxwell-rule of equal areas 35

Figure 3.2 Algorithm for determining the substance-dependent constants p

and q 36

Figure 3.3 Correlations of p with parameter s and with acentric factor u 37

Figure 3.4 Correlations of acentric factor u with parameter s 38

Figure 4.1 Algorithm for calculating saturation properties 61

Figure 4.2 Region I : Error distribution curves of methane 62

Figure 4.3 Region I : Error distribution curves of n-pentane 63

Figure 4.4 Region I : Error distribution curves of 1-propanol 64

Figure 4.5 Region I : Error distribution curves of argon 65

Figure 4.6 Region I : Enthalpy and entropy of vaporization of methane 66

Figure 4.7 Region I : Enthalpy and entropy of vaporization of n-pentane 67

Figure 4.8 Region I : Enthalpj' and entropy of vaporization of 1-propanol 68

Figure 4.9 Region I : Enthalpy and entropy of vaporization of argon 69

Figure 4.10 Region II : Compressibility factors of i-butane (Pr = 0.56) and

water (Pr = 0.31) versus reduced temperature 82

Figure 4.11 Region II : Compressibility factors of i-butane (Tr = 0.98) and

water (Tr = 0.96) versus reduced pressure 82

Figure 4.12 Region II : Reduced enthalpy departure functions of i-butane

(Pr = 0.56) and water (Pr = 0.31) versus reduced temperature 83

Figure 4.13 Region II : Reduced enthalpy departure functions of i-butane

(Tr = 0.98) and water (Tr = 0.96) versus • reduced pressure 83

Figure 4.14 Region II : Reduced entropy departure functions of i-butane

(Pr = 0.56) and water (Pr = 0.31) versus reduced temperature 84

Figure 4.15 Region II : Reduced entropy departure functions of i-butane

(Tr=0.98) and water (Tr = 0.96) versus reduced pressure 84

Figure 4.16 Region II : Reduced Helmholtz departure functions of i-butane
(Pr=0.56) and water (Pr = 0.31) versus reduced temperature 85

Figure 4.17 Region II : Reduced Helmholtz departure functions of i-butane

(Tr = 0.98) and water (Tr = 0.96) versus reduced pressure 85

Figure 4.18 Region II : Reduced Gibbs energy departure functions of

i-butane (Pr = 0.56) and water (Pr = 0.31) versus reduced temperature 86

Figure 4.19 Region II : Reduced Gibbs energy departure functions of

i-butane (Tr = 0.98) and water (Tr = 0.96) versus reduced pressure 86

Figure 4.20 Region II : Reduced internal energy departure functions of

i-butane (Pr = 0.56) and water (Pr = 0.31) versus reduced temperature 87

Figure 4.21 Region II : Reduced internal energy departure functions of

i-butane (Tr = 0.98) and water (Tr = 0.96) versus reduced pressure 87

Figure 4.22 Region II : F u g a c i t y coefficients of i-butane (Pr = 0.56) and

water (Pr = 0.31) versus reduced temperature 88

Figure 4.23 Region II : Fugacit3' coefficients of i-butane (Tr = 0.98) and

water (Tr = 0.96) versus reduced pressure 88

Figure 4.24 Region III : Compressibility factors of n-octane (Pr = 4.03) and
ethanol ( P r = 1 . 6 3 ) versus reduced temperature 99

Figure 4.25 Region III : Compressibility factors of n-octane (Tr=1.76) and

ethanol ( T r = 1 . 9 5 ) versus reduced pressure 99

Figure 4.26 Region III : Reduced enthalpy departure functions of n-octane

(Pr = 4.03) and ethanol ( P r = 1 . 6 3 ) versus reduced temperature 100

Figure 4.27 Region III : Reduced enthalpy departure functions of n-octane

( T r = 1 . 7 6 ) and ethanol ( T r = 1 . 9 5 ) versus reduced pressure 100

Figure 4.28 Region III : Reduced entropy departure functions of n-octane

(Pr = 4.03) and ethanol ( P r = 1 . 6 3 ) versus reduced temperature 101

Figure 4.29 Region III : Reduced entropy departure functions of n-octane

( T r = 1 . 7 6 ) and ethanol ( T r = 1 . 9 5 ) versus reduced pressure 101

Figure 4.30 Region III : Reduced H e l m h o l t z departure functions of n-octane

( P r = 4 . 0 3 ) and ethanol ( P r = 1 . 6 3 ) versus reduced temperature 102

Figure 4.31 Region III : Reduced Helmholtz departure functions of n-octane

( T r = 1 . 7 6 ) and ethanol ( T r = 1 . 9 5 ) versus reduced pressure 102

Figure 4.32 Region III : Reduced Gibbs energy departure functions of

n-octane (Pr = 4.03) and ethanol (Pr=1.63) versus reduced temperature. 103

Figure 4.33 Region III : Reduced Gibbs energy departure functions of
n-octane (Tr=1.76) and ethanol (Tr=1.95) versus reduced pressure 103

Figure 4.34 Region III : Reduced internal energy departure functions of

n-octane (Pr = 4.03) and ethanol (Pr=1.63) versus reduced temperature. 104

Figure 4.35 Region III : Reduced internal energy departure functions of

n-octane (Tr=1.76) and ethanol (Tr=1.95) versus reduced pressure 104

Figure 4.36 Region III : Fugacity coefficients of n-octane (Pr = 4.03) and
ethanol (Pr=1.63) versus reduced temperature 105

Figure 4.37 Region III : Fugacity coefficients of n-octane (Tr=1.76) and

ethanol (Tr=1.95) versus reduced pressure 105

Figure 4.38 Region IV : Compressibility factors of n-heptane (Pr = 0.73) and

methanol (Pr = 0.63) versus reduced temperature 116

Figure 4.39 Region IV : Compressibility factors of n-heptane (Tr = 0.67) and

methanol (Tr = 0.70) versus reduced pressure 116

Figure 4.40 Region IV : Reduced enthalpy departure functions of n-heptane

(Pr=0.73) and methanol (Pr = 0.63) versus reduced temperature 117

Figure 4.41 Region IV : Reduced enthalpy departure functions of n-heptane

(Tr = 0.67) and methanol (Tr = 0.70) versus reduced pressure 117

Figure 4.42 Region IV : Reduced entropy departure functions of n-heptane

(Pr=0.73) and methanol (Pr = 0.63) versus reduced temperature 118

Figure 4.43 Region IV : Reduced entropy departure functions of n-heptane

(Tr=0.67) and methanol (Tr = 0.70) versus reduced pressure 118

Figure 4.44 Region IV : Reduced Helmholtz departure functions of n-heptane

(Pr = 0.73) and methanol (Pr = 0.63) versus reduced temperature 119

Figure 4.45 Region IV : Reduced Helmholtz departure functions of n-heptane

(Tr=0.67) and methanol (Tr=0.70) versus reduced pressure 119

Figure 4.46 Region IV : Reduced Gibbs energy departure functions of

n-heptane (Pr=0.73) and methanol (Pr = 0.63) versus reduced temperature.

Figure 4.47 Region IV : Reduced Gibbs energy departure functions of

n-heptane (Tr = 0.67) and methanol (Tr = 0.70) versus reduced pressure. 120

Figure 4.48 Region IV : Reduced internal energy departure functions of

n-heptane (Pr = 0.73) and methanol (Pr = 0.63) versus reduced temperature.

Figure 4.49 Region I V : Reduced internal energy departure functions of
n-heptane (Tr = 0.67) and methanol (Tr = 0.70) versus reduced pressure. 121

Figure 4.50 Region IV : Fugacity coefficients of n-heptane (Pr = 0.73) and

methanol (Pr = 0.63) versus reduced temperature 122

Figure 4.51 Region I V : F u g a c i t y coefficients of n-heptane (Tr = 0.67) and

methanol (Tr = 0.70) versus reduced pressure 122

Figure 4.52 Inversion curve of methane calculated from the S R K , PR, L M ,

and G C P equations 128

Figure 4.53 Inversion curve of propane calculated from the S R K , PR, and
LM equations 129

Figure 4.54 Inversion curve of n-butane calculated from the S R K , PR, and
L M equations 130

Figure 4.55 Inversion curve of carbon monoxide calculated from the SRK,
P R , L M , and G C P equations 131

Figure 4.56 Inversion curve of carbon dioxide calculated from the S R K , PR,
and L M equations 132

Figure 4.57 Inversion curve of ethylene calculated from the SRK, PR, L M ,
and G C P equations 133

Figure 4.58 Inversion curve of p-hydrogen calculated from the S R K , PR,

and L M equations 134

Figure 4.59 Inversion curve of ammonia calculated from the SRK, PR, and
L M equations 135

Figure 4.60 Inversion curve of argon calculated from the S R K , PR, L M ,

and G C P equations 136

Figure 5.1 Second virial coefficients of n-butane and benzene versus reduced
temperature 148

Figure 5.2 Second virial coefficients of n-octane and argon versus reduced
temperature 149


Table 3.1 Calculated and Fitted p and q Constants 39

Table 3.2 Vapor Pressure R M S % Error 41

Table 3.3 Acentric Factor from the Proposed, Lee-Kesler, and Edmister
Correlations 43

Table 4.1 Summary of Physical Properties 51

Table 4.2 Region I - Vapor Pressure R M S % Error 53

Table 4.3 Region I - Liquid and Vapor Volume R M S % Errors 55

Table 4.4 Region I - Enthalp3 f

and Entropy of Vaporization : Average
Absolute Deviation 57

Table 4.5 Overall Average Errors ( R M S % and A A D ) for the Four Regions

(NC = number of compounds ; N = number of data points) 59

Table 4.6 Coefficients of Ideal Gas E n t h a l p y Polynomial 75

Table 4.7 Coefficients of Ideal G a s E n t r o p y Polynomial 75

Table 4.8 Region II - V o l u m e R M S % Error 76

Table 4.9 Region II - Pressure and Temperature R M S % Errors 77

Table 4.10 Region II - Enthalpy and Entropy Departure Functions :

A v e r a g e Absolute Deviation 78
Table 4.11 Region II - Helmholtz and Gibbs Free Energy Departure
Functions : A v e r a g e Absolute Deviation 79

Tbale 4.12 Region II - Internal Energy Departure Functions and Fugacity

Coefficient : Average Absolute Deviation 80

Table 4.13 Region II - Isobaric Heat Capacitj' : Average Absolute Deviation ...81

Table 4.14 Region II - Joule-Thomson Coefficient R M S % Error 81

Table 4.15 Region III - Volume R M S % Error 93

Table 4.16 Region I U - Pressure and Temperature R M S % Errors 94

Table 4.17 Region III - Enthalpy and Entropy Departure Functions :

A v e r a g e Absolute Deviation 95

Table 4.18 Region III - Helmholtz and Gibbs Free Energy Departure
Functions : Average Absolute Deviation 96

Tbale 4.19 Region III - Internal Energy Departure Functions and Fugacity

Coefficient : Average Absolute Deviation 97

Table 4.20 Region III - Isobaric Heat Capacity : Average Absolute Deviation .. 98

Table 4.21 Region III - Joule-Thomson Coefficient RMS % Error 98

Table 4.22 Region IV - Volume RMS % Error 110

Table 4.23 Region IV - Pressure and Temperature RMS % Errors Ill

Table 4.24 Region IV - Enthalpy and Entropy Departure Functions :

Average Absolute Deviation 112
Table 4.25 Region IV - Helmholtz and Gibbs Free Energy Departure
Functions : Average Absolute Deviation 113

Tbale 4.26 Region IV - Internal Energy Departure Functions and Fugacity

Coefficient : Average Absolute Deviation 114

Table 4.27 Region IV - Isobaric Heat Capacity : Average Absolute Deviation 115

Table 4.28 Inversion Pressure RMS % Error 127

Table 4.29 Maximum Reduced Inversion Pressure and Temperature 127

Table 5.1 Second Virial Coefficient : Average Absolute Deviation (cc/mole) 147


My sincere thanks to professor Janis Lielmezs for his guidance, his

patience, and his support in carrying out this project and his assistance in the

preparation of this manuscript.

I also wish to thank the University of British Columbia for a Graduate

Scholarship. Thanks are also due to the financial aid provided by the Natural

Sciences and Engineering Research Council of C a n a d a .


Physical and thermodjmamic properties calculations have always been an

essential part of engineering in the process industries. Many methods have been

proposed and used in past years. The older methods have usually relied on

charts or graphs. For the process engineer, the task has been time consuming

and tedious. Accuracy of the results were usually limited by the graph or chart

used. Due to the advent of computers, routine calculations such as

multicomponent vapor-liquid equilibria based on state equations can now be done

in minutes rather than hours. Hence, the demand for an accurate equation of

state has increased in the past decade.

An equation of state (EOS) refers to the equilibrium relation of state

parameters such as pressure, volume, temperature, and composition. In functional

form this relation is

f(P,V,T,x) =0 ( L 1 )

Such an equation of state may be applied to gases, liquids, and solids.

Recent advances in computers have permitted wide spread efforts in

finding an equation of state which is simple to use and yet accurate enough for

most engineering calculations. Two approaches become evident in the literature:

theoretical and semi-empirical. When the theoretical approach is still in its

infancy stage, the semi-empirical approach is usually preferred and enjoys the


greatest success.

The so-called semi-empirical equation of state refers to an equation which

has a limited theoretical framework. This form of the equation is usually based

on the corresponding states principle which states that similar thermodynamic

behavior is possessed by different chemical substances when compared at the

same reduced conditions. The constants of the semi-empirical equation are, in

many cases, obtained from experimental data. There are two types of

semi-empirical equation of state of general importance : multi-parameter and


The term "multi-parameter" equation of state implies an equation with

more than five constants. These constants are usually substance-dependent.

Examples of this type are the equations of Beattie-Bridgeman [5],

Benedict-Webb-Rubin [6,7], Lee-Kesler [59], and Starling [114,115]. This type of

equation is usually reserved for highly accurate work. To define the constants,

vast amount of input data are needed for multiproperty regression routine. The

Lee-Kesler equation is the only exception which has a set of generalized

constants for hydrocarbons. However, no constants have yet been developed for

polar substances for the L e e - K e s l e r equation.

Cubic equation of state, on the other hand, refers to an equation which,

if expanded, is cubic in volume or cubic in compressibility factor. Many of the

common two-constant cubic equations of state can be expressed by the general

form suggested by Schmidt and Wenzel [103] :

RT a(T)
p = (1.2)
V-b V +ubV+wb
2 2

From here on Eq.(1.2) is known as the generalized cubic equation of state. With

different u and w values, most of the well-known cubic E O S can be reproduced:

for instance when u= 0 and w = 0, Eq.(1.2) becomes the van der Waals equation

[125]; with u=l and w = 0, Eq.(1.2) becomes the various versions of the

Redlich-Kwong equation (RK) [93], and assigning u= 2 and w = -l, the

Peng-Robinson (PR) [87] equation is reproduced.

One of the reasons for the lack of acceptance of multi-parameter state

equations in volume calculation is the use of a time consuming trial-and-error

procedure. In many instances, the initial guess must be close to the solution in

order to have convergence. T h e cubic equation, on the other hand, can be solved

analytically, even though numerical techniques are often used. The constants

required are readily attainable from minimal input data. In many of the

well-accepted cubic equations only critical properties and the acentric factor are

necessary to define the constants. The Soave modification of the RK equation

(SRK) [110] and the P R equation are such equations.

Since the introduction of the S R K and PR equations in 1972 and 1976,

respectively, their capabilities have well been recognized by various industries

[2,16,32,33,43,74,86]. One simple reason for their wide acceptance in calculating

fluid thermodynamic properties is due primarily to their simplicity and generality

combined with reasonable accuracy. However, both of these equations represent

polar substances poorly. Lielmezs and Merriman ( L M ) [64] realized this limitation

and proposed a modified PR equation. They claimed that their modification has

improved significantly vapor pressure prediction and slightly better saturated liquid

compressibility than the original PR equation. In addition, the L M equation can

be applied to polar compounds. Mak [70] further modified the LM equation so

that it can be used for volume calculations in the subcritical region. The

accuracy of the resulting modification is comparable to that of the

multi-parameter Lee-Kesler equation. However, the modification needed

experimental PVT data as the input data in order to determine the required

constants and therefore limited its application. Although improvements have been

made by Lielmezs and Merriman, their equation cannot be used in the region

outside of the critical isotherm on the PVT surface.

The purpose of this work is, therefore, twofold: 1) to extend the capabilhVy

of the modified PR equation by Lielmezs and Merriman to the entire PVT

surface and 2) to test the modification for various property predictions. Since the

SRK and PR equations are popular in industries, it is of interest to test these

two equations along with the present work in property predictions that have

never been tested before. This work is limited to pure compound properties. It is

important to study pure substances because an equation of state that is unable

to adequately represent properties of a substance in the pure state, cannot, in

general, be expected to handle accurate^ mixtures containing the same


The PVT surface is divided into four regions: saturation, subcritical,

supercritical, and compressed. The subcritical region refers to the area above the

saturated vapor curve and beneath the critical isotherm. The supercritical region

is the area above the critical isotherm and the compressed liquid region is the

area under the the critical isotherm and above the saturated liquid curve. These

regions are shown in Figure 1.1. The properties included in the testing for the

saturation region are: vapor pressure, vapor and liquid volumes, and enthalpy

and entrop.y of vaporization. In the subcritical and supercritical regions, the

properties included are: pressure, volume, temperature, departure functions,

fugachty coefficient, isobaric heat capacity and Joule-Thomson coefficent. In the

compressed liquid region, the properties are basically the same as those in the

subcritical and supercritical states except Joule-Thomson coefficient that has not

been included due to the lack of experimental data. In addition to the above

properties, the inversion curve and the second virial coefficient are also included

in this work.

Region III : Supercritical

L Critical

Region IV : / \ \ Region II :

\ /V
Compressed/* \ \ Subcritical
Liquid / *

Region I : \ \
Saturation Curve \ \


Figure 1.1 Division of the Pressure-Volume surface.


Ever since van der Waals [125] first proposed his equation of state more

than a centur\' ago, scores of modifications of his equation have been made.

Most of these equations have been empirical and arbitrary with parameters that

are adjustable to fit certain kinds of experimental data such as vapor pressure,

liquid or vapor volume. Literature on this subject has grown to large proportions.

A number of reviews have been published which addressed the merits and

limitations of some of these modifications. Tsonopoulos and Prausnitz [124]

reviewed a number of equations that are important for engineering purposes.

Shah and Thodos [104] pointed out the advantages of cubic equations over

multi-parameter equations. Martin [71] discussed some of the essential features an

equation of state should possess. The following review will be confined to cubic

equation of state of the van der Waals type and is by no means exhaustive.

This review will focus on three areas: 1) what approaches have been adopted in

past j'ears for improving the van der Waals t3'pe equation, 2) what properties

and t3'pes of compounds have been tested and, 3) what are the limitations of

these modifications.

The van der Waals equation may be written as the sum of two terms:

" R
P + P
A (2.1)

where P R is the repulsion pressure and is the attraction pressure. Practically

all cubic equations of state of the semi-empirical t3'pe uses the van der Waals'

hard sphere equation to represent the repulsion pressure:

P = (2.1a)

while the attraction pressure can be expressed by the following equation:

V*+ubV+wb 2

Most modifications are based on modifj'ing the attraction term by 1) proposing a

different temperature dependent function for a(T) and/or, 2) using different u and

w values. O n e of the most successful modification of the van der Waals equation

is the two-parameter equation proposed by Redlich and Kwong in 1949 [93]

where the attraction pressure is expressed as


and the two constants a and b are defined by Eq.(2.2a) to (2.2c)

a(T) = fl a a (2.2a)

a = T -0.5 (2.2b)

b(T) = % — (2.2c)

The two constants Sl^ and fl^ at the critical point have numerical values of

0.42748 and 0.08664, respectively. The derivations of Eq.(2.2a) to (2.2c) can be

found in Appendix A. Although predictions of vapor phase properties have been

improved, liquid phase representations were still poor.

After the work of Redlich and Kwong, Wilson [127,128] proposed that the

attraction constant "a" be made temperature dependent. The temperature

dependence is established from vapor pressure data at reduced temperature of 0.7

and 1.0. However his proposed equation did not gain much attention due to lack

of interest in cubic equations at that time.

Instead of making the constant "a" temperature dependent, Chueh and

Prausnitz [14,15] proposed a modified RK equation with two sets of

substance-dependent constants Sl & and fl^, one set for the vapor phase and

another set for the liquid phase, which can be calculated from volumetric data.

The accuracy from the modified equation in estimating both vapor and liquid

volumetric properties has been increased, but the equation lacks internal

consistence. Joffe et al [50,130] recognized this problem and modified the

Chueh-Prausnitz equation by using only one set of constants which were fitted

with saturated liquid volume data. S i m i l a r to its predecessor, the equation is not

a generalized correlation. That is, experimental volumetric data are the necessary

input data in order to establish the two constants.

The acceptance of a cubic instead of a multi-parameter equation of state

for industrial application was due to the efforts of Soave [110] who proposed a

modified R K equation. This modified equation was generalized, simple to use and

its range of application exceeded all the other modifications. The necessary input

data for this modification are the critical pressure and temperature and acentric

factor, (j. Soave utilized Wilson's original idea by making the attraction constant

"a" temperature dependent. Vapor pressure data at T =0.7 and the critical point

were used to obtain the required temperature dependance. The a-function is

generalized as a function of reduced temperature T f and acentric factor u. For

vapor-liquid equilibrium calculations, the Soave modification satisfies the equal

fugacity criterion, that is the vapor phase fugacity is equal to the liquid phase

fugacity. The importance of this fugacity equality condition will be discussed

further in the next chapter. Instead of the a defined b}' Eq.(2.2b), Soave defined

a by Eq.(2.3) and (2.3a) as:

a = [ 1 + m(l - T °' )
] 2
( 2. )

m = 0.480 + 1.574u - 0.176w 2

in o„i

Eq.(2.3) and (2.3a) can only be applied to nonpolar and slightly polar compounds

[110]. However the accuracy in vapor pressure prediction had increased more

than 100 % over the original R K [93] equation for a n u m b e r of hydrocarbons.

Chaudron [12], Simonet and Behar [107] generalized the Q & and 0^

constants with the acentric factor but without incorporating the equal fugacity

criterion. Therefore, their equations do not satisfy the thermodynamic requirement

for phase equilibrium. Hence, for saturated vapor-liquid equilibrium calculation,

these equations give unacceptable results even though volumetric property

representations in the single phase region are reasonable.

Peng and Robinson [87] furthered the work of Soave by fitting the

a-function with vapor pressure data from the normal boiling point to the critical

point. In other words, the a multiplier was used to optimize the vapor pressure

as predicted by the EOS in question. In addition, the u and w values in the

denominator of the attraction pressure term have also been changed to 2 and

-1, respectively. The repulsion pressure term P R remains the same as before but

the attraction term is now given by the following:

P a
V +2bV-b
2 2
2 4

The a-function has the same form as Eq.(2.3) but the coefficients of the constant

m generalized in u take on new values:

m = 0.37464 + 1.54226u - 0.26992u 2


The two constants Q & and have values of 0.45724 and 0.07780 [87],

respectively. As the result of their modification, Peng and Robinsion claimed that

their equation is superior to the SRK equation for saturated liquid volume

predictions. It was shown by a number of studies that their claim was indeed

valid [66,67,84,129].

Graboski and Daubert [41,42] adopted the same approach as Peng and

Robinson by refitting the a-function of the SRK equation with the entire vapor

pressure curve instead of just two points as was done by Soave [110]. For

hydrocarbons and slightly polar compounds, the form of the a-function is the

same as the SRK equation (Eq.(2.3)) but the coefficients of the constant m

generalized in CJ has been modified [41],

m = 0.48508 + 1.55171w - 0.15613w 2

( 2 .5)

In the case of hydrogen, the a-function is no longer written as Eq.(2.3) but is

expressed as [42]:

a = 1.202exp(-0.30228T ) r ( .6)

Hamam et al [47], Leiva [60], and Paunovic et al [84] modified the RK

equation by expressing both constants a and b temperature dependent. They

generalized these two constants with acentric factors. Both vapor pressure and

saturated liquid volume data were used to obtain the two constants, a and b.

These studies have shown that saturated liquid volume predictions have improved

while vapor pressure predictions have remained approximately the same as those

for the SRK and PR equations. However, saturated vapor volume predictions

have drastically decreased in accuracy compared to the SRK and PR equations.

Study by Paunovic et al [84] has shown that by allowing both a and b to be

functions of temperature, derivative properties along the saturated liquid-vapor

equilibrium curve when estimated by this type of equation, have decreased in


For polar compounds, none of the above equations of state are sufficiently

suitable for representing saturation properties. This is mainly due to the fact

that polar compounds do not follow the usual three-parameter corresponding states

principle proposed by Pitzer [88-90]. This principle states that in addition to

reduced pressure and temperature, a third parameter is necessar}' to account for

the deviation of normal fluid behavior from simple fluid. Pitzer defined normal

fluid as the ones with zero or small dipole moment and he proposed that the

acentric factor defined as

u = -log (at T r = 0.7) - 1.0 .1)


be this third parameter. In simple terms, the acentric factor accounts for the

effects of the size and shape of different molecules. In order to obtain the

acentric factor value, reduced vapor pressure (P p )

y r at T = 0.7
r is required. The

three-parameter corresponding states principle with the acentric factor u as the

third parameter is, - therefore, inadequate to account for the dipole moment found

in polar compounds. Hence, for this reason, a number of investigators have

suggested a fourth parameter to characterize polar compounds. Such parameters

have been proposed, for instance, by Halm and Stiel [46], O'Connell and

Prausnitz [81], and Tarakad and Danner [120]. Although each of the proposed

fourth parameter has correlated, with some degree of success, the thermodynamic

functions, however, none of them as yet has gained wide acceptance. It appears

that in order to use an equation of state for polar compounds, generalized

constants with acentric factor are unlikely to provide good representation of state

behavior; indeed substance-dependent constants seem to be the most logical way


to achieve high degree of accuracy.

This route was followed by Soave [111] who realized that his earlier

equation was inadequate for polar compounds. He suggested a different a-function

characterized now by two substance-dependent constants m and n :

a = 1 + (1 - T )(m r + n/T )
r (2.8)

These two constants can be calculated from vapor pressure data. Lielmezs et al

(LHC) [63] modified the RK equation by defining a different a-function, also with

two substance dependent constants p and q:

a = 1.0 + p(T*) (2.9)



These two constants can also be established from vapor pressure data. Similarly,

Lielmezs and Merriman (LM) [64] applied the same a-function to the PR

equation. The present forms of both the LHC and LM equations are incapable of

representing fluid properties above the critical isotherm because a is undefined,


that is, T becomes negative and a negative number to the power of a

non-integer, q is not defined mathematically.


Recently Stryjek and Vera [117,118] modified the PR equation by

introducing a more complicated temperature dependent a-function:

a = [ 1 + K<1 - T * ) ] r
0 5 2
( 2 1 0 )

K is a complex function of reduced temperature and the acentric factor u:

K- = «•„ + [ Ki + K 2 ( K 3 ~ T ) ( l " T °' ) ] •

r r

(1 + T °' )(0.7 - T ) r
r (2 . 10a )

where »c is given by

K 0 = 0.378893 + 1.4897153w - 0.17131848a) 2

+ 0.0196544w 3

and K L T K 2 , and *c are substance-dependent constants. In addition to these


three constants, acentric factor, critical temperature and pressure are required.

Stryjek and Vera provided their own set of acentric factors and they claimed

their values are the most accurate and which should be used in conjuction with

their modification. In' other words, in order to achieve the accuracy claimed, four

constants instead of three are now necessary. Both polar and nonpolar compounds

have been tested and vapor pressure predictions have indeed been improved over

the original PR equation. Second virial coefficient calculation from EOS is also

part of their comparison and the performance is of the typical cubic equation of

state. More on this subject will be said in the chapter on second virial

coefficient. In the supercritical region, only the fugacity coefficient has been tested

against experimental data. The accurac}' from- the modification for this property

is about the same as the PR equation.

Peneloux et al [85] proposed a modification of the SRK equation by

utilizing the volume-translation technique; the specific volume and the volume

correction constant b are corrected by c.The new volume and volume correction

constant are now V and b', respectively:

V = V - c (2.11)

b" = b - c (2.12)

The equation of state after translation becomes

RT a(T)
P = - (o n i
V-b' (V'+c)(V'+b +2c)
, v
• ;

Peneloux and co-workers have shown that such translation does not alter the

vapor pressure predictions from the original SRK equation. In fact, this shift in

volume by the amount c changes the location of the isotherm and does not

affect the equilibrium condition. Peneloux et al suggested that this constant c be

established from saturated liquid volume at T = 0.7. r They claimed that at such

temperature, the prediction gives a balanced representation of the liquid volume

along the saturation curve. They generalized this constant c with the Rackett

[92,113] compressibility factor,

c = 0.40768 — £ (0.29441 - Z ^ ) ( 2 .i )

This correction should be subtracted from the volume calculated by the SRK

equation. They tested the predictions from their modification for saturated liquid

volume with experimental data for 233 compounds. Both polar and nonpolar

compounds were included. The results from this correction are encouraging.

However, this correction can have adverse effects on vapor volume predictions

because the isotherm has shifted away from the experimental saturated vapor

curve in order to provide a better representation of the saturated liquid curve.

Soave [112] used the same technique for the van der Waals equation and

obtained the constant c at the reduced normal boiling point instead of T = 0.7. r

Up to now, the two most popular cubic EOS, SRK and PR, have been

tested mostly with saturation properties. Rarely do comparisons extend to the

supercritical or compressed liquid region. Recently Tannar et al [119] tested their

modification of the LHC [63] equation with the SRK and Lee-Kesler [59]

equations for volumetric calculations in the subcritical and compressed liquid

regions. Comparison of derived or derivative properties such as enthalpy and

entropy of vaporization or departure functions found in the literature are scarce.

In the original work of Peng and Robinson [87], only the enthalpy departure

functions for five compounds were tested against experimental data. Mohanty et

al [79] tested the PR equation for enthalpy of vaporization predictions for

straight chain hydrocarbons from C x to C .

20 Mihajlov et al [76] compared the

SRK equation along with three other cubic equations for saturation property

predictions for 14 substances. The properties included were vapor pressure,


fugacity coefficient and volumes of both vapor and liquid, enthalpy and entropy

of vaporization. T a r a k a d et al [121] compared eight cubic equations, including the

SRK E O S , for saturated vapor and superheated gas phase density and fugacity

predictions for polar and nonpolar compounds. Probably the most comprehensive

review yet on E O S is the one by Y u et al [129]. Their comparison involved 14

cubic equations, both PR and S R K were included, for eight properties of straight

chain hydrocarbons from d to C 1 0 . Reasonable ranges of pressure and

temperature were covered in their stud3'.

From the above discussion, it is clear that a more elaborate comparison

on cubic equations of state with experimental data is necessary. Thus, the effort

of this work is justified.


In the last chapter a number of different approaches have been discussed

in modifying or improving the cubic equation of state. In the first part of this

chapter, some of the fundamental features one must consider in designing an

equation of state is discussed.

The Lielmezs-Merriman equation has briefly been mentioned earlier. The

present form of the L M equation is not capable of representing compound

properties for the region above the critical isotherm. In order to remove this

limitation, the equation must be modified and the second part of this chapter

will be devoted to the formulation of the L M equation for the supercritical



Equation of state is most frequently used in vapor-liquid equilibrium

calculations and the conditions of phase equilibrium for a pure substance are

given by Eq.(3.1) to (3.3)

p l
' p V

" G

These conditions state that at equilibrium, temperature, pressure and Gibbs free


energy of the two phases, liquid and vapor, must be identical. Eq.(3.3) can

alternatively be expressed in terms of the chemical potential, M

1 = Uv

and since fugacit.y is related to chemical potential by Eq.(3.5),

u - u° = RTln (3.5)

condition (3.3) can now be written in terms of fugacit}', f

f 1
= f v


Frequently Eq.(3.6) is used as the third condition instead of Eq.(3.3). In order to

accurately reproduce vapor-liquid equilibrium properties from an equation of state,

these three conditions, Eq.(3.1), (3.2), and (3.6) must be incorporated into the

EOS. T h e following discussion will show how such a task can be accomplished.

Gibbs free energy is the sum of the Helmholtz free energy, A and the

product of pressure, P a n d volume, V :"

G = A + PV (3.7)

Since condition (3.3) requires that the Gibbs free energy be equal for the two
phases, or

G 1
- G V
= 0 (3.3a)

Substituting Eq.(3.7) into (3.3a) yields

A 1
- A V
+ P V - P V
1 1 V V
=0 (3.8)

But A^ - A can be written as


A 1
-A V
=/ dv (3.9)

and from the fundamental equations of thermodynamics,

= -P (3.10)

By combining Eq.(3.2), (3.8), (3.9), and (3.10), condition (3.3) can now be

expressed in terms of pressure and volume.

J , PdV + P ( V - V ) = 0 1 v

V 1

where P is the vapor pressure. Eq.(3.11) is shown graphically in Figure 3.1.

The first term of Eq.(3.11) gives the area underneath the isotherm or

V v

J x PdV = area 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-1 ( 3 1 2 )

and the second term represents the area bound by the isobar P and the isochors

V (=V ) and V
(=V ) or

- v ) = area 1-3-5-6-7-1
( 3 1 3 )


area 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-1 = area 1-3-5-6-7-1 - area 1-3-2-1

+ area 3-4-5-3 (3.14)

Combination of Eq.(3.13) and (3.14) gives

area 1-3-2-1 = area 3-4-5-3 (3.15)

The volume V^ is the saturated liquid and V

- v
is the saturated vapor volume.

Eq.(3.11) is formally known as the Maxwell-rule of equal areas.

Since the Maxwell-rule is derived from the conditions of phase equilibrium,

an alternative way of satisfying the three conditions of equilibrium is to

incorporate the Maxwell-rule into the equation of state. The most commonly used

technique to do so is to fit the constant "a" of the attraction pressure term

with vapor pressure data. The reason is that by fitting the constant "a" with

experimental vapor pressure data, it is possible to adjust the two areas such

that their sum equals zero. From the Gibbs phase rule:

F = m + 2 - (3.16)

where F is the number of degrees of freedom, m is the number of components

and 7r is the number of phases, it is clear that there is one degree of freedom

in the saturation region. Therefore an iterative routine must be used to establish

the constant a. The algorithm used is given in a later section of this chapter.

In addition to the Maxwell-rule of equal areas, two other criteria must

also be considered. These two criteria are 1) an equation of state should reduce

to the ideal gas law when pressure approaches zero or

lim — = 1 (3.17)
P—>0 RT

and 2) the EOS should satisfy the thermodynamic stability criteria at the critical

point. From Figure 1.1, it is clear that the critical point is not only an

inflection point, but it is also a point which has zero slope. In other words, at

the critical point, the first and second derivatives of pressure with respect to

volume at constant temperature are zero:

= 0 (3.18)

9P 2

= 0
av JT 2

Another important aspect of an equation of state that must be considered

is the functional dependence of the constants. When the generalized cubic equation

of state, Eq.(1.2) is expanded in terms of density or volume, the following

results (Appendix A):

a 1 uab
Z = 1+ b — + b 2

(w-u )ab2 2
b 3
+ (3.20)
RT V 3

The virial equation:

Z = 1 + - + — + — + (3.21)
V V 2 y3

where B, C, D etc are the second, third, and fourth virial coefficients.

Comparing the coefficients of Eq.(3.20) and (3.21), the virial coefficients in terms

of a, b, u , and w are as follows:

B = b- (3.22)

C = b + 2

(w-u )ab 2 2

D = b 3
+ (3.24)

Since virial coefficients are functions of temperature only, the constants a, b, u,

and w can either be constant or temperature dependent.

The above criteria are not restricted to cubic equations of state but are

applicable to equations of state in general. In order to have a theoretically sound

EOS, all of the above aspects should be considered.


Lielmezs and Merriman [64] modified the Peng-Robinson equation of state

by defining a new a term of Eq.(2.2a) but retaining the same u and w values

as the PR equation. To express the a term as a continuous, temperature

dependent function along the vapor-liquid equilibrium curve, the previously

* *
proposed T coordinate system by Lielmezs [34,61] was introduced; T is given
by Eq.(2.9a):

* _ T
c / T
' 1

where T , T^, T are the critical temperature, normal boiling point temperature,

and the state temperature, respectively. This T coordinate system have been

applied to a wide variety of thermodynamic and transport properties. These

include vapor pressure-temperature relation [62], heat of vaporization [34,101],

self-diffusion coefficient [61], thermal conductivity [49], and surface tension [65]


The a term was written in terms of the proposed T as

o(T*) = 1 + p(T*)3 ( 2 9 )

where p and q were characteristic constants of the given pure substance. One

advantage of using substance-dependent constants is that the arbitrarily chosen

third parameter such as the acentric factor is eliminated. Another advantage is

that quantum or polar effects are absorbed by the two constants and the

knowledge of the structure or type of compound is not necessary. These two

constants are determined by fitting experimental vapor pressure data to the

a-function with the least-squares routine. For the sake of completeness, the

algorithm given by Merriman [75] is shown in F i g u r e 3.2. T h e list of compounds

studied in this work along with the fitted p and q values are given in Table

3.1. Some of the p and q values are different than the ones given previously

by Lielmezs and Merriman [64]. This is due to the fact that different data sets

are used in the curve-fitting.

When experimental data are not available, use of an independent vapor

pressure equation is recommended. In this work, five vapor pressure equations

have been evaluated. These included the Lee-Kesler (LK) [59], Riedel [94],

Riedel-Plank-Miller (RPM) [94], Frost-Kalkwarf-Thodos (FKT) [94], Gomez-Thodos

(GNT) [95] equations. These are all generalized equations and only critical

temperature and pressure, normal boiling point temperature, acentric factor, and

molecular weight of the compound are needed as input data. To evaluate these

five equations, they were used to predict vapor pressure of 36 compounds studied

in this work. The predicted results are compared with the experimental data

used to obtain the p and q constants. The comparison is based on root mean

square % error (RMS %)

I (% e r r o r ) 2

RMS % Error = (3.25)



Experimental - Calculated
% Error = X 100

and the results are shown in Table 3.2.

Of the five equations studied, the GNT and FKT equations seem to give

the most reliable results for both polar and nonpolar compounds. However,

pressure is expressed implicitly in the FKT equation and solution must be

obtained by an iteration routine. On the other hand, the GNT equation is a

pressure explicit equation and is simpler to solve. Therefore, the GNT equation is

recommended when no experimental data are available. The conclusion here is

consistent with that of Reid et al [94].

In the course of evaluating different vapor pressure equations, the

parameter, s [28,77,94] :
T, ln(P /P")
s = -£= (3.26)

which is the negative of the slope between the critical point and normal boiling

point of the vapor pressure equation:

lnP = s r 1 - (3.27)

kept on appearing in the literature [9,28,36-38,77,94,95]. The critical pressure is

expressed in atm and P° is one atmosphere. Miller [77] suggested that this

parameter s be treated as a fundamental characteristic parameter similar to the

Riedel factor a Q [96], the critical compressibility Z , c and the acentric factor o.

Giacalone [35] proposed a correlation for estimating the heat of vaporization at

the normal boiling point with the parameter s:

AH , = sRT
vb c (3.28)

Edmister [28] correlated the acentric factor u with s b3 r

the following equation:

u =
1 1^ 5
~ 1 , 0 ( 3
- 2 9 )

Gomez-Nieto and Thodos [36-38] also used this characterization parameter s in

their vapor pressure equations and later Campbell and Thodos [9] used it in

their saturated liquid density correlation. Since the constants p and q are so

closely related to vapor pressure, a relation might exist between the constants p

and q and the parameter s.


To explore this possibility, 34 of the 36 compounds studied here were

divided into three groups according to the nature of the compounds: nonpolar

(Group 1), polar and slightly polar (Group 2), and inert and quantum (Group 3):

Group 1 : Ethane, Propane, n-Butane, i-Butane, n-Pentane, i-Pentane,

Neopentane, n-Hexane, n-Heptane, n-Octane, Benzene,
Ethylene, Propylene, 1-Butene, Nitrogen, Oxygen.

Group 2 : Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Disulfide, Hydrogen Sulfide, Sulfur

Dioxide, Methanol, Ethanol, 1-Propanol, Tertiarj' Butanol,
Water, Ammonia.

Group 3 : Methane, Deuterium, n-Hydrogen, p-Hydrogen, Neon, Argon,

Krypton, Xenon.

Carbon dioxide and acetylene do not have normal boiling points because their

triple point pressures are above one atmosphere, therefore they are not included.

But if they were included, both of them would belong to Group 1. From Table

3.1, one can see that all the q values are relatively constant within each group.

In light of this fact, the constant q of the compound is taken to be the average

value for the group. For Group 1, the average value of q is 0.83, for Group 2,

q is 0.83, and Group 3 compounds take on the value of 0.78.

For the constant p, values vary from 0.01582 to 0.47769. These p values

for the three groups have been plotted against both the parameter s and the

acentric factor o> in Figure 3.3. Also least squares fits have been used to

express p as functions of s and u. The results are as follows:

Group 1 :

p = -1.1977373 + 0.39942704s - 0.026211814s 2


variance = 0.00004469

p = 0.19011333 + 0.67187907a) - 0.85099293a) 2


variance = 0.00004475

Group 2

p = -1.8772891 + 0.55686202s - 0.033057663s 2

( 3 32 )

variance = 0.00024869

p = 0.1639189 + 1.1372604a) - 1.0533208o> 2

( 3 3 3 )

variance= 0.00023931

Group 3 :

p = 0.34065806 - 0.2439171s + 0.040416063s 2


variance = 0.00003188

p = 0.18425207 .+ 1.1592480a) + 1.8186255a) 2


variance = 0.00041294

For Groups 1 and 2, the correlations of p with s and a) produce approximately

the same variance. For Group 3, the variance produced by fitting p with s is

ten times smaller than for the fit of p with a). This indicates that the

correlation of p with s is stronger than with a). The advantage is more revealing

as is shown in Figure 3.3. Not only does p correlates better with s, the

determination of s is simpler than is o>. Only T , T^, and P c are needed for

calculating s and vapor pressure at T = 0.7, P , and T

r c £ are required for a>. In

many instances, the vapor pressure value is not available, therefore an

interpolation or extrapolation technique must be used to get the required data


point. This kind of treatment can lead to a wide range of results. For example,

in the case of methane, five different values have been reported. Reid et al gave

a value of 0.008 in 1977 [94] and 0.011 in 1987 [95]. Stryjek and Vera [117]

report a value of 0.01045 and which is supposedly based on the most accurate

vapor pressure data available. Passut and Danner [83] tabulate the acentric

factors for 192 hydrocarbons, and for methane, the value of 0.0072 is given.

Edmister and Lee [29] report a value of 0.0115. These different values of

acentric factors are mainly caused by the uncertaintj' in determining the vapor

pressure at T = 0.7.
r On the other hand, the boiling point temperature, critical

pressure and temperature required in calculating the parameter s can be

determined more accurately and therefore subject to less uncertainty.

Since the correlation of u with s has been proven possible by Edmister

[28], it might be possible to improve his correlation. The plots of p=f(s) look

similar to that of p = f(u) for all groups, therefore the correlation of acentric

factor with s is again divided into the same three groups. The results of the

correlations are plotted in F i g u r e 3.4 and the correlations are as follows :

Group 1 :

u = -0.65652243 + 0.079558804s + 0.0080858283s 2

( 3 3 6 )

variance = 0.00000867

Group 2 :

u = -0.71488058 + 0.10168299s + 0.0058534228s 2


variance = 0.00001785

Group 3 :

u = -1.7653114 + 0.5377135s - 0.03883573s 2

( 3 3 8 )

variance = 0.00000316

Neon has not been included in Group 3 for the curve-fit because the acentric

factor value, 0.0 given by Reid et al [94] in their 1977 version is substantial^'

different than the value, -0.029 given in their 1987 version [95]. By visual

inspection of Figure 3.4, the value, -0.029 is definitely the more reasonable one.

For the sake of comparison, the predictions from the proposed correlations,

Eq.(3.36) to (3.38), were compared with that of the Lee-Kesler equation [59], and

the Edmister correlation, Eq.(3.29). The results from the correlations are shown

in Table 3.3. The proposed correlations are the best in estimating the acentric

factors for all three types of compounds. This shows that the characterization

parameter s can definitely be treated as a fundamental constant similar to the

acentric factor, Riedel factor, or the critical compressibility.


Before the work of Lielmezs and Merriman [64], the proposed a-function,

Eq.(2.9) had also been applied to two other equations of state: van der Waals

and Redlich-Kwong, by Law and Lielmezs (LL) [58], and Lielmezs, Howell and

Campbell (LHC) [63]. Recently this a-function has also been applied to the

Martin equation (CLI) [11]. All four modifications, LL, LHC, LM, and CLI give

excellent results in the saturation region. However all suffer the same

shortcoming, that is, they cannot be applied, without modification, to the region

above the critical isotherm or the supercritical region. F o r temperatures above the

critical, T is negative and this leads to an undefined a. Therefore, in order to

extend the applicability of the L M equation to the entire P V T surface, the T

coordinate system must be modified. One criteria in modifying the L M equation

is that no more constants should be added; the equation should be as simple as

the present form. Additional constants will only complicate the equation and

defeat the purpose of using a cubic equation of state. F u r t h e r m o r e , in order to

determine the additional constants, more experimental data will be required.

The proposed modification is to let the numerator of the T coordinate be

positive in all regions. To do so, two ways have been considered. One is to let

the numerator become T/T -1 and the other is 1-T /T. In

C an exploratory study

of two compounds, methane and water, the R M S % error in predicting volume

by the first modification is slighty lower than the second modification. For

methane, the R M S % errors from the first and second modifications are 4.95

and 6.53, respectively, and for water, 3.21 and 3.06. Therefore, the first

modification is adopted and the new T coordinate is now defined as:

T/T c - 1


a = 1 - p(T*) q


The two constants, p and q, are the same in all regions.


The proposed modification of the a-function has kept the simplicity of the

original L M equation and yet it is applicable to the entire PVT surface for

volumetric prediction. For thermodynamic property calculations where the

derivative of the a-function with respect to temperature is involved, the proposed

modification is applicable to all regions except along the critical isotherm. The

reason is that such derivative function is undefined at T , that is, at the critical

point the derivative of a with respect to temperature is infinite. From the

practical point of view, this is not a problem because most processes do not

operate near the critical point. Process designers trj' to avoid such conditions

because near the critical, it is extremely difficult to have stable processes; fluids

that are near their critical points exhibit exceptional physical and thermodynamic

behavior. Therefore the inadequacy of the present proposed equation does not

pose a major limitation on its application.


Figure 3.1 Maxwell-rule of equal areas.



\ T t P/



A & B
Z -(1-B)Z +(A-3B -2B)Z-(AB-B -B')=0
J 1 1 1


& f 1




a = 1 + p(T ) q

p & q 7

Figure 3.2 Algorithm for deterniining the substance-dependent constants p and q.

Figure 3.3 Correlations of p with parameter s a n d with acentric factor
3 0.2



3 -0.1


Figure 3.4 Correlations of acentric factor a with parameter

Table 3.1 Calculated and Fitted p and q Constants

p q
Compound Fitted p = f(s) p = f(u) Fitted Avg. s u Group

Methane 0 19584 0 2041 1 0 19364 0 78426 0 78 5 41072 0 008 3

E thane 0 25183 0 24740 0 24778 0 83742 0 83 5 91060 0 098 1
Propane 0 27413 0 27269 0 27258 0 85176 0 83 6 221 12 0 152 1
n-Butane 0 28984 0 28986 0 28809 0 87067 0 83 6 47932 0 193 1
1-Butane 0 279G8 0 28358 0 28200 0 87124 0 83 6 37862 0 176 1
n-Pentane 0 30395 0 30421 0 30514 0 86468 0 83 6 75195 0 251 1
1-Pentane 0 29387 0 29805 0 29878 0 85979 0 83 6 62562 0 227 1
Neopentane 0 27709 0 28839 0 28945 0 87028 0 83 6 45483 0 197 1
n-Hexane 0 30876 0 31384 0 31443 0 81677 0 83 6 99910 0 296 1
n-Heptane 0 32020 0 32062 0 321 10 0 82035 0 83 7 26413 0 351 1
n-Octane 0 32632 0 32357 0 32273 0 81321 0 83 7 50371 0 394 1
Benzene 0 30668 0 29424 0 29430 0 82281 0 83 6 55501 0 212 1
Carbon Monoxide 0 20444 0 21358 0 21712 0 80737 0 83 5 64933 0 049 2
Carbon D i o x i d e 0 31364 0 89550 -• . . . 0 225 -
Carbon D i s u l f i d e 0 28184 0 28700 0 28077 0 72832 0 83 6 08380 0 1 15 2
Hydrogen S u l f i d e 0 28655 0 26616 0 2671 1 0 84269 0 83 5 95272 0 100 2
Sulfur Dioxide 0 36256 0 38402 0 38301 0 83570 0 83 6 83047 0 251 2
Methanol 0 47075 0 46780 0 47050 0 80070 0 83 8 39992 0 559 2
Ethanol 0 47769 0 46101 0 45955 0 84658 0 83 8 87656 0 6436 2
1-Propanol 0 45585 0 46438 0 46343 0 91571 0 83 8 74510 0 624 2
T e r t i a r y Butanol 0 45101 0 46469 0 46446 0 90728 0 83 8 73054 0 618 2
Acetylene 0 30632 0 80464 -- - - 0 184 -
Ethylene 0 24542 0. 24149 0 24107 0 81586 0 83 5 84587 0 085 1

T a b l e 3.1 Cont'l nued

p q
Compound Fitted p = f(s) p = f(u) Fitted Avg. s u Group

Propylene 0., 27311 0 .26929 0 .27091 0 .83694 0 .83 6 . 17555 0. 148 1

1-Butene 0..29085 0 .28708 0,, 28600 0 .85773 0 .83 6 .43366 0. 187 1
Water 0,.44221 0..42842 0..43049 0 .73237 0 .83 7 . 33080 0. 344 2
n-Deuterlum 0..06394 0..06245 0.,06428 0 .61602 0,.78 4 .50830 -0.13 3
n-Hydrogen 0.,01877 0..01838 0.,01724 0,,36720 0 . 78 4 .08143 -0. 22 3
p-Hydrogen 0.,01582 0..01664 0..01724 0..30806 0.. 78 4 .06100 -0. 22 3
Nf trogen 0. 20477 0. 21681 0. 21563 0.,81713 0. 83 5 .59774 0.040 1
Ammon1 a 0. 38595 0. 38180 0. 38240 0. 85842 0. 83 6 .80948
. 0.250 2
Oxygen 0. 20734 0. 20271 0. 20385 0. 81007 0. 83 5 .46878
. 0.021 1
Neon 0. 1446G 0..14964 0. 18425 0.,76353 0..78 5 .11029
. 0.000 3
Argon 0. 18893 0. 18789 0. 17964 0. 78649 0..78 5 .32535 -0.004 3
Krypton 0. 19626 0. 19068 0. 18194 0. 80560 0. 78 5,.34029 -0.002 3
Xenon 0. 20060 0. 19503 0. 18658 0. 79778 0. 78 5 .36331
. 0.002 3

Table 3.2 Vapor Pressure RMS % Error


Methane 0. 660 0 .787 0,.431 0. 749 0., 565 ' 0.,586--o .990 29
Ethane 0. 542 0 . 569 0,.442 0. 202 0,. 185 0..604--o .999 23
Propane 0. 542 0 .498 0,. 750 0. 059 0.. 148 0., 625-
-0 .991 30
n-Butane 0. 330 0 . 267 0..733 0. 194 0 . 282 0..641--0 . 998 32
i-Butane 0. 357 0 .312 0,.731 0. 186 O.. 345 0.,640--0 .998 30
n-Pentane 0. 678 0 . 565 0,,500 0. 184 0., 236 0,,658--0 .999 27
i-Pentane 0. 501 0 .404 0.,526 0. 164 0,, 146 0,,654--0 .999 27
Neopentane 0. 203 0 . 140 0..741 0. 246 0.,426 0.,652--0 .999 25
n-Hexane 1 .464 1.. 136 0.,403 0. 573 0.,445 0.,538--0..995 43
n-Heptane 1 .583 1.. 128 0.,351 0. 455 0., 241 0.,545--0..987 30
n-Octane 1 .841 0 .894 0.,601 0. 543 0., 751 0.,488--0..976 27
Benzene 1 .008 0,.896 0.,745 0. 495 0.,636 0.,553--0..997 47
Carbon Monoxide 0. 730 0..699 1. 254 0. 925 1 .. 188 0. 513--0 .981 24
Carbon Dioxide 16.99 17.28 18.79 17.83 16.84 0. 712--0.,995 32
Carbon Disulfide 3. 836 3..841 2. 482 3. 310 3 .761 0. 500--0..976 26
Hydrogen Sulfide 1 .580 1 ,593
. 1 .767 1 .378 1 .814 0. 565--o.,997 30
Sulfur Dioxide 1 .921 1 ,723
, 0. 806 1 .1 16 4 .404 0. 593--0..992 35
Methanol 5. 409 4 ,618
. 3. 211 4 .654 1 .477 0. 532--0,,996 44
Ethanol 3. 595 2 .761
. 2. 940 3. 378 0. 684 0. 543--0.,979 29
1-Propano1 5. 667 6..876 7 .565 6. 800 2 .488 0. 555--0. 993 13
Tertiary Butanol 1 .121 1 .295
. 1 .832 1 .709 2. 945 0. 701--0. 993 12
Acetylene 2. 391 2.,423 3. 067 2 .668 2 .479 0. 623--0.,989 20
Ethy 1ene 0. 924 0. 951 0. 914 0. 923 0. 815 0. 599--0. 981 19
T a b l e 3.2 Continued


Propylene 0. 688 0..651 0,,707 0.. 139 0,, 168 0,.618--o. .989 26
1-Butene 0..972 0.,886 0,,876 0.,450 0,.531 0 .651- -o .979 26
Water 7 .389 6..574 2,, 1 16 7 . 154 1 .715
, 0,.422--0,.995 43
n-Deuter i urn 0,.897 1 .647
. 2 ,878
, 2., 134 2 .824
. 0,,488--o. ,991 21
n-Hydrogen 0,.251 0.,665 1 ,, 135 1 .469 0,.613 0,.615--0,.964 13
p-Hydrogen 0,.097 0.,533 1 ,010
, 1 ,. 384 3 .023
, 0,.615--0,.970 13
Ni trogen 0..695 0,,787 0,.586 0, 578 0,.449 0,.614--0,.991 18
Ammon i a 2..053 1..853 1 ,664
, 1 ,335
. 0,.811 0,.602--0,.986 29
Oxygen 0..248 0..408 0,.493 0., 194 0,, 303 0,.583--0,.986 24
Neon 0..539 0.,797 0,,545 0. 753 0,,294 0,. 563-
-0,.968 19
Argon 0,.224 0..442 0,,244 0. 293 0,, 155 0,,555--o. .994 15
Krypton 0,. 183 0. 245 0..469 0. 243 0,.490 0.. 573-
-0,.984 20
Xenon 0,.225 0.,417 0,,492 0. 138 0,,338 0,.569--0..932 12
Table 3.3 Acentric Factor from the Proposed, Lee-Kesler, and Edmister Correlations

Compound s o Proposed LK Edmister

Methane 5 .41072 0 .0080 0 .0072 0 .0097 0 .0071

Ethane 5 .91060 0 .0980 0 .0962 0 .0939 0 . 1001
Propane 6 .221 12 0 . 1520 0 . 1514 0 . 1493 0 . 1579
n-Butane 6 .47932 0 . 1930 0 . 1984 0 . 1969 0 .2060
1-Butane 6 .37862 0,. 1760 0,. 1799 0 .1791 0 . 1872
n-Pentane 6 .75195 0..2510 0,, 2493 0,.2486 0,. 2567
1-Pentane 6 .62562 0,. 2270 0,.2256 0 .2251 0,. 2332
Neopentane 6 .45483 0.. 1970 0,. 1939 0,. 1944 0,.2014
n-Hexane 6 .99910 0..2960 0., 2964 0,. 2965 0,. 3027
n-Heptane 7., 26413 0.,3510 0.,3481 0.,3488 0.. 3520
n-Octane 7 .50371
, 0. 3940 0. 3957 0. 3970 0., 3966
Benzene 6,.55501 0. 2120 0. 2124 0.,2073 0., 2201
Carbon Monoxide 5 .64933 0. 0490 0. 0464 0.,0506 0.,0515
Carbon Dioxide 0. 2250
Carbon D i s u l f i d e 6. 08380 0. 1 150 0. 1204 0. 1201 0. 1324
Hydrogen S u l f i d e 5. 95272 0. 1000 0. 0978 0. 0967 0. 1080
Sulfur Dioxide 6 .83047 0. 2510 0. 2528 0. 2501 0. 2713
Methanol 8 .39992 0. 5590 0. 5523 0. 5424 0. 5634
Ethanol 8 .87656 0. 6436 0. 6489 0. 6430 0. 6522
1-Propanol 8. 74510 0. 6240 0. 6220 0. 6227 0. 6277
T e r t i a r y Butanol 8 .73054 0. 6180 0. 6190 0. 6253 0. 6250
Acetylene 0. 1840
Ethylene 5 .84587 0. 0850 0. 0849 0. 0825 0. 0881
Table 3.3 Continued

Compound s u Proposed LK Edmister

Propylene 6 . 17555 0. 1480 0.1432 0.1404 0.1494

1-Butene 6 .43366 0. 1870 0.1900 0. 1880 0.1975
Water 7 . 33080 0.3440 0.3451 0. 3213 0.3645
n-Deuter1um 4 .50830 -0.1300 -0.1305 -0.1437 -0.1609
n-Hydrogen 4 .08143 -0.2200 -0.2176 -0.2157 -0.2403
p-Hydrogen 4 .06100 -0.2200 -0.2221 -0.2193 -0.2441
N1trogen 5 . 59774 0.0400 0.0422 0.0418 0.0419
Ammon1 a 6 .80948 0.2500 0.2489 0.2409 0.2674
Oxygen 5 .46878 0.0210 0.0204 0.0191 0.0179
Neon 5 .11029 0.0000 -0.0316 -0.0408 -0.0488
Argon 5 .32535 -0.0040 -0.0032 -0.0044 -0.0088
Krypton 5 .34029 -0.0020 -0.0013 -0.0020 -0.0060
Xenon 5 . 36331 0.0020 0.0015 0.0016 -0.0017

This chapter is divided into five parts. The first four parts are discussions

of various property predictions from the three cubic equations of state: S R K , PR,

and L M in the four regions on the Pressure-Volume surface shown in Figure

1.1: saturation, subcritical, supercritical, and compressed. The last part is devoted

to the inversion curve estimation. A l l the equations derived from the generalized

cubic equation of state for calculating different properties are shown in the

Appendix A. The physical constants required as input data have been tabulated

in Table 4.1. These include molecular weight ( M W ) , critical pressure (P ), critical


temperature ( T ) , n o r m a l boiling point

c (T^), acentric factor (<j), and the parameter

s. For carbon dioxide and acetylene, their triple point pressures are above one

atmosphere. Therefore these two compounds do not have normal boiling points.

The normal boiling points of carbon dioxide and acetylene shown in Table 4.1

are temperatures of the compounds at one atmosphere. These physical constants

have been used in all of the calculations found in this work. Although small

variations of these constants appear in the literature, the assumption here is

that these differences cause negligible errors.

Due to the large n u m b e r of properties being studied, there was a need to

use various sources of experimental data; even though the ideal is to use a

single source. Often, the so called experimental data found in the literature are

not data measured from experiments but data calculated from an empirical

equation with its constants fitted with experimental data. Since different data

sources use different sets of units, to be consistent, all data are converted to the


same set of units and these units are as follows:

Pressure - atm

Volume - cm /g-mole

Temperature - K

Energy - calorie

The following conversion constants are used and are taken from [30,102,126]:

1 atm = 14.696 psi = 1.01325 bar

1 ft /lb = 0.062428 cm /g
3 3

0°C = 273.15 K = 32°F = 460.0 R

atm cm 3
Gas constants, R = 82.05606 = 1.9872
g-mole K g-mole K


Properties tested in this region included vapor pressure, liquid and vapor

volumes, and enthalpy and entropy of vaporization. The experimental data sources

are given in Table 4.2. In order to ensure internal consistency, all the properties

of a compound were taken from the same source. The algorithm for calculating

these properties from an EOS is given in Figure 4.1. The results from this

work (LM(1), LM(2)) together with those of the SRK and PR are reported in

Tables 4.2-4.4. The LM(1) equation refers to the L M equation with the two

constants, p and q, fitted with experimental vapor pressure data. The LM(2)

equation refers to the L M equation with the constants p correlated with the

parameter s (Eq.(3.30), (3.32) and (3.34)) and the constant q calculated as the

average value of the group. In this region, a total of 36 compounds are tested

and classified into three groups as before :

1. Nonpolar
2. Polar and slightly polar
3. Inert and quantum

In the vapor pressure calculation, both LM(1) and PR give approximately

the same predictions for the Group 1 compounds. The PR equation gives slightty

lower RMS % errors for hydrocarbons. The LM(2) equation does not give

satisfactory predictions for all compounds. This is due to the fact that LM(2)

only gives approximate p and q values and vapor pressure is extremely sensitive

to these two constants, especially p. For Groups 2 and 3, the LM(1) equation is

the best among the three equations. This is the strength of any correlation

which uses individual constants instead of generalized ones such as the SRK or

PR equation. The SRK and PR equations were designed not for Groups 2 and 3

types of compounds. Therefore it is not surprising to find that they both give

such poor results for these two groups.

The % errors of vapor pressure, liquid, and vapor volumes are plotted

against the reduced temperature, T r in Figures 4.2 to 4.5 for four compounds

selected from the three groups (group 1: n-Pentane; group 2: 1-Propanol; group

3: Methane and Argon). These figures show that the L M (LM refers to the

LM(1) equation) equation gives vapor pressure errors that are evenly distributed

along the temperature range studied whereas the SRK and PR either over

predict in one compound and under predict in another. Near the lower end of

the temperature range, the errors from all three equations seem to increase

rapidly. This behavior suggests that all the equations considered here should not

be used for extrapolation purposes; they should be used within the temperature

range given in Table 4.2.

For the saturated liquid and vapor volume predictions, the P R and L M ( 1 )

equations give almost identical results. The LM(1) equation gives slightly lower

errors near the critical point. In terms of R M S % error, the S R K equation gives

almost double that of the PR or L M ( 1 ) equation. From Figures 4.2-4.5, it can

be seen that the S R K equation tends to over predict liquid volumes along the

entire saturation curve for all three groups of compounds. F o r the P R and L M ( 1 )

equations, the errors are distributed more evenly.

It is interesting to note that the shape of the error distribution curves for

the three equations are almost identical. The only difference between them is

how much they have shifted away from the others. There is evidence in the

literature [129] that this shift may be directly connected to the two constants u

and w in the generalized cubic equation, Eq.(1.2). F o r the P R and L M equations,

they have the same u and w values, and their error distribution curves are

indeed on top of each other and are shown in Figures 4.2 to 4.5. From the

evidence presented up to this point, one may conclude that altering the a-function

will not dramatically improve volume predictions. By using different u and w

values, it is possible to shift the low-error portion of the distribution curve to

the desired temperature range.

Table 4.4 contains the results of the enthalpy and entropy of vaporization

from the four equations. Usually entropy of vaporization is not tabulated in the

experimental data source, but it can be calculated from the enthalpy of

vaporization at the given temperature:

AS„ = — * (4.1)
v T

Enthalpj' of vaporization is just the difference between the vapor and liquid

phase enthalpy:

AH v = (H - H ° ) v
- (H - H ) 0 1

where H° is the enthalpy at zero pressure. Some data sources did not specify

their reference state or the value of the reference state. Therefore, instead of

comparing the departure function with that predicted from an EOS, the difference

between the departure functions, which is the enthalpy of vaporization, is used

as the basis of comparison. It should be pointed out that Table 4.4 gives

average absolute deviation (AAD) which is defined as

I |Deviation|
~ ' (4.3)


Deviation = Experimental - Calculated

and not RMS % error. Figures 4.6 to 4.9 have the plots of reduced enthalpy

and entropy of vaporization against reduced temperature. Even though in terms

of AAD both PR and LM(1) give similar results, Figures 4.6-4.9 reveal the

strength of each. For both enthalpy and entropy of vaporization calculations, the

PR equation gives better predictions for the lower temperature region and the

LM is better for the higher end. The separation is in the vicinity of


T = 0.7. The SRK equation gives similar results as the LM(1) equation at the

lower end and similar to the PR equation at the higher end. The limitation of

the LM(1) equation is that it is not applicable at the critical point. The LM(2)

equation gives reasonable predictions for all compounds and in some cases, it

gives the lowest AAD. When no p and q values are available, LM(2) is


Table 4.5 has the overall average errors of the five properties tested in

this region. Among the three equations, the LM(1) equation is the most accurate

in estimating vapor pressure and saturated liquid and vapor volumes. The PR

equation gives the lowest deviations for the two derivative properties, namely,

enthalpy and entropy of vaporization.

Table 4.1 Summary of Physical Properties *

Compound MW Pc (atm) Tc (K) Tb (K) u s t

Methane 16.042 45 .8016 190 .65 1 1 .70

1 0..008 5 .41072
Ethane 30.068 48 .2000 305 .42 184 .47 0,,098 5 .91060
Propane 44.094 42 .0162 369 .96 231 . 10 0.. 152 6 .221 12
n-Butane 58.123 37 .4700 425 . 16 272 .67 0., 193 6 .47932
i-Butane 58.123 36 .0000 408 . 13 261 . 32 0.. 176 6 .37862
n-Pentane 72.1498 33 .2500 469 .65 309 . 19 0..251 6 .75195
i-Pentane 72.1498 33 . 3700 460 .39 301 .025 0.,227 . 6 .62562
Neopentane 72.1498 31 .5450 433 .75 282 .628 0., 197 6 .45483
n-Hexane , 86 . 170 29 .9197 507 .87 341 . 87 0.. 296 6 .99910
n-Heptane 100.205 27 .0000 540 . 20 371 .60 0. 351 7 .26413
n-Octane 1 14.232 24 ,5000 568 .80 398 .80 0. 394 7 .50371
Benzene 78.108 48..7003 562 .65 353 . 25 0. 212 6 .55501
Carbon Monoxide 28.010 34 ,5264
. 132 .92 81 .70
' 0. 049 5 .64933
Carbon Dioxide 44.011 72..8062 304 . 19 194 .70 0. 225
Carbon D i s u l f i d e 76.131 75., 1900 546 . 15 319 . 37 O. 115 6 .08380
Hydrogen S u l f i d e 34.0758 88 .2000
. 373 .07 212 . 875 0. 100 5,.95272
S u l f u r Dioxide 64.066 77 .7967 430 .65 263 .00 0. 251 6 ,83047
Methanol 32.042 78. 5928 513 . 15 337 .696 0. 559 8 .. 39992
Ethanol 46.069 60..5675 513 .92 351 .443 0. 6436 8 .87656
1-Propanol 60.090 50..2109 537 .04 370 .93 0. 624 8 ,74510
T e r t i a r y Butanol 74.1224 41 .7700
. 508 .87 356 .48 0. 618 8 .73054
Acetylene 26.036 61 .6494
. 308 .69 189 .20 0. 184
Ethylene 28.054 50. 5001 283 .05 169 .40 0.085 5 .84587
Tab1e 4.1 Cont i nued

Compound MW Pc (atm) Tc (K) Tb (K) u s t

Propylene 42.078 45.6090 364.91 225.45 0. 148 6 .17555

1-Butene 5G.104 39.6707 419.59 266.90 0. 187 6 .43366
Water 18.0152 218.300 647.30 373. 15 0. 344 7 .33080
n-Deuterium 4.032 16.4300 38.35 23.66 -0.130 4 .50830
n-Hydrogen 2.016 12.9800 33. 18 20. 38 -0.220 4 .08143
p-Hydrogen 2.016 12.7590 32.976 20.268 -0.220 4 .06100
Ni trogen 28.016 33.4900 125.95 77 .40 0.040 5 .59774
Ammoni a 17.032 111.348 405.59 239.70 0. 250 6 .80948
Oxygen 32.000 50.0817 154.76 90.2056 0.021 5 .46878
Neon 20.179 26.1900 44.40 27 .09 O.OOO 5 .11029
Argon 39.944 48.3395 150.86 87 . 29 -0.004 5 , 32535
Krypton 83.80 54.2512 209.39 1 19.80 -0.002 5..34029
Xenon 131.30 57.6000 289.74 165.02 0.002 5..36331

+ P h y s i c a l p r o p e r t i e s that are not given i n the original data source are taken
from r e f e r e n c e 94.
t C a l c u l a t e d from Tb, t c , and Pc.
Table 4 . 2 Region I - Vapor Pressure RMS % Error

Compound SRK PR LM(1) LM(2) Tr Range N Ref. t

Methane 1 . S05 1 . 592 0..423 2 .323 0 .586- -O..990 29 10

Ethane 0 .920 0 .420 0,.812 1 .079 0 .604- -0..999 23 30
Propane 1 .027 0 .421 0,.714 0 .839 0 .625- -0,.991 30 10
n-Butane 1 .115 0 . 769 0.. 702 1 . 294 0 .641- -o..998 32 18
i -Butane 1 .036
, 0,.700 0,, 742 1 .803 0,.640- -o, 998 30 19
n-Pentane 0,.991 0,.336 0.,803 1 . 299 0,.658- -o.,999 27 20
i-Pentane 0 .987 0,.493 0.,502 1 . 602 0 .654- -0. 999 27 21
Neopentane 0 .687 0 . 358 0.. 555 3 .046 0,.652- -o. 999 25 22
n-Hexane 1..725 1 .822
, 1 ,325
. 3 . 135 0.. 538--0. 995 43 10
n-Heptane 1..865 1 ,034
, 1 .412
. 1 .754
, 0,, 545--o. 987 30 115
n-Octane 1,.620 4 , 395 2. 711 3 .374
, 0,.488- -0. 976 27 1 15
Benzene 1.. 297 1 ,01
. 1 1 .077 4,,551 0.,553- -o. 997 47 10
Carbon Monoxide 0..897 2..455 0. 972 4 .096
, 0.,513- -o. 981 24 10
Carbon Dioxide 0..540 0.,704 0. 385 0..712- -0. 995 32 10
Carbon D i s u l f i d e 4 ,490
, 4 .850
, 2 .317 5 .996
, 0..500- -0. 976 26 80
Hydrogen Su1f i de 1 ,. 138 1 .808 1 .630 5 ., 524 0..565- -0. 997 30 115
S u l f u r Dioxide 2.,244 2 .022 1 .263 5.,817 0. 593- -O. 992 35 10
Methanol 8. 043 4 .442 4 . 504 5 .564 0. 532- -0. 996 44 108
Ethanol 3. 877 2. 315 4. 480 10.21 0. 543- -o. 979 29 109
1-Propanol 4 .743 10.01 3. 413 6 .669 0. 555- -o. 993 13 17
T e r t i a r y Butanol 1 .769 2. 121 1 .365 6. 410 0. 701- -o. 993 12 56
Acetylene 2 .583 1 .929 0. 415 0. 623- -0. 989 20 10
Ethylene 1 .533 1 .226 0. 772 1 .627 0. 599- -0. 981 19 10

Table 4.2 Continued

Compound SRK PR LM(1) LM(2) Tr Range N Ref. t

Propylene 1 .254 0 .666 0 .699 1 .051 0 .618--o .989 26 10

1-Butene 1 .536 0 .923 0 .874 1 .034 0 .651- -0 .979 26 10
Water 13.34 7 .905 5,.823 12.19 0,, 422--0, .995 43 10
n-Deuter1 urn 9. 206 5 .065 1 .. 359 2 .801 0. 488--0 .991 21 97
n-Hydrogen 2. 096 3..671 0.,690 1 .753 0.,615- -o. .964 13 69
p-Hydrogen 2. 157 2,,910 0..705 1 .655 0. 615- -o, .970 13 97
Ni trogen 1 .503 1 .. 560 0.,633 2 .892 0.,614--0, .991 18 10
Ammon i a 0. 910 0 .746 1..465 1 .599 0,,602--o. .986 29 10
Oxygen 1 .140 0 . 795 0,.643 1 .793 0., 583--0, .986 24 10
Neon 9 .074 7 .716
. 0.. 77 1 1 .782 0. 563- -O,.968 19 126
Argon 1 .371 1 .450
. 0. 677 0. 683 0. 555- -0, .994 15 126
Krypton 1 .104 1 ,043
. 0. 599 1 .277 0. 573- -0. ,984 20 126
Xenon 1 .174 1 ,313
. 0. 694 1 .539 0. 569- -0. 932 12 1 16

t Vapor p r e s s u r e , l i q u i d and vapor volumes, enthalpy and entropy of v a p o r i z a t i o n data are taken from
the same source.
Table 4.3 Region I - Liquid and Vapor Volume RMS % E r r o r s

Liquid Volume Vapor Volume

Compound SRK PR LM(1) LM(2) SRK PR LM( 1) LM(2)

Methane 9. 722 8 .523 8. 372 8. 549 2 . 765 4 .554 2 ,710

, 3.767
Ethane 18 .03 9. 290 8 .157 8 .086 3 . 140 2 .385 0.,842 0.946
Propane 15 .35 6 .775 6. 109 5 .896 0 .771 2 .863 1 ,741
. 1 .410
n-Butane 22 .61 1 1.91 10. 73 9. 883 4 .932
. 2 . 280 2 .323 2.998
1-Butane 20 .71 1CI. 53 9. 456 8. 623 6,, 244 1 .544 3. 156 4.975
n-Pentane 24 .27 13 .41 121.05 1 1. 30 4 .843
. 0 .981 2 .371 3.780
i-Pentane 22 .91 12 .56 1 1. 19 10. 53 5 ,884
. 1 . 122 2 .917 4 . 543
Neopentane 20 .57 10i. 85 9. 842 9. 035 3 .718 2 , 195 1 .015 4 . 220
n-Hexane 17 .71 7 .179 5.912 6 .018 1 .936 1 ., 763 2 .838 4 . 376
n-Heptane 18 .20 6 .891 5. 790 5 .906 2 ,660
. 1 ,871
, 2 .318 2.578
n-Octane 20 .08 7.086 6. 779 6 .929 1 .325 3 ,, 799 3.413 3 . 724
Benzene 14 .60 6. 009 5. 144 5.236 2 .366 3.,679 2. 308 5.892
Carbon Monoxide 5.819 9. 227 9. 286 9 .458 4 .797 3,,618 4.071 7.277
Carbon D i o x i d e 15 .78 6. 191 5.804 2 .293 1 .772 1 .867
Carbon D i s u l f i d e 9. 156 6. 861 6. 888 6 .866 5 .528 5.023 8. 480 8.411
Hydrogen S u l f i d e 12 . 19 7 .738 7. 378 7. 129 4 .283 6 .410 5.522 8 .038
Sulfur Dioxide 18 .41 7 .475 6 .133 5. 734 2. 456 1 .510 2 .325 7.878
Methanol 41 .69 26 .02 24 .40 25i.01 13 . 77 8 .519 1 1. 20 9.961
Ethanol 26 .45 12 .92 1 1.86 12 .05 5 .041 1 .641 5 .286 8.747
1-Propanol 23 . 18 1 1.05 10i.77 9. 147 8 .311 10.03 5.927 11.51
T e r t i a r y Butanol 9.883 4 .605 4. 700 5.806 5. 584 3.926 5.051 12.99
Acetylene 14 .68 6. 344 5. 314 1 .285 1 .239 2 .459
E thy1ene 9.648 7 .246 7 .054 6 .971 2 .517 2 .068 2.483 2.006
T a b l e 4.3 Continued

L1qu1d Volume Vapor Volume

Compound SRK PR LM( 1 ) LM(2) SRK PR LM( 1 ) LM(2)

Propylene 11 .85 6.004 5.539 5 .473 2 .887 1 .

582 1 .835
. 1 .876
1 -Butene 13.36 5. 147 4.727 4.555 1.615 2.627 1 .
732 0.983
Water 41.19 25.82 23.44 25.63 19.28 10. 16 10.97 13.31
n-Deuterium 7.544 15.98 15.92 15 .66 14 . 10 7 .694 6 ,286
. 4.311
n-Hydrogen 6.990 15.46 16 . 20 15 .84 2 .982 3. 090 2 .316 2.352
p-Hydrogen 6.932 14. 10 14.66 14.39 2 .689 5. 333 1 .989 4 .080
Nitrogen 9.506 8.853 8.750 9.000 3.477 5 .198 3..626 4 .016
Ammonia 30.75 15.90 15.48 15.13 7 .656 6. 036 7 .286 8.378
Oxygen 6.661 8.828 8 .873 8.688 3.860 4. 888 3 .695 3 .999
Neon 5.449 13.23 12.62 12.72 1 1 . 77 9. 438 0. 779 1 .969
Argon 7.579 9.876 9.864 9.853 2.248 2.887 1 .315 1 .202
Krypton 7.946 8.528 8.488 8.412 1 .849 3. 044 1 .818 1 .772
Xenon 6.481 7.900 7 .995 7.912 1 . 335 2 .109 0. 915 1 .437
Table 4.4 Region I - Enthalpy and Entropy of Vaporization : Average Absolute Deviation

Enthalpy (cal/mole) Entropy (cal/mole-K)

Compound SRK PR LM( 1) LM(2) SRK PR LM( 1 ) LM(2)

Methane 48.9 30.8 30.6 36.3 0..333 0.. 183 0,.210 0.278
Ethane 97. 1 82. 1 56.8 51.9 0.. 356 0., 283 0,.228 0.202
Propane 87.3 66 .0 71 .9 48.3 0., 283 0. 205 0.. 252 0. 176
n-Butane 129.7 131.7 94 .0 43.7 0.. 321 0. 330 0.. 260 0. 127
1-Butane 69.0 63.7 40. 1 83.8 0. 181 0. 167 0.. 130 0.233
n-Pentane 167.3 139.8 95. 1 60.7 0..406 0. 327 0..257 O. 168
1-Pentane 141.6 124.3 52.6 75.6 0.. 337 0. 289 0.. 142 0. 196
Neopentane 164.0 142.4 112.9 78 .9 0. 415 0. 348 0.,302 0. 239
n-Hexane 1 16.6 102.2 84.4 144.6 0. 287 0. 262 0. 250 0.442
n-Heptane 127 .0 93.0 100. 3 123 .0 0. 309 0. 224 0. 277 0.344
n-Octane 113.2 141.5 159 .5 194 .7 0. 236 0. 369 0, 457 0.548
Benzene 130.4 121.2 74 . 3 105 . 1 0. 296 0. 285 0. 200 0. 232
Carbon Monoxide 22.4 26.9 16.0 35. 1 0. 226 0. 312 O. 193 0.432
Carbon D i o x i d e 57.9 41.3 59.8 0. 231 0. 162 0. 236
Carbon D i s u l f i d e 224.4 146.7 241 .3 325. 3 0. 587 0. 362 0. 606 0.949
Hydrogen Su1f i de 107 .5 136.5 145 .8 183 .0 0. 301 0. 435 0. 468 0.587
Sulfur Dioxide 99.2 77.7 118.8 262 . 1 0. 187 0. 141 0. 359 0.793
Methano1 563.3 433.8 402 . 1 406 .0 1.643 1 .250 1 .166 1 .235
Ethanol 236.2 87 . 2 281 .6 283.5 0. 703 0. 250 0. 856 0. 781
1-Propanol 275. 1 365.9 309.7 363. 1 0.620 0. 942 0. 844 0.915
T e r t i a r y Butanol 246.8 195.0 298 .7 473.9 0. 574 0. 437 0. 705 1 .056
Acetylene 1 10.2 97.5 49.9 0. 441 0. 397 0. 213
E thy1ene 52.9 27.4 36.9 25.8 0. 239 0. 145 0. 201 0. 153
T a b l e 4.4 Continued

Enthalpy (cal/mole) Entropy (cal/mole-K)

Compound SRK PR LM( 1) LM(2) SRK PR LM( 1 ) LM(2)

Propylene 82.7 48.8 47 .0 41.1 0.. 268 0. 174 0.. 158 0. 138
1-Butene 84.6 67.5 98 . 7 72.3 0. 241 0. 184 0,.301 0.217
Water 426.8 284.5 349.5 462.8 1 ,, 144 0. 729 0,.894 1 .378
n-Deuterlum 27.0 18.9 13.4 13.9 1 ,057
. 0. 719 0.,467 0.539
n-Hydrogen 9. 10 5.20 5.20 6.70 0..386 0. 203 0..220 0.281
p-Hydrogen 9.20 6 . 70 4.40 7 .00 0,, 380 0. 252 0.. 180 0. 281
Nltrogen 28.3 28 .8 26.4 31.5 0..250 0. 254 0,, 247 0.326
Ammonia 209.8 174.5 220.5 213.2 0,,434 0. 326 0..489 0.443
Oxygen 39.4 23.8 25. 1 25.6 0., 330 0. 181 0.,221 0.215
Neon 26.5 20. 4 3.50 6.80 0. 851 0. 648 0. 1 18 0. 229
Argon 32.4 17 . 1 24.9 23.2 0., 291 0. 122 0. 239 0.221
Krypton 42.0 30.4 38.3 30.0 0. 260 0. 171 0. 241 0. 175
Xenon 39 .9 25 .6 38 .0 34 .6 0., 192 0. 118 0. 186 0. 156
Table 4.5 Overall Average Errors (RMS % and AAD) for the Four
Regions (NC = number of compounds ; N = number of data points)

Region I : Saturation

Property SRK PR LM(1) LM(2)t NC N

P ( R M S %) 2.57 2.31 1.36 3.24 36 933

V ( R M S %)
15.94 10.34 9.77 9.92 36 933
V ( R M S %)
4.78 3.86 3.53 4.99 36 933
AH (AAD:cal/mole)
123.5 100.7 103.6 128.6 36 933

AS„ (AAD:cal/mole-K) 0.433 0.339 0.355 0.432 36 933

Region II : Subcritical

Property SRK PR LM NC N

P ( R M S %) 1.00 0.92 0.96 22 947

V ( R M S %) 1.81 1.45 1.53 22 947
T ( R M S %) 0.61 0.60 0.63 22 947
H - H ° (AAD:cal/mole) 49.5 45.3 41.7 22 947
S - S ° (AAD:caymole-K) 0.111 0.112 0.097 22 947
A - A ° (AAD:cal/mole) 17.5 17.7 17.5 22 947
G - G ° (AAD:cal/mole) 19.7 21.3 21.6 22 947
U - U ° (AAD:caymole) 44.2 44.3 40.8 22 947
f/P ( A A D ) 0.0064 0.0081 0.0084 22 947
C p (AAD:cal/mole-K) 0.4 0.4 0.7 10 370

u ( R M S %) 13.7 14.2 18.4 6 233

Region III : Supercritical

Property SRK PR LM NC N

P ( R M S %) 24.98 11.80 12.26 22 3417

V ( R M S %) 7.45 4.57 5.10 22 3417
T ( R M S %) 3.40 3.00 3.87 22 3417
H - H ° (AAD:caymole) 77.6 86.1 106.1 22 3417
S - S ° (AAD:cal/mole-K) 0.152 0.155 0.202 22 3417
A - A ° (AAD:cal/mole) 37.9 35.3 35.4 22 3417
G - G ° (AAD:cal/mole) 55.1 42.9 45.5 22 3417
U - U ° (AAD:cal/mole) 81.5 85.9 106.9 22 3417
f/P ( A A D ) 0.0217 0.0156 0.0174 22 3417
C (AAD:cal/mole-K)
p 3.5 3.5 4.0 10 1486

M ( R M S %) 21.2 35.5 34.1 5 432

Table 4.5 C o n t i n u e d

R e g i o n I V : Compressed L i q u i d

Property SRK PR LM NC N

P ( R M S %) >100. >100. >100. 18 733

V ( R M S %) 14.92 7.97 7.79 20 878
T ( R M S %) 17.55 8.42 8.36 18 733
H - H ° (AAD:cal/mole) 108.2 120.7 132.4 20 878
S - S ° (AAD:cal/mole-K) 0.553 0.765 0.621 7 261
A - A ° (AAD:cal/mole) 61.4 56.7 59.5 7 261
G - G ° (AAD:cal/mole) 55.5 55.2 58.2 7 261
U - U ° (AAD:cal/mole) 108.8 119.6 130.3 20 878
f/P ( A A D ) 0.0361 0.0218 0.0228 7 261
C D(AAD:cal/mole-K) 3.4 2.5 4.6 8 417

t Only 34 compounds (N = 881) were tested.



a, A, B

& Z V

& f 1




/OUTPUT Z , Z , P\
1 V


Figure 4.1 A l g o r i t h m for calculating saturation properties.


Figure 4.2 Region I : Error distribution curves of methane.


Figure 4.3 Region I : Error distribution curves of n-pentane.


Figure 4.4 Region I : Error distribution curves of 1-propanol.


Figure 4.5 Region I : Error distribution curves of argon.



o i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1


0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1

Reduced Temperature. Tr

Figure 4.6 Region I : Enthalpy and entropy of vaporization of methane.


Figure 4.7 Region I : Enthalpy and entropy of vaporization of n-pentane.


Figure 4.8 Region I : Enthalpy and entropy of vaporization of 1-propanol.

Figure 4.9 Region I : Enthalpy and entropy of vaporization of argon.


The subcritical region is considered to be the area between the saturated

vapor curve and the critical isotherm (Figure 1.1). In this region, predictions of

PVT, five departure functions which include enthalpy (H-H°), entropy (S-S°),

Helmholtz free energy (A-A°), Gibbs free energy (G-G°), and internal energy

(U-U°); fugacity coefficient (f/P), isobaric heat capacity (Cp), and Joule-Thomson

coefficient (u) from the SRK, PR, and L M equations have been tested against

experimental data. The data sources of the 22 compounds are given in Table

4.8. Since the LM(2) equation does not show any real advantages over the

LM(1) equation in various property predictions in Region I, the LM(2) equation is

not considered any further. The Lielmezs-Merriman equation is now simply L M

instead of LM(1) used in Region I.

Data taken from reference [122] are in departure function form and some

of the data are calculated from a modified Benedict-Webb-Rubin [18-22] equation,

and some are calculated from the Boublik-Alder-Chen-Kreglewski [3,8,13,52-55,106]

equation. Only PVT, enthalpy and entropy departure functions data were taken

because other departure functions can be calculated as follows :

(G G°) = (H -- H°) - T(S - S°) (4.4)

(A - A°) = (G -- G°) - R T ( Z •- 1) (4.5)

(U - U°) = (H -- H°) - R T ( Z •- 1) (4.6)

f H - H° s - S° po
In - = — — + In — (4.7)

where P ° , 1 a t m , is the reference state pressure.

Canjar et al [10] have tabulated H ° , S ° , H , and S in their data tables.

In order to convert these data to departure functions, H° and S° were fitted by

the method of least-squares to a potynominal expression of the form

H° = A + BT + CT 2
+ DT 3
(4>8 )


S° = E + FT + GT 2
+ HT 3
( A q-i

where H° is in kcal/mole, S° in cal/mole-K, and T in K . T h e coefficients of the

polynomials are tabulated in Tables 4.6 and 4.7. The data, H and S, are

converted to departure functions by the followings:

(H - H°) = H (from source) - H° (from polynomial) (4.10)

(S - S°) = S (from source) - S° (from polynomial) (4.11)

The enthalpy departure function and fugacity coefficient equations derived from

the generalized cubic E O S , Eq.(1.2), are shown i n the Appendix A .

The results of the P V T predictions from the three E O S are tabulated in

Tables 4.8 and 4.9. All three equations are very similar in accuracy for

pressure and temperature predictions. The compressibility factors of i-butane and

water are plotted against reduced temperature in Figure 4.10 and against

reduced pressure in Figure 4.11. These two figures show that the predictions of

the PR and L M equations are almost identical for both nonpolar (i-butane) and

polar (water) compounds. From Figure 4.10, it is evident that the SRK equation

is more accurate near the critical isotherm whereas the PR and LM equations

are better in the region below T = 0.95. The SRK

r equation tends to overpredict

the compressibility factors for the entire temperature range considered. The PR

and LM equations underpredict in the region above T = 0.95 r and overpredict for

the rest. Although only one isobar has been plotted for each of the two

compounds, the above observation is true in general for other isobars and

compounds. Figure 4.11 shows that as the pressure increases, the prediction from

the SRK equation deviates more and more from the experimental data. The PR

and L M equations are practically identical along the entire pressure range. Table

4.5 shows that for this region, the PR equation is the most accurate in volume

prediction and the SRK is the least accurate.

The results of the departure functions: enthalpy, entropy, Helmholtz, Gibbs

energy, and internal energy, and fugacity coefficient are tabulated in Tables 4.10

to 4.12. Note that the errors are not in RMS % but AAD. The reason is that

departure functions can take on both positive and negative values or even zero.

Therefore deviation from experimental data is chosen over % error as the basis

of comparison. These tables show that there are very small differences among

the three equations in accuracy. Figures 4.12 to 4.23 have the plots of the five

departure functions and fugacity coefficient of i-butane and water versus reduced

temperature and pressure. For the enthalpy, entropy, and internal energy

departure functions, the L M equation behaves rather radically in the region above

T = 0.95
r and below this temperature, the predictions are very similar to the

SRK and PR equations as can be seen in Figures 4.12, 4.14, and 4.20. This

radical behavior of the L M equation is due to the fact that the derivative of the

a-function with respect to temperature becomes infinite as it approaches the

critical temperature. This causes the three departure functions rise rapidly. This

behavior, however, does not appear in the Helmholtz free energy and Gibbs free

energy departure functions, and fugacity coefficient because these three functions

involve both the enthalpy and entropy and the subtraction of these two functions

cancels out the effect near the critical region. Thus, these three functions are

well-behaved even near the critical temperature. Although this behavior of the

L M equation is so different than the PR and SRK equations, the overall average

deviations from the L M equation for the enthalpy, entrop3 , and internal energy

departure function predictions are the lowest among the three equations. For

Helmholtz and Gibbs free energy departure functions, the predictions from the

three equations are very similar. Figures 4.16, 4.17, 4.18, and 4.19 show that

the three curves are practically on top of each other. Figures 4.22 and 4.23

have the plots of fugacity coefficients versus reduced temperature and pressure.

Again, these two figures show that almost no differences are observed between

the PR and L M equations. In terms of overall average deviations, the SRK

equation provides the most accurate prediction for fugacity coefficient.

The isobaric heat capacity data taken from reference [122] are given in

the departure function form, (C -C °). To convert these data to heat capacity C , p

the ideal gas heat capacity is calculated from correlations given by Reid et al

[94]. Table 4.13 has the results from the three equations. The results show that

the PR and SRK equations are practically identical in estimating this property.

The higher errors found in the L M equation are again due to the points near

the critical isotherm. For the region away from T = 0.95, the predictions of the

LM equation are similar to the other two equations.

Only six compounds are tested for Joule-Thomson coefficient, LL. It is

difficult to make a general statement about the predictive accuracy of the three

equations at this stage. However, for the six compounds studied here, the RMS

% errors from the SRK and PR equations are almost the same. The LM

equation gives the highest % errors among the three equations. The results are

summarized in Table 4.14.

From the above discussion, it is clear that very small differences are

observed among the three equations. No one equation exhibits clear advantage

over the others in all property estimations. For the region below T = 0.95, the r

PR and L M equations are identical in accuracy in almost all properties tested

here. Both of these equations give lower errors than the SRK equations. One

disadvantage of the L M equation is that near the critical temperature, the

a-funtion becomes infinite and therefore the equation gives unreasonable

Table 4 . 6 Coefficients of Ideal Gas Enthalpy Polynomial

Compound A B(10') C(10 )s

D(10*) Temp. Range Variance

n-Hexane -30.8531 7 . 19076 : 52.6134 -11.044 298-1500 0 .0030616

Carbon Dioxide -93.9989 6.. 16733 5.33631 -1.25588 200-1500 0 .00020066
Sulfur Dioxide -70.3422 7..15136 4.83196 -1.23718 200-1500 0 .00016076
Acetylene 53.8343 8 .07757 5.58979 - 1.08690 298-1500 0 .00013930
Propylene 8.74913 3 .61053 22.3577 -4.58043 298-1500 0,.00048150
Water -56.9968 7.. 14874 1 .36210 -0.0135023 200-1500 0..00003452
Ammon1 a -9.23274 6. 82980 2.33560 0.704254 200-800 0..00001325

Table 4.7 Coefficients of Ideal Gas Entropy Polynomial

Compound E F(10 )
G(10') H(10") Temp. Range Variance

n-Hexane 55.8375 13.3747 -3.36104 4.19050 298-1500 00020731

Carbon Dioxide 40.7596 4.04572 -2.25648 5.70186 200-1500 01 134
S u l f u r Dioxide 48.0444 4.44643 -2.61622 6.73076 200-1500 01998
Acetylene 36.4355 4.53894 -2.32769 5.58302 298-1500 003852
Propylene 47.4536 5.94086 -1 .58523 2.24722 298-1500 00016728
Water 35.5415 3.84262 -2.54623 7.13967 200-1500 03261
Ammonia 33.7072 5.54379 -5.65984 26.9856 200-800 003709
Table 4.8 Region I I - Volume RMS % E r r o r

Compound SRK PR LM Tr Range Pr Range N Ref. t

Methane 0 . 565 2 . 759 3,. 258 0,.629- -0 .986 0 .022- -0 .895 51 122
E thane 1 .227 1 . 535 2,,095 0,.655- -0 .982 0 .021- -0,.892 26 31
Propane 1 .298 1 . 1 18 1 ,, 369 0,.649- -0 .995 0 .024- -0 .952 40 122
n-Butane 0 .802 1 .034 1 ,, 138 0,.659- -0 .988 0 .027- -0,. 747 35 18
i-Butane 2 . 779 0 .998 1 ., 1 15 0,.662- -0,.999 0 .028- -0,.972 59 19
n-Pentane 1 .740 0 .589 0,,708 0,.660- -0,.980 0 .030- -0,.842 31 20
i-Pentane 3 .279 1 .058 0.,659 0.,673- -0..988 0 .030- -0,, 899 37 21
Neopentane 1 . 197 1 .211 1 .455 0,,669- -o,,991 0 .032- -o,.919 28 22
n-Hexane 3 . 224 1 . 154 0.,840 0.. 722--o.,995 0 .033- -0,,910 40 10
n-Heptane 0 .432 1 .425 1.,729 0..703- -0..963 0 .037- -0,. 731 35 122
n-Octane 0 .739 1 .778 2, 065 0..703- -0..985 0,.041- -0..806 37 122
Benzene 0 . 335 0..816 0. 990 i'O..658- -0,.978 0,.021- -0. 811 51 122
Carbon Dioxide 3 .904 2..381 2. 388 0. 730- -0. 986 0,.014- -0. 888 33 10
Sulfur Dioxide 1 .453
. 1 .. 140 1 .500 0. 645- -0. 993 0..013- -o. 918 56 10
Methanol 1 .644
. 2..501 2. 795 0. 702- -o. 974 0.,013- -o. 628 51 122
Ethanol 0..784 1 ,650
. 1 .871 0. 701- -o. 973 0.,017- -o. 652 43 122
1-Propanol 0.,602 1 ,318
. 1 .321 0. 708- O. 968 0. 020- -o. 590 40 122
Acetylene 6 . 196 2 ,961
, 2 .326 o. 97 1--o. 998 0..016- -0. 971 43 10
Propylene 2 . 101 1 ,, 256 1 .266 0. 822- -0. 989 0, 022- -0. 895 37 10
1-Butene 0.. 283 0. 678 0. 737 0. 667- -0. 953 0.,025- -o. 498 33 122
Water 2 , 157 1 .199 o. 840 0. 652- -0. 995 0. O05--0. 935 93 10
Ammon i a 3 .081
. 1 .354 1. 196 0. 630- -0. 986 0. 009- -0. 856 48 10

t PVT, departure f u n c t i o n , and fugacity coefficient data are taken from the same source.
T a b l e 4.9 Region II - Pressure and Temperature RMS % E r r o r s

Pressure Temperature

Methane 0 .309 1 .458 1 .644 0 . 207 0 .878 0 .947

E thane 0 .581 0 . 797 0 .929 0 .371 0 .487 0 .531
Propane 0 .650 0 .711 0 . 784 0 .456 0 .476 0 .520
n-Butane 0..603 0 . 737 0 .800 0 .428 0 . 494 0 .523
1-Butane 1 .096
, 0 .635 0 .684 0 . 546 0 .412 0 .506
n-Pentane 1 .033
, 0 .462 0,.520 0 .647 0 . 346 0 .372
i-Pentane 1 ,. 324 0,.388 0,, 336 0,.663 0.. 223 0..230
Neopentane 0.,693 0,.714 0., 783 0,.480 0.. 462 0,.482
n-Hexane 2.,030 0. 828 0,,670 1 .223
. 0..582 0..502
n-Heptane 0.,349 1,010 1, 135 0..267 0.. 738 0.,803
n-Octane 0. 563 1.,263 1.,401 0..416 0. 911 0.,980
Benzene 0. 170 0. 621 0. 686 0. 1 14 0. 478 0.,511
Carbon D i o x i d e 2. 687 1. 732 . 1. 729 1 .662 1. 125 1 ,. 127
Sulfur Dioxide 0. 851 0. 631 0. 769 0. 536 0. 395 0. 441
Methanol 1 .216 1.836 2. 022 0. 765 1. 188 1. 297
Ethanol 0. 579 1. 193 1 .328 0. 368 0. 761 0. 826
1 -Propanol 0. 474 1.015 1 .010 0. 327 0. 699 0. 693
Acetylene 2. 523 1. 141 0. 908 1 .205 0. 511 0. 390
Propylene 1 .074 0. 816 0. 864 0. 658 0. 530 0. 558
1 -Butene 0. 209 0. 543 0. 581 0. 154 0. 422 0. 445
Water 1 .206 0. 756 0. 702 0. 801 0. 560 0. 554
Ammon) a 1 .859 0. 850 0. 795 1 .099 0. 563 0. 546
Table 4.10 Region II - Enthalpy and Entropy Departure Functions : Average Absolute Deviation

Enthalpy (cal/mole) Entropy (cal/mole-K)


Methane 8. 1 5.0 10.6 0.053 0.058 0.051

Ethane 35.9 29 . 2 19.9 0. 120 0. 123 0.093
Propane 35.5 29 . 1 24.2 0. 101 0. 102 0.076
n-Butane 40.5 33.2 29.2 0.098 0.099 0.090
i-Butane 86.8 73.3 61.2 0.205 0. 206 0. 162
n-Pentane 59.8 51 .5 47.3 0. 126 0. 127 0.119
1-Pentane 54.6 44 .0 28.9 0. 107 0. 108 0.076
Neopentane 49.4 40.7 31.2 0.116 0.117 0.094
n-Hexane 183.0 171.2 146.5 0. 173 0. 172 0. 1 10
n-Heptane 13.2 16.8 20.0 0.024 • 0.025 0.034
n-Octane 22.2 27.2 37. 1 0.034 0.035 0.054
Benzene 7.8 9.2 12.5 0.017 0.018 0.025
Carbon D i o x i d e 32. 3 35 . 1 38 . 2 0. 147 0. 148 0. 149
Sulfur Dioxide 48. 1 40. 7 33.5 0.118 0. 118 0.092
Methanol 24. 1 27 .0 33.8 0.038 0.038 0.053
Ethanol 16.8 19. 1 24.2 0.030 0.030 0.042
1-Propanol 15.0 16.9 15.5 0.028 0.029 0.029
Acetylene 65.9 56.0 33 .8 0. 154 0. 154 0.099
Propylene 61.1 54 .8 48.2 0. 137 0. 138 0. 123
1-Butene 9.5 8.5 9.0 0.029 0.031 0.032
Water 72.7 68 . 1 80.8 0.181 0. 182 0. 160
Amnion 1 a 147 . 1 139.0 131.6 0.398 0.398 0.381

Table 4.11 Region II - Helmholtz and Gibbs Free Energy Departure Functions : Average Absolute Deviation

Helmholtz (cal/mole) Gibbs (cal/mole)


Methane 0.5 0.7 0.6 1 .3 5.7 6. 1

Ethane 1 . 1 1 .6 1 .0 2.0 5.9 6.3
Propane 1 .8 2.2 1 .9 2.0 6. 1 6.4
n-Butane 0.7 1 .0 0.8 2.9 5.7 6.0
1-Butane 3.5 4.6 4. 1 5.9 8.7 9. 1
n-Pentane 1 .4 1 .7 1 .4 6.3 4.2 4.7
1-Pentane 3.0 3.6 3.0 8.2 3.3 3.9
Neopentane 1. 1 1 .6 1 .3 3.7 6.5 6.9
n-Hexane 94.5 94 . 4 94 . 5 109.0 101 .0 100. 2
n-Heptane 1 .6 1 .7 1 .4 4.5 10. 1 10.7
n-Octane 1 .0 1 . 1 1 .0 6. 1 12.5 13.4
Benzene 1 .5 1 .6 1 .5 2. 1 6.5 6.8
Carbon D i o x i d e 65 .8 66 . 1 65.9 53.3 59.6 59.7
Sulfur Dioxide 28.0 27.8 28 . 1 31.7 26.6 26.2
Methanol 0.9 0.9 0.8 8.3 12.5 13.3
Ethanol 1 .4 1 .5 1 .3 5. 1 9.3 9.9
1-Propanol 1 .0 1 .0 1 .0 4.2 8. 1 8.0
Acety1ene 17.6 17.7 17.5 24.3 19.9 19.5
Propylene 30.3 30.0 30.2 34 .8 27 .9 27 .6
1-Butene 1 .3 1.3 1 .3 1 .2 4.4 4.5
Water 58.4 58.6 58 .0 52 .2 58.8 60.3
Ammon1 a 67.9 67 . 9 68.0 64 .6 66 . 3 66 .4
Table 4.12 Region II - Internal Energy Departure Function and Fugacity Coefficient Average Absolute

Internal Energy (cal/mole) Fugacity Coefficient


Methane 8.6 9.4 8.6 0.0029 0.0123 0.0132

Ethane 32.8 33 . 1 24 .8 0.0030 0.0078 0.0083
Propane 31.9 31.9 24.3 0.0029 0.0071 0.0074
n-Butane 36.9 37 . 1 33.5 0.0035 0.0060 0.0063
1-Butane 77 .5 76.7 62.3 0.0059 0.0084 0.0087
n-Pentane 52 . 1 52 . 2 48 .8 0.0064 0.004 1 0.0045
1-Pentane 43.4 43.0 29. 1 0.0077 0.0031 0.0036
Neopentane 44 .6 44 . 5 34 .5 0.0042 0.0064 0.0067
n-Hexane 164 . 3 163.7 140.8 0.0216 0.0119 0.0109
n-Hep tane 12.0 12.4 16.3 0.0041 0.0093 0.0098
n-Octane 18.4 18 . 7 28.9 0.0053 0.0108 0.0115
Benzene 7.4 7.9 11.8 0.0020 0.0058 0.0060
Carbon D i o x i d e 38.2 38 .4 41.3 0.0117 0.0204 0.0205
Sulfur Dioxide 43.5 43 . 1 33.6 0.0039 0.0078 0.0084
Methanol 18.2 18.0 24.8 0.0079 0.0118 0.0126
Ethanol 14.4 14.3 19.4 0.OO49 0.0088 0.0093
1-Propano1 13.3 13.5 13.1 0.0040 0.0076 0.0074
Acetylene 49.8 49 . 1 34.5 0.0158 0.0044 0.0037
Propylene 56 . 3 56 . 5 50.5 0.0044 0.0109 0.0113
1-Butene 8.9 9.4 9.9 0.0015 0.0053 0.0055
Water 64.2 64.5 77.5 0.0057 0.0056 0.0058
Amnion 1 a 136.5 136 .2 129.4 0.0114 0.0030 0.0028

Table 4.13 Region II - Isobar1c Heat Capacity : Average Absolute Deviation (cal/mole-K)

Compound SRK PR LM Tr Range Pr Range N Ref .

E thane 1 . 8 1 .7
. 2 .4 0..655-0 .982 0 .021-0 .892 26 122
Propane 1 ..4 1 .3 3 .8 0..649-0..995 0 .024-0,,952 40 122
n-Butane 1 .. 1 1 .1 1 .9
. 0.,659-0,.988 0,.027-0..747 35 122
i-Butane 2 .6
. 2 .6 3 .3 0..662-0..980 0..028-0..861 30 122
n-Heptane 0,,3 0..3 0 .4 0..703-0..963 0..037-0.. 731 35 122
n-Octane 0.,2 0..3 0 .8 0..703-0..985 0..041-0..806 37 122
Methanol 0..3 0. 3 0,6 0..702-0.. 974 0..013-0.. 628 51 122
Ethanol 0..2 0. 2 0..6 0,,701-0,.973 0..017-0..652 43 122
1-Propanol 0. 2 0. 2 0.. 3 .968
0., 708-0, 0..020-0., 590 40 122
1-Butene 0..3 0. 4 0,,4 0. 667-0,.953 0..025-0.,498 33 122

Table 4.14 Region II - Joule-Thomson Coefficient RMS % Error

Compound SRK PR LM Tr Range Pr Range N Ref .

Methane 10.88 13.13 15.92 0.551-0.970 0.011-0.754 132 4

Ethane 9.04 11.55 15.80 0.964 0.021-0.706 6 100
Propane 11.47 10.04 10.80 0.795-0.976 0.041-0.810 32 99
n-Butane 13.97 13.30 13.36 0.692-0.888 0.027-0.409 36 51
n-Pentane 18.51 17.71 17.94 0.698-0.804 0.030-0.164 20 51
Argon 18.18 19.32 36.54 0.684-0.982 0.021-0.414 7 98

0.60 0.90


0.88 -

N 0.84



Figure 4.10 Region II : Compressibilitj' factors of i-butane (Pr = 0.56) and water
(Pr = 0.31) versus reduced temperature.


0.9 -


0 85


Figure 4.11 Region II : Compressibility factors of i-butane (Tr = 0.98) and water
(Tr=0.96) versus reduced pressure.

Figure 4.12 Region II : Reduced enthalpy departure functions of i-butane

(Pr = 0.56) and water (Pr=0.31) versus reduced temperature.

Figure 4.13 Region II : Reduced enthalpy departure functions of i-butane

(Tr = 0.98) and water (Tr = 0.96) versus reduced pressure.
Figure 4.15 Region II : Reduced entropy departure functions of i-butane
(Tr = 0.98) and water (Tr = 0.96) versus reduced pressure.

3.10 4.4

3 05
— PR

2 95


2 80 i . i . i
0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1.00 1.02

Figure 4.16 Region II : Reduced Helmholtz departure functions of i-butane

(Pr = 0.56) and water (Pr = 0.31) versus reduced temperature.

0.85 0.55

0.80 • Data





0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1.00 1.02

Figure 4.20 Region II : Reduced internal energy departure functions of i-butane

(Pr = 0.56) and water (Pr=0.31) versus reduced temperature.


Figure 4.21 Region II : Reduced internal energy departure functions of i-butane

(Tr = 0.98) and water (Tr = 0.96) versus reduced pressure.

0.84 0.90

0.88 -

0 86

0.78 a,

0.78 -

0.82 -

0.72 0.80

Figure 4.22 Region II : Fugacity coefficients of i-butane (Pr = 0.56) and water
(Pr = 0.31) versus reduced temperature.

1.05 1.05
1.00 1.00 • Data
0 90 0 90

0.85 0.85

0.80 0.80

0.75 0.75

0.70 0.70

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Figure 4.23 Region II : Fugacity coefficients of i-butane (Tr = 0.98) and water
(Tr = 0.96) versus reduced pressure.


In the supercritical region (Figure 1.1), predictions of PVT, five departure

functions which include the enthalpy, entropy, Helmholtz free energy, Gibbs free

energy, and internal energy; fugacit3' coefficient, isobaric heat capacity, and

Joule-Thomson coefficient obtained from the SRK, PR and modified L M equations

have been tested against experimental data. The data sources of the 22

compounds are summarized in Table 4.15.

The results of the PVT predictions from the three EOS are tabulated in

Tables 4.15 and 4.16. The overall average errors for this region are summarized

in Table 4.5. For pressure prediction, the PR and L M equations are very similar

in accuracy. The overall average RMS % error from the SRK equation is about

double that of the PR or L M equation. For temperature prediction, all three

equations are about the same in accuracy where the PR produces the smallest

overall average RMS % error while the L M produces the largest. For volume

prediction, The PR and L M equations are again almost identical in accuracy for

most compounds. However, in terms of the overall average RMS % error, the

PR equation gives the lowest. In many cases, the error from the SRK equation

is almost twice that of the PR or L M equation. This observation also has been

found earlier in the saturation region. Figures 4.24 and 4.25 present the plots of

compressibility versus reduced temperature and versus reduced pressure for

n-octane and ethanol. These two figures clearly indicate that all three equations

are poor for polar compounds and reasonable for nonpolar compounds. These

figures once again reinforce the fact that the PR and L M equations are indeed

very similar in accuracy for volume prediction and the SRK is the least accurate

among the three.

The results for the five departure functions and fugacity coefficient are

summarized in Tables 4.17 to 4.19. In terms of overall average deviations (Table

4.5), the SRK and PR equations are very similar for enthalpy, entropy, and

internal energy departure function predictions. The L M equation is poor near the

critical temperature because the derivative of the a-function with respect to

temperature approaches infinity as the temperature approaches the critical value.

Hence, these three departure functions, enthalpy, entropy, and internal energy,

increase rapidly as the critical temperature is approached. Above T =1.05, the


predictions from the L M equation are very similar to those of SRK and PR

equations. This observation can be seen in Figures 4.26, 4.27, and 4.34. For

Helmholtz and Gibbs free energy departure functions, error cancellation near the

critical points resulted in similar accuracy for all three equations in this region.

Figures 4.30 and 4.31 represent the plots of the Helmholtz free energy versus

reduced temperature and pressure for n-octane and ethanol. Figures 4.32 and

4.33 are the plots of Gibbs free energy versus reduced temperature and pressure

for the same compounds. For fugacity coefficient calculation, the L M equation is

inferior to the PR equation. The SRK equation exhibits the highest overall

average deviation among the three equations. Fugacity coefficients of n-octane and

ethanol are plotted against reduced temperature in Figure 4.36 and against

reduced pressure in Figure 4.37.

The average absolute deviations of the isobaric heat capacity for ten

compounds are tabulated in Table 4.20 along with the experimental data sources.

It should be noted that, in general, the isobaric heat capacity data are not

accurate near the critical region where the heat capacity changes rapidly with

temperature and pressure. In many cases, all three equations give similar

predictions. The exceptionally high deviations found in some of the compounds:

ethane, propane, n-butane, and i-butane, may be due to the inabilitj' of the EOS

to predict this property in the critical region or may be due to the low accuracy

of the experimental data.

The predictions of the Joule-Thomson coefficient obtained from the three

EOS have been tested against experimental data for five compounds. The results

are summarized in Table 4.21. The SRK equation gives the lowest RMS % error

for four of the five compounds. In terms of overall average RMS % error shown

in Table 4.5, The SRK is also the lowest among the three equations. Again, the

number of compounds studied is not large enough to justify broad conclusions at

this time.

Out of the eleven properties studied in this region, the PR equation gives

the lowest overall average RMS % errors for pressure, volume, and temperature

predictions and also the lowest overall average deviations for Helmholtz free

energy, Gibbs free energy, and fugacity coefficient predictions. It is interesting to

note that the PR and L M a-functions, Eq.(2.3) and (3.39), are so different, and

yet, the accuracy of the two equations is similar for a number of properties.

One important point that is observed in Table 4.5 is that between Region H and

III, the accuracy of the three equations decrease substantially. The departure

function deviations of Region HI, in many cases, are double that of Region II.

For pressure, temperature, and heat capacity predictions, the accuracy reduces at

least by an order of magnitude for the same number of compounds.

Table 4.15 Region III - Volume RMS % Error

Compound SRK PR LM Tr Range Pr Range N Ref. t

Methane 2. 189 4 .692 4 ,950

. 1 .007- -7 . 343 0 .022- -21 .83 272 122
Ethane 7. 583 5 .013 5.,266 1 .002- -1 .768 0 .021- -10i . 37 108 31
Propane 6 .422 4 .687 4 .938 1 .000- -1 .892 0 .024- -16 .66 180 122
n-Butane 9 .791 5 .439 6 .057 1 .002- -1 .411 0 .027- -18 .68 69 18
i-Bu tane 6. 377 3 . 775 3 .989 1 .005- -1 .715 0 .028- -1 1 . 1 1 165 122
n-Pentane 8 .977 7 .627 7 ,947
. 1 .001--1 . 491 O .030- -21 .05 144 122
i-Pentane 8. 896 4 . 382 4 .794 1 .02 1--1 . 738 0 .030- -8 .990 160 122
Neopentane 6. 121 4 .332 4. 694 1 .014- -1 .614 0 .032- -1 1 . 10 153 122
n-Hexane 5. 853 2 .951 3 .687 1 .006- -1 . 159 0 .033- -1 .365 174 10
n-Heptane 8. 112 3..903 4. 332 1 .037- -1 .851 0,.037- -18 .28 156 122
n-Octane 10.25 5,.542 6 .491 1 .020- -1 .758 0,.041- -20 .14 143 122
Benzene 5 .155 2 ,515
, 3 .082 1 .031- -1 . 777 o,,02 1--2 .027 132 122
Carbon D i o x i d e 3. 104 1 .468
. 2 .003 1 .022- -4 . 492 0,,014- -2 .804 120 10
Sulfur Dioxide 7 .971 3 ,476
. 4 .238 1 .019- • 1.212 0..013- -3 .936 180 10
Methanol 1 1. 17 7. 620 8 .186 1 .013- -1 .949
. 0. 013- -6 .907 208 122
Ethanol 9 .884 6 .122 6 .954 1 .012- -1 ,. 946 0. 017- -8 .147 182 122
1 -Propanol 9. 300 5 .480 6 .055 1 .043- • 1,862
, 0. 020- -9 .878 169 122
Acety1ene isl . 60 10.63 12.34 1 .001- • 1,034
, 0. 016- • 1 435
. 63 10
Propylene 3. 565 1 .574 1 .902 1 .020- •3,.745 0. 022- -4 .476 130 10
1-Butene 4 .421 1 .664 1 .666 1 .049- •2 .
, 383 0. 025- -12 .44 195 122
Water 3 .651 2 .385 3 .213 1 .038- -1 ., 768 0. 005- - 1 7.14 194 10
Ammon i a 8 .616 5 .359 5 .384 1 .04 1--1 .. 452 0. 009- - 3 . 056 120 10

t PVT, departure f u n c t i o n , fugacity coefficient data are taken from the same source.
Table 4.18 Region I I I - Pressure and Temperature RMS % E r r o r s

Pressure Temperature

Methane 4 .555 13.59 13 .79 1.514 7.484 7.846

Ethane 19 .68 11.14 1 1.30 2.689 3 . 508 3 . 776
Propane 18 . 15 14.99 15 . 1 1 2.657 5.666 5 .923
n-Butane 32 . 10 15 .85 15 .98 3.754 5.740 6.131
1-Butane 17 .51 1 1 . 18 1 1.25 2.626 3.415 3.555
n-Pentane 23 .81 24 . 21 24 .27 3.672 10.44 10.71
1-Pentane 21 . 35 7.537 7 .681 3.700 1 . 724 1 . 723
Neopentane 15 .68 12 . 54 12 .66 2 . 169 4 .064 4 . 246
n-Hexane 10 .90 4.266 4 .720 1 .310 0.615 1 .450
n-Heptane 26 . 25 6.374 6 .871 6 .080 1 . 709 1 .664
n-Octane 40 . 13 10.92 1 1.92 7.882 2.360 3.312
Benzene 9. 189 3. 199 3.684 1 .397 0.581 0.597
Carbon D i o x i d e 7. 425 1 . 768 2 .324 1 .949 1 . 157 1 .638
Sulfur Dioxide 24 .58 6 . 104 6 .954 2.931 1 .029 1 .221
Methanol 75 .74 31.61 32 .74 6 . 258 3.774 8.754
Ethanol 44 .94 17.42 18 .53 5.745 3.211 7 . 505
1-Propano1 34 .04 12.79 13 .31 5.735 3.044 4 .001
Acetylene 68 . 1 1 30.97 32 .43 3.937 2.075 5.491
Propylene 8..498 2.601 2 .714 1 .455 0.683 0.787
1-Butene 10 .68 3.778 3 .788 3 .010 1.315 1 .358
Water 3..418 1 .966 2 .521 1 . 169 0.689 0.644
Ammon1 a 32 .90 14.77 15 .07 3 .066 1 .720 2 .844
Table 4.17 Region III - Enthalpy and Entropy Departure Functions: Average Absolute Deviation

Enthalpy (cal/mole) Entropy (cal/mole-K)


Methane 16.5 31 .4 39.3 0.045 0.035 0.082

Ethane 44.2 59 .5 73.7 0. 134 0. 155 0. 197
Propane 51 .5 74 .6 173.6 0. 132 0. 152 0.403
n-Butane 79.4 83 .4 179.5 0. 177 0. 188 0. 379
i-Butane 66.0 77 . 3 99.0 0. 133 0. 164 0.211
n-Pentane 189.8 192.3 298.5 0. 369 0. 342 0.582
1-Pentane 108.6 80.2 90. 2 0. 173 0. 160 0. 180
Neopentane 61.8 57.4 81.9 0. 109 0.121 0. 183
n-Hexane 231 . 1 217.7 201 .2 0.313 0.316 0.277
n-Heptane 70.7 98 . 3 91.8 0. 179 O. 168 0. 156
n-Octane 90.0 123.4 129 . 7 0. 229 0.214 0. 229
Benzene 21.8 42.4 42 . 5 0.039 0.047 0.047
Carbon D i o x i d e 57.2 70. 1 78.9 0.091 0.093 0. 106
Sulfur Dioxide 112.1 113.4 115.1 0. 140 0. 159 0. 196
Methanol 58.6 79.3 88 . 7 0. 124 0.124 0. 140
Ethanol 66.8 78 . 7 1 10. 2 0. 144 0. 143 0. 202
1-Propanol 79.9 98.6 141.4 0. 175 0.171 0.231
Acetylene 98.4 89.6 60. 1 0. 169 0. 182 0. 130
Propylene 33.7 33.5 43.3 0.060 0.060 0.069
1-Butene 27.9 39 . 3 41.0 0.07 1 0.064 0.061
Water 62.7 83. 1 73.4 0. 103 0. 105 0. 1 16
Ammonia 78. 1 70.9 80.9 0.237 0.243 0.268
Table 4.18 Region III - Helmholtz and Gibbs Free Energy Departure Functions : Average Absolute Deviation

Helmholtz (cal/mole) Gibbs (cal/mole)


Methane 12.4 8.6 10.4 9.7 29.7 32 . 3

Ethane 12.S 11.7 11.7 18.7 18.9 22.5
Propane 25.9 16.5 15.6 42 . 2 30.0 35.4
n-Butane 29.2 22. 1 21.8 48 .6 28 . 3 30.8
1-Butane 19.6 16.0 15.9 34 . 1 27 . 2 29.9
n-Pentane 51 .5 35. 1 35.0 58 . 2 46.8 50.4
i-Pentane 20.9 21 .6 22.9 48 .0 15.6 18.5
Neopentane 21.2 18 . 1 18.4 28.3 36 . 3 40. 3
n-Hexane 99.0 96.7 95.0 118.4 99. 1 101 . 3
n-Heptane 32 .5 26.4 26.5 83 . 2 33.8 32.9
n-Octane 40. 7 34 . 5 35.3 102.8 47.3 47 . 3
Benzene 9. 1 12.5 12.6 11.8 11.1 12.2
Carbon D i o x i d e 58.8 59.0 59.0 56.2 58.9 62 .0
Sulfur Dioxide 95 . 1 93. 1 94 .6 102 .0 102 . 1 102 .9
Methanol 13.0 18. 1 16.7 35.4 23. 1 24.7
Ethanol 11.1 11.2 12.0 52 . 1 31.4 39.9
1-Propanol 13.6 13.3 14.6 61.6 35. 1 44.4
Acetylene 33 . 3 30.0 28 .9 55 . 3 40.4 42.7
Propylene 31.1 29.0 29. 1 40.0 25.4 27 . 1
1-Butene 14.3 10.8 10. 7 34 .5 11.3 11.6
Water 111.1 112.4 112.8 103.5 114.2 113.2
Amnion i a 77.4 79 .6 79 .6 67 .0 77 .9 78 . 1

Table 4.19 Region III - Internal Energy Departure Function and Fugacity Coefficient Average Absolute
Devi at Ion

Internal Energy (cal/mole) Fugacity C o e f f i c i e n t


Methane 18.2 13.8 21.6 0.0104 0.0337 0.0381

Ethane 47 .6 55.4 69.4 0.0135 0.0156 0.0186
Propane 53.2 65.5 164.5 0.0264 0.0186 0.0225
n-Butane 66.9 77.7 170. 3 0.0242 0.0153 0.0168
i-Butane 60.9 74.9 97. 1 0.0180 0.0161 0.0178
n-Pentane 165.8 158 . 3 274.2 0.0284 0.0226 0.0249
1-Pentane 77.4 67. 1 78 . 3 0.0234 0.0096 0.0112
Neopentane 50.8 56.0 86.0 0.0135 0.0204 0.0228
n-Hexane 215.1 214.3 193.4 0.0315 0.0135 0.0157
n-Heptane 106.2 113.5 105.2 0.0426 0.0179 0.0170
n-Octane 141.5 148 . 7 153. 1 0.0521 0.0243 0.0237
Benzene 35.0 40.4 36 . 3 0.0062 0.0065 0.0071
Carbon D i o x i d e 73 .0 78. 1 93.3 0.0135 0.0133 0.0166
Sulfur Dioxide 96.5 102.8 103.6 0.0301 0.0324 0.0326
Methanol 93.0 99 .5 109.5 0.0187 0.0136 0.0142
E thano1 94.4 101 .9 144.3 0.0271 0.0173 0.0218
1-Propanol 116.6 125 . 3 177 .0 0.0310 0.0185 0.0239
Acety1ene 76.7 78 .6 50.0 0.0207 0.0056 0.0077
Propylene 30.4 33 . 1 40.8 0.0091 0.0076 0.0097
1-Butene 34.9 37 . 1 37.9 0.0203 0.0080 0.0083
Water 74.9 81.8 69.3 0.0055 0.0053 0.0048
Ammonla 64.3 65 .8 75.6 0.0101 0.0069 0.0076

Table 4.20 Region III - Isobaric Heat Capacity : Average Absolute Deviation (cal/mole-K)

Compound SRK PR LM Tr Range Pr Range N Ref.

E thane 4 .6
. 4 ,8 4 .. 4 1 .048-1 . 768 0..021-10.37 90 31
Propane 7 .. 1 7.
.2 6.6 1 .027-1 .892 0..024-16.66 162 122
n-Butane 9., 1 9 .3 9 .8 1 . 129- 1 .411 0 .027-18.68 32 122
i-Butane 9.. 5 9..7 8 .9 1 .029-1 .715 0..028- 11.11 149 122
n-Heptane 0. 8 0,.7 1 .4
. 1 .037-1 .851 0 .037-18.28 156 122
n-Octane 1 .. 1 1 .0
. 3..4 1 .020-1 .758 0..041-20.14 143 122
Methano1 0.. 7 0..6 2.3 1 .013-1 .949 0..013-6.907 208 122
Ethanol 0. 8 0..7 2 .. 7 1 .012-1 .946 0.,017-8.147 182 122
1-Propanol 0. 9 0. 8 0..5 1 .043-1 .862 0.,020-9.828 169 122
1-Butene 0. 3 0. 3 0. 3 1 .049-2 . 383 0. 025-12.44 195 122

Table 4.21 Region III - Joule-Thomson Coefficient RMS % Error

Compound SRK PR LM Tr Range Pr Range N Ref .

Methane 29.56 55.22 54.73 1.049-2.413 0.022-21.55 196 4

Ethane 10.15 14.35 12.79 1.018-1.236 0.021-0.706 35 100
Propane 4.27 4.16 8.66 1.021 0.041-0.891 12 99
Ethylene 40.93 76.61 55.87 1.053-1.495 0.020-49.51 77 23
Argon 21.22 27.44 38.58 1.065-3.799 0.021-4.137 112 98



0.9 h

tSl 0.8



1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 l.B Z.O

Figure 4.24 Region III : Compressibility factors of n-octane (Pr=4.03) and

ethanol (Pr=1.63) versus reduced temperature.

1.9 1.30

n-Octane Ethanol
O Data 1.25 h O Data
PR 1.20 PR

1.15 h



0.95 _1_
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 10.0

Figure 4.25 Region III : Compressibility factors of n-octane (Tr=1.76) and

ethanol (Tr= 1.95) versus reduced pressure.

Figure 4.26 Region in : Reduced enthalpy departure functions of n-octane

(Pr=4.03) and ethanol (Pr=1.63) versus reduced temperature.


Figure 4.27 Region III : Reduced enthalpy departure functions of n-octane

(Tr=1.76) and ethanol (Tr=1.95) versus reduced pressure.

Figure 4.29 Region III : Reduced entropy departure functions of n-octane

(Tr=1.76) and ethanol (Tr=1.95) versus reduced pressure.

9.0 10.0

8.0 - 9.0 -

7.0 8.0

6.0 - 7.0 -
< <
I i
5.0 n-Octane 6 0 Ethanol
O Data O Data
PR 5.0 PR
- • i — - J • ._i . 1 1 ,
3.0 4.0
1.0 12 1.6 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.8 1.8 2.0
Tr Tr

Figure 4.30 Region III : Reduced Helmholtz departure functions of n-octane

(Pr = 4.03) and ethanol (Pr=1.63) versus reduced temperature.

12.0 14 0



n-Octane Ethanol
) O Data O Data
20 , )> PR PR

0.0 ©• 1 . 1
0.0®— 1- ) —. i i-

0.0 5.0 10.0 15 0 20.0 25.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
Pr Pr

Figure 4.31 Region III : Reduced Helmholtz departure functions of n-octane

(Tr=1.76) and ethanol (Tr=1.95) versus reduced pressure.

9.0 10.0

9.0 I--
8.0 h

E- E-
K 7.0
a O
i I 6.0
o O

n-Octane Ethanol
O Data O Data
4.0 PR
PR 4.0

3.0 I , I i i
1.0 1.2 1.6 1.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0
Tr Tr

Figure 4.32 Region III : Reduced Gibbs energy departure functions of n-octane
(Pr = 4.03) and ethanol (Pr=1.63) versus reduced temperature.

12.0 14.0


O o
I i 6.0 -X
O o

4.0 Ethanol
O Data
2.0 1
) PR
< ) LM

o.o ©• 0.0 <>——1—- L _ _ - 1_— 1 b —

5.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0

Figure 4.33 Region III : Reduced Gibbs energy departure functions of n-octane
(Tr=1.76) and ethanol (Tr=1.95) versus reduced pressure.

Figure 4.34 Region III : Reduced internal energy departure functions of n-octane
(Pr=4.03) and ethanol (Pr=1.63) versus reduced temperature.

Figure 4.35 Region III : Reduced internal energy departure functions of n-octane
(Tr=1.76) and ethanol (Tr=1.95) versus reduced pressure.


In the compressed liquid region (Figure 1.1), the number of compounds

studied are limited due to the lack of available experimental data, especially data

on departure functions. The predictions of PVT, five departure functions which

include the enthalpy, entropy, Helmholtz free energy, Gibbs free energy, and

internal energy; fugacity coefficient, and isobaric heat capacity obtained from the

SRK, PR, and L M equations have been compared with experimental data. The

Joule-Thomson coefficient is not part of this study because data are not

available. The experimental data sources are listed in Table 4.22.

The RMS % errors from the three EOS for PVT calculations are

tabulated in Tables 4.22 and 4.23. The overall average RMS % errors are

summarized in Table 4.5. For pressure prediction, all three equations give

enormously high errors. Each of the three equations gives more than 100 %

RMS error for all compounds considered. For temperature estimation, the

magnitude of the errors from the PR and L M equations is the same in all

cases while the SRK equation gives substantially higher errors than the PR or

LM equation. In terms of an overall average RMS % error (Table 4.5), the

errors from the PR and L M equations are about half that of the SRK equation.

A very similar conclusion can also be drawn for the volume prediction. Both PR

and L M equations are much more accurate than the SRK equation. Overall

average RMS % error of the SRK equation shown in Table 4.5 is twice that of

the PR or L M equation. Figures 4.38 and 4.39 further illustrate this observation.

Figure 4.38 shows the plots of compressibility factor against reduced temperature

for n-heptane and methanol and Figure 4.39 shows the plots of compressibility

factor against reduced pressure for the same two compounds. Both of these plots

clearly suggest that both PR and LM are indeed similar in predicting

compressibility factor or volume.

As was mentioned earlier, experimental data on departure functions are

extremely scarce in this region. The TRC data book [122] contains enthalpy and

entropy departure functions data for a limited number of compounds, seven of

which have been selected for comparison with the predictions from the three EOS

considered in this work. Lu et al [68] proposed a correlation which can be used

for calculating enthalpy departure function of compressed liquid. They claim that

their correlation can be applied to both hydrocarbons and nonhydrocarbons.

Therefore, in addition to the seven compounds from the TRC data book, thirteen

other compounds have been added to this study. However, only enthalpy and

internal energy departure functions are tested for these additional compounds. The

correlation by Lu et al is given as follows:

(o ) (i)
H - H" H - H° H - H"
+ 0)

H - H"
= A + AJPJ. + A P *
0 2 R

H - H°
= B 0 + BjP r + B P = 2 r

The quantities Aj and Bj are functions of T r and are given by the following:

A 0 = 5.742533 + 0.743206T - 3.003445T

r r


A x = 0.075271 - 0.500988T r + 0.443336T r



A 2 = -0.017460 + 0.054554T - 0.045077T

r r


B 0 = 17.334961 - 18.851639T + 5.325703T

r r


B x = 0.092967 - 0.244039T + 0.158373T

r r


B 2 = 0.004468 + 0.001513T - 0.002061T

r r


This correlation is applicable in the region where 0.5<T ^0.8 and 0.2<T<9.0.
r r

The results of the comparison for the five departure functions and fugacity

coefficient are summarized in Tables 4.24 to 4.26. The overall average errors are

listed in Table 4.5. Figures 4.40 through 4.49 are plots of the five departure

functions against reduced temperature and pressure for n-heptane and methanol.

These plots provide some information on how accurate the three equations are in

predicting various departure functions. In general, all three equations are very

similar in accuracy and none of these equations has clear advantage over the

others. The accuracy of each of these EOS for this region are lower comparing

to the other regions. In fact, the overall average deviation shown in Table 4.5

indicate that this region has the highest deviation comparing to the subcritical

and supercritical regions for the same five departure functions and fugacity

coefficient. For fugacity coefficient prediction, all three equations behave quite

similarly. Figures 4.50 and 4.51 show that the difference among the three

equations are minimal.


The results from the three EOS for predicting the isobaric heat capacity

are summarized in Table 4.27. Also in Table 4.27 are the data source references

and temperature and pressure ranges. Alike to the subcritical and supercritical

regions, the SRK and PR equations are again very similar iri accuracy for

predicting the isobaric heat capacity. The LM equation gives the highest

deviations for all cases. Overall average deviation shown in Table 4.5 also shows

that the LM equation is the least accurate of the three EOS.

It follows that none of the above three EOS are adequate for predicting

various physical and thermodynamic properties of this region. The accuracies of

the PR and L M equations are similar for temperature and volume prediction. For

pressure prediction, all three are poor. For departure functions and fugacity

coefficient predictions, all three equations behave similarly and no noticeable

differences are observed. In predicting isobaric heat capacitj', the SRK and PR

equations are both adequate. In terms of overall average deviation or RMS %

error, this region is the highest among the single phase regions in each of the

property studied.
T a b l e 4.22 Region IV - Volume RMS % Error

Compound SRK PR LM Tr Range Pr Range N Ref. t

Methane 3 .610 9 .831 1Ci.01 0 . 525--0 . 944 0 .216- -0 .862 86 68.126

Ethane 10 .93 6 .410 6 .125 0 .519--0..994 0 .551--0 .981 48 68,82
Propane 8 .831 4 .943 4 .898 0 .622- -o..919 0 .211--0 .940 84 68,126
n-Butane 12 .33 3. 177 3. 056 0 .690--0 .925 0 .527- -0 .790 16 68,126
i-Butane 1 1.49 3. 464 3. 374 0 .718- -0..939 0 . 548--o..822 13 68,126
n-Pentane 10 .82 2 .292 2 .283 0..624- -o,,837 0,, 297--0.. 89 1 24 68,126
n-Hexane 14 .20 2 .951 2 .280 0..676- -0.,951 0..330- -o..990 23 68,126
n-Heptane 13 .70 1 .537 1 .267 0,.555--0,,926 0,.037- -0,. 731 49 122
n-Octane 16 .69 3 .793 3 .430 0 .563--0. 949 0.. 04 1-0,.806 54 122
Benzene 9 .761 3. 637 3. 593 0..551--0. 942 0,.021--0, 811 53 122
Carbon Dioxide 12 .43 3. 184 2. 962 0..799- -o. 964 0..206- -o. 824 23 25,68
Methanol 37 .36 21 .43 21 .24 0..702- -o. 857 0. 038- -0. 628 27 122
Ethanol 23 .81 9. 929 9. 324 0,.701--0. 973 0..033- -0. 815 37 122
1-Propanol 18 .85 5 .832 5 .991 0..670--0. 968 0. 020- -0. 786 41 122
1-Butene 8 .895 4 .519 4 .643 0..572- -0. 953 0.,025- -0. 746 38 122
Water 37 .83 22 .18 21 . 74 0.,515--0. 963 0.,203- -0. 904 1 18 44,68
N i t rogen 7 .'070 8 .709 8 .780 0.,715--0. 953 0.,209- -0. 896 17 25,68
Ammon i a 30 .86 15 .73 15 .52 0. 764- -0. 962 0. 269--0. 898 54 25,68
Neon 4 .872 15 .04 14 .42 0. 563--0. 901 0. 226- -o. 942 20 68,126
Argon 3 .:978 10i. 74 10 .85 0. 563- -o. 961 0. 204- -o. 919 53 68,126

t PVT, departure function, and fugacity coefficient data are taken from the same source
Table 4.23 Region IV - Pressure and Temperature RMS % Errors

Pressure Temperature

Methane 179 1 144 1 174 2 . 792 18.29 18.47

Ethane 718 876 904 6 . 965 10.47 10.42
Propane 1 104 637 643 9.893 7.171 7 .095
n-Butane 698 171 173 10.17 3 .072 3.050
1-Butane 468 172 172 8 . 177 3.545 3.509
n-Pentane 2139 333 344 16 .09 3.624 3.606
n-Hexane 2001 132 123 16.36 1 . 758 1.612
n-Heptane 70070 1555 1417 36.30 2 .079 1 .803
n-Octane 4639 4583 45.46 6.204 5.894
Benzene 281 12 5722 5932 20.24 7.268 7.207
Carbon D i o x i d e 722 139 128 8 .083 1 .891 1 .771
Ethanol 97345 10358 10446 39.48 10.46 10.45
1 -Propanol 64189 4181 4248 3 1 . 85 5 .078 5 . 128
1-Butene 15773 4942 5383 16.15 8.418 8.617
N1trogen 130 485 492 2.872 8 . 757 8 .936
Ammon1 a 5505 1346 1353 32 .62 12 .95 12 .95
Neon 670 1217 1 127 9 . 881 24 .06 23 . 27
Argon 152 918 929 2.435 16.54 16 .67
Table 4.24 Region IV - Enthalpy and Entropy Departure Functions: Average Absolute Deviation

Enthalpy (cal/mole) Entropy (cal/mole-K)


Methane 42 .6 10. 3 37.7

E thane 89.0 60. 3 98.7
Propane 77.8 37.5 81.8
n-Butane 68 . 2 45.7 91.4
i-Butane 68.4 47 . 4 81.9
n-Pentane 52.3 31 .9 88.7
n-Hexane 85.9 56.5 91.5
n-Heptane 186.5 238 . 2 48.8 0. 531 0. 739 0. 273
n-Octane 214.0 233.8 69.5 0.511 0.670 0.312
Benzene 122 . 1 146 . 3 59.7 0. 405 0. 447 0. 138
Carbon D i o x i d e 49.9 38.6 61.9
Methanol 510.0 629.2 887.6 1 . 325 1 .649 2.305
Ethanol 132.0 208 . 2 300.3 0.346 0.612 0.871
1 -Propanol 159.7 229.2 32.8 0.413 0. 657 0. 198
1-Butene 93.6 158.0 73 . 5 0. 342 0. 533 0. 247
Water 76.4 164 . 3 408 . 7
N1trogen 25 .9 14.5 14.6
Ammon1 a 71.1 51.9 87 .4
Neon 9.5 2.5 17.4
Argon 28 . 1 10. 5 14.8
Table 4.25 Region IV - Helmholtz and Gibbs Free Energy Departure Functions : Average Absolute Deviation

Helmholtz (cal/mole) Gibbs (cal/mole)


n-Heptane 71.1 65.5 68 . 1 66 . 3 65 67.8

n-Octane 101 .4 95. 1 97 .9 94 .6 93 96 . 5
Benzene 65.0 34.9 40. 3 60.8 35 41.2
Methano1 39.3 46.7 64 . 7 35.8 44 62.8
Ethanol 58 .6 58 .0 62.7 47 .6 53 58 .6
1-Propanol 83.2 78.4 62.0 74 .0 75. 59.0
1-Butene 11.5 18.4 20.9 9.6 18 21.8
Table 4.26 Region IV - Internal Energy Departure Function and Fugacity Coefficient Average Absolute

Internal Energy (cal/mole) Fugacity Coefficient


Methane 42.8 9.6 36 .0

E thane 86.6 58.5 96 .9
Propane 80. 1 35.7 80. 1
n-Butane 69.4 44.8 90.5
1-Butane 66.7 45.5 80.7
n-Pentane 58.8 31.8 88.2
n-Hexane 87.5 55 . 1 90.9
n-Heptane 188 . 7 238.6 49 . 1 0.0222 0.0242 0.0238
n-Octane 218.1 234 . 7 70. 2 0.0282 0.0308 0.0316
Benzene 124.4 146.6 59. 1 0.1336 0.0153 0.0156
Carbon D i o x i d e 49 . 3 37.5 61.4
Methano1 497.8 622 . 1 880. 7 0.0159 0.0203 0.0285
Ethanol 135.9 207.8 298. 7 0.0190 0.0223 0.0255
1 -Propanol 164 .6 231 . 1 30. 2 0.0300 0.0315 0.0248
1-Butene 93.2 158.6 72.8 0.0038 0.0083 0.0100
Water 76.8 157 . 1 395 . 7
N1trogen 25.6 13.1 13.4
Ammon1 a 72.9 51.4 78.9
Neon 9.3 2.3 18.3
Argon 27 .8 10.4 14.6
Table 4.27 Region IV - I s o b a r i c Heat Capacity : Average A b s o l u t e D e v i a t i o n (cal/mole-K)

Compound SRK PR LM Tr Range Pr Range N Ref.

n-Heptane 2 .8 2 .5 3 ,. 9 0 . . 5 5 5 -- o . . 9 2 6 0 . 0 3 7 - - o . . 731 49 122

n-Octane 3 . 3 2 . 8 3 .. 8 0 . . 5 6 3 -- 0 . 9 4 9 0 . 0 4 1-- 0 . . 8 0 6 54 122
Methano1 3 . 2 1 . 7 2 .0 0. 702- - 0 . 857 O.. 0 3 8 -- 0 . 6 2 8 27 122
Ethanol 6 .0 4 ., 2 5 .0 0. 701- - 0 . 973 0. ,033- -0. 815 37 122
1-Propano1 5 . 3 3 .. 6 10.3 0. 670- - 0 . 968 O., 0 2 0 - -0. 786 41 122
1-Butene 1 .0 1 .. 3 5 . 1 0 . 572- - 0 . 953 0. .025- -0. 746 38 122
Water 4 .0 2 .. 9 4 . 5 0. 515- - 0 . 963 0 . . 2 0 3 -- 0 . 9 0 4 1 18 44
Argon 1 . 8 1 ., 1 2 . 1 0 . 563- - 0 . 961 0. 204- -0. 919 53 126

0.14 0.105
eS DaU

0 12

tsi tS3 0.085

0 Data
0.075 PR
0.10 - 0 LM
0 0 0

0.09 0.065 -i 1 1

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90
Tr Tr

Figure 4.38 Region I V : Compressibility factors of n-heptane (Pr = 0.73) and

methanol (Pr = 0.63) versus reduced temperature.

0.14 0.10
0.12 - Q Data
0.08 SRK




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Figure 4.39 Region I V : Compressibility factors of n-heptane (Tr = 0.67) and

methanol (Tr = 0.70) versus reduced pressure.

7.45 9.6

es 0 0
7.40 00 ra 0
0 Data
9.0 -
cS 7
ad 8.8 LM
£ 7.30 PC
Q Data 8.4 -
7.25 —SRK
PR 8.2
• i . i i .
7.20 ' i — i i 8.0 • 1

0.0 0.2 0.4 0 6 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Pr Pr

Figure 4.41 Region IV : Reduced enthalpy departure functions of n-heptane

(Tr = 0.67) and methanol (Tr=0.70) versus reduced pressure.

10 0
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90
Tr Tr

Figure 4.42 Region I V : Reduced entropy departure functions of n-heptane

(Pr = 0.73) and methanol (Pr = 0.63) versus reduced temperature.

0 Data
11.0 SRK
14.5 h-
10.9 \
CO CO 0 0 0
I 00 I 14.0 h

Y 10 8 V

13.0 -

0.0 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

Figure 4.43 Region IV : Reduced entropy departure functions of n-heptane

(Tr = 0.67) and methanol (Tr = 0.70) versus reduced pressure.

0.51 1.28
0 Data
0.49 — SRK
1.26 -
0 0

E— 0 o 1.24 - ro
\ OS
0 0
°< <
I . I 0
< < 1.22
0.43 -
Methanol 0
0 Data
1.20 SRK
0 41
I . I . I .
0.39 1.18 • * • • - • - • - •

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Pr Pr

Figure 4.45 Region IV : Reduced Helmholtz departure functions of n-heptane

(Tr = 0.67) and methanol (Tr = 0.70) versus reduced pressure.

3.0 3.0

2.5 -
2.0 -

O o
E- 1.0 E-
O G~* 1.5
o o.o - I
n-Heptane Methanol
0 Data • Data
-1.0 —SRK SRK

1 , i . 1...

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.60 0.85 0.90
Tr Tr
Figure 4.46 Region I V : Reduced Gibbs energy departure functions of n-heptane
(Pr = 0.73) and methanol (Pr = 0.63) versus reduced temperature.

-0.10 0.65

-0.15 0.60

\ 0
-0.20 0.55 0 0
o O
i I
o O

-0.25 0 Data
-0.30 0.45 -I 1 L_ ^ 1 .__L . 1 .

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Pr Pr

F i g u r e 4.47 Region I V : Reduced Gibbs energy departure functions of n-heptane

(Tr = 0.67) and methanol (Tr = 0.70) versus reduced pressure.

6.85 8.8

0 0 0 Q
6.80 -
8.4 •
0 Data
es O SRK
0 0 PR
\ 8.2
I 8.0
2- 6.70 I
n—Heptane 7.8
0 Data
6.60 1 , L_ 1 I 1 I [ I 1 1
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Pr Pr

Figure 4.49 Region IV : Reduced internal energy departure functions of n-heptane

(Tr=0.67) and methanol (Tr = 0.70) versus reduced pressure.

0.7 0.5
n-Heptane Methanol
0.6 • Data es eS Data
0.5 LM LM

0.4 0.3




0.0 2d=L—i i i 0.0

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90
Tr Tr

Figure 4.50 Region IV : Fugacity coefficients of n-heptane (Pr = 0.73) and

methanol (Pr = 0.63) versus reduced temperature.

0.25 0.7
- eS Data
0.20 SRK
0.5 LM

0.4 \

0.3 \ V


t 1
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Pr Pr

Figure 4.51 Region IV : Fugacity coefficients of n-heptane (Tr = 0.67) and

methanol (Tr = 0.70) versus reduced pressure.


Liquefaction and refrigeration are used extensively in the cryogenic and

natural gas industries. To liquify gases, Joule-Thomson expansion is often used.

Information concerning conditions at which cooling or heating may occur is

essential. When the Joule-Thomson coefficient, u

u = (4.15)

is positive, cooling occurs and when negative, heating results. The condition at

which the crossover from cooling to heating occurs, is called the inversion

condition, and is defined as

" = 0

The temperature at which inversion occurs, is called the inversion temperature,

and the corresponding pressure is the inversion pressure. For each isenthalpic

curve on a T-P diagram, there is one inversion point. These points form a

unique line and this locus of points is called the inversion curve. The object of

this section is to compare the inversion curve calculated from the three equations

of state: SRK, PR, and L M with experimental data. A total of nine compounds

are studied. The experimental data sources have been tabulated in Table 4.28.

Along with the experimental data, the predictions from the three EOS are also

compared with the generalized inversion correlation proposed by Gunn, Chueh, and

Prausnitz (GCP) [45]. Their correlation is based on 89 experimental inversion

points of fluids with acentric factors that are close to zero. These fluids include

argon, xenon, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, and ethylene. The GCP

correlation is given below:

P r = -36.275 + 71.598T r - 41.567T r

+ 11.826T r

- 1.6721T * r + 0.091167T r
( 4 1 ? )

The three inversion curve equations derived from the SRK, PR, and L M

equations are given in Appendix A. For ease of reference, the inversion equation

derived from the generalized cubic equation of state, Eq.(1.2) is given below:

C^r+uS+w) 2
+ C $(2$+u)(£-l)
+ c ($-l) ($ +u$+w) = 0
2 2



Ci = % T r (4.18a)

° 2 =
" a
fl a

C 3 = 0.0
a* (4.18c)
S = V/b (4.18d)

The reduced inversion pressure is given by the following:

o _ RT r 1
aa 1
r " ~ 7777 TT7 77777777 (4.19)
(5-1) 0^ ($ +u$+w) 2

To calculate the inversion pressure at a given reduced temperature, the

dimensionless volume, $ is solved from Eq.(4.18) and is substituted along with

the given reduced temperature into Eq.(4.19).


The results of the nine compounds tested are summarized in Table 4.28.

Since the GCP correlation is only applicable for simple compounds, that is

compounds with small acentric factor, no estimations are given for propane,

n-butane, carbon dioxide, p-hydrogen, and ammonia. The comparison is based on

RMS % error. From Table 4.28, it is clear that the SRK equation is more

reliable than the PR or L M equation. The SRK equation gives the lowest RMS

% error for most compounds. The large RMS % errors for carbon monoxide

reported for the PR and SRK equations are due to the points that are near the

high temperature ideal gas region at which the inversion pressure is close to

zero but both the PR and SRK equations give large negative inversion pressures.

There are two points on the inversion curve which can be used to

characterize any fluid. These are the maximum inversion pressure and the

maximum inversion temperature. Miller [78] has suggested a reasonable

approximation for locating these two points. For compounds which follow the

corresponding states principle such as hydrocarbons, the maximum inversion

temperature is about 5 times the critical temperature and the maximum inversion

pressure is about 11.75 times the critical pressure at the reduced temperature of

2.25. The values of the maximum reduced inversion pressure, P (max), and

maximum reduced inversion temperature, T (max), from the three equations of


state have been tabulated in Table 4.29. On the average, the maximum reduced

inversion pressure from the SRK equation is 12.05, PR is 13.40, and from L M

is 14.25. The maximum reduced inversion temperature is 4.22 for the SRK

equation, 5.25 for the PR equation, and 5.80 for the L M equation. Therefore, in

general, the SRK equation tends to give the closest maximum inversion pressure

and the PR equation gives the closest maximum inversion temperature. The LM

equation overpredicts both the maximum inversion pressure and temperature for

all compounds considered in this study.

Figures 4.52 to 4.60 show the inversion curves of the nine compounds

calculated from the three EOS. In the case of fluid which has small acentric

factor, the curve calculated from the GCP correlation is also included in the plot.

For the low temperature region, all equations give similar predictions. None of

the EOS, however, is capable of giving reasonable representation at the high

temperature region. It should be pointed out that the L M equation is not a

continuous function because it is not defined at T =1.0. Therefore a discontinuity


appears on all the graphs at T = 1.0. It is safe to say that the behavior of the

three equations is identical at reduced temperature below 1.5. The SRK equation

is probably the most accurate among the three EOS right up to the maximum

inversion pressure. This observation is consistent with the findings of Dilay and

Heidemann [24]. The PR and LM equations are not recommended for inversion

curve predictions above Tr=1.5.

Table 4.28 I n v e r s i o n Pressure RMS % Error

Compound SRK PR LM GCP Tr Range N Ref .

Methane 3.680 12.58 10.72 1 .242 1 .102-2 .465 27 25

Propane 42 . 37 46 . 50 45.97 0 .811-2 . 189 52 39
n-Butane 24.92 30. 18 30. 13 0..823-2 .023 52 48
Carbon Monoxide 3629 . 6704 . 119.9 23 . 79 1.. 528-5 .064 14 25
Carbon Dioxide 17 .07 22 . 39 21 .29 0. 832-1 . 391 18 25
E thy 1ene 8.912 17. 20 13.65 4.900 1.053-1. 495 6 23
p-Hydrogen 50.98 74.67 74 . 14 0. 849-5 459 16 69
Ammon i a 108.8 106 . 2 101 .0 0. 792-1.. 233 20 25
Argon 20. 12 26.65 25.20 5.615 0..862-1. 989 18 40

Table 4.29 Maximum Reduced I n v e r s i o n Pressure and Temperature

Compound Pr(max) Tr Tr(max) Pr(max) Tr Tr(max) Pr(max) Tr Tr(max)

Methane 11 .. 79 2 . 15 4 .40 13 .08 2 . 29 5. 38 13 . 34 2 . 58 6 .04

Propane 12 ,
. 12 1 .89 3 .61 13 .42 1 . 98 4 .'21 14 . 53 2 .31 4 .73
n-Butane 12 . 24 1 .84 3 .45 13 .55 1 ,91
. 3. 99 15 .
,08 2 . 26 4 .45
Carbon Monoxide 11 .87 2 .06 4 . 14 13 . 16 2 . 18 4 .97 13 .60 2 . 49 5 .61
Carbon D i o x i d e 12 . 33 1 .80 3 . 34 13 .65 1 . 87 3 .83 15 .68 2 . 24 4 .28
E thy 1ene 1 1.95
. 1 .99 3 . 93 13 . 24 2 . 10 4 .67 13 .82 2. 4 1 5 .26
p-Hydrogen 1 1 95
. 3 .09 7 .39 13 .70 3,, 74 10.97 13..61 3 .83 1 1. 37
Ammon i a 12 .41 1 . 77 3 ,. 26 13 . 74 1 ,84
. 3. 72 15 .27 2 . 19 4 .24
Argon 1 1 77
. 2 . 17 4 .49
. 13 .07 2 ,. 33 5 .52 13 . 33 2 .62
. 6 .20


o.o I ' i i ' 1 ' 1 i 1 1

• 1
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0
Reduced Pressure, Pr

Figure 4.52 Inversion curve of methane calculated from the S R K , P R , L M , and

GCP equations. oo

0.0 • I • 1 I > 1 . I ; 1
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0
Reduced Pressure, Pr

Figure 4.53 Inversion curve of propane calculated from the SRK, PR, and LM to
equations. CO
Figure 4.54 Inversion curve of n-butane calculated from the SRK, PR, and LM CO

equations. o
Carbon Monoxide

0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0

Reduced Pressure, P r

Figure 4.55 Inversion curve of carbon monoxide calculated from the SRK, PR,
LM, and GCP equations.
C a r b o n Dioxide
A Expt.

0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0
Reduced Pressure, P r

Figure 4.56 Inversion curve of carbon dioxide calculated from the SRK, PR, and co
LM equations.
F i g u r e 4.57 Inversion curve of ethylene calculated from the S R K , PR, L M , and w
G C P equations. w
Figure 4.58 Inversion curve of p-hydrogen calculated from the S R K , PR, and L M co
Figure 4.59 Inversion curve of ammonia calculated from the S R K , PR, and L M co
equations. cn
Figure 4.60 Inversion curve of argon calculated from the SRK, PR, LM, and w
GCP equations. 0 5


To account for vapor phase nonideality, the fugacity coefficient is

necessary in phase equilibria calculations. Often when the pressure is moderate,

density is less than half the critical, the virial equation truncated after the

second term provides excellent estimate of the vapor phase fugacity coefficient.

For normal fluids, probably the most popular and accurate correlation for

calculating the second virial coefficient is the method suggested by Tsonopoulos

[123]. This correlation is a modification of the Pitzer-Curl [90] equation which is

based on the three-parameter corresponding states principle utilizing the acentric

factor as the third parameter for improving the accuracy of the prediction. The

Tsonopoulos correlation gives the reduced second virial coefficient as the sum of

two terms:

= f ( o ) + cjf ( 1 ) (5.1)

where f<°> and f ' ' are given by Eq.(5.1a) and (5.1b)

0.330 0.1385 0.0121 0.000607

f " ) = 0.1445 -
T rp

r r

0.331 0.423 0.008
f' '
= 0.0637 + (5.1b)

The f < ) represents the reduced second virial coefficient of a simple fluid which

has zero acentricity and f < > is the correction term for a normal fluid. The

coefficients of f < ' 0

and f < '
were found by curve-fitting with experimental data.

Argon, krypton, and xenon data were used b3' Pitzer and Tsonopoulos to obtain

the function f < >. However, both authors did not specify which compounds were

used for the f < > function. The data sources for the Tsonopoulos correlation were

taken from the 1969 compilation of second virial coefficient by Dymond and

Smith [26].

Recently, Yu et al [129] and Adachi et al [1] have studied a number of

cubic equations of state for pure compound property predictions. These two

studies have shown that none of the currently popular cubic equations of state

are capable of giving accurate second virial coefficients except the equation

proposed by Kubic [57]. The Kubic equation uses the Tsonopoulos correlation to

determine one of its constants. Although the Kubic equation gives excellent second

virial coefficient prediction, it fails to give reasonable approximations for the more

fundamental properties such as vapor pressure and densities. Martin [73]

proposed a modified Martin [72] equation specifically designed for second virial

coefficient calculation. To determine the three required substance-dependent

constants, the slope of the vapor pressure curve at the critical point,

experimental second virial coefficients, and critical constants must be known.



As it was pointed out in the previous section, most of the cubic equations

of state do not give accurate second virial coefficient predictions for the entire

temperature range. However, it is generally true that predictions from the cubic

equation of state are acceptable for reduced temperature above 0.8. Below this

temperature the results deviate greatly from the experimental data. To

understand why the cubic equation fails to give good representation of the second

virial coefficient, it is essential to look at how the virial coefficients are

represented by the cubic EOS.

The compressibility of a gas can be expanded in Taylor series either in

inverse molar volume or pressure, that is :

2 = 1 +
^ +
" • * ( 5
- 2 )


Z = 1 + B'P + C P 2


Eq.(5.2) is called the Leiden form whereas Eq.(5.3) is the Berlin form of the

virial equation. The coefficients B, B'... and C, C... are the second and third

coefficients, respectively. The two sets of virial coefficients, B and B' and C and

C, can be shown [91] to be related to each other by Eq.(5.4a) and (5.4b)


B = B'RT (5.4a)

C = C (RT) 2
+ B 2


For pure gas, these coefficients are functions of temperature only. If the

generalized cubic equation of state, Eq.(1.2):

RT a(T)
V-b V +ubV+wb 2 2 (1
' 2)

is expanded in inverse molar volume similar to Eq.(5.2), it can be shown that

the second virial coefficient is given by Eq.(5.5)

B = b (5.5)


a(T) = a ( T ) • a c ( 5 6 )

The derivation of Eq.(5.5) is shown in the Appendix A. In reduced form:

!Zc = _ a (
V p
c p
RT RT RT 2 2



F = a/T r

It was shown by Shaw and Lielmezs [105] that for most cubic E O S , the

F-function can be written as a power series in inverse reduced temperature. For

example, the F-function of the Soave-Redlich-Kwong [110] and Peng-Robinson [87]

equations are given by Eq.(5.9)

C 2 C 3

F = Ci + +
7 (5

r r

The constants C 1 } C , 2 and C 3 are functions of the acentric factor. If we

compare the functional dependence of F on reduced temperature with that of the

Tsonopoulos correlation, it can readily been seen why the cubic E O S gives such

poor results in the low temperature region. Below T = 0.8,

r the slope of the

second virial coefficient increases rapidly with decreasing temperature (see Figures

5.1 and 5.2). With the dependence on reduced temperature of power of -1, it is

not possible to include the rapid changes in the low temperature region.

Since the data sets used by Tsonopoulos were materials found before

1968, and the 1980 compilation by Dymond and Smith [27] has included

material published up to early 1979, an improved correlation was thought to be

possible with these new and more accurate experimental data and this prompted

the present investigation.


The present proposed correlation is based on the P R form cubic E O S :

RT a(T)
p =
V-b V +2bV-b
2 2

Here, the a(T) function is modified such that it gives an accurate second virial

coefficient. The second virial coefficient from a cubic equation of state is given

earlier by Eq.(5.5)

B = b (5.5)


a(T) = a ( T J • a(T , o) r

RT 2 2
2 2

a(T„) = Q Q — = 0.45724 —
c c

b = b(T ) =0. — ^ = 0.07780 — *
c c

Substituting a(T) and b into Eq.(5.5) and simphfying, the reduced second virial

coefficient is

BP C a
— = % ~ a —

Rearrange Eq.(5.11), a is then given by Eq.(5.12)


a J


Br = (5.13)

With experimental B , a can now

r be calculated at each reduced temperature.

It is proposed here that the a-function for normal fluid be given by the

following expression:

a = a<°> + wa' ' 1


where a '( 0
represents a of simple fluids and a ' (1
corrects for the deviation of

normal fluid from the simple fluid. The functional form of Eq.(5.14) is based on

the three-parameter theorem of corresponding states with the acentric factor as

the third parameter. In this work, all acentric factors of simple fluids are

assumed to be zero even though the actual values are slightly different than the

assumed. For example, argon has an acentricity of -0.004.

To obtain the functional dependence of a (01

on reduced temperature, the

calculated a values of the simple fluids are curve-fitted with a power series. The

minimum variance is the criterion for determining the number of terms in the

power series. Once an expression for a < ' 0

is obtained, a ' ( 1
can then be

calculated from the following expression:

a - a<°>
a (i> = ( 5

where a is calculated from Eq.(5.12). The final expressions for a ( 0 )

and a ' ' 1

are given by Eq.(5.16) and (5.17):

14.360017 45.000285 78.907097

a<°> = -1.4524905 + +
T T 2
T 3

r r r

79.449258 45.841959 14.078304 1.7835426

+ _ + .
•V 4 T 5
T I T1
r r r r

15.205023 20.874489 12.697209

a' ' 1
= -4.3816022 + +
rp m 2 T 3

r r r

T 4 (5.17)

A total of 57 experimental data points are involved in the least-squaresfitof

a ( 0 )
and the variance resulted is 0.0003175. The compounds included in the

curve-fit are neon, argon, krypton, and xenon. The expression for a < ' is 1

obtained from 124 points with a variance of 0.01041. The compounds included

are propane, n-butane, n-pentane, isopentane, neopentane, n-hexane, n-heptane,

n-octane, benzene, ethylene, and propylene. All experimental data are taken from

the Dymond and Smith [27] 1980 compilation of second virial coefficients.


The second virial coefficients of 24 normal and simple fluids have been

calculated from the proposed correlation, Eq.(5.14). In order to test its validitj',

the results are compared with the Tsonopoulos correlation and four other cubic

EOS. The cubic EOS included are the Soave-Redlich-Kwong, Peng-Robinson,

Lielmezs-Merriman, and Kubic. The results have been tabulated in Table 5.1 and

it has clearly shown that none of the cubic EOS is capable of representing the

second virial coefficient for a wide range of temperature except the Kubic

equation with reasons mentioned earlier. Figures 5.1 and 5.2 have the results of

n-butane, benzene, n-octane, and- argon. Since the L M equation gives almost

identical results as the PR equation, the L M equation is not included in the

figures. Similarly, the Kubic equation is partly derived from the Tsonopoulos

correlation. It also is not included.

All the cubic EOS considered here give satisfactory results for T r greater

than 0.8 but below this temperature, the predictions deviate greatly from the

experimental data. The proposed correlation gives excellent agreement for the

entire range of temperatures studied. For example, the average absolute deviation

of benzene from the proposed correlation is about one-third that of the

Tsonopoulos correlation and for n-heptane, it is about one-half. The average

estimated deviations of the experimental data shown in Table 5.1 are taken from

Dymond and Smith [27]. For the majority of the compounds studied, the

deviations from both the Tsonopoulos and the present proposed correlations are

well within the experimental uncertainties. Even though the Tsonopoulos

correlation gives better predictions than the proposed correlation for a number of

compounds, the differences are small. The SRK equation seems to give slight^

better prediction than the PR equation for T f greater than 0.8. Figures 5.1 and

5.2 show that the SRK predictions lie right on the experimental data whereas

the predictions from the PR equation are slightty off.

Table 5.1 Second V i r i a l Coefficient : Average Absolute D e v i a t i o n (cc/mole)

Compound SRK PR LM Kub i c This Tsono- Deviation Tr Range N

Work polous Est imates

Methane 6.6 1 1 2. 12 . 1 1 .6 1 .4 0.8 2 . 6 0 . 58-- 3 . 15 16

E thane 5.9 15 . 4 16 . 6 8.6 5. 8 5. 7 2.4 0 . 65--1 .96 15
Propane 18. 1 24. 6 25. 0 10. 3 6. 1 5.8 12.3 0 . 65--1 .49
, 15
n-Butane 74 . 1 69 . 0 67 . 2 9.2 11.8 9.6 18.2 0 . 59-- 1 32
. 17
i-Butane 41.2 43. 9 44 . 2 22.4 24 . 7 24 . 5 --- 0 .67- -1 . 25 1 1
n-Pentane 78 . 2 67 . 0 66 . 6 14.2 10.9 11.9 28 . 3 0 .64- -1 . 17 12
i-Pentane 103.3 72. 9 72. 0 15.2 20.0 21.3 27 . 1 0. .61- - o . 98 7
Neopentane 33 .6 37 . 3 38 . 1 9.9 3. 5 3.0 17.0 0. .69- -1 . 27 10
n-Hexane 205 . 3 176 . 5 177 . 2 28.4 19.0 14.1 27 . 2 0. 59- - 0 . 89 9
n-Heptane 212.1 180 '.7 180 .9 46.4 15.0 29 . 1 --- 0. . 56--1 . 30 12
n-Octane 376.3 341 .0 339 .9 84 .4 30. 5 51.5 0. 53- -1 .23 12
Benzene 164 . 3 147 .9 144 .8 61.1 17.3 60. 1 16 .9 O. 52- -1 .07 13
Carbon Monoxide 3.9 5.5 7.6 1. 1 1 .5 0.5 --- 2 . 0 5 - -3 . 18 7
Carbon Disulfide 154 .0 135 .4 131 .3 26.6 39.0 28.8 20.0 0. 51- - 0 . 79 9
Hydrogen Sulfide 15.8 21 .4 21 .9 16.5 16 . 1 16 . 2 --- 1 .00- -1 . 32 7
Ethylene 1 .7 15. 9 17. 0 2.6 0.4 0.4 1. 2 0. 85- -1 .59 9
Propy1ene 6. 1 18 . 8 19 . 4 5.8 1 .5 1. 1 4.8 0 . 77- -1 .37 8
1-Butene 13.6 23. 0 23. 6 14.7 6.6 7 . 3 0. 72- -1 .00 12
N i t rogen 4.8 8.3 8.0 4.9 3. 9 3.9 2.4 0. 6 0 - -5 . 56 14
Oxygen 5.7 9. 2 9.9 3. 1 2 . 1 2 . 2 3.8 0. 58- -2 . 58 1 1
Neon 1 .6 2.7 4. 1 1 .5 0.5 1. 5 1 .0 1 .35- -13.51 10
Argon 8.0 8.9 9.0 2.8 0.7 1. 7 1. 4 0. 54- -6 . 63 18
Krypton 16. 1 15. 7 15 . 8 2 . 2 1 .9 2.0 3.2 0. 53- -3 . 34 14
Xenon 12. 1 15. 8 16. 2 3.8 1. 4 2.2 4.8 0. 55- -2 . 24 16

Figure 5.1 Second virial coefficients of n-butane and benzene versus reduced



0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4

Reduced Temperature, Tr


0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0

Reduced Temperature, Tr

Figure 5.2 Second virial coefficients of n-octane and argon versus reduced

The Lielmezs-Merriman equation of state and its modification proposed in

this work have been successfully applied to calculate various physical and

thermodynamic properties of pure compounds in different regions on the PVT

surface. The predictions from the L M equation and the modification of it have

been compared with experimental data and with the predictions from two other

equations of state: Peng-Robinson and Soave-Redlich-Kwong.

Along the saturated vapor-liquid equilibrium curve, it has been found that

the L M equation is the most accurate equation for predicting vapor pressure and

saturated liquid and vapor volumes. However, for the two derivative properties:

enthalpj' and entropy of vaporization, the PR equation is the more accurate


In the subcritical region, the predictions from the three equations are very

similar and very small differences have been observed. In the region where

T <0.95, the PR and L M equations are practically identical in accuracy for most

of the properties tested. However, the L M equation is not recommended for

calculating derivative properties such as departure functions in the region

0.95<T <1.0.

For the supercritical region, the predictions of pressure and volume from

the PR and the proposed modification of the L M equation are again very similar

in accuracy. The overall average RMS % error from the SRK equation is about


twice that of the PR or modification of the L M equation. For temperature

prediction, all three equations are similar in accuracy. For derivative properties,

the modification of the LM equation gives comparable prediction to the PR

equation in the region where T >1.05.

r The S R K and P R equation are similar in

accurac.y for enthalpy, entropy, and internal energy departure function estimations.

The SRK equation gives the lowest overall average RMS % error for the

Joule-Thomson coefficient prediction.

In the compressed liquid region, it has been found that the overall

average deviation or R M S % error is the highest among the three single phase

regions in each of the properties studied. None of the three equations is

adequate for calculating pressure. F o r temperature and volume predictions, the PR

and L M equations give similar results. These two equations are more accurate

than the S R K equation. F o r derivative properties, predictions from the three E O S

are comparable.

For inversion curve calculation, the most reliable equation of state is the

SRK. Its estimation closely follows the experimental data right up to the

maximum inversion pressure. The predictions from all three equations are alike

up to T = 1.5.

None of the three equations of state tested in this work is capable of

calculating the second virial coefficient accurately for the region below T = 0.8.

The proposed a-function especially designed for second virial coefficient calculation

has been found to be equal, if not better, in accuracy than the Tsonopoulos

correlation. The proposed a-function is based on the latest and the most accurate

experimental data sources. The deviation from the proposed correlation has been

found to be well within the estimated uncertainty given in the data sources.

As shown throughout this work, seldom does an equation of state perfom

equally well in every region. Among the three equation of state studied, the

preferred equation varies, depending on what region or what type of compound is

considered. One equation may be particularly suitable for representing saturated

properties. Another may be superior in representing PVT data in the single

phase region. However, none of the three equations studied in this work can

satisfactorily represent all properties over an extended range of conditions.


1. There remain many compounds such as heavy hydrocarbons and alcohols for

which the p and q constants for the Lielmezs-Merriman equation of state

have not been developed. Further work in the development of these

constants is necessary.

2. Since the Peng-Robinson and Lielmezs-Merriman equations are so similar in

accuracy for a number of properties studied, similar work should be done

for the Soave-Redlich-Kwong and the Lielmezs-Howell-Campbell equations to

see if similar conclusions to those found in this work can be drawn.

3. The volume-translation technique has been steadily gaining popularity since

its introduction by Peneloux et al [85]. Perhaps, such a technique can be

incorporated into the L M equation for improving the volume prediction.

4. The proposed a-function designed for second virial coefficient calculation can

only apply to nonpolar compounds. Further development of the proposed

a-function for polar compounds is essential.

5. Since the proposed a-function for calculating second virial coefficient is based

on the Peng-Robinson equation and it was arbitrarily chosen, a similar

a-function based on the Soave-Redlich-Kwong equation can also be correlated.

6. So far only pure compound properties have been studied, binary and

multicomponent mixtures should be studied in the future.


a parameter in the attraction pressure term of the cubic equation of

state defined by Eq.(2.2a)

A molar Helmholtz free energy

A dimensionless constant defined by Eq.(A.30)

AAD average absolute deviation defined by Eq.(4.3)

b parameter in the cubic equation defined by Eq.(2.2c)

b' translated parameter in the cubic equation defined by Eq.(2.12)

B second virial coefficient

B dimensionless constant defined by Eq.(A.31)

c volume correction constant

C third virial coefficient

Cp isobaric heat capacity

D fourth virial coefficient

f fugacity

F number degrees of freedom

F function defined by Eq.(5.8)

G molar Gibbs free energy

H molar enthalpy

AH V enthalpy of vaporization

m constant in Eq.(2.3)

m number of components

MW molecular weight

n constant in Eq.(2.8)


N number of data points

NC number of compounds

p substance-dependent parameter in the Lielmezs-Merriman equation of


P pressure

q substance-dependent parameter in the Lielmezs-Merriman equation of

* state

R universal gas constant

RMS root mean square defined by Eq.(3.25)

s characterization parameter defined by Eq.(3.26)

S molar entropy

AS y entropy of vaporization

T absolute temperature
T dimensionless temperature coordinate defined by Eq.(2.9a) and (3.39)

u generalized cubic equation of state parameter

U molar internal energy

V molar volume

V translated volume defined by Eq.(2.11)

w generalized cubic equation of state parameter

x mole fraction

Z compressibility factor

Zj^ Rackett compressibility factor


A attraction

b normal boiling point

c crtiical property

r reduced property

R repulsion


1 liquid phase

v vapor phase

° reference state: ideal gase state

Greek Symbols

a temperature dependence of the parameter a in the cubic equation of


K constant defined by Eq.(2.10a)

u chemical potential

u Joule-Thomson coefficient

co acentric factor

7r number of phases

O a coefficient of a defined by Eq.(2.2a)

coefficient of b defined by Eq.(2.2c)

$ dimensionless volume defined by Eq.(4.18d)


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In this Appendix all the necessary constants and equations are derived

from the generalized cubic equation of state [103]. T h e exact equations of all the

properties considered in this work are given at the end of each section for the

three cubic E O S : the Soave-Redlich-Kwong [110], the Peng-Robinson [87], and the

proposed modification. T h e generalized cubic E O S is given b}' the following:

RT a(T)
P = (A.l)
V-b V +ubV+wb
2 2


Multiply Eq. (A.l) by ( V - b ) (V +ubV+wb )

2 2
and collect similar terms:

V 3
+ ub - b V 2
+ wb 2
- ub - ub — + -


RT ab
wb 3
+ wb — + — 2
= 0 (A.2)

At the critical point,

(V - v c ) 3
= 0 (A.3)

Expand E q . (A.3) algebraically,


V 3
- 3V V 2
+ 3VV 2
- V 3
= 0 (A.4)
c c c

Compare the coefficients of Eq. (A.2) and (A.4), and we have the followings:

ub - b = -3V (A..5)

RT a
wb 2
- ub 2
- ub — + - = 3V C
(A. 6)

RT ab
wb 3
+ wb 2
— + — = V 3

(A. 7)
P P c

Let V c = Xb, then Eq. (A.5), (A.6) and (A.7) become (A.8), (A.9), and (A. 10),


b(u - 1 + 3X) = — (A.8)

RT a
b (w - u - 3X ) = ub —
2 2


RT a
X b 3 2
-wb 2
- wb — = - (A. 10)

Substitute Eq. (A. 10) into (A.9) and simplify

b (w - u -3X ) = b(u + w) — + wb
2 2 2
- X b
3 2

(A. 11)

Substitute E q . (A.8) into (A. 11) and simplify

(w - u - 3X ) = (u - 1 + 3X)(u + w) + w - X

(A. 12)

Collect similar terms and get E q . (A. 13):

X 3
- 3X 2
- 3(u + w)X + (w - uw - u ) = 0 2

(A. 13)

Define Q& and as

a P
a = R 2 T £
2 (A. 14)

b P

(A. 15)

At the critical point E q . ( A . l ) becomes

p = RT^ _ a(T )

V-b V +ubV +wb
2 2 ( A
- 1 6 )

c c c

Substituting E q . (A. 16) into (A. 14)

a(T ) (a(T ) ) 2

RT (V -b)
c c R T (V +ubV +wb )
(A. 17)

Differentiate Eq. (A.l) with respect to volume at constant temperature

9P RT a(2V+ub)
— = - + (A IR)
3V „ (V-b) 2
(V +ubV+wb ) 2 2 2

At the critical point = 0 and Eq. (A. 18) becomes

RT C a(T )(2V +ub)

c c

(A. 19)
(V -b) c
(V +ubV +wb )
2 2

Rearrange Eq. (A. 19)

RT (V +ubV +wb )
2 2 2

a ( T
) = =
(V -b) (2V +ub)

Replace V c with Xb and substitute Eq. (A.20) into (A. 17) and simplify

(X +uX+w)
2 2

= (X -2X-u-w) 2

a. (X-l)*(2X+u) 2

Similarly, can be written as

(X -2X-u-w)

Q h = (A.22)
(X-l) (2X+u)

Divide & a with fl^

J2 a



T_ = (A.24)

Divide C2„ with f^ 2

v "^ <A
- 25)


P = (A. 26)
b fl

By definition, Z _ is

c - —C C -

Substitute Xb for v , T c with Eq. (A.24), and P c with (A.26), Eq. (A.27)


c = x f l
b (A. 2 8)

Replace with Eq. (A.22) and get

X(X -2X-u-w)

(X-l) (2X+u)2

1.1. The Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation

u = 1

w =0
X = 3.8473221...

G 0 = 0.4274802...

= 0.0866403...

Z c = 0.3333333...

1.2. The Peng-Robinson Equation

u = 2

w = -1

X = 3.9513730...

Q = 0.4572355.
= 0.0777960

= 0.3074013

1.3. This Work

u = 2

w = -1

X = 3.9513730.

0 = 0.4572355

= 0.0777960

c = 0.3074013


Let's define A and B as

A =
R 2 T 2

B = —


a = a(T ) • a c

= ( >
b T
c (A.33)

Substituting a and b into Eq. (A.30) and (A.31), A and B can be rewritten as

A =
®a — a

= % — (A.35)

2.1. The Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation

a = [ 1 + m(l - T r
0.5 ) ]. 2

The constant m is

m = 0.480 + 1.574CJ - 0.176w 2

2.2. The Peng-Robinson Equation

a = [ 1 + K ( 1 - T r 0.5 ) ,2

The constant K is

K = 0.37464 + 1.54226u - 0.26992u 2

2.3. This Work

For T < 1.0

a = 1 + p(T*) q

(T /T - 1)
T = -
(T /T - 1) b

and for T > 1.0

a = 1 - p(T*) q

» _ (T/T, - 1)
(T /Tc b - 1)

The constants p and q are substance-dependent constants.


Multiply Eq. (A.2) by P / ( R T ) and let

3 3 3

Z =—

Collect similar terms and Eq. (A.2) becomes


Z 3
+ (uB - B - 1)Z + (A + wB - uB - uB )Z
2 2 2

- (AB + wB + wB ) = 0
2 3
^ A 3 6 ^

3.1. The Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation

Z 3
- Z 2
+ (A - B - B ) Z — AB = 0

3.2. The Peng-Robinson Equation

Z 3
- (1 - B ) Z + (A - 3 B
2 2
- 2B)Z - (AB - B 2
- B ) = 0

3.3. This Work

Z 3
- (1 - B)Z + (A - 3B - 2B)Z - (AB - B - B ) = 0
2 2 2 3


Fugacity coefficient for a pure compound can be computed by the following

equation :

f 1 P RT
in - = - ; V dP (A. 3 7)
P RT 0 P

Eq. (A. 3 7) may be rearranged to give

f 1 P lnP
m - = — ; vdp - ; dinp
P RT P° lnP 0
( A 3 8 )

where P° is the reference state pressure of a pure substance in the ideal gas

state with molal volume V° at some temperature T. The molal volume V° is

given by


The first term of the right hand side of Eq. (A.38) can be integrated by parts,

that is

/ VdP = A(VP) - / PdV ( A 4 0 )

The second term of the right hand side of Eq. (A.40) can be evaluated by

substituting the generalized cubic equation, Eq. (A.l), for P

dV adV
J PdV = RT J / ( A - 4 1 )

V-b V +ubV+wb
2 2

The upper limit of the integral is V and the lower limit is V°. Integrating Eq.

(A.41) gives

v-b V+(9 b 2

S P d V = RTln In
V°-b 2b6 1 V+0 b3

v + e 2 b
In (A.42)
2b6 1 v»+e b 3


6* X = - w (A.43)

e 2 = - - 0i (A.44)

6, =
(A. 45)

Combining Eq. (A.38), (A.40), and (A.42), the fugacity coefficient becomes

V-b V+f?,b
In - = (Z - 1) - In In
P V°-b V+0 b
2bRT<9i 3

a V°+0 b 2 P
+ In - In —
(A. 46)
2bRT0 x V +e9 b
3 po

By l'Hospital's rule, the term (V°+0 b)/( V + t ^ b )

2 approaches 1 as P approaches

zero. The fugacity coefficient for a pure compound is then given by Eq. (A.47):

f A Z+t? B

In - = (Z-l) - ln(Z-B) + In (A. 47)

P Z+0 B

4.1. The Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation

0 a = 0.5

e 2 = o.o
e 3 = 1.0

f A z
In - = (Z-l) - ln(Z-B) + - In

4.2. The Peng-Robinson Equation

6 1 = Jl

6 2 = 1 - y/2

e 3 = i + »/2~

f A Z-0.414B
In - = (Z-l) - ln(Z-B) + In
P 2v^B Z+2.414B

4.3. This Work

e, = 1/2

e 2 = 1 - vT

t9 3 = 1 + /2

f A Z-0.414B
In - = (Z-l) - ln(Z-B) + — — I n =

P 2\/2B Z+2.414B


By definition, enthalpy is given

H = U + PV (A. 48)

Differentiate E q . (A.48) with respect to volume at constant temperature

" 9H ' 9U 9(PV)

+ (A. 49)
3V T 9V
T 9v


dU = TdS - PdV (A.50)

Differentiate E q . (A.50) with respect to volume at constant temperature


au rp
" 3S "
— X
3v T 3v

From Maxwell relation

" 35 ' " 3P "

3v T 3T

Combining Eq. (A.49), (A.51), and (A.52) gives

3H 1
3P 3(PV)

= T — - P + (A.53)
3V T 3T 3V

Integrating Eq. (A.53) gives the isothermal changes in enthalpy

H 2 " H x = / T( — > dV + A(PV) (A. 5 4)
3T V

Differentiate Eq. (A.l) with respect to temperature at constant volume

3P da
3T JV V-b V +ubV+wb
2 2

Substitute Eq. (A.l) and (A.55) into (A.54) and simplify


da dV
H 2 - H x - a - T + A(PV)
dT V +ubV+wb
2 2

(A. 5 6)

Integrating Eq. (A.56) gives

a - T(da/dT) V+0 b 2

H 2 - H, = In + P V2 2 - P V
1 1

26yb v+e b 3

(A. 5 7)

be the ideal gas at zero

pressure. Eq. (A.57) becomes

a - T(da/dT) Z+t? B

H - H° = RT(Z-l) + In (A.58)
2c9ib Z+t9 B

5.1. The Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation

a = a(T ) • [ 1 + m(l - T - ) ] r
0 5 :

Differentiate a with respect to T and simplify

da a
= - ma(T ) c


da ,
T — = - ma(T )(aT )
dT c r

a - T — = (1 + m)

H -- H° == RT(Z-l) + R(l+m) In
B a • 0 5

5.2. The Peng-Robinson Equation

a = a(T ) • [ 1
c + K ( 1 - T/- 5 ) ] 2

Differentiate a with respect to T and simplify

da a
— = - K3(T )
dT c

c J

da ,
T — = - Ka(T_)(oT_)
dT c r

a - T — = (1 + K)

R(l+»c) A T Z-0.414B
H - H° = RT(Z-l) + In
2v^2 B a" Z+2.414B
5.3. This Work

For T < 1.0


a = a ( T ) • [ 1 + p(T )

(T /T - 1)

T =
(T /T c b - 1)

Differentiate a with respect to T and simplify

da qa(T )(o-l) c

dT T (T -T)
r c

da qT a(T )(g-l)
c c

T — =
dT (T -T)

da qT r
a - T — = a 1 +
dT (T -T)


qT qT,
4> = 1 +
(T -T) c a(T -T)

For T > 1.0


a = a ( T ) • [ 1 - p(T )

(T/T c - 1)
T =
(T /T
c b - 1)

Differentiate a with respect to T and simplify

da qa(T )(a-l)

dT (T-T )

da qa(T_)T(o-l)
T — =
dT (T-Tc )

da cjT qT
T — = a 1 - = a • 4>
dT (T-T ) c a(T-T ) c


qT qT
1 -
(T-T )c a(T-T ) c

The enthalpy departure function is given by the following:

RT$ A Z-0.414B
H H° = RT(Z-l) + In
2y/2 B Z+2.414B


The constant pressure heat capacity departure function is given by the following

thermodynamic relation:

(C p - C ") =

The enthalpy departure function is given by Eq. (A.58) and differentiating Eq.

(A. 5 8) gives

9(H-H°) 9(PV) 9(RT)

9T 9T 9T
p P JP

9 a - T(da/dT) V+0 b 2

— ( ) In
9T 26^ .P V+0 b 3

a - T(da/dT) 9 v+e b

( — In
2e b x 9T V+0 b

(A. 60)


9V V+c? b 2

(C p - C «) = P
- R + x ln

9T V+(9,b

a - T(da/dT)
2c? bx


a - T(da/dT)
dT 26 b x

Differentiating Eq. (A.62) gives

d a

Xx = - (A.63)
dT 2


v+e b 9V
X 2 = ( — In (A.64)
9v V+f9 b 3 9T

Differentiate Eq. (A.64) and simplify, x becomes 2

26 b
x 9V
X 2 = (A.65)
V +ubV+wb
2 2

Substituting Eq. (A. 63) and (A.65) into (A.61) gets

9V d a
V+6 b

(C p - C ") = P
p - R - In
9T 26 b dT 2
V+0 b
JP x 3

a - T(da/dT) 9v
V +ubV+wb
2 2

Substitute Eq. (A.l) for P and simplify. Eq. (A.66) becomes

RT T(da/dT) 3V
(C - C ") =
p p
V-b V +ubV+wb
2 2

T d a 2
V+t? b

In - R (A.67)
26 h x dT 2
V+t? b

Volume can be written as a function of pressure and temperature:

V = f(P,T) (A.68)

Take the total differential of Eq. (A.68)

av 3V
dV = — dP + — dT (A.69)

At constant volume

9V 9V
0 = — dP + — dT (A. 70)
3P T

Rearranging Eq. (A.70) and gets


3v 3V 3P
(A. 71)
3T P
3P T


3V (3P/3T)
3T (3P/3v) r

(3P/3V) T is given by Eq. (A.18) and (3P/3T) V is given by Eq. (A.55). Let

T(da/dT) RT
X 3 = (A. 73)
V +ubV+wb
2 2

Multiply x 3 by (3P/3T) v and simplify

3P RT 2
3T (V-b) 2
(V-b)(V +ubV+wb )
2 2

(A. 74)
dT (V +ubV+wb )
2 2 2

The numerator of the first term of the right hand side of Eq. (A. 6 7) is Eq.

(A. 7 4) and the denominator is (3P/3V) . Now T multiply this fraction by the


(V-b)(V +ubV+wb ) 2 2

-R Tb 2

and get

3P V +ubV+wb
2 2
2 da
Numerator = x :

3T b(V-b) Rb dT

(V-b) da
R b V +ubV+wb
2 2 2


3P V +ubV+wb
2 2
Denominator =
9V Rb(V-b) R Tb(V +ubV+wb )
2 2 2

(A. 76)

Rewrite Eq. (A.75) and (A.76) in terms of A, B, and Z

3P Z +uBZ+wB
2 2
2 da B da (Z-B)
3T B(Z-B) Rb dT Rb dT B(Z +uBZ+wB )
2 2


(A. 7 7)


3P Z +uBZ+wB
2 2
A(2Z+uB) (Z-B)
(A. 78)
3V RB(Z-B) RB Z +uBZ+wB
2 2


Z +uBZ+wB
2 2

M =


B da
N =
Rb dT

Substituting M and N into Eq. (A.77) and (A.78). The first term of right hand

side of Eq. (A.67) becomes

X»OP/3V) T R(M-N) 2

(A. 79)
(9P/3V) t M -A(2Z+uB)

The final equation for ( C - C °) is then given by the following:

p p

R(M-N) 2
T d a
Z+6» B

In - R
M -A(2Z+uB)
20ib dT 2
Z+t? B


Or Eq. (A.80) can be written as

C - C 0
' Cp - Cy " " Cp" " Cy"
<~p l_p

(A. 81)


C - C 0
d a
Z+0 B

In (A.82)
dT 2
Z+t9 B

c p c v
(M-N) 2

M -A(2Z+uB)

= 1 (A.84)

6.1. The Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation

Differentiate Eq. (A. 3 2) twice with respect to temperature and get

d a 2
a(T )m
c m
dT 2
2TT °•

M =

B da
N =
Rb dT

d a 2
(Z+B) R(M-N) 2

C - C 0
= — In + - R
dT 2
M -A(2Z+B)
6.2. The Peng-Robinson Equation

Differentiate Eq. (A.32) twice with respect to temperature and get

d a a" •
2 5
a(TjK K
dT 2
2TT •0 5

^•0 .5 0. 5

Z +2BZ-B
2 2

M =

B da
N =
Rb dT
d a
Z+2.414B R(M-N) 2

C - C 0
= In
2/2 b dT 2
z-o. 414B M -2A(Z+B)

6.3. This Work

Differentiate Eq. (A.32) twice with respect to temperature and get

For T r < 1.0

d a
(2T -q-l) da

dT 2
T (T -T) dT

and for T r > 1.0

d a
(q-D da
dT 2
(T-T ) dT
Z +2BZ-B
2 2

M =

B da
N =
Rb dT

d a
Z+2 .414B R(M-N) 2

U -*-
Cp =0
In + -R
2|/2~ b dT 2
Z-0 .414B M -2A(Z+B)


The Joule-Thomson coefficient, u, is given by the relation:

-1 T(3P/3T),
M = +V (A.85)

(3P/3V) T is given by Eq. (A.18), ( 3 P / 3 T ) V is given by Eq. (A.55) and ( C - p

C °) is given by Eq. (A.80)


7.1. The Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation

3P R 1 da
3T V-b V(V+b) dT

3P -RT a(2V+b)
3V (V-b) 2
V (V+b)
2 2
7.2. The Peng-Robinson Equation

ap da
3T V-b V +2bV-b
2 2

3P -RT 2a(V+b)
av JT (V-b) 2
(V +2bV-b )
2 2 2

7.3. This Work

ap da
3T V-b V +2bV-b
2 2

ap -RT 2a(V+b)
av (V-b) 2
(V +2bV-b )
2 2 2


The inversion condition, u = 0 , is given by the equation

ap ap
T — + V — = 0
V av T


3P RT 1 da
3T V-b V +ubV+wb
2 2


a = a(T ) c • a (A.32)

da da
T — = a(T ) • T — (A.88)
dT dT


<j> = T — (A. 89)


a(T W (A. 90)
9T V-b V +ubV+wb
2 2


9P T
r c P 1
°a c* p

(A. 91)
9T \ <S-l) fl
(5 +u5+w) 2


I = V/b (A.92)

9P -RTV aV(2V+ub)
9V (V-b) 2
(V +u±»V+wb )
2 2 2



9P -T P
r c fi P a S(2$+u)
a c (A. 94)
9V Ojj ($-l) 2
0^ ($ +u5+w)
2 2


Adding Eq. (A.91) and (A.94) and simplify

$(2$+u)a - (£ +u$+w)c6

(A. 95)
(o-D :
($ +u$+w)
2 2


Rearranging Eq. (A. 95) gives the inversion curve equation

C^^+uS+w) 2
+ C $(2$+u)(S-l)
+ C,<S-l> (S +u$+w) = 0
a a

(A. 96)


(A. 9 7)

C 2 = -R a a
(A. 98)

C 3 = K<t> (A.99)

The reduced inversion pressure is given by the following:

RT r 1 R a
a 1
r = (A. 100)
($-1) f^ 2
(S +u$+w)

8.1. The Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation

0 = - m(aT ) - r
0 5

C x = 0.08664T r

C 2 = - 0.42748 [ 1 + m(l - T - ) ] r
0 5 :

C 3 = - 0.42748 m ( a T ) - r
0 5

The inversion curve is

+ C (2$+l)($-l>* + C,<5+1)<5-1> = 0
CiSCS+l) 2

The inversion pressure is

T 1 0a 1
r " ~

8.2. The Peng-Robinson Equation

0 = - rc(aT ) - r
0 5

C x = 0.07780T r

C 2 = - 0.45724 [ 1 + /c(l - T «- ) ] r
S :

C 3 = - 0.45724 *c(aT ) - r
0 5

The inversion curve is

C1(S +2S-1)
2 2
+ 2C 2 S($+1)(S-1) + C ( $ + 2 $ - l ) ( $ - l )
2 2
= 0

The inversion pressure is given by

% (S-D V S +2$-l

8.3. This Work

For T r < 1.0

<S> = - q

C x = 0.07780T r

C 2 = - 0.45724 [ 1 + p ( T * ) q

C 3 = - 0.45724 q
and for T r > 1.0

T (1-a)
* = - q —
T -1 r

C x = 0.07780T r

C 2 = - 0.45724 [ 1 ~ p ( T * ) q

T (l-a)

C 3 = - 0.45724 q
T -1r

The inversion curve is

C1(S +2S-1)
2 2
+ 2C2S(S+D(S-1) + 2
C ($ +2$-im-l) = 0
2 2

The inversion pressure is given by

T 1 0 a 1
P = _E 2
Ou (s-i) n h
s +2$-i


The generalized cubic equation is given by Eq. (A.l):

V-b V +ubV+wb
2 2

The first term, (RT/V-b), can be written as

(A. 101)
V-b V 1-b/V


RT RT b b 2
b 3

1 + - + — + — + (A. 102)
V-b V V V 2
V 3

The second term can be written as

V +ubV+wb
2 2
V V+ub+(wb /V) 2


a 1 ub (u -w)b 2 2

— - — + +
(A. 104)
V +ubV+wb
2 2
V V V 2
V 3

Substract Eq. (A. 104) from (A. 102) gets

uab 1
Z = 1+ b - b 2

(w-u )ab 2 2

b 3
+ (A. 105)
RT V 3

The virial equation:

Z = 1 + - + — + — + (A. 106)
V V 2
V 3

Therefore the second virial coefficient is

B = b (A.107)

The third virial coefficient is

C = b 2
+ (A.108)

The fourth virial coefficient is

(w-u )ab 2 2

= b 3 +
(A. 109)

9.1. The Soave-Redlich-Kwong Equation

B = b

C = b 2
+ —

ab 2

D = b 3

9.2. The Peng-Robinson Equation

B - b

C = b 2
5ab 2

D = b 3


9.3. This Work

B = b

C = b 2

5ab 2

D = b 3


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