Snellen Chart

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The snellen chart is an instrument that is used by ophthalmologists in the assessment of a patient’s visual
acuity. Visual acuity can be documented as a fraction of 20/20 or 6/6. The statement 20/20 can be interpreted
as meaning that the image a patient can see at 20 feet (NUMERATOR), the average person can see at 20 feet
(DENOMINATOR). The snellen provides the viewer with standard size letters of a predetermined optotype.
And the size of letters are read like lines on a page going from the largest letter at the top to smallest letter(s)
at the bottom. In viewing a snellen chart we see that at each line on the chart are a set of numbers. These
numbers correlate with the visual acuity of someone reading the chart. Patients reading the charts are asked to
stand at distance of 20 feet or 6 meters. They are then asked to cover one eye and read the letters on the chart
aloud. As the patient read the letters the observer notes the amount of letters the patient can read. If a patient
successfully reads each line without a flaw in the letters; making his or her way to ideal visual acuity (i.e.
20/20), we say that for that particular eye that is the corresponding visual acuity. The same procedure is
repeated on the other eye. However If a patient is able to read all the letters but misses or pronounces a wrong
letter we add and subtract accordingly to indicate the number of letters missed. Special consideration has been
make for those patients who lack the ability to communicate and as such the charts may vary; from those that
relate to the direction of the letters are position using the letter “E” and asking the patient which direction the
letter is facing either left of right and the patient can indicate by raising his or her hand to communicate.
Patients may be asked to come closer incrementally in order to Adequately assess their vision. If a patient
cannot view the first letter at 6 feet we ask them to step closer to the chart until they can see and properly read
the first line. If however patients lack this ability even when brought 1 foot away from the chart we say that
the patient has no light perception in that eye.

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