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Presentator : dr. Pradhana Fajar Wicaksana

Moderator : dr. Agus Surono, M.Sc, PhD, Sp.THT-KL

Otorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Department

Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada/ RSUP Dr. Sardjito



INTRODUCTION immune disorders, perilymphatic fistulas
and viral infection. 1,2
sudden sensorineural hearing loss or viruses can cause sudden hearing loss either
sudden deafness ( SD ) is an unexplained as an acute infection or as delayed onset with
unilateral hearing loss with onset over a the latent form of the virus being possibly
period of less than 72 hours, without other reactivated. Viruses implicated include
known otological diseases. herpes zoster oticus and herpes simplex type
By Consensus on diagnosis and treatment 1.3
of sudden hearing loss in madrid, SD is In the present study, Idiopatic sudden
considered as sensorineural or perceptual sensory neural hearing loss (ISSNHL)
hearing loss cases with a sudden onset, laterality was significantly associated with
within 72 hours, with a loss of over 30 dB, diabetes and cardiovascular disease,
in at least 3 consecutive frequencies of especially mitral valve disorder and
tonal audiometry, without other prior antiphospolipid syndrome. In another hand
otological history.1 the incident of trancient ischemic attack of
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss affects 5 iner ears due to general anesthetic procedure
to 20 per 100.000 population, with about have been reported.1,4
4000 new cases per year in the United Two major proposed etiologies for ISSNHL
States.1,2 development are vascular (vertebrovascular
Clinicians should distinguish sensorineural ischemia) and inflammatory theories. Hino-
hearing loss (SNHL) from conductive josa and Kohut showed temporal bone
hearing loss (CHL) in a patient presenting histopathology in ISSNHL, with a loss of
with sudden hearing loss.1 sensory epithelium of the cochlear and the
The distinction between SSNHL and other vestibular labyrinth, which the authors
causes of SHL is one that should be made suggested to be an involvement of the inner
by the initial treating health care provider, ear infarction.4
so that early diagnosis and management Theory of immune-mediated disease, This
can be instituted.2 theory is supported by pathological studies,
There are many theories that can cause this spontaneous recoveries and the response to
condition, including blood disorders, treatment with steroids. However, in some
patients with SD, there is no evidence of

impaired immunity and the clinical Tonal audiometry will determine the pure
evolution is not always compatible with an tone audiometry (PTA), taking the average
autoimmune case. Moreover, it is common dB threshold at frequencies 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4
for SD cases initially classified as and 8 kHz as PTA, which must be greater
idiopathic to be diagnosed as a specific than 30 dB at 3 consecutive frequencies in
autoimmune disorder with the passage of the diagnosis of SD. 1,2
time.1 Audiometry is mandatory for definitively
conversely, although it would not be an diagnosing SSNHL because it distinguishes
idiopathic SD, the “theory of cochlear CHL from SNHL and establishes frequency-
membrane rupture” has been described, specific hearing thresholds. Varying criteria
due to a possible perilymph fistula, have been used in the literature to diagnose
appearing in connection with physical SSNHL, but a hearing loss ≥30 dB at 3
exercise, barotrauma or a Valsalva consecutive frequencies is the definition
manoeuvre. This theory could justify the adopted by the NIDCD and the definition
spontaneous recovery of some patients. 1,2 used in most RCT. 1,2
Faced with a clinical suspicion of SD, and Series of analyses, whose extraction should
before considering a possible treatment, be performed prior to treatment, including at
the diagnostic tests required are tunning least the following parameters: blood count,
folk and otoscopy examination. Tuning erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), luetic
forks will give us a sensorineural pattern: serology (VDRL and FTAabs) and
positive Rinne in the diseased ear and antinuclear antibodies (ANA), according to
Weber lateralised to the healthy ear, with prior systematic reviews. It may also be
addition of tympanometry allowing us to useful to request immune phenotype by
rule out causes of SD due to middle ear CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocyte
diseases: otitis media with effusion, etc. subpopulations, and the CD45RO+ and
with a transmission pattern (negative Rinne CD45RA+ isoforms. MRI of the inner ear
in diseased ear and Weber towards the with gadolinium to exclude retrocochlear
diseased ear).However, in cases of severe pathology or show intracochlear
SD, , there can be a false negative Rinne haemorrhage. 1,2
(the patient does not hear the tuning fork at Treatment of SD is very controversial, due
all). 1,2 to the absence of solid evidence to clearly

endorse any of the options raised. The If the diagnosis was possible within 30 days
doses employed are also very variable. of onset of symptoms, the treatment should
Traditional general measures such as bed be with oral steroids for 1 month, with 3
rest or diets with a restricted salt intake main options: Prednisone (Prednison
have not demonstrated effectiveness, so Alonga®, Dacortin®), 1 mg / kgbw / day,
hospital admission to maintain bed rest is dosage tappering off every 5 days.
debatable. For this reason, there is no Methylprednisolone (Urbason®), 1 mg / kg
agreement on the need for a first phase of bb / day, in decreasing doses every 5 days.
hospital treatment for 4 to 7 days,followed Deflazacort (Dezacor®, Zamene®), 1,5 mg
by outpatient treatment. Despite the excess / kg bw / hari, similar decreasing dosage in
of existing literature on SD, there are only every 5 days. 1,5
a few randomized double-blind controlled if SD is severe (> 70 dB), in a single ear or
trials, which have been reviewed by with severe associated vertigo (suspected
Cochrane 104 and summarized in a meta- vestibular neuritis), treatment should be
analysis. The most outstanding include the offered with intravenous corticosteroids for
classic work of Wilson et al, who compared 7 days, in a day hospital regime or through
oral steroids versus placebo in 1980, laying hospital admission, with a dose of 500 mg
the foundation for their use. However, the methylprednisolone per day, slowly passing
group of Cinamon et al found no to one dose in serum in 30 minutes.1,5
significant effect with steroids. 1 Moreover, possible side effects of short-

The specific action of steroids in the term,high and medium-dose glucocorti-

cochlea is uncertain but their use has been costeroid therapy include risk of metabolic

based on their ability to decrease complications, such as glucose intolerance

inflammation and oedema. Steroids have and diabetes mellitus, hypertension,

many effects in the inner ear. Supression increased intraocular pressure and

of immune response, improvement of glaucoma, psychotropic effects, risk of

decreased microvascular circulation, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-axis

mineralocorticoid effects, or decrease in suppression, gastrointestinal bleeding, bone

endolymphatic pressure are the effects of loss, avascular necrosis of the femoral or

the steroids. 1 humeral head and potential infections.6

Pharmacokinetic studies in animals and as a treatment to increase the supply of
humans have shown that only high doses of oxygen to the ear and brain in an attempt to
systemic glucocorticoids will result in reduce the severity of hearing loss and
detectable drug levels in the inner ear tinnitus.7
perilymph and that substances applied to At the time of ISSHL onset, the following
the round window membrane lead to variables correlated with a worse prognosis:
significantly higher drug levels in the inner dizziness, profound hearing loss, change in
ear fluids compared to systemic contralateral ear hearing, and a delayed start
application.6 of treatment. Presence of tinnitus at ISSHL
Antiviral therapy, although antiviral agents onset correlated with a better prognosis..8,9
should theoretically have a positive effect
on SD, randomized clinical trials CASE REPORT
conducted by Stokross et al in 1998,Tucci A 58 years-old male adult (MR
et al in 2002 and Westerlaken et al in 2003 came to Sardjito hospital
were unable to find statistically-significant with chief complain sudden hearing loss
differences between antiviral agents and in left ear since 1 weeks. He
placebo.1 complained ringing sensation and then
Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing followed by hearing loss. He denied any
loss (ISSHL) is common and often results dizziness, vertigo, pain, ear fulness,
in permanent hearing loss. It therefore has itchyness, paralysis, and discharge from
a high impact on the well-being of those the ear. he also denied any nose and
affected. Tinnitus (abnormal persistent throat problems. In the past History of
noises or ringing in the ear) is similarly illness : Patient suffered diabetic
common and often accompanies the mellitus for 4 years and having
hearing loss. Although the cause of these medication of its disease. In 2012,
complaints is not clear, they may be related patient had stroke ischaemic attack.
to a lack of oxygen secondary to a vascular
problem not yet identified. Hyperbaric
oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves
breathing pure oxygen in a specially
designed chamber and it is sometimes used

On physical examination found that the is better than before. and the patient still
general condition was good, compos denied dizziness, vertigo, pain, ear
mentis, blood pressure 130/70 mmHg, pulse fulness, itchyness, paralysis, or
82 x/ minute, respiratory rate 18 x/minute, discharge from the ear. He also denied
temperature 36,70 C. From ENT any nose and throat problems. From
examination we found normal external physical examination, we also found
auditory canal. Both tympanic membrane normal external auditory canal. Both
was intact and we could see cone of light. tympanic membrane was intact and we
Rhinoscopy examination, anteriorly and could see cone of light. Rhinoscopy
posteriorly, showed normal result. examination, anteriorly and posteriorly,
Oropharyngeal examination within showed normal result. Oropharyngeal
normal limit. Indirect laryngoscopy also examination within normal limit.
within normal limit. Indirect laryngoscopy also within
We performed tuning fork examination. normal limit. Tuning fork test also still
Rinne test positif on the left ear, negative showed same result, AS SNHL and AD
result on the right ear. Weber test showed SNHL. The problem which I kindly
right lateralitation, Schwabach test would to discuss is the prognosis.
showed shortening in the left ear and
equal perception with examiner in right DISCUSSION
ear. Pure tone audiometry showed AD
The diagnose sudden deafness on this case
mild SNHL and AS SNHL Profound or
based on anamnese, physical and supporting
severe sensory neural hearing loss. OAE
examination. There is a hearing decrease in a
examination showed refer to both ears.
last week that came suddenly followed by
Diagnosis of sudden deafness was made
and He was treated methylprednison 8mg
1-0-1, Patient was advised to come again Stachler et al says, Sudden hearing loss is
one week after. defined as a rapid onset,occurring over a 72-
When we followed up the next one hour period, of a subjective sensation of
week, from anamnesis we found the hearing impairment in one or both ears. 2
hearing loss complaint was still the
same,but ringing sensasation or tinnitus

Moreover, the prevalence of tinnitus On supporting examination, tuning fork
correlates with the severity and frequency shows result Auris Sinistra sensory neural
characteristics of the hearing loss. Manche hearing loss. Pure tone audiometry showed
SK mentioned that Sudden hearing loss more AD mild SNHL and AS SNHL Profound. On
40 dB shows the values of significant oto acoustic emission (OAE) result AD refer
tinnitus.10 AS refer.

Increased level of insulin resistance and some According to Guilermo et al, Acoumetry
drugs used for the treatment of hypertension (tuning forks) will give us a sensorineural
worsen the resistance and can favor tinnitus pattern: positive Rinne in the diseased ear
onset. In the present study, tinnitus was and Weber lateralised to the healthy ear
observed in 30.1% of patients with diabetes allowing us to rule out causes of SD due to
mellitus, 38.8% in hypertension and 40% middle ear diseases.1
with hypothyroidism. Medications such as
Auditory brainstem response (ABR) and
salicylates, aminoglycoside antibiotics,
otoacoustic emissions ( OAEs) testing may
quinine, or cisplatin used to treat otological
provide additional information regarding the
and nasopharyngeal diseases can cause
integrity of the auditory system. The presence
damage to the cochlea and trigger or enhance
of measurable OAEs indicates preservation
of some outer hair cell function. The ABR
From ENT examination we found normal reflects function of the retrocochlear neural
external auditory canal. Both tympanic pathways. The ABR and OAE results also
membrane was intact and we could see cone may assist in diagnosing a functional hearing
of light. loss.11

Otoscopy should be normal in both ears; The specific action of steroids in the cochlea
however, the finding of cerumen impaction is uncertain but their use has been based on
does not exclude a possible SD. The cerumen their ability to decrease inflammation and
should be removed and test whether hearing oedema. Steroids have many effects in the
becomes normal. Tuning forks will give us a inner ear. Supression of immune response,
sensorineural pattern.1 improvement of decreased microvascular
circulation, mineralocorticoid effects, or
decrease in endolymphatic pressure are the

effects of the steroids. 1 sensorineural hearing loss. The
Cochrane Collaboration and
At the time of ISSHL onset, the following published in The Cochrane Library.
variables correlated with a worse prognosis: 2012, Issue 8
4. Chulho Kim, Jong-Hee Sohn, Min Uk Jang.
1. Dizziness 2. Profound hearing loss Ischemia as a potential etiologic factor in
3. change in contralateral ear hearing 4.a idiopathic unilateral
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delayed start of treatment. 4. vertigo is a Analysis of posterior circulation
arteries. Hearing Research 331 (2016)
factor for worse prognosis. 5. Age. Presence 144-151
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S. Steroids for idiopathic sudden
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good because of the level of hearing loss 2013, Issue 7.
(profound SNHL) and the etiology remains 6. Plontke SK, Meisner C.
Intratympanic glucocorticoids for
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