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Model Paper for Remote sensing and GIS

Civil Engineering

1) a) Platforms – Types and their characteristics 4M

b) Satellites and their characteristics – Geo-stationary and sun-synchronous 4M
c) Earth Resources Satellites -LANDSAT, SPOT, IRS, IKONOS satellite series 4M
2) Remote Sensing – history & development, definition, concept and principles Energy Resources, radiation
principles, EM Radiation and EM Spectrum Interaction of EMR with atmosphere and Earth’s surface 12M

3 a) Explain the map perfection system and transformation system of data proposed and used in GIS. 6M
b) Explain the following: 6M
i. Map Projections,
ii. Geo-referencing
4) a) Explain the different types of vector and Roster based data structure? 6M
b) Explain the following: 6M
i. Digital elevation model (DEM),
ii. Triangulated irregular network (TIN)

5 ) a) What are the various aspects to be considered in implementing GIS, explain them in brief. 6M
b)Explain the applications of Remote sensing &GIS in water resources engineering. 6M

6) Explain the methods of impact assessment of flood and draught. 12M

7 ) E x p l a i n r o l e o f G I S & R e m o t e s e n s i n g i n agriculture and wasteland management 12M


8) RS& GIS Techniques for Infrastructure Planning and Management Add notes on GPS Navigation
system for various applications 12M

9) a)What are the different components of GIS and explain the usage of GIS in different field of engineering, science

and management? 6M

b) Mention any eight application areas of remote sensing. 6M


10) Briefly explain the various issues related to implementation of Remote sensing? Explain them with relevant
examples of Earthquakes & Landslides. 12M

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