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Bronchopneumonia Treatment | Symptoms, Causes of

Broncho Pneumonia
What is Bronchopneumonia
Bronchopneumonia is a severe type of pneumonia that is characterized by multiple areas of
isolated and acute consolidation that affects one or more pulmonary lobes. This condition is
similar to ordinary pneumonia, except that this is a more severe variety whose treatment
requires special attention than its ordinary counterpart.

What is Bronchopneumonia?

Bronchopneumonia is a type of pneumonia that is characterized by an inflammation of

the lung generally associated with, and following a bout with bronchitis. This is really a
specific type of pneumonia that is localized in the bronchioles and surrounding alveoli.
This article provides a general overview of this condition, including symptoms and
treatment options for those who have been diagnosed with bronchopneumonia. The
most common pneumonia-causing bacterium in adults is Streptococcus pneumoniae

· Symptoms of bronchopneumonia:
¨ Cough with greenish or yellow mucus; Fever; chest pain; Rapid, shallow breathing;
Shortness of breath; Headache; Loss of appetite; fatigue

· Treatment of bronchopneumonia:
If the cause is bacterial, the goal is to cure the infection with antibiotics. If the cause is
viral, antibiotics will NOT be effective. In some cases it is difficult to distinguish between
viral and bacterial pneumonia, so antibiotics may be prescribed. Pneumococcal
vaccinations are recommended for individuals in high-risk groups and provide up to 80
percent effectiveness in staving off pneumococcal pneumonia. Influenza vaccinations
are also frequently of use in decreasing one’s susceptibility to pneumonia, since the flu
precedes pneumonia development in many cases.

Unlike lobar pneumonia, in which an entire section or subdivision of the lung may be
inflamed; bronchopneumonia tends to appear in patches in and around the small
airways and passages. Outward clinical symptoms will be similar to those of lobar
pneumonia, however, and can include fever, coughing, chest pain, chest congestion,
chills, difficulty with breathing and blood-streaked mucus that is coughed up.
Bronchopneumonia is more common in elderly people, and in association with other
viral respiratory illnesses (bronchitis), and as a complication of those who have asthma.
Pneumonia, including bronchopneumonia is a fairly common illness and it affects
millions of people annually in the United States. The severity of the illness will depend
on the type of bacteria or infection causing the illness, as well as the overall health of
the person who has bronchopneumonia.

In order to diagnosis this illness, a doctor may take a chest X-ray, may test a sample of
the sputum, may do a CBC to get a count of the white blood cells in the blood, may take
a CAT scan, and/or may take a pleural fluid culture of the fluid surrounding the lungs.

Upon diagnosis, most people will be treated at home with antibiotics. If the patient is
suffering from dehydration or has a severe case of bronchopneumonia, he or she may
be treated in the hospital where the illness can be more closely monitored. With
appropriate treatment, most people recover fully within a couple weeks. Very infirm or
elderly people who do not get appropriate treatment can die from bronchopneumonia.

Causes of Bronchopneumonia
Bronchopneumonia is closely associated with hospital-acquired pneumonia. In a person
suffering from bronchopneumonia, bacteria invade the lungs, which results to an
inflammatory immune response.

This reaction of the lungs leads to the filling of the alveolar sacs with exudates. As a result,
consolidation takes place: a condition wherein the air space in the lungs is replaced with
fluids. Also refer to causes of Pulmonary Consolidation.

Symptoms of Bronchopneumonia
The following are the common bronchopneumonia symptoms:
 Fever: Any body temperature that goes above 37°C or 98.6°F is considered fever
already. In bronchopneumonia, fever may be a symptom for having the disease
especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as colds, coughing, and
difficulty in breathing.

 Cough: Coughing is a natural reaction of the body to the presence of certain

elements that may irritate the throat. Moreover, coughing is very important to keep
the throat and airway clean and clear, thus making breathing easy. However, if
coughing becomes persistent and especially if it is accompanied by mucus, then it is a
sign of something more serious than ordinary coughing. A person with
bronchopneumonia experiences frequent and excessive coughing, sometimes
accompanied by mucus.
 Chest pain: Any form of chest pain should be a cause for concern for those affected
by bronchopneumonia. Chest pain is frequent and associated with excessive coughing
and difficulty in breathing.
A person with bronchopneumonia easily becomes fatigued and experiences difficulty in
breathing especially after doing some strenuous exercise or after playing.
 A person with bronchopneumonia not only experiences difficulty in breathing but also
feels that there is also the sensation of not getting enough air. As a result, the person
gasps for air frequently.

Treatments for Bronchopneumonia

The best bronchopneumonia treatment is to get some rest. This is to provide relief to the
body and prevent it from getting fatigued, which is one of the common symptoms of the
disease. On the other hand, one may prepare a home remedy by mixing lemon juice and
honey to help soothe the throat and help the body expel the mucus that has concentrated in
the lungs.


Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs caused by an infection. It is also called Pneumonitis

or Bronchopneumonia. Pneumonia can be a serious threat to our health. Although pneumonia is a
special concern for older adults and those with chronic illnesses, it can also strike young, healthy
people as well.  It is a common illness that affects thousands of people each year in the
Philippines, thus, it remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality in the country.
There are many kinds of pneumonia that range in seriousness from mild to life-threatening. In
infectious pneumonia, bacteria, viruses, fungi or other organisms attack your lungs, leading to
inflammation that makes it hard to breathe. Pneumonia can affect one or both lungs. In the young
and healthy, early treatment with antibiotics can cure bacterial pneumonia. The drugs used to
fight pneumonia are determined by the germ causing the pneumonia and the judgment of the
doctor. It’s best to do everything we can to prevent pneumonia, but if one do get sick,
recognizing and treating the disease early offers the best chance for a full recovery.
A case with a diagnosis of Pneumonia may catch one’s attention, though the disease is just like
an ordinary cough and fever, it can lead to death especially when no intervention or care is
done. Since the case is a toddler, an appropriate care has to be done to make the patient’s
recovery faster. Treating patients with pneumonia is necessary to prevent its spread to others and
make them as another victim of this illness.


The lungs constitute the largest organ in the respiratory system. They play an important role in
respiration, or the process of providing the body with oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. The
lungs expand and contract up to 20 times per minute taking in and disposing of those gases.
Air that is breathed in is filled with oxygen and goes to the trachea, which branches off into one
of two bronchi. Each bronchus enters a lung. There are two lungs, one on each side of the
breastbone and protected by the ribs. Each lung is made up of lobes, or sections. There are three
lobes in the right lung and two lobes in the left one. The lungs are cone shaped and made of
elastic, spongy tissue. Within the lungs, the bronchi branch out into minute pathways that go
through the lung tissue. The pathways are called bronchioles, and they end at microscopic air
sacs called alveoli. The alveoli are surrounded by capillaries and provide oxygen for the blood in
these vessels. The oxygenated blood is then pumped by the heart throughout the body. The
alveoli also take in carbon dioxide, which is then exhaled from the body.
Inhaling is due to contractions of the diaphragm and of muscles between the ribs. Exhaling
results from relaxation of those muscles. Each lung is surrounded by a two-layered membrane, or
the pleura, that under normal circumstances has a very, very small amount of fluid between the
layers. The fluid allows the membranes to easily slide over each other during breathing.


Pneumonia is a serious infection or inflammation of your lungs. The air sacs in the lungs fill with
pus and other liquid. Oxygen has trouble reaching your blood. If there is too little oxygen in your
blood, your body cells can’t work properly. Because of this and spreading infection through the
body pneumonia can cause death. Pneumonia affects your lungs in two ways. Lobar pneumonia
affects a section (lobe) of a lung. Bronchial pneumonia (or bronchopneumonia) affects patches
throughout both lungs.

Bacteria are the most common cause of pneumonia. Of these, Streptococcus pneumoniae is the
most common. Other pathogens include anaerobic bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus
influenzae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, C. psittaci, C. trachomatis, Moraxella (Branhamella)
catarrhalis, Legionella pneumophila, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and other gram-negative bacilli.
Major pulmonary pathogens in infants and children are viruses: respiratory syncytial virus,
parainfluenza virus, and influenza A and B viruses. Among other agents are higher bacteria
including Nocardia and Actinomyces sp; mycobacteria, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis
and atypical strains; fungi, including Histoplasma capsulatum, Coccidioides immitis,
Blastomyces dermatitidis, Cryptococcus neoformans, Aspergillus fumigatus, and Pneumocystis
carinii; and rickettsiae, primarily Coxiella burnetii (Q fever).
The usual mechanisms of spread are inhaling droplets small enough to reach the alveoli and
aspirating secretions from the upper airways. Other means include hematogenous or lymphatic
dissemination and direct spread from contiguous infections. Predisposing factors include upper
respiratory viral infections, alcoholism, institutionalization, cigarette smoking, heart failure,
chronic obstructive airway disease, age extremes, debility, immunocompromise (as in
diabetes mellitus and chronic renal failure), compromised consciousness, dysphagia, and
exposure to transmissible agents.

Typical symptoms include cough, fever, and sputum production, usually developing over days
and sometimes accompanied by pleurisy. Physical examination may detect tachypnea and signs
of consolidation, such as crackles with bronchial breath sounds. This syndrome is commonly
caused by bacteria, such as S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae.



 positioning of the patient with head on mid line, with slight flexion
rationale: to provide patent, unobstructed airway , maximum lung excursion
 auscultating patient’s chest
rationale:  to monitor for the presence of abnormal breath sounds
 provide chest and back clapping with vibration
rationale:  chest physiotheraphy facilitates the loosening of secretions
 considering that the patient is an infant, and has developed a strong stranger anxiety
as manifested by “white coat syndrome” ,  it is a nursing action to play with the patient.
rationale:  to establish rapport, and gain the patients trust


 administer due medications as ordered by the physician, bronchodilators, anti pyretics

and anti biotics
rationale:  bronchodilators decrease airway resistance, secondary to bronchoconstriction,
anti pyretics alleviate fever, antibiotics fight infection
 placing patient on TPN  prn
rationale:  to compensate for fluid and nutritional losses during vomiting


 assist respiratory therapist in performing nebulization of the patient

rationale:  nebulization is a favourable route of administering bronchodilators
and aid in expectorating secretions, hence patient’s breathing

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