Robotics and Automation-Unit 1 - Question Bank

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1. Define Automation?

Automation is a technology that is concerned with the use of electronic,

mechanical and computer based system in the operation control and production.

The definition of automation is the use of machines and technology to make

processes run on their own without manpower.

2. What are the different types of Automation?

Automation of production systems can be classified into three basic
A. Fixed automation (Hard Automation)
B. Programmable automation (Soft Automation)
C. Flexible automation.

3. Explain the various types of automation?

A. Fixed automation (Hard automation): Fixed automation refers to the use
of special purpose equipment to automate a fixed sequence of processing
or assembly operations. Each of the operation in the sequence is usually
simple, involving perhaps a plain linear or rotational motion or an
uncomplicated combination of two. It is relatively difficult to
accommodate changes in the product design. This is called hard


 Low unit cost

 Automated material handling
 High production rate.


 High initial Investment

 Relatively inflexible in accommodating product
B. Programmable automation (Soft automation): In programmable
automation, the production equipment is designed with the capability to
change the sequence of operations to accommodate different product
configurations. The operation sequence is controlled by a program, which
is a set of instructions coded. So that they can be read and interpreted by
the system. New programs can be prepared and entered into the

equipment to produce new products. Example: Numerical controlled

machine tools, industrial robots and programmable logic controller.


 Flexible to deal with design variations.

 Suitable for batch production.


 High investment in general purpose equipment

 Lower production rate than fixed automation.
C. Flexible Automation: Flexible automation is an extension of
programmable automation. A flexible automation system is capable of
producing a variety of parts with virtually no time lost for changeovers
from one part style to the next. There is no lost production time while
reprogramming the system and altering the physical set up.


 Continuous production of variable mixtures of

 Flexible to deal with product design variation.


 Medium production rate

 High investment.
 High ‘unit cost’ relative to fixed automation.
4. Write the Benefits of industrial automation? (Apr 2014)
 Improved product quality
 Improved safety
 Increased manufacturing flexibility
 Improved operation reliability
 Improved decision making

5. Define Robotics?
Robotics is the art, knowledge base, and the know-how of designing,
applying, and using robots in human endeavors.

6. Who coined the term robotics?

The term robotics was coined in the year 1920 by science fiction writer
Isaac Asimov.

7. Write Asimov’s laws of robotics?(Nov 2013,Apr 2015)

Three rules written by science fiction author Isaac Asimov and later
expanded upon. These rules are built in to almost all positronic robots
appearing in his fiction and cannot be bypassed. The rules are introduced in
his 1942 short story Runaround.
The Three Laws of Robotics are as follows:
I. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a
human being to come to harm.
II. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except
where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
III. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection
does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
8. Define a Robot? (Apr/May 2014)
Robotics institute of America defines a robot as a “programmable,
multifunction manipulator designed to Move materials, parts, tools or
special devices through variable programmed motions for the
performance of the variety of task”.
9. Why a robot used?
a. To reduce production cost
 Fast
 Accurate
 Difficulties in human nature
b. To avoid 4-D jobs
 Dull (repetitive)
 Dirty
 Dangerous
 Difficult

10. What are the Advantages and disadvantages of robot?

 Robots increase productivity, safety, efficiency, quality, and
consistency of products.
 Robots can work in hazardous environments without the need.
 Robots need no environmental comfort.
 Robots work continuously without experiencing fatigue of problem.
 Robots have repeatable precision at all times.
 Robots can be much more accurate than human.
 Robots can process multiple stimuli or tasks simultaneously.
 Robots replace human workers creating economic problems
 Robots lack capability to respond in emergencies.

 Robots, although superior in certain senses, have limited capabilities

in Degree of freedom,Dexterity, Sensors, Vision system, real time
 Robots are costly, due to Initial cost of equipment, Installation costs,
Need for Peripherals, Need for training, Need for programming.
11. What are the limitations of robot?
The limitations of robot are
 Assembly dexterity does not match that of human beings,
particularly where eye-hand coordination required.
 Payload to robot weight ratio is poor, often less than 5%
 Robot structural configurations often constrain joint limits and
thus the work volume
 Work volume can be constrained even further when parts of
substantial size are picked up when tooling/sensors added to the
 The robot repeatability and/or accuracy can constrain the range of
potential application

12. What are the applications of robot?

 Machine loading

 Pick and place operations

 Welding

 Painting

 Sampling

 Assembly operation

 Manufacturing

 Surveillance

 Medical applications

 Assisting disabled individuals

 Hazardous environments

 Underwater, space, and remote locations

13. What are the types of robot?

There are 2 types: industrial and non-industrial robots.
Industrial robot:
Industrial robot is designed to be a perfect and tireless worker, to help human
workers but not to replace them.
It is always to be mixed-up the term automation, remote-controlled, and
numerical control.
The Robotics Institute of America (RIA) defines a robot as reprogrammable,
multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, and tools or
specialized devices through variable programmed motions, for the performance
of variety of tasks.
They have arms with gripper attached which are like fingers to grip or pick up
various objects.
These robots can be programmed and computerized.
They are used to pick and place.
The various types of industrial robots are
 Sequence robot
 Playback robot
 Intelligent robot
 Repeating robot
Sequence robots
 A manipulator which progresses successively through the various stages
of an operation according to the predetermined sequence.
Playback robots
 The playback robots are capable of performing a task by teaching the
positions. These positions are stored in the memory, and done frequently
by the robot. It can be divided into two important types, namely:
 Point to Point control robots
 Continuous Path control robots
Intelligent robot
 A robot which can determine its own behaviour/conduct through its
functions of sense and recognition
Repeating robot
 A manipulator performing an operation repeatedly according to a
rememorized work programme

Non-industrial robot types

 Military robots
 Medical robots
 Domestic or personal robots
 Educational robots
 Show or promotional robots
 Hobbyist robots
 Space robots
 Explorer robots
 Laboratory robots

Military Robots
 Any machine that can be operated without a person. These encompasses
mostly remote-controlled devices.
 Example: remote-control tanks, radio-controlled airplanes, sensor-guided
missiles using Global Position System, spy satellites.
 Although many of these robots are semiautonomous, the trend is toward
complete autonomy.

Medical Robots
 Include all robot like devices that either give medical aid or substitute for
or restore functions that a disabled person lacks.
 Industrial robots are used as lab assistants to handle dangerous fluids,
material handling operations in drug tests and drug-discovery research.
 Bionic arms, hands, legs are just now reaching the useful stage. Artificial
hearing and vision are under development.
 Tele robots for surgical tasks are now beginning to be used in joint
 Emerging technologies will enable the development of very tiny robots
the size of beetles or even ants that can be fit into blood stream as for
monitoring devices.

Domestic or personal robot

 Personal robot applications enable people to make themselves more
productive at home and at work.
 Many domestic robot available in markets are focusing in task of
household chores.
 Examples: Robot Vacuums, Robot Floor Cleaners, Robot Window
Cleaners, Robotic Lawn Mowers, Robot Pet Care and also Companion

Educational Robots
 Devices that can be used to teach the principles of robotics. They have the
ability to simulate learned behaviour.
 According to The NextGen Education Robotics Summit powered by
Robotics Trends, forecasts show that robotics education will soon
become commonplace in pre-college and college classrooms throughout
the industrialized world.
 Example: SCORBOT-ER generation – come with manipulator, controller
and power supply.

Show or Promotion Robots

 Their tasks as company’s ambassadors – move about in the aisles, mingle
with many visitors, and appear to converse with them.
 Using a discreet radio control system these performers can move the
robot around an audience, interacting with everyone on a personal basis.
 The appearance of these robot will creatively communicate your message
 be a magnet at your event
 showcase your product in an unforgettable way

Hobbyist Robots
 most are mobile and operate by rolling around on wheels propelled by
electric motors controlled by microprocessor
 equipped with speech synthesis and speech recognition systems
 they have arms which resemble a person in appearance
Space robots
 This type would include robots used on the International Space Station,
Canadarm that was used in Shuttles, as well as Mars rovers and other
robots used in space.
Explorer robots
 The majority of these robots are completely self-reliant due to their
sensory systems, however they may also be controlled by humans giving
orders through computer commands.
 The other types of explorer robots are underground mine exploring
robots, seeing and walking undersea robots, and even bomb defusing
robots used by police

Laboratory robots
 Laboratory robotics is the act of using robots in biology or chemistry
 For example, pharmaceutical companies employ robots to move
biological or chemical samples around to synthesize novel chemical
entities or to test pharmaceutical value of existing chemical matter.

14. Discuss the origin of robot. (8) (Dec. 2012)

Origin of Robot:
– The acclaimed Czech playwright Karel Capek (1890-1938) made
the first use of the word ‘robot’, from the Czech word for forced
labor or serf.
The use of the word Robot was introduced into his play R.U.R. (Rossum's
Universal Robots) which opened in Prague in January 1921. In R.U.R.,
Capek poses a paradise, where the machines initially bring so many benefits
but in the end bring an equal amount of plight in the form of unemployment
and social unrest.

History of Robots:
 1921 – Premier of Karel Capek’s play R.U.R.
 1942 – Asimov coins the word ‘robotics’ and gives his three laws of
 1946 – George Devol developed a playback device.
Eckert and Muachley – built the ENIAC, the first electronic computer,
developed at the University of Pennsylvania.
 1947 – First electric powered tele-operated robot at MIT.
 1948 – Book on feedback control, Cybernetics, written by Prof. Norbert
Weiner of MIT.
 1952 –first NC machine was built at MIT.
 1954 – First programmable robot patented and designed by Devol.
 1955 – Paper by J. Denavit and R. S. Hartenberg (1955) provides a
convention to describe links and joints in a manipulator- developed
homogenous transformation matrices.
 1959 – Unimation Inc. founded by Engelberger; CNC lathe demonstrated
at MIT.
The first programmable robot is designed by George Devol, who coins
the term Universal Automation. He later shortens this to Unimation,
which becomes the name of the first robot company (1962).
 1961 – General Motors buys and installs the first Unimate at a plant in
New Jersey to tend a die casting machine.
 1968 – Shakey, first mobile robot with vision capability, is made at
Stanford Research Institute International. It contained a television
camera, range finder, on-board logic, bump sensors, camera control unit,
and an antenna for a radio link. Shakey was controlled by a computer in a
different room
 1970 – The Stanford Arm designed with electrical actuators and
controlled by a computer.
 1973 – Cincinnati Milacron’s introduced T3 model robot electrically
actuated, mini-computer controlled industrial robot.

 1978 – The Puma (Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly)

robot is developed by Unimation with a General Motors design support
 1981 – Robot Manipulators by R. Paul, one of the first textbooks on
 1982 – First educational robots by Microbot and Rhino.
 1983 – Adept Technology, maker of SCARA(Selective compliance
assembly robot arm) robot was invented.
 1995 – Intuitive Surgical formed to design and market surgical robots.
 1997 – Sojourner robot sends back pictures of Mars; the Honda P3
humanoid robot, started in 1986, unveiled.
 2000 – Honda demonstrates Asimo humanoid robot capable of walking.
 2001 – Sony releases second generation Aibo robot dog.
 2004 – Spirit and Opportunity explore Mars surface and detect evidence
of past existence of water.
 2007 – Humanoid robot Aiko capable of “feeling” pain.
 2009 – Micro-robots and emerging field of nano-robots marrying biology
with engineering.

15. Explain the various generations of Robots?

Various generations of Robots are given below:

16. Explain how the robots are classified?

The robots are classified based on configuration, robot control, drive,
movement, application, degrees of freedom and sensory system.
Physical configuration
a. Cartesian co-ordinate configuration
b. Cylindrical
c. Polar
d. Jointed arm configuration
Robot Control
a. Point-to-point (PTP) control robot
b. Continuous-path (CP) control robot
c. Controlled-path robot
d. Stop-to-Stop
a. Fixed robot
b. Mobile robot
c. Walking or legged robot
a. Pneumatic drive
b. Hydraulic drive
c. Electric drive
a. Manufacturing
b. Handling
c. Testing
Degrees of freedom
a. Single degree of freedom
b. Two degree of freedom
c. Three degree of freedom
d. Six degree of freedom


Sensory systems
a. Simple and blind robot
b. Vision robot
c. Intelligent robot

Dynamic stabilization of robots

Robot Anatomy
What is meant by robot anatomy? (Nov 2013)
Robot anatomy means study of structure of robot i.e. physical structure of
Manipulator consists of rigid bodies (links) connected by means of joints, is
segmented into an arm that ensures mobility and reachability, a wrist for
orientation and an end effector that performs required task.

A joint provides relative motion between the input link and the output link.
Each joint provides the robot with one degree of freedom.

Robot structure
17. What are the basic components or subsystems of an industrial
robot/Explain the robot structure with a sketch?
They are
 Manipulator
 End effector (which is the part of the manipulator).
 Sensors
 Actuators
 Power supply
 Controller.


 Manipulator is a main body for the robot and consists of the joints, links
and other structural elements of the robot.
 Manipulator consists of rigid bodies (links) connected by means of joints,
is segmented into an arm that ensures mobility and reachability, a wrist
for orientation and an end effector that performs required task.

Fig. Manipulator of an industrial Robot

 At the end of the manipulator’s wrist is a device related to the task that
must be accomplished by the robot. The device, called an end effector,
 The end effector which is a gripper tool, a special device, or fixture
attached to the robot’s arm, actually performs the work. it could be a tool
such as a gripper, a vacuum pump, tweezers, scalpel, blowtorch - just
about anything that helps it do its job
 It is usually either:


 A gripper for holding a work part, or

 A tool for performing some process.
 The body-and-arm of the robot is used to position the end effector, and
the robot’s wrist is used to orient the end effector.

 Sensors sense the signals from the environment and gives as feedback to
the controller.
 Actuators, generally located at joints moves the succeeding link through a
prescribed motion.
 Power supply provides and regulates the energy that is converted to
motion by the robot actuator, and it may be either electric, pneumatic, or
 The controller initiates, terminates, and coordinates the motion of
sequences of a robot. Also it accepts the necessary inputs to the robot and
provides the outputs to interface with the outside world.

Robotic motion or movement

18. Explain in detail about the various robot motion or movement?

To accomplish the task, an end effector, or hand, is attached to the end of the
robots arm. It is the end effector which adapts the general purpose robot to a
particular task. To do the task, the robot arm must be capable of moving the end
effectors through a sequence of motions and positions. There are six basic
motions or degrees of freedom, which provide the robot with the capability to
move the end effectors through the required sequences of motions. These six
degree of freedom are intended to emulate the versatility of movement
possessed by the human arm. Not all robots are equipped with the ability to
move in all sex degrees. The six basic motions consist of three arm and body
motions and three wrist motions.
Arm and body motions
1. Vertical traverse: Up and down motion of the arm, caused by pivoting the
entire arm about a horizontal axis or moving the arm along a vertical slide.
2. Radial traverse: extension and retraction of the arm (in and out movement)
3. Rotational traverse: rotation about the vertical axis (right or left swivel of the
robot arm)
Wrist Motion
 Pitch or bend: is the up-and-down movement of the wrist.
 Yaw: is the right-and-left movement of the wrist.
 Roll or swivel: is the rotation of the wrist.


19. Write short notes on degree of freedom

Degree of freedom(DOF):
Number of motions (same kind or different kind) required by a robot to place its
end effector at a point with in its work space. Each joint in a robotic system
gives the robot one degree of freedom
 The degree of freedom or grip of a robotic system can be compared to
the way in which the human body moves.
 For each degree of freedom a joint is required.
 Three degrees of freedom located in the wrist give the end effector all
the flexibility.
 A total of six degrees of freedom is needed to locate a robot’s hand at
any point in its work space.
 Although six degrees of freedom are needed for maximum flexibility,
most robot employee only three to five degrees of freedom.
 The more the degrees of freedom, the greater is the complexity of
motions encountered.

Totally six degrees of freedom are needed to locate the end effector in 3D
space i.e. three degrees of freedom located in the arm and three degrees of
freedom located in the wrist

Robotic joints

20. Define robot joint?

Definition: A robotic joint is a mechanism that permits relative movement

between parts of a robot arm. It enables the robot to move its end-effectors
along a path from one position to another.

Explain the Joints and Links of Robots

 A joint of an industrial robot is similar to a joint in the human body: It
provides relative motion between two parts of the body.
 Each joint, or axis as it is sometimes called, provides the robot with a so-
called degree-of-freedom (D.O.F) of motion.
 In nearly all cases, only one degree-of-freedom is associated with a joint.
 Connected to each joint are two links, an input link and output link.
 Links are the rigid components of the robot manipulator.
 The purpose of the joint is to provide controlled relative movement
between the input link and the output link.


 Most of robots are mounted on a stationary base on the floor.

 The base and its connection to the first joint is Link 0.
 Link 0 is the input link of joint 1, the first joint of a series of joints used
in the construction of the robot.
 The output link of joint 1 is the link 1.
 Link 1 is the input lint to joint 2, whose output link is link 2, and so forth.

21. How are robot joints classified?

Classification of Robot Joints
Nearly all industrial robots have mechanical joints that can be classified into
one of the five types:
 Two types that provide translational motion.
 Three types that provide rotary motion
Linear Joint or Prismatic (type L joint)
The relative movement between the input link and the output link is a
translational sliding motion, with the axes of the two links being parallel.


Orthogonal joint (type O joint)

This is also a translational sliding motion, but the input link and output links
are perpendicular to each other during the move.

Rotational Joint (type R joint)

This type provides rotational relative motion, with the axis of rotation
perpendicular to the axes of the input and output links.


Twisting Joint (type T joint)

This joint also involves rotary motion, but the axis of rotation is parallel to
the axes of the two links

Revolving Joint (type V joint, V from the “v” in revolving)

In this joint type, the axis of the input link is parallel to the axis of rotation of
the joint, and the axis of the output link is perpendicular to the axis of rotation

22. Explain a robot manipulator?

A robot manipulator can be divided into two sections:
 Body-and-arm assembly.
 Wrist assembly
 There is usually three degree-of-freedom associated with the body-and-
arm which is used for mobility or reachability.
 In case of wrist it is either two or three degrees-of-freedom.
 At the end of the manipulator’s wrist is a device related to the task that
must be accomplished by the robot. The device, called an end effector, is
usually either:
 A gripper for holding a work part, or
 A tool for performing some process.
 The body-and-arm of the robot is used to position the end effector, and
the robot’s wrist is used to orient the end effector.
Body-and-Arm Configurations
23. What are the 5 basic configurations in industrial robot?

There are five basic configurations commonly available in commercial

industrial robots:


a) Spherical (Polar) Configuration

b) Cylindrical Configuration
c) Cartesian (Rectangular) Configuration
d) Jointed-arm robot (articulated) Configuration
e) SCARA (Selective Complains Assembly Robot Arm)
Spherical (Polar) Configuration
This configuration consists of a sliding arm (L joint) actuated relative to the
body, that can rotate about a vertical axis (T joint) and a horizontal axis (R

Cylindrical Configuration
• This robot configuration consists of a vertical column, relative to which
an arm assembly is moved up and down. The arm can be moved in and
out relative to the axis of the column.
• A T joint to rotate the column about its axis. An L joint is used to move
the arm assembly vertically along the column. An O joint is used to
achieve radial movement of the arm.


Cartesian (Rectangular) Configuration

It is composed of three sliding joints, two of which are orthogonal

Jointed-arm robot (articulated) Configuration

• This robot manipulator has the general configuration of a human
arm. The joined arm consists of a vertical column that swivels
about the base using a T joint.
• At the top of the column is a shoulder joint (R joint), whose about
link connects to an elbow joint (R joint)

SCARA (Selective Complains Assembly Robot Arm)

This configuration is similar to the jointed robot except that the shoulder
and elbow rotational axes are vertical, which means that the arm is very
rigid in the vertical direction, but complaint in the horizontal direction.


Refer the tabular column given in notes – advantages, disadvantages and

applications for the 5 types of configurations

24. Explain the various wrist configurations?

Wrist Configurations
The robot’s wrist is used to establish the orientation of the end effector. Robot
wrists usually consist of two or three degrees-of-freedom. The three joints are
defined as:
• Roll, using a T joint to accomplish rotation about the robot’s arm
• Pitch, which involves up-and-down rotation, typically a R joint.
• Yaw, which involves right-and-left rotation, also accomplished by
means of an R-Joint.
• A two D-O-F wrist typically includes only roll and pitch joints (T and R

25. Explain about the joint Notation system

Joint Notation System
 The letter symbols for the five joint types (L, O, R, T, and V) can be used
to define a joint notation system for the robot manipulator.
 In this notation system, the manipulator is described by the joints that
make up the body-and-arm assembly, followed by the joint symbols that
make up the wrist.


 For example, the notation TLR:TR represents a five degree-of-freedom

manipulator whose body-and-arm is made up of :
 A twisting joint (Joint 1 = T)
 A linear joint (joint 2 = L)
 A rotational joint (joint 3 = R)
 The wrist consists of two joints:
 A twisting joint (joint 4 = T)
 A rotational joint (joint 5 = R)
 A colon separates the body-and-arm notation from the wrist notation

26. Designate the robot configurations shown below, using the joint notation

1. This configuration has two linear joints, Hence, it is designated LL.
2. This configuration has three rotational joints, Hence, it is designated
3. This configuration has one twisting joint and one linear joint. This is
indicated by TL


27. The robots shown below are equipped with a wrist that has twisting,
rotary, and twisting joints in sequence from the arm to the end-effector.
Give the designation for the complete configuration of each robot

For the robots shown above, the complete designation is as follows:


28. Explain briefly about Work Volume?

The work volume (work envelope) of the manipulator is defined as the

envelope or space within which the robot can manipulate the end of its wrist.
29. On what factors does work volume depend on? Draw the work volume
for the robot configurations.
Work volume is determined by:
• the number and types of joints in the manipulator (body-and-arm
and wrist),
• the ranges of the various joints, and
• the physical sizes of the links
The shape of the work volume depends largely on the robot’s configuration


A Cartesian robot has a rectangular work volume

A cylindrical robot has a cylindrical work volume


A spherical robot tends to have a sphere as its work volume


30. Explain the different types of robots with respect to its characteristics
and power sources (May 2013)

A robot joints are actuated using any of three possible types of drive systems.
Based on the power sources robots can be classified into

a. Electric drive
b. Hydraulic drive.
c. Pneumatic drive
 Electric: systems use electric motors as joint actuators.
Robots use electricity as the primary source of energy.
 Electricity turns the pumps that provide hydraullic and
pneumatic pressure.
 Electric drive robots are relatively accurate compared with
hydraulically powered robots
 It also powers the robot controller and all the electronic
components and peripheral devices.
 In all electric robots, the drive actuators, as well as the
controller, are electrically powered.

 Because electric robot do not require a hydraulic power unit,

they conserve floor space and decrease factory noise.
 No energy conversion is required.
 pneumatic: these are generally found in relatively low-cost
manipulators with low load carrying capacity.
 Pneumatic drive is typically limited to smaller robots used in
simple material transfer applications
 Pneumatic drives have been used for many years for
powering simple stop-to-stop motions.
 It is inherently light weight, particularly when operating
pressures are moderate.
 Hydraulic: are either linear position actuators or a rotary vane
 Hydraulic actuators provide a large amount of power for a
given actuator.
 The high power-to-weight ratio makes the hydraulic
actuator an attractive choice for moving moderate to high
loads at reasonable speeds and moderate noise level.
 Hydraulic motors usually provide a more efficient way of
energy to achieve a better performance, but they are
expensive and generally less accurate.
 The advantages of hydraulic drive include greater speed and
Hydraulic and pneumatic drive systems use devices such as linear pistons
and rotary vane actuators to accomplish the motion of the joint.
Electric drive and hydraulic drive are used on more-sophisticated
industrial robots

Robot Control Systems for path control

31. Explain the various robot control systems for path control?

• The actuations of the individual joints must be controlled in a coordinated

fashion for the manipulator to perform a desired motion cycle.
• Robot controllers can be classified into four categories:
a. Limited sequence control.
b. Point-to-point control.
c. Continuous path control.
d. Intelligent control.
Various Robot control path
• Limited sequence control uses mechanical stops to provide the extreme
ranges of motion and when motion command is used, the joint is driven
until the mechanical stop is reached. This technique is no longer used.


• Point-to-point involves the specification of the starting point and end

point (and often intermediate points) of the robot motion requiring a
control system which renders some feedback at those points. This
technique is used for spot welding, pick-and-place operations and so on.
• Continuous Path Control requires the robot end effector to follow a
stated path from the starting point to the end point.
This technique is required in many applications that require the actual
tracing of a contour, for instance, in arc welding or spray painting.
The continuous path robots usually follow a series of closely spaced
points on a path and these points are defined by the control unit rather
than the programmer. In many cases, the paths between points are straight
• Intelligent Control An intelligent robot is one that exhibits behavior that
makes it seem intelligent. Some of the characteristics that make a robot
appear intelligent include the capacity to :
 Interact with its environment.
 Make decisions when things go wrong during the work cycle.
 Make computations during the motion cycle.
 Respond to advanced sensor inputs such as machine vision

32. Differentiate between kinematics and dynamics. (May 2013)

Kinematics Dynamics
Kinematics is the study of motion Dynamics is the study of motion
without regard for the forces that with regard for the forces that
cause it. cause it.
It ignores concepts such as torque, It involves the concepts such as
force, mass, energy, and inertia. torque, force, mass, energy, and


33. What are the mechanical design considerations of a robot?

34. Write short notes on technical specification in Robotics.

The robot’s ability to reach a reference point within the robot’s full work
volume is known as accuracy of robot.
Robot’s ability to position its wrist end at desired target point within its


Repeatability refers to robot’s ability to return to the programmed point
when it is commanded to do so.
Reliability identifies the percentage of time that the robot is expected to operate
without being taken out of service for maintenance or repair. Manufacturers
estimate reliability to be 96% to 98%.
It is the smallest increment of motion or distance that can be controlled by a
robotic control system.
Spatial resolution:
It is ability of the robot to break down its movements into increments. Spatial
resolution = Range/ 2n
Example for 12 bit storage capacity with full range of 1m for one joint, then
spatial resolution = 1m/212 = 1m/4096 = 0.244m.
Quality of robot
A robot is said to be high quality when the precision and accuracy is more.
The maximum horizontal distance from the centre of the robot base to the end
of its wrist.
Maximum Speed:
A robot moving at full extension with all joints moving simultaneously in
complimentary directions at full speed. The maximum speed is the theoretical
values which does not consider under loading condition.
The maximum load which can be carried by the manipulator at low or normal
Degree of Freedom (DOF):
Number of motions(same kind or different kind) required by a robot to place
its end effector at a point with in its work space. Each joint in a robotic
system gives the robot one degree of freedom.
The space in which the end point of the robot arm is capable of operating is
called as a workspace in other words reachability of robot arm is known as
Work volume
The volume of the space swept by the robot arm is called work volume
Work Envelope:
A three-dimensional shape that defines the boundaries that the robot
manipulator can reach. The work envelop is described by the surface of the


35. What is the need of dynamic stabilization in robot?(Apr/May 2015)

The need of dynamic stabilization in robotics is to control an underactuated
robot by taking into account its intrinsic dynamics and by directly modifying the
dynamic effects generated by the robot if the measured velocity of the robot is
not the desired one.

34. What are the various types of joints used in robots? Sketch the
following robots indicating the joints and degree of freedom. (8)
i) SCARA robot. ii) Gantry robot

SCARA Robot: DOF – 3


GantryRobot: DOF - 3

35. a)What is the work envelope of a robot, Sketch and explain two views
to indicate the work envelope of a i) Cartesian robot ii) Polar
robot. (8)


Fig. Work envelope of a cartesian coordeinate robot in 3D


36. b)Explain the concept of accuracy and repeatability of a robot.

What are the different configurations of robots? Which of these
configurations would be most suitable for i) Placing an object in an
oven for heat-treatment. ii) Painting a motor car body. (8)




The commonly used robot configuration systems are

 Cartesian coordinate system
 Cylindrical coordinate system
 Polar or spherical coordinate system
 Joint arm ariculated coordinate system
For placing an object in an oven for heat-treatment - Cartesian coordinate system can
be used.
For Painting a motor car body Joint arm articulated coordinate system can be used

37.What is the work envelope of a robot? Sketch and explain two views to indicate the
work envelope of a i) Cylindrical robot. ii) Anthropomorphic robot. (10)
The work envelop is described by the surface of the workspace. The space in which
the end point of the robot arm is capable of operating is called as a workspace in other words
reachability of robot arm is known as workspace.


38. Compare the various attributes of robot with those of human being.
Relationship between human, robots and automation

S.No Human Machine Automation

1 Brain Processors In charge of operations
Eg. Computer chips and software
2 Skin, nose, sensors Caputre tactile information, light
ears and taste and sounds
3 eyes Vision systems Work with optical signals
Eg. TV camera
4 Arms and End-effectors Manipulate and support tools,
hands pliers, drills, hammers, brooms etc
5 Feet Transportation Use wheels, feet, propellors,
system rockets, etc
6 Scientifically Communication Used to communicate and operate
unidentified systems from a distance
Eg. Telephone and internet


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