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URDU INCLUDING ESSAY (SUBJECTIVE) oi) Surcrauk () CAL &) sive S24 () hy ) VeitUe i () theo Cy) # j 4 nee: " (@) b) © (a) © @ (b) © @) © ISLAMIC STUDIES Fundamental Beliefs and Practices of Islam. Basic Problems of Human Life and their Solutions. Social System in Islam. Morality in Islam: Relationship of Morality and Faith, Islamic Principles and methods of character-building. Islam and comparative study of other religions. PAKISTAN STUDIES MWeology of Pakistan in Historical perspective, Pakistan Movement. x Establishment of Pakistan, Initial problems — Important events and issues, Political and constitutional developments from 1947 to date. Pakistan's economy planning and economic development. ‘Pakistan's foreign policy and external affairs. Pakistan's, environment, de Wa ‘health. education, publi ‘with special reference to Punjab province, ‘won GENERAL KNOWLEDGE ‘The paper is intended to test the candidate's knowledge of current world affairs and also of broad facts of bitstorical, political, geographical and economic importance. A section, will be included 10 test the candidate's knowledge and understending of matters of everyday observation and experience in the scientific aspect significant developments in science and technology. @ ) © @ © (h) @ ) © @ © (h) ENGLISH INCLUDING ESSAY (SUBJECTIVE) Essay Précis Fill in the blanks ) with appropriate prepositions Gi) adjectives Pair of words. Idiomatic phrases (Correction of graniniatical errs Restructuring of sentences { ‘Urdu into English translation js woo"eAunpiywyrMMm ENGLISH INCLUDING ESSAY (SUBJECTIVE) Essay Précis Frill in the blak (with appropriate prepositions Gi) adjectives Pair of words Idiomatic phrases woo"eAunpiywyrMMm ‘Urdu into English translation

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