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Epilepsia, 49(Suppl.

1):45–49, 2008
doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01450.x


Special problems: Adults and elderly

Linda J. Stephen and Martin J. Brodie

Epilepsy Unit, Division of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, Western Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland,
United Kingdom

SUMMARY in HIV-positive patients and in those with underly-

A first seizure out of a clear blue sky can be a ing neurocysticercosis should usually provoke the
major life-changing event. Careful history-taking introduction of AED therapy. Particular problems
and appropriate investigation together with a clear can occur in patients with a single episode of pro-
explanation provided to patient and family are an voked status epilepticus, a first tonic–clonic seizure
essential requirement. Although for most patients, during pregnancy and, particularly, an unprovoked
pharmacotherapy can be withheld and events event in older and learning disabled people. Treat-
awaited, there are circumstances where introduc- ment following a first seizure should balance risk
tion of antiepileptic drug (AED) therapy should be factors for recurrence with the informed opinion
considered. Medical causes of seizures should also of the patients and their family.
be sought and treated. In addition, a first seizure KEY WORDS: Elderly, Epilepsy, First seizure,
Investigation, Treatment.

A first seizure out of a clear sky can be a terrifying expe- too will the incidence of epilepsy (Forsgren et al., 2005).
rience, particularly if it is a full-blown tonic–clonic event. This paper explores some of the issues that need to be con-
An individual’s life may be turned upside down in a matter sidered in managing adults and senior citizens following
of minutes. Reduction in control, physical injury, and pro- their first seizure. Details of the clinical trials exploring the
longed postictal symptoms can lead to loss of confidence risks and consequences of additional seizures have been
and impairment of independence. Longer-term sequelae in- discussed earlier in this supplement.
clude employment difficulties, rescinding of the driving
license, worry about having further events, and changes
in attitude among family and friends (Dworetzky et al., D IAGNOSIS
2000). Indeed, Lindsten and colleagues recently reported An adult who is suspected to have had a first seizure
that adults with a newly diagnosed unprovoked epileptic should be referred to an epilepsy specialist for rapid assess-
seizure became significantly less physically active, traveled ment (SIGN Guidelines, 2003). Diagnosis is based on the
abroad less frequently, and were generally less energetic history, ideally from a witness. Difficulties can arise with
during their leisure time than sex- and age-matched refer- partial seizures, which can have many varied presentations
ents (Lindsten et al., 2003). There has been much debate from a brief sensory, autonomic or motor disturbance to
about how to best manage a person who has suffered a first confusion and aggression lasting several minutes. Postictal
seizure, which varies substantially among health-care sys- symptoms and signs such as exhaustion, headache, muscle
tems throughout the world (Pohlmann-Eden et al., 2006). pain and Todd’s paresis can provide useful clues. A patient
Some objective advice can be gleaned from a variety of presenting with a first convulsive seizure can, on occasion,
guidelines (SIGN Guidelines, 2003; American Academy have undiagnosed epilepsy. It is worth asking about partial
guidelines 2003, 2004; NICE guidelines, 2004; Glauser et events, absence seizures and myoclonic jerks. These may
al., 2006). Old age is now the commonest time to develop have been occurring for many years without a diagnosis
seizures and, as the global elderly population swells, so having been made (Kwan & Brodie, 2000). It is essential
too to ensure that long QT syndrome, which can present
Address correspondence to Prof. Martin J. Brodie, Epilepsy Unit, West-
ern Infirmary, Glasgow G11 6NT, Scotland, United Kingdom. E-mail: with a seizure, is excluded by obtaining a routine electro-
Martin.J.Brodie@clinmed.gla.ac.uk cardiogram (ECG) (Dunn et al., 2005).
Blackwell Publishing, Inc. Diagnosis of a first seizure in old age can be partic-

C International League Against Epilepsy ularly challenging and it may take some time before an


L. J. Stephen and M. J. Brodie

Other treatable causes of symptomatic seizures, such as

Table 1. Differential diagnoses of seizures
malaria, hypertensive encephalopathy, systemic lupus ery-
in elderly people
thematosus, and acute intermittent porphyria, should be
Neurological Endocrine/metabolic considered in the appropriate clinical setting (Delanty et
• Transient ischemic attack • Hypoglycemia
al., 1998).
• Transient global amnesia • Hyponatremia
• Migraine • Hypokalemia Because seizures are likely to recur in patients infected
• Narcolepsy with HIV and because they are a poor prognostic indica-
• Restless legs syndrome Sleep disorders tor, it is generally recommended that all HIV seropositive
Cardiovascular • Obstructive sleep apnea patients experiencing a first seizure without a recognizable
• Vasovagal syncope • Hypnic jerks
and reversible cause be treated with a nonenzyme-inducing
• Orthostatic hypotension • Rapid eye movement sleep
• Cardiac arrhythmias disorders antiepileptic drug (AED) (Romanelli & Ryan, 2002). Sim-
• Structural heart disease Psychological ilarly, a first seizure in a patient with underlying neuro-
• Carotid sinus syndrome • Psychogenic seizures cysticercosis should probably be treated, as the progno-
sis for the epilepsy is usually excellent (Riley & White,
2003). Patients with concomitant treated depression may
also benefit from early introduction of AED therapy be-
cause of the increasingly recognized overlap between the
accurate clinical picture can be pieced together (Brodie & neurobiological bases of these common disorders (Kanner,
Kwan, 2005). The patients may remember little or noth- 2006).
ing of the episode and, if they live alone, there may be no
witness. A history of trauma with physical damage such as
bruises, cuts, and burns can be helpful as can the timescale
of the episode (Stephen & Brodie, 2000). It is important In some people, seizure type can be determined ac-
to consider the many differential diagnoses, which may cording to the clinical (ideally witnessed) history. A
mimic or coexist with seizure activity in this population young adult who presents with an unprovoked tonic–clonic
(Table 1). Syncope, particularly, can occur without warning seizure, which occurs without warning or witnessed pro-
in elderly people. Physical examination should concentrate drome, may be developing an idiopathic primary gener-
on the neurological and cardiovascular systems. Investiga- alized epilepsy syndrome. Other markers of this include
tions such as full blood count, serum electrolytes, renal pa- seizures on awakening, during sleep deprivation or in the
rameters, and random blood glucose are important, as well early morning. Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) is the
as an ECG and chest radiograph (Stephen & Brodie, 2000). commonest syndrome in this population and, although
Prolonged ECG recording, carotid and basilar ultrasonog- amenable to treatment, it is often a life-long condition
raphy, orthostatic blood pressure measurement may also be (Specchio & Beghi, 2004). Photosensitivity will be present
necessary. Tilt table testing can be useful to detect barore- in around 5% of epilepsies. Photosensitive epilepsies gen-
ceptor and vasopressor dysfunction or sympathetic failure erally have a good prognosis and there is a 14–37% prob-
due to autonomic neuropathy in older people (McKeon et ability that the seizures will remit spontaneously (Verrotti,
al., 2006). 2004).
For people with focal-onset seizures, prognosis depends
on whether the seizures are idiopathic, cryptogenic, or re-
M EDICAL C AUSES mote symptomatic in nature. Remote symptomatic seizures
Around 8–10% of seizures are provoked by an acute carry an increased risk of mortality (Beghi et al., 2005).
precipitating stimulus such as a brain insult, metabolic or Patients found to have a progressive neurological disor-
toxic disturbance, systemic illness, opportunist infection der are highly likely to reseizure and should, therefore, be
or a cryptic cancer (Annegers et al., 1995). Many drugs considered for early AED treatment. On the other hand,
carry high epileptogenic potential, particularly meperidine, there is no evidence that AED therapy following a pro-
sevoflurane, clozapine, phenothiazines, and cyclosporin voked seizure, such as after a traumatic head injury, will
(Ruffmann et al., 2006). Alcoholics can have a seizure prevent later unprovoked episodes and the subsequent de-
as a result of excessive alcohol intake, abstinence compli- velopment of epilepsy (Temkin et al., 2001).
cations of their alcoholism, or an underlying seizure dis-
order (American College of Emerging Physicians, 1997).
Recreational drug use, particularly with cocaine, phen-
cyclidine, amphetamines, and heroin, can also produce Status epilepticus de novo is a frequent occurrence
seizures (Henry et al., 1992; Koppel et al., 1996). Specific in adults (56%) and elderly (70%) patients who have
enquiry should be made regarding these lifestyle issues not previously suffered from epilepsy (DeLorenzo et al.,
following a potentially unprovoked tonic–clonic seizure. 1996). In this population, there is a significant risk of

Epilepsia, 49(Suppl. 1):45–49, 2008

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01450.x
Special Considerations: Adults and the Elderly

developing epilepsy (Hesdorffer et al., 1998). The under- of epilepsy is secure. As the history is crucial, the patient
lying etiology is the most important determining factor must be accompanied by a carer who knows him or her
(Rossetti et al., 2006). This is particularly the case for very well and has witnessed the presenting event. Problems
adults where damaging pathology, such as acute vascular can arise differentiating epileptic seizures from repetitive
events, trauma, encephalitis, or a rapidly growing neoplas- stereotyped behavior. In this setting, investigations such as
tic lesion, can cause serious brain damage as well as status EEG or brain imaging are rarely helpful. With specialist su-
epilepticus. It is therefore important to consider long-term pervision, over 40% of this population can become seizure-
AED therapy in these patients as well as treating the under- free with AED treatment (Kelly et al., 2004).
lying cause.
E LDERLY P EOPLE On occasion, a woman will present with a first un-
A first seizure in an older person can have profound provoked seizure during pregnancy. This is a reasonably
physical and psychological consequences. For those who rare occurrence. Provoked seizures secondary to eclamp-
develop epilepsy, morbidity and mortality are high (Luh- sia are the commonest reason for seizure activity during
dorf et al., 1987) as are rates of sudden unexpected death pregnancy (SIGN Guidelines, 2003). The management of
(Jallon et al., 1999). Old age was found to be a signifi- the seizure requires balancing the well-being of the fetus
cant predictor for seizure recurrence by the FIRST Seizure with the health of the mother. After a generalized tonic-
Trial Group (Musicco et al., 1997). It is usually assumed clonic seizure, alterations in fetal heart rate compatible
that underlying cerebral pathology is responsible for ictal with acidosis have been reported (Crawford, 2001). In gen-
generation. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is not al- eral, however, tonic-clonic seizure activity does not appear
ways tolerated in this age group and computerized tomog- to adversely affect fetal outcome (Crawford, 2001). Even
raphy (CT) may be preferred by some patients (Tallis et status epilepticus appears to have a better prognosis for
al., 2002). In our elderly population of 117 patients with mother and child than previously thought (EURAP, 2006).
newly diagnosed epilepsy, 66% had abnormal neuroimag- Routine inter-ictal EEG appears to be safe in pregnancy,
ing. Of the 61% of patients who had an interictal EEG, although it would seem sensible to avoid provocation pro-
epileptiform discharges were seen in just 28% (Stephen et cedures, such as photic stimulation and sleep deprivation.
al., 2006). As with younger adults, however, there were no Brain MRI is preferable to CT scanning given that it does
differences in outcome for those with normal and abnormal not involve exposure to radiation. Some practitioners pre-
brain imaging. The prognosis in this population, however, fer to wait until after the first trimester, although there is no
is better than for patients under 65 years of age (Mohanraj conclusive evidence that MRI can lead to fetal problems.
& Brodie, 2006). This, in itself, may be a good reason for Indeed, brain imaging can have a direct effect on the man-
starting AED therapy in the elderly, which is often readily agement of pregnancy. For example, a woman with a high-
accepted by a patient already taking a number of drugs for pressure vascular malformation could be at risk of rupture
other indications. during labor and thus may benefit instead from an elective
cesarean section.
Given their teratogenic potential, many clinicians prefer
L EARNING D ISABILITIES to delay AED treatment, where possible, until well into the
Around 1–2.5% of people in the Western world have second trimester (Shorvon, 2002; Tomson et al., 2004). Ex-
a learning disability (Gillberg & Soderstrum, 2003). Of ceptions may be patients presenting with a first episode of
these, 14–44% will have epilepsy, with rates highest oc- status epilepticus or seizures secondary to a rapidly pro-
curring in those with the most severe disabilities (Jones gressive neurological disorder.
et al., 2002). There are no specific data regarding man-
agement of a first seizure in this population (Bowey &
Kerr, 2000). Clinicians therefore have to rely on infor-
mation pertaining to outcomes in those with established When considering whether or not to treat a first seizure,
epilepsy. Given that these patients are likely to have under- it is important to take into consideration the patient’s views
lying cerebral pathology, those with a first remote symp- of the situation and that of their family. To this end, it is
tomatic seizure fall into a poor prognostic category (Beghi vital that everyone concerned is provided with a clear ex-
et al., 2005). Learning disability is associated with seizure planation of what has happened and what are the likely
clusters, more prolonged seizures, status epilepticus, and consequences. For patients who are anxious not to have
sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) (Hannah & another seizure, early introduction of treatment may be
Brodie, 1998). Early introduction of treatment may there- the best course of action. These patients may rely on their
fore be warranted in these individuals to minimize the risk ability to drive for their work and lifestyle. Those with a
of complications assuming, of course, that the diagnosis family history of epilepsy may be more inclined to accept

Epilepsia, 49(Suppl. 1):45–49, 2008

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01450.x

L. J. Stephen and M. J. Brodie

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and Shire and has received research funding from Pfizer, UCB Mohanraj R, Brodie MJ. (2006) Diagnosing refractory epilepsy: re-
and Eisai. LJS declares no conflicts of interest. sponse to sequential treatment schedules. Eur J Neurol 13:277–
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Special Considerations: Adults and the Elderly

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Epilepsia, 49(Suppl. 1):45–49, 2008

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01450.x

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