First Seizure: EEG and Neuroimaging Following An Epileptic Seizure

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Epilepsia, 49(Suppl.

1):19–25, 2008
doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01445.x


First seizure: EEG and neuroimaging following

an epileptic seizure

Bernd Pohlmann-Eden and †Mark Newton

Bethel Epilepsy Center, Bielefeld, Germany; and †Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, Austin Health,
Heidelberg, Australia

SUMMARY deprived EEG and sleep EEG is uncertain; yet MRI

An early EEG (within 48 h) and high-resolution is essential for detecting brain tumors and other
magnetic resonance imaging (hr_MRI) are the structural bases for new epilepsy. The rate occur-
methods of choice for an accurate diagnosis after a rence of remote symptomatic seizures increases
first seizure presentation. Together with a careful significantly with age and the most common eti-
history and examination, they will allow definition ology in the elderly with a first seizure is stroke;
of the epilepsy syndrome in two-thirds of patients however, its exact relevance to epileptogenicity is
and help assess the individual risk for seizure re- yet to be defined. There is a striking lack of system-
currence, which is determined by the specific syn- atic studies using early EEG and hr_MRI in order to
drome and is highest with focal epileptiform ac- better characterize epileptogenic areas and eluci-
tivity on EEG. Despite the heterogeneity of first date the mechanisms of seizure provocation.
seizure studies, EEG and etiology are consistently KEY WORDS: First seizure, Diagnosis, EEG,
found to be the best predictors for seizure recur- Computerized tomography, Magnetic resonance
rence and prognosis. The additional yield of sleep- imaging.

A first seizure is a very common condition and also but also allow early determination of a possible underlying
a very frightening event, which raises urgent health and epilepsy syndrome (King et al., 1998; Jallon et al., 2001).
lifestyle issues and makes counseling rather complex. Par- This review will address the following: (1) What novel
ticularly important is the question whether the seizure is information can be derived from first seizure (FS) stud-
a symptom of a transient encephalopathy or an under- ies using functional and structural diagnostic procedures?
lying epileptogenic brain pathology as these conditions (2) What are the potential interpretations and limitations
will determine the prognosis with regard to seizure re- of EEG and neuroimaging in current FS studies? (3) How
currence. Numerous studies have been performed in the much obligatory are EEG and neuroimaging to define an
last 3 decades to identify predictors of seizure recurrence. epilepsy syndrome? (4) What are the principal consid-
Berg and Shinnar’s (1991) careful meta-analysis identi- erations for prognosis and the future challenges of FS
fied an abnormal EEG and an underlying documented research?
cause as the most consistent findings. While the early
studies based their etiological assessment and diagnosis W HAT N OVEL I NFORMATION C AN BE
of a symptomatic seizure or epilepsy mainly on clinical
findings (seizure semiology, physical examination, history)
aided sometimes by imaging with computerized tomog- F UNCTIONAL AND S TRUCTURAL
raphy (CT) and EEG, there are now advanced EEG and D IAGNOSTIC P ROCEDURES ?
neuroimaging procedures that not only confirm these data Seizure selection bias: An FS only comes to medical at-
tention if the individual (or witness) becomes aware of it
Address correspondence to Bernd Pohlmann-Eden, M.D., Ph.D., and feels threatened so to seek help. Thus, the entire dis-
Professor of Neurology and Public Health, Head and Chair, Bethel
Epilepsy Center, Maraweg 21, D-33617 Bielefeld, Germany. E-mail: cussion and evaluation of data is biased by the fact that most of the FS studies deal with patients after their first
Blackwell Publishing, Inc. tonic-clonic seizure. Clinical experience and systematic

C International League Against Epilepsy investigations tell, however, that many of these patients


B. Pohlmann-Eden and M. Newton

already had previous minor epilepsy symptoms. Aware- There are surprisingly few data on the significance and
ness of the event or aftermath is crucial for presentation prognosis of EEG recordings in the early course of epilepsy
and events during sleep will pass unnoticed. Thus, the “first for long-term prognosis. A community-based study al-
seizure” is a concept (or sometimes the tip of an iceberg) most 20 years ago identified three variables highly pre-
rather than a clearly defined event. We have no clear idea dictive of achieving 5-year seizure-freedom: (1) no early-
of the individual considerations making a brain epileptic or life damage, (2) never having had a generalized tonic–
of the complex interplay between genetic, structural, bio- clonic seizure, and (3) no generalized epileptiform activ-
chemical, and functional factors. We do not know if an ac- ity (Shafer et al., 1988). However, several studies have ad-
cumulation of provoking factors over time will lower the dressed the role of EEG for early prognosis in patients pre-
seizure threshold. Nor do we know why a significant pro- senting with an FS. This will be the focus of this brief re-
voking factor only sometimes leads to a seizure in one view, which is not intended to be exhaustive, addressing
individual, but not in another. This raises the question of only the most relevant findings in well-controlled clini-
what exactly is provocation. Is every seizure somehow pro- cal trials and acknowledging the heterogeneous nature of
voked? the study populations. The importance of these studies for
According to the International League Against Epilepsy practical counseling was recently emphasized (Pohlmann-
(ILAE) definition, a seizure or repeated seizures occur- Eden et al., 2006). The value of the EEG lies in (1) sug-
ring in close temporal association with an acute systemic, gesting the presence of focal lesions (with localized slow
metabolic, or toxic cerebral insult are considered to be waves), (2) allowing individual prediction of SR, and (3)
“provoked,” as compared to seizures occurring in relation indicating a specific epilepsy syndrome (e.g., 3-Hz spike-
to a well-demonstrated antecedent condition, substantially wave pattern).
increasing the risk for epileptic seizures, which are consid- In a prospective FS study in 157 adult patients present-
ered to be “unprovoked” (Commission on Epidemiology ing mostly with generalized tonic clonic seizures, standard
and Prognosis and International League Against Epilepsy, EEG was more sensitive in detecting abnormalities com-
1993). Hauser & Beghi (2007) review these widely ac- pared to the clinical and neuroradiological data (Schreiner
cepted definitions in this volume, which have operationally & Pohlmann-Eden, 2003); the neurological status was ab-
helped to organize and understand study findings. How- solutely normal in 10 out of 20 patients (50%) with cere-
ever, they leave us with the question if “provoked” and “un- bral neoplasms, while the EEG was abnormal in 91.7%. In
provoked” are distinct points rather than transitional states patients with underlying cerebrovascular disease, the EEG
within a spectrum of provoking and inhibiting factors. showed abnormalities in 88.6% when only one-third had
According to the most recent ILAE definition, epilepsy obvious focal clinical findings.
is a disorder of the brain characterized by an enduring pre- According to the careful meta-analysis of 16 FS stud-
disposition to generate epileptic seizures. In that sense, the ies in children and adults by Berg and Shinnar in 1996,
definition of epilepsy requires the occurrence of at least in all reports except one (Hopkins et al., 1988), the pres-
one epileptic seizure (Fisher et al., 2005). ence of any EEG abnormality was associated with a
We certainly want to get subtle information with regard significantly higher risk for seizure recurrence. To appro-
to this enduring predisposition, by collecting detailed in- priately interpret these data, however, it is necessary to
formation of the functional state and structural condition of carefully look at the study population, design, and method-
the brain close to the time of the FS and in clearly defined ology, yet this information is often lacking or incomplete
homogenous study groups. Unfortunately, we are currently (see Table 1).
far from this ideal situation. Data have therefore to be in- Till the mid nineties, the available studies (Cleland et
terpreted with all caution and qualification. al., 1981; Elwes et al., 1985; Annegers et al., 1986; Hop-
kins et al., 1988; Hauser et al., 1990) provided very lit-
tle information on the study populations. Since 1995 very
few additional studies have been performed using MRI in
EEG F INDINGS IN C URRENT FS a high percentage (Forsgren et al., 1996; King et al., 1998;
S TUDIES : P OTENTIAL Pohlmann-Eden & Schreiner 1998a; Lindsten et al., 2001;
I NTERPRETATIONS AND Schreiner & Pohlmann-Eden, 2003), and only one specif-
ically aimed at identifying the underlying epilepsy syn-
L IMITATIONS drome by means of clinical, EEG, and neuroimaging data
Whether an EEG should be obtained routinely in pa- (King et al., 1998).
tients after an FS is still under debate. There are pragmatic The importance of the study design was emphasized
implications (Fountain & Freeman, 2006) and some au- in Berg and Shinnar’s meta-analysis, explaining the wide
thors would not treat after an FS, even if the EEG is abnor- range of reported seizure recurrence rates (from 30% to
mal. Yet EEG remains an essential tool for understanding 80% within 3–4 years). The most relevant sources of
the underlying process and providing the best counseling. heterogeneity are the selection of patients (age, site of

Epilepsia, 49(Suppl. 1):19–25, 2008

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01445.x
EEG and Neuroimaging after a First Seizure

Table 1. Age groups, study design and study population, ancillary methods in first seizure studies
Early EEG
Authors n Age groups Study design Setting EEG-classes (<48 h) CT MRI
Blom et al., 1978 74 Children Prospective Hospital 3 classes No NA NA
Cleland et al., 1981 70 Adults Retrospective Hospital NA No NA NA
Camfield et al., 1985 168 Children Retrospective Hospital 4 classes No NA NA
Elwes et al., 1985 133 All age groups Retrospective Hospital NA No NA NA
and prospective
Annegers et al., 1986 424 All age groups Retrospective Outpatients 4 classes No NA NA
Hopkins et al., 1988 408 Adults Prospective Hospital 4 classes No NA NA
Hart et al., 1990 564 Adults Retrospective Outpatients NA No NA NA
and prospective
Hauser et al., 1990 208 Adults Prospective Hospital 5 classes No NA NA
van Donselaar et al., 1992 157 Adults Prospective Hospital 3 classes No NA NA
FIR.S.T. 1993 397 Adults Prospective Hospital 2 classes No NA NA
Bora et al., 1995 147 Adults Prospective Hospital 4 classes No NA NA
Forsgren et al., 1996 563 Adults Prospective Population-based NA No 80% 58%
King et al., 1998 300 All age groups Prospective Hospital 3 classes YES NA 89%
Ramos Lizana et al., 2000 217 Children Prospective Hospital
Neufeld et al., 2000 91 Adults Retrospective Hospital 5 classes No 69% Few cases
Jallon et al., 2001 926 All age groups Prospective Practice hospital NA No 58% 7%
Hui et al., 2001 132 All age groups Retrospective Hospital 3 classes No 64% NA
Lindsten et al., 2001 107 Adults Prospective Population-based NA No 98% 45%
Schreiner & 166 Adults Prospective Hospital 4 classes YES 94% 60%
Pohlmann-Eden, 2003a

CT, computerized tomography; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NA, not available.
The classification of the EEG findings varied across studies (most frequently classified as normal, diffuse slowing, focal slowing,
focal epileptiform, or generalized epileptiform).

recruitment, exclusion criteria, definition of “provoked” fine the exact methodology for a correct interpretation of
seizure, inclusion of patients with uncertain seizures) the potential value and findings of these activations.
time point of study entry, and the retrospective versus The additional yield of sleep-deprived and sleep EEG
prospective design. According to Berg & Shinnar (1991), is still uncertain. Most patients underwent sleep-deprived
the seizure recurrence was 40% in prospective and 52% in EEG, if they had no epileptiform abnormalities on
retrospective studies that employed first seizure methods their first routine EEG (King et al., 1998; Schreiner &
and 67% in non-FS studies (i.e., new-onset epilepsy). Pohlmann-Eden, 2003). Most of the studies (Table 1) dis-
With regard to the EEG methodology, the time point of tinguished and stratified 3 to 5 classes of EEG findings
the EEG (tpEEG) recording seems to be of paramount sig- (normal, diffuse abnormal [slowing], focal slowing, focal
nificance. The average time from FS to the first EEG was 3 epileptiform, generalized epileptiform).
years in a community-based study as compared to 1 month The rate of any abnormality ranged from 41% to 80% in
if the diagnosis of epilepsy was already established (Shafer nonselected and from 9% to 63% in selected populations,
et al., 1988). This surprising observation may reflect the and were predictive of seizure recurrence in all but two
above-mentioned and still current controversy about the studies (Hopkins et al., 1988; Bora et al., 1995). Schreiner
pragmatic (decision-influencing) value of an EEG after an and Pohlmann-Eden reported only 10% normal EEGs in
FS (Fountain & Freeman, 2006). their FS patients with seizure recurrence compared to 38%
In the study by King et al. (1998), an EEG performed who remained seizure-free.
within 24 h after an FS detected epileptiform abnormali- The reported yield of epileptiform activity in routine
ties in 51%, compared with only 34% of the patients with EEG ranged from 12% to 27% (Hopkins et al., 1988; van
a later EEG. The only two other studies with EEG record- Donselaar et al., 1992; Neufeld et al., 2000; Schreiner &
ings within 48 h reported EEG abnormalities in up to 70% Pohlmann-Eden, 2003) and increased to 23–50% if sleep
(Neufeld et al., 2000; Schreiner & Pohlmann-Eden, 2003). recordings could be obtained (van Donselaar et al., 1992;
In the remaining studies (with no information available but King et al., 1998; Schreiner & Pohlmann-Eden, 2003).
perhaps later tpEEG; Table 1), the EEG abnormality rates The proportion with epileptiform activity on the first EEG
were significantly lower, between 9% and 51%. was found to be significantly greater in children com-
Most of the studies included hyperventilation and photic pared to patients older than 16 years both in a prospec-
stimulation in their routine EEG recordings, but did not de- tive series (59% versus 39%, King et al., 1998) and in

Epilepsia, 49(Suppl. 1):19–25, 2008

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01445.x
B. Pohlmann-Eden and M. Newton

a retrospective investigation (Neufeld et al., 2000). In a Until 1995, etiology and subsequent classification as ei-
Dutch prospective study of children, the seizure recur- ther remote symptomatic or cryptogenic according to the
rence rate was 71% when an epileptiform EEG was present ILAE criteria was mainly based on clinical data and CT.
(Stroink et al., 1998), while the overall recurrence rate was However, in those studies there was a striking lack of
54%. detailed information on the CT methodology (e.g., slice
In King et al.’s 300 patients, additional sleep deprived thickness, use of contrast media) and even on the exact
EEG showed epileptiform activity in another 55 patients number of patients undergoing CT (classified as “not avail-
(35%). The much lower additional yield of epileptiform able” = “NA” in Table 1). Often CT (and MRI) was only
activity in the series of Schreiner and Pohlmann-Eden (9 performed in patients with abnormal clinical findings. Not
out of 166; 8 with generalized epileptiform activity) could too surprisingly, the number of pathological findings in-
be explained by a longer time interval between first routine creases significantly with MRI, which is more sensitive
EEG and the sleep deprived study. than CT in detecting subtle lesions. The abnormality rate
The high predictive value of generalized epileptiform is also dependent on the study population; a higher rate of
activity for seizure recurrence was only reported in se- acquired brain pathologies will be expected in older pa-
lected patient populations most likely representing idio- tients.
pathic epilepsy (Hauser et al., 1990; van Donselaar et al., In a retrospective Hong Kong study (Hui et al., 2001) us-
1992). However, in van Donselaar’s cohort the risk for ing CT in 64% of their 132 adult patients, very few (6.8%,
seizure recurrence was up to 83% as compared to pa- 9 out of 85) showed abnormalities such as cerebral atrophy,
tients with nonepileptiform abnormalities (41%) and nor- arachnoid cysts, and cerebrovascular disease. It is specula-
mal EEGs (12%). tive whether these findings had any causal relationship to
Focal epileptiform activity especially when associated the FS event.
with focal slowing carried a significantly higher risk for In the population-based study by Forsgren et al. (1996)
seizure recurrence in an FS patient population containing done almost 5 years earlier, 563 patients presenting with
a substantial proportion of cases with cerebrovascular dis- an “unprovoked seizure” received CT (80%) and/or MRI
ease: focal epileptiform activity was found in 26.5% of (54%) investigations. In this study, the rate of imaging find-
the seizure recurrence group as compared to 13.0% of the ings was much higher: stroke was the most common etiol-
seizure-free patients. These data are also in agreement with ogy, detected in 30% (increasing to 45% at age >60 years).
few previous reports in which information was provided on Tumors were detected in 11%, and changes consistent with
recurrence risk as a function of etiology and EEG; the risk Alzheimer’s dementia in 7%. Unfortunately, the additional
was lowest in the idiopathic group and highest in the re- yield of MRI above CT is not documented in this study.
mote symptomatic group with abnormal EEG (Camfield A Swedish prospective study examining remission rates
et al., 1985, Annegers et al., 1986). of newly diagnosed unprovoked epileptic seizures, CT
In conclusion, an early abnormal EEG, especially when (performed in 99%) and MRI (41%) revealed a remote
showing focal epileptiform activity, seems to be an excel- symptomatic etiology in 61% of cases (Lindsten et al.,
lent predictor for seizure recurrence. The yield of subse- 2001). However, data on the spectrum of radiological ab-
quent sleep-deprived EEG and sleep EEG remains uncer- normalities are scant, with only a high percentage of brain
tain; however, the few data available support the view that tumors mentioned (5 meningiomas and 4 gliomas).
they provide valuable additional information with regard to The superiority of MRI in the detection of tumors is
syndrome classification and seizure recurrence rates. stressed by the Australian study (King et al., 1998) and
confirmed by Pohlmann-Eden & Schreiner (1998a). MRI
was done in the majority of King et al’s 300 patients (89%),
N EUROIMAGING F INDINGS IN showing epileptogenic lesions in 38 patients, 17 being tu-
C URRENT FS S TUDIES : P OTENTIAL mors. CT with contrast, however, missed 8 tumors out of
I NTERPRETATIONS AND 17 (45%), including four astrocytomas—all surgical reme-
diable lesions. In our series without MRI, we would have
L IMITATIONS missed 3 out of 20 patients with brain tumor diagnosis
Compared to the EEG studies, information on structural (12% of all 166 FS patients) all of them with no focal clin-
findings in FS patients is much poorer and only recently it ical signs (Pohlmann-Eden & Schreiner, 1998a).
has become of interest for the availability of MRI. When children were included in the analysis of the Aus-
It cannot be emphasized enough that these “subclinical tralian study (mean age 31.2 years, median 25.6 year),
structural” findings have to be interpreted with all caution MRI detected 22 more subtle epileptogenic lesions (dis-
in regard to their potential epileptogenicity. They might be orders of cortical development, trauma, hippocampal scle-
coincidental and have always to be considered in the light rosis and atrophy, cavernous angioma) and most of these
of the epileptogenic mechanisms, encompassing all clini- did not show on CT. In a prospective observational study
cal, functional, and structural information. in children presenting with their first unprovoked seizure,

Epilepsia, 49(Suppl. 1):19–25, 2008

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01445.x

EEG and Neuroimaging after a First Seizure

45 (21%) out of 218 imaging studies (159 underwent is therefore the method of choice for neuroimaging in the
CT, 59 had MRI) revealed abnormalities, most of them FS of unknown etiology, with very few exceptions such as
showing focal ischemic lesions (16 out of 45) or cerebral children with 3 s/ spike-wave on EEG and no focal clinical
dysgenesis (11 out of 45) (Shinnar et al., 2001). Clini- or EEG findings (Pohlmann-Eden et al., 2006). The role
cally significant neuroimaging abnormalities occurred in of MRI in adults presenting with electroclinical features of
only 8% of a large, retrospective review of children pre- IGE is not yet clear, although it is unlikely to be of value.
senting with emergent new-onset afebrile seizures; how- CT should be only performed when MRI is either not avail-
ever, this percentage increased up to 26%, if the subgroup able or contraindicated.
of children who met risk factors such as focal seizures
or predisposing conditions were analyzed (Sharma et al.,
The German study which included a significantly older O BLIGATORY D IAGNOSTIC
study population (mean age 47.8 years, only adults), P ROCEDURES TO D EFINE THE
showed a high percentage of cerebrovascular lesions (26%
of their 166 patients), followed by brain tumors (12%),
traumatic scars (5%), and other lesions (4%). Two studies specifically addressed the question to what
Neuroimaging of an FS in the elderly has become a very extent EEG and neuroimaging (together with clinical data)
important topic. There is no doubt that cerebrovascular dis- were able to identify an epilepsy syndrome already at
ease is the most frequent underlying pathology associated the stage of a probable FS or new-onset epilepsy (King
with both single seizures and new-onset epilepsy in the et al., 1998; Jallon et al., 2001). In the French CAR-
elderly, accounting for almost one-third of these patients, OLE study (Jallon et al., 2001), all but 17 patients had
despite the fact that many studies are flawed by fundamen- EEG, 57.9% had CT, and 6.5% had MRI, although half
tal design problems (e.g., grouping together different sub- of the patients who presented with the “first” unprovoked
types of stroke, no distinction between single seizures and seizure actually met epidemiological criteria for epilepsy
epilepsy). However, in these cases the causal relationship (926 out of 1,942 patients). There were substantial dif-
is not always clear (Pohlmann-Eden et al., 1996). While ferences in the distribution of epilepsy syndromes in the
it has been repeatedly emphasized that cortical involve- FS group compared with the newly diagnosed epilepsy
ment is a strong predictor for SR in poststroke seizures, group. IGE with absence and myoclonic seizures were
our own rigorous analysis of the topography of stroke not represented in the FS group (except those present-
lesions in FS patients clearly favored the concept that a dis- ing as status epilepticus with ongoing behavioral and
turbed interaction (and/or lesion) of both cortical and sub- motor disturbances), as they did not come to attention
cortical functions may increase the risk of SR: 67.8% had with their very first symptoms. A specific epilepsy syn-
a combined cortical-subcortical lesion, 19.9% a subcorti- drome could be assigned to nearly half the FS patients:
cal lesion, and 12.3% a cortical lesion (Pohlmann-Eden 8.6% idiopathic localization-related, 16.1% symptomatic
et al., 1996). There is some evidence that patients with the localization-related, 10% cryptogenic localization-related,
PCI sign (“preserved cortical islands”) and undercut cor- 16% idiopathic generalized, 1.4% symptomatic general-
tex may also be at particular risk for seizure recurrence ized, and 0.2% undetermined (2 out of 926 patients). The
after stroke (Pohlmann-Eden et al., 2001). However, this remaining 441 cases were classified as “isolated seizures.”
has yet to be demonstrated by a prospective trial. Subcor- A most rigorous approach to determine an epilepsy syn-
tical vascular encephalopathy was also found to be asso- drome in an FS presentation (including also new-onset
ciated with an increased risk for seizures (Schreiner et al., epilepsy) was adopted by King et al. (1998) using MRI
1995). in up to 90% of their patients and early EEG plus sleep-
The potential relevance of occult cerebrovascular dis- deprived EEG, if routine EEG was normal. The authors
ease in FS in the elderly was recently emphasized by an were able to classify localization-related or generalized
epidemiological study. According to the large U.K. Gen- syndromes in only 47% of cases with clinical information
eral Practice Research Database, 4,709 patients older than versus 77% of those with EEG findings, and 81% of those
60 years presenting with their FS “of unknown etiology” with MRI.
were at significantly higher risk to develop stroke com- Their findings emphasize the outstanding role of EEG
pared to 4,709 randomly selected controls without seizures for syndrome classification and the comparably low addi-
(Cleary et al., 2004). However, as cerebrovascular lesions tional impact of MRI at this time point. These results con-
are very frequent, their actual “epileptogenicity” has to be firm the previous pre-MRI studies in which EEG and clini-
carefully assessed in each individual. cal data allowed syndrome classification in the majority of
We agree with the conclusion of the Australian group their cases.
that the final diagnostic yield of MRI in FS cases is not In summary, we strongly suggest that both early EEG
yet known as there are too few data reported so far. MRI and MRI should be part of a systematic comprehensive

Epilepsia, 49(Suppl. 1):19–25, 2008

doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01445.x
B. Pohlmann-Eden and M. Newton

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