Grade 7 Plan (Sept. 18)

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Teacher : Mr.

Grades : 7I and 7M
Duration : 3hrs and 55minutes for each grade
Subject : Mathematics
Topic : Real Numbers
Subtopics : Sets of Real Numbers, Ordering Real Numbers, Addition of Integers
General Objective : Students should appreciate and use the knowledge of numbers and operations to
understand, interpret and solve real world problems.
Specific Objectives : At the end of the lesson students should be able to:
Cognitive (C)
1. Differentiate among the sets of numbers.
2. Identify the set(s) of numbers to which a particular number belongs.
3. Tell which of two real numbers is larger.
4. Recognize the addition of integers as having money and owing money.
Affective (A)
1. Show a willingness to participate in class discussions.
2. Work together in groups to discuss and solve problems.
Psychomotor (P)
1. Draw a Venn diagram to show the relational hierarchy of the sets of numbers.
2. Use subset notation to show the aforementioned relationship.
3. Order real numbers in ascending/descending order.
4. Perform simple addition of integers.
Teaching Methods : Cooperative learning, Discussion, Games, Group work, Individual work,
Lecture, Stories, Written Exercise, Test
Instructional Materials : Charts, Textbook Mathematics for Caribbean Schools Book 2 pg. 1
Technology Utilized : Whiteboard, cartridge paper
Students ICT Attainment
Target : Collaboration, Creativity, Problem Solving, Critical Thinking
Content Outline : Natural, Whole, Rational, Irrational and Real Numbers and Integers,
Relationship among sets of numbers ( ),
Rational approximations of Irrational Numbers, Ordering real numbers, Adding

Head of Department ___________ Date ____________

Lesson 1: Categories of Real Numbers (1 Hour)
Specific Objectives
Cognitive Affective Psychomotor
1,2 1,2 1,2

Development of lesson in steps

Students will be lead into a discussion as to where they think numbers would live if they were
people. The sets of numbers will be likened unto hotel rooms, and individual numbers will be the
Students will be placed into groups and then instructed Real Numbers
Hotel on cartridge paper. Students will then be provided with several pieces of humanoid
shaped papers, with numbers written on them. They will be given the task to find the cheapest
hotel room that each number guest can stay in.
Students will be asked if they think that a number guest would have more than one suitable hotel
room (if price is ignored), and any misconceptions will be cleared up it will be shown that a
number can be a member of multiple sets of numbers, while not a member of another (eg. a
natural number is a rational number, but a rational number is not necessarily a natural number).
The relationship between the different sets of numbers will then be explained by means of a
Venn diagram.
Students will be given a written activity where they will be required to state the type of numbers
that best suits a given set of numbers.
Lesson 2: Ordering Real Numbers (1 hour)
Specific Objectives
Cognitive Affective Psychomotor
3 1,2 3

Development of lesson in steps

In the form of a hypothetical situation, students will be told that numbers like to compare
themselves with each other and they love to have competitions to see who can be the best among
their ranks. Furthermore, they will be told that rational numbers are extra special for a specific
Students will be given several numbers (in different units eg. litres, metres, grams, etc.), and be
asked to arrange the like number units in ascending or descending order. They will then be asked
units that are different (eg. litres and metres), and then be asked to order
like quantities, for example: mass units, volume units, etc.
It will be explained to students that the process to comparing and ordering those quantities, is a
similar process to that of comparing and ordering sets of real numbers. To that end, they will be
told that the numbers need to be in the same form before they can be compared and ordered
particularly that all numbers can be expressed as decimals.
Students will be given combinations of rational and irrational numbers to be ordered in
ascending/descending order. The emphasis will be placed on using rational approximations for
irrational numbers, for the purpose of ordering them. Furthermore, they will be required to order
these numbers on the real number line.
Lesson 3: Further Practice & Introduction to operations on Integers (1 hour)
Specific Objectives
Cognitive Affective Psychomotor
3,4 1,2 3,4

Development of lesson in steps

Before the introduction of integer operations, students will be given a short exercise on ordering
real numbers, so as to clear up any misconceptions that might exist.
Students will be told a particular set of numbers loved money a bit too much, and ended up being
entrenched in lifelong struggle of loans and payments. They will be playing a game that involves
this borrowing dilemma.
The students will be given two sets of cartridge paper strips (of different colours, say red and
blue). They will be told that the red represents the amount of money that they must pay, and blue
represents the amount of money that they have. They will then commence to play the borrowing
and paying game in pairs.
The mechanism of the game will be explained in the sense that they will be told that negative
numbers are represented by owing, and positive numbers by the amount they have to pay with.
Furthermore, it will be explained that they were adding integers and numeric equations will be
written to represent the different transactions they underwent.
Students will be given a written exercise to add integers (in the range -10 to 10) using the
cartridge paper strips, and then they will be given larger numbers to compute without using the
cartridge paper.

Lesson 4: Revision Test (55 minutes)


test their ability to differentiate among the sets of numbers, correctly categorize a number in the
appropriate number classification, and order sets of real numbers.

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