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Expository Essay: Celebrations

Things to Remember

Expository Essay=Explain=Examples

Before you write:

• Break down the prompt page.
1. Eliminate quote/statement
2. Eliminate THINK statement
3. Underline $$$ (money) words in prompt
4. Make boxes next to rubric

• Write thesis statement= WHAT you plan on explaining and HOW
1. Turn the prompt in to a question
2. Answer question with ONE to TWO reasons
 One reason = 1 body paragraph
 Two reasons = 2 body paragraphs
• Draft Examples
1. Concrete EXAMPLES are based in FACT
 P= Person on Influence
 H= Historical Facts
 E= Current Events
 B= Books of Literary Merit

Expository Essay Structure (3 to 4 Paragraphs)

1. Introduction
a. *Hook (OPTIONAL: i.e. vivid description, metaphor,
personal connection)
b. Thesis
2. Body paragraph 1= Reason 1
a. Concrete example that SUPPORTS your reason 1
b. Commentary: how/why is your example important to
the world/society/community.
3. Body paragraph 2= Reason 2
a. Concrete example that SUPPORTS your reason 2
b. Commentary: how/why is your example important to
the world/society/community.
4. Conclusion
b. So what? What would the world be like with/without
what your explaining? Make a prediction. Leave your
reader thinking.

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