Psalm 8: Sing When You See God

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Psalm 8 : Sing when you see God

O Lord, our Lord,

how majestic is Your name in all
the Earth!
You have set Your glory
in the heavens.
Psalm 8 v1
O Lord, our Lord

O Yahweh, our Adonai

O God of Israel, our Master

How majestic is
Your name in all
the Earth!
How majestic is Your name in
all the Earth!
You have set Your Glory in
the Heavens.
Flagstaff, Arizona
Through the praise of
children and infants
You have established a
stronghold against Your

to silence the foe

and the avenger.

Psalm 8 v2
When I consider Your
the work of Your fingers,
the Moon and the stars,
which You have set in
Psalm 8 v3
Estimate observable universe has
100 billion galaxies.

Our Milky Way has about 300 billion stars.

Current estimates of the total stellar

population is roughly
70 billion trillion stars!
Average human body has 37 trillion cells.

Population of Planet Earth is 7.5 billion


Total number of cells for everyone on

Earth is about 27.5 billion trillion.
Need 2.5 times the population
of the Earth to equal number of
stars in the universe!
What is humankind that
You are mindful
of them,
Human beings that You
care for them?
Psalm 8 v4
You have made
{humankind} a little lower
than the angels and
crowned them with glory
and honour. You made
them rulers over the works
of your hands;
you put everything under
their feet
Psalm 8 v5-6
all flocks and herds,
and the animals of the wild,
the birds in the sky,
and the fish in the sea,
all that swim the paths of
the seas.
Psalm 8 v7-8
O Yahweh, Our Adonai,
How majestic is Your
name in all the Earth!
Psalm 8 v9
Psalm 8 : Sing when you see God

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