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Activity 1
List six characteristics a positive role model in the workplace should demonstrate.

1. Hard worker: A leader must be a hard worker person. A lazy leader can not inspire
his team to do hard work. So, it is better to be a hard worker when a person wants
to be a leader and will want to inspire others through his work.
2. Good communicator: A leader must be a good communicator to lead a team. A
person who is a good communicator can know others well. On the other hand,
through this he can easily and effectively tell what he really wants and what he
wants to achieve etc.
3. Inspiring and positive: A leader will face a lot of difficulties in the path of
leadership. But he has to be positive and face the problem from the front. His
positive energy in the workplace will help to bring the energy from the team
members and will inspire them to work harder.
4. Forward planner: An important part of a leadership is to make right decisions and
decisions making hugely dependent on the future scenario. So, it is important to
be a person who can predict the future in a good way and can take right decisions
and can build a good plan for the future.
5. Helping hands: A good leader is not that person who completes his work properly
and achieve his goal. A good leader is the person who helps others in their work
and helps them to achieve their goal. So, it is important to be a helping hand when
a person needs him.
6. Good learner: A leader must have to be a good learner and must try to learn
different things from different fields. It will help him to be more knowledgeable.
As a result of this the team members will be inspired to try different fields to learn
more things. This will make the team more strong and dynamic.

Activity 2
1. How would you ensure that your personal work goals reflect the organisation’s
plans, and your own responsibilities and accountabilities? (180–200 words)
The main goal of all the members in an organization is to help the organization to achieve
its goal. To achieve this, members have to do their personal work in a way that it will
contribute to organization’s goal and will also fulfil the individual responsibilities. So,
when a member sets his/her goal he/she has to keep in mind that every part of his/her
work will contribute to achieve organization’s goal. To maintain this, he/she can examine
after a certain period of time how much his/her works contributed to organization’s goal
and how much the works helping him/her to fulfil his/her responsibilities. To examine
the goal first of all he/she has to make a benchmark based on which he can observe the
contribution of his work to the whole organization. To make this he/she has to take help
from top management because they are the one’s who really see the big picture and
strategy to achieve organization’s goal. If the results are not satisfactory he/has to set
his/her new personal goal. He/she can take feedback from the top management to make
the process perfect.

2. A member of your team has presented you with their work goals for the next quarter. You
are surprised to see that they all focus on this person pursuing a particular project that they
raised with you last month. You need to have this person working on the new product launch
and you cannot see how they will have time to spend on a project that does not contribute in
any way to the new product getting to market.

What strategies could you use to help the team member understand the goals of the
organisation and the team, and realign their work goals to reflect the organisation’s plans and
goals? (180–200 words)

The biggest difference between the normal workers and top management who sets the goal
and make strategies to achieve the organization’s goal is that normal workers most of the
time do not see the big picture. As a result of this, most of the time their personal goal or
work do not hugely contribute to the organization’s goal or their goal are not aligned with
organization’s goal. To remove the problem, one way is to help them see the big picture and
to show them how their work can contribute to organization’s goal. In this part the top
management can play a huge role. They are the one’s who see the big picture and set the
goal. They have to play the role as a helping hand to help the workers in watching the big
picture and their contribution in organization. On the other hand, to inspire them to do work
which is related to organization’s goal one way is to give them acknowledgement based on
how much their personal work contributed to organization’s goal. This will increase their
contribution to organization’s goal.

Activity 3
1. List ten activities or conditions that might be considered time stealers – tasks
that are not directly productive.

A. Personal or family crisis

B. Too much disruptions by telephones.
C. Lack of proper knowledge
D. Multi-tasking
E. Uncertain goal
F. Doing other’s work.
G. Ineffectiveness in personal work
H. Pressure
I. Lack of decision making skill
J. Lack of proper communication

2. Explain what KPIs are and how they can be determined. (100 words)

The full form of KPIs is key performance indicator. It is a tool which is used to measure the
effectiveness of an organization compare to its goal. To set this first one has to decide what
will be the measurement criteria. As an example, if we think about sales centre, number of
selling unit will be the criteria. Then we have to set benchmark. It can be based on industry in
which it is operating or a target which is feasible for the organization. This how KPIs can be
determined to measure the effectiveness.

3. List ten KPIs that might be used to measure personal performance.

A. Sales by a single person
B. Number of word written
C. Number of calls attended
D. Number of orders delivered
E. Goals scored in a match
F. Runs scored in a match
G. Number of tackles in a match
H. Marks obtained in an exam
I. Number of hours studied
J. Number of assignments completed
4. Describe how you could respond to contingencies without affecting personal
performance. (250–300 words)
Contingencies is described as unplanned event which will occur in near future. As the
definition suggests it is an unplanned event so it can badly affect the work of an
organization. On the other hand, this kind of events can fully disorganize the strategy of
an organization and can make the work of every person shattered. As a result, achieving
goal of the organization can be very difficult at times. So, handling the contingencies in a
good way is a very important part of an organization’s plan. First thing to handle the
unplanned event is to be aware of these kinds of events during the time of making
strategies. Though these are unplanned events when the top management make goal and
strategy of an organization if they are aware of that kinds of events they can make plan
keeping in mind that some unplanned events can happen. This will give them flexibility
and will make them ready in advance for the unplanned events. If they make plan keeping
in mind about unplanned events in future if such events take place they can handle these
events without hampering their original plans. On the other hand, same thing will be
applicable during giving responsibilities to individuals. The responsibilities will be given in
a way that they have time to handle the unplanned events. As a result of this kind of
planning, if any unplanned event take place it will not hamper the personal works of an
individual and besides that they can also respond to the unplanned events. It is one of the
best way to respond to contingencies.
Activity 4
1. What are six questions you might ask when prioritising demands to meet goals or
A. What is the outcome of your work?
B. When do you want to accomplish the target?
C. Is there enough time to achieve the goal?
D. Is the goal realistic and achievable to you?
E. How much your work will contribute to achieving goal?
F. How your goal is associated with my goal?
2. Procrastination is one of the biggest hurdles to achieving personal, team and
organisational goals and objectives. List five reasons people might procrastinate over
work tasks and three strategies used to prevent procrastination.
Five reasons:
A. Overconfidence
B. Less time given to do the work
C. Easier tasks
D. Lack of proper acknowledgement
E. Unpleasant work
Three strategies:
A. Giving proper acknowledgment
B. Giving enough time to finish the work
C. Giving challenging but attainable task.

Activity 5
1. What technology can be used to efficiently and effectively manage priorities and
commitments? (50–75 words)
We can use smartphone to manage our priorities and commitments. Calendar
application in smartphone can help us to do so. In this application we can list our
work according to date and according to priorities. On the other hand, by using
sync option in smartphone we can see the same things in different gadgets.
2. List ten strategies to help ensure technology is used effectively.

A. Using email to communicate

B. Using virtual storage to store information
C. Using google doc to work as a team virtually
D. Using calendar application to remind about work
E. Using notes to list down important things
F. Using video call to do a meeting with people who are not near us
G. Using videos to learn about new things by sitting at home
H. Using social media site to be connected with others
I. Using internet to gather information
J. Using applications to read books, newspaper, blog.

3. Write a short report explaining the pros and cons of using technology for managing
work priorities and commitments. (250–300 words)

When we think about pros about technology for managing work and priorities first
thing come in our mind that we do not have to carry any hard copy. We can make
multiple copy easily without printing. On the other hand, to share the information
with others is easy now-a-days. Enough information is available. On the other hand,
when we think about storing information we need less space because of technology.
If there is not technology we would need large space to store small information.
Besides that, transferring information from information would be difficult. We can
share news from one corner of the world to another within a short time. Other than
that, we can now work by sitting at home. We do not need to necessarily go to
workplace to do a work. This is making us more flexible. Finally, repair time of modern
technology is getting smaller which is reducing the time.

Using technology does not have any only pros, there are some cons also which is
working as obstacles when we are using technology to maintain our commitment and
priorities. If we think about technology, when we overuse technology we completely
depend on technology. We do not think a single thing by ourselves. This is one of the
bad thing. On the other hand, overuse of technology exposes us to a bigger threat. If
the technology does not work properly we can not do our work. Besides that, every
information is available to everyone. Sometimes which is not good for many of us.
Technology is changing every day. Because of ever changing technology we have to
learn a whole new technology. Security issue is a big thing when using technology.
Activity 6
1. What is work-life balance? (50–100 words)
Work-life balance is balancing between work and life. It does not mean that one
has to equally divide hours between them. The main purpose is to do work
properly and to enjoy life at the same time. It can vary from person to person like
married one to single one that how he will divide time between these two. The
married one will need to give more time to his family than the single one. It can
also very on every single day.
2. List and describe three strategies that will help you maintain a healthy work-life
balance. (80–100 words each)
Three strategies to maintain a healthy work-life balance:
A. When spending time at home it is important to disconnect all connections
which is related to work. Most of the time we see that people do work related
task when they spending time with their family. Which is not right at all. This
kind of thing acts as an obstacle when people try to maintain work-life balance.
So, when at home it is important for people to disconnect all the connections
related to their work.
B. If we observe the difference between two kinds of people one is who can
maintain work-life balance and the other one is who can not do that we can
see one major difference which is doing time wasting activities at work.
Because of doing time wasting activities people have to spend more time at
work. Because of that they cannot keep balance between work and life. By
reducing time wasting activities at work they can actually maintain work-life
C. Overachieving attitude of people is working as main obstacles when people
are trying to maintain work-life balance. People does not seem to be satisfied
whatever they are achieving in life. They do not know the boundary of success.
Because of this kind of attitude, they work so hard that they spend most of the
time at work. They are less concern about the other part of life which includes
family, friend etc. So, to maintain work-life balance people have to give up the
overachieving attitude and have to maintain a boundary of success.
3. Undertake independent research into the impact that stress can have on workers and
suggest at least three things managers can do to minimise negative stress responses
in the workplace. (250–300 words)
Impact of stress on workers:

A. Poor performance in the work place: Stress will automatically reduce the
number of activity done by an individual. Besides that, it also reduces the
standard of the performance at work. People can not do work properly when
they are in stress and sometimes they make mistakes which effect their
performance badly.
B. Less motivation: During the time of stress people do not seem to have enough
motivation to do work.
C. Increasing in the number of complaints: When in stress people do not like their
surroundings at all which mainly includes their co-workers and their work. So,
when in stress people seem to have a negative perception about their co-
workers and complain more frequently.
D. Decreasing attendance in work place: Because of stress people do not want to
do any kinds of work. Which results in decreasing attendance in work place.
E. Ill-ness: Stress leads to different kinds of ill-ness to the workers.
F. Less communication between workers: Stressed people do not want to
connect with other people. They want to spend time of their own which leads
to less communication between workers in work place.

It is important as a manager to help people reducing the stress. There are three strategies
which I will use as a manager to negative stress responses in the workplace:
A. Changing the nature of the job, giving flexibility and giving greater responsibility
B. Giving proper training about stress and how to handle stress by their own
C. Increasing the communication between employees is also another strategy because
of that one can share their issue with one another
Activity 7
1. Describe how you can assess your personal knowledge and skills against the
competency standards for a position. (180–200 words)

We need skills and enough knowledge to be able to compete with others and to
be successful. But there are a lot of skills and knowledge exist. We have to choose
those skills and knowledge which will be best suited for the job or industry we are
working in. So, it is important for us to assess our knowledge and skills against the
competency standards for a position. To assess this, we have to know in details
about the job, what is the job all about, what is the responsibility etc. Besides
that, we have to know more about our competitors, what skills they use to fulfil
their responsibility, how much knowledge they have etc. Based on all of these
things we can find out what skills and knowledge do I need to operate in that job
position and compare them with my skills and knowledge to assess my kills and
knowledge. If there is any gap between these two we have to develop new skills
and gather knowledge. To assess skills and knowledge we can take help from our
superior and industry experts who are already operating in the industry.
2. Describe how you might create a personal career plan to prioritise and meet your
development needs. (250–300 words)

Everything now-a-days is changing regularly. Our work environment, industry, job

responsibilities, way of doing any job is also changing frequently. Those who are working in
these fields, they have to change themselves, develop their skills and they have to change the
way of doing work according to the changes in the industry. When anyone is not interested
in changing, he/she cannot operate in the industry in the long run. So, it is important to be in
a development process to cop up with the change. It will give comparative advantage in the
job market. It is better to make a career plan to develop the skills, knowledge according to
the needs. To make a better career plan first of all we need to know about the needs of the
industry, what is the job responsibility etc. According to that, we have to make a list of skills
and a list of topics name to gather knowledge. Then according to the importance of these
skills we will select on which we will work first and which one will be next. We have to make
the plan flexible enough so that we can change the plan according to the changing needs. To
cop up with the change and to develop ourselves it is important for us to know more about
the industry and to be aware about the changes. Also, it will be very much helpful for us if we
talk and discuss with our colleagues, superiors etc. From them we can gain knowledge about
the industry, career plan etc.
Activity 8
1. How does feedback contribute to improvement of competence? (150–200 words)
When we want to improve our competencies the best way to do is taking feedback from
others. We can use formal or informal interviews, surveys, questionaries etc. We can take
feedback from our colleagues, employees, employers, superiors, important clients etc.
They are the one who see my work, deal with me every day. So, they are the best person
who can give me feedback about my performances, my competencies etc. When they
give positive feedback about something it gives confidence, which results in improving
the performance further. Most of the people take bad feedback about something as
negative. But it should be taken as a positive thing. It should be seen as learning
opportunity to improve ourselves. It shows the gap between what is needed and what is
given by us. By using the feedback, we can remove the gap and can improve our
performance. Which will result in improving competencies.
2. List seven forms of feedback that might be useful for identifying and developing ways
to improve competence.
A. Surveys
B. Formal Interviews
C. Informal interviews
D. Listening
E. On-site activity
F. Complain boxes
G. Customer contacts form.
Activity 9
1. Explain how understanding your personal learning style can assist you when
identifying, evaluating and selecting development opportunities. (150–200

Every people in the world are talented but the learning style of everyone is
different from others. One person can easily learn by watching videos, pictures,
maps, imagining situation etc. Other person can easily learn through talking with
others, interviewing others, discussing with people etc. Other person can enjoy
learning by doing hand-in experiences. When people are learning something, if
they can learn this thing using their preferred learning style it will be easy and
efficient for them to learn. If the way is not suit their learning style it will be
difficult for them to learn the thing. So, when we are identifying, evaluating and
selecting development opportunities understanding learning style will help us in
many ways. It will help us to learn things more easily. It will inspire us to spend
more time in developing ourselves. On the other hand, not understanding
learning style will give us tough time in learning and we will not be interested in
learning that much.
2. What are the three learning styles and their defining qualities?

A. Visual learning style: It help us to learn through pictures, videos, imagining

scenarios etc.
B. Auditory: It is all about learning through discussions, lectures, group works etc.
C. Kinesthetic: It is all about learning through hand-in experience.
Activity 10
1. What is networking? (120–150 words)
Networking basically means establishing relationships with people and maintaining good
relationships with them. Networking helps people to advertise themselves or their
product to the people. It helps employee to show their skills and knowledge to the
people. It’s increases their chances of getting a good job. For the employer they find
qualified employee by using their network. On the other hand, business person can
promote their products to their respective customers through the established network.
So, when we are talking about networking we are talking about a community where
every people gets benefited by each other.
2. Explain the benefits of networking. (80–100 words)
Benefits of networking:
A. It helps one to build new relationships and gives opportunity to meet potential
B. It helps one to keep up date with the current business condition and changes
in the situation.
C. It gives people greater opportunity to solve problems by taking help from
people of his/her network.
D. It helps everyone to share new knowledge and experiences.
E. It gives morale boost and confidence to people.
3. How can you establish and nurture networking opportunities? (250–300 words)
A. When it is about networking and connecting with people, reference from other
known people works as a great way. People generally want to connect and
build relationship with a trustworthy person. Rather than building
relationships with completely unknown people they prefer people who are
known to their networks. SO, it is the best way to use reference when trying
to connect with people.
B. Industry meetings is the place where all the professionals related to the
industry come is ne place. So, it is important to be present at industry
meetings. It will give a person huge chance to meet with professional
individuals and make connections with them.
C. Writing blogs is one of the best ways to maintain connections with people. It
will give all the person an idea about one’s personal philosophy, choices,
qualities etc. Which will lately encourage them to build a connection with
D. Being social is one of the main qualities which help people to connect with
others. Going to social gatherings gives people huge opportunity to meet with
new people and build relationships with them.

Activity 11
1. Describe what you need to do to personally develop and maintain a competitive

edge. (50 words)

To maintain a competitive edge, we need to develop more skills and gain more
knowledge compare to our competitors. But the knowledge and the skills have to
be up to date with the current business situation. So, we have to develop new
skills according to the need of the industry.

2. Explain how developing new skills can contribute to the development of a competitive

edge for your organisation. (300 words)

Organization’s competitive edge hugely dependent on their employees. As an

employee I can contribute to organization’s competitive edge. If there is any gap
between my skills and what the organization needs to gain competitive edge, I will
have to develop my skills to remove the gap. I can take training, can take help from
my superiors and can take feedback and suggestion from my colleagues also. By doing
that I can remove the gap between the organization’s and customers. I can help the
organization to keep up to date with their competitor by analysing the whole industry
and developing new skills. I can also inspire my colleagues to develop new skills. That
is how by developing new skills I can contribute to organization’s competitive edge.

Summative assessment 1
Question 1
Identify and describe ten strategies you can use to manage your time, performance, and
behaviour in the work environment.

A. Writing down all the task as note.

B. Distributing proper time to every task.
C. Making two to do list one is daily and other is weekly.
D. Distributing time to the workers based on their talent.
E. Decreasing unwanted interruptions in work place.
F. Making another plan than that of original plan.
G. Building the ability of multi-tasking among staffs.
H. Working on same system by all workers.
I. Stopping to do the same work repeatedly.
J. Choosing the best person as partner in team work.

Question 2
 If you wish to work as a manager you will need appropriate skills and qualifications.
Make a list of at least six management development activities you can participate
in that would be helpful and useful.

A. Workshop on dealing with stress.

B. Workshop on leadership skills.

C. Workshop on design thinking.

D. Workshop on multi-tasking.

E. Workshop on how to work with changes.

F. Mock-ups meeting and interviews

Question 3
 List ten things you could do to achieve a good work/ life balance.

A. List the work according to priorities

B. Making proper time table for work

C. Setting boundaries of success.

D. Disconnecting all connections related to work when at home.

E. Taking care of family members.

F. Giving time to myself

G. Working with intelligence.

H. Asking help from others.

I. Taking care of health.

J. Try not to be an overachiever.

Question 4
 Why is it necessary for business organisations to have policies and procedures and
why should employees be aware of the organisation's policies and procedures? If
necessary conduct independent research. (250–300 words)

Necessity of policies and procedures:

A. Understanding responsibilities: Organization’s policies and procedures help

the workers to understand the responsibility of their work. It helps them to
know in which field they will work, to whom they have to give explanation

B. Understanding limitations: Policies and procedures show the employees

their limitations. These help them to know what is prohibited for them,
which boundary they cannot cross etc.

C. Training guide: Organizations policies and procedures list all the

responsibilities, it gives direction where or whom to report etc. So, for the
beginner it works as a training guide and it helps them to learn about the

D. Better outcome: It directs the employee in a certain way and give proper
direction which results in better outcome. So, it is important to have better
outcome from the employee.

E. Removing inconsistency: If there are not any policies and procedures there
will not be any certain strategy to follow for the employees. So, there would
be no consistency in work at all in the organization.

F. Clear message to employees: It gives velar message to the employees that

employers are serious about the organization and care about the employee.

Reasons behind employee’s awareness to polies and procedures:

A. If employees do not follow the policies and procedures there is a possibility

that they have to face legal issues and may face serious punishment due to

B. It gives the details description about job responsibilities and helps them to
find the right direction. Following that they can give better outcome to the
organization which is good for the individual to show their ability.

C. They also can know their limitations by that.

Question 5
 What are learning style preferences? (100 words)

Learning style preference is best described as the way people want to gather knowledge.
Different kinds of people in the world have different preference. A person may prefer to
gather knowledge by visually which includes watching videos, pictures, reading books and
imagining a scenario which is best suited for that topic. The other person may want to gather
knowledge by communicating with other people, discussing about different topics. Some may
want to gather knowledge by being directly involve as watching how a person doing the same
work, practising by his/her own.

Question 6
 List five strategies you can use to maximise your time and performance, and provide
a brief description of each strategy. (120–150 words)

A. Plan ahead: Doing a future plan to do some work is one of the main strategy.
This will give more time to take preparation for that work and will help to
create a proper structure to complete the work.

B. To do list: Making a to do list will help us to remember all the work and will
help us to meet deadline.

C. Recurring task: Reducing the recurring work will give me more time to do
other work.

D. Making time frame: It will help me to spend a specific time to every task. It will
keep me away from giving a lot of time to one task and not giving enough time
to another work.

E. Reducing interruptions: We specially loss a lot of time because of unwanted

interruptions. If I can reduce interruptions I can have more time to do work and
I can improve my performance also.

Summative assessment 2

Project 1
 Prepare a 3000-word report that explains how to manage work priorities and
professional development.

The report should reflect upon the following:

When we think about a role model we think of someone who is perfect in every way according
to us. A good role model behaves in a good way, he/she behaves so modestly that everyone
his/her around feel comfortable. He takes proper decision by taking everyone’s point of view.
He/she makes creates a positive environment for everyone. He/she appreciates everyone’s
work without being biased to anyone this makes everyone inspired to do hard work. He/she
does not only appreciate others work he/she also do hard work which makes him/her
successful to the eye of everyone. He/she also does not feel scared to be unique. He/she has
the mentality to accept the matter that he/she makes mistakes.

To ensure I act as a role model first I have to be confident and I have to show positive attitude.
Besides that, I have to have enough knowledge about my work. As a role model I have to
respect others in the work and have to appreciate others work to make them valuable and
make them feel one of ours own. On the other hand, I have to take everyone’s point of view
when taking decisions and have to make good, intelligent decision based on the situation. The
most important thing is I have to maintain equality in the work place. I have to avoid biasness
towards anyone and have to treat everyone same.

When talking about leaders and their traits people divide into two teams. One is whom think
that leaders are born and the other think leaders are made. The meaning of that is the traits
of leaders are inherently build or the traits can be developed by doing hard work. There are
some traits of effective leaders:

i. Leaders have to lead from front. So, a leader must have enough knowledge
and enough skills related to his/her work to work as a front man.
ii. A leader has to inspire others through his/her work. A hard-working person
can easily inspire others through his/her work. So, a leader must have to be a
hard worker person.
iii. The person who makes mistakes is not the unsuccessful person, unsuccessful
is the one who does not admit the mistakes he makes. So, a leader must have
the courage to admit mistakes and have to learn from these mistakes.
iv. Listening to everyone is one of the most important traits. When making
decision it is important to take everyone’s point of view. A leader takes
everyone’s opinion when making decisions.
v. A leader must have to show respect to others and appreciate others work.
He/she has to stand beside the one who is facing difficulties and has to help
the one to get out of the situation. He/she has to make a positive environment
where everybody will feel safe and comfortable.
vi. A leader will inspire all to break the boundary of limitations and will help all to
go beyond that.

There are different kinds work required to develop different kinds of traits. To develop the
interpersonal skill, one has to try to listen carefully to others and then one has to develop
speaking, communication by talking with others. One has to try to be broad minded to be able
to listen to others opinion. Decision making skill also can be developed by analysing different
kinds of similar situations where people have to make decisions whether it was wrong or right.
To develop the skill of influencing others on can learn debating and can practise how to view
things from another person perspective. Different kinds of workshop on different skills of
leadership can also help.

As a worker of an organization it is necessary for me to do such things which is related to the

organization’s goal. To align my personal goal with the organization’s goal the one thing which
is needed is knowledge. Knowledge about organization, organization’s goal, organization’s
insights etc. This will allow me to make a plan which is related to organization’s goal. On the
other hand, analysing my goals regularly and checking whether my work is contributing to
organization’s goal will make my goal more align to organization’s goal. Besides that. Taking
help from other people or taking feedback from top management will help to do goal more

Some of the processes to ensure I meet my job responsibilities is given below:

A. Read the job description properly and know the job responsibilities properly. It will
give one a whole idea of what to do and how to approach the work. Lack of knowledge
about the responsibilities of the job is one of the main reasons why people cannot
meet the job responsibilities.
B. Talking with the top management who evaluates everyone’s job can make the work
of meeting job responsibilities easy. They are the one who know better about the job,
what is expected from the employee tec. So, their advice will make the work more
C. Everyday try to go beyond the boundary of success that one build around
himself/herself. Try to complete extra task other than the regular tasks. This will give
extra boost in doing work and will help to achieve more regarding the job.
D. Gathering more knowledge about the job will help to meet the job responsibilities
more easily. Gathering knowledge can include taking training about the job, spending
time with superiors etc.
E. Try to take feedback from your superiors and from different employees who are
working in the same job field. From their experiences they can give you feedback and
by using the advice of them you can really improve your work.

To measure my performance first of all I need to set the criteria’s in based on which I will
judge myself. After that according to my ability and other employee’s performance in same
field I will set a benchmark for every criteria’s and I will compare my performance with that.
I will take feedback regarding my work from my superior. After the comparison and the
feedback, I will see in which area I have to improve and will try to find different ways to
improve in that position.

Some techniques to prioritise work to do work more efficiently:

A. First of all, make a to-do list which is most important task. A to-do list will help
to remember all the work which needed to be done within a specific time.
Arrange the to-do list in such a way that it ranks the tasks based on importance
of the work and deadline. It will help to choose which work to do first and
which is last.
B. Regularly check the to-do list and see is there any work which can be done by
others. If it is possible then give the work to someone who have time and have
enough knowledge and skill to do the work.
C. Making a time frame and setting deadline is crucial when prioritising work. Do
not set the unrealistic deadline like insufficient time for a hard work or very
long time for an easy work. If this kind of things take place it will be difficult to
complete all the work in time. To make a proper time frame of works see the
previous works of yours and see how much time you spent in these works. It
will give you a proper idea about the completion time of a task.
D. Minimize the number of unwanted interruptions. Such kind of interruptions
stop the flow of doing work and also kills time.
E. In modern days a person has to perform multiple works at a given time. So, it
is important to be a multi-tasker to complete all the work timely.
F. Doing work in a structured way is important. It is not good when people do not
finish a work properly and start another work.
G. Do not try to do all the easy work first. Try to do more challenging work first.

When we think about organizing and managing work we automatically think about one thing
which makes our work easier, it is “technology”. Computer now-a-days helping us to store
our information and to organize it in a way that we can find all the work easily. On the other
hand, it helps us to do work more quickly than before. “Calendar” application in both mobile
and computer helping us to organize our work according to date and also helping us to
remember by giving alarm about the work. E-mail system making our way of doing
communication and transferring information lot easier than before. Mobile phone now-a-
days taking the place of telephone and making us more flexible to communicate with others
regarding the work. Sometimes when we are outside home or office we cannot communicate
with others using telephone but now we can easily do that by using phone. We also use
internet to gather knowledge about our work. We can connect with a large community in
social media by using mobile or computer, which is helping us to manage a large network
from whom we can take help for our work. On the other hand, we can use internet to work
by sitting at home and also can use internet to use virtual storage to store information which
is more secured.

Work and life are two important part of our life. We need both the part in our life because
both are integral part of our life. But most of the time we face a lot of difficulties to maintain
balance between both of that. Our life and our family got effected by that. So, it is important
to maintain balance between them. To maintain balance, we can follow some steps which
can make the work easier. IF we list down all the priorities of our work it will help us to
remember all the task and will help us to do all the things related to both life and work. Making
a time frame allocating proper time to all things in life will help us to give enough time to work
and life. According to many people, the main reason behind the failure of balancing life and
work is we always try to overachieve everything. As a result of that, we spend most of the
time in work. So, we have to give up the overachiever attitude and have to set a specific
boundary of success. Most of the people spend enough time with their family even though
they cannot maintain work-life balance. Because they perform work related task during that
time. So, when we are with our family we have disconnect all the connections related to work.
We cannot to do all the work by ourselves. We need to take help from others. We need to
give ourselves proper time and need to take care of our health. Other than that, we need to
take care of all our family members and need to give them priority to all of them. These all
thing can give us a chance to maintain work-life balance.

When we are working in an industry it is not important what skills we have rather it is more
important that what skills best matched with the competency standards of that industry. To
match with the competency standards first we have to know what the industry is all about,
what kind of work the employee do, what is competency the standards of the industry, what
the employer wants from an employee etc. Then we have to analyse ourselves to know more
about our strengths, weakness, skills etc. After that, we have to see the gap between my skills
and competency standards of the industry. Then, we have to take proper steps according to
our strength and weakness to develop skills in a way that these will match industries
competency need. To develop some skills, we can work as an intern with the successful person
of these industry, this will give us opportunity to learn from the proven one. Besides that, we
can participate in several workshops which will help me or show me the way to develop skills
best suited for the industry. Other than that, in the whole process it will be best for us if we
ask help from industry experts to mentor us in whole process of developing our skills
according to the standards.

When working in an industry it is important to keep up to date about the industry and develop
himself/herself according to the demand of the industry. To develop first, one need to
reanalyse his/her job responsibilities and see that his/her skills are matching the new demand
of industry or not. If there is any gap between the industry demand and individual skillset one
has to develop his/her skills to make him/her individually good enough to serve the industry.
When analysing the industry demand, it is also important to think about the future demand
or future development of the industry and work to develop skillset according to that. It will
give advantage to the individual in fulfilling job responsibilities in future. On the other hand,
it is important to keep in mind about industries current and future situation and make
personal goal according to that. It is good to have both short-term and long-term goal and
keep them flexible so that one can make changes if required according to the changes in
industry demand in future.

My personal learning styles are basically visual which is using pictures, videos etc to learn
anything and kinesthetic which is basically learning through hand-in experience. When it is
about learning opportunities I try to make full use of it. I can learn something efficiently when
the process of learning is visual or kinesthetic. But it is not always possible to find one of the
way. At that time, I try myself to adjust the received information in such a way that it suits my
learning style. It helps me to learn more efficiently though the method is not my favourite.

To improve my competencies, I need to regularly examine my performance and need to

improve my performance according to the results. One best way to examining and improving
performance is to take feedback from others mainly from superior, employees, employer,
important client etc. We can use surveys, formal or informal interviews, questionaries etc. to
take feedbacks from them. They are the ones who are related to our industry. So, their
feedback can help me to improve my performance. If they give good feedback about my work
I can continue the work in this way. If they give bad feedback about my work I need to improve
my performance. Feedback which is bad should not be seen as negative rather that it should
be seen as learning process to improve myself. To improve my performance according to their
feedback I will write down all advises given by them. Then I will set a goal and will make a plan
to achieve the goal. Following all the plan I can achieve the goal. As a result of that my
performance will improve.

Being a part of a network, which includes professional, knowledgeable person we can enjoy
many advantages which are gathering knowledge, improving skills and most importantly
building relationships with them. When I am in a network I can easily promote myself to
others. It will help them know about my skills, knowledge, experience etc. By doing that it will
give me a huge opportunity to get a job in the industry. On the other hand, when I will see
different kinds of successful people from industry around me I will get influenced by them
and will do more hard work. It will help me to be more successful. Besides that, from all
experienced, knowledgeable person I will know more about the industry and I will take
feedback from them about my skills. It will help me to improve my performance and will help
to be better professional.

When we are doing any job, it is important for us to make a strategy based on our skills to
achieve our personal goal which will makes us successful in the job market and will give
advantage over others. When it is about goal and strategy, it’s important for us to revisit the
strategy often. The demand of industry and the need of the industry is continuously changing.
To know more about the changes, we need to analyse the industry properly. When we are
analysing the industry we also need to think about the future situation of the industry also.
To sustain in the job market and to be a successful person we need to keep up to date with
the change. We need to develop new skills to be able to adjust with the changing industry. By
revisiting the goal and strategy we can change the strategy and goal according to the change
of the industry. To follow the new strategy and to achieve the new goal we need to develop
new skills. By doing that we can keep up the pace with industry. If we do not develop our
skills according to that we will not be able to produce what industry want. On the other hand,
someone will show the skills and will deliver the task which is demanded by the industry. So,
it is very much important to develop new strategy according to the needs.

When it is about giving organization’s competitive stage I will develop several skills to do that.
On the other hand, as a manager I will make my employees more efficient through training. I
will keep them up date about the industry and will help them to develop new skills according
to the changes in the industry. To help them I will tell their superior to share their experiences
and to mentor them to develop skills.

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