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v. No. 08 CR-10502




Comes now the defendant, ANNABEL K. MELONGO, Pro Se, and asks that this Honorable Court, pursuant

to Supreme Court Rule 411, et seq., compels the State to produce additional discovery information and

delivers it to the Accused , pursuant to the broad power and discretion granted to this Court by the

Illinois Supreme Court; and as grounds for said request alleges and states:

1. The indictment in this cause alleged that the defendant committed Computer Tampering, Count

I and II, on or about April 2008, and Count III, on or about May 1, 2006, in violation of 720 ILCS,

5/16D-3 of the Illinois Complied Statutes by remotely accessing Save-A-Life Foundation ( "SALF")

2. Allegedly a Cook County Grand Jury was convened in Cook County, pursuant to 725 ILCS 215/1 et


3. Allegedly, the Judge supervising the aforesaid Statewide Grand Jury somehow determined that

Cook County, Illinois, was the proper venue .

4. The Defendant was presented with a transcript of the proceeding of said Cook County Grand


5. Discovery tendered to the Defendant provided, among other documents, police reports from the

Schiller Park Police Department, Three CDs, correspondence from the Illinois Attorney General,

reports of Attorney General forensic expert, list of deleted files, printouts of logs and Email

communications of various parties .

6. The reports of the expert is misleading, open-ended and incomplete without any data with

underlies the charges made by the State.

7. That the People have individuals identified as witnesses, including lay witnesses (civilian) who

were in communication with each other and collaborated in rendering opinion s, including

opinions on ultimate issues on this cause .

8. On April 14th , 2009, Defendant filed a Motion For Additional Discovery. It's not until November

12 th, 2009, that the State re sponded to Defendant's motion. In the response however, the

evidence supporting the charges couldn't be provided stating liThe People's investigation is

ongoing ". The Defendant has documents in her possession testing to the contrary, attached

Exh ibits "A" _"C".

9. The Defendant has knowled ge and belief that the re exist s the followi ng docum ents in the

possess ion of witne sses for the People and she contends that she has th e rig ht to copy and

review sa id documents in order to determine whether they conta in evid ence material to he r

defen se or tending to establish he r in nocenc e:

A. Any evidence relating to Count I. Including, but not limited to, forensic examination

data/evidence, log files of computer data server, confessions, witness statements, video, tapes

recordings, radio communications and handwritten or typed memoranda. The data provided

so far to the Defendant is lacking such evidence.

B. Any evidence relating to Count II. Including, but not limited to, forensic examination

data/evidence, log files of computer data server, confessions, witness statements, video,

tapes recordings, radio communications and handwritten or typed memoranda. The data

provided so far to the Defendant is lacking such evidence.

C. Any evidence relating to Count III . Including, but not limited to, forensic examination

data/evidence, log files of SAVE A LIFE Foundation founder's computer, confessions, witness

statements, video, tapes record ings, radio communications and handwritten or typed

memoranda. The data provided so far to the Defendant is lacking such evidence.

D. Provide All communications ( emails, memos, faxes, documents of any kind) between Don

Peters (computer consultant) and any individua l at SAlF regarding the incident/progress of

system recovery.

E. Provide All communications ( emails, memos, faxes, documents of any kind) between Don

Peters and Detective Martin regarding his report to Carol Spizzirri and his recovery findings .
Specifically as mentioned in the police report "other people prior to him having access to and

'working' on the SAlF system;

F. HAND-WRITTEN copy of complaints related to reports #06-3714 and #06-3219 with Carol

Spizzirri as complainant. As well as copies of complaints signed by Carol Spizzirri on 10/31/06

in front of judge Urso in Rolling Meadows.

G. Page '7' of "Investigative Follow Up Report" of the Schiller Park Police Department is


H. Copy of report faxed by Sgt. leach from Kansas City Police to Detective Martin.

I. Contact Information of the "Experts" mentioned in the Grand Jury Transcript, page 8, lines

15 -24. Contact Information should be address, phone, fax( if available) and corporate email( if

available ). Also provide All communications ( emails, memos, faxes, documents of any kind)

between ANY SAlF's employee with the said experts if the communication documents are

different from those already requested.

J. Defendant has been provided with ONLY list of deleted files. Defendant needs to know

which deleted files belonged to which accessed servers/computer.

K.. Evidence of intrusion of SAlF servers and computer using GO-TO-MY-PC software. As stated

by both the State and the Forensic report.

l. Creation date of All "Typed Uris" mentioned in the forensic report. Since the Defendant

used her laptop to accomplish her job as network administrator and programmer while

working at SAlF, the dates when those uris were typed are crucial.
M. Creation and Modification dates of ALL SALF related files listed in t he Forensic Report.

Defendant has reasons to believe that NONE of those files constitute viable evidence; since

the files were created either long before the Defendant was employed at SALF or during her

last day at the company.

N. Date of creation of ALL the usernames and passwords found on the Defendant's laptop.

Since the Defendant used her laptop to accomplish her job as network administrator and

programmer while working at SALF, the dates those username and passwords were saved are


O. Creation and Deletion dates of "Two links files found in the Recycle Bin for a network

connection to Save- A- Life Foundation" as mentioned in the forensic report. Since the

Defendant used her laptop to accomplish her job as network administrator and programme r

while working at SALF, the dates those files were created and deleted are crucial.

P. Copy of email Defendant sent to SALF employees as mentioned in the police report.

Q. Disclose the identity of the person with email dated May 4, 2006 at 9:41 pm from 'Technical

Support'. Including the name and address of the person sending the E-mail to Carol Spizzirri.

Attached Exhibit liD".

R. Copies of ALL papers documents( bills, SALF related documents, travel tickets, paycheck

stubs, currency exchange receipts or any other document) taken from Defendant's apartment

during the execution of the search warrant.

WHEREFORE, the Defendant prays that this Honorable Court compels the State to produce and

deliver to the Accused the following :

A. All documentation requested and delineated in Paragraph 9, above.

B. Whatever other relief this Honorable Court deems relevant, necessary, and just to ensure the

Accused her right to full discovery necessary and proper to a preparation of a bona fide defense.

In case the State is unable to provide ALL information as requested, the Defendant further asks this

Honorable Court to dismiss the indictment.

Respectfu Iy submitted,



P.O Box 1537

Addison , IL 60101



Plaintiff, )
v. ) No. 08 CR-10502
Defendant. )


TO: Robert Podlasek Assistant State 's Attorney - Cook County

Julie Gunnigle Assistant State's Attorney - Cook County
Kyle G. French Assistant Attorney General-Illinois Attorney General

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on February 3th , 2010, I have filed with the Clerk of the
Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, a MOTION TO COMPEL DISCOVERY OR TO DISMISS, a copy of which
is herewith served upon you.

Annabel Melongo

P.O Box 1537 Addison, IL 60101



I served this Notice of Filing and documents referred to therein upon counsel as listed above
via personal service on February 3 th ,2010 prior to 5:00 p.m in 13 th Floor, 2650 S. California Ave., Chicago,

_~- '0-103/ /u
._. __ - -----
. - - - -



Lisa Madigan

October 20, 2006

Via Postal Courier
Assistant States Attorney Scott A. Biestek
District 3, Office of the Cook County States Attorney
2121 Euclid Avenue
Rolling Meadows, Illinois 60008

re: Save A Life Foundation Matter

Dear Scott:

Per our telephone conversation, the following materials for the above-referenced matter
accompany this correspondence in anticipation of our meeting:

• forensic examiner's cover letter;

• Report of Digital Forensic Examination and Media Report CDROM and
• Detective William Martin's draft report and related transmittal email.

The following criminal statutory provisions contain felony charges that may apply to the matter:
720 ILCS 5116D-3 (Computer Tampering), 720 ILCS 5116D-4 (Computer Fraud),720 ILCS
5116G-15 (Identity Theft) and 720 ILCS 5/14 (Eavesdropping).

Detective Martin, Senior Computer Evidence Recovery Technician Monge and I are looking
forward to discussing the matter with you at your office located at 2121 Euclid Avenue, Rolling
Meadows, on Monday, October 30, 2006 at 9:30 A.M.


Assistant Attorney General
Office of the Illinois Attorney General
High Tech Crimes Bureau
Direct Voice: 312-814-1155

Encls. EXh{bit 10
cc: Detective William Martin, via facsimile 847-671-9389 (w/o encls.)
SCERT Shahna Monge, via personal delivery (w/o encls.)

500 South Second Street, Springfield. lIIinois 62706 • (217) 782·1090 • TTY: (217) 785-2771 • Fax: (217) 782-7046
100 Wen Randolph Srreec, Chicago, Illinois 60601 • (312) 814-3000 • TTY: (312) 814-3374 • Fax: (312) 814-3806
1001 EaSt Main. Carbondale, Illinois 62901 • (618) 529-6400 • TTY: (6181529-6403 • Fax: tlillll .~ 2q-h41(' .-.
Office of the Attorney General
High Tech Crimes Bureau
Regional Computer Forensic Lab - Chicago
Forensic Report - 09/ 18/2006

RCFL Case Nmnber: HTCB-06-0 1-1028

Case Agent: Detective William Maliin

Schiller Park Police Department

Forensic Examination Performed by: Shahna G. Monge, EnCE

Senior Computer Evidence RecovelY Technician
Illinois Attorney General 's Office
High Tech Crime Bureau
Chicago, IL 60601

Case Classification: Computer Tampering

Suspect (Case Name) : Annabel Melongo

High Tech Crimes Bureau: A.A.G. David Haslett, Bureau Chief

Deputy Chief of Investigations Daniel Fenaro
Deputy Chief Michael Sullivan - ICAC Coordinator
A.A .G. Abigail Abraham, Prosecutor
A.A .G. Kyle French, Prosecutor
A.A.G. Elizabeth Lepic, Prosecutor

Forensic Procedure SUllllll31Y:

The hard drive £i·om the computer system relating to tlils case was locked (write-protected) via
the use of the Encase Fast Bloc IDE to SCSI imaging device. The hard drive was then imaged to
a separate hard drive within the forensic computer. The ZIP media was imaged to the same hard
drive witllln the forensic computer, and a separate file was created for each ZIP disk. The ZIP
media was acquired though Encase's network acquisition and the ZIP drive was locked to
prevent writing to the media through Encase in DOS mode before the acquisition was beglm.
The CD media was imaged to the same hard drive within the forensic computer, and a separate
file was created for each CD. The forensic CD drive does not have writing capabilities. The
USB thumb drive was imaged to the same hard drive witlllll the forensic computer. The thumb
drive was write-blocked by the use of a Windows registry change that prohibits any writes being
made to any media connected via USB.

This imaging process entailed the creation of an evidence file (disk image) in which the hard
drive/ZIP/CDiUSB thumb drive were recreated sector by sector in a forensic environment
utilizing forensic software licensed and registered to Shahna G. Monge, Senior Computer
Evidence RecovelY Technician a11cl/or the Illinois Att011ley General.

This process allowed the forensic examination to proceed without alteling any of the original
files fi-om the suspect media, and also preserved File, Disk and Volume Slack. This also allowed
the unallocated sectors of the disk to be searched and examined. The process detailed above also
allowed for forensic examination of RAM Slack.

Forensic Report SwmnalY:

I reviewed the case files provided by Detective Mrutin, Schiller Park Police Deprut1l1ent. After
review of the search WruTrult, it was detenllined that I would attempt to recover any infonnation
that would constitute evidence of the offense Computer Tampering and also detelIDine
ownership/control ancl/or dominion over the data.

The forensic examination was completed and forensic repOlts ru'e listed under their respective
names and were provided as sepru'ate documents (files) to Detective Mmtin.

Dming the comse of the examination I observed the following:

Please refer to the included Forensic Report for detailed infOlIDation regarding the following.

• Two link files were fOlmd in the Recycle Bin for a network connection to Save A Life
• Log files for the program Go To My PC were discovered. Go To My PC is a program that
allows remote access to another computer.
• A log file for the Jakalia service were discovered that contained entries for the specific date
and time of the intlUsioIl. Jakarta is a project to create rul open-somce java-based selver.
• Connection settings were found in the Microsoft network c01ll1ections phonebook resident on
the laptop computer.
• Within a restore point "snapshot" that was automatically created by the computer, there was
a text document discovered naIlled "domain.txt" that contains infonnation relating to a
computer on the domain savealifefou.
• A cookie file containing IF information for comcast server with IP was
discovered. File last written 04/28/06 09:43 :13hrs.
• Several instrulces of the IP were discovered on the evidence. Please see the
forensic repOli for f1.l1ther details.
• The URL ft ·p-:·/I7·0·.·1·4·2·.·2·5·1· .·2-4-2·;·· was found in the regishy in the folder
"TypedURLs" for Windows user Administrator. It also shows that an FTP session (or file
transfer protocol) session was initiated by the Windows user Administrator for the IP

• The IP shown of24.15.202.102 was located in the regishy in the folder "TypedURLs". It is
shown as it was typed by the Windows user Administrator.
• The URL h·t-t·p·:·N 'w'w·w' .'g'o't'o·mYP·c·.'c·o·m'/'" was found in the registIy in the folder
"TypedURLs" by the Windows user Administrator.
• The URL h·t·t·p·:';';'m·a·i·I· .·s·a·l·f· .·oTg'/"· was found in the registly in the folder
"TypedURLs" for Windows user Adminish·ator.
• What appeaJ:s to be user name and password (·) for the website was fotmd in the Protected Storage System Provider folder
for SID (System ill) that cOlTesponds to Windows user AdtninistI·ator.
• s'g'h'o'l·aT@· s'a·I·f-.·oTg" ·s'g·h·o'I'a'f'8·8·9·9"· appears to be infollnation typed in at URL
shown of http ://70.142 .251.2411
• The URL of H ·p·: ·;';·7·O' .·1·4·2·.·2·5·1· .·2·4·2·/-d'o·c·u·m·e·n·t·s·" was found in the regishy in
the folder "TypedURLs" for Windows user Adtninistrator. It also shows that an FTP
session (or file transfer protocol) session was initiated by the Windows user AdministI'ator
for the IP 70.142.251 .242 and the folder "documents"
• The executable file for the setup of the program Go To My PC, which allows remote access
to other computers, was discovered under the Adminish'ator account on the laptop
• The executable file for the program Go To My PC, which allows remote access to other
computers, was discovered under the Achninistrator account on the laptop computer.
• Several web pages (.htm) files were discovered that showed emails associated with and what appears to be Annabel Melongo's Roosevelt
University email account that contain references to different individuals with Save A Life
Foundation. Please see the forensic repOlt for more detailed infOlmation. These pages
can also be vie\ved separately and can be found in the folder named "Email".
• One Word document was discovered that contained the name "Saquan Gholar"
• Connection infolmation for "scantron" was discovered shown in a java script page contained
within a folder named "new version", located on a USB thumbdrive.
• A URL was discovered for that was titled Scantron System.
• A URL was discovered for that was titled SALF Scantmn System.
• Several different files that appear to relate to ID cards for various SALF employees were
discovered. This information was found in a folder on a USB thumbdt'ive named "TMP".
• Several images that appear to be parts of a website associated with Save A Live Foundation
were discovered. These images were found in a folder named "IMAGES", which was
located on a USB thumbch·ive.
• Several different files were discovered that appear to be database items from Save A Life
• Several images, documents and one web page were discovered that contain infOlmation
relating to ownership/control and/or dominion over the data.
• The Recycle Bin report is also included that shows files that were contained in the recycle
bin before it was emptied.

The Media Report can be fOlmd here and it contains infOlmation peliaining to the evidence that
was tumed over to our lab for analysis.

The Duplicate Digital Evidence (DDE), created on CD, will remain in the ESR until termination
of this investigation. The DDE created on the forensic computer hard drive will be erased in
preparation for future unrelated examinatiollS.

The original evidence is to be returned to Detective Maliin for retentioll.

Appeudix A

Appeudix B

Reporting Examiner: Shahna G. Monge, EnCE

Senior Computer Evidence Recovery Technician
Office of the illinois Attomey General - High Tech Crime Bureau
188 W. Randolph, Chicago, IL

I -- s~!;i~;:!;·;;k-i~l·i~Jq;-~·;~·l~~ l ···~~;'·I;r)k;~;~~;l,;;; "c" If ()fl . ' ? I ' 1 :=J
. lid IeJeas.c:d titt: iLfJ.n s. 1Q.M.'L MougL.:,.sn. tbllLSlte.could. processllmiiellls tlu ilny evide nce felat.illg.Jn...
tllis incidenl . Rt f had..her sigilli IC SduHer PaJk J'mpcI1y.Jn YJ:utury.Conlrot Shed gliowillg the . .cllahl . .
of cwaody o f the. c.vitkuGt:.

28 Sep 06- R! Lwas . CDCltact, Ms M nge.,. WM .lld 'i ~led that .dH~.fru:e.osl<: lfnalysis on ...._......
suhmit.ted..wascnrnpJetf.audtl!,; rej1ortafl(tlht! il.cJlts. wCfC.. ready.!jLhY. frJUf'ned In R/ I.. lUI..and..DeL ..
Knell ..w.elll loJ.he I~CFL in Chicllgo. and rCi.:tl\·crcd I:h(; itcrns nom MiL Ivlonge. Is./I's rlittlbmughulle
tlyitiel1ce baclcLO SPI'D where it.was n:.JJ.J1llcd !.l.u .he .t::vidence tDck.'lr tilu,llc..keeping.
R/ I then made ampy_of Ms. }..1C!flge's c,) '>!~r;lJldti)[cusi,:"leport SlllllflUlL), trOl1l
lite CD s.he. providcLlRfL ] ] lC SUIlllflJHY t hat ~I'LLMcl Q ngo clul access tht SALI;_~e(yeL..
remotely, hMLa..cflrlJJ;;t.~L 11' .IlLldre...'ISJlf 2 .<L IS.202 10.2..Jl lt 2R Apr CJ6, haviHg acc.:s.s loJl'ls .. Spiu.irri's
emaiLltGcoOnLllnd passwurd, email" !HI her Ro.o.scvdLllni 'lClsily email account-with JJ:f.eIl:'lncl:s..tO .
· ru:liyi.UlIal;; .a(.s.~ I Ii, iJ won t dOCllJ11.e nt CUlllaiJlinilr the name SruluarLGllDlaJ'.,..JP arldrt:&'ic!I 11ssnciaLc,L
viLh .sALF Scaotcon.B..y 'lcm,jrnagesJI OJIl.lhc S.ALI-,-wcbsite, database i.tClUsJi:olfl the SALE scrVJ:L.....

lJ Oct.06 ,,- 1i.lL~pClke..wi thML l'Lcl)ch limnlhc minoJS AG's 01l'u:iL..Mc...Ercuch advised Ulllt he hlliL..
l:oo!Jjjnated ..aJneeting.hct.weeJLhiOls.elf...A,SA.Hi.estek , aud l{fl, so lhar. j\SA BiesJ.ek'1ic..w aU _
oCrhc t:.'lidence alld In .der ermine jf Iher.eis..r:nough..evldellCe.lD. cbarge Ms. MeIOl1go wilh.lLfelo!l~dIL
tltis case. ....._ ____ _ .,....

J}ct...ob.". R Lt alnl)g...\~i lh M(...EH~llch .Jl.llrl...l\ls..1JOflgt::~J)Jt:t Wuli <'\SA Bi t:!iICK illf.dC[CllCC to_this _ .rc\'ie.wiug.aIl ofUle evenls rdated 10 tbis ..cas.e•..A.'lt.\ two co.unL'Lof ...~
pUler TamperingagainsLMs.. Meiollgo. ASA Bmslek.alsn slateUJJlill!le. .wou!u.contjJllli: tnJnnk .
other..dliIrgcs..t.LmLcfluld he filed in this ca;;e(u:. envcsdropping), Ri f prepareJi cnfll pta.ints .agB.insl
tvfs.. MeJongn,..which were {~.f!wf!d fur accufllcyJJ}lASA llic.'il~h. ASA .l3it:!itek.ruhllie.t.l RLLto. ......._......
. ttcmpt to makc...c.on1llc.L Wil1LMLMe1ll11gn..sollC J.ime. today_l[ _
tel, .A.SA Bieslck asked to he.floutieu ruu.l llc...lmuh.Ln:lake...al1aignmcnls lll.havI:.lill aIrest warrant. .
SW!lul..(1uLagllins.l .M.s. ...i\Jclnngo_nn 3..l GCLOn. _._...- ...._._ ____ _,.
Ri LamL!) t.hcn ..w cnt ttl IvtL.lvl do [11:\0'.5 ..llpartrm:nt.,hlll. wei e . 1luk e cn ntacLw.iih her
ttlefC_RfJ's .did.howe'LeLspealcLO. her la nd lord, Chin, Bing.C . who stated.tllat,\-!s. M.elongo had
recently iofocmedhim Iha l she . was movHlg ow al.l:hc end o[tllelllUJ1tlLand IbaLstH~ l-'1as...CllfJ.ellll¥
[hree l1lonths hehind,oll heLJCnLlvjr..CfJ.iIl also statcl.i.tlwl he. knew lhil1 Ms ..MdQngo had a par.t-lime
·nh.a t.a rllai: '~ caUe.d . .Cl1iJdre.n:s ..Wotld. ill Barringioll.!.ocate Childrell's_World, hUl
weu::.l.lll.'iuccessJilL . R/L1hen . .c.ontIlC!ed ASA.iliestek:.and.inlormed him of Itft's results, ASAJ3.iestek
d.\'ise,LllLL10 11ring .M.L . 'p.izzirri to cnJJtLDJl.1 LOCl.06 ill order filf M.:LSpi7..z.irri to sign thtL ._._
colllp]aints ..anJJ1A\·e.ilLl.,u rcst walrallllssucilluLMs MdoJ)gQ...R/\ then J.;Of) lac/cd 15. Spl.zzirn and
lll.ildt: arntignJlJ!':llts .Wilh ht:Llo go heron: ajudge IHl 3 1 Oct 06 l(lsign the c.omplaints

Case ...

th tdTillle 30 Oct 06/1530

Carol Spizzirri
From: Technical Support (
Sent: Thursday, May 04,20069:41 PM
To: Carol Spizzirri
Subject: Re: FW: Regarding the prior email. ..

Looking for the IP address of the IT person from the mail log on the server

--------------------------------------------------- (.
bash-2.05b# grep 24.15.202 . 102 /var/log/exim mainlog ~",,~tI )t(v'tf
2006-05-01 20:31:40 1Fajjo-0002WM-Eb <= cspizzirri@salf .o rg U=ftpsalf
P=local S=6270
2006-05-01 23;01:31 1Fam4o-0007NG-U3 <E U=ftpsalf
P=local S=4221
t., ..... ,. ',¥
This is the actual record showing her sending the email FROM Carol's
email address to her own Yahoo based email address. Note the IP in the
log .. .

bash-2.05b# grep 1Fajjo-0002WM-Eb /var/log/exim_mainlog

2006-05-01 20:31:40 IFajjo-0002WM-Eb <= U=ftpsalf

P=local S=6270
2006-05-01 20:31:41 1Fajjo-0002WM-Eb =>melongo
R=lookuphost T=remote smtp[
2006-05-01 20:31:41 1Fajjo-0002WM-Eb Completed

Again second message going fr om Carol's address to her Yahoo Email Address:

2006-05-01 23:01:31 1Fam40-0007NG-U3 <= U=ftpsalf

P=local S~4221
2006-05-01 23:01:35 1Fam40-0007NG-U3 => me1ongo
R=lookuphost T=remote smtp[
2006-05-01 23:01 :35 1Fam40-0007NG-U3 Completed

On 5 / 4/06, Carol Spizzirri <cspizzirri@salf . org> wrote :

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian B. Sass (
> Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 11:31 PM
> To: Carol Spizzirri
> Cc:; vdavis@salf . org; Brian J. Salerno
> Subject: Regarding the prior email ...
> Carol ,
:>I noticed that you weren't actually included in the recipient list of the
> following email, which may explain the cryptic voice mail you might have
> already heard from me .
:> On May 1, 2006, at 8: 17 PM, Melongo Annabel wrote:

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