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Thank God we pray to Allah SWT who has given grace and His gift to us so that we
successfully completed this paper is thank God timely entitled "FLOOD".

We realize that this paper is far from perfect, therefore, criticism and suggestions
from all parties that are establish we always hoped for the perfection of this paper.

Finally, we extend our thanks to all those who have participated in the preparation of
this paper from beginning to end. May Allah SWT be pleased with our efforts. Amen.



A. Background

According to Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), flooding is the setting of the events
of the mainland (which is usually dry) because of increased water volume. The second
definition from the dictionary, flooding is juicy and heavy, sometimes overflowing. The
second notion is usually used to mention the flooded river or stream. If the word "flood" plus
the prefix "me" and the suffix "i" so "flooded" it means to be "flooded". So, when used in the
phrase "The rain flooded roads in Jakarta," it is the same meaning with rain flooded roads in
Jakarta. Of that sentence shows that the "flood" and "puddle" has the same sense, is no
different. This means understanding Bang Foke about flooding was less tepat.banjir is a state
of the river, where the water flow is not accommodated by the riverbed, causing runoff, and
or puddle on land that should be dry.

Flooding as a state menenggelami water or flooded area or place something

comprehensive. Those that defines a flood as a flood water in excess of the standard capacity
due to continuous rain. Anything else is stated as the presence of water flooding in a wide
area so that it covers the region of the earth's surface.

B. Problem Formulation

In the making of this course apart from the problems Tisak ingion reached by the authors.
And the problem was, among others:

1. What is the definition of flooding?

2. Are the causes of the flood?

3. How does the prevention of flooding

4. The impact of the floods

5. How do I cope with flooding

C. Objectives

The goal of the authors in the manufacture of this paper are:

1. Want to know the definition of floods;

2. Want to know how the prevention of flooding;

3. Want to know the impact of floods;

4. Want to find out the causes of the flood;

5. Want to know how to cope with flooding.

D. Benefits

The benefits obtained by the author are:

1. To know the definition of floods;

2. to determine how to prevent against flooding;

3. Can know the impact of floods;

4. to determine the causes of the flood;

5. Can know how to cope with flooding.



A. Understanding Flood

Flooding is an event that occurs when the flow of excess water soak mainland.
Briefing flood European Union defines a flood as a temporary submergence by water on the
land that are not normally submerged.

In the sense of "flowing water", this word can also mean the entry of the tide .
Flooding caused by the volume of water in a body of water such as a river or lake that
overflowed or break through the dam so the water out of their natural limits.

The size of the lake or body of water continues to fluctuate according to changes in
rainfall and snowmelt seasonal, but the flooding that occurs is not great unless the water
reaches the area human uses such as villages, towns, and other settlements.

Flooding can also occur in rivers, when flow exceeds the capacity of the drains,
especially in the bend of the river. Floods often cause damage to homes and businesses are
built on a natural river flood plains. Despite flood damage can be avoided by moving away
from rivers and other water bodies, people living and working near the water to earn a living
and take advantage of low costs as well as travel and trade near the waters smooth. Humans
continue to settle in flood-prone area is proof that the value settled near the water is greater
than the cost of flood damage periodically.

Great flood myth is the story mythology great flood sent by God to destroy civilization as
retaliation glorious and often appears in the mythology of various cultures in the world.

According to SK SNI M-18-1989-F (1989) in (Suparta (2004) explained that the flood
flow is relatively high, and can not be accommodated by the flow of the river or channel. The
flow is meant here is the flow of water that could be the source of where aja . And the waters
loaf out of a river or stream or channel as the channel has exceeded its capacity. this
condition is called flooding.
B. Factor Causes Flooding

Basically, the flooding caused by the overflow of the water flow that occurs in a
channel or river. It could happen anywhere, high place or places which are low. By the time
the water falls to the surface of the earth in the form of rain (precipitation), the water will
flow to the place lower through saluran2 or sugai2 in the form of surface runoff (run off) the
majority will go / seep into the ground (infiltration) and partly will evaporate into the air

Actually floods are natural events in the floodplains, why can naturally ??? Because of the
flood plain is formed as a result of the Flood.

Derah flood plain is formed by sedimentation (precipitation) flooding. When flooding

occurs, not only water that was brought but also tanah2 derived from the downstream flow of
the river. Flood plains are usually formed in the area pertemuan2 river. As a result of the
events of this sedimentation, flood plains are fertile areas for agriculture, has shallow ground
water that is well suited for residential and urban areas.

It was a factor in natural .... Now we look at who is not a natural or a result of the

There are two factors why the flood occurred change:

Firstly it changes the environment in which there is no climate change, changes in

geomorphology, geology changes and changes in the layout. And the second is the change of
society itself

Rain is the main factor causing flooding. Climate change causes changes in rainfall
patterns where the current rains that occur have a short time but the intensity is high. As a
result of this situation saluran2 that there is no longer able to accommodate the amount of
runoff and fast tanah2 experiencing saturation.

Based on research Diarniti (2007) the amount of vegetation in Denpasar in 1994 was
45.31% and in 2003 it was 17.86%, so klo dah decreased 27.45% from 1994 to 2003.
As a result of global warming / global warming causes changes in climate patterns
that ultimately change rainfall patterns, so jngan wonder that at times can be very high
rainfall intensity and sometimes very low. Based on statistical analysis of rainfall data from
1900 to 1989 against the variance of rain by using the F test result that there has been a
change in the intensity of rainfall on the location of Ambon, Branti, Kotaraja, Padang, Maros,
Kupang, Palembang and Pontianak (Slamet and Berliana 2006 ). Based on the study LAPAN
(2006) flood in Jakarta in January 2002, June 2004 and February 2007 to coincide with the
La Nina phenomenon and MJO (Madden-Julian oscillation), these two phenomena causes an
increase above normal rainfall. Indeed, based on the conclusions of these studies not only
climatic factors that cause flooding, tp also caused by changes in land use and narrowing of
the drainage channel (river).

Changes in land use and the automatic change of land use land cover ~ was no
settlement, fields, fields, fields etc whereas the land cover vegetation that grows on the
surface of the earth has contributed to greater runoff. Runoff occurs when precipitation has
exceeded infiltration. According to Castro (1959) surface flow rate of forest is 2.5%, 3%
coffee plants, grass 18% whereas about 60% vacant. While based on research Onrizal (2005)
in the watershed Ciwulan logging caused the increase of surface runoff of 624 mm / yr. That
new calculation that is done in forest areas which cut where there is still land that can absorb

Returning again to the woods we used as a sample if ga vegetation and its effect on
surface runoff and river discharge. Onrizal (2005) also revealed that deforestation leads to
reduced groundwater by an average of 53.2 mm / month. While the ability of water
absorption on larger forested watersheds 34.9 mm / month in comparison with non-forested
watershed. In addition the results of the research also shows that if the plant under forest trees
~ tanaman2 who kecil2 tuh ~ was lost will cause increased runoff that reaches 6.7 m3 / ha /

Results of research Bruijnzeel (1982) in Onrizal (2005) were done on the watershed
areas Kali Mondoh on forest plants showed that the river discharge in May, July, August and
September is higher than the rainfall that occurred during month2 it, this proves that
vegetation as a regulator of water at which time the plants fossilized rain water infiltration
process sehinggaa stored as groundwater and removed during the dry season. According
Suroso and Santoso (2006) in the WWF-Indonesia (2007) land-use change affects the
increase in river discharge.

Fakhrudin research results (2003) in Yuwono (2005) show that changes in land use in
the watershed Ciliwung 1990-1996 will increase the peak discharge of 280 m3 / s to 383 m3 /
s, and also increased the percentage of rain into direct run-off of 53 % to 63%. In the same
paper Yuwono (2005) also revealed a reduction in forest area from 36% to 25%, 15% and 0%
would raise flood peaks respectively 12.7%, 58.7% and 90.4%.

According Yuwono (2005) forest area reduction of 36% to 25%, 15% and 0% will
increase the erosion rate of 10%, 60% and 90%. As a result of this erosion of soil into a solid,
uninterrupted infiltration process, a lot of topsoil is lost and transported to places lower, soil
loss and sedimentation is the primary transported to mendangkalkan waduk2, bendungan2
and sungai2. after that, the capacity of the capacity of the irrigation system into smaller that
can eventually lead to flooding even in conditions of normal rainfall. According Priatna
(2001) soil degradation due to erosion could cause flooding in the rainy season, silting of
rivers or waduk2 as well as the increasingly widespread critical lands.

C. Prevention Against Flood

The real problem in big cities is the least amount of surface soil that has good water
absorption as it is covered by concrete or road material as the impact of their development.
So much so that we can be sure that the surface water runoff should be managed. The amount
of surface water that is more than a container made of surface water channels are not
absorbed properly to overflowing onto the road even forming puddles. This is one of the
phenomena that we know the flood.

So what can we can do to prevent it? As a planner home I would argue there are little
things that you can do in planning our homes. As I explained above, that in large cities the
number of surfaces that have less and less water absorption due to development. Do not you
be one of those who makes less and less.

1. Use the stone paving material for your parking space or a substance / material that has good
absorption, do not cover it with concrete or material goods that make the water that is not
absorbed into the soil in your home environment.
2. Plan the installation of drainage and rainwater well. Make a rain water catchment wells. Use
the principle of conservation (protection of underground water), let the water seep into your
soil, so it is not wasted to the city channels. With this you also help reduce the burden on the
city's waterways, which in the end is a small step we prevent flooding.

3. Dispose of garbage on tempatnya.jangan waste in the city's waterways or rivers

D. Impact of Flooding

primary impact

Physical damage - Can damage various types of structures, including bridges, cars, buildings,
systems sewer , roads , and canals

secondary effects

 Water supply - Water contamination . Drinking water clean is scarce.

 Diseases - Unhygienic conditions. The spread of water-borne diseases .

 Agriculture and food supplies - Scarcity of agricultural produce caused by crop

failures. However, lowlands near rivers depend on the stream sediment due to
flooding in order to increase local soil minerals.

 Trees' - species that can not afford to die because they can not breathe. [5]

 Transport - transport lines destroyed, difficult to send emergency aid to people in


Impact of Tertiary / long term

Economic - Economic hardship due to a decrease in the number of tourists, rebuilding costs,
food shortages leading to higher prices, etc.

E. Flood

1. Enabling rivers and ditches as they should. Because rivers and ditches are where the flow of
water, not to function turns into trash.
2. Prohibition make homes near the river. Typically, to build a house near the river are
immigrants who came to the big city only with reckless capital. Consequently, their existence
rather than help boost the economy, but on the contrary, damage the environment. That is
why the government must be firm, prohibit making house near the river and banning people
without purpose is not clearly come to the city in the long term or to settle.

3. Planting trees and trees are left uncleared again. Because the tree is one of the pillars of life in
a ktoa. Banyangkan, if a city does not have a tree at all. What will happen? Tree than as
neutralizing air pollution during the day, as a binder in the rain water through its roots. When
there is no more phon, you can imagine what will happen when the rains come.


A. Conclusion

Flooding is an event that occurs when the flow of excess water soak mainland.
Briefing flood European Union defines a flood as a temporary submergence by water on the
land that are not normally submerged.

Flooding can also occur in rivers, when flow exceeds the capacity of the drains,
especially in the bend of the river. Floods often cause damage to homes and businesses are
built on a natural river flood plains. Despite flood damage can be avoided by moving away
from rivers and other water bodies, people living and working near the water to earn a living
and take advantage of low costs as well as travel and trade near the waters smooth.

B. Suggestions

Use material paving stone for your parking space or a substance / material that has
good absorption, do not cover it with concrete or material goods that make the water that is
not absorbed into the soil in your home environment.

Plan the installation of drainage and rainwater well. Make a rain water catchment
wells. Use the principle of conservation (protection of underground water), let the water seep
into your soil, so it is not wasted to the city channels. With this you also help reduce the
burden on the city's waterways, which in the end is a small step we prevent flooding.

Dispose of garbage on tempatnya.jangan waste in the city's waterways or rivers










LESSON YEAR 2016/2017

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