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The twenty-first century has become the age of computers and technological research. As soon as inventions are made, all sciences and technology evolve, When all kinds of computers that can substitute Hor the human hand and mind are invented, these computers will boost the biggest improvement in all countries of the world. in this century, technological researches are the focus of the human mind, As the years advance, all human activities wil be done easily and quickly through computers, thus encouraging the people to be dependent on machines. Researches wil lead people to discover more and more until the world becomes [2 haven of computer machines, Read the following paragraph and examine the structure of the sentences. ‘The twentyfist century has become the age of computers and technological research, Almast al sciences. and technologies have evolved in this century. All kinds of computers are invented. Computers an substitute for the human hands Computers can boost the biggest improverents inal counties of the word Technological researches ae the focus Of the human minds, They make people Gepend more on machines. Al the human adits are done by computes, Technological esearces wil lead people to dscover- more and mare, The world becomes a haven of computer machines, « What is the major difference between the first and the second paragraphs? + How are the sentences in the second paragraph different from those inthe fist? « Which paragraphs reads more smoothly? « How do the beginnings of the sentences in the frst and second paragraphs vary? « What's the major difference between the frst and the second nd paragraph different from those in the fist? « Which paragraphs reads more smoothly? + How do the beginnings of the sentence in the fist and second paragraphs vary? ind of Phrases « Prepostional Phase «Adjective + Ader Noun + Aopostve Phrase + Verbal Phrase + eticial phase + Gerund phrase 5 Inte phrase What is a phrase? + Aphrase is a group of related words (within a sentence) without both Subject and verb theprepetion precedes thebe, «begins wit a pepstion and end witha ‘on or pronoun cle the chet ofthe Pep Pridgen sobre camp set, fame Ne hfe andthe te fro, Ohh ‘nal ps madieareb aete rahe t uy ete he hy ota ho a ong chard. cin agave edu bchon be vec Wher sen vego) oatin antici ‘Yo oki om al the et How te) ies god tnd nde odin iste i) Mesinganadets te tn ate ming How) Once in awhile, aprepostionl phrase ‘may act as anoun, This is fai rare, Anoun prepostonal phrase generaly acts asthe subject of sentence or asa subject Commplement. Examples: In front of the clas is a stressful place to be, (abject) The most stress place for mes in ron of the cass. (subject complement) jective Phrase + aprepostonl phrase that mais noun ora pronoun by teling what kind or wich one The git IN RED is my cousin, Fizais someone WITH HUMOROUS PERSONALITY that tice n esi ener oun or pronoun ode or desc te psn thingit rest Anapestiis anor enn that renames ries ner oun nun i some wa. An appstve ase casts fan apposed mes. ysis canbe ther eset Inonesici An essential appositive provides information that is necessary for identifying the noun or pronoun that precedes it, Architect Frank Lloyd Wright designed any buildings, including New York's Guggenheim Museum, Margaret Mitchells navel Gone with the Wind won the Pulter Prize in 193? and was made into @ movie in 1938, several Veta ferns ean con as nus aie or abs, Kinds Verbal Pras «Patil Phrase + Gund Pre + ive Phase In contrast, a nonessential apposite prvi actona information about a noun or pronoun na sentence whose meaning is already clear. It gives the reader extre—but nonessential-information, Nonessetil apposite should beset off with commas. Babe Ruth, a baseball layer withthe New York Yankees, eld the home-run record for nearly 40 years, The lindy hop, a dance style, became popula} inthe 1920s, A Peticinlal Phrase consists ofits modifiers and complements, The entire partcipal phrase functions as an adjective to modify anoun or pronoun, CREATING THE NOISE, the crn eased their Classes The gr, BITTEN BY THE DOG, cried for hep, ‘A Gerund Phrase, which consists of a gerund and its modifiers and complements, is used as anoun, A gerund phrase may perform all the functions of a noun, HER MOTHERS CONSTANT NAGGING irate her ether, The commitee proposed RAING FUNDS, Hes cited fr GIVING MMPORTANE TO THE EDUCATION OF THE CHLDREN. Let's play a game! An Infinitive Phrase consists of an infinitive and its modifiers and complements, can function as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb, Ue TOTAK TO STRANGE TOCONDENN AN NNOCENT CLD star wrth ci, Ina bore boot TOREADTONGHT, [red myhad TO ACINOMLEDGETHE APSE, Prepared by: Merry Grace H, Saludo MaED- ELT Student

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