5 Quick Reference Points About Atmosphere

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5 Quick reference Points about Atmosphere:

 The atmosphere is the term given to the layer of air, which

surrounds the Earth and extends upwards from the surface to about
500 miles.
 The Earth's atmosphere can be said to consist of four concentric
gaseous layers.
o Troposphere
o Stratosphere
o Mesosphere
o Thermosphere
 pressure falls steadily with height
 temperature falls steadily in troposphere, constant in stratosphere
and decreases in mesosphere and thereafter it increases
 Composition of Air.
o Nitrogen- 78.08
o Oxygen- 20.94
o Argon- 0.93
o Carbon dioxide- 0.03
 International standard atmosphere(ISA):
o Pressure Po=101325.0 N/m2
o Density 𝜌𝑜 =1.225 kg/m3
o Temperature To=288.15K
o Acceleration due to gravity ,go=9.807 m/s2
o Speed of sound, ao=340.294 m/s2

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