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The Sunset Crusader


FBLA Shapes the Next Generation for the Business World

By: Riley Rodriguez cided it was best to start with
Staff Writer middle schools to see how it
would turn out, and eventually
"The spark of passion ignites the branch out.”
fuel for innovation"-Craig Gro-
schel. With a turnout of a hun-
dred people, the FBLA officers
A survey was conducted presented SPARK and the audi-
that revealed what 21st century ence was very satisfied. Ms.
employers were looking for in Lorente, head teacher of the
new business graduates- they business academy and FBLA ad-
wanted people who could com- visor of the school commented
municate, work in a team and on the performance saying, “It
have presentation skills. Out of was great! I really thought the
this study, a project was born, presenters were really into the
and it is called SPARK. presentation and it was very
lively in the audience.”
SPARK stands for,
“Students of the future are- FBLA at Jorge Mas Cansoa Presenting SPARK
SPARK wasn’t just a presentation
prepared, articulate, resourceful that helped the audience, it also
and knowledgeable.” SPARK is a community sion. FBLA made sure to make it concise and helped the presenters of the project overcome
service project that was developed by the FBLA simple for any age to understand. some of their obstacles. Hurma Aziz, an under-
chapter of Miami Sunset in order to help pre- classmen intern for FBLA explains her experi-
pare the next generation of students for what’s “SPARK is meant for everyone, it ence working on the project. “SPARK really
to come in the world of business. doesn’t just come down to business. Whether helped me over come my concerns of public
you want to be pursue the arts, technology, speaking, it felt great standing on that stage,
SPARK is divided into three main parts. education. These are skills that are important connecting with the students and educating
To teach students the ability to work in a team, no matter what career you choose.” Amanda them on something that I believe is important.”
solve problems and make decisions, and com- Gomez, President of FBLA comments.
municate effectively. The development of SPARK took a lot of
After months of research and rehears- hard work, but there were also memorable mo-
When designing the project, skills em- al, FBLA took SPARK on the road, their first ments that came along with it. Angelina Buena-
ployers were looking for, were divided into stop was Jorge Mas Canosa middle school. ventura, an officer, gives an insider on what re-
three sections. Each section has some sort of hearsal was like.
presentation to go with the topic, whether it “Because this is the first time our
was a PowerPoint, skit, or interactive discus- chapter has done something like this, we de- Continue on page 2

Miami Sunset Senior High Future Business Leaders of

America Excels at Local Competition
By Jake Fernandez Place in Digital Video Pro-
Staff Writer duction

Miami Sunset Senior The following are names for

High’s Future Business Lead- the picture. From left to
ers of America (FBLA) chapter
Paul Salebe, Veronica Alva-
is celebrating their 10th anni-
versary this year. Their rez, Annette Rodriguez,
Katherine Espertin, Angelica
“Decade of Excellence” contin-
Batista, Jacynthia Galvan,
ued with another outstanding
performance at the FBLA Dis- Justin Gonzalez, Hurma Aziz,
Mohammad Aziz, Jasmine
trict 26 Competition, which
held its award ceremony on Botello, Alejandro Gonzalez,
Monday, January 22, at South Victoria Puceddu, Alfonso
FBLA Miami Sunset State Qualifiers at the District Ceremony at South Dade
Castillo, Emily Miranda, Sejul
Dade Senior High School.
The following winners quali- Mohammad Aziz, Junior, 1st Place in Introduction to Parlia- Phanord, Amanda Gomez
fied to represent Miami Sunset Place in Help Desk mentary Procedure
at the Florida FBLA State Lead-
Quote of the Month
Angelica Batista, Sophomore, Amanda Gomez, Junior, 2nd
ership Conference in Orlando 1st Place in Introduction to Place in Public Speaking
from March 16-19, where they Business Presentation Jasmine Botello, Junior 2nd
will compete against approxi- Emily Miranda, Sophomore, 1st Place in Sales Presentation
mately 4,000 of the best FBLA Place in Broadcast Journalism
members from around the Alejandro Gonzalez and Justin
Sunshine State in various Katherine Espertin, Junior, 1st Gonzalez, both Seniors, 2nd
events. Place in Client Service Place in Business Ethics
Annette Rodriguez and Veronica Sejul Phanord, Senior, 2nd Place
Hurma Aziz, Freshman, 1st Alvarez, both Juniors, 1st Place in Emerging Business Issues
Place in Introduction to Public in Social Media Campaign Alfonso Castillo and Victoria
Speaking Paul Salebe, Sophomore, 1st Puceddu, both Freshmen, 2nd

Miami Sunset Girls’ Soccer Team is on the Right Path

By: Mohammod Aziz
Staff Writer
Soccer is one of the most
Take their sec- use soccer as a way to motivate
successful women’s sport in
ond game them to pursue a healthy lifestyle
America and that inspires Miami
against Terra and obtain scholarships. She also
Sunset’s soccer team to work
Environmental wants to host a soccer clinic on
hard to be one the most success-
as an example. school grounds that would train
ful high school teams in Miami-
It was a great little kids how to play soccer.
Dade County.
Overall, the team is look-
Head Coach Omar Torres compared to the ing to finish the season strong
and Coach Maricel Castillo have last time the and take the momentum into
been leading their girls to a great teams played. next season where experience
season so far. With 15 games in Sunset took the and knowing each other better
the season, the girls are on the mercy rule loss should turn them into a district
right path. Coach Torres stated, the first time championship contender.
“We have had some losses, but around, howev-
this season is about building the er, in match
team up.” number two
Miami Sunset’s girl’s soccer team prepares for game
they scored a
This year, there are a to-
goal on Terra Did You Know?
tal of 21 girls on the team. Most stone for them.
and only lost 5-1. The earliest known New Year
them are freshmen, which
Coach Torres believes that celebrations were in Mesopota-
speaks well for the future. For Coach Torres hopes that
the team should invest more time in mia and date back to 2000 BC.
some girls, this is their first time his athletes graduate with a higher The early Romans used March
playing soccer or even a sport. fundraising and work on their com- level of confidence. He also hopes 1 as New Year's Day. Other cul-
However, the girls have a lot of munication skills with some “team that by playing soccer they will de- tures used the autumn equinox
enthusiasm and they believe that bonding.” He feels a closer team off velop a positive attitude about life. or the winter solstice to mark
this year will be a great stepping the field will play better on the field. Coach Castillo hopes her athletes the new year.

Miami Sunset Girls Basketball Miami Sunset Presents

Team Making Strides SPARK to Middle Schools

By: Victoria Casterlo

Staff Writer Continued from page 1

Miami Sunset’s girls’ basketball team

may be smaller in numbers, but on the court
they play a pretty big game.
The girls’ basketball team has under-
went a rebuilding year this season. They re-
ceived new talent from various places includ-
ing four new players, Gisselle, Po, Genesis Vidal
-Figueroa, and Ashlee Pena. These players,
added to star veterans, Sabrina Paulino, Ashley
Alcivar, Gwen Gibbs, and Victoria Castrelo,
have made the team a challenge to play against
for their opponents.
Botello hosting team bonding game at JMC
Ashley Alcivar, captain of the team
said, "South Miami was our best game because Miami Sunset Girl’s basketball team warms up on court, prepar- “Creating one of the scripts for SPARK
ing for game.
we fought to the end, we were acclimating our- was awesome. Screen writing is something that
selves to a new team and we didn’t have our mates are thinking so we can be more in sync.” I enjoy doing and being apart of something and
coach at the time. We proved that we are capable This year the girls' basketball team hired watching it come to life was very fulfilling.”
of winning." a new coach, Tony Hill. Coach Hill has had expe-
Jasmine Botello talked about her experi-
Like all sports teams, the girls' basketball rience with basketball at other high schools, and
ence during rehearsal. “It was a lot of fun, prac-
team has many challenges to face and a lot of goals has even coached girls who made it to the ticing with the girls for our mini skit we had.
that the girls have yet to achieve. The team’s big- WNBA. The coach so far has brought new The skit was meant to teach the students the
gest goal as of now is to end season better than knowledge, new skills, and a new attitude to the do’s and don’ts of job interviews. We wanted to
how they started. The girls also hope to win more team. He has been working with the girls teach- give it a light, funny feel but also, be effective by
games than they did last season but if they come ing things they didn't know before, improving teaching them something.”
together as a team and do better than they’ve the things they did know, teaching them new
Jorge Mas Cansoa is only the beginning
done in the past, they will consider it a big drills, techniques, and also showing them the
of what’s to come from SPARK. FBLA plans on
achievement. proper attitude and sportsmanship. branching out the project to other middle
Alcivar said that the team’s biggest need The team's biggest strength this year is schools and even high schools for the upcoming
confidence. The girls walk into every game with
year. Gomez, goes into further detail of what’s
for improvement, is in basketball knowledge and
to come.
skills because there are still girls on the team their heads and their expectations high. This
without much basketball experience. Alcivar add- year will be a great year for the girls' basketball “We plan on expanding the project and
ed, ''Our team needs a lot of improvement in com- team, win or lose. This will be a year for im- having more presenters to help. This is a pro-
munication and trust. The team needs communi- provement and growth. ject that we believe could change and help our
cation among each other to know what their team- community. Making a difference can start from

New Year, New Me: Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail

By: Angelina Buenaventura eating less junk food. This allows

Assistant-Editor you to do all the smaller steps
that you need to do to reach your
At the beginning of final goal.
2018, it is a time where we
Focusing on multiple
start to reminisce about the
things you're trying to change at
year behind us, and begin to
one time could be a huge factor
think about the new year
in why you are not able to keep
ahead of us. The start of a
your resolution. This can create
new year seems to be a great
disorganization, confusion, and
time to begin a new chapter
goals clashing with each other.
in your life, this is when we
see a lot of people making Trying to accomplish
the infamous New Year’s one thing at a time can lessen the
resolutions. risk of failing. Talking with oth-
ers and asking for support can be
There is one thing
a great help. If you have a friend
that most of us who make
or family member cheering you
these resolutions seem to
on, or going to the gym with you
have in common, and that is not being able to keep Dr. Stephen Graef, a psychologist at the Ohio can act as an amazing motivation.
them. Why is it that most New Year’s resolutions State University Wexner Medical Center said,
fail? Lastly, if you miss a day at the gym or over-
“We might really try to shoot for the moon too quickly
spend at a store the first time do not beat yourself
The most popular resolutions are the ones and that doesn’t work out, or not only do we want to
up. Messing up when trying to change something
involving losing weight, saving money, eating go to the moon but we want to go to Mars and Nep-
you're so used to doing is normal. Perfection is un-
healthy, and quit smoking. All of these seem like tune and Saturn. And if we try to do all of those, we
realistic. You might get so mad at yourself for no
reasonable goals that people should set for them- don’t have the mental and physical resources to be
reason and then end up giving up after your first
selves, but there are a couple problems with the able to accomplish that.”
mishap. Expect to mess up a couple times and to
way people set them.
There are tips for creating realistic resolu- learn from it and figure out what the cause is so you
The goals we are setting for ourselves are tions that will allow you to make a plan within a time can come up with a solution.
extremely broad and unrealistic. Some also make timeframe.
If we all start making smaller goals for our-
the mistake of setting multiple unreachable goals
The American Psychological Association pro- selves that leads to a bigger one and realize that
for themselves, which is a recipe for failure.
vides us with five steps in making a smart resolution. making mistakes is normal and can even help you
For example, when people make the reso- Start small, change one behavior at a time, talk about reach your goal then we might all be able to say that
lution of losing weight, they usually are not able to it, don’t beat yourself up, ask for support. our New Year’s resolution became a reality by the
keep up with it because they do not take into con- end of 2018.
When thinking about resolutions starting
sideration the steps that are necessary to achieve
small is always a good idea, instead of focusing on los-
the goal, and only focus on the end result.
ing those 20 pounds focus on being more active or

Color Guard Competes for the First time in 5 years

By: Victoria De Campos
gether, having competition put a
After a hiatus of five years, name in Sunset and bring the
Miami Sunset Senior High’s color spirits up again” says
guard team is back and ready for Gonzalez
The team is looking for-
There first competition is on Jan- ward to experience competition
uary 27 in Boca Raton in Olym- and bring up Sunset’s reputation.
pia Heights High school. We wish the Sunset Guard luck
Color Guard is a mix of lyrical on their competition.
with hip hop dance team but “I joined Color Guard because goes into it and practice.
with rifles, flags, and savers in I missed being part of some- Riddle of the Month
“The hardest thing about
the routines. They participate in thing at Sunset, so when the
being in Color Guard is being
football and basketball games. team came up I just decided to A murderer is condemned to
hit by a flag, riffle or saver.”
It’s a place of opportunity, to sign for it, and never thought death, he has to choose be-
said Gonzales.
learn leadership and how to that I was going to fall in love tween three room:
work as a team. with it. My favorite thing about Gonzales also gave us a
the first is full of raging fires;
being in Color Guard is having sneak peek of their perfor-
Sunset’s Color Guard mance on the pep rally, saying the second, assassins with
basically like a family that en-
works hard, especially when it that it’s going to be a lot of loaded guns;
joys doing the same thing, hav-
comes to competition. They ded- hype and how it will be nothing
ing fun doing it together and and the third, lions who
icate themselves and stay almost that you have never seen be-
having that kind of bond.” haven't eaten in years.
every day after school until 6 fore.
o’clock. Ashley Gonzales, Cap- The color guard team
tain of the Color Guard team, performs many tricks whether “I have been waiting for
Which room is the safest ?
tells her reasoning as to why she it be dancing, with flags or ri- this since last year. My main
goal was to bring the team to- Answer on page 4
joined. fles. There is a lot of skill that

Student of the Month Teacher of the Month Club of The Month

Vanessa Andrade
What activities, sports are you involved in? Theresa Wright (Gay, Straight, Alliance)
Vanessa: I’m in National Honor Society,
English Honor Society, Science Honor Soci- Interviewee: Charlie B. Morales (VP)
Theresa Wright, an English Literature teacher
ety, Gay-Straight Alliance, Art club, Dream at Miami Sunset Senior High, is this year’s What is the purpose of GSA?
in Green committee, Athletic Training, and teacher of the year. After teaching for well over
Work Experience Program. Previously in fifteen years, and she’s traveled across the To create a group that everyone can join,
Soccer and Math Honor Society, Dual En- world, previously living in places such as Lon- regardless whether you’re gay, straight, bi-
rollment Program. don and Jamaica, acquiring helpful skills sexual. This is meant to be a place where
How do you manage to be involved so throughout in which she spreads upon her stu- everyone can come together and spread
many extra-curricular activities? dents. In her free time, Wright enjoys reading
Vanessa: I am a very organized, mission- and simply relax.. awareness about the community.
oriented individual, having these qualities What events to you have planned for the
provides me with the motivation and drive How have you helped your students excel in club?
to participate in so many activities. Alt- literature?
hough juggling a job, extracurricular activ- Ms. Wright: “I help my students excel in litera- We want to host a flip flop drive, create
ities, and school is a very stressful task I ture by using various teaching strategies to try AIDS awareness pamphlets.
am aware that in the future all the obsta- and appeal to the way students learn. I also try
cles I currently face will pay off into a suc- to provide real world materials which show Who started GSA in Sunset and why?
cessful career. how art imitates life.”
Ms. Wright started it last year. She had a lot
Do you teach your students anything to help of friends who died during the AIDS epi-
What advice do you give freshmen for their
them excel in life as well? demic during the 80s/90s and she wanted
high school career?
Vanessa: I advise freshman to get involved Ms. Wright: “I try to teach by example - good to bring awareness and unite everyone.
manners, honesty, and humility are life skills
in as many activities as they can handle. It Why do you believe that this club is im-
you can take with you forever. No matter
is extremely important to be an active stu- portant?
where you work or live, I believe these quali-
dent, participating in clubs/sports intro-
ties are invaluable.”
duces students to new, enticing people There are a lot of stereotypes in the gay
that share the same interests. Being in- Did you have any previous jobs? community, and we wanted to bring aware-
volved in activities also looks profession Ms. Wright: Previously, I’ve had a few jobs: a ness and unite each other to show that we
on your college applications giving the stu- clerk in Jamaica, a marketing manager in a jew- are just like everyone else. Love is love no
dent a greater chance of being accepted to elry company in New York, and I also worked matter what, and that shouldn’t change
a school of their choice. in a bank in London.”
how you see each other.
What is the one thing you’re going to miss Did anything inspire you to become a teacher? Are there any requirements when joining
about Sunset? Did you have any influences? this club?
Vanessa: One thing I will miss about Sun- Ms. Wright: “I was inspired to teach by the re-
set are the people I had the pleasure of ally bad teachers I’ve had throughout high You have to have at least a 2.0 GPA and
meeting. This not only applies to my school, also by my English Literature teacher have an open mind because we have a lot of
friends but as well as the facility and staff. who came from England. He had some very discussions.
In my four years in Sunset I have acquired nontraditional classroom antics that im-
a tremendous amount of respect for all pressed me. It encouraged me to dare to think Do you believe that there are problems that
faculty and staff does. outside the box when teaching.” people face in the LGBT community?

What was the most difficult barrier you’ve over- There’s a lot of sexual harassment and dis-
What are your plans after high school?
Vanessa: My plans after high school are to come in your career? crimination in the community. Even at
attend a university, preferably the Univer- Ms. Wright: “I would say that trying to teach home they face discrimination. Specific cul-
students who have little or no English skills is tures don’t accept our community and that
sity of Florida locating in Gainesville, Flori-
difficult, as I speak very little Spanish. Commu-
da. can take a toll on the person.
nication becomes a significant barrier.”
Who inspired you to be, who you are to- If there was one message you could spread
Has there ever been a student who’s stuck out to the school in regards to GSA, what would
day? to you? That you’ll never forget?
Vanessa: My mother has inspired me to be it be?
Ms. Wright: “There have been several students
the person I am today. My mother never who’ve made lasting impressions on me. Some, Join it! We are always open to new mem-
graduated high school, so it is extremely because I was concerned for their safety be-
important to her for me to do so. I study, bers, we plan on having fun meetings where
cause of the lifestyle they chose or were in-
and work, and dedicate myself to my stud- volved with. Others because they had so much we talk openly about topics, plus you get t-
ies for the happiness and joy that it will hidden potential that they either didn’t realize shirts for 5$
bring my mother. She raised me, cared for it or were too lazy to tap into it. And there
me, and loved me and now it is my time to were those students who you know one day
show her that her years of parenting and would do great things with their lives. Every Riddle Answer: The Third Room, because
guidance have accomplished something year brings new stories to tell and lessons to the lions are dead from starvation.
important. learn.”

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