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The Battle of the Bands

By Bridget Ashvil

Of all of the big and shiny

jewels in the world, musical
instruments are by far the
greatest; especially when one
can play them well, as the
LaGuardia Symphonic and Jazz
Bands demonstrated to many
friends and family on November
fourth. In the small, intimate
Little Flower Theater, you felt
fully immersed in the music that
our very own LaGuardia
instrumental majors had worked
on for a short two months of
school. The Symphonic Band,
conducted by Dr.Titone, began
the show with some very
rhythmically and melodically
challenging pieces. (continued
on next page)

composition with some

darker undertones that
highlighted different sections of
Life at LaGuardia
(Continued from front page) They started with “Discommotion,” it took after this idea with a loose
“Chester Overture for Saxophone Ensemble and structure, quick tempo, and a lively energy. An almost
Band”; a very powerful composition with some darker chaotic sound was created, utilizing the many staccato
undertones that highlighted different sections of the and stressed notes in the phrases, as well as implying a
band, as well featuring a complicated, almost sporadic build, even when there were no markings in the music.
rhythm that was very well executed. The band overall The soloists seemed to have the most fun with this
had great support, which led to a dramatic crescendo piece and engaged with the audience more. The Jazz
at the end of this first song, creating a full and Band ended the night with energy and excitement,
compelling resonance. Throughout the next two proving once again the professionalism of LaGuardia's
songs, the symphonic band had great support, control, arts programs.
and a nice, unified sound. The last song that they
performed was very different dynamically and tonally, The concert was a major success in my eyes
as it was a very fast-paced song that instantly captured and I really enjoyed seeing another studio perform and
your attention. “Slava!(Glory)” was a lighthearted grow throughout their time at our school. Many
celebration of friendship, indulging in a triumphant students may feel cheated of their arts programs, but
brass sound that suggested many a marching band has seeing a performance like this helps you realize that
played it in the past. From the small laughs and half making the best of our situation here and working our
smiles from the band, I could tell that they enjoyed hardest can lead to great things. If you weren't able to
playing this piece. Ending their performance by see the Symphonic and Jazz Bands perform, the
shouting “Slava” put a smile on everyone's face, as the annual musical this year is “Les Miserables,” which I
band slowly left the stage for the next group. will also be reviewing. Come watch your friends do
The Jazz band filed on to the stage with lots of amazing things and support our great school so that
energy and a very intimate dynamic. The director, Mr. future students may do the same.
Blancq had selected very sophisticated pieces, and
taught his students very well because he did little else
on stage but start them off, as the band seemed to Stay in or Walk
know from the start to end what they were doing. I
was stunned at the ease at which the musicians played,
with wonderful energy throughout their entire
performance. The most special part of this band was By Olivia Lake
that they were very much a family, playing together as
if it were any other day. The soloists, and there were
many, were all very skilled, and were cheered on by
the audience of friends and family. The second to last
song, “Born to be Blue,” featured the vocalist,
Korinne Arenas. She was quite a vision in white and
her voice was very soft and sweet; however, I could
not hear her very well and was disgruntled that she
did not have a better microphone for her solo. After On Tuesday, November 15th, there was a
this, the band played their last song, by far my favorite city-wide “walkout” that students and workers in
of the selections, and did an amazing job. Entitled New York City could participate in. Some schools
participated and some did not participate at all. A focus off of something a little more important: the
small number of students from our school decided to future of our planet. Archeological evidence shows that
go to the walkout. It was an act of nonviolent civil since the dawn of civilization, there have been waste
disobedience protesting the recent election of products. Historically, getting rid of this waste always
President Elect Donald J. Trump. About 500 students seemed pretty simple: one would throw it into a hole
from all over the city left school to march and to and forget about it. Today, however, we know that
oppose the ideals of the newly elected landfills are not a permanent solution. We know that
administration. burning trash is bad for our air. We know the “reduce,
It began at the 59th street Trump Hotel and reuse, recycle” jingle and how taking that advice can
ended at the West 4th Park. The protesters walked prevent us from wasting. We could assume that
down 5th avenue in the street, not the sidewalk. because of our knowledge our trash problem would be
Chants included, “Show me what democracy looks solved by now, right? Wrong.
like, this is what democracy looks like!”, “My body
my choice!” and “The students united will never be According to NBC News, on average, each of
divided!”. the 50.4 million students in America generates between
A student from our school who participated in the 45-80 pounds of trash a year just in disposable lunches.
walkout says “[the protest] felt amazing to be a part That means every year a student throws out something
of. It was weirdly empowering, especially in the equivalent in mass to a dishwasher just in whatever is
rain.” Our generation has not lived through a lot of left over after lunch. On top of that, about half of all the
unrest that directly affected us. Now we are all living waste Americans produce can be recycled. Shocked by
through an election that has divided all Americans this, I decided to survey a number of freshmen at
based on their views. For many kids, these protests LaGuardia (of which I am one), recording what their
are the first that they have ever witnessed and they thoughts were on how much waste we produce and
are getting a taste of what it feels like to have a voice what we do with it.
in extremely big issues. It does not matter what you
believe in, what matters is what you do to stand by 1. General awareness of waste issues at
those beliefs. Non-violent civil disobedience was a LaGuardia.
hallmark of political activism in the 1960s. Then, and
now, New Yorkers raised their voices to protest the Most of those interviewed said they see the heaps of
denial and infringement of people’s civil trash sitting outside the school in the mornings. Of that
liberties. At this time of disquiet it is no surprise that group, all said that we were producing too much.
our students, mindful of the past, would take up the Despite noticing this daily, about 40% of them said that
fight for the future. they would not describe themselves as
“environmentally friendly” during their school day. In
this context, “environmentally friendly” would mean
Freshmen Attitudes doing what one knows is right for the environment.

Toward Recycling
2. Thoughts on multiple bins for trash and
By Curtis Kline recycling.

Next, I asked if they thought the multiple bins for trash

(green, blue, orange, black) were useful in reminding
kids to recycle. Of those interviewed, 50% said yes and
50% said no. Many thought that the bins force students
to think before they act. Many also said that kids just
throw things in the wrong bins anyway so there is no
point in having them. One student admitted to throwing
Looking back, 2016 has been a bad year for a chewed up piece of gum in the paper waste basket;
many reasons. Many famous celebrities died; our another confessed to throwing a sandwich in the paper
political system is more divided and tense; Vine has waste basket.
shut down. However, these pressing issues take the
Our World
3. A LaGuardia success: reusable water Many people are shocked by this outcome. Personally I
bottles. think this outcome shows a lot about our nation. It is so
appalling to see that America known as "the land of the
According to a 2015 study by CreditDonkey, 1,500 free" would vote for a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot,
bottles of water are consumed every second. This who has been recorded on tape making crude remarks
makes plastic bottles one of the largest solid about women claiming it's just "locker room talk", and
pollutants. So as a final question, I asked the the fact that people are okay with that.
surveyed students if they used reusable bottles. To Donald Trump has especially made racist
my surprise, 90% of those interviewed said they use remarks about illegal Mexican immigrants. Trump has
reusable water bottles. said: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not
sending their best. They're not sending you. They're
One can conclude from this non-scientific survey that sending people who have a lot of problems, and they're
schools can do more to make recycling a regular part bringing those problems with us. They're bringing
of the school experience and not something kids don't drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists." These
care about. The fact that in our school a considerable are the harsh words used by Donald Trump in his
number of the students interviewed said they could be Presidential announcement speech, on June 16, 2015.
doing more to help our planet shows that the system There is no evidence that immigrants commit more
we have needs to be changed. This may be easier said crimes then native born Americans, so to blatantly say
than done, but there are some easy ways to get these stereotypical racist comments is completely
started. For example, our school could start by raising unacceptable. The fact that Americans agree with this
awareness of these problems and showing us how our shows how true our country is to this motto, even
individual choices matter, as suggested by though it is supposed to be known for accepting
LaGuardia’s Environmental Sustainability Club. In everyone despite their religion, race, gender and etc..
addition, we could perhaps have incentives such as Many Americans are terrified of what he will
prizes for small competitions to improve recycling do with this country. Protests have broke out in many
results. By raising awareness this way, recycling can cities across America such as Miami, Atlanta,
be made into a social normality. Clearly, there are Philadelphia, San Francesco, Portland, and our home
things we as a school can do to make our community New York City. Many American, especially the
cleaner. It may not be the thing you want to think protesters, are outraged with the results of this election.
about now, but at the rate we’re going, we will be They have signs that say: "Not my President" and
forced to deal with it soon. "Build a wall around Trump", referring to the wall that
Donald Trump says he wants to build at the southern
The Results of the American border (and make Mexico pay for it). Even
people in our school have come together and joined the
Election protestors at the Trump Towers.

By Amalia Tempel
On November 8th around 5:01am eastern
time the republican candidate Donald Trump was
announced the winner of the presidential election
with 290 electoral votes over Hillary's 232 votes.
The Media’s In researching how a situation like this could
Infuence be possible, the first amendment says that,
“Congress shall make no law… abridging the
By Maggie Feldman freedom of speech or of the press…” This made me
wonder --- if someone makes a factual statement
proven wrong by evidence-based research, should
their statement be protected under the first
amendment? Or if someone completely misquotes
another candidate to a crowd of thousands (therefore
lying to them), should that be protected as well? I am
sure our founding fathers did not intend this
amendment for powerful officials to intentionally lie
to millions of American people. In thinking about
this, a documentary I recently watched came to
This year’s presidential election has undergone mind. It was called, “Why the poorest county in
a transition unlike any other presidential race in West Virginia has faith in Trump.” The people living
political history, that being the influence of media. in this county have barely any food, very little
While past elections have raised the question of money, and little to no education at all. They come
whether or not to use the media as a campaign from families of coal miners and that is how they
strategy, the popularity of platforms such Twitter and make what little money they have. The documentary
Facebook can surely be considered a major shows a pro-Trump ad that was aired in the county
determining factor in this year’s presidential race. with Clinton saying, “I’m going to put a lot of coal
According to a survey of 3,760 U.S. adults by the Pew mines and the coal miners out of business.” What the
Research Center, within one week, 91% of people ad failed to include was Clinton also saying that she
found their news from at least 1 of the 11 different had a plan to replace those jobs with those of clean
sources asked about; the top few being cable TV, energy sources, taking her words completely out of
social media, local TV, and news websites. This context. Watching this was not as angering as it was
survey is just one of many justifications of how sad, because all these people heard was that Clinton
influential these media sources are for everyday was going to take away their jobs and that Trump
citizens and voters. was going to make America great again, so of course
they voted for Trump. The people of this county and
Today, the question is not whether to use media many others around the country were misinformed
at all, but rather who can use it most strategically. on topics beyond just this. All Americans have the
Though this may sound like a great way for millions of right to know all of the facts before making their
Americans to get politically involved and to have opinions of who they think is best fit for the job of
direct access to information within seconds, the President of the United States.
process is unfortunately not as simple as it may appear.
Because anyone can post on social media, extremely The question now is not how can we reverse
unreliable information is constantly circulating what has already been done, but rather how we can
throughout the web, providing people with completely move forward in an educated way? I believe that
false information. What is most unsettling about this knowing how to determine a reliable source from an
situation is it that the false facts have been unreliable source is extremely important in
intentionally publicized by the candidates themselves educating yourself reliably. Reliable sources are
in efforts to win. If a candidate’s campaign is based off often unbiased and include a lot of evidence like
of purposefully misinforming the American people, statistics and data. With media only becoming more
can this be considered a true democracy? If millions of and more present in our society, it’s up to us, the
people voted based on false facts, can that be rising generation, to educate ourselves reliably and
considered an accurate representation of America’s to exercise our right to the freedom of speech and
beliefs? I say not, and this is the reason why the press in the way that it was intended.
presence of media has betrayed the American people
and this election.
Cities”) Overview). The Maisto districts aimed to
School Funding obtain a court order which stated that they the state
was violating their constitutionally mandated right to a
Frozen! basic education, under article XI, section 1 of the New
York State constitution, they also hoped that state
By Zoë Tremitiere would provide funding based on the Foundation Aid
formula of 2007, without the budget cuts implemented
in 2009-2010. The Maisto districts had 21 witnesses
who presented evidence of budget cuts resulting in
inadequate student performance, the state only had 14.
The court acknowledges that academic standards are
not being met in the Maisto districts, but rejects their
funding claim on account of Foundation Aid not being
the constitutional minimum, and so the state is not
required by the constitution to follow it. The court has
not proposed a solution to the problem––which they
conceded to–– of student performance in Maisto
districts being inadequate, yet rejects the solution
presented by the plaintiffs.
In 2006, New york state’s Court of Appeals Maisto district parents filed a notice of appeal
decided that the state was violating Act XI of the New on October 5 this year and continue to push for the
York State constitution by failing to provide public funding they need, but until the state complies,
schools with sufficient funding, the legislature was improvements to schools can’t be made, and students’
ordered to make funding reforms, which included a $5 educations continue to be put at risk. It’s upsetting that
billion increase in operating aid to New York City the state doesn’t care enough about its students to offer
schools and an additional $4 billion to state schools. them more than the bare minimum––which they aren’t
The additional funding was meant to be phased in over actually providing some schools with,––especially to
four years, beginning in 2007. In addition to funding students in schools districts that have been failing for
reforms, the foundation aid formula was created, to decades, where families can’t afford to provide their
distribute funding fairly with regards to the needs of children with outside instruction. It’s also not only the
individual students, and to prioritize low-income, high eight Maisto districts that have been struggling since
needs school districts. budget cuts and freezes were enacted, schools across
During the first two years of the proposed four the state have been struggling to provide basic tools for
year phase in period, funding was increased their students, a basic education (as ruled by the ny
significantly. During the last two years however, state court of appeals) requires that schools have
funding was frozen, and the completion date for the adequate number of teachers, up to date curricula,
phase-in of funding was pushed back three years. extra services for struggling students, adequate
Between 2010 and 2011, funding was not only delayed resources for English language learners and students
again, but also cut by approximately $740 million. with disabilities, appropriate class sizes, up to date
State schools are now still owed $3.9 billion in supplies, a safe environment, and adequate and
foundation aid, which accounts for 70% of money accessible facilities.
given to schools by the state most years, and despite The 2014 NYS Council for School
the foundation aid formula having been designed to Superintendents’ survey shows that 61% of schools
provide funding based on need, “funding owed per have experienced increases in class sizes between the
pupil is 2.3 times greater in high need districts than in years 2011-2014, 31% of school districts have
wealthy districts.”(Billions Behind, 1) experienced reduction in extra help provided to
In response to the funding gap, the small cities struggling students in the regular school year between
case (Maisto v. State of New York) was brought to 2011 and 2014, 40% of schools have had to postpone
court by parents of children in eight small city school or reduce purchase of instructional technology at least
districts, all of which “have low property wealth, once between 2011 and 2014, 21% have had to reduce
higher than average local tax rates, significant family or postpone the purchase of textbooks at least once
poverty and high student need” (Maisto (“Small between 2011 and 2014, and 23% have had to reduce
or postpone purchase of library materials at least once City attend majority low-income schools. And those
between 2011 and 2014. Even Laguardia, which offers low-income schools haven’t been receiving the
much its students more than the majority of New York funding they need to provide students with the same
State public schools, is owed nearly $6 million. quality of education that students in wealthier school
The market crash in 2008 did force funding districts have been receiving. Funding cuts and freezes
freezes and cuts, and it was in 2009 that the funding have been hurting school districts with low-income tax
for the financial aid formula was frozen, and cuts to the most, but even Laguardia, which seems to be be
school budgets were made, however according to neil functioning fine, is owed nearly $6 million. The state’s
Demause and Elizabeth Green of the village voice, unwillingness to provide enough money to public
funding wasn’t being used the way it was intended to schools affects every public school student––even if
be used, funding “trickled out through various only slightly, however so very few know about the
loopholes—$60 million for charter schools, $38 lengths that have been taken in order to get public
million for "experimental" programs—and into other schools––and public school students the money they’re
pots of money the school system was free to spend owed. The marches, and rallies and lawsuits have gone
however it wanted.” (The Village Voice), of the unnoticed by too many public school students and
additional $700 million promised, schools used $228 families. Either because somehow these efforts haven’t
million to pay for improvements in teacher quality, the been in the media enough or because the funding
length of school days, smaller class sizes, restructured freezes just haven’t been affecting individual students
middle and high schools, full day pre-k and at larger schools such as Laguardia for parents and
kindergarten, and programs for non-native english students to feel the need to know about the measures
speaking students. Governor Eliot Spitzer, who was being taken to get schools the funding they were
governor from 2006 to 2008, had made it a mandate promised in 2007.
for school districts to use the extra funding to improve
one of those six categories. Green and Demause also
wrote that there had been reports of the $228 million
Body Image Today
left to be spent on one of the six previously mentioned By Anja Tempel
categories being used inappropriately, and there being
“insufficient oversight over how the money was
actually being spent”. Apparently principals were
required only to report how they intended to spend the
additional money, and not how it was actually being
spent. This may be why Chancellor Farina, elected in
January of 2014, intends to give more power to
superintendents and less to school principals.
While it’s good that the Chancellor is making
plans to improve the way schools are run,
organizational changes and new distributions of power In today's society many people see a certain
and authority can’t provide schools with adequate standard of beauty for women. Which includes hair,
resources and facilities. Schools are owed billions of makeup, fashion...etc, however the biggest picture of
dollars, and the government officials who should be beauty is body image. Today so many women feel
supporting students and advocating for their pressured to fit into this "ideal body shape". So how
educations are disregarding them instead. Governor did this image come about? What has happened as a
Cuomo declined to meet with The Alliance for Quality result? How can we break this image?
Education when they walked 150 miles from NYC to Over the years with the increase in technology
Albany, and schools are being denied the extra funding and the popularity of celebrities, people today are
they need to function by the state because it’s not the exposed to the trends, fashions, and actions of these
minimum required by the constitution. What the celebrities, which influence our day to day lives.
constitution does require under Article I is for there not Since we value celebrities so much we aspire to look
to be discrimination in civil rights, yet according to a like them and act like them, causing an uproar in
2015 article in The Atlantic, 96 percent of black society. We see social media promoting all these
students and 95 percent of latino students in New York different things on how to lose weight or get the
"Kylie look" for example. This make us feel like we have trial could be the start of a new form of lung cancer
to be this way, when we truly don't. People think that if treatment for many candidates in the United States.
you don't look a certain way, you're not good enough or Cuba, Havana has been working on a drug
beautiful enough. However we shouldn't let the pressures called Cimavax at the Cuba center of Molecular
of modern society affect us. Technology is meant to Immunology for 25 years. It is a cancer vaccine that
make our lives easier, it's not meant to tear us down. helps to prevent the growth of non-small-cell lung
It has been reported that by the age 6 girls start to carcinoma, which is currently in its third trial of the
express concerns about their own weight, and 4o%-6o% drug. Cuba’s interest in the production of the drug
of elementary school girls are worried that they will stems from its rising numbers in lung cancer. It is
become "fat". Think about it one of those girls could be now the second leading cause of disease in Cuba.
you sister, cousin, or niece, and imagine a little girl Over the past years, many cancer patients
worried about her body, instead of playing outside, or have been traveling to Cuba to buy the drug which
eating ice cream. Also the concerns of body image can is currently illegal to import in other countries. This
result to eating disorders, depression, and suicide. Would drug has not been tested anywhere besides Cuba
you want to be one of these people in that state? preventing doctors in the United States from
It’s very significant in the present day world that allowing it as a method of treatment. Most cancer
people need to be educated on beauty, so they learn patients are deciding to try Cimavax as their last
everyone is beautiful just the way they are. Without option.
everyone's differences we wouldn't be the world we are Zuby Malik, a 78-year-old mother of four
today. You don't need to change yourself based on what was diagnosed with stage non-small-cell lung
other people think is "right". If we as people recognize carcinoma. She was told by doctors that her
this we can improve the way our society thinks, because treatment options were running out. This is when
what makes you different makes you beautiful. she decided to try the new vaccine in Cuba.
“At first, I was a little nervous,” said Ms.
The Fight Against Malik, sitting in her Northern California living
room flanked by an oxygen tank and a table of
Lung Cancer medicines. “But American treatments were not
helping me, and I decided I should go to Cuba.
By Sonali Govind What other choice did I have?”
The Cimavax vaccine purpose is to produce
antibodies against the epidermal growth factor,
which causes cancer to spread. In many cases, the
vaccine will not prevent cancer or even cure it but
may stop it from spreading. Patients will only need
one shot per month on the shoulder.
According to Roswell Park Cancer institute,
the drug is not designed for younger children but
has a significant impact on adults over the age of
60. Survivors who had taken Cimavax had lived
almost 10 months longer than those who had not.
Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York City, The drug is now being tested in many
recently announced the Cuban-developed lung cancer trial countries including Japan and Europe, which will
at Buffalo Roswell Cancer Institute. This revolutionary test about 5000 patients. The trials are long and
Our Voice
expensive but the actual cost of Cimavax will be point I was feeling pretty high and mighty, thinking
inexpensive. that if I took a ten session course I could easily nail a
"If you use it in prevention, you can impact three and a half hour test, but this was so far from the
hundreds of thousands if not millions of people in North case.
America and hundreds of millions worldwide," said Dr. In the first session we took a diagnostic exam,
Kelvin Lee of Roswell Park Cancer Institute. and as I was introduced to this brand new curriculum, I
"So I think if we can show that it can reduce your risk of experienced a total mental shut down. I simply detested
getting lung cancer, which would have an enormous the constant questions meant test your aptness for trick
public health benefit." questions and strategical thinking rather than actual
knowledge of the subject. I would look at these
questions, involving material I knew quite well, and
Words From A Master became so confused by the wording that I would panic
and guess. “This was just a diagnostic”, I told myself,
of ACT Procrasination “I will learn all the tricks and get an amazing score!”,
but as the course continued, I wasn’t experiencing the
By David Lepelstat kind of improvement I expected. I did all of the
homework, learned all the new concepts, yet I still
couldn’t get used to the speed and style of these ACT
questions. I finished the course with a score I was not
proud of. This takes us to now, my mental state of
constant worrying and neglecting to study for my test
on December 10th.
I should have taken one of the ACT/SAT
combination exams that are offered for free to truly
determine whether you are an ACT or SAT student,
rather than one of those scammy online surveys. I also
should have done research on the exam before I walked
into the course I signed up for. The advice I would give
As I entered Junior year I carried a when it comes to college acceptance standardized
multitudinous amount of fears with me, hearing testing is start early but don’t rush. This means give
horrible tales about the stresses that this time in high yourself a lot of time, but don’t rush the process. Take
school can bring. Among the highest of my fears were the time to research and find which test you can tackle
the ACT/SAT exams that are used for college with confidence and efficiency. It is still early for me
acceptance. Now I knew standardized testing had in this process but I feel as though I need to completely
never been my cup of herbal tea, so I decided I would start over before I have even taken the test. As soon as
get a head start with the studying. During the summer, I pick up my ACT book, I feel my fears of not getting
I took this quick little survey online to determine into a college of my liking take over my body, forcing
which test matched a “student like me” (it was as me to slam my book shut. I wish to get out of this
bootleg as they come) and I was steered toward the downward spiral of procrastination and begin to self
ACT. Immediately I went online to find the cheapest motivate. I have to keep reminding myself that this is
course I could take and found one that was perfectly in simply a test and I can conquer it when I fully put my
my price range starting right as school began. At this mind to it.
How I Handle Major
By Jordan Meiland Reviews

Recently, I was given an assignment on Delta Math to

do about 600 or so problems by next Saturday. It sounds
like a lot of work, but I have a few ways of managing
major assignments so that they don't seem too menacing.
Here are a few things I do:

1. Don't ignore the work! Just because something

might not be due the next day doesn't mean you
don't have to do it! Doing a little bit of it now
will make a big difference in the future.

2. Spread it out! Which sounds more desirable:

Doing 50% of the work a day for two days or
doing 10% of the work a day for 10 days? By Alyssa Rodriguez
Obviously 10%. Distributing work evenly helps
First and foremost, Max Barry’s novel,
make the project feel more like a bunch of little
“Lexicon,” is already one of my favorites (but, to be
fair, I love every book I have read or else I wouldn’t
have even finished it). It is the 5th novel to be written
3. Remind yourself! If you have a crowded
by Australian author Max Barry. The novel is told
schedule, remembering to do work on your
from the point of view of two characters. At first, the
project can be tough. Writing little reminders
two points of view are entirely separate and each tell
can help you remember to do a portion of the
their own side of the story, but as “Lexicon”
progresses, the two characters lives intertwine.
4. Think positive! Keeping a open mind while
One of them is named Emily Ruff. She starts
working! Encouraging yourself is a good way to
off as a homeless girl who does card tricks in order to
keep a positive mind. Those are just some of the
make money. She is spotted by someone in the
things I do to manage major assignments. I
audience who notices her natural skill of persuasion.
hope that this will help you with future work
The man recruits her for a school for people who are
because it helped me a lot.
similar to her. She soon learns that this school isn’t
Good Luck.
an ordinary school. It teaches people to be poets. But
they aren’t the kind who write. Instead, they have the First off, even though a lot of the character
skill of cajolery. They have their own language that types are pretty clichéd, they actually didn’t annoy
can oblige someone to do as they say, or me and wormed their way into my heart. It takes
“compromise” them as they say in the book. At the some pretty good writing to pull something like that
school, students learn about people’s minds and the off, especially when the audience has seen these
different types of personalities of people. Poets can characters recycled over and over and over.
use different words on people based on their However, the best part were the visual designs. Oh
personality, or “segment,” to compromise them. man, I could go on FOREVER about how
inspirational the trolls and their secret underground
The other point of view is told from a man world were. I was absolutely blown away by the
named Wil Parke. His part starts off by jumping into a Troll Market, the super vibrant culture, and the
scene where Wil has a sort of needle in his eye and designs for individual trolls (who were extremely
two people are asking him questions and intimidating colorful and full of variation). As a visual artist who
him. They think he’s somehow involved in a natural relishes fresh, unique and out-of-this-world creature
disaster in Broken Hill, Australia that killed every designs, Trollhunters definitely takes the cake for
person in the town (over 3,000 people). The thing is, ME.
they say it wasn’t a “natural disaster,” that it was The Bottom Line: If you can just look past
caused by a word. And now they’re trying to find out the clichés, you will find yourself emerged in a
how it happened and why Will was the only one to vibrant world with charming characters and many
survive it. I was very confused by it, but I personally tender moments.
think it was a great way to start the book. It started out All twenty-six episodes are now streaming on
exciting and had me hooked from the first sentence. At Netflix.
first, Wil has no idea what’s going on or how he’s
connected to the secret lives of poets, but throughout
the novel he starts to understand and remember how
he’s linked to the “poet society.”

This book is action-packed and will leave you

guessing for about three-fourths of it. I would highly
recommend “Lexicon” for anyone who likes to read
about science-fiction dystopias and doesn’t enjoy

By Kaitlyn Quach

Guillermo Del Toro is the guy who’s famous

for making surreal fantasy/horror films with
beautifully vibrant monsters and magic infused within.
Now he’s created a family-friendly animated series
called Trollhunters. I watched the trailer and the
clichés sort of turned me off --- the white male lead
who is suddenly The Chosen One and now has to
juggle saving the world and maintaining a normal
teenage life, his short, chubby best friend who serves
mostly as comic relief, the Cool Girl who’s the love
interest of the Chosen One (and has no flaws
whatsoever). BUT WAIT --- when it released, I STILL
decided to give it a shot. And woah, it was actually
pretty darn good.
Creative Writing
By Alyssa Rodriguez going home alone at night, as if being assaulted were
their fault. Because the government has the right to
10th grade choose what a woman does with her body, not her.
Feminism has helped me strive for success no
matter what. I won’t let anyone tell me what I’m
On a rainy Saturday morning, I was randomly “supposed” to be. I have learned that women may
scrolling through an online news website when I had choose to have any career they want. Whether they
stumbled upon an article with the word feminism in want to a housewife or CEO of a company, they
the title. should not be judged for it. I have learned to be more
“Mom! What does the word ‘feminism’ accepting of other people and myself. I am much
mean?” more confident than I was before, because of such an
“I’m not sure, just look it up!” accepting community. Before, I used to stray away
I didn’t really know what the word meant, but from math. I thought I wasn’t smart enough for it
eleven year old me had guessed it had something to do because I was afraid that I would get judged for
with women. So I spent the rest of my day looking up getting a wrong answer. But, I began to realize that I
the definition and reading about it. There were so was good at math and that I actually enjoyed solving
many articles on it, how it affected other people, why problems. I learned that shouldn’t isolate myself from
people needed it, what society did to young girls like leadership positions in math and science if I love
myself, and so much more! I felt as if I was finally those subjects. I am so happy for realizing why I
waking up from a long nap, I felt refreshed and as if I need feminism and I honestly cannot imagine my life
were a new, enlightened person. without it.
On Monday at school, I started telling people
what I had learned and discovered about feminism. I
was shocked to find out that no one really knew what
it meant, but to be fair we were all in the 6th grade. As
I was explaining it to the students in my class, and
eventually my family members, quite a few people
thought feminism wasn’t really needed right now
because “women and men were already equal”, most
of the people saying this to me were male. I was
astonished. I couldn’t believe what they were saying. I
felt like in their eyes I was less than them. I was really
angry because of this and had many arguments about
the significance of feminism. They argued that women
are still equal to men and that there’s no need for
feminism anymore. I asked them if they think women
are equal even though they get paid $0.24 less than a
man does, and even lower for women of color. I
continued arguing by saying that when women are
sexually assaulted, they are told that they shouldn’t
have been wearing that outfit, or drinking alcohol, or
Poems by Thais Lawson

Is everyone as strange as me?

If I could look into their heads, Falling Angels
What would I see?
What would I have said? Angels knocking at my door,
And tapping on the window’s glass.
What if I could re-do everything I’ve
They light upon the forest floor,
And patter down upon the grass.
And avoid all my mistakes?
Instead of losing I could’ve won,
They wash away the dust of day,
And avoid all heartache.
And chase away the pain of night,
Or know exactly what to say, And while outside the sky is grey,
And control others as pawns. Inside my heart is warm and light.
What would I be willing to pay,
For all my problems to be gone? I stretch my hand out as they land,
And all around me angels sing.
If I could do all this, A pool of angels in my hand,
Would I be content? And all around me - angel’s wings.
Would I be in a state of absolute
Or in unending torment?
My darling
If I could do all these things,
Would I be lonely? I give my darling a golden cell,
Would my gifts be attached to strings, And still she does not sing.
And my life become completely I give her water from the purest well,
phony? And still she does not sing.
What would I have to live for, I give my darling a silver chain,
If I could do no wrong? And still she does not sing.
Getting out of bed would become a I tell her that her silence brings me pain,
chore, And still she will not sing.
And for my mistakes I would soon
long. I give my darling the best feed,
And still she does not sing.
It’s better to be flawed, I give her all she’d ever need,
Than not human at all. Why won’t my darling sing?
It’s better to be odd,
Than separated from life by a perfect
The Key to Friendship
By Kaitlyn Quach

Thank you for reading The State of The Arts!

If you would like to write or suggest something,
please don’t hesitate to contact us at!
We’re always open to new additions.

Alec Spector, Malach Campbell, and Kaitlyn Quach.

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