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1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Topics of Signals and Systems 117 Question(s) | Weightage 12 (Marks)

De nitions and properties of Laplace transform (Signals-Systems/De nitions-properties-Laplace-
transform) , Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier series (Signals-Systems/Continuous-time-
discrete-time-Fourier-series) , Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier Transform (Signals-
Systems/Continuous-time-discrete-time-Fourier-Transform) , DFT and FFT (Signals-Systems/DFT-
FFT) , Z-transform (Signals-Systems/Ztransform) , Sampling theorem (Signals-Systems/Sampling-
theorem) , Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems (Signals-Systems/Linear-Time-Invariant-LTI-
Systems) , LTI de nitions and properties , LTI property , Property causality , Stability , Impulse
response (Signals-Systems/Impulse-response) , Convolution , Poles and zeros , Parallel and
cascade structure , Frequency response (Signals-Systems/Frequency-response) , Group delay ,
Phase delay , Signal transmission through LTI systems

Question No. 16 GATE - 2016 01

Which one of the following is an eigen function of the class of all continuous-time, linear, timeinvariant
systems (u (t) denotes the unit-step function)?

 (A) ejω 0t
u (t)  (B) cos (ω0 t)  (C) ejω 0t
 (D) sin (ω0 t)

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(C) ejω 0t

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 17 GATE - 2016 01

A continuous-time function x(t) is periodic with period T. The function is sampled uniformly with a
sampling period Ts. In which one of the following cases is the sampled signal periodic?

 (A) T = √2 Ts  (B) T = 1. 2Ts  (C) Always  (D) Never

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(B) T = 1. 2Ts

Subject : Signals and Systems 1/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Question No. 18 GATE - 2016 01

Consider the sequence x [n] = an u [n] + bn u [n], where u [n] denotes the unit-step sequence and
0 < |a| < |b| < 1. The region of convergence (ROC) of the z-transform of x [n] is

 (A) |z| > |a|  (B) |z| > |b|  (C) |z| < |a|  (D) |a| < |z| < |b|

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(B) |z| > |b|

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 20 GATE - 2016 01

A continuous-time sinusoid of frequency 33 Hz is multiplied with a periodic Dirac impulse train of

frequency 46 Hz. The resulting signal is passed through an ideal analog low-pass lter with a cuto
frequency of 23 Hz. The fundamental frequency (in Hz) of the output is _________

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12 : 14
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Sampling theorem

Question No. 40 GATE - 2016 02

The Laplace transform of the causal periodic square wave of period T shown in the gure below is 2/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

 (A) F (s) =
−sT /2
 (B) F (s) =

 (C) F (s) =
1+e −
s(1−e )
s(1+e 2 )

 (D) F (s) =

1−e −sT

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(Marks to all) Marks to all

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 41 GATE - 2016 02

A network consisting of a nite number of linear resistor (R), inductor (L), and capacitor (C) elements,
connected all in series or all in parallel, is excited with a source of the form
∑ ak cos(kω0 t), where ak ≠ 0 , ω0 ≠ 0.

The source has nonzero impedance. Which one of the following is a possible form of the output
measured across a resistor in the network?

 (A)  ∑ bk cos(kω0 t + ϕk ), where bk ≠ ak , ∀ k


4 3

 (B)  ∑ bk cos(kω0 t + ϕk ), where bk ≠ ak , ∀ k  (C)  ∑ bk cos(kω0 t + ϕk )

k=1 k=1

 (D)  ∑ bk cos(kω0 t + ϕk )

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1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

(A) ∑ bk cos(kω0 t + ϕk ), where bk ≠ ak , ∀ k


Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 42 GATE - 2016 02

A rst-order low-pass lter of time constant T is excited with di erent input signals (with zero initial
conditions up to t = 0). Match the excitation signals X, Y, Z with the corresponding time responses for t
≥ 0:
X: Impulse       P : 1 − e−t/T
Y: Unit step    Q : t − T (1 − e

Z: Ramp   R:e

 (A) X→R, Y→Q, Z→P  (B) X→Q, Y→P, Z→R  (C) X→R, Y→P, Z→Q  (D) X→P, Y→R, Z→Q

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(C) X→R, Y→P, Z→Q

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 45 GATE - 2016 02

Consider the signal

x [n] = 6 δ [n + 2] + 3 δ [n + 1] + 8 δ [n] + 7 δ [n − 1] + 4 δ [n − 2]

If X (ejω ) is the discrete-time Fourier transform of x[n],

then is equal to _________
1 π jω 2
∫ X (e ) sin (2ω)dω
n −π

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1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

7.9 : 8.1
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : DFT and FFT

Question No. 120 GATE - 2016 01

The energy of the signal x (t)  =  
is ________

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0.24 : 0.26
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier Transform

Question No. 142 GATE - 2016 02

A continuous-time lter with transfer function is converted to a discretetime lter

H (s) = 2
s +6s+8

2z 2 −0.5032 z
with transfer function G (z) =
so that the impulse response of the continuous-time
z −0.5032 z+k

lter, sampled at 2 Hz, is identical at the sampling instants to the impulse response of the discrete time
lter. The value of k is ________

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0.04 : 0.06
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : DFT and FFT

Question No. 143 GATE - 2016 02 5/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of the 4-point sequence

x [n] = {[0], x [1], x [2], x [3]} = {3, 2, 3, 4}  is

X [k] = {X [0], X [1], X [2], X [3]} = {12, 2j, 0 − 2j}.

IfX1 [k] is the DTF of 12-point sequence x1 [n] = {3, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0}

X1 [8]
the value of ∣∣ ∣

is ________
X1 [11]

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5.9 : 6.1
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : DFT and FFT

Question No. 216 GATE - 2016 01

Consider the signal x (t) = cos (6πt) + sin (8πt), where t is in seconds. The Nyquist sampling rate
(in samples/second) for the signal y (t) = x (2t + 5) is

 (A) 8  (B) 12  (C) 16  (D) 32

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Question No. 217 GATE - 2016 01

sin(t) sin(t)
If the signal x (t) =
with * ; denoting the convolution operation, then x(t) is equal to

sin(t) sin(2t) 2 sin(t) sin(t)
 (A)  πt
 (B)  2πt
 (C)  πt
 (D) ( πt

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1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

(A) πt

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 218 GATE - 2016 01

A discreate-time signal  x [n] = δ [n − 3] + δ [n − 5] has z-transform X(z). If Y(z)=X(-z) is the z-

transform of another signal y[n],then

 (A) y[n] = x[n]  (B) y[n] = x[-n]  (C) y[n] = -x[n]  (D) y[n] = -x[-n]

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(C) y[n] = -x[n]

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 240 GATE - 2016 02

A signal 2 cos( 2π
t) − cos (πt) is the input to an LTI system with the transfer function

                                                                          H (s) s
= e
+ e

If Ck denotes the kth coe cient in the exponential Fourier series of the output signal, then C3 is equal

 (A) 0  (B) 1  (C) 2  (D) 3

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(B) 1
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform 7/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Question No. 241 GATE - 2016 02

The ROC (region of convergence) of the z-transform of a discrete-time signal is represented by the
shaded region in the z-plane. If the signal , then the ROC of its z-
x [n] = (2. 0) , −∞ < n < +∞

transform is represented by

 (A)   (B) 

 (C)   (D) 

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(D) 8/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 245 GATE - 2016 02

A continuous-time speech signal xa(t) is sampled at a rate of 8 kHz and the samples are subsequently
grouped in blocks, each of size N. The DFT of each block is to be computed in real time using the radix-
2 decimation-in-frequency FFT algorithm. If the processor performs all operations sequentially, and
takes 20 μs for computing each complex multiplication (including multiplications by 1 and −1) and the
time required for addition/subtraction is negligible, then the maximum value of N is __________

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4096 : 4096
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : DFT and FFT

Question No. 246 GATE - 2016 02

The direct form structure of an FIR ( nite impulse response) lter is shown in the gure. 9/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

The lter can be used to approximate a

 (A) low-pass lter  (B) high-pass lter  (C) band-pass lter  (D) band-stop lter

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(C) band-pass lter

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : DFT and FFT

Question No. 27 GATE - 2015 01

The result of the convolution x (–t) * δ(–t – to) is

 (A) x(t+to)  (B) x(t–to)  (C) x(–t + to)  (D) x(–t–to)

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(D) x(–t–to)
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 28 GATE - 2015 01

The waveform of a periodic signal x(t) is shown in the gure. 10/55
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A signal g(t) is de ned by g (t) = x(


) . The average power of g(t) is ______.

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Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 53 GATE - 2015 02

Two sequences [a,b,c] and [A,B,C] are related as,

A 1 1 1
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡a⎤

−1 −2 j
⎢B⎥ = ⎢ 1 W
⎥ ⎢ b ⎥ W here W3 = e 3

⎣ ⎦ ⎣ −2 −4 ⎦⎣ ⎦
C 1 W W c
3 3

If another sequence [p, q, r] is derived as,

p 1 1 1 1 0 0 A/
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤⎡ ⎤⎡ 3 ⎤
1 2 2
⎢ q ⎥ = ⎢ 1 W
⎥⎢ 0 W
0 ⎥⎢ B/
3 ⎥,
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ 2 4 ⎦⎣ 4 ⎦⎣ ⎦
r 1 W W 0 0 W C/
3 3 3

then the relationship between the sequences [p, q, r] and [a,b,c] is

 (A) [p, q, r] = [b, a, c]  (B) [p, q, r] = [b, c, a]  (C) [p, q, r] = [c, a, b]  (D) [p, q, r] = [c, b, a]

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(C) [p, q, r] = [c, a, b]

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : DFT and FFT 11/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Question No. 54 GATE - 2015 02

For the discrete time system shown in the gure, the poles of the system transfer function are Located

 (A) 2,  3  (B)  12 ,  3  (C)  12 ,   13  (D) 2,   13

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(C) 1



Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 55 GATE - 2015 02

The pole-zero diagram of a causal and stable discrete-time system is shown in the gure. The zero at
the origin has multiplicity 4. The impulse response of the system is h[n]. If h[0] = 1, we can conclude. 12/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

 (A) h[n] is real for all n  (B) h[n] is purely imaginary for all n

 (C) h[n] is real for only even n  (D) h[n] is purely imaginary for only odd n

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(A) h[n] is real for all n

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 111 GATE - 2015 01

1 if  a ≤ t ≤ b
The bilateral Laplace transform of a function f (t) = { is
0 Other   wise

e (a−b) −as −bs s(a−b)

 (A)  a−b
 (B)  s
 (C)  e −e

 (D)  e s

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−as −bs

(C) e −e

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 115 GATE - 2015 01

The magnitude and phase of the complex Fourier series coe cients ak of a periodic signal x(t) are
shown in the gure. Choose the correct statement from the four choices given. Notation C is the set of
complex numbers, R is the set of purely real numbers, and P is the set of purely imaginary numbers. 13/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

 (A) x(t) ∈ R  (B) x(t) ∈ P  (C) x(t) ∈ (C – R)

 (D) the information given is not su cient to draw any conclusion about x(t)

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(A) x(t) ∈ R
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier series

Question No. 127 GATE - 2015 01

Let the signal f(t) = 0 outside the interval [T1, T2], where T1 and T2 are nite. Furthermore, |f (t)| < ∞

. The region of convergence (RoC) of the signal’s bilateral Laplace transform F(s) is

 (A) a parallel strip containing the jΩ axis  (B) a parallel strip not containing the jΩ axis

 (C) the entire s-plane  (D) a half plane containing the jΩ axis

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(C) the entire s-plane

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 128 GATE - 2015 01 14/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Two casual discrete-time signals x[n] and y[n] are related as . If the z-transform
y [n] = ∑ x [m]

of y [n] is  2
, the value of x[2] is _______.

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Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 133 GATE - 2015 01

The signal cos (10πt + π

) is ideally sampled at a sampling frequency of 15 Hz. The sampled signal is
passed through a lter with impulse response ( πt
) cos (40πt −

) . The lter output is

 (A)   (B)   (C) 
15 π 15 π 15 π
cos (40πt − ) ( ) cos (10πt + ) cos (10πt − )
2 4 2 πt 4 2 4

 (D)  15
sin(πt) π
( ) cos (40πt − )
2 πt 4

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(A) 15
cos (40πt −
2 4

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Sampling theorem

Question No. 136 GATE - 2015 02

Consider the di erential equation dx

= 10-0.2x with initial condition x(0) = 1. The response x(t) for t>0


 (A) 2-e-0.2t  (B) 2 - e0.2t  (C) 50 - 49e-0.2t  (D) 50 - 49e0.2t

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(C) 50 - 49e-0.2t
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 153 GATE - 2015 02

Input x(t) and output y(t) of an LTI system are related by the di erential equation y''(t) - y-(t) - 6y(t) =
x(t). If the system is neither causal nor stable, the impulse response h(t) of the system is

 (A)  1 e3t u (−t) + 1 −2t

e u (−t)  (B)  −1 e3t u (−t) + 1
u (−t)
5 5 5 5

 (C)  15 e3t u (−t) − 1

e u (t)  (D) − 15 e3t u (−t) − 1

u (t)

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(B) −1

e u (−t) +

u (−t)

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 154 GATE - 2015 02

Consider two real sequences with time – origin marked by the bold value,

x1[n] ={1,2,3,0} , x2[n] ={1,3,2,1}

Let X1(k) and X2(k) be 4-point DFTs of x1[n] and x2[n] , respectively . Another sequence x3[n] is derived
by taking 4-point inverse DFT of X3(k) =X1(k)X2(k) .

The value of x3[2] is_____.

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10.9 to 11.1 16/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : DFT and FFT

Question No. 155 GATE - 2015 02

Let x(t) = α s(t) +s(–t) with s(t) = β e-4t u(t) , where u(t) is unit step function . If the bilateral Laplace
transform of x(t) is

X (s)  =   2
− 4  < Re{s} < 4;
s − 16

Then the value of β is______.

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Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 214 GATE - 2015 01

Consider the function g (t) = e

sin (2πt)u (t) where u(t) is the unit step function. The area under
g(t) is _____.

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0.14 to 0.16
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier Transform 17/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Question No. 215 GATE - 2015 01

The value of ∑ n(

) is _____.

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Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 227 GATE - 2015 01

The impulse response of an LTI system can be obtained by

 (A) di erentiating the unit ramp response  (B) di erentiating the unit step response

 (C) di erentiating the unit step response  (D) integrating the unit step response

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(B) di erentiating the unit step response

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 228 GATE - 2015 01

Consider a four-point moving average lter de ned by the equation y [n] = . The
∑ αi x [n − i]

condition on the lter coe cients that results in a null at zero frequency is

 (A)  α1 = α2 = 0; α0 = −α3  (B)  α1 = α2 = 1; α0 = −α3

 (C)  α0 = α3 = 0; α1 =α2  (D)  α1 = α2 = 0; α0 = α3 18/55
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(A)  α1 = α2 = 0; α0 = −α3

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 252 GATE - 2015 02

Suppose x[n] is an absolutely summable discrete-time signal. Its z-transform is a rational function with
two poles and two zeroes. The poles are at z = ±2j . Which one of the following statements is TRUE
for the signal x[n]?

 (A) It is a nite duration signal.  (B) It is a causal signal.  (C) It is a non-causal signal.

 (D) It is a periodic signal.

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(B) It is a causal signal.

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 253 GATE - 2015 02

A realization of a stable discrete time system is shown in the gure. If the system is excited by a unit
step sequence input x[n], the response y[n] is 19/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer
n n n n
 (A) 4(− 13 ) u [n] − 5(−

) u [n]  (B) 5(− 23 ) u [n] − 3(−

) u [n]

n n n n
 (C) 5( 13 ) u [n] − 5(

) u [n]  (D) 5( 23 ) u [n] − 5(

) u [n]

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n n
(C) 5( 13 ) u [n] − 5(

) u [n]

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 254 GATE - 2015 02

Let x̃ [n] = 1 + cos (


) be a periodic signal with period 16. Its DFS coe cients are de ned by

ak =

∑ x̃ [n] exp (−j

kn) for all k. The value of the coe cients a31 is_____.

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0.48 to 0.52
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier series

Question No. 255 GATE - 2015 02

Consider a continuous-time signal de ned as

       x (t) = ( ) ∗ ∑ δ (t − 10n)

where '*' denotes the convolution operation and t is in seconds. The Nyquist sampling rate (in
samples/sec) for x(t) is ___________.

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1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

0.39 to 0.41
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Sampling theorem

Question No. 259 GATE - 2015 02

Two sequences x1 [n] and x2 [n] have the same energy. Suppose x1 [n] n
= α 0. 5  u [n] , where α is a
positive real number and u [n] is the unit step sequence. Assume

√1. 5   for  n = 0, 1
x2 [n] = {
0  otherwise.

Then the value of α is_______.

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1.49 to 1.51
Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 261 GATE - 2015 02

The complex envelope of the bandpass signal x (t) = −√2 ( ) sin(πt −

,centered about

f =
Hz , is

π π π

 (A) (  (B) (  (C) √2 (

sin(πt/5) j sin(πt/5) −j sin(πt/5) j
)e 4 )e 4 )e 4

πt/5 πt/5 πt/5

 (D) √2 (
sin(πt/5) −j
)e 4


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(C) √2 (
sin(πt/5) j
)e 4

πt/5 21/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 13 GATE - 2014 01

z −z+4j
C is a closed path in the z-plane given by |z|=3. The value of the integral ∮C (
) dz

 (A) −4π (1 + j2)  (B) 4π (3 − j2)  (C) −4π (3 + j2)  (D) 4π (1 − j2)

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(C) −4π (3 + j2)

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 27 GATE - 2014 01

A discrete-time signal x [n] 2

= sin (π n), n being an integer is

 (A) periodic with period π .  (B) periodic with period π 2  (C) periodic with period π/2.

 (D) not periodic

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(D) not periodic

Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 28 GATE - 2014 01

Consider two real valued signals, x(t) band-limited to [ –500 Hz, 500 Hz] and y(t) bandlimited to [ –1 kHz,
1 kHz]. For z(t) = x(t)•y(t), the Nyquist sampling frequency (in kHz) is ______.

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2.99 to 3.01
Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 29 GATE - 2014 01

A continuous, linear time-invariant lter has an impulse response h(t) described by

3 f or 0 ≤ t ≤ 3
h (t) = {
0 otherwise

When a constant input of value 5 is applied to this lter, the steady state output is_____.

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44 to 46
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 37 GATE - 2014 02

For a function g(t), it is given that ∫−∞ for any real value ω.
+∞ −jwt −2ω 2
g (t)e dt = ωe

If y (t) , then ∫−∞ y (t)dt  is

t t
= ∫ g (t)dτ ,

j j
 (A)   0  (B) −j  (C) − 2  (D)  2

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(B) −j

Subject : Signals and Systems 23/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 53 GATE - 2014 02

n n
Let  x [n] = (−

) u (n) − (−

) u (−n − 1) The Region of Convergence (ROC) of the z-transform
of x[n]

 (A) is  |z| >


.  (B) is  |z| <

 (C) is  13 > |z| >

 (D) does not exist.

Show Answer

(C) is  13 >is 

> |z| >

|z| >

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 54 GATE - 2014 02

Consider a discrete time periodic signal x [n] = sin (


. Let ak be the complex Fourier series

coe cients of x [n]. The coe cients {ak } are non-zero when k = BM ± 1 where M is any integer.
The value of B is______.

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9.99 to 10.01
Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 55 GATE - 2014 02 24/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

A system is described by the following di erential equation, where u(t) is the input to the system and
y(t) is the output of the system

y (t) + 5y (t) = u (t)

When y(0) =1 and u(t) is a unit step function, y(t) is

 (A) 0. 2 + 0. 8e−5t  (B) 0. 2 − 0. 2e−5t  (C) 0. 8 + 0. 2e−5t  (D) 0. 8 − 0. 8e−5t

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(A) 0. 2 + 0. 8e−5t
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 127 GATE - 2014 01

An FIR system is described by the system function

7 −1 3 −2
H (z) = 1 + z + z
2 2

The system is

 (A) maximum phase  (B) minimum phase  (C) mixed phase  (D) zero phase

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(C) mixed phase

Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 128 GATE - 2014 01

Let x[n]=x[-n]. Let X(z) be the z-transform of x[n]. If 0.5+j 0.25 is a zero of ,X(z) which one of the following
must also be a zero of X(z)

 (A) 0.5−j 0.25  (B) 1/(0.5+j 0.25)  (C) 1/(0.5−j 0.25)  (D) 2+j 4 25/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

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(B) 1/(0.5+j 0.25)

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 129 GATE - 2014 01

Consider the periodic square wave in the gure shown

The ratio of the power in the 7th harmonic to the power in the 5th harmonic for this waveform is
closest in value to _______.

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0.50 to 0.52
Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 153 GATE - 2014 02

Consider a discrete-time signal

n f or 0 ≤ n ≤ 10
x [n] = { .
0 otherwise

If y[n] is the convolution of x[n] with itself, the value of y[4] is _________. 26/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

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9.9 to 10.1
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 154 GATE - 2014 02

The input-output relationship of a causal stable LTI system is given as

y [n] = αy [n − 1] + β x [n]

If the impulse response h[n] of this system satis es the condition , the relationship

∑ h [n] = 2

between α and β is

 (A) α = 1 − β/2  (B) α = 1 + β/2  (C) α = 2β  (D) α = −2β

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(A) α = 1 − β/2

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 155 GATE - 2014 02

The value of the integral ∫−∞ sin c 2 (5t)dt is ________.

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0.19 to 0.21
Subject : Signals and Systems 27/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Question No. 227 GATE - 2014 01

Let x (t) = cos (10πt) + cos (30πt) be sampled at 20 Hz and reconstructed using an ideal low-pass
lter with cut-o frequency of 20 Hz. The frequency/frequencies present in the reconstructed signal

 (A) 5 Hz and 15 Hz only  (B) 10 Hz and 15 Hz only  (C) 5 Hz, 10 Hz and 15 Hz only

 (D) 5 Hz only

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(A) 5 Hz and 15 Hz only

Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 228 GATE - 2014 01

(z −b)
For an all-pass system H (z) = −1
, where ∣∣H (e−jω )∣∣ = 1 for all ω
(1−az )

if Re (a) ≠ 0, I m (a) ≠ 0, then b equals

 (A) a  (B) a∗  (C) 1/a∗  (D) 1/a

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(B) a∗
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 231 GATE - 2014 01

The input −3e2t u (t), where u (t) is the unit step function, is applied to a system with transfer
function s−2
. If the initial value of the output is −2, then the value of the output at steady state is
_______. 28/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

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-0.01 to 0.01
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 253 GATE - 2014 02

−1 −1
Let H1 (z) = (1 − pz
) , H2 (z) = (1 − qz
) , H (z) = H1 (z) + rH2 (z) . The quantities
p, q, r are real numbers. Consider p =

,q = −

,|r| < 1 . If the zero of H (z) lies on the unit circle,
then r = ________

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-0.6 to -0.4
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 254 GATE - 2014 02

Let h (t) denote the impulse response of a causal system with transfer function 1

. Consider the
following three statements.

S1: The system is stable.

S2: is independent of t for t >0.

S3: A non-causal system with the same transfer function is stable.

For the above system, 29/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

 (A) only S1 and S2 are true  (B) only S2 and S3 are true  (C) only S1 and S3 are true

 (D) S1, S2 and S3 are true

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(A) only S1 and S2 are true

Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 255 GATE - 2014 02

The z-transform of the sequence x[n] is given by X (z) =

  , with the region of convergence
(1−2z −1 )

|z| > 2 . Then, x [2] is ________.

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11.9 to 12.1
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 259 GATE - 2014 02

Let X (t) be a wide sense stationary (WSS) random process with power spectral density S x (f ) . If
Y (t) is the process de ned as Y (t) = X (2t − 1), the power spectral density S y (f ) is

f f
 (A) SY (f ) =

SX (
 (B) SY (f ) =

SX (

f f
 (C) SY (f ) =

SX (
)  (D) SY (f ) =

SX (

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(C) SY (f ) =

SX (
) 30/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 324 GATE - 2014 01

For a given sample-and-hold circuit, if the value of the hold capacitor is increased, then

 (A) droop rate decreases and acquisition time decreases

 (B) droop rate decreases and acquisition time increases

 (C) droop rate increases and acquisition time decreases

 (D) droop rate increases and acquisition time increases

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(B) droop rate decreases and acquisition time increases

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Sampling theorem

Question No. 327 GATE - 2014 01

A Fourier transform pair is given by

n FT −j6πf
2 Ae
( ) u [n + 3] ⇐
⇒ 2
3 −j2πf
1−( )e

where u[n] denotes the unit step sequence. The values of A is _________

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3.36 to 3.39
Subject : Signals and Systems 31/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Question No. 328 GATE - 2014 01

A real-valued signal x(t) limited to the frequency band |f | ≤


is passed through a linear time
invariant system whose frequency response is

−j4πf W
e , |f | ≤
H (f ) = {
0, |f | >

The output of the system is

 (A) x(t+ 4)  (B) x(t − 4)  (C) x(t + 2)  (D) x(t − 2)

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(D) x(t − 2)
Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 329 GATE - 2014 01

The sequence n
x [n] = 0. 5 u [n], where u [n] is the unit step sequence, is convolved with itself to
obtain y [n]. Then ∑n=−∞ is _______.
y [n]

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3.9 to 4.1
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 338 GATE - 2014 02

The unilateral Laplace transform of f (t) is  2

one of the following is the unilateral Laplace
s +s+1

transform of g(t)=t·f(t)? 32/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer
 (A)   (B)   (C)   (D) 
−s s 2s+1
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
(s +s+1) (s +s+1) (s +s+1) (s +s+1)

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(s 2 +s+1)

Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 353 GATE - 2014 02

A stable linear time invariant (LTI) system has a transfer function H (s) =
. To make this
s 2 +s−6

system causal it needs to be cascaded with another LTI system having a transfer function H1(s). A
correct choice for H1(s) among the following options is

 (A) s +3  (B) s − 2  (C) s − 6  (D) s +1

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(B) s − 2
Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 355 GATE - 2014 02

The N-point DFT x of a sequence x[n], 0 ≤ n ≤ N−1 is given by

N −1 2π
1 −j nk
X [K ] = ∑ x [n] e N , 0 ≤ K ≤ N − 1.

Denote this relation as X=DFT (x). For N=4, which one of the following sequences satis es DFT (DFT (x))
= x?

 (A) x = [ 1 2 3 4]  (B) x = [ 1 2 3 2]  (C) x = [ 1 3 2 2]

 (D) x = [ 1 2 2 3]

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1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

(B) x = [ 1 2 3 2]

Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 3 GATE - 2013 01

Two systems with impulse responses h1(t) and h2(t) are connected in cascade. Then the overall impulse
response of the cascaded system is given by

 (A) product of h1(t) and h2(t)  (B) sum of h1(t) and h2(t)  (C) convolution of h1(t) and h2(t)

 (D) subtraction of h2(t) from h1(t)

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(C) convolution of h1(t) and h2(t)

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Impulse response

Question No. 8 GATE - 2013 01

The impulse response of a system is h(t) = tu(t) .For an input u(t − 1) , the output is

2 t(t−1) (t−1) 2

 (A)  t2 u (t)  (B)  2

u (t − 1)  (C)  2
u (t − 1)  (D)  t −1

u (t − 1)

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(C) 2
u (t − 1)

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Frequency response

Question No. 14 GATE - 2013 01 34/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

For a periodic signal v(t) = 30 sin 100t + 10 cos 300t + 6 sin(500t + π/4) , the fundamental
frequency in rad/s is

 (A) 100  (B) 300  (C) 500  (D) 1500

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(A) 100
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Frequency response

Question No. 16 GATE - 2013 01

A band-limited signal with a maximum frequency of 5 kHz is to be sampled. According to the sampling
theorem, the sampling frequency which is not valid is

 (A) 5 kHz  (B) 12 kHz  (C) 15 kHz  (D) 20 kHz

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(A) 5 kHz
Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 25 GATE - 2013 01

Let g(t) = e−πt , and h(t) is a lter matched to g(t) . If g(t) is applied as input to h(t) , then the Fourier
transform of the output is

2 2 2

 (A) e−πf  (B) e−πf /2
 (C) e−π|f |  (D) e−2πf

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(D) e−2πf
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier series 35/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Question No. 33 GATE - 2013 02

The impulse response of a continuous time system is given by h(t) = δ(t -1) + δ(t - 3) . The value of the
step response at t = 2 is

 (A) 0  (B) 1  (C) 2  (D) 3

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(B) 1
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 36 GATE - 2013 02

A system is described by the di erential equation .

d y dy
+ 5 + 6y(t) = x(t)
2 dt

Let x(t) be a rectangular pulse given by

1 0 < t < 2
x(t) = {
0 otherwise

Assuming that y(0) = 0 and at t = 0, the Laplace transform of y(t) is

= 0

−2s −2s −2s −2s

e 1−e e 1−e
 (A)   (B)   (C)   (D) 
s(s+2)(s+3) s(s+2)(s+3) (s+2)(s+3) (s+2)(s+3)

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Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 39 GATE - 2013 02 36/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

The DFT of a vector [ a b c d] is the vector [ α β γ δ ] . Consider the product

a b c d
⎡ ⎤

⎢d a b c ⎥
[p q r =
s ] [a b c d] ⎢ ⎥
⎢ c d a b ⎥
⎣ ⎦
b c d a

The DFT of the vector [ p q r s ] is a scaled version of

 (A) [ α2 β
]  (B) [√α √β√γ √δ]  (C) [ α + β β+δ δ+γ γ+α ]

 (D) [ α β γ δ ]

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(A) [ α2 β

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 11 GATE - 2012 01

The unilateral Laplace transform of f (t) is . The unilateral Laplace transform of t f (t) is
s +s+1

2s+1 2s+1
 (A) −  (B) −  (C)   (D) 
s s
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
(s +s+1) (s +s+1) (s +s+1) (s +s+1)

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(D) 2
(s +s+1)

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 18 GATE - 2012 01

If x [n] = (1/3) , then the region of convergence (ROC) of its Z-transform in the Z-
|n| n
− (1/2) u [n]

plane will be 37/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

 (A)  3 1
< |z| < 3  (B)  13 < |z| <

 (C)  12 < |z| < 3  (D)  13 < |z|

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(C) 1

< |z| < 3

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 29 GATE - 2012 02

The input x(t) and output y(t) of a system are related as y (t) = ∫ x (τ ) cos(3τ )dτ . The system is

 (A) time-invariant and stable  (B) stable and not time-invariant

 (C) time-invariant and not stable  (D) not time-invariant and not stable

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(D) not time-invariant and not stable

Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 31 GATE - 2012 02

The Fourier transform of a signal h(t) is H (jω) = (2 cos ω) (sin 2ω)/ω. The value of h(0) is

 (A) 1/4  (B) 1/2  (C) 1  (D) 2

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(C) 1
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier Transform 38/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Question No. 42 GATE - 2012 02

Let y[n] denote the convolution of h[n] and g[n], where h[n]=(1/2)n u[n] and g[n] is a causal sequence.
If y[0] = 1 and y[1] = 1/2, then g[1] equals

 (A) 0  (B) 1/2  (C) 1  (D) 3/2

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(A) 0
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 5 GATE - 2011 01

The trigonometric Fourier series of an even function does not have the

 (A) dc term  (B) cosine terms  (C) sine terms  (D) odd harmonic terms

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(C) sine terms

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier series

Question No. 17 GATE - 2011 01

A system is de ned by its impulse response h(n) = 2n u(n − 2). The system is

 (A) stable and causal  (B) causal but not stable  (C) stable but not causal

 (D) unstable and non-causal

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(B) causal but not stable 39/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 18 GATE - 2011 01

If the unit step response of a network is (1 − e−αt ) then its unit impulse response is

 (A) αe−αt  (B) α −1 e−αt  (C) (1 − α −1 )e−αt  (D) (1 − α)e−αt

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(A) αe−αt
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 29 GATE - 2011 02

Two systems H1 (z) and H2 (z) are connected in cascade as shown below. The over all output y(n) is the
same as the input x(n) with a one unit delay. The transfer function of the second system H2 (z) is

−1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1
(1−0.6z ) z (1−0.6z ) z (1−0.4z ) (1−0.4z )
 (A)  −1 −1
 (B)  −1
 (C)  −1
 (D)  −1 −1
z (1−0.4z ) (1−0.4z ) (1−0.6z ) z (1−0.6z )

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−1 −1
z (1−0.6z )
(B) −1
(1−0.4z )

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Z-transform 40/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

Question No. 31 GATE - 2011 02

The rst six point of the 8-points DFT of a real valued sequence are 5,1-j3,0,3-j4,0 and 3+j4.The last two
points of the DFT are respectively

 (A) 0, 1 − j3  (B) 0, 1 + j3  (C) 1 + j3, 5  (D) 1 – j3, 5

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(B) 0, 1 + j3
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : DFT and FFT

Question No. 43 GATE - 2011 02

An input x (t) = exp (−2t)u(t) + δ (t − 6) is applied to an LTI system with impulse response h(t) = u(t) . The
output is is

 (A) [1 − exp (−2t)]u (t) + u (t + 6)  (B) [1 − exp (−2t)]u (t) + u (t − 6)

 (C) 0. 5 [1 − exp (−2t)]u (t) + u (t + 6)  (D) 0. 5 [1 − exp (−2t)]u (t) + u (t − 6)

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(D) 0. 5 [1 − exp (−2t)]u (t) + u (t − 6)

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 45 GATE - 2011 02

If F (S ) = L[f (t)] = 2
  then the initial and nal values of f(t) are respectively
s +4s+7

 (A) 0,2  (B) 2,0  (C) 0,2/7  (D) 2/7,0

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1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

(B) 2,0
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 14 GATE - 2010 01

Consider the z-transform X(z) = 5z2 + 4z-1 + 3; 0<|z| < ∞ . The inverse z transform x[n] is

 (A) 5δ[n + 2] + 3δ [n] + 4δ [n – 1]  (B) 5δ [n - 2] + 3δ [n] + 4δ [n + 1]

 (C) 5 u[n + 2] + 3 u[n] + 4 u[n – 1]  (D) 5 u[n - 2] + 3 u[n] + 4 u[n + 1]

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(A) 5δ[n + 2] + 3δ [n] + 4δ [n – 1]

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 15 GATE - 2010 01

Two discrete time systems with impulse responses h1[n] = δ [n -1] and h2[n] = δ [n – 2] are connected
in cascade. The overall impulse response of the cascaded system is

 (A) δ [n - 1] + δ [n - 2]  (B) δ [n - 4]  (C) δ [n - 3]  (D) δ [n - 1] δ [n - 2]

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(C) δ [n - 3]
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 16 GATE - 2010 01

For an N-point FFT algorithm with N = 2m which one of the following statements is TRUE? 42/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

 (A) It is not possible to construct a signal ow graph with both input and output in normal order

 (B) The number of butter ies in the mth stage is N/m

 (C) In-place computation requires storage of only 2N node data

 (D) Computation of a butter y requires only one complex multiplication

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(D) Computation of a butter y requires only one complex multiplication

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : DFT and FFT

Question No. 41 GATE - 2010 02

A continuous time LTI system is described by

d y(t) dy(t) dx(t)
+ 4 + 3y (t) = 2 + 4x (t)
2 dt dt

Assuming zero initial conditions, the response y(t) of the above system for the input x(t)=e-2t u(t) is
given by

 (A) (et-e3t)u(t)  (B) (e-t-3-3t)u(t)  (C) (e-t+e-3t)u(t)  (D) (et+e3t)u(t)

Show Answer

(B) (e-t-3-3t)u(t)
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 42 GATE - 2010 02

The transfer function of a discrete time LTI system is given by

2− z
H (z) = 3 1
−1 −2
1− z + z
4 8

Consider the following statements: 43/55
1/30/2018 Signals and Systems | Electronics and Communication Engineering | EC | GATE Syllabus, Paper Solution, Question Answer

S1: The system is stable and causal for ROC:|z| >


S2: The system is stable but not causal for ROC:|z| <

S3: The system is neither stable nor causal for ROC: 14 < |z| <

Which one of the following statements is valid?

 (A) Both S1 and S2 are true  (B) Both S2 and S3 are true  (C) Both S1 and S3 are true

 (D) S1, S2 and S3 are all true

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(C) Both S1 and S3 are true

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 2 GATE - 2009 01

The Fourier series of a real periodic function has only

P. Cosine terms if it is even

Q. Sine terms if it is even
R. Cosine terms if it is odd
S. Sine terms if it is odd

Which of the above statements are correct?

 (A) P and S  (B) P and R  (C) Q and S  (D) Q and R

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(A) P and S
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier series

Question No. 3 GATE - 2009 01 44/55
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A function is given f(t) = sin2t + cos2t. Which of the following is true?

 (A) f has frequency components at 0 and 1/2π Hz

 (B) f has frequency components at 0 and 1/π Hz

 (C) f has frequency components at 1/2π and 1/π Hz

 (D) f has frequency components at 0, 1/2π and 1/π Hz

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(B) f has frequency components at 0 and 1/π Hz

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Frequency response

Question No. 7 GATE - 2009 01

n n
The ROC of Z-transform of the discrete time sequence x (n) = (

) u (n) − (

) u (−n − 1) is

 (A)  13 < |z| <


 (B) |z| >

 (C) |z| <

 (D) 2 < |z| < 3

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(A) 1

< |z| <

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 24 GATE - 2009 02

Given that F(s) is the one-sided Laplace transform of f(t), the Laplace transform of ∫ f (τ ) d τ is

 (A) sF (s) − f (0)  (B)  1s F (s)  (C) ∫ F (τ ) d τ  (D)  1s [F (s) − f (0)]


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(B) 1

F (s)

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 40 GATE - 2009 02

A system with transfer function H(z) has impulse response h(·) de ned as h(2) = 1, h(3) = -1 and h(k) = 0
otherwise. Consider the following statements
      S1 : H(z) is a low pass lter
      S2 : H(z) is a FIR lter
Which of the following is correct?

 (A) Only S2 is true  (B) Both S1 and S2 are false

 (C) Both S1 and S2 are true, and S2 is a reason for S1

 (D) Both S1 and S2 are true, but S2 is not a reason for S1

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(A) Only S2 is true

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 41 GATE - 2009 02

Consider a system whose input x and output y are related by the equation

y (t) = ∫ x (t − τ ) h (2τ ) d τ

Where h(t) is shown in the graph 46/55
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Which of the following four properties are possessed by the system?

BIBO: Bounded input gives a bounded output.
Causal: The system is causal.
LP: The system is low pass.
LTI: The system is linear and time invariant.

 (A) Causal, LP  (B)   BIBO, LTI  (C)   BIBO, Causal, LTI  (D)   LP, LTI

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Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier Transform

Question No. 42 GATE - 2009 02

The 4 point Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of a discrete time sequence {1, 0, 2, 3} is

 (A) [0, -2 + 2j, 2, -2 -2j]  (B) [2, 2 + 2j, 6, 2 - 2j]  (C) [6, 1 -3j, 2, 1 + 3j]

 (D) [6, -1 + 3j, 0, -1 -3j]

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(D) [6, -1 + 3j, 0, -1 -3j]

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : DFT and FFT

Question No. 44 GATE - 2009 02

An LTI system having transfer function and input x(t)=sin(t+1) is in steady state. The output is
s +1
s +2s+1

sampled at a rate ωs rad/s to obtain the nal output {y(k)}. Which of the following is true?

 (A) y(·) is zero for all sampling frequencies ωs

 (B) y(·) is nonzero for all sampling frequencies ωs

 (C) y(·) is nonzero for ωs>2, but zero for ωs<2  (D) y(·) is zero for ωs>2, but nonzero for ωs<2 47/55
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(A) y(·) is zero for all sampling frequencies ωs

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Sampling theorem

Question No. 9 GATE - 2008 01

The input and output of a continuous time system are respectively denoted by x(t) and y(t). Which of
the following descriptions corresponds to a causal system ?

 (A) y(t) = x(t − 2) + x(t + 4)  (B) y(t) = (t − 4) x(t + 1)  (C)  y(t) = (t + 4) x(t − 1)

 (D)  y(t) = (t + 5) x(t + 5)

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(C) y(t) = (t + 4) x(t − 1)

Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 10 GATE - 2008 01

The impulse response of a linear time-invariant continuous time system is described by

h (t)

h (t) = exp (αt)u (t) + exp (βt)u (−t) , where u (t) denotes the unit step function, and α and β are
real constants. This system is stable if

 (A) α is positive and β is positive  (B) α is negative and β is negative

 (C) α is positive and β is negative  (D) α is negative and β is positive

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(D) α is negative and β is positive

Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems 48/55
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Question No. 32 GATE - 2008 02

The signal x(t) is described by

1 f or  − 1 ≤ t ≤ +1
x (t) = {
0 otherwise

Two of the angular frequencies at which its Fourier transform becomes zero are

 (A) π , 2π  (B) 0.5π , 1.5π  (C) 0, π  (D) 2π , 2.5π

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(A) π , 2π
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier Transform

Question No. 33 GATE - 2008 02

A discrete time linear shift-invariant system has an impulse response h[n] with h[0]=1, h[1]=-1. h[2]=-2,
and zero otherwise. The system is given an input sequence x[n] with x[0]=x[2]=1, and zero otherwise.
The number of nonzero samples in the outp ut sequence y[n], and the value of y[2] are, respectively

 (A) 5, 2  (B) 6, 2  (C) 6, 1  (D) 5, 3

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(D) 5, 3
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems

Question No. 35 GATE - 2008 02

Let x(t) be the input and y(t) be the output of a continuous time system. Match the system properties
P1, P2 and P3 with system relations R1, R2, R3, R4. 49/55
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Properties     Relations
P1: Linear but NOT time-invariant  R1: y(t) = t2 x(t)
P2: Time-invariant but NOT linear   R2: y(t) = t |x(t)|
P3: Linear and time-invariant   R3: y(t) = |x(t)|
    R4: y(t) = x(t - 5)

 (A) (P1, R1), (P2, R3), (P3, R4)  (B) (P1, R2), (P2, R3), (P3, R4)  (C) (P1, R3), (P2, R1), (P3, R2)

 (D) (P1, R1), (P2, R2), (P3, R3)

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(B) (P1, R2), (P2, R3), (P3, R4)

Subject : Signals and Systems

Question No. 37 GATE - 2008 02

{x(n)} is a real-valued periodic sequence with a period N. x(n) and X(k) form N-point. Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT) pairs. The DFT Y(k) of the sequence

N −1

y (n) =

∑ x (r) x (n + r) is

N −1 N −1

 (A) |X (k)| 2
 (B)  N
∑ X (r) X

(k + r)  (C)  N
∑ X (r) X (k + r)  (D) 0
r=0 r=0

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(A) |X (k)| 2

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : DFT and FFT

Question No. 78 GATE - 2008 02

In the following network, the switch is closed at t = 0- and the sampling starts from t = 0. The sampling
frequency is 10 Hz. 50/55
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The samples x(n) (n = 0, 1, 2, ...) are given by

 (A) 5 (1 − e−0.05n )  (B) 5e−0.05n  (C) 5 (1 − e−5n )  (D) 5e−5n

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(B) 5e−0.05n
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 79 GATE - 2008 02

In the following network, the switch is closed at t = 0- and the sampling starts from t = 0. The sampling
frequency is 10 Hz.

The expression and the region of convergence of the z-transform of the sampled signal are

 (A)   (B)   (C) 

5z −5 5z −0.05 5z −0.05
, |z| < e , |z| < e , |z| > e
z−e−5 z−e−0..05 z−e−0..05

 (D)  5z
, |z| > e


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5z −0.05
, |z| > e

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Z-transform

Question No. 84 GATE - 2008 02

The impulse response h(t) of a linear time invariant continuous time system is given by

h(t) = exp (-2t)u(t) , where u(t) denotes the unit step function.

The frequency response H(ω) of this system in terms of angular frequency ω is given by H(ω)

 (A)  1+j2ω  (B)   (C)  2+jω  (D)  2+jω
1 1 jω

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(C) 1


Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier Transform

Question No. 85 GATE - 2008 02

The impulse response h(t) of a linear time invariant continuous time system is given by

h(t) = exp (-2t)u(t) , where u(t) denotes the unit step function.

The output of this system to the sinusoidal input x (t) = 2cos (2t) for all time t, is

 (A)   0  (B) 2 −0.25

cos (2t − 0. 125π)  (C) 2 −0.5
cos (2t − 0. 125π)  (D) 2 −0.5
cos (2t − 0. 25π)

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(D) 2 −0.5
cos (2t − 0. 25π)

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier Transform 52/55
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Question No. 16 GATE - 2007 01

If the Laplace transform of a signal y(t) is Y (s) =

, then its nal value is

 (A) -1  (B) 0  (C) 1  (D) Unbounded

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(D) Unbounded
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : De nitions and properties of Laplace transform

Question No. 47 GATE - 2007 02

The 3-dB bandwidth of the low-pass signal e-tu(t), where u(t) is the unit step function, is given by

 (A)  2π
Hz  (B)  2π
√√2 − 1 Hz  (C) ∞  (D) 1  Hz

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(A) 1

Subject : Signals and Systems

Topic : Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier Transform

Question No. 50 GATE - 2007 02

A 5-point sequence x[n] is given as

x[-3] = 1, x[-2] = 1, x[-1] = 0, x[0] = 5, x[1] = 1.

Let X (ejω ) denote the discrete-time Fourier transform of x[n]. The value of ∫ X (e

) dω is

 (A) 5  (B) 10π  (C) 16π  (D) 5 + j10π 53/55
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(B) 10π
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Continuous-time and discrete-time Fourier Transform

Question No. 51 GATE - 2007 02

The z-transform X[z] of a sequence x[n] is given by . It is given that the region of
X [z] = −1

convergence of X[z] includes the unit circle. The value of x[0] is

 (A) -0.5  (B) 0  (C) 0.25  (D) 0.5

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(B) 0
Subject : Signals and Systems
Topic : Z-transform 54/55
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