Inserting Check Points:: 3.6.1. Inserting Checkpoint Using Process Flow Analysis

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SAP TAO Automation Learning Document


Inserting Check Points:

The process flow analysis functionality has ability to insert check points in the test cases. The end user
can insert suitable check points while recording a process flow analysis and can provide suitable
conditions. The checkpoints are inserted as components in the SAP TAO generated test cases in SAP
Quality Center by HP. Of course, the test fails if the check point fails.
It is possible to check the value of many properties exposed by the SAP GUI scripting APIs of a UI control
and the main comparison operators are permitted by SAP TAO are:
 equals (“=”)
 greater or equals (“>=”)
 greater (“>”)
 less or equals (“<=”)
 less (“<”)
 different (“<>”)

When the check point is created, the value of the selected property is automatically retrieved and is set
by default.
Please keep in mind that the purpose of the Checkpoint is to validate output values as they are displayed
by the application after a round-trip to the backend system. Checking input values (i.e.: values that have
just been entered by the test engineer) does not make sense and may have a side-effect at runtime
because the check itself will be performed before setting the value.

3.6.1. Inserting checkpoint using Process Flow Analysis

1. First, this functionality needs to be enabled. By default it is the case, but it can be configured through
the SAP TAO configuration, in the PFA tab with the “Add Checkpoint” radio button.
2. Start process flow analysis of any transaction.
3. In the PFA Controller, click on Add Checkpoint.

3.6.2. PFA Checklist

1. Naming convention for the T-Code: PFA_Tcode_Description (Eg: PFA_VA01_CreateSalesOrder)

2. Remove below components in PFA script
 SetFocus
 Resize
 Unnecessary message components like Warnings(‘W’) and Errors (‘E”)
Remove the below components after the successful execution of PFA script and do again
one more time consolidation
SAP TAO Automation Learning Document

 InitializeContext
 LaunchAndLogin
3. Add the wait component (Normally wait time is 5 seconds) before taking the status bar
message screenshot
4. Naming convention for Output value is DT_Tcode_ Description(Eg:
5. Apply below color coding in data sheet:
 Yellow Green - Verification Points
 Red - For the values which needs to change for every execution
 Yellow – Output values
 Reference data column color –
 The data which is as input and don’t change every time make it that
6. Naming convention for T-Code in data sheet is DT_SAPTRANSACTIONCODE_TcodeName (Eg
7. Some commonly used formulae in the Datasheet as applicable are in the table below -
Purpose Formula Usage Example

Generate random =RANDBETWEEN(1,999) -


Referencing a column =[Column][Row] =B2

for the same data

Current Date in a =Text(TODAY(),[Format]) =TEXT(TODAY(),"MM/DD/YYYY")

particular format

Future/Past date in a =Text(TODAY()[+][- =TEXT(TODAY()+5,"MM/DD/YYYY")

particular format ][NumberofDays],[Format])

To Pass a Blank value %blank%

in the Column
SAP TAO Automation Learning Document

To generate a time =TEXT(NOW(),[Format]) =TEXT(NOW(),"HHMMSS")


Concatenate Strings =CONCATENATE("TEXT1",TEXT2",….) =CONCATENATE("Document ",S2,"

is successfully created")

="Document "&S2&" is
successfully created"
="String1" & "String 2"

8. Apply the reference formulae (=ColumnName) in data sheet if we passing same input data.
9. Some commonly used verification business components as applicable are listed in the table below
Business Component Purpose ALM Path

CheckProperty To validate the message displayed on SAP Front End --> Controls
status bar

GetMessageParameters To get content from SAPGuiStatusBar SAP Front End --> Controls -->

Verify_Cell_Content SAP R3-->Common Functions -

-> GUI Functions --> Table

Close the UFT bubble from the bottom right corner on your system so that the SAP system info/Tcode
value is visible in the screen print captured.
SAP TAO Automation Learning Document

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