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The Rule and Procedure :

1. Undergraduate university students (batch 2015, 2016, 2017) from Jabodetabek area is
eligible to apply .
2. Applicant should have interest on international issues, passionate working in new
organizational environment, willing to gain experiences, and developing networks.
3. Use English to fill the form, essay, and personal statement.
4. The application will be considered as complete if you attached other required documents.
5. Write [your full name_university_batch_desired position] as the email subject,
e.g. [RahmaAtikaIdrus_UniversitasIndonesia_2015_FAIR)
Please send the completed application to, no later than January
25th, 2018

6. Successful applicants will be notified using mail while unsuccesssful applicants will not be
7. Interview will be held on February 2nd and 3rd 2018

Requirements :

1. Fill the Application Form

2. Write an essay around 500-1500 words (choose one topic)
● How do you address the recent UNGA Resolution that condemns President Trump's
unilateral declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?
● How should cultural relativity be addressed in the construction of international
● What is the role of culture and identity in our global society today?
● How has youth empowerment shaped the global world: past, present, future?
3. Send the application form, essay, and your personal statement to ISAFIS Recruitment
email :
4. Should you have further inquiry, you can e-mail us at the e-mail above or ask us on ISAFIS
Official LINE (@pty5351h)

This is for our database. Please kindly fill this section.

Name :

Address :

Place and Date of Birth :

Phone :

Email :

University :

Major/Batch :

Twitter Account :

Facebook Account :

Instagram Account :

Line ID :

Preferably contact me via :

Photo :

State your campus activities, organizational experience, academic achievements, etc here.
Year Activity Position/Achievement

State your personal capabilities, skills, talents, and hobbies here


Here are questions to help us know you more about ISAFIS. There is no minimum words
requirement, however please limit your response to 200 words.

1. What do you know about ISAFIS?

2. How do you know ISAFIS?

3. What ISAFIS program do you think most suitable for you? Why?
4. Why do you think you are suitable for being an ISAFIS member?

5. What is your future dream? How being an ISAFIS member could help you to reach it?

6. What do you know about Indonesia Internasional Week (IIW), UN4MUN, and ISAFIS

Here is information about ISAFIS’Divisions. You should choose two division from the list. You can
use (X) in column “Option” to choose your preference divison.

No Division Option

1 Research and Development (RnD)

“Discover Resolution and Construct Projection through Idea Deliberation”
You love research? You love writing? You love great discussion?Then, think no
more! You have found your place. The division main responsible are to arrange a
high quality discussion, seminars, model united nations substance and planning,
and all academic related thing
2 Internal Affairs and Organizational Development (IAOD)
“Towards the Unbreakable ISAFIS, there lies IAOD to bundle the sticks”
The division main job is maintaining internal ISAFIS and endorsing the capacity
building of the members. You are responsible to bond ISAFIS members and
alumnus, develop a good organizational environment, know and keep ISAFIS’
inventory. If you are friendly, sociable, and love planning ‘quality time’, this is
your place!
3 Finance (FIN)
The main job is ascertaining a healthy financial flow in ISAFIS through
coordination and accountable financial report. Members of the Finance Division
will be posted across several ISAFIS’ programs. If you are detailed, driven, and
commited to handling money, this is the perfect division for you!
4 Foreign Affairs and Institutional Relations (FAIR)
Our main job is promoting ISAFIS to national & international organizations and
institutions. This includes promoting ISAFIS in youth events, boothing,
establishing external cooperation and expanding networks to other
organizations. In FAIR there are opportunities to become acquainted to
representatives of other organizations. FAIR's arms are widely open for you who
are always eager to socialize with new people, adaptable, easy-going, and agile!
5 Media Communication and Design (McD)
“For those who believe that branding is the most effective strategy”
This division will challenge you to be innovative and think out of the box in
branding ISAFIS as a youth-led organisation. Social media and creative imaging
are what this division deals with everyday. If you have the skill and passion in
mass media and design, join the creative side!

Here is the question more about the ISAFIS’ Divisions. Only answer the question regarding your
division that you choose in the “Division Preference”.

1. Division of Research and Development (RnD)


What is your motivation to join in this division?

Do you have any experience regarding this division? Tell more about your experience.

What is your plan if you are becoming one of the member in this division?
How do you identify your writing style? (research-based, magazine-like)

What topic areas in international studies are favorable to you? (Please explain your reason)
2. Division of Internal Affairs and Organizational Development (IAOD)


What is your motivation to join in this division?

Do you have any experience regarding this division? Tell more about your experience.

What is your planning if you are becoming one of the member in this division?
As the member of division IAOD, how could you bound all of ISAFIS member in the warm
3. Finance (FIN)

What is your motivation to join in this division?

Do you have any experience regarding this division? Tell more about your experience of
managing funds and how do you manage your personal financial condition?

What are your financial strategies and action steps to: a) maintain the healthy cash flow to avoid
deficit? b.) fundrising ideas to raise cash inflow ? Please explain!

Would you like to help within events in ISAFIS such as Indonesia International Week, UN4MUN,
ISAFIS Journal, especially in finance division?
4. Division of Foreign Affairs and Institutional Relations (FAIR)


What is your motivation to join in this division?

Do you have any experience regarding this division? Tell more about your experience.

What is your planning if you are becoming one of the member in this division?

How do you identify and plan to relate your networks to ISAFIS?

5. Division of Media Communication and Design (McD)


What is your motivation to be a part of this division?

Do you have any experience regarding this division? Tell more about your experience and skill
level (graphic design, social media maintenance, photography, videography, website
maintenance, etc.)

What is your planning and expectation if you are becoming one of the member in this division?
Which one do you prefer to work in as the sub-division: media communication (social media
publication such as LINE Official, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, etc), or creative imaging
(design-related publication such as posters, greeting cards, etc)? Please explain your reason.

This is your personal statement about your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
(1500 words max)

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