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Zygote with three copies chromosome 21 is known to cause

A. Hays fever
B. Scurvy
C. Parkinson Disease
D. Downs syndromeAnswer D

MCQ. Sperms are nourished and activated

A. through vas deferens

B. through seminal vesicle
C. through semen
D. through prostate glandAnswer C

MCQ. Sperm duct finally opens into the

A. ureter
B. urethra
C. testes
D. testisAnswer B

MCQ. Organs producing reproductive cells are called as

A. gametes
B. gonads
C. globules
D. glandsnswer B

MCQ. Types of gametes produced by 2 pair of chromosomes can be

A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10nswer A

MCQ. Number of chromosomes in a gamete are

A. haploid
B. daploid
C. triploid
D. tetraloidAnswer A

MCQ. Female gametes are called as

A. ova
B. egg
C. ovum
D. all of theseAnswer D

MCQ. Since formation of sperms requires a temperature below body temperature,

A. testes lie in scrotal sacs

B. more water intake is advised for mature males
C. scrotal sacs are pouch like hanging extensions
D. scrotal sacs are between thighsAnswer C

MCQ. Semen is

A. a mixture of fluid and sperms

B. consistent of nutrients and enzymes
C. a mixture of blood and sperms
D. both A and BAnswer C

MCQ. During ejaculation, passing of urine is prevented through

A. pyloric sphincter glands

B. sphincter muscles
C. more blood in blood spaces of penis
D. all of theseAnswer B

MCQ. Sperm duct from each side passes into the

A. ureter
B. rectum
C. testis
D. abdominal cavitynswer D

MCQ. Sperms are produced in testes, lying in the

A. sphincter muscles
B. pyloric sphincter muscles
C. scrotal sacs
D. seminal vesiclewer C

MCQ. Labor of producing new life is shared between two parents

A. in asexual reproduction
B. in higher animals
C. in lower animals
D. in water organismsswer B
MCQ. Male gametes are also known as

A. testes
B. testis
C. sperms
D. semensAnswer C

MCQ. Sperms are developed at a temperature

A. lower than body

B. higher than body
C. equal to body temperature
D. dependent on pressureAnswer A

MCQ. Male gonads are known as

A. testes
B. testis
C. ovaries
D. ovumsAnswer D

MCQ. Spermatic cord and spermatic duct are

A. essentially similar
B. different in functions and location
C. similar in function only
D. similar in location onlyAnswer B

MCQ. Beneath prostrate gland is

A. Cowpers gland
B. vas deferens
C. seminal vesicle
D. ureter

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