G, H

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Word Meaning

garulous talkative
genre type or category especially
of writing or speech
genteel polite, refined
gesticulate to make gesture
glut surplus
grandiloquent pompous speech, using fancy words
gradiose absurdly exaggerated
gratuitous given freely; disapproving
not used in good sense
gravity seriousness
gregarious sociable, enjoying the company
of others
guile cunning, duplicity, artfulness
hackneyed overused, trite, stale
hapless unlucky
herbinger forerunner, a signal of
hedonism beleiving that most important
thing is to enjoy the life
hegemony leadership
hersey any belief which is strongly
opposed to estblished beliefs
hermetic impervious to external infulence
heyday golden age
haitus break or interruption
histrionic overly dramatic
homily a sermon
husbandry thrifty management of resources
hyperbole exaggerated speech
hypothetical not proven, uncertain

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