Concrete Construction Article PDF - Reinforcing Steel in Slabs On Grade PDF

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Reinforcing steel

in slabs on grade
Use welded-wire fabric or rebar
to control cracking and increase strength

Reinforcing steel must be posi-

hen properly placed, rebar
W and welded wire fabric
(WWF) in a slab on grade pro-
tioned at or above mid-slab
depth to be effective. Here
workers carefully set wire on
vide many advantages, some of chair supports.
which can be achieved in no oth-
er way. Reinforcing steel can:
Control cracking. Steel rein-
forcement within a slab holds Eliminate the need for con-
cracks caused by drying shrink- traction joints. When using re-
age, temperature changes, or ap- inforcement, construction
plied loadings, tightly closed. joints can be spaced according
Keeping cracks closed preserves to the planned size of a day’s
aggregate interlock and prevents pour. This could be a strip or a
faulting. large rectangular panel. No
Increase joint spacing. In- contraction joints are needed
creases in control joint spacing because the distributed rein-
when rebar or WWF is used can forcement allows acceptable
range from slight to substantial, hairline cracking due to drying
depending on the design and in- shrinkage.
tended performance of the slab. Work with shrinkage-com-
Span soft spots in the sub- pensating concrete. Shrinkage-
grade. Soft spots in the subbase compensating concrete demands
or subgrade can occur due to the use of reinforcing steel so the
moisture, last-minute excava- concrete can expand and con-
tion for a drain, or similar situa- tract as planned.
tions. A reinforced slab on Eliminate the need for
grade will span soft spots by thickened slabs at joints and
providing enough structural ca- edges. Reinforcing steel gives
pacity to bridge the weaker sup- slabs on grade adequate strength
porting areas. at the joints. This allows the de-
Restrain curling. Reinforcing the up- cur. The steel acts as structural reinforce- signer to maintain a constant slab depth
per half of a slab on grade restrains drying ment and provides moment capacity. without thickening at joints or edges.
shrinkage, thus reducing curling. The Add impact resistance. Rebar or Thickened edges add more restraint to
closer the steel is to the top of the slab and WWF reduces strain to slabs on grade drying shrinkage and cost more.
the more steel used, the more curling will caused by impact loading. This helps pre- Add confidence. The presence of re-
be reduced. vent premature cracking. bar or WWF in a slab on grade increas-
Add structural strength after crack- Reduce slab and joint maintenance. es confidence in the ability of the slab to
ing. When overloading occurs and the By keeping cracks tight and reducing perform adequately, even though doubt
cracking moment limit of the slab has curling, reinforcing steel substantially re- may exist concerning the subgrade’s
been exceeded, structural cracks can oc- duces crack and joint maintenance. support capability.
General design process For Grade 60 rebar For ASTM A 497 deformed welded
Though many details must be includ- As = F L w/2 fs where F (the subgrade wire fabric
ed in the design of a slab on grade, three friction factor) = 1.5 (a commonly used Values in the subgrade drag equation
important components are slab thick- value), L = 24 feet, w = 100 psf (weight are the same as above except for fy, which
ness, reinforcement requirements, and of slab), and fs (working stress in steel) = is 70,000 psi.
joint spacing. ⁄3 fy where fy (yield strength of steel) is
The designer determines the required 60,000 psi. As = 0.077 square inches per foot of
slab thickness after determining the con- slab width, required each way.
trolling loads, the appropriate safety fac- As = 0.045 square inches per foot of
tor, and the subgrade modulus appropriate slab width, required each way. Use D8 wire at 12-inch spacings in
for the base and fill materials. References each direction, designated as: 12 x 12—
at the end of the article discuss thickness Use #3 bars at 29 inches center to cen- D8 x D8 (As = 0.080 square inches per
determination in more detail. ter in each direction, As = 0.046 square foot)
The next step is to select the reinforc- inches per foot. If following the American
ing steel area (bar or wire size and their Concrete Institute (ACI) structural slab The steel areas selected using the sub-
spacing) along with an acceptable joint limitation of 5h or 18 inches, whichever is grade drag equation are for shrinkage and
spacing. Both of these involve knowing less, then use #3 bars at 18 inches, As = temperature effects. If the reinforcement
the slab’s performance requirements, such 0.073 square inches per foot. is intended to be structurally active — to
as lanes of traffic, aisle and storage rack resist bending stresses produced by loads
placement, flatness requirements, joint For ASTM A 185 plain WWF on the slab — then the subgrade drag
details, and dowel recommendations. Values in the subgrade drag equation equation is not appropriate (Ref. 2).
WWF or rebar are then selected for crack are the same except for fy, which is
Positioning reinforcement
control, using the subgrade drag equation, 65,000 psi.
or for structural strength, using common To be effective, reinforcing steel must
reinforced concrete design procedures. be positioned at or above the mid-depth
As = 0.042 square inches per foot of
Regardless of the intended purpose of of the slab. Some authorities recommend
slab width, required each way.
the reinforcement, it must be structurally placing the steel 2 inches below the top
stiff (to support workers placing concrete) surface of the slab. Others recommend
Use W4.5 wire at 12-inch spacings in
or widely spaced (so workers can step be- placing the steel one-third of the depth
each direction, designated as:
tween bars or wires). Furthermore, the down from the top of the slab. Any of
12 x 12—W4.5 x W4.5
steel must be supported at the proper po- these locations can be appropriate, de-
pending on reinforcement needs, such as
sition in the slab. Design drawings should 48-foot joint spacing. A floor slab for crack control or structural strength.
clearly show all these details. with 48-foot-wide joint spacing could be Never position a single reinforcement
considered a joint-free slab. No sawcut layer below mid-depth. Steel in two direc-
Design examples contraction joints are used longitudinally. tions with the bars or wires in contact
The following design examples for two However, if using strip placement of the with one another is considered “one lay-
different joint spacings illustrate how to slab, then cut a contraction joint at 48-foot er.” For most slabs on grade, position the
select reinforcing steel for controlling spacings transversely along each strip. In reinforcement at one-third the depth from
cracks caused by shrinkage and tempera- the subgrade drag equation, the length L the top surface. If the slab is 5 inches
ture effects. Both use the subgrade drag is now 48 feet and yield strength of steel, thick or less, then position the steel at
equation for calculating the steel areas. fy, is either 60,000 psi (bars) or 70,000 psi mid-depth.
The reinforcing steel is not to be continu- (deformed wire):
ous through any of the contraction or con- Supporting reinforcement
struction joints. This holds for both wire For Grade 60 rebar Since positioning of reinforcement is
and bars. As = F L w/2 fs where F = 1.5, L = 48 critical, support devices must be used to
Each example is for an 8-inch-thick in- feet, w = 100 psf, and fs is 2⁄3 fy = 2⁄3 x keep the steel at the correct position dur-
dustrial floor slab. Column spacings are 60,000 psi = 40,000 psi. ing the construction process, especially
48 feet center to center. Construction during concrete placement.
joints also have this spacing for strip As = 0.090 square inches per foot of When rebar are specified, they should
placement of the concrete. slab width, required each way. be placed in two layers (one layer directly
24-foot joint spacing. A slab with this contacting the other), with bars in each
joint spacing may be reinforced with bars Use #4 bars at 25-inch spacings center layer perpendicular to the other. When
(ASTM A 615, A 616, A 617, or A 706) to center each way, As = 0.096 square WWF (deformed or plain) is specified, its
or WWF (ASTM A 185 or A 497). To se- inches per foot (or #4 bars at 18 inches wire diameters should be large enough so
lect the appropriate steel area (As), use the center to center to meet ACI criteria, As = the fabric has enough stiffness to remain
subgrade drag equation: 0.133 square inches per foot). in proper position during slab construc-
tion. If bars or wires are not stiff enough References Acknowledgment
to support workers standing on the steel, 1. Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab This article is adapted with permission
then their spacings must be wide enough Construction, ACI 302.1R-89, Ameri- from Reinforcing Steel in Slabs on
— at least 12 inches center to center — can Concrete Institute (ACI), Detroit, Grade (Engineering Data Report No.
for workers to stand between them. 1989. 37), published by the Concrete Rein-
forcing Steel Institute in a joint effort
2. The Structurally Reinforced Slab on with the Wire Reinforcement Institute
What to do at joints Grade, Engineering Data Report No. (Tech Facts 701). For a copy of the re-
A question that often arises is what to 33, Concrete Reinforcing Steel Insti- port, call CRSI (708-517-1200) or WRI
do with reinforcing steel at joints, par- tute, Schaumburg, Ill., 1989. (202-429-5125).
ticularly contraction joints. The answer 3. Building Code Requirements for Re-
depends on the purpose of the joint. If inforced Concrete and Commentary,
the joint is to be a working joint that ACI 318-89/ACI 318R-89, ACI, 1989.
must open and provide relief for stresses 4. Structural Welded Wire Fabric De-
due to shrinkage and temperature ef- tailing Manual, Part I (1983) and Part II
fects, then it’s best to discontinue all (1989), Wire Reinforcement Institute,
steel at the joint. Any steel that contin- Washington, DC.
ues through a contraction joint will re- 5. Concrete Floors on Ground, 2nd
strain joint movement. If the joint is to Edition, Portland Cement Association,
remain closed, then the steel may con- Skokie, Ill., rev. 1990.
tinue through the joint. If load transfer is 6. Design of Slabs on Grade, ACI
required at the joint, but the distributed 360R-92, ACI, 1992.
steel is interrupted, use dowels across
the joint (see article on p. 532).

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