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Q1. (i) Discuss the term “hydrological cycle”

(ii) Using the concept of a hydrological cycle and using a diagram, discuss
how groundwater is formed.

Q2. Discuss the following:

(i) Infiltration
(ii) Percolation
(iii) Interflow
(iv) Groundwater flow

Q3. Differentiate between:

(i) Runoff and baseflow

(ii) Confined and unconfined aquifers
(iii) Specific storage and Transmissivity
(iv) Storativity and Porosity
(v) Cone of depression and radius of influence
(vi) Pressure and pressure head

Q 4. (i) Using appropriate diagram, derive the Darcy Equation

(ii) After carrying out Darcy experiment, the following records were
noted; sample length=2 m, sample diameter=150 cm, head difference =
2500 mm, material porosity = 0.3 and hydraulic conductivity = 60 m/d.
Using this information, calculate Total Discharge as well as Average flow

Q5. Discuss the cable tool, water or mud rotary and Air rotary well drilling
methods clearly stating their advantages and disadvantages including
situations in which each method is suitable.

Q6. Discuss the following terminologies as used in hydrogeology:

(i) Well efficiency

(ii) Formation Loss
(iii) Well Loss
(iv) Well Loss constant

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