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Management of neonatal Intraventricular haemorrhage

Full term IVH probably occurs more often than we think but is

hydrocephalus more common at lower birth weights. IVH does not invariably
cause HC. There is controversy as to how HC follows IVH. Some
have suggested that proteinaceous material blocks the arachnoid
Neil Buxton
granulations, thus resulting in excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
due to reduced reabsorption. In some cases there must be some
kind of block to CSF passage at the exit foraminae of the fourth
ventricle, as this would explain why endoscopic third ven-
Neonatal hydrocephalus is a complex disorder due to many different triculostomy (ETV) works in some patients with IVH (18%).
causes. This review seeks to encapsulate the management of neonatal However, the majority need to have shunts inserted and, despite
hydrocephalus in the term neonate. The current treatments are explored many recently advocating the use of ETV this is still considered
and explained. by most to be the treatment of first option.
ETV has also been used to washout heavy protein loaded CSF
Keywords hydrocephalus; intraventricular haemorrhage; neonatal and to enable shunting to be implemented somewhat earlier or
meningitis; neonates; shunts
even avoided. In heavy blood/protein loaded CSF, drainage may
be needed for some time before shunting to reduce the risk of
shunt blockage, although lumbar drainage has been successful in
avoiding shunting in IVH (see below).
A study into intraventricular washout looks promising in this
age group and may reduce the risk of subsequent hydrocephalus.
Neonatal hydrocephalus (NHC) is increasingly becoming the Neonatal meningitis
most difficult management problem in paediatric neurosurgery Meningitis can also lead to HC. This may be due to a heavy
but survival from the hydrocephalus has improved. There are protein load causing problems at the arachnoid granulations or
many problems associated with aetiology, body weight and discrete blockages of exit foraminae by debris or membranes.
immaturity, including unfused sutures, relating to risks of Hence, again, ETV has been shown to be effective in some post-
infection and controversies with actual treatment protocols. This meningitic HC cases but the majority will require shunt insertion.
review is intended to give an overview of current thoughts on the During the acute, infective phase, and whilst there is heavy
management of hydrocephalus in the term neonate. The protein load in the CSF, it may be necessary to drain the HC with
management of hydrocephalus (HC) in the premature child will an external ventricular drain (EVD) in order to reduce the intra-
not be covered. cranial hypertension. Obviously, such a device can be used to
Neonatal hydrocephalus occurs in approximately 1 in 1000 drain excess CSF, but is also useful for obtaining CSF samples for
live births. It is secondary to full term intraventricular haemor- serial cultures and for the administration of intraventricular
rhage (IVH), infection or congenital causes such as tumours, antibiotics (a technique restricted to specialist neurosurgical
aqueduct stenosis, DandyeWalker syndrome and its variants or, units). Draining the CSF in this way will allow it to return to its
of course, it can be truly idiopathic. normal constituent levels, so allowing shunting to be imple-
Where possible, treatment of the cause is the first priority but mented. It is generally believed that the higher the protein load of
in many cases the treatment of the hydrocephalus takes prece- the CSF the more likely it is that the shunt will fail due to
dence. For example, in meningitis with HC, draining an enlarged blockage by debris; this is not the case with HC secondary to
ventricular system may be necessary even before the infection tuberculous meningitis. In these circumstances, the protein load
has been completely cleared. is much less important and shunting can take place earlier.
Birth weight influences treatment choices as well. There is
a reluctance to introduce any permanent shunt systems into Non-communicating hydrocephalus
a child less than 2 kg in weight because below this weight there is The terminology communicating and non-communicating
a substantially increased risk of shunt failure due to infection. hydrocephalus is becoming controversial, partly because of
Fortunately, most term babies exceed this weight. issues with post-infectious and post-haemorrhagic HC, as briefly
mentioned above. It is clear that tumours, aqueduct stenosis and
Treatment choices DandyeWalker syndrome and its variants can have physical
blocks to the passage of the CSF, and thus can lead to truly non-
All authorities in Western countries agree that, except in the most communicating HC. In these types of HC, seemingly in all ages,
devastating of circumstances, the HC should be treated. Difficulty ETV is the treatment of choice.
arises in choosing the best treatment option for a particular
Unfortunately, ETV in the truly non-communicating hydro-
aetiology and is discussed below.
cephalus in some younger children will still fail. There are no
accepted theories for this but it may be that the pressure of CSF
required to initiate CSF reabsorption via the arachnoid granula-
Neil Buxton MB ChB DMCC FRCS(Ed) FRCS(Neuro Surg) is a Consultant Paediatric tions exceeds the pressure needed to expand the cranium in those
Neurosurgeon at the Royal Liverpool Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, UK. with unfused sutures; in such a situation, ETV is certain to fail
Conflict of interest: none. and a shunt is required. Whilst seemingly very simple, shunting

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 21:11 510 Ó 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

is controversial too and in order to address this small number of Where does the distal end go? Obviously in treating HC we are
children and their requirements an international randomized trial inserting the upper end into the lateral ventricle. This tends to be
is looking at the efficacy of shunting versus ETV. on the right (the non-dominant hemisphere). This is connected to
a one-way valve device to the distal catheter. The distal end is
Idiopathic placed into the peritoneal cavity by choice, although common
So-called idiopathic HC is best treated by treating the underlying alternatives include the right atrium via a neck vein and the
anatomical precedence. If there is evidence of flow obstruction, superior vena cava (the historical site of choice) and also the
then ETV may well work; otherwise it is likely that shunting will pleural space. The pleura is used as a last resort in those in whom
be required. there has been extensive abdominal surgery, peritonitis or
necrotizing enterocolitis, and whose neck veins have been
Tumours damaged by central lines. Pleural shunts always cause effusions
In the presence of third or fourth ventricular tumours or tectal plate and, if there is a significant CSF volume, then the effusion
or brainstem tumours causing HC, the HC can easily be treated by resulting may embarrass lung function. A balance must be
ETV and in some, biopsies obtained. In successful resection of struck. Similarly, in the abdomen there can be a bulging tense
a cerebellar tumour, for example, CSF flow may be restored and no abdominal wall and the development of CSF hydroceles.
longer requires diversion. ETV or shunt is often needed, however,
although temporary EVD may ‘buy enough time’ for definitive
Shunt failure
tumour treatment. Arachnoid cysts in or near the third ventricle
This is almost inevitable in the lifetime of a patient with a shunt,
behave like tumours and can be successfully managed by ETV.
with the greatest number, approximately 20%, occurring in the
first year after insertion. Failure manifests itself in many ways,
Low birth weight
e.g. increased head circumference, tense fontanel, drowsiness,
If the birth weight is less than 2 kg, then shunting tends not to be
vomiting, squint, CSF tracking alongside the shunt tubing, signs
recommended. This is because of concerns about the anaesthetic,
of infection, and banging the head with the hands or against
neonatal care, risk of infection, operating on someone so small,
something, which can indicate headache. In these circumstances
etc, with infection of the shunt being the most worrisome. The
shunt revision is usually required. It is a neurosurgical rule that if
HC can be ameliorated until the baby gains weight by serial
the primary carer says that the child is ‘not right’ and that they
lumbar punctures, serial ventricular taps, an EVD (which can be
‘think it’s the shunt’, it is a brave and foolhardy person to ignore
used up to 3 weeks without changing, with care) or a more
the warning.
permanent Ommaya reservoir (an implanted ventricular tube
In some in whom a shunt subsequently fails, an ETV may well
with an injection part). Intuitively there is concern about intro-
work and paediatric neurosurgeons will always assess a ‘new’
ducing a permanent or semi-permanent foreign body into the
shunt failure for anatomical suitability for the procedure.
child, just as there is concern over definitive shunting; however,
this seems to be safe in cases of low birth weight and post-
haemorrhagic hydrocephalus. Conclusion
The numbers of children surviving to term in the West with HC
Congenital problems
are increasing as better obstetric care, earlier antenatal diagnosis
Many patients with hydrocephalus will have other problems and better awareness lead to more informed decisions. In the last
such as spina bifida and chiari malformations. Usually the 20 years, paediatric neurosurgery has evolved into a distinct
overwhelming problem is to make sure that the hydrocephalus is subspeciality on a par, for example, with spinal neurosurgery.
managed effectively and the other problems dealt with subse- More aggressive, better targeted treatment for paediatric HC, no
quently. ETV is an option in many of these cases. longer in isolation from other children’s specialists, provided by
surgeons with expertise and training in the management of these
Which shunt? difficult clinical scenarios is improving the situation for these
The type of shunt largely depends on the individual surgeon, their patients. Treatment in the West has moved out of the hands of
experience with a particular model and their own biases. Whilst paediatric general surgeons but their historical contribution
this approach is not scientifically sound, a surgeon will get ‘used’ cannot be underestimated as without their skills and expertise
to a particular model, understand its idiosyncrasies and become there would be no paediatric neurosurgery at all. With the
confident with its use. This is perhaps more important than any development of paediatric neurosurgical centres there is no
other consideration such as cost, ‘newness’, etc, as the surgeon longer an excuse to dabble in the management of such complex
uses their own experience to decide what is best for a particular problems and such an approach is to be discouraged. A
patient. This is where experience counts and, dare it be said, some
of the art in the science remains. Notwithstanding all of the above,
most would agree that the smaller the child the less bulky the
shunt and the quicker it should be to insert, with fewer compo- FURTHER READING
nents to increase surgery time (hence infection risk) and in the Bruinsma N, Stobberingh EE, Herpers MJ, et al. Subcutaneous ventricular
long run with fewer options for malfunction. Unfortunately, the catheter reservoir and ventriculoperitoneal drain related infections in
answer to the problem of deranged physiology is difficult to preterm infants and young children. Clin Microbiol Infect 2000; 6: 202e6.
identify when we have mechanical devices with fixed tolerances Buxton N, Macarthur D, Robertson I, et al. Neuroendoscopic third ven-
for, literally, a fluid system. triculostomy for failed shunts. Surg Neurol 2003; 60: 201e3.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 21:11 511 Ó 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus. Brain Pathol 2004; 14: 305e11. endoscopic third ventriculostomy in the management of post-
Chi JH, Fullerton HJ, Gupta N. Time trends and demographics of deaths haemorrhagic hydrocephalus of prematurity. Child’s Nerv Syst 2007;
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2005; 103(suppl 2): 113e8. haemorrhage in healthy newborn infants at term. Esp Pediatr 1987;
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196: 147e1e8. preterm infants: an indication for neuroendoscopic third ven-
Fink S. Intraventricular haemorrhage in the term infant. Neonatal Netw triculostomy. Child’s Nerv Syst 2003; 19: 756e9.
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Khalil BA, Sarsam Z, Buxton N. External ventricular drains: is there a time
limit in children? Child’s Nerv Syst 2005; 21: 355e7.
Macarthur DC, Buxton N, Punt J, et al. The role of neuroendoscopy in the
management of brain tumours. Br J Neurosurg 2002; 16: 465e70.
O’Brien DF, Javadpour M, Collins DR, et al. Endoscopic third ven- Practice points
triculostomy: an outcome analysis of primary cases and procedures
performed after ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunction. J Neurosurg C Neonatal hydrocephalus has varied aetiology
2005; 103(suppl 5): 393e400. C Choice of method of treatment for the hydrocephalus can
O’Brien DF, Seghedoni A, Collins DR, et al. Is there an indication for ETV in depend heavily on the aetiology
young infants in aetiologies other than isolated aqueduct stenosis? C Early consultation with a paediatric neurosurgeon is essential
Child’s Nerv Syst 2006; 22: 1565e72.

PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH 21:11 512 Ó 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

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