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School: Grade Level: II

GRADES 1 to 12
Teacher: File Created by Ma’am MARIANNE MANALO PUHI Learning Area: ENGLISH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: FEBRUARY 13-17, 2017 (WEEK 4) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER


A. Content Standard Phonological Skills Writing /Composition Writing /Composition Reading Comprehension and Weekly Test
Attitude Study Strategies/Listening
Oral Languages in English Study Strategies Objectives: Comprehension
Review alphabetizing and read the
Objectives: Objectives: alphabet in English Vocabulary
Supply words that rhyme with Write simple sentences in Identify the letters in Mother
given words context using preposition Tongue/Filipino that are not Objectives:
Ask about unfamiliar words to Ask about unfamiliar words to present in English and vice Participate in the retelling of
learn about meaning learn about meaning versa poems and stories
Speak clearly and audibly Take books from home to school Write simple sentences in context Sequence the events of the story
(or vice-versa) for using preposition and make relevant predictions of
independent/extra reading the story
Interpret simple signs and Identify the important details in
symbols expository text listened to
Determine the meaning of words
based on how they are used in a
Identify words that rhyme
B. Performance Standard Be able to demonstrate Express their ideas effectively in Express their ideas effectively in Acquire, study, and use English
phonological awareness at the formal and informal formal and informal compositions vocabulary words appropriately
levels of the syllable and the compositions to fulfill their own to fulfill their own purposes for in relevant contexts
phoneme purposes for writing writing
Demonstrate a love for reading Activate prior knowledge
Have sufficient facility in English stories and confidence in conceptually related to text and
to understand spoken discourse performing literacy-related establish a purpose for reading
and to talk and interact with activities/task Be self-aware as they discuss and
others about personal Organize, process and use analyze text to create new
experiences and text listened to information effectively meanings and modify old
or read knowledge
Locate information from
expository texts and use this
information for discussion or
written production
C. Learning Competencies/ Produce speech sounds Express idea through Express idea through Use an understanding of Measure one’s ability to
Objectives (sounds and letter Illustrations or story- Illustrations or story- incidents, characters and settings retain and apply
names) Board Board to validate knowledge and concepts
Participate/ engage in predictions .Learn to answer a weekly
Participate in choral a readalong of texts (e.g. Infer/ predict outcome test.
speaking and echo poetry, repetitive text) Give the meaning of short a
reading of short Interpret simple maps of words
poems,rhymes and stories with Unfamiliar places, Give the meaning of 2-syllable
repeated signs and symbols words with short e and a sounds
patterns and refrains in

Write the LC Code for each EN1PAIVc-d-6.2 EN2WCIVd-g-1.6 EN2WCIVd-g-1.6 EN2LCIVc-d-2.5

EN2OLIVc-d-1.2 EN2AIVa-e-1 EN2RCIVd-2.8
EN2SSIVc-d-3 EN2VIVa-e-21
II.CONTENT Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 Lesson 16
We are Unique and Special Teamwork Leads to Success Working as a Team Respect Life, Uplift People
What Animals Said, Rhyming Writing Simple Sentences in Prepositions and Using them in The Lion and the Mouse and
words and Words with Context Using Preposition and Meaningful Sentences Justice
Inflectional Ending Alphabetizing
A. References CG pages 15,31 CG pages 15,31 CG pages 15,31 CG pages 15,31
1.Teacher’s Guides/Pages Unit 4 pp.26-27 Unit 4 pp.27-28 Unit 4 pp.28-30 Unit 4 pp.32-33 Unit 4 pp.26-33
2.Learner’s Materials Pages LM pages397-398 LM pages399-401 LM pages402-403 LM pages404-410 LM pages 397-410
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from Pictures of different kinds of Decoding chart, Song chart or Teacher Chart, Flash cards, Art Puppets, pictures, and story book Test Notebook, pencil
Learning Resources (LR) portal ears video materials, Markers and Manila
Story: paper
Mark Has Horse’s Ears
An Adaptation of Mark Has
Horse’s Ears
by Robert Nye
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review Review Drill/Review Drill/Review
presenting the new lesson Daily Language Activity Daily Language Activity Look where your teacher will put Pre-assessment for Week 4
Words for the Day (Drill) Words for the Day (Drill) the stuffed toy and learn about Answer Key
prepositions. Synonyms
I. Synonyms: Which pairs of
words are synonyms?
Put a smiling face if the words
have the same meaning and a sad
face if they are not synonyms.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
II. Antonyms: Which pair of
words are antonyms? Put a check
if the words have the
opposite meaning and a X if they
are not antonyms.

1. /
2. /
3. X
4. /
5. /
III. Reading Comprehension Test
Questions: Read the story,”The
Boy With No Face”. Ring the
correct letter.
Boy with a Happy Face
by Amcy M. Esteban

The Boy is happy because he has

a face, so out he goes to look for
his friends. He meets the Stars
and he says,“Thank you stars for
giving my eyes to see what is
bright when things look dark.”He
sees the Sun rising and the boy
says, “Now, I havemy mouth filed
with words or warmth when the
feelscold.”And the boy says to
the Sky, “My deepest gratitude
to you, dear Sky because you
gave my ears to hear words of
Truth, both said and unsaid.”
And the boy says to the Wind, “I
am very thankful because you
gave my nose to take in air that is
pure and life-giving.”And the boy
says to the Rain, “My gift for
you…Is for you to see…My Happy
IV. Answer the following by
encircling the letter of
your choice.
1.Why is the boy happy? He is
happy because__________.
a. he has no gift
b. he has a face
c. he has an enemy
2.Who did the boy thank for his
a. the sun
b. the stars
c. the sky
3.Who gave his mouth?
a. the sun
b. the stars
c. the sky
4.Who gave the boy’s ears?
a. the wind
b. the rain
c. the sky
5.The boy received his nose from
a. the wind
b. the rain
c. the sky
6.What is the boy’s gift for the
a. a sad face
b. an angry face
c. a happy face
1. B. 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. A 6. C
IV. Writing
If you were the boy, what would
you do after you receive beautiful
gifts from your
friends? Why?
B. Establishing a purpose for Motivation: Motivation: Motivation: Motivation: Orient pupils on the
the lesson Guess whose ears are these? Study the alphabet to decode the Let’s begin by singing the Alphabet Can you connect the words that directions.
Show the flash cards: ears of a secret message. Refer to LM – Song in English and then in Filipino/ rhyme? Draw a line to connect
monkey, ears of man, ears of an 399 Mother Tongue the words that rhyme.
elephant, ears of a tiger, Get Set. Which letters in Filipino are not
ears of an elf and ears of a Study the alphabet to decode the present in the English alphabet?
horse. secret Answers: n and ng
Activating Prior Knowledge: If message.
animals could speak, what do
you think will they say to
people? If you were given a
chance to become an animal,
what would you like to be and
why? Today, we will find out
what the animals will say in our

Show the answer – “I love

Activating Prior Knowledge: What
do you know about prepositions?
Why do we need to study
prepositions? Today, we will sing
a song about
prepositions to under-
standthe meaning and to learn
more about them.
C. Presenting examples/ Presentation – Let’s Aim Presentation Presentation Preparation of test
instances of the new lesson What the Animals Said Read the story: Alphabet Animal Relay: Give 2 sets Teach the poem, “Hickory
Anonymous-(Old German Mark Has Horse’s Ears of words which Group A and Group Dickory” and let the children
Nursery Rhyme) Can you An Adaptation of Mark Has B will recite the poem.
remember Horse’s Ears use for the relay. Each team will Hickory Dickory Dock
the animals mentioned in the by Robert Nye arrange the words in alphabetical The mouse went up the clock.
poem? Recall and say as many order. The mouse ran down
animals as you can? (The team who finishes first, wins The clock struck one.
Get Set the game.) Hickory Dickory Dock.
Read along as the teacher reads Find the rhyming words in the
the poem. Use your point finger poem. What other rhyming
as your guide. The teacher may add words for the words do you know?
What the Animals Said game like iguana, jaguar, kangaroo, Activating Prior Knowledge –
Old German Rhyme newt, lizard, What animal went up the clock?
Anonymous octopus, parrot, quail, snail, tiger, Have you ever seen a
unicorn, vulture. mouse? Describe a mouse using a
Activating Prior Knowledge: Show semantic map.
animal stuffed toy and ask the Unlocking of difficult words
children where it is. 1. shade - I go under the tree
Put the stuffed toy in the following because it’s too hot. I really love
places: the shade.
Mark had everything he wanted. Where is the toy? 2. squeak – Demonstrate and let
Everyone said, The toy is on the table. the children do the sound.
“What a lucky boy. How happy he The toy is under the chair. 3. trap – Show a mouse trap
must be!” But The toy is in the bag. Can you think of a word with a
Mark was not happy. He had a Introduce the three prepositions- similar meaning of trap?
secret. The secret beside, in front of and above trap – catch, ensnare, shut in,
was that he had horse’s ears that The toy is beside the pupil. lock in
he kept under a The toy is in front of the Read Along - Read aloud the
bonnet. blackboard. story and the children will read
The only person who knew about The toy is above my head. along.
the secret was the family barber. See LM - Read Along. Explain the
He was forced to promise not to Question Box Surprise.
tell anyone or else his barber Allow a volunteer to pick a
shop would be question from a box and anybody
closed. The barber kept the in the classroom can answer the
secret until he began question orally. Allow the
to get sick and went to the children to read the questions
doctor. The doctor and write their answers on a
said, “You are not sick at all. sheet of paper.
Perhaps you are Listen to your teacher as he/she
keeping a secret.” The barber fell reads the story,
off his chair. “The Lion and the Mouse.”
He thought the doctor knew The Lion and the Mouse
about little Mark’s Aesop’s Fable
secret. The doctor asked what Once there was a lion sleeping
the secret was, but peacefully under the shade of a
the barber wouldn’t say anything. narra tree. Suddenly a mouse
The doctor said, ran up his shoulders. The lion
“Well, if you won’t tell me, tell it woke up and shook himself like
to the ground.” an earthquake and sent the little
Right away the barber went to creature to the ground. The lion
the bank of the caught the mouse
river and laid his head down and by the tail, holding him with one
great paw. “Who are you to
whispered, disturb my much-needed sleep?”
“Mark has horse’s ears. Mark has roared the lion. Almost too
horse’s ears.” scared to say anything,
Right away he felt better. the mouse begged to be set free.
When the little rich boy “I give you my word, Sir Lion. One
celebrated his seventh day I will return the favor.” “Give
birthday, his mother prepared a your word, squeaking pip?” asked
big banquet. She invited the lion,
musicians to entertain guests. laughing. The mouse nodded and
One played music using a comb the lion lifted his paw and let the
and a leaf. When the guests had creature free. They went their
eaten, little Mark’s father called separate ways. The lion forgot
on the special musician to play. about the mouse, but
The musician blew on his comb the mouse was more careful
and out came the song, “Mark where he put his feet.
has horse’s ears.” The guests One day the lion roared pitifully
began to giggle. The father through the forest.
snatched the comb from the It woke the mouse in the comfort
musician and blew on it. Again of his rest. “That
the comb sang, “Mark has horse’s sounds like Sir Lion. He saved my
ears.” Everyone life. I promised I would return the
laughed so hard they were rolling favor. Now is my chance.” The
on the floor. mouse hurried toward the sound.
Suddenly Mark’s mom stood up He saw the lion hung from a
and spoke, “How many of you great branch, caught in a hunter’s
here have horse’s ears? Only one, net, trapped so tightly it couldn’t
my special son, Mark. It is a sign move. The mouse quickly climbed
of his difference from you.” The up the tree and down the thick
mother took off the bonnet that ropes where he set to work with
hid Mark’s ears. Then the father his sharp teeth. He chewed and
and mother kissed pulled, nibbled and gnawed
Mark, first on one ear and then through the mesh until
on the other. eventually the net began to
After this, everyone wanted loosen and the lion was released.
horse’s ears because these would The lion thanked the mouse.
make them special.Mark didn’t “Thank you, little
have to hide his ears anymore. mouse. I promise never to
underestimate the smaller
creatures again.” The mouse in
turn tried to look heroic and
brave. It was with some relief
and not a little pride that he
watched as the lion
disappeared into the forest.
D. Discussing new concepts Comprehension Questions: Comprehension Questions: Comprehension Questions: Comprehension Questions:
and practicing new skills #1 Listen to the last sound of the 1. What was special about Mark? What are the prepositions in the 1. Who are the main characters
words that rhyme in each line. 2. How do you think Mark felt following sentences? of the story?
The characters of the story are when the guests The toy is beside the pupil. 2. Where did the story happen?
the people, animals and things laughed about his ears? The toy is in front of the 3. When did the story happen?
in the story. 3. What was the story about? blackboard. 4. What was the lion doing under
Allow the children to read the 4. Can you cite the prepositons The toy is above my head. the narra tree?
rhyming words – Refer toLM – that were used in the story? 5. Who woke the lion?
Let’s Aim 6. What did the lion do to the
Longest List of Rhyming Words mouse?
7. What happened to the lion one
8. Who saved the lion?
9. What did the lion say after he
was rescued by the mouse?
10. What did you learn from the

E. Discussing new concepts and Group Activity Group Work: Group Work: Group Work:
practicing new skills #2 Cooperative learning Strategy: Our Preposition Banner Group Work - Work by Pairs Answer the following:
Numbered Heads Divide the class into 5 groups so Now, look at the LM – Preposition 1. Why did the lion roar at the
A team of four is established. they can make their alphabet Exercise mouse?
Each student assigns a number banners made of colorful Answer Key: 1. The road is beside 2. How did the mouse save the
to himself - 1, 2, 3 4. construction paper. Write simple the car. lion?
Teacher announces the topic, sentences using prepositions in, 2. The ball is in front of the box.
the time limit, and who will on and under to help your team 3.The mouse is behind the box
share first. make meaningful 4. The boy is behind the tree.
Groups work together to answer bantings. Distribute bantings.
the question so that all can
verbally answer the question.

F. Developing mastery We Can Do It We Can Do It We Can Do It We Can Do It Testing

( Leads to formative Allow the pupils to think of Recite the Chant using Find a partner and fil in the blanks Sequencing relay. Sequence the
assessment ) rhyming words and encourage prepositions with the correct events of the story in the correct
them to share their “Rhyming Where’s the monkey? Where is prepositions. order.
Words Collection” box. See the it? (2x)
LM Work Together - Rhyming In the box (2x)
Words Where’s the bird? Where is it?
Answer: (2x)
cat does not rhyme with bar On the tree (2x)
box rhymes with fox Where’s the snake? Where is
fan rhymes with can it?(2x)
Under the rock (2x)
On, in and under
Where’s the apple? Where is it?
In the box(2x)
Where’s the carrot? Where is it?
On the chair (2x)
Where’s the rabbi? Where is
Under the bench (2x)
On, in and under..Great!
Where’s the book? Where is it?
On the desk(2x)
Where’s the pencil? Where is it?
In the box (2x)
Where’s the ruler? Where is
Under the chair (2x)
On, in and under. See you next
G. Finding practical/ I Can Do It Give examples of sentences using ICan Do It I Can Do It
applications of concepts and Which of following words are prepositions. Allow the children to use things Draw your favorite character and
skills in daily living rhyming inside the classroom to review the tell the reason
Look at the words in the prepositions that why you love him.
clothesline and put a check they’ve just learned. Allow them to
(/)inside the box if the words construct their own sentences and
rhyme and cross (x) if they do then share their
not rhyme. sentences with their partner. Then,
let them analyze the chart and
construct 5 sentences.
Allow the children to look at the
following animals and write 5
sentences to tell where
they are. Use the prepositions in,
Write your own pair of words
on, under, behind, beside and in
that rhyme.
front of.
H. Making generalizations and Remember This: Remember This: Remember This: Remember This: What did you learn?
abstractions about the lesson What are rhyming words? What are the prepositions that What are prepositions? How do you make relevant
were used in the story and the predictions in the story read?
chant? What should you remember in
sequencing of events that
happened in the story?
I. Evaluating Learning Measure My Learning Measure My Learning Measure My Learning Measure My Learning Checking the test
Read and Memorize: Read and Memorize: What can you do to make your task If you were mouse, would you paper.Noting item missed.
“Love yourself and be thankful Thought for the Day: Working faster? Why do we need to study also help the lion? Why or why
for being special and unique.” together as a team can help us prepositions? not?
finish our Preposition banner Working together as a team can If you were the lion, would you
faster and understand the help us finish our task faster. let the mouse free?
meaning of prepositions in, on Studying the prepositions
and under. can be useful in telling where things

J. Additional activities for Study the prepositions out of and Retell your story to your family or Study next lesson.
application or remediation over. best friend.

A. No. of learners who earned
80% of the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities to
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

G. What innovation or localized

material did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

File Created by Ma’am MARIANNE MANALO PUHI

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