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Ex pe r i e n c e su m m ar y:

Having over 9+ years of IT experience with proficiency in Business Analysis, Requirement Analysis,
Development and Producton support.

Over 2+ year of experience on working on Big data Project using Cloudera Distributon including Apache
Hadoop (CDH) Ecosystem and on large cluster environment.

Over 2+ years of hands--on experience working on Apache Hadoop ecosystem components like
MapReduce, Hive, PIG, Python, Sqoop, Oozie, HBase, Impala and Mahout.

Design logical and soluton architecture for proposed Clients bigdata problem statements.

Worked on IT delivery, maintenance and support in retail projects from incepton to steady state with
offshore--onsite model and in agile methodology.

Worked at Client locaton (RI, USA) for over 3 years and currently hold a valid H1B Visa.

Actvely involved in conductng seminars, trainings and workshops on Big data especially Apache Hadoop
Ecosystem, NoSQL DB’s , Machine Learning and Functonal programming.


• Pharmacy / Retail /Healthcare

o CVS / Caremark
 Worked in larger scale applicaton development/release and support management.
o Wal--Mart Stores Inc.
 Worked in larger scale applicaton development in agile methodology.

Ce r t i f i c a t i o n s :
 Cloudera Certfied Developer for Apache Hadoop (CCDH)

 BigData University Certofoed – HDFS, MapReduce, HBase, Hive and PIG

Qu a l i f i c a t i o n :

Course Specializaton University Year

Electronics and
Bachelor of Engineering Anna University 2001 – 2005
Communicaton Engineering
Ca r e e r P r o f i l e :
Since May 2007 Tata Consultancy Services

Project Name MemberrEngagementrProgramr(MEP)r

Duraton From March 2014 to tll date

Client Wal--Mart Inc Stores, USA

Line of business of the client Retail

About the Program Wal--Mart and its associated retail companies have very vast customer base
both from Brick and motor & Online stores. With the vast amount of
transactonal data and a big data platorm to derive 360--degree view of
customer, this project aims at building analytcs to engage with customer more
actvely with predictve analytc models. Some of the model intended to be
included in this program are as follows,

• Propensity to buy
• Predicton of Customer Churn analysis
• Compettor Price Monitoring
• Customer network analysis
Role Technical Architect

Actvites Activities is in Phase--I: (March 2014 – September 2014)

• Engage actvely with the stakeholders to understand the “scope of
• Define scope and architecture requirements
• Identficaton of Data Sources, Data Transformaton languages &
tools and Data Reportng & Visualizaton tools
• Design preliminary approach -- Functonal and Technology
• Review and finalize approach specific to each analytcs model
• Detailed documentaton of the approach
Technical Platorm Hardware : Hadoop Cluster (200 + 400 nodes)

Operatng System : Redhat Linux, Cloudera Distributon including Hadoop

(CDH 4.3)

Languages : Core Java, MapReduce, Hive, PIG, Python and R (Nag


File System : HDFS

Database : HBase

Special Sofware : Impala, Sqoop, Oozie

Locaton(s) Chennai, India

Project Name CustomerrKnowledgerPlatormr(CKP)r

Duraton From April 2012 to February 2014

Client Wal--Mart Inc Stores, USA

Line of business of the client Retail

About the Program Wal--Mart and its associated retail companies have very vast customer base
both from Brick and motor & Online stores. With a generaton capacity of
around 1 million transactons per hour across all the enttes, which comprises
of 2.5 petabytes of data, wal--mart is focused on creatng a central hub for
customer specific informaton using BIGDATA technologies.

This project aims at providing analytcs dashboard for business and data
scientsts for data analysis and to generate new insights.

Role Hadoop Developer

Actvites • Working in an agile methodology, understand the requirements of

the user stories and prepare High--level design documentation for
• On approval, derive Low level design documents for development
• Develop the draft version of the scripts in Java Mapreduce and Pig
(Data transformaton) and HiveQL script (if it involves ad--hoc
• Fine tune the process based on the MapReduce jobs processed
• Using Apache Sqoop, the data from various database sources like
Oracle, Teradata, DB2 and Informix is extracted to HDFS
• Based on the requirement, schedule for each Job setup in Apache
Oozie, Data from multple database sources loaded into Hive tables.
• Apache Hive is being extensively used to build various tables, which
are specific to user requirement
• Also data visualizaton sofware Tableau is used as part of bringing
new insights from data extracted and beter representaton of data
Technical Platorm Hardware : Hadoop Cluster (200 + 400 nodes)

Operatng System : Redhat Linux, Cloudera Distributon including Hadoop

(CDH 4.3)

Languages : Core Java, MapReduce, Hive, PIG

File System : HDFS

Database : HBase

Special Sofware : Impala, Sqoop, Oozie

Locaton(s) Chennai, India

Project Name DigitalrEnterpriserServicesr&rSolutonsrr

Duraton From April 2012 tll October 2012

Client TCSrr--rDigitalrEnterpriserServicesr&rSolutonsrr

Line of business of the client Banking and Finance, Retail, Insurance and HealthCare

About the Program TCS, with view of Digital re--imaginaton through analytcs, has architected a
group to build competency and knowledge in specific areas like Big data,
Analytcs & Informaton management (ABIM) and in turn develop solutons to
customer with latest technologies available in these areas. As part of this
program, for hand picked associates across TCS, resources were made
available to build "Proof Of Concepts" on the trending technologies to solve
customer centric problems in areas of ABIM.

Role Hadoop Developer

Actvites POC 1: Retail -- Compettor Price Monitoring

POC 2: Banking -- Consumer Network Analysis
POC 3: CPG -- Sentment Analysis on brands
• Define scope and architecture requirements
• Identficaton of Data Sources, Data Transformaton languages &
tools and Data Reportng & Visualizaton tools
• Design preliminary approach -- Functonal and Technology
• Review and finalize approach
• Installaton of required apache and related packages
• High level code design documentaton
• Code development and implementaton
• Generate reports using open source tools like Pentaho
• Documentaton -- approach to make POC scalable for enterprise

Technical Platorm Operatng System : CentOS, Fedora

Languages : Hive, PIG, MapReduce, Java, Shell scriptng, SQL, Python

File System : HDFS

Special Sofware : CDH4.3, Sqoop, Flume, Oozie, Web Crawler

Locaton(s) Chennai, India

Project Name JDArSCPOr–rLegacyrsystemrintegratonr

Duraton From February 2011 tll March 2012

Client CVS Caremark Corporaton, Rhode island, USA

Line of business of the client Retail

About the Program CVS retail business depends on AWR and ASR for Store and Warehouse
forecast and replenishment. It is a product of E3/JDA and is run on legacy
system AS/400.

CVS is migratng to more efficient and accurate forecastng and replenishment

tool from JDA, which is SCPO (Supply chain planning and optmizaton).

TCS provides services for Integraton and enhancement involved in the setup of
the JDA SCPO manager. TCS works with CVS IS team to understand the business
process requirements and also build process to integrate the existng legacy
system with the New product. The Scope of the project is to
understand the current applicatons, enhance, integrate and support the

Role Techno--functonal Lead

Actvites • Preparaton of weekly status report

• Understand the Business process requirements
• Design data model and High level technical mapping
• Discussion on Mapping documentaton with CVS IS team
• Preparaton of low level mapping and Job stream fow
• Review of code
• Preparaton of Business test cases
• Maintenance of defect free deliverables
Technical Platorm Operatng System : Z/OS, Unix

Languages : SQL, JCL, CA--Easytrieve, REXX, KSL, Shell scriptng

File System : VSAM

Database : Oracle, Teradata

Special Sofware : Informatca Power center, Control--M, DMS, Infopac,

Xpeditor, Abend--aid, SCLM

Locaton(s) Chennai, India

Project Name SupplierrNumberrExpansionrprojectr

Duraton From September 2010 to February 2011

Client CVS Caremark Corporaton, Rhode island, USA

Line of business of the client Retail/Pharmacy/Corporate Systems

About the Program CVS has three major Business Groups

• Retail
• Pharmacy
• Corporate Systems.
Layered across these Business Groups is Operatons Support Services (OSS)
which provides support for all Applicatons and is organizatonally parttoned
by platorm (Mainframe / Remote Warehouse Management System, Open
Systems / PeopleSof, and Data Warehouse).

CVS Legacy system consists of Merchandising, Procurement; Order

processing, Purchase Order fulfillment, Corporate and Third party
applicatons. The Supplier number in these applicatons was 4 digits and
needed an expansion.

Role Onsite Coordinator (Techno--functonal)

Actvites • Identfying the search criteria

• Built REXX tools to group the impacted components (Jobs, Procs,
Parms, Sysin’s)
• Grouping the applicatons for roll--out phase
• Follow--up with Third party agencies for smoother EDI/Gentran
• Reportng status to the client and project steering group
• Liaising/ Interactng with offshore and Onsite Management
• Tracking tasks and Monitoring the progress of work
• Managing, Coordinatng, planning and executng the project
• Defining responsibilites and reviewing deliverables
• Project Scheduling and re--scheduling -- Identfying priorites in
consultaton with the client and changing the schedule
• Recovery of issues in the Nightly batch processing
• Managing post producton support actvites
Technical Platorm Operatng System : Z/OS

Languages : COBOL, CICS, SQL, JCL, CA--Easytrieve, REXX, KSL

File System : VSAM

Database : DB2

Special Sofware : Control--M, DMS, Infopac, Xpeditor, Abend--aid, SCLM

Locaton(s) CVS Pharmacy, Rhode island, USA

Project Name OSSrProductonrSupportrprojectr

Duraton From May 2007 to August 2010

Client CVS Caremark Corporaton, Rhode island, USA

Line of business of the client Retail/Pharmacy/Corporate Systems

About the Program CVS has three major Business Groups

• Retail
• Pharmacy
• Corporate Systems.
Layered across these Business Groups is Operatons Support Services (OSS)
which provides support for all Applicatons and is organizatonally parttoned
by platorm (Mainframe / Remote Warehouse Management System, Open
Systems / PeopleSof, and Data Warehouse). TCS provides services for
support and enhancement of all these applicatons.

TCS worked with CVS OSS Associates during the knowledge transiton phase
and completely took over the support once the transiton phase was over.
The Scope of the project is to understand the current applicatons, enhance
and support the same.

Role Producton Support Executve

Actvites • Reportng status to the client and project steering group

• Liaising/ Interactng with offshore and Onsite Management
• Tracking tasks and Monitoring the progress of work
• Managing, Coordinatng, planning and executng the project
• Defining responsibilites and reviewing deliverables
• Partcipatng in periodical strategy and business group meetngs
• Project Scheduling and re--scheduling -- Identfying priorites in
consultaton with the client and changing the schedule
• Managing post producton support actvites
• Day to day support actvites also include the support of cross
platorm feeds from legacy system to ASR, AWR, Epicor Sales audit
• Recovery of issues in the Nightly batch processing
• Preparaton of Disaster recovery documentaton for all applicatons
• Identficaton and automaton of repettve tasks of using REXX tools
• Built several REXX tools to speed--up the abend recovery process
• Establishing & Monitoring the processes for Issue Management,
Change Management and Quality Management
Technical Platorm Languages : COBOL, CICS, SQL, JCL, CA--Easytrieve, REXX, KSL

File System : VSAM

Database : DB2

Special Sofware : Control--M, DMS, Infopac, Xpeditor, Abend--aid, SCLM

Locaton(s) CVS Pharmacy, Rhode island, USA / GG4, Gurgaon, Delhi NCR
From June 2005 tll May 2007 Wisdom Sof Solutons

Project Name BusinessrServicerRequestr(BSR)r

Duraton From June 2005 to May 2007

Client Fiserv

About the Program Fiserv is the leading provider of informaton management systems and
services to financial and insurance industries. The project focuses on
acceptng the business requests from IS team and end users and enhancing
the existng applicatons to incorporate the new business functonalites. The
functonal and technical changes include changes to corporate and retail

Role Programming Analyst

Actvites • Identfying the search criteria

• Built REXX tools to group the impacted components (Jobs, Procs,
Parms, Sysin’s)
• Grouping the applicatons for roll--out phase
• Follow--up with Third party agencies for smoother EDI/Gentran
• Reportng status to the client and project steering group
• Liaising/ Interactng with offshore and Onsite Management
• Tracking tasks and Monitoring the progress of work
• Managing, Coordinatng, planning and executng the project
• Defining responsibilites and reviewing deliverables
• Project Scheduling and re--scheduling -- Identfying priorites in
consultaton with the client and changing the schedule
• Recovery of issues in the Nightly batch processing
• Managing post producton support actvites
Technical Platorm Hardware : IBM Mainframes, UNIX systems

Operatng System : Z/OS, UNIX

Languages : SQL, COBOL, CICS, SQL, JCL,EDI/ Gentran, REXX

File System : SQL, VSAM, DB2

Special Sofware : Control--M

Locaton(s) Hyderabad, India

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