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Installation, Operation, and

Maintenance Manual (IOM)
PTZ-BOX FCD vemm tec

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual (IOM)


1 LIST OF TERMS AND SYMBOLS.........................................................................................................5

2 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................6
2.1 Dear customer .......................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Notice .....................................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Brief description .....................................................................................................................................6
2.4 Parts and documents supplied with the PTZ-BOX FCD ........................................................................7
2.5 Instructions for storage and conservation ..............................................................................................8
2.6 Mechanical design .................................................................................................................................8
2.7 Principle of operation: Calculation of the gas conversion factor C.........................................................9
2.8 Volume under error conditions.............................................................................................................11
2.9 Parameters ..........................................................................................................................................11
2.9.1 Digital inputs............................................................................................................................12
2.9.2 Digital outputs .........................................................................................................................13
2.10 Archives ...............................................................................................................................................14
2.10.1 Data archive ............................................................................................................................14
2.10.2 Daily archive............................................................................................................................15
2.10.3 Monthly archive .......................................................................................................................15
2.10.4 Limits archive ..........................................................................................................................15
2.10.5 Binary archive..........................................................................................................................15
2.10.6 Status archive .........................................................................................................................15
2.10.7 Settings archive.......................................................................................................................15
2.11 Communication with a master system .................................................................................................15
2.11.1 Optical interface IEC-1107 ......................................................................................................16
2.11.2 RS-232 and RS-485 serial interfaces......................................................................................16
2.11.3 Communication with a modem controlled by AT commands..................................................16
2.11.4 Communication with GSM and GPRS modems .....................................................................18
2.12 Protection against changes of metrological parameters......................................................................18
2.12.1 Protection realized by switches ...............................................................................................18
2.12.2 Password system and access levels.......................................................................................19
2.12.3 Device identification and official seals.....................................................................................20

3 SOFTWARE ........................................................................................................................................22
3.1 Firmware ..............................................................................................................................................22
3.2 Software GASCcomm..........................................................................................................................22
3.3 Manufacturer’s service software ..........................................................................................................22
3.4 Parameter setting.................................................................................................................................22
3.4.1 Parameter setting with software GASCcomm.........................................................................22
3.4.2 Parameter setting with the keypad..........................................................................................22
3.4.3 Factory settings .......................................................................................................................23

4 INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................................................24
4.1 Safety instructions and warnings: See back page ...............................................................................24
4.2 Installation in potentially explosive atmospheres .................................................................................24
4.3 Mounting instructions ...........................................................................................................................24
4.3.1 Wall mounting .........................................................................................................................25
4.3.2 Installation on a mounting plate ..............................................................................................25
4.3.3 Pipe mounting .........................................................................................................................26
4.4 Connecting the transmitters .................................................................................................................26
4.4.1 Connecting the pressure transmitter.......................................................................................26
4.4.2 Connecting the temperature transmitter .................................................................................27
4.5 Adding a second pressure or temperature transmitter ........................................................................28
4.6 External power supply..........................................................................................................................29
4.7 Grounding ............................................................................................................................................30
4.8 Cable connections and recommended cable types .............................................................................30
4.9 Pin assignment, terminals and connectors ..........................................................................................31

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4.9.1 Terminals of external power supply and binary inputs ............................................................31

5 OPERATION........................................................................................................................................32
5.1 Display and keypad..............................................................................................................................32
5.1.1 Display characteristics ............................................................................................................32
5.1.2 Keypad description..................................................................................................................32
5.2 System menus .....................................................................................................................................32
5.2.1 Main menu ..............................................................................................................................33
5.2.2 Actual values menu.................................................................................................................35
5.2.3 Saved values (historical data) menu .......................................................................................35
5.2.4 Device parameters menu........................................................................................................36
5.2.5 Config parameter menu ..........................................................................................................36
5.2.6 System data menu ..................................................................................................................37
5.2.7 Diagnostics menu....................................................................................................................37
5.2.8 Error and warning messages ..................................................................................................37
5.3 Technical specifications .......................................................................................................................39
5.3.1 Mechanical parameters...........................................................................................................39
5.3.2 Ambient parameters................................................................................................................39
5.3.3 Power supply...........................................................................................................................39
5.3.4 Metrological parameters and device accuracy........................................................................40
5.3.5 Digital input terminal................................................................................................................41
5.3.6 Digital output terminals............................................................................................................42
5.3.7 Interfaces for communication with a master system...............................................................42
5.3.8 Design for explosive atmosphere – intrinsical safety ..............................................................43
5.4 Economical operational mode of the device ........................................................................................43
5.5 Battery life time ....................................................................................................................................44
5.5.1 Main battery.............................................................................................................................44
5.5.2 Backup battery ........................................................................................................................44

6 MAINTENANCE...................................................................................................................................45
6.1 Replacing the batteries ........................................................................................................................45
6.2 Recalibration ........................................................................................................................................45

7 WARRANTY ........................................................................................................................................46

8 APPENDIX WITH TABLES AND FIGURES ........................................................................................47

9 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS .....................................................................................49

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Figure 1: Over all view with dimensions [mm] ..........................................................................................8

Figure 2: Inside view with main parts .......................................................................................................9
Figure 3: Processing and storage of pulses in normal status and in error status ..................................11
Figure 4: Input and output terminals.......................................................................................................12
Figure 5: Application example – pulse/binary output and analog output ................................................13
Figure 6: Safety separation of communication using RS-485 with K3 Module.......................................17
Figure 7: Separation of RS-232 communication via MTL5051 separator ..............................................17
Figure 8: Communication cable wiring ...................................................................................................18
Figure 9: Main label (English version) ....................................................................................................20
Figure 10: Locations of the seals .............................................................................................................21
Figure 11: Installation on the mounting plate ...........................................................................................25
Figure 12: Pipe mounting .........................................................................................................................26
Figure 13: Mounting positions of the temperature sensor with thermowell and weldolet .........................28
Figure 14: Location of the RS-485 expansion module in the device ........................................................29
Figure 15: Connection of an additional digital transmitter to the RS-485 expansion module...................29
Figure 16: External power supply connection (examples)........................................................................30
Figure 17: Cable shield connected in a bushing ......................................................................................31
Figure 18: Initial display............................................................................................................................33
Figure 19: Navigation from the initial display to the main menu...............................................................33
Figure 20: Main menu and first submenu level ........................................................................................34
Figure 21: Example of displaying the actual values .................................................................................35
Figure 22: Navigation in archives (archiving period 1 hour) .....................................................................36
Figure 23: MID type-approval ...................................................................................................................48
Figure 24: ATEX certificate ......................................................................................................................48


Formula 1: Conversion formula ...................................................................................................................9

Formula 2: Volume under measurement conditions (primary volume) .......................................................9
Formula 3: Gas compressibility ratio .........................................................................................................10
Formula 4: Conversion factor ....................................................................................................................10
Formula 5: Volume under base conditions (base volume)........................................................................10
Formula 6: Flow rate at measurement conditions (primary flow rate) .......................................................11
Formula 7: Flow rate at base conditions (base flow rate)..........................................................................11


Table 1: Gas composition parameters depending on the compressibility calculation method .............10
Table 2: Pressure and temperature ranges of the compressibility calculation methods.......................10
Table 3: Digital input configuration options ...........................................................................................12
Table 4: Archive options of individual values ........................................................................................14
Table 5: Service switch positions ..........................................................................................................18
Table 6: User access level per service switch setting...........................................................................19
Table 7: Accredited Service Centre level ..............................................................................................20
Table 8: Recommended weldolets and thermowells ............................................................................27
Table 9: Recommended cable types.....................................................................................................30
Table 10: Possible input and output configurations ................................................................................31
Table 11: Display status icons ................................................................................................................33
Table 12: Error messages in the display („ERR”) ...................................................................................38
Table 13: Warning messages in the display („WRN”).............................................................................38
Table 14: Short status code ....................................................................................................................39
Table 15: Technical standards, rules and guidelines ..............................................................................47

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Term Description
CL-1 Module .................. module for analog output 4 - 20 mA
CRC ............................... checksum, used for data security
DC.................................. direct current voltage
HF .................................. high frequency
JBZ-0x Module............... power supply unit JBZ-01 Module, JBZ-02 Module, or JBZ-02/A Module
Kx Module ...................... barrier and signal converter Kx Module (K1 Module, K2 Module, K3
Module, K3/A Module, K4 Module, K4/A Module)
LF................................... low frequency
ModBus.......................... communication protocol designed by Modicon

Symbol Description Unit

C .................................... conversion factor ....................................................................................... -
K..................................... gas compressibility factor ratio (Z/Zb) ........................................................ -
3 3
k-factor........................... gas meter constant (number of pulses per m ) ......................................... imp/m
N .................................... number of pulses....................................................................................... imp
p ..................................... absolute pressure at measurement conditions ......................................... bar
pb .................................... absolute pressure at base conditions ........................................................ bar
ps .................................... pre-set default value for pressure.............................................................. bar
Q .................................... flow rate at measurement conditions............................ (primary flow rate) m /h
Qb ................................... flow rate at base conditions .............................................. (base flow rate) m /h
T..................................... absolute temperature at measurement conditions (T = t + 273.15) .......... K
t ...................................... gas temperature ........................................................................................ °C
Tb ................................... absolute temperature at base conditions .................................................. K
Ts.................................... pre-set default value for temperature ........................................................ °C
V..................................... volume at measurement conditions ............................... (primary volume) m
Vb ................................... volume at base conditions ................................................. (base volume) m
Vbs .................................. error volume at base conditions ............................... (error base volume) m
Vs ................................... error volume at measurement conditions ............. (error primary volume) m
Z..................................... gas compressibility factor at measurement conditions.............................. -
Zb ................................... gas compressibility factor at base conditions ............................................ -

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2.1 Dear customer

vemm tec Messtechnik GmbH thanks you for your confidence when purchasing the PTZ-BOX FCD
electronic gas volume converter. Our development team, which has a long-term experience in design of
previous models, aims to understand needs of our customers and reflecting these needs in the design. The
PTZ-BOX FCD is based on modern components in order to reach excellent accuracy and high reliability. In
addition, it provides other features and highly variable design that can be rarely found in this product category
thus improving your investment returns. Due to extension options of the device, you will be better prepared
for the future.

2.2 Notice

vemm tec Messtechnik GmbH (“vemm tec”) shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors in this manual
or omissions from this manual. vemm tec makes no warranties, express or implied, including the implied
warranties of merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to this manual. In no event,
shall vemm tec be liable for any special or consequential damages including, but not limited to, loss of
production, loss of profits, etc.

Product names used herein are for manufacturer or supplier identification only and may be
trademarks/registered trademarks of these companies.

Copyright © 2009
by vemm tec Messtechnik GmbH
Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means – graphic,
electronic or mechanical – without first receiving the written permission of vemm tec Messtechnik GmbH,
Potsdam-Babelsberg, Germany.

2.3 Brief description

The vemm tec PTZ-BOX FCD gas volume converter (hereafter device) is designed for conversion of a gas
volume under operational conditions into a gas volume under base conditions. Applications are with all gas
flow meters that generate volume pulses which are counted by the device. The device is equipped with
energy-saving pressure and temperature sensors. The pressure transmitter can be fitted inside the case or
mounted externally. These digital transmitters communicate with the device using the RS 485 bus and the
ModBus protocol. The device calculates the compressibility factor Z of the gas as well as the conversion
factor C with the measured absolute pressure and temperature. From these values it calculates the volume at
base conditions, the base flow rate and the actual flow rate.

• High level conversion device for gas volume meters (for custody transfer)
• Low cost / high performance
• High or low frequency single or dual pulse inputs
• Pressure transmitter internally or externally mounted
• Software for Windows included
• Extended communication options
• For explosive atmosphere zone 1 and zone 2
• Several compressibility calculation methods, including the full composition AGA 8 calculation
• The PTZ-BOX FCD complies with EN 12405 and other international standards

The device has been constructed and approved conform to EN 12405-1 as a conversion device type 1
(compact system) and can be supplied as a T, PT, or PTZ converter. It is manufactured and supplied in
compliance with the following European Parliament directives:
1994/9/EC Equipment and protective systems for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
2004/108/EC Electromagnetic compatibility
2004/22/EC Directive on measuring instruments
The converter is launched on the market and in use pursuant to Directive 2004/22/EC and is marked with CE.

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Regarding safety, the device is constructed conform to the EN 60079-11 standard as intrinsically-safe. It is
approved for use in specified explosive atmospheres.

The device is powered by a lithium battery. The lifetime of this battery is 6 years when operated in the defined
mode. Battery power supply also enables to use low frequency (LF) pulse inputs. External power supply can
be connected if required.

The device is built in a poly carbonate casing with IP 66 protection. It is equipped with a graphical display with
128 x 64 pixels and back light. It is operated by the 6 buttons on the front panel keypad. Actual values, stored
values, metrological and configuration data as well as status indication can be accessed at the display. Some
of the menus are user configurable.

The PTZ-BOX FCD has got 4 digital inputs. 2 For the connection of a gas meter with LF or HF pulses or
binary signals and 2 only for binary signals. The binary inputs can work as check inputs to check the
connection with a gas meter or can monitor the conditions of a safety snap lock or a door, for example. The
device has got 4 outputs, configurable as binary output, as pulse output, or as data output for conversion into
an analog signal (4 - 20 mA).

The device has a data archive of the measured values with an adjustable structure and storing period. The
binary archive stores changes on the binary inputs and the occurrence of the monitored events (limits, etc.)
Error conditions are stored in an event archive. It is possible to program the storing of important quantities
and calculations and storage of some statistical values in the daily and monthly archive. The archive has
settings for service and metrology; in case of changes of settings, the acts influencing the device parameters
are recorded.

For communication with its superior system, the device has a serial interface RS-232 and RS-485. Various
communication protocols installed in the device allow easier connection to the SCADA systems. The device
cooperates with common phone, radio, GSM, and GPRS modems, and in case of an alarm condition, it can
initiate the connection.

The device can be extended by one non-metrology sensor for measuring pressure or temperature. This
extension can be applied without breaking the official seals on an already installed device. The device can be
configured using the supplied computer software, which also allows the readout, display and archive of both
the actual measured values as well as the contents of the internal device archives.

2.4 Parts and documents supplied with the PTZ-BOX FCD

Your package includes:

• PTZ-BOX FCD device with transmitters as mentioned in your order
• Mounting accessories for wall mounting or for mounting on the gas pipe (if ordered)
• A weldolet with thermo-well for every temperature sensor (if ordered)
• CD-ROM with GASCcomm software and with a softcopy of the user manual (if ordered)
• Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual (this manual in printed format, if ordered)

The complete original certificates ordered will be shipped separately. If applicable (and if ordered) the
documents supplied are:
• Verification certificate (of legal calibration) or Calibration Certificate (of factory calibration) with calibration
• Configuration print out
• Inspection Certificates EN 10204 – 3.1 for weldolets and thermo-wells
• Others on request

Each shipment is checked for completeness and released by Quality Assurance Staff prior to shipment. You
should check the device and accessories by means of the order acknowledgement and the delivery note for
completeness. Any damages caused during transport should also be checked. Please immediately contact
your sales agent, if the goods are incomplete or damaged.

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2.5 Instructions for storage and conservation

An electronic volume converter is a high precision instrument; it should be handled with care. vemm tec
suggests to store the PTZ-BOX FCD in the original crating/packing to avoid damage during storage. They
must be stored in a non-condensing atmosphere in a temperature range from -40 to +85 °C.

2.6 Mechanical design

The device is placed in the plastic box with bushings allowing connection of the cable braid. The electronic
circuits are mounted on 3 printed circuit boards.

The bottom part of the casing contains the inputs and outputs board containing the main battery and back-up
battery and terminal box for connecting the pressure and temperature sensors as well as device inputs and
outputs. The connections related to the metrology function of the converter are protected by covers which are
secured with seals. Optionally, the input board can have an extension board for connecting an additional
digital pressure (model PA 1.1) or temperature (model TA 1.1) sensor. This additional digital sensor
communicates with the converter using the ModBus protocol over RS-485 interface.

The front of the converter contains a processor board that is protected by a cover and secured by a seal. The
board cover has an opening for access to the service switch. The service switch can be used to
enable/disable the setting of the device parameters using a manufacturer’s service software. This service
switch can be sealed as well.
Figure 1: Over all view with dimensions [mm]

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Figure 2: Inside view with main parts

2.7 Principle of operation: Calculation of the gas conversion factor C

The PTZ-BOX FCD receives information about actual volume passing the gas meter by volume pulses from
low-frequency sensors or high-frequency sensors installed in the gas meter. Based on the number of pulses
(N) and the gas meter constant (k-factor [imp/m ]), the volume under measurement conditions (V) is

Additional information about the gas is received from temperature and pressure sensors: gas temperature (t)
and absolute pressure under measurement conditions (p). Calculations based on these values result in the
conversion factor (C), which also considers the factors: absolute temperature under base conditions (Tb),
absolute pressure under base conditions (pb), and gas compressibility factor under base conditions (Zb).

The volume measured at actual conditions is converted to volume at base conditions with the following
formula (nomenclature according to EN 12405).
Formula 1: Conversion formula
Vb Volume at base conditions (converted volume) [m ]
p T Z b b V Volume at measurement conditions (unconverted volume) [m ]

V b
= • •
p T Z
•V m p Absolute gas pressure at measurement conditions [bar]
b pb Absolute pressure at base conditions [1,01325 bar]
(or other specified pressure)
Tb Absolute temperature at base conditions [273,15 K]
(or other specified temperature)
T Absolute gas temperature at measurement conditions [K]
Zb Compressibility factor of the gas at base conditions
Z Compressibility factor of the gas at measurement conditions

Formula 2: Volume under measurement conditions (primary volume)

3 N [imp]
V [m ] = 3
k-factor [imp/m ]

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Formula 3: Gas compressibility ratio

K =
Formula 4: Conversion factor
p Tb 1
C = * *
pb (t + 273.15) K
Formula 5: Volume under base conditions (base volume)
3 3
Vb [m ] = V [m ] * C

The gas compressibility factor (Z) expresses the difference between natural gas characteristics and ideal gas
characteristics. The parameter setting specifies the selection of a compressibility factor calculation method
(AGA NX 19 mod, AGA 8 G1, AGA 8 G2, AGA 8-92 DC full composition, or SGERG 88). A constant value
can be used for gases other than natural gas. If a temperature or a pressure value exceeds the limit for the
selected calculation method, the default compressibility value will be used.

Depending on the calculation method, there are different gas parameters to be set. The calculation of the
compressibility factor is performed in each measuring period. Due to the required accuracy of the device, the
use of the individual methods of calculation of compressibility is limited by the pressure and temperature
ranges. More information is provided in Table 1 and Table 2.
Table 1: Gas composition parameters depending on the compressibility calculation method
AGA NX 19 mod AGA 8 G1 AGA 8 G2 AGA 8-92 DC SGERG 88
CO2 [Vol%] CO2 [Vol%] CO2 [Vol%] CO2 [Vol%]
N2 [Vol%] - N2 [Vol%] H2 [Vol%]
2) 2) 2) Complete Standard density
Relative density Relative density Relative density 3
gas [kg/m ]
Superior Heating composition Superior Heating
3 3
- Value [kWh/m ] - Value [kWh/m ]
4) 4)
for 25/0 °C for 25/0 °C
SGERG 88 ranges: t = -10 °C to +62 °C and p = 0 to 120 bar abs.
2) 3 3
Relative density = standard density [kg/m ] / 1,293 kg/m
3) 3
Standard density = relative density * 1,293 kg/m
The Superior Heating Value is specified for the combustion temperature 25 °C / gas temperature 0 °C. The software
GASCcomm contains a built-in calculator for the conversion of the combustion heat at different temperatures.
Table 2: Pressure and temperature ranges of the compressibility calculation methods
Pressure range Compressibility calculation method
kPa Bar(a) AGA NX-19 AGA 8 G1 AGA 8-92 DC SGERG-88
mod AGA 8 G2
80 ÷ 520 0.8 ÷ 5.2 -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C
200 ÷ 1000 2.0 ÷ 10 - -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C
400 ÷ 2000 4.0 ÷ 20 - -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C
700 ÷ 3500 7.0 ÷ 35 - -10 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C -10 ÷ +60 °C
1400 ÷ 7000 14 ÷ 70 - -10 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C -10 ÷ +60 °C
80 ÷ 1000 0.8 ÷ 10 - -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C
400 ÷ 7000 4.0 ÷ 70 - -10 ÷ +60 °C -25 ÷ +60 °C -10 ÷ +60 °C

During each calculation, it is checked whether the measured pressure and temperature value are in the valid
interval of the selected method. If some of the values are outside the valid interval, the so called default
compressibility is used for the conversion. The value of the default compressibility must be entered by the
user during configuration.

The device performs real-time calculation of the gas flow rate from the pulse frequency measured on its input
using the mathematical filtering method. The value of the flow rate, indicated on the device display, is
refreshed every 10 s.

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Formula 6: Flow rate at measurement conditions (primary flow rate)

3 3
Q = dV / dt [m /h] dV Volume increment at measurement conditions [m ]
(primary volume)
dt time between 2 pulses with precision of 0.01 s [h]

Formula 7: Flow rate at base conditions (base flow rate)

Qb = C * dV / dt [m /h]

Alternatively to the above mentioned PTZ or TZ conversion, the device allows a so called PT or T conversion
by setting the gas compressibility ratio as a fixed constant. The range of this constant is not limited.

2.8 Volume under error conditions

In order to perform calculations under error conditions (such as sensor errors, values out of limits, or device
error), the device contains counters of volume under error measurement conditions (Vs) and under error base
conditions (Vbs). These counters are coupled with appropriate counters of volume under normal conditions.

In the case of error conditions, the device counts pulses using both the counter for measurement conditions
(V) and the counter for error volume under measurement conditions (Vs). The increments of the base volume
are then calculated from the fixed pre-set default values for pressure (ps) and/or temperature (Ts). The
calculation results are now stored in the error base volume (Vbs) counter, instead of the base volume counter
(Vb). In that error status, the values of actual volume are still accumulated in the usual counter and also in the
error primary volume (Vs) counter.
Figure 3: Processing and storage of pulses in normal status and in error status
a) Normal status b) Error status

pulses pulses

p Vs ps Vs
T C Ts C
Vb Vb

Vbs Vbs

2.9 Parameters

The parameters can be classified as metrological or other data. Metrological data, which are required for
custody transfer measurement, are configured during production and protected by the official seal. Parameter
setting is restricted for these values. The other data can be configured and modified by the user.

Device settings are configured by applying variables in the parameter dialog box of the GASCcomm software.
The dialog box provides descriptions of monitored values and allows setting as well as archiving.

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Figure 4: Input and output terminals

2.9.1 Digital inputs

A total of 4 digital inputs (marked as DI1 to DI4) can be connected to the device. The inputs are connected at
the terminal board inside the device. The digital inputs can be configured as a binary or as a LF pulse using
the GASCcomm software. The DI1 and DI2 can also be set as HF pulse or binary NAMUR input.
Table 3: Digital input configuration options
Input Binary contact Binary NAMUR LF pulse HF pulse
DI1 yes yes yes yes
DI2 yes yes yes yes
DI3 yes - yes -
DI4 yes - yes -

LF pulse inputs
The LF pulse inputs are dedicated for pulses from a gas meter. The flow measuring function can be chosen
for these inputs. The backup battery ensures preservation of counters’ conditions and reading the pulses of
the LF inputs also in case of the discharge or replacement of the supply battery. After connection of the
supply battery, the pulses read during low battery voltage of the supply battery are added to the error
counters. The LF pulse inputs are connected between the terminals LF+ and LF- (DI1 and DI2 inputs) (see
Figure 4).
The measuring units of the LF pulse inputs and the gas meter constant can be adjusted using the software
GASCcomm. Alternatively, the gas meter constant can be set from the device keyboard. When setting the
value of the gas meter constant (k-factor), only decimal folds or fractions in range from 0.01 to 100 are
The LF pulse input counter operates with 9 digits. The gas meter constant (k-factor) determines the
3 3
magnitude from 9,999,999.99 (for constant 0.01 imp/m ) to 99,999,999,900 (for constant 100 imp/m ).

HF pulse inputs (NAMUR)

The inputs DI1 and DI2 can be configured for processing HF pulses from the gas meter’s NAMUR sensors.
Due to the fact that these sensors require a supply voltage higher than the voltage of the supply battery of the
device, the converter must have an external supply voltage higher than 7 V DC for the registration and
processing of HF pulses. In case the applied HF sensor need a higher voltage this should be the minimum
supply voltage. The flow measuring function can be chosen for these inputs. The backup battery ensures the
preservation of counters’ conditions in case of a failing external supply even in the case of discharge or
replacement of the main battery, but it does not ensure the counting of the pulses. The terminals for the HF
NAMUR inputs are marked HF+ and HF- (see Figure 4).

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The measuring units of the HF pulse inputs and the gas meter constant can be adjusted using the software
GASCcomm. Alternatively, the gas meter constant can be set from the device keyboard.
The HF pulse input counter operates with 9 digits

Binary inputs
The binary inputs monitor the input signals with the option of an evaluation of the condition “connected”
(log. 0) or “disconnected” (log. 1). The device allows the evaluation of the binary inputs from the no-potential
outputs (REED contact or open collector – these signals are on DI1 and DI2 inputs connected to terminals
LF+, LF-) or from NAMUR sensors (DI1 and DI2 inputs, terminals HF+, HF-). NAMUR sensors require an
external power supply voltage higher than 7 V. These inputs can be used to detect input signals with two
discrete states: 0 or 1. Parameter settings allow the display of instantaneous values, to save input changes
into the archive file, to replace the 0 or 1 status by a defined text, and to specify the active signal level.

2.9.2 Digital outputs

The device has 4 digital outputs DO1 to DO4 which can be configured as pulse, binary, or data. The outputs
can be controlled by the device using the calculation equations entered by the user in the device parameters
(for example, it is possible to generate outputs according to the gas flow, indication of alarm condition,
exceeding the set limits of pressure or temperature).

The device structure allows the generation of outputs even when the device is powered solely by the battery
with no effect on the battery life cycle. The outputs are “open collector” type and are not galvanic separated.
All four outputs have a joint GND conductor. The outputs are intrinsically safe, thus when connecting
standard devices, the devices must be connected via a safety barrier.

Pulse outputs
The pulse outputs have adjustable width and pulse periods in steps of 0.1 s. The number of pulses that are
calculated but not submitted (due to time limitations) can reach 65 535 pulses maximum. An output constant
can also be applied in the setting equation of the output quantity.

Binary outputs
Output terminals are according to the output status in the connected or disconnected condition. In the resting
state, the output terminals are disconnected (condition log.1).

Data output
The digital output configured as a data output can be configured to provide a coded signal to an analogue
output module, which provides an analogue current signal (4 – 20 mA). Using the calculation equations, the
value of the output can be parameterized as proportional to pressure, flow, daily consumption, etc. The
analogue output unit must be connected to the converter via a safety barrier.
Figure 5: Application example – pulse/binary output and analog output

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2.10 Archives

The archives register holds parameters and other calculated values. The archive structure as well as other
properties can be modified using parameter settings. The FLASH memory space is allocated for archives
with a fixed number of records (daily, monthly, or binary). The remaining space contains the data archive.
Configuration variants can be according to Table 4 or from the GASCcomm software. All archives can be
displayed or processed (except the setting archive) using the software.
Table 4: Archive options of individual values
Data Daily Monthly Limits Binary
archive archive archive archive archive
Analog values
Input analog – average value yes yes yes - -
Internal analog – average value yes yes yes - -
Output analog – average value yes yes yes - -
Minimum/maximum yes yes - yes -
Pulse quantities, flow rate measurement
Primary volume – absolute status yes yes yes - -
Base volume – absolute status yes yes yes - -
Error primary volume – absolute status yes yes yes - -
Error base volume – absolute status yes yes yes - -
Max. daily consumption – primary volume - - Yes - -
Max. daily consumption – base volume - - Yes - -
1) 1)
Max. hourly consumption – primary volume - Yes Yes - -
1) 1)
Max. hourly consumption – base volume - Yes Yes - -
Internal counter – absolute status yes yes yes - -
Output pulses – pulse debth status yes yes yes - -
Primary flow rate– mean value yes yes yes - -
Base flow rate– mean value yes yes yes - -
Flow rate minimum/maximum yes yes - yes -
Conversion, gas compressibility ratio
Conversion factor – mean value yes yes yes - -
Gas compressibility ratio – mean value yes yes yes - -
Compressibility ratio and conversion min/max yes yes - yes -
Binary values
Binary input - status yes - - - yes
Binary output - status yes - - - yes
Set points - status yes - - - yes
Device and transmitter comm. errors – status yes - - - yes
Internal binary Yes - - - yes
Other parameters
Counter/timer – absolute condition yes - - - -
Device status code (see Table 14) yes yes yes - -
Hour or day (or both combined, as appropriate) are saved together with the value.
Date and time of the minimum or maximum reading are saved together with the value.

2.10.1 Data archive

Archive capacity: Depending on the configuration and number of parameters to be collected in all archives.
Archiving period: adjustable within 1 s to 1 hr
The data archive capacity is variable depending on the configuration of the stored quantities. The capacity is
displayed during the configuration of the archive in the software GASCcomm. The values in this archive are
saved in the set time period, configurable by the user. The default value is 1 h. In the case of status values,
the archive stores the occurrence of the active status in the applicable archiving period. For binary inputs, the
active state can be defined using parameter settings, while for set points and errors the active state is logical

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2.10.2 Daily archive

Archive capacity: 400 records

This archive has similar properties to the data archive (options see Table 4). In addition, it provides the option
of saving the statistical values of gas consumption and analog quantities. The values are stored in the archive
once a day at the „gasworks“ hour (usually 6:00 AM). Hence, a record dated on 13.06. contains statistical
values between 12.06. 6:00 AM and 13.06. 6:00 AM.

2.10.3 Monthly archive

Archive capacity: 25 records

The values are saved in this archive once a month at the „gasworks“ hour (usually at 6:00 AM).). The time
data of the record is stored in the archive along with the values. If the archive is full, new data will start to
overwrite the oldest ones. There is an option to store the statistical values of gas consumption and analog
values (see. Table 4). A record dated on 01.06. contains statistical values of quantities between 01.05. 6:00
AM and 01.06. 6:00 AM.

2.10.4 Limits archive

Archive capacity: 1 record for each monitored quantity

Reaching an extreme (minimum or maximum) is saved for the archived parameters. The values are
accompanied with timestamps. When starting this archive, the actual measured values of the specific
quantities are set in the registers of minimums and maximums.

2.10.5 Binary archive

Archive capacity: 2000 records

This is an archive of events. The archive stores the binary input states, state bites calculated and stored in
the system, and errors of the individual devices. The values are stored in the archive only when the status of
one of the stored binary values changes. The records include timestamps with a precision of 1 s.

2.10.6 Status archive

Archive capacity: 500 records

The status archive stores the date and time of events, status code (64 bits) describing the statuses of all the
monitored events in the device and state of the counter of operational volume V1 and counters of the
standardized volume Vb1. The lists of monitored events in the device are provided in Table 12 and Table 13.
The archive content can not be seen on the display, but it can be read using the software GASCcomm on a

2.10.7 Settings archive

Archive capacity: An average of 500 records (depends on length/type of records)

The settings archive stores changes of parameters, especially if they have effect on metrological features of
the device. The archive also stores the identification of the employee who performed the change. The record
contains a timestamp, employee identification, description of the activity, and eventually the new and old
values of the parameters which were changed. This archive does not overwrite old records: When the archive
is full, no records can be added and other changes of parameters are not possible. This procedure is a
metrological requirement for devices under metrological control. The archive content can not be seen on the
display, but it can be read using the software GASCcomm on a PC.

2.11 Communication with a master system

For communication with other devices, the PTZ-BOX FCD is equipped with one communication channel
which can be chosen from three communication interfaces. Either the communication interface RS-232 or the
RS-485 can be used for connection with a master system. The optical interface IEC-1107 is designed for
operative readout or device settings. By means of these interfaces, the device can be connected directly to a
computer or via a line modem, radio modem, or GPRS connection. Local read out can also be performed by
using a handheld computer (PDA). In zone 1 you must use a suitable barrier (intrinsically safe).

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In the current firmware version, the device is equipped with several communication protocols. The device is
prepared for extension by other protocols as required by the customer. The implemented protocols are: VTE
ver.2, SNAM, and ModBus RTU.

The VTE ver.2 protocol is a „native protocol“ of the PTZ-BOX FCD. It provides a complete set of functions
realized in the device. The GASCcomm software uses this protocol. If there is a need to switch into a
different data link layer, the VTE ver.2 protocol is embedded in another data link layer (the so-called tunnel).
The VTE ver.2 protocol is to be used to load firmware and to realize the device protection based on a
password system.
The ModBus RTU protocol is intended especially for interconnections with external control systems and
visualising software applications using direct lines due to its currency and versatility.

The communication circuits are galvanic separated from other device circuits. Because of the galvanic
separation, the communication circuits must be powered from outside, from a connected device (CTS signal
in case of the RS-232 interface and U1+ in case of the RS-485 interface).

2.11.1 Optical interface IEC-1107

On the front face of the casing, next to the keyboard, there is a window for communication using an optical
head. The optical head is to be put to the window. It is fixed in place using a magnet. One of the HIE-01, HIE-
03, and HIE-04 types can be used as the optical head. After applying the optical head, the device transfers
from the economy mode to the mode in which it is able to accept data. It remains in this mode for 180 s from
the last communication (timeout) or until the user takes the optical head of the communication interface.

After applying the head, the communication channel from the RS-232/RS-485 device will be switched to the
optical interface. That means that the communication via the RS-232 or RS-485 is discontinued until the
moment the optical head is removed, or until the mentioned timeout from the last communication expires.

The communication speed of the optical interface can be set in the device parameters independently of the
speed of the RS-232/RS-485 interface. The setting of the communication protocol is combined for all three

2.11.2 RS-232 and RS-485 serial interfaces

Both RS-232 and RS-485 serial interfaces are connected to the internal terminal board and, although they are
simultaneously functioning, only one of these interfaces can be used (connected) for communication at a
time. Because both of the interfaces are intrinsically safe, it is necessary during installation to separate the
device in a potentially explosive environment from the connected device (computer, modem, etc.) by a
consecutive device (Sx Module, Kx Module, MTL 5051 etc.), or use a device with an intrinsically safe design.
The communication speed of the interface (the speed is to be the same for both interfaces) and the
communication protocol can be set in the device parameters.

2.11.3 Communication with a modem controlled by AT commands

Basic modem configuration required for correct interaction with PTZ-BOX FCD:
• Sending answer (ATQ0)
• Long format of the sent answers (ATV1)
• Echo disabled (ATE0)
• Automatic pickup (ATS0=1)
• Set fixed serial port communication speed of the modem (e.g. for 38400 Bd: AT+IPR=38400)
• Ensure presence of power feeding on clamp DSR of the modem (by command AT&S0). Clamp DSR is
interconnected with CTS clamp of PTZ-BOX FCD.
More detailed information can be found in the particular modem user manual.

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Figure 6: Safety separation of communication using RS-485 with K3 Module

Hazardous area Safe area

12 Vdc RS 485

N +
g) G U D- +
D Ex i D + D
1W o N N O1 O2 O3 O4 +
D- D
UP+ l a G GD D D D 6
n 2 TxD 1
UP- (a INT. BUS RS485
2 RxD P2-RS232
UT l e (optional) R 12V DIGITAL OUTPUTS P2 -RS485
Vce n
a GND1
Um = 250 V
Pt1000 . 1 5 D1+
Pt1000 PTZ -BOX FCD 8
D1 -
K 3 module
- - D 1 2 3 4 D
+ +F + +
F F H F F H N + N + 1 2 D D
L L L L - + - + GU G U DI DI 3 4 N + - + N + - +

Note: Communication output from K3 Module can be RS-485 or RS-232

Figure 7: Separation of RS-232 communication via MTL5051 separator

MTL 5051 setting

Switches OFF ON meaning
SW1a X --- other modes
SW1b X --- 5V output
SW2a RS232 RS422 output interface
SW2b RS422 RS232 output interface
Note: Communication output from MTL5051 can be RS-232 or RS-422

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Figure 8: Communication cable wiring

2.11.4 Communication with GSM and GPRS modems

To facilitate diagnostics during modem installation, the device can display its presence and connection to the
GSM network, as well as information about signal intensity as detected by the modem. The own IP address
can be displayed in case of the GPRS connection. Compatibility with the Siemens MC35, MC39 modem is
necessary for correct function in AT commands: AT+CREG?, AT+CSQ?, AT+CGDCONT and

2.12 Protection against changes of metrological parameters

The device is equipped with a metrology and a service switch and uses a password system for protection
against an unauthorized manipulation especially with the data that affects the metrological features of the
device. Changes in device settings and other acts are stored in the settings archive. The system of protection
of the device is according to EN 12405 or better.

2.12.1 Protection realized by switches

Two switches are installed in the device: a metrological switch and a service switch.

The metrological switch protects the metrology settings of the device. It is located on the inside of the casing
cover. It is protected by a label secured by a manufacturer’s security seal, which is an official metrology seal
(see Figure 2 and Figure 10).

The service switch is located next to the metrology switch. It is double, and when switching, it is necessary to
switch both parts of the switch. Opening of the device and thus the access to this switch can be protected by
a user seal (see Figure 2 and Figure 10). The function of the service switch depends on the setting of its
importance in the parameters in the device. This setting is done with the software GASCcomm in the menu
„Parameters, meaning of service switch”. The user can choose what influence the switch setting will have on
the individual groups of device parameters. This variability installed in the device allows the user to apply
different approaches when working with the device (for example, remote parameter settings).
Table 5: Service switch positions
Function Position Description
1) OFF Writing parameters in the device is disabled.
ON Parameters can be written in the device
OFF The position of the switch does not matter: it is possible to write in the device.
ON The protection using the switch is disabled.
Writing in the device is blocked, except writing the non-metrology parameters
(for example: archiving period, communication parameters, station identifi-
cation, setting system time). This method is convenient in the case of remote
transfers of data from the device. It should be protected with a password.
It is possible to write parameters in the device
(the same as in the complete function).
This function is preset by the manufacturer as default setting

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2.12.2 Password system and access levels

The device works with two passwords: “password for complete access” and “password for reading”. In case
of a blank password, the password function is turned off. It is necessary to enter a password with a maximum
of 6 alphanumeric characters to make the password system work. Some implemented protocols do not
support using the password system during communication even if the system is turned on.

Parameter modification and other operations can be divided by different levels of access.

User access level

The user level is for the common device user. Users of this level can read out all the data from the device
and set a large amount of parameters. It is not possible to change the parameters directly influencing the
metrological features of the device. The protection by the service switch along with the user seals and
password system can be used as a protection against misuse.

Accredited service centre level

This level is designed for employees of a service centre accredited by the manufacturer. The centre is
accredited to perform operations on the device regarding its metrology features. These activities are
conditioned by breaking the official mark, switching the metrology switch and using the HW key WGQOI
„accredited service“ version for the manufacturer’s service software.

Table 6: User access level per service switch setting

Service Allowing activity
switch position with passwords
Allowed when passwords
• Reading the instantaneous values of

turned off.

OFF, ON With passwords turned on
• Reading archives
allowed after entering the
• Reading parameters “password for reading” .

• Turning on/off archiving of the individual

Non-metrology changes of parameters

quantities in the individual archives

• Setting the measuring period
• Setting the period of archiving the data
• Passwords changes
• Zeroing the archives
• Setting the internal time converter
• Setting the communication parameters
• Setting the station identification
Allowed when passwords are
• Setting the hour of initiation of the gas day
turned off.
• Turning on/off the displaying of the
With passwords turned on
instantaneous values of the non-metrology
allowed after entering the
quantities on display
password for “complete
• Configuration of digital inputs access” .
• Configuration of digital outputs
• Assigning the influence of the service
Metrological changes

switch on entry of parameters

• Setting the V and Vs counters
• Change of calculation method of
compressibility degree ON
• Gas composition setting
• Setting measuring units and constants
• Setting default values of temperature and
pressure for conversion
The effect of the turned-on passwords can be suppressed by using the HW key WGQOI „service“ version.

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Table 7: Accredited Service Centre level

Metrology Allowing activity
switch position with passwords
When using HW key, the
• All activities described in the user level effect of passwords is
• Setting of status code mask (diagnostics) disabled provided the device
uses them.
• Upgrade firmware
• Change of the metrology approval option
Metrological changes

(NMi, ČMI, MID, etc.)

• Setting a reference temperature
• Setting a reference pressure
Using HW key marked
• Setting the Vb, Vbs counters
ON WGQOI “accredited service“
• Configuration of metrology quantities version
(C, K, V, Vb, Vs, Vbs)
• Replacement of the converter
• One-point or two-point addition to the
• Zeroing setting archive and event archive

Changes to parameters and some other actions are registered in the setting archive. The archive does not
overwrite. It can only be deleted at the factory access level. When the archive is full, it is not possible to make
further changes or execute actions, which are saved in the setting archive.

Information related to parameter settings differ depending on the type of the parameter. If the parameter
settings influence metrological characteristics, the record includes information on the parameter type, its new
and old values, time of change, and volume at the time of change. Otherwise, only the time and information
about parameter modification is registered.

Furthermore, information about archive resets, password modifications, firmware, and real time modifications
are recorded. Time modification will only be registered if the time shift exceeds 10 minutes. A setting archive
record always contains the date and time of the operation run and user identification if a hardware key has
been used. Furthermore, it includes specific data related to performed operations.

2.12.3 Device identification and official seals

The main label (including information regarding the transmitter ranges) is placed at the top of the device.
Temperature probe and pressure transmitters are identified by separate type labels. The P1, P2, and T
symbols assigning a transmitter to a measured channel are placed near the internal pressure transmitter or
on the labels of external temperature probes or pressure transmitters.
Figure 9: Main label (English version)

The verified device is protected against unauthorized manipulation of metrological parameters by means of
security seals in a label form (see Figure 10).

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The design of the security mark of the manufacturer (metrology seal) is prescribed by the approval certificate.
In case such a mark is broken, the manufacturer does not guarantee that the properties of the device are in
compliance with the EC Certificate on type verification.

The user may seal the device with additional seals.

Figure 10: Locations of the seals

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3.1 Firmware

The firmware is installed in the PTZ-BOX FCD and operates the device. The firmware of all processors is
saved in the FLASH memory. The update of the processors can be carried out via serial line using the VTE
ver.2 protocol. You must switch the Metrological switch to the position „ON”. A firmware update in an
additional pressure or temperature transmitter (not standard applied) can only be done in the factory.

3.2 Software GASCcomm

Optionally, the PTZ-BOX FCD is supplied with a CD-ROM, which provides the software GASCcomm for
configuration and for read out by a computer. The software can easily be installed under Windows . Please
insert the CD-ROM in your computer and follow the menu.

3.3 Manufacturer’s service software

The manufacturer uses the dedicated service software for adjustment of the firmware, for example after
repair or replacement of parts like a pressure or temperature transmitter.

3.4 Parameter setting

3.4.1 Parameter setting with software GASCcomm

The PTZ-BOX FCD provides a wide range of options regarding its settings. The full scope parameter setting
is performed by using the software GASCcomm. Besides the device settings, this software also allows the
read out, display, archiving, and printing of the actual values as well as the archive contents.

3.4.2 Parameter setting with the keypad

The device allows the setting of selected parameters with the keypad, without using a computer.
These parameters are:
Communication - Station name
- Communication protocol
- Transfer speed
- IR head communication speed
- Network address
Gas composition - Features of the gas, depending on the selected
compressibility calculation method
Measuring volume - V1 Gas meter constant (k-factor)
- V1 Operational volume (counter)
- Vs1 Error operational volume (counter)

The parameter setting with the keypad can be protected by password or service switch (the switch must be
ON to allow writing). A maximum of 10 passwords protecting this setting, including the employee code, can
be entered in the device. The password must be entered by means of the GASCcomm software. These
passwords are valid only for setting the parameters via the keyboard and are not related with the access
passwords described in Section 2.12.2. The password protection is turned off if an empty list of passwords is
entered in the device.

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Procedure or parameter setting with the keypad:

1. Shift the parameter you want to edit to the first
line of the display.

2. Initiate editing.

3. Mark the edited position in the line.

4. Select the edited position in a line.

5. Select and insert an alphanumeric character

(space, 0 to 9, A to Z, a to z).

6. Finish the parameter editing.

After completion of the parameter editing, the performed edits must be saved in the device. The recording in
the device is performed by selecting this option. Successful recording of parameters in the device is
confirmed by the message „data valid”.

3.4.3 Factory settings

• All Values are measured every 15 s.

• The average measured and calculated values counter states are saved into the data archive (with a
period of 1 hour) as well as into the daily and monthly archives.
• The device and transmitter errors are saved into the binary and data archives.
• Full-access password and read password are disabled, service switch is configured so that any settings
may only be performed if the switch is in the position „ON“.
• The bit that indicates external power supply failure is not selected.
• Communication speed is 38400 Bd, the protocol used is VTE ver.2.

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4.1 Safety instructions and warnings: See back page

The device has been approved according to the guideline 94/9/CE. An EC-ATEX type approval certificate has
been issued for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. Respecting this guideline is included in the CE
compliance notation.

The device must not be installed and located in an environment with a potential danger of electrostatic charge
of the device casing (for example by flowing air). A damp cloth must be used if the device is being cleaned, to
prevent from creation of electrostatic charge.

Only the following type of main battery is allowed to be used in the converter: SAFT LS 33600; Lithium 3.6V,
17Ah (D size).

Please see the back page of this manual for more instructions and warnings.

4.2 Installation in potentially explosive atmospheres

Based on the EC certificate in type verification 09 ATEX 0217X, the device can be operated in potentially
explosive atmospheres with a classification of ZONE 1 (potentially explosive atmosphere during normal
operation) and ZONE 2. This is the indication of the device regarding safety against explosion:
II 2G Ex ia IIC T4/T3
Environment temperature for temperature class T4: -25 °C to +40 °C
Environment temperature for temperature class T3: -25 °C to +70 °C

The entire device has been constructed and approved as intrinsically safe. That means that only approved
devices (intrinsically safe devices, consecutive devices) or so called simple devices complying with the
EN 60079-11 standard and complying with the intrinsically safe parameters listed in the EC Certificate on
verification type can be connected to the device connectors. The applicable safety standards must be
completely met when connecting.

When connecting a device, it is necessary to consider the electrical characteristics of the connecting cables
and comply with the requirements of the applicable safety standards. Furthermore, it is necessary to comply
with the special conditions of use as mentioned in the certificates. The parameters of safe use of devices are
listed in EN 62056 Part 21: Direct local data exchange.

4.3 Mounting instructions

The PTZ-BOX FCD gas volume converter is a compact device mounted in a plastic housing with IP 66

Inside the housing there is besides the covered electronics the main battery and (in case of an internal
pressure sensor) the analogue pressure transmitter. (thread M12x1.5 according to DIN W 3861). Stainless
steel pipe 6 x 1 mm shall be used for connecting the sensor.

On the bottom side of the housing there are 7 metal glands PG7 with IP 68 protection. They can be used for
connection of input and output signals.

To connect the PTZ-BOX FCD with another devices use only shielded cables. On the side of the PTZ-BOX
FCD the shield of the cable must be attached with the metal body of the cable gland. All cable glands of the
device are connected with eachother inside the device and so all cable shields are connected. This ensures
high resistance against electromagnetic disturbance.
The temperature sensor and external pressure transducer (if included) are also equipped with cables whose
shielding is attached to the metal body of the cable gland. The metal part of the temperature sensor is
isolated. The metal body of the pressure transducer is connected with the cable shield.
During the installation of the device and connecting of the shields it is important to avoid the creation of
ground loops.

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Earthing of the PTZ-BOX FCD is not necessary.

The front side of the housing has an optical interface for infrared head communication (HIE-01, 03, 04). The
keypad with 6 buttons is provided for operating the display.

The front of the converter is joined by hinges with the basic part of the device. The converter can be closed
with the two screws at the left side of the front. The two parts of the converter can be sealed either by a lead
seal or by a sticker seal.

The device can be easily be mounted either directly on the wall of the control station, or on the gas pipeline
using a mounting plate, or directly to the gas meter by using a dedicated holder for your gas meter type.

4.3.1 Wall mounting

For mounting on the wall without mounting plate, the device can be fixed by using 4 screws M4x30 and the
mounting holes which are designed outside of the IP 66 protection. The screws are placed in the corners on
the bottom of the housing. The mounting holes for the screws are accessible after opening the housing cover.

4.3.2 Installation on a mounting plate

Two sizes of mounting plates are available. The small one can only contain the PTZ-BOX FCD, the big one
can additionally carry a three-way-valve.

Mounting of the PTZ-BOX FCD can easily be performed by a mounting plate. The device is to be fastened
while the cover is open. 4 screws M4 x 10 are to be screwed through holes in the housing. Afterwards the
cover must be closed and fastened.

A connection between a three-way-valve and the pressure input of the device can be made by using a
stainless steel pressure pipe 6 x 1 of 60 mm length. First, push the pipe into the pressure input of the
converter (ERMETO M12 x 1.5). Then mount the outlet of the three-way-valve on the other end of the pipe
and mount the valve using 4 screws M5 x 45 with a washer. The assembled unit can be used for various
types of mounting (wall mounting, pipe mounting, mounting to the steel construction of a station).

Figure 11: Installation on the mounting plate

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4.3.3 Pipe mounting

If there is a straight and free section on the pipe, the device should be installed on the mounting plate which
can be mounted on the straight pipeline section with a pair of U-shaped mounting clips. The clips ensure
conductive connection between the device and the pipe. They also discharge the electrostatic charge (see
Section 4.7). The clips with dedicated dimensions matching the pipe diameter are put through borings in the
mounting plate and on the pipe. Shims are fastened with M6 nuts to the clip ends, fixing the mounting plate to
the pipe. The mounting plate can be fixed to DN 80 – 150 pipes in a horizontal position and to DN 80 – 200
pipes in a vertical position.
Figure 12: Pipe mounting

4.4 Connecting the transmitters

4.4.1 Connecting the pressure transmitter

The pressure transmitter contains a piezoresistive silicon sensor with a resistant stainless steel membrane.
The converter electronics ensures the correction of non-linearity and the temperature dependency of the
pressure sensor based on the calibration data saved in the device memory. The measuring range of the
pressure sensor and the selection of an internal or external pressure sensor must be specified when ordering
the device. The available ranges of the sensors are listed in Table 2.

Replacement of the pressure transmitter is protected by a security seal of the manufacturer (metrological
seal) and can be performed only at an accredited service centre.

During device configuration, the user must enter the default pressure value. This value will be used for the
calculation of compressibility instead of the measured pressure value in the following cases:
• The measured pressure value is out of the measuring range.
• The device was ordered without any pressure transmitter (so called TZ or T converter).
• An error occurred when measuring the pressure.
The measuring period is equal for both the measuring of temperature and pressure, and it can be set from
1 s to 30 s. The unit of measure for the pressure can also be selected.

The connecting pipe to the PTZ-BOX FCD conversion device will be installed according to the relevant
technical standards, conditions, and maximum operating pressure. The connection between the output of the
three-way-valve and the pr(pm)-point of the gas meter will be made by accurate weld less stainless steel pipe
of 6 x 1 mm. The pressure pipe will be pushed into the operating input of the valve fitted with the Ø 6 mm
sealing ring and the M12 x 1.5 check nut that ensures a tight joint.

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For pressure connection with a three way valve see Figure 11. The connection between a three-way-valve
and the pressure input of the device can be made by using a stainless steel pressure pipe 6 x 1 of 60 mm
length. First, push the pipe into the pressure input of the converter (ERMETO M12 x 1.5). Then mount the
outlet of the three-way-valve on the other end of the pipe and mount the valve using 4 screws M5 x 45 with a
washer. The assembled unit can be used for various types of mounting (wall mounting, pipe mounting,
mounting to the steel construction of a station)

4.4.2 Connecting the temperature transmitter

The PTZ-BOX FCD uses a PT1000 temperature probe. Its connection is two-wired. The influence of the
length and the characteristics of the cable used are considered during calibration and therefore do not
influence the accuracy of the temperature measurement. The standard range is -25 °C to +60 °C (see Table

Replacement of the temperature transmitter is protected by the security seal of the manufacturer
(metrological seal) and can be performed only at an accredited service centre.

During configuration, the user must enter the default temperature value. This value will be used for the
calculation of compressibility instead of the measured temperature value in the following cases:
• The measured temperature value is out of the measuring range.
• An error occurred when measuring the temperature.
The measuring period is equal for both the measuring of temperature and pressure, and it can be set from
1 s to 30 s. The unit of measure for the temperature can also be selected.

The temperature probe will be mounted into the gas meter’s integrated thermo-well. If your gas meter does
not have an integrated thermo-well, a weldolet must be welded to the pipe in a distance of 1 to 2 D
downstream of a turbine meter or 1 D upstream of a rotary meter. The weldolet must be welded so that the
thermowell will be directly in vertical position (recommended see Figure 13 position A) or oblique in an angel
of 45° from the vertical axis. A thermowell of a length appropriate for the pipe diameter will be screwed into
the weldolet through a copper sealing. Refer to the table below for recommended thermowells. The
temperature probe will be fitted into the thermowell, until it touches the bottom. It will be fixed by a nut.

Table 8: Recommended weldolets and thermowells

Nominal pipe diameter Recommended weldolet and thermowell (based on pipe schedule 40)
when mounted at 90° with the pipe wall (position A)

DN50 (2”) Weldolet height 22 mm, thread M12 x 1.5, Thermowell length 60 mm
DN80 (3”) Weldolet height 22 mm, thread M12 x 1.5, Thermowell length 60 mm
DN100 (4”) Weldolet height 22 mm, thread M12 x 1.5, Thermowell length 74 mm
DN150 (6”) Weldolet height 22 mm, thread M12 x 1.5, Thermowell length 114 mm
DN200 (8”) Weldolet height 22 mm, thread M12 x 1.5, Thermowell length 114 mm
DN250 (10”) Weldolet height 22 mm, thread M12 x 1.5, Thermowell length 154 mm
DN300 (12”) Weldolet height 22 mm, thread M12 x 1.5, Thermowell length 154 mm
DN400 (16”) Weldolet height 22 mm, thread M12 x 1.5, Thermowell length 184 mm
The thermowells and weldolets can be ordered at vemm tec

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Figure 13: Mounting positions of the temperature sensor with thermowell and weldolet

User seal

Position A Position B Position C

4.5 Adding a second pressure or temperature transmitter

In addition to the standard pressure and temperature transmitter, which are metrologically approved together
with the volume converter (according to EC-MID type approval certificate), it is possible to add one pressure
or temperature transmitter. The parameter measured by this additional transmitter is not a metrological value
because it is not a metrological part of the device. The values can be stored into the archives and shown on
the display.

The transmitter type must be specified in the order. The digital pressure transmitter PA 1.1 or the digital
temperature transmitter TA 1.1 can be used. Both use the internal intrinsically safe serial bus RS-485 and
ModBus protocol for communication. The transmitter must be the intrinsically safe “ia” type.

For the connection of such an additional digital transmitter (PA 1.1 or TA 1.1), the device must be equipped
with an RS-485 expansion module (see pic. 10). The RS-485 module can be installed in an already installed
converter. The digital transmitter is connected to the RS-485 clamps of the expansion module. Only 1 digital
transmitter can be connected. Connecting or disconnecting of a transmitter and of the RS-485 module must
be done only when power supply is disconnected. Procedure of the connection of the RS-485 expansion
module and a digital transmitter:
• Disconnect the volume corrector from external power supply (if applicable).
• Open the device and remove battery.
• Unscrew plastic cover of input/output board (factory seal will be broken).
• Insert expansion module in to the X4 input board. After mounting the module it is necessary to check if all
pins are connected. All pins must be properly fitted in the connector.
• Apply cover delivered with the expansion module and fix the expansion board with input/output board.
• Connect digital transmitter. Pull the cable of the transmitter through the cable bushing. Attach the
shielding of the cable with the body of the bushing. An electrical scheme of connecting the expansion
module RS-485 is provided in Figure 14.
• Check the digital transmitter connection.
• Connect the power again: insert the battery and external power supply connection (if applicable).
• After installation of the digital transmitter it is important to configure the converter for the new transmitter
by the GASCcomm software.

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Figure 14: Location of the RS-485 expansion module in the device

Figure 15: Connection of an additional digital transmitter to the RS-485 expansion module

4.6 External power supply

Use an external power supply with the PTZ-BOX FCD in case you configure the converter in a mode with
increased power consumption. This is especially required during frequent communication (more than once a
day) and with a frequent display usage. An external power supply is always necessary in case a NAMUR
sensor is connected to a digital input (for instance as a high frequency pulse input from a gas meter).

An approved intrinsically-safe power source must be used for the external power supply. If NAMUR type
sensors are not connected to the device, the built-in sources of the communication units Kx Module or power

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sources JBZ-01 Module, JBZ-02 Module can be used. If the NAMUR sensor is connected to the device, only
the external power sources JBZ-01 Module or JBZ-02 Module can be used.
Figure 16: External power supply connection (examples)





4.7 Grounding

Earthing of the PTZ-BOX FCD is not required.

4.8 Cable connections and recommended cable types

The device provides terminals for cable connections (conductor cross-section 0.5 to 1.5 mm ). The terminals
are identified with signal descriptions. Recommended cable types are listed in Table 9.
Table 9: Recommended cable types
Connection Cable type Diameter Recommended manufacturer
Pulse input 2 wires shielded 4 – 6.5 mm Unitronic LiYCY 2 x 0.25 „Lappkabel Stuttgart”
External power 2 wires shielded 4 – 6.5 mm Unitronic LiYCY 2 x 0.75 „Lappkabel Stuttgart”
Pulse output 6 wires shielded 4 – 6.5 mm Unitronic LiYCY 6 x 0.25 „Lappkabel Stuttgart”
RS 232 4 wires shielded 4 – 6.5 mm Unitronic LiYCY 4 x 0.25 „Lappkabel Stuttgart”
RS 485 4 wires shielded 4 – 6.5 mm Unitronic LiYCY 4 x 0.34 „Lappkabel Stuttgart”

Before connecting the cables, tube cable lugs must be crimped on stripped wires using suitable pliers. Wires
with tube cable lugs can be plugged into terminals without a special tool. The terminal claw is to be slightly
pressed when removing the wire from the terminal.

Cable glands at the device box are fitted with bushings designed so that the cable shield can be connected to
the device box (see Figure 17). Shielded cables are required for proper functioning and protection against
interference. The shielding connection rules must be observed so that no grounding loops exist. The metal
body of the temperature sensor is isolated.

Lappkabel Stuttgart declares for the Unitronic LiYCY cables thermal endurance of –5 °C to +70 °C for flexible
connections and –30 °C to +80 °C for static connections. Thermal conditions applicable to the device
installation result from these specifications.

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Figure 17: Cable shield connected in a bushing

12 35

4.9 Pin assignment, terminals and connectors

4.9.1 Terminals of external power supply and binary inputs

Table 10: Possible input and output configurations
Terminal Binary input Pulse input
DI1 yes yes yes yes
DI2 yes yes yes yes
DI3 yes - yes -
DI4 yes - yes -

1) 1) 1)
Terminal Binary output Pulse output Data output
DO1 yes yes yes
DO2 yes yes yes
DO3 yes yes yes
DO4 yes yes yes
Intrinsically safe barriers required for applications in hazardous area.

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The electronic volume converter is supplied either in working condition with connected main battery or
switched off with disconnected main battery. If the device is supplied with disconnected battery take care that
the battery is placed with the right polarity! Use only the right battery when replacing: see chapter 6.1.
The device is automatically switched ON after fitting the battery at its position.
In basic setup the display is OFF. Display will be ON after pressing of any button.
In case that device will be stored without using for a longer time it is recommended to disconnect battery.

5.1 Display and keypad

The device is not equipped with a power switch. If the main battery is inserted in the device, the device is
automatically on. The device registers LF pulses even if the main battery is taken out.

5.1.1 Display characteristics

Local control of the device and indication of measured and other values can be performed using the six-
button keyboard and the alphanumeric display with a resolution of 128 x 64 points. During battery operation,
the display shuts down after 20 s from the last time you pressed any key. The display lights automatically
once you press any key. In case the device is powered by an external source, the display is permanently lit.
You can select the displayed data using the device menu. Displayed menu items depend on the set
parameters of the device. The content of some menu items can be custom configured.

• Automatic refresh of changing parameters with a 1 s period

• Auto repeat simulates action of key being pressed; can be used for archive browsing, for example
• Texts with diacritical marks entered on a PC will be displayed without these marks
• The display enters into the basic display mode according to EN 12405, sub-clause; time elapsed
before entering into the basic display mode can be configured
• Actual values can be displayed sequentially after pressing the Enter key which makes the device control
easier for untrained staff; this feature requires navigation into the top menu level performed by the Esc
• Power saving function turns off the display after 20 s when battery powered, after 6 min with external
power supply, and the display turns on after pressing any key

5.1.2 Keypad description

• Transition from the initial display to the basic information display and back
• Transition from an item of a higher menu to a submenu
• In archive display, transition to another parameter in the set time cross-section
• Transition from a submenu item to a menu of higher level
• In archives, transition to the previous item in the same time cross section

• Movement in time in archives, movement in a menu

• Movement in time in archives, movement in a menu

• Allows transition in menu to a lower level

• When displaying the actual values, Enter causes scrolling through the screen for to
display of all parameters

• Transition from a submenu item to a menu of higher level

5.2 System menus

The display/keypad operation of the device is based on selecting from a menu. In further explanations, we will
indicate the highest menu level the “main menu”. By selecting on item, we get to the lower menu levels

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(submenus). If the display was off for a while, pressing any key will light the “initial display” with volume values
Vb and V. The first line displays icons in the right upper corner that informs you on the condition of the device.

Figure 18: Initial display

Table 11: Display status icons

Position Meaning Symbol Description
Communication Communication via GPRS is taking place
condition Communication via modem is taking place
Service switch Service switch is in OFF position
condition Service switch is in ON position
Battery is charged 100 %
3 Battery condition Battery is charged 50 %
Battery is charged 25 %
Device condition: OK: Device works without errors
4 summary status ERR: There is an error in the device
(see Section 5.2.7) WRN: The device generated a warning message

5.2.1 Main menu

The options of the device regarding showing data on the display and storing values are extremely flexible and
customizable. The user has full control over which parameters will be displayed as actual values and also
which values will be stored in the available archives.

For detailed specification of parameters of the same type (for example: type “pressure p”), the individual
symbols are differentiated by an index (p1, p2, etc.). The following applies for indexes:
• Index 1 is used for all metrology values.
• An index with a subsequent value is used for all other parameters (non-metrological). However, if a new
type of parameter is used (which has not been used as a metrological parameter), the index also starts
from 1.
Figure 19: Navigation from the initial display to the main menu

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Figure 20: Main menu and first submenu level

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5.2.2 Actual values menu

For the displayed parameters, the number of the displayed places, units, and the displayed name can be
custom set. An asterisk in the last position in the line with the quantity name indicates error conditions of this
value. This is an example of quantities which can be displayed as actual values:
• Pressure p1
• Temperature t1
• Primary volume V1
• Error primary volume Vs1
• Standardized volume Vb1
• Error standardized volume Vbs1
• Flow Q1
• Standardized flow Qb1
• Conversion coefficient C1
• Compressibility ratio K1
• Device error
• External power supply
• Supply battery
• Internal temperature

After pressing the button with right arrow or with „Enter”, the actual values are displayed directly on the
display. You can scroll through the data on the display using the up and down arrow buttons.
Figure 21: Example of displaying the actual values

5.2.3 Saved values (historical data) menu

Each set of historical values (according to parameter settings) is stored with a time stamp, which means that
archive values are arranged in time slices. The measured and calculated values can be stored in the
following archives:
• Monthly archive
• Daily archive
• Data archive
• Binary archive
• Limits archive

Besides the listed data archives, the device also contains the following archives:
• Event archive
• Settings archive

First stored in the available memory are the archives with a fixed number of records (monthly, daily, binary,
and limits) and the data archive is placed in the remaining memory. Its length depends on the size of the
remaining memory. For the data, daily, monthly, and binary archives, the method of displaying the data is

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Figure 22: Navigation in archives (archiving period 1 hour)

The binary archive is displayed in the same way, with the only difference that the records are not stored in the
archive with an archiving period, but in times when the status of one of the stored quantities changed.
You can quit viewing the archive by pressing

5.2.4 Device parameters menu

This menu item allows display of important device parameters. The data is arranged in several submenus.
You can scroll through the data on the display using the up and down buttons. The end of the data is marked
on the display with the symbol “<”.

Communication parameters:
• Transfer speed [Bd]
• Network address
• Communication protocol

Service parameters:
• Device serial no.
• Firmware version
• Data memory size
• Station name

Conversion menu:
• Compressibility calculation method used
• Reference pressure
• Reference temperature
• The individual components of the gas (parameters depend on the chosen
calculation method)

Input parameters:
• Pressure p1
Pressure range
Serial number of the pressure sensor
• Temperature t1
Temperature range
Serial number of the temperature sensor
• Pulse input V1
Input channel for the pulses
Gas meter constant [imp/m3]
Gas meter serial no

5.2.5 Config parameter menu

Via this menu you can change specific parameters via keypad entry. The procedure is described in
paragraph 3.4.2.

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5.2.6 System data menu

Entering this menu allows you to display important device system values and to start the system actions.

Device test
After selecting this menu item, the device will test its internal status and will list on the display the errors and
warning messages found. The initiated test of the device takes approx. several seconds and has no effect on
the measuring and archiving activities of the device. A warning is displayed on the display during the test. The
indicated errors are marked with prefix “E” and identification number; in case of a warning message the “W”
prefix is used. For complete lists of error and warning messages see Section 5.2.8.

Device reset
After selecting a device reset, the software jumps to the starting address and performs an initialization of the
entire measuring system. The contents of all archives and the statuses of all the V and Vb gas volume
counters do not change during this operation. All the other set parameters also do not change.

This menu displays the set communication interface („RS-232/485 line”, „infra IEC-1107” or communication
via modem). In case of communication via GSM/GPRS mode, some diagnostic information is displayed.

Value reading
This option freezes the displayed actual values. Use this option in case you need to manually copy the
measured data.

5.2.7 Diagnostics menu

This menu shows information about the status of the PTZ-BOX FCD conversion device.

Current status
This menu displays the current status of the device. Pressing the right arrow button will gradually display all
the existing errors and warning messages of the converter.

Summary status
The summary status serves to monitor the occurrence of active errors (of the individual bit statuses of the
device) from the last initialization of the summary status. That means that status of device which might have
already expired are also recorded. The basic information on summary status is also displayed in the form of
an icon on the initial device display (see Table 11).

Initialization of the summary status

After selecting this option using the keypad, or using the option „Zero out the summary status” from the
„Settings – Diagnostics” menu from the software GASCcomm, the summary status is initialized. That means
that the current status will be set as the summary one. The service switch must be in the position „ON” to
allow the initialization.

5.2.8 Error and warning messages

Error messages are displayed in the „Diagnostics/current status”, „Diagnostics/summary status” and „System
data/device test” menu. An auto diagnostic is started regularly, a complete device test daily, a test of sensors
exchange daily or when the device is started. The test can also be started by choosing the “device test”
function using the keypad.

The short form of the summary diagnostics is displayed in the right corner of the highest menu level in the
form of abbreviations: „OK” for no error or warning, „ERR” for error, or „WRN” for warning (see

Figure 18). It is abbreviated for a summary of the status. The abbreviation with the highest priority is always
displayed, with „ERR” (highest), „WRN”, to „OK” (lowest). More details of the diagnostic information can be
shown with the GASCcomm software.

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Table 12: Error messages in the display („ERR”)

Display Description
E0 CRC program Error of the firmware check sum.
E1 CRC loader Error of the firmware check sum.
E2 CRC parameter Error of the check sum of the device parameters.
E3 Memory failure Device memory error.
E5 setup full Full settings archive.
E6 sensor change Performed interchange of sensor or modification of its parameters.
E7 sensor commun Error of communication with the sensor.
E8 sensor failur Sensor error.
E9 bat. volt.low Battery voltage dropped under the permissible level
E10 Error of compressibility table calculation due to input parameters.
E11 The compressibility calculation can not be performed due to the limitation of
the range of the standard used for calculation of compressibility in the
measured temperature and gas pressure.
E13 STOP mode The device is in STOP mode because the battery voltage dropped under the
admissible level. The battery must be replaced.
E14 P1 min limit
E15 P1 max limit
E16 P1 failure
Measuring range exceeded.
E17 T1 min limit
E18 T1 max limit
E19 T1 failure

Table 13: Warning messages in the display („WRN”)

Display Description
W0 sensor warn. One of the connected converters has activated a warning message.
More details can be found by reading out the converters parameters.
W2 EEPROM bat. Communication error between battery eeprom or CRC error
W3 overcurrent Current overload
W5 extpower fail Failure of external power supply
W6 setup crowded Settings archive 80 % full.
W7 tamper1 fault
W8 tamper2 fault
W9 P1 min thres
W10 P1 max thres
W11 T1 min thres
W12 T1 max thres
W13 Q1 min thres
User limits exceeded
W14 Q1 max thres
W15 Qb1 min thre
W16 Qb1 max thre
W17 C1 min thres
W18 C1 max thres

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Table 14: Short status code

bit On the display Description
0 General error General device error
1 General warning General device warning.
2 Ext. power error External power failure (mains)
3 TAMPER is active Tamper contact is active.
4 Calculation error Calculation error, calculated data will be stored in error counters.
5 Converter error Converter error
6 Value out of range The value of pressure or temperature was out of range.
7 Value out of range The value of pressure or temperature was out of user defined

5.3 Technical specifications

5.3.1 Mechanical parameters

- dimensions (w x h x d) … (193 x 160 x 73) mm
- weight … 1.2 kg
- box material … polycarbonate (Lexan )
2 2
- connecting terminals, conductor cross-section … 0.5 mm – 1.5 mm
- mechanical class … M2
- electromagnetic environment … E2

5.3.2 Ambient parameters

- protection … IP 66, according to EN 60529

- operating temperature … -25 °C - +70 °C
- storage temperature … -40 °C - +85 °C
- display readability Above -20 °C guaranteed
- operating position … vertical
- humidity … maximum 95 %, non-condensing vapors
- protection against direct and indirect contact … small voltage

5.3.3 Power supply

Main battery
- main battery type (prescribed) … SAFT LS 33600 Lithium 3.6 V, 17 Ah (size D)
- main battery life time … 6 years
- main battery voltage … 2.8 ÷ 3.6 V
- main battery life measuring … yes, warning 90 day before discharge status

Backup battery
- backup battery type … SAFT LS 14250 Lithium 3.6 V, 1 Ah (size ½ AA)
- backup battery life time … 10 years

Dimensions of bushings, connectors, and transmitters are not included.
Vertical installation is recommended. Horizontal mounting is only allowed with indoor installation and when no
condensation at the device can occur.
Main battery life time depends on operating mode (see Section 5.5).

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External power supply

- feeding from external JBZ power supply … several options
- voltage of external JBZ power supply UPWR … 4.5 – 10 V (no NAMUR inputs used),
8 – 10 V (for NAMUR inputs)
- external JB power supply cable length … 30 m

5.3.4 Metrological parameters and device accuracy

- measuring principle … PTZ conversion, 1 channel
- type approval mark … TCM 143/09 - 4771 (MID Module B certificate)

Relative error (at operating temperature)

- maximum total error of the converter … < 0.5 % of the measured value (MID approved)
< 0.3 % of the range
- typical total error of the converter … < 0.15 % of the measured value,
< 0.10 % of the range
- primary volume measurement error … no error
- compressibility factor calculation error … < 0.05 %
AGA NX 19 mod, AGA 8 G1, AGA 8 G2,
AGA 8-92 DC (full composition), SGERG 88,
- compressibility factor calculation … or constant

Pressure measurement
- number of inputs … 1
- absolute pressure sensor type … silicon piezo resistant sensor
- pressure ranges (certified under MID) … 80 ÷ 520 kPa 0.8 ÷ 5.2 bar(a)
… 200 ÷ 1000 kPa 2.0 ÷ 10 bar(a)
… 400 ÷ 2000 kPa 4.0 ÷ 20 bar(a)
… 700 ÷ 3500 kPa 7.0 ÷ 35 bar(a)
… 1400 ÷ 7000 kPa 14 ÷ 70 bar(a)
4) 4)
… 80 ÷ 1000 kPa 0.8 ÷ 10 bar(a)
4) 4)
… 400 ÷ 7000 kPa 4.0 ÷ 70 bar(a)
- measurement error … < 0.25 % of the measured value
- long-term stability … < 0.1 % of the measured value per year,
< 0.2 % of the range per year
- pressure ranges (not MID certified) … 80 ÷ 520 kPa 0.8 ÷ 5.20 bar(a)
… 80 ÷ 1000 kPa 0.8 ÷ 10 bar(a)
… 80 ÷ 2000 kPa 0.8 ÷ 20 bar(a)
… 80 ÷ 3500 kPa 0.8 ÷ 35 bar(a)
… 80 ÷ 7000 kPa 0.8 ÷ 70 bar(a)
2) see above
- measurement error … < 0.2 % of the range
2) see above
- long-term stability … < 0.2 % of the range per year
- maximal overload capacity … 125 % upper limit of measuring range
- mechanical rigidity … 10 MPa
- pressure inlet … pipe ∅ 6 mm, ERMETO M12 x 1.5 screwed fitting
- design … internal, or external with cable length
2.5 m standard or 5 m maximum

Limited configurations are possible. Besides PTZ, the supported variants are PT, TZ, and T.
Measurement error alternatively specified in % of the range. Not MID approved.
The selected compressibility calculation method may cause reduced measuring range for gas temperature, Table 2.
Enhanced range for extra charge. This cannot be combined with enhanced accuracy.
The pressure sensor will be damaged, but the sensor will remain gas tight.

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Temperature measurement
- number of inputs … 1
- temperature sensor type … Pt 1000, platinum resistor detector
- measuring range … -25 ÷ +60 °C
- measurement error … ± 0.2 °C
- long-term stability … < 0.02 % per year (relative error in K)
- sensor design … tube ∅ 5.7 mm, length 120 mm,
with integrated cable
- external sensor cable length … standard 2.5 m, maximum 10 m

Internal temperature measurement

- measurement error … ± 3 °C

Real-time clock
- long-term stability ± 5 min per year at 25 °C

5.3.5 Digital input terminal

- number … 4
- input options (selectable via software) … binary pulse input, LF pulse input,
binary NAMUR input, HF pulse NAMUR input
- cable length of each individual input … 30 m

Binary pulse inputs Terminals DI1 (LF+/-), DI2 (LF+/-), DI3, DI4
- maximum number of inputs … 4
- input type … LF input for REED contact or non-potential output
- minimum time of status duration … 100 ms
- open circuit voltage … 2.5 ÷ 3.6 V
- short circuit current … 3 µA approx.
- level „ON” … R < 100 kΩ or U < 0.2 V
- level „OFF” … R > 2 MΩ or U > 2.5 V

LF pulse inputs … Terminals DI1 (LF+/-), DI2 (LF+/-), DI3, DI4

- maximum number of inputs … 4
- maximum frequency … 10 Hz
- input type … LF input for REED contact, non-potential output,
- minimum pulse length / pause … 40 ms
- open circuit voltage … 2.5 ÷ 3.6 V
- short circuit current … 3 µA approx.
- level „ON” … R < 100 kΩ or U < 0.2 V
- level „OFF” … R > 2 MΩ or U > 2.5 V

Binary NAMUR inputs … Terminals DI1 (HF+/-), DI2 (HF+/-)
- maximum number of inputs … 2
- input type … NAMUR (EN 60947-5/6)
- minimum pulse length / pause … 200 µs
- open circuit voltage … UPWR
- internal resistance … 1 kΩ

The use of a NAMUR sensor requires external power supply (intrinsically safe).

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HF pulse NAMUR inputs … Terminals DI1 (HF+/-), DI2 (HF+/-)
- maximum number of inputs … 2
- maximum frequency … 5 kHz
- input type … NAMUR (EN 60947-5/6)
- minimum pulse length / pause … 100 µs
- open circuit voltage … UPWR
- internal resistance … 1 kΩ

5.3.6 Digital output terminals

- number … 4
- output options (selectable via software) … binary output, pulse output,
analogue output via CL-1 Module (for 4 - 20 mA)
- output type ... open collector
- cable length of each individual output … 30 m
- galvanic separation ... no

Binary outputs … Terminals DO1, DO2, DO3, DO4

- maximum number of outputs … 4
- maximum voltage … 15 V
- maximum current … 100 mA
- maximum closed contact resistance … 10 Ω

Pulse outputs … Terminals DO1, DO2, DO3, DO4

- maximum number of outputs … 4
- maximum voltage … 15 V
- maximum current … 100 mA
- maximum closed contact resistance … 10 Ω
- time of connection … programmable 0.1 s ÷ 25 s (step 0.1 s)
- time of disconnection … programmable 0.1 s ÷ 25 s (step 0.1 s)

Analogue outputs … Terminals DO1, DO2, DO3, DO4

- maximum number of outputs … 4
- output type … analogue output via CL-1 Module (for 4 - 20 mA)

5.3.7 Interfaces for communication with a master system

All 3 interfaces share the same communication channel, so that they cannot be operated simultaneously.

Communication interfaces
- galvanic separation ... yes
- serial communication interface … RS-232 or RS-485
- communication protocol … optional, according to the firmware version
- communication speed … 9600 ÷ 57600 Bd, adjustable
- byte format … 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity

RS-232 line … Terminals GND1, CTS, TxD, RxD

- connection … via barrier (intrinsically safe)
- maximum cable length … 30 m

When the PTZ-BOX FCD is installed in hazardous area a barrier in the safe area is required to connect the CL-1
Module (to be located also in the safe area).

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RS-485 line … Terminals GND1, U1+, D1-, D1+

- connection … via barrier (intrinsically safe)
- maximum cable length … < 100 m

IEC-1107 interface
- communication speed … 9600 ÷ 38400 Bd

5.3.8 Design for explosive atmosphere – intrinsical safety

- identification … II 2G EEx ia IIC T4/T3

- certificate number … FTZÚ 09 ATEX 0217X
- area classification … ZONE 1, ZONE 2

External power supply … Terminals PWR, GND, +

Ui = 10 V Ii = 0.2 A
Pi = 0.33 W Ci = 0 Li = 0
(Pi = 0.41 W for some modules)

LF pulse inputs … Terminals DI1 (LF+/-), DI2 (LF+/-), DI3, DI4

Uo = 6,5 V Io = 8 mA Po = 15 mW
- Co IIC = 2.8 µF IIB = 18 µF
- Lo IIC = 200 mH IIB = 700 mH

HF pulse inputs NAMUR … Terminals DI1 (HF+/-), DI2 (HF+/-)

Uo = 10 V Io = 11 mA Po = 27 mW
- Co IIC = 2.8 µF IIB = 18 µF
- Lo IIC = 200 mH IIB = 700 mH

Digital outputs Terminals GND, DO1, DO2, DO3, DO4

Ui = 15 V
Σ Pi = 1 W Ci = 500 nF Li = 0

RS-232 communication with master system … Terminals GND1, CTS, TxD, RxD
Ui = 20 V
Σ Pi = 0.33 W Ci = 200 nF Li = 0

RS-485 internal bus … Terminals GND1, U1+, D1-, D1+

Uo = 6.5 V Io = 1 mA Po = 1.1 mW
- ΣCo IIC = 3.5 µF IIB = 250 µF
- ΣLo IIC = 30 µH IIB = 120 µH

RS-485 communication with master system … Terminals GND1, U1+, D1-, D1+
Ui = 10 V
Σ Pi = 0.33 W Ci = 2.8 µF Li = 0

5.4 Economical operational mode of the device

In order to ensure the indicated battery life, device settings specified in Section 5.5 must be kept. If the
economical setting limits the application performance, an external power supply may be used to feed the
device. In this event the supplying battery becomes a backup power supply activated only during blackouts.
The device operates in the economical mode in the event of external power supply failure. The following
paragraphs describe design measures allowing low power consumption of the device.

The sum of outputs is defined for both interfaces together: RS-485 plus RS-232.
This sum must not exceed 0.33 W, except for MTL5051 (only at terminals 1, 2, 5, 6).

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Communication via RS 232 and RS 485 serial lines

Upon data arrival detected by the serial interface, the device switches automatically from the economical
mode into the data receipt mode. The device stays in the data receipt mode for at least 12 s. after the last
character has been received. Then it returns back to the economical mode.

Communication via IEC 1107 interface (IrDA)

Upon application of the HIE-01 infra-red reading head (the IrDA interface must be activated in advance
using the corresponding menu command), the device switches from the economical mode into the data
receipt mode. The device stays in the data receipt mode for at least 180 s after the end of communication or
until the user removes the HIE-01 head from the communication interface (deactivates the IrDA interface by
leaving the corresponding menu).

5.5 Battery life time

5.5.1 Main battery

The device is powered by a built-in battery: Lithium 3.6 V, 17 Ah (size D) use only the SAFT LS 33600
battery!. The life time of this battery is typically between 6 to 8 years, depending on the configuration of the
converter, on serial communication frequency and duration, as well as on display using time. Consumed
battery capacity is calculated during operation and registered in the memory. The device issues a warning
message requesting you to replace the battery 90 days before the expected battery discharge (see Section

Defined mode with life cycle of the supplying battery of more than 5 years:
• archiving period of the data archive 1 hour
• communication with device 2 min per day
• display usage 2 min per day
• period of input pulses ≤ 10 Hz and using the reed switch of the gas meter
• measuring period 15 s
• ambient temperature 25 °C

In modes with more power consumption, a more frequent battery replacement or external power supply will
be necessary.

5.5.2 Backup battery

This is a Lithium 3.6 V, 1 Ah (size ½ AA) battery: SAFT LS 14250. This battery is used for backup of
important functions in case of discharge or replacement of the main battery. For replacement, see Section

Defined conditions for backup battery life of 10 years – storage, temperature 25°C:
• inputs (DI1 – DI4): contacts not connected or connected but not switched
• presence of the main battery not relevant

Defined conditions for backup battery life of 4 years – all binary inputs connected:
• inputs (DI1 – DI4), short-circuit
• presence of the main battery not relevant

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6.1 Replacing the batteries

Both backup and supplying battery are lithium cells. Such batteries lose their capacity due to self-discharging.
The recommended replacement period is 10 years, even if the battery has never been in use. More
information about battery life time is given in Section 5.5. Any discharged battery should be disconnected as
soon as possible.

The PTZ-BOX FCD issues a warning message requesting you to replace the supplying battery 90 days
before the expected battery discharge. If the voltage in the battery drops under the minimum value of
Umin = 2.7 V, the device goes into STOP mode. In this condition, the device is not able to perform any
activitiy: it only counts the pulses on the LF inputs. The device will leave the STOP mode once the battery has
been replaced.

The supplying battery can be replaced even in a potentially explosive atmosphere. The same battery type
must be used: Lithium 3.6 V, 17 Ah (size D): SAFT LS 33600. While the battery is being replaced, the device
does not measure pressure or temperature, but counts the incoming LF pulses (but does not convert the
number of pulses, this will be performed when the supply battery is connected again) and insures that the real
time clock is running. The parameter settings and data stored in the archives will remain. After the
replacement of the battery, it is necessary to write the information on the battery replacement in the device
using the GASCcomm software for correct calculation of the battery life cycle.

The backup battery replacement must not be done in the explosion hazard area. It can be replaced in an
authorized service centre after breaking the official and factory seals. The identical battery type must be used:
Lithium 3.6 V, 1 Ah (size ½ AA): SAFT LS 14250.

The batteries in the device are in the chemical waste category.

The used batteries can be returned to the manufacturer.

6.2 Recalibration

Legal requirements for recalibration are different in each country. If no recalibration requirements appy,
vemm tec suggests a recalibration period of 5 years. When the PTZ-BOX FCD is checked or repaired, a new
calibration should also be performed.

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PTZ-BOX FCD volume converters supplied by vemm tec are guaranteed against defects due to faulty
material or workmanship for 12 months from the date of placement into operation, but not more than 18
months from the date of dispatch for Goods, according to the “General Terms and Conditions” of vemm tec
Messtechnik GmbH, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

Replacement parts provided under the terms of this declaration are warranted for the remainder of the
warranty period applicable to the Goods, as if these parts were original components of the Goods.
This warranty does not extend
(i) to damages caused by unsuitable or improper use, faulty installation or operation by the Customer or
third parties, natural wear and tear, faulty or negligient treatment or maintenance, the use of unsuitable
operating or substitutional materials, deficient assembly and damages caused by chemical, electronic or
electric influence;
(ii) to equipment, materials, parts and accessories manufactured by others;
(iii) to correctness of any externally performed calibrations, either at ambient conditions or at elevated
Improper use also includes breaking the seals of the device and non-compliance to “Installation, Operation
and Maintenance Manual”.

vemm tec accepts no liability for Goods being fit for the purpose required by the Customer unless it shall
have been given full and accurate particulars of the Customer's requirements and of the conditions under
which the Goods are required to be used.

Upon written notification received by vemm tec within the above-stated warranty period of any failure to
conform to the above warranty, upon return prepaid to the address specified by vemm tec of any non-
conforming original part or component, and upon inspection by vemm tec to verify said non-conformity,
vemm tec at its sole option either shall repair or replace said original part or component without charge to the
Customer, or shall refund the Customer the price thereof. Externally performed calibrations are not covered
by warranty. However, if vemm tec’s inspection fails to verify the claimed non-conformity the Customer will
be liable for any costs incurred by vemm tec in investigating the claimed non-conformity. The remedies set
forth herein are exclusive without regard to whether any defect was discoverable or latent at the time of
delivery of the Goods to the Customer.

Goods, once delivered, may be returned to vemm tec only with prior written authority from vemm tec unless
those Goods are accepted by vemm tec as being defective as to the material or workmanship. In the event
of a return authorized by vemm tec, vemm tec shall have the right to charge carriage to and from the
delivery location and the costs involved in the removal of the Goods from the Customer's premises.

All further claims of the Customer against vemm tec as well as our subcontractors are – in accordance with
the law – excluded, including compensation for consequential damages and damages based on repairs and
replacements, except in the case of conscious negligience or compulsory liability for the lack of guaranteed

Claims for warranty and service need to be addressed to the vemm tec office or to the vemm tec agent
where the meters originally are ordered.

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Table 15: Technical standards, rules and guidelines

International standards
ISO 12213 - part. 3 Natural gas – Calculation of compressibility factor
EN 12405 2002 Gas - electronic volume conversion devices
EN 50014 1997 +A1, +A2 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres -
General requirements
EN 50020 2002 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres -
Intrinsic safety 'i'“
EN 50021 1999 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres -
Type of protection "n"
EN 55022 Information technology equipment - Radio disturbance characteristics -
Limits and methods of measurement
EN 60079-14 1997 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres -
Part 14: Electrical installations in hazardous areas (other than mines)
EN 61000-3-2 2000 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for harmonic current emissions
(equipment input current up to and including 16 A per phase)
EN 61000-3-3 1995 Cor.1: 1997 + A1: 2001 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
Part 3-3: Limits - Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in
public low-voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated current <= 16 A per
phase and not subject to conditional connection
EN 61000-4-2 1995 + A1: 1998 + A2: 2001 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
Part 4-2: Testing and measurement techniques -
Electrostatic discharge immunity test
EN 61000-4-3 1996 + A1: 1998 A2: 2001 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
Part 4-3: Testing and measurement techniques -
Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test
EN 61000-4-4 1995 + A1: 2001 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
Part 4-4: Testing and measurement techniques -
Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test
EN 61000-4-5 1995 + A1: 2001 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
Part 4-5: Testing and measurement techniques -
Surge immunity test
EN 61000-4-6 1996 + A1: 2001 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques -
Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields
EN 61000-4-11 1994 + A1: 2001 - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
Part 4-11: Testing and measurement techniques -
Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests
EN 61000-6-2 2001 – Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) -
Part 6-2: Generic standards - Immunity for industrial environments.
EN 61107 1996 – Data exchange for meter reading, tariff and load control -
Direct local data exchange

Other standards
Modicon ModBus® Protocol Reference Guide
Modicon Inc., Industrial Automation Systems, 1996

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Figure 23: MID type-approval

Figure 24: ATEX certificate

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This metering device can only be operated by trained personnel in compliance with technical conditions,
safety regulations, and relevant standards.

The converter has been constructed and approved as intrinsically safe. That means that only approved
devices (intrinsically safe) or so called simple devices complying with EN 60079-11 and complying with the
intrinsically safe parameters listed in the EC-ATEX Certificate can be connected to the converter.
The applicable safety standards must be met when connecting.

The device must not be installed and located in an environment with a potential danger of electrostatic charge
of the device casing (e.g. by flowing air, etc.). Only a damp cloth must be used if the device is being cleaned,
to prevent electrostatic charge.
Only the following types of batteries are allowed to be used in the device: Main battery: SAFT LS33600,
Back-up battery SAFT LS14250.

Other legal and safety directives intended for specific purposes must be taken into account.

Similar measures apply to the use of accessories.

The information contained in this manual cannot be considered to be a legal obligation of vemm tec
Messtechnik GmbH. vemm tec reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice. This includes
changes to the manual or to the product itself leading to device improvements or to corrections of typographic
or technical faults.

Please report any problems to the manufacturer.

vemm tec Messtechnik GmbH

Gartenstrasse 20
14482 Potsdam-Babelsberg
Tel. +49 (0) 3 31 / 70 96 274 Changes in course of
Fax +49 (0) 3 31 / 70 96 270 technical development
E mail: are reserved.
Internet: (094-102-001)

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