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ABC Ltd. Customer Services and Satisfaction Survey

ABC Ltd. sells computers and other electronic products. In order to improve their

services, they sought to conduct a customer service & satisfaction survey. 150

questionnaires were sent to respondents and 100 replies were received. The data has been
entered into a spreadsheet and saved with a file name “ABC_Ltd.xls”.The report is addressed to
ABC Ltd.

Random Sampling means the random selection of data from the group of
population in such a manner that probability of being selected for every members
is same
1) This method is simple to use.
2) It is free from errors.
3) It is very easy to calculate the sampling errors in this type of method.
4) It is free from bias and inequality.
5) Simple random sampling is representative of population.

1) This method carries larger errors from same sample size than that are found in
stratified sampling.
2) This process becomes more laborious and more time consuming.
3) Sometimes it is difficult to get a completely classified sample.
4) It is impossible to contact all the sample which are widely spread.
5) It cannot be employed where the units of the population are heterogeneous in

Postal survey

On the ABC Ltd. customer services and satisfaction survey, the percentage of male
respondents to the survey is 48% where female respondent is 52%.

Gender Percentage
Male 48.00%
Female 52.00%
Grand Total 100.00%
From the table below we can analyze that the male and female uses different
types of transportation. We can see the 14% of male population uses public
transportation and walks where as 20% of them drive their own car. And in case
of female 10% of them uses public transport, 16% of them walks and 26% of
them drive their own car.
Types of Transport Male Female Total
Public transport 14 10 24
walk 14 16 30
Drive my own car 20 26 46
Grand Total 48 52 100

The graph below shows the relationship between transport and gender the number of
respondent driving their own car are higher with the total 46% and using public transport
lowest with 24% of total and 30% of comes walking.

Relationship between Transport and Gender




15 Female


Public transport walk Drive my own car

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