The Venus Cycle, Morning Star

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by Agent 12 – Julija Simas

The Venus Cycle

Herald of the morning – Venus as Morning Star
August 15th 2015 – June 6th 2016

Venus emerges as the morning star 19-22nd August. Depending on

where you live, your latitude on this planet and if you happen to be up
before Sunrise gazing to the east on a clear morning over these few
days around from August 19th 2015 you would see the helical rise of
Venus, Venus rising as the morning star. This rise can happen
anywhere between Venus being 8-13 degrees away from the Sun
whilst still in her retrograde phase after the interior conjunction.

A new cycle of Venus began with the retrograde conjunction with the
Sun on August 15th UT at 22°39′ Leo, yet the heliacal rise of Venus,
Venus’ morning appearance out of the beams of the Sun, is often
seen as much more auspicious as it was in the ancient past. The
ancient Mayans especially, saw this emergence as a particularly
potent time, a time for war and bloodshed and time when Venus was
at her meanest. The 2 apparitions of Venus , evening and morning
star, were seen as the twin brothers Quetzalcoatl the feathered
serpent as the morning star, and Xolotl , as the darker evening star
personification. Both were known for bringing humankind fire from
the underworld as they rose out of the beams of the Sun and
appeared in morning or evening skies every 19 months. A twist on
the tale of Prometheus stealing fire from the Gods on Olympus, here
the flame is from the underworld, yet the similarities in themes ,
show that the magic of the heavens speak a universal language.In
ancient Lithuanian star lore, Venus as morning star was
calledAušrinė and was seen as a second Sun. as she was the first
to lighten the dawn, which is also the meaning of her name . She
was also the daughter of the Sun together with her evening star
sister Vakarinė. These two stars were the servants of the Sun,
Aušrinė would bring fire, water and soup to the Sun and her husband
the Moon(the Moon masculine?? Shows how ancient these
depictions are) and the evening star Vakarinė would make their bed
for the night.

These 2 obvious apparitions of Venus, were often seen as 2

completely different stars, with 2 completely different identities and in
many more cultures around the world. As we get to know the Venus
cycle we get to see that Venus no longer is Venus just in a sign, or a
house, but she is either an evening star or a morning star, and that
she is also in one her of her phases as part of that apparition,
which all bring much more depth and meaning to our own natal
Venus. For example Venus in Gemini in the 2nd house, square
Jupiter may not be enough information to describe your Venus. Do
you know if you were born with an evening star Venus or a morning
star Venus? An easy way to tell is, if Venus is behind your Sun in the
zodiac in your natal chart she is a morning star, and if she is ahead
in the zodiac in your natal chart, she is and evening star. Say your
Venus is 15° Gemini, and your Sun is 10° Leo, Venus is behind in
the zodiac, therefore a morning star. Or turn your chart as if the Sun
is on the horizon-the Ascendant, if Venus is above the horizon she
rises before the Sun and is a morning star, if she is below horizon
she is an evening star. To determine what phase she is in your natal
chart is a bit trickier. Which I will get to in another update.

As a renewed morning star Venus has many names and

associations, as she returns to the skies to shine her light, the
Venus archetype becomes one more like a warrior, Aries like,
promethean, eager and keen to get on with it, on a mission I
like to say.
As a morning star Venus is known as:

Oriental (rising in the east before the Sun)
Lucifer (the light bringer, the angel cast out of heaven who then
becomes Satan in christian bible. The sacred feminine was
regarded as too potent to deal with by the patriarchy establishing
itself through various religions around the globe, making out that the
power of the sacred feminine was dangerous and scary and not to
be used, similar to the number 666)
Lights up the morning sky, is up before the Sun
Masculine, Diurnal, Yang
A Warrior goddess
She ascends rapidly – (comes out of Sun’s beams quickly as Sun
moves off ), still moving much slower than Sun
She descends slowly – as the cycle progresses she catches up
with the speed of the Sun and even doubles it (before disappearing
for exterior conjunction) dimming as she moves further away from
Visible 6-8 days after rx conj
Venus is now on a Mission
Gains light,, then loses light -peaks in crescent shape as she
waxes to become full. Note we never see Venus in fullness phase,
like a full moon, as she is at that stage behind the Sun.
Begins as a crescent then waxes to fullness as she dims from
our skies again toward superior conjunction

At each apparition as a morning star or evening star, Venus is

known to have 7 phases(this varies depends on astronomer or
astrologer) at any particular phase the characteristics of
Venus are determined by Venus being either:

Morning – Evening
Earthy – Heavenly – (close to earth or farthest away)
Aphrodite Pandemos(earthy, lusty), Aphrodite Urania(heavenly,
Visible or – Invisible(visiting the underworld)
Fast or Slow
Ascending or Descending
Taurus or Libra
Losing light or gaining light

The 7 phases of each morning(East) star apparition (which

also happen in evening(West) apparition but in
a slightly different order 1,2,6,5,4,3, 7)

1)Conjunction with Sun – inferior rx /superior dx

2)Heliacal rise – East rx(morning) or west(evening)
3)Station – direct (morning) or retrograde(evening)
4)Greatest brilliance – East(morning) or west(evening)
5)Greatest elongation – East(morning) or west(evening)
6)Gibbous – East(morning) or west(evening)
7)Heliacal set – East(morning) or west rx(evening)

The 7 phases and dates of this current cycle

1) Inferior conjunction – Aug 15th (22°Leo) retrograde

2)Morning star rise, helical rise – Aug 19th 20 Leo
3)Direct – Sept 6th – 14 Leo
4)Greatest brilliancy – Sept 20 – 18 Leo (32days after interior
5)Max elongation – Oct 26 – 16 Virgo (72 days after interior
6)Gibbous phase – Nov – April (moves through Virgo – Taurus)
7)Morning set, heliacal set – April 20 2016 – 0 Taurus
1)Superior conjunction – June 6 – 16 Gemini

At her Morning star rise around Aug 19th at 20° Leo , Venus is still
moving quite slowly but gains in light each morning as her crescent
grows. It may seem as though life has all of a sudden shifted at this
part of her cycle, her coming out, as a few things come to light, but
may not be ready to work with quite yet. There is an eagerness of
Aries in the phase yet still being in adjustment and retrograde, it’s
afresh young Venus, anticipating the journey ahead. It’s as though
she has the fire from the underworld, but may not be quite sure what
to do with it yet. Her renewed energy has just been birthed and from
now begins to unfurl.

This year just before turning direct Venus encounters Mars again for
their 2nd meet up this year at 14° Leo on September 1st. Mars adds
the extra kick to help get things started and get a move on.
Remember Mars and Venus together are not just about love and hot
sex, but about devotion and passion and remind us as they come
together in Leo again, that this next journey needs only to be inspired
by passion and devotion. What is that to you? Where can you see
your life in June next year as Venus again approaches the Sun?

Her next phase, is then moving direct again on Sept 6th at 14° Leo
, when her confidence and strength begins to grow , life begins to
move ahead in proposed directions albeit slowly still, as Venus takes
a while to speed up again. Take your time, don’t rush things, similar
to the archetypal Aries the impulse to move on quickly may make
you overlook a few important things. Stay with the impulse and get
ready to channel it in the right direction,

Greatest brilliance – the symbolic apparition of the Venus cycle

reflects our own journey as she shines brightest the week of 20th
September around the September Equinox. This is her peak
moment as the morning star, up bright and early, showing us her
crown of glory as the true Queen of the heavens. This time this
phase occurs still in sunny Leo, still in post retrograde shadow
Venus gets stronger and stronger now toward her max elongation,
(end oOctober) before she begins her 7 gated journey to the
underworld. More on that later. For now its too is time to shine bright,
to take on the cloak of courage that will give you enough strength to
carry on this next 8 month journey then meeting with the Sun again
in June 2016.
It’s at this point we hold this cycles mission wand high in our hand
and in our heart.

Maximum elongation west, morning star – Venus heads toward

maximum elongation in the month of October peaking on October
26th. Maximum elongation as the morning star denotes a period of
consolidating the quest ahead, the mission we are here to complete
by June 6th next year with when Venus meets the Sun in Gemini for
the exterior/superior conjunction at 14° Gemini. This is the half way
point in her cycle the larger cycle completes this current cycle with
next retrograde in March 2017 in Aries.
During that days of maximum elongation West, Venus being west of
the rising Sun , it is by now that we have a firm idea, goal and
purpose of our quest during the next 8 months. Maximum
elongation denotes strength, consolidation and an unwavering
strength, that keeps us focused on the delivery date and
symbolically a meeting in either the upperworld or the underworld as
Venus disappears from our skies and into the Sun’s beams again on
April 20th 2016, only return to light again as the evening star in July
This year during the maximum elongation Venus finds extra strength
as she moves toward her next conjunction with Mars on the 3rd
November at 24° Virgo 2015. Mars adds desire and action to our
quest, Virgo helps us find our strength through service, a
healthy attitude and using our efforts for the betterment of all.
Find that strength now, the strength in your heart that leads you
passionately onward and consolidate it into your core. It is only when
we truly know what we want, what is true in our hearts and minds
that we are more likely to get it!

Before the next New Moon at 17 Scorpio on November 12th, the

waning crescent shaped Moon, meets Venus at 28 Virgo, this begins
the journey, traditionally looked at as the Descent of Innana, where
with every monthly meeting with the waning Moon, Venus is taken
through one of 7 gates to the underworld or I like to see it as a
quest to the upperworld.

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If you would like more help on finding your Venus phase

send Chart details and payment of $20 AUD to on paypal I
will send you a one page description of your Venus phase via
email. Allow 3 days.
Otherwise, I plan to create a webinar specifically for this purpose.

Stay tuned more on each phase of this next cycle coming up.


You can find more info on the last Venus cycle


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