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Step-by-step guide on how to import questions into SchoolHouse test.

1. Highlight question and answers. Right click on the mouse. Then copy.

2. Paste the copied question to the text area of the following webpage:

3. Remove any spaces or gaps between the question and answer items.
4. Place an asterisk [*] next to the correct answer.

5. Repeat for all your questions. Leave one line between each question.
6. Type MC at the top of the page.

7. Give the quiz a name.

8. Click on “Generate test Questions”. Correct any errors if any.

9. Next, click on “download Test Questions”

10. After that, go to Schoolhouse and select “Design View”

11. SELECT “Import” and then “Delimited text file (Blackboard)” from the pop-up box.

12. Navigate to where the test questions were downloaded to on your computer and select
the document.
13. Now you should see the questions added to your paper.

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