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Section 22.1 405 Chapter Twenty Two - Complex Integration Curves in the Plane y 20 = 4—2i,7 = 2 and I(t) = 29+ re represents the upper half of a circle of radius 2 centered at (4,~2) drawn fiom initial point (6,~2) counterclockwise to the terminal point (2,~2) ‘The curve is simple but not closed; and has tangent M(t) = ie = —2sin(t) + 2icos(t) = —2sin(t)i + 2cos(t)j at each point 2, T(t) = ie% = —2sin(t) + 2icos(t) describes two revolutions azound the citcle of radius 7 = 1 drawn counterclockwise from initial point (1,0) to terminal point (1,0). ‘The curve is closed but not simple; and has tangent P(t) = —26%* = —2cos(2t) —2isin(2t) = ~2008(2t)i—2sin(2t)j at each point 3. Put 2 = t,y = 1? and we see P(t) describes a portion of the parabola y = z* diawn from initial point (1,1) to terminal point (3,9). The curve is simple, not closed; and has tangent TY = 1+ 2it = i+ 2¢j at every point s 2)? fy? 4 With © = 3cos(t),y = Ssin)t) we see (3) + ) re so P(t) traces once around an ellipse in @ counterclockwise direction from initial point (3,0) to terminal point (3,0) ‘The curve is simple and closed; with tangent I(t) = —3sin(t) + Seos(t)i = ~Bsin(th+ Seos(t) at every point 5 Q(t) describes the same ellipse as in 4 above, except O(t) traces two times around the ellipse. the curve is closed, but not simple; a tangent is ©/(t) = —Bsin(t) + 5cos(t}i = ster} ao ~Bsin(t)i + 5.cs(t)j at every point \ a)? fy)? sin(t),y = —2cos(t) to get (3) a @ = A(®) traces in a counterclockwise direction around a portion of this ellipse ftom initial point (0,2) to texrainal point (4,0) ‘The curve is simple, but not closed; with tangent A’(t) = Acos(t) + 2sin(t)i = 4eos(t)i-+ Qsin(t)j at every point 7 W(t) traces a portion of the parabola y = —z from initial point (~2,~4) to terminal point (4,~16) The curve is sim- ple, but not closed; a tangent in W"(t) = 1 2it = i 2tj at every point 6 put 2 5 80) 406 Section 22 1 8. Eliminate the parameter ftom a = 2t+ ly = ~}t? to get 1 2 5 e 5 So (t) traces a portion of this parabola from initial point (~5,—9/2) to terminal point (—1,~1/2), : ‘The curve is simple, not closed; and has tangent &'(t) = 2—ti = 21-1) at every point -5,-9/2) 9. The curve traced by I(t) is a portion of a figure eight curve oe : from initial point (1,0) to terminal point (cos2, ~2sin 4) (e082, ~2sin 4) ‘The curve is simple, not closed; with tangent I(t) = =sin(#) ~ 4cos(2t)é = —sin(t)i ~ 4.cos(2#)j at every point 10 Eliminating the parameter t shows y = ~2? so the curve is a portion of a parabola. Since x = t? > 0 and y= -t* <0 we got only the portion lying in quadrant four Thus A(t) traces from initial point (1,~1) to the origin (0,0) and then back to the terminal point (1,~1). ‘The curve is closed, but not simple; with tangent A/(t) = 2t— 42% = 2ti - 4¢8j at every point except (0,0) Section 222 ue Section 22.2 The Integral of a Complex Function 3 Idz = (2t — i)dt = 8 — 21 1 f : (2-i)dt = 8-25 2 1 3 For ee ee, 704 4 For zonT,2= del, 1/2

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