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School of Health Professions, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, Devon, England, United Kingdom

ABSTRACT hip adduction exercise would be useful in maintaining correct

Irish, SE, Millward, AJ, Wride, J, Haas, BM, and Shum, GLK. The patella tracking and selectively strengthening VMO.
effect of closed-kinetic chain exercises and open-kinetic chain KEY WORDS patellofemoral pain, quadriceps exercises,
exercise on the muscle activity of vastus medialis oblique strength training
and vastus lateralis. J Strength Cond Res 24(5): 1256–1262,
2010—Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is one of the most
prevalent musculoskeletal conditions of the lower limb. The INTRODUCTION

muscle imbalance between the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) atellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is a disorder
and vastus lateralis (VL) muscles is one of the main factors related to peripatellar or retropatellar pain (5) and
leading to the development of PFPS. The disparity in research it is 1 of the most prevalent musculoskeletal con-
and the necessity to add to the existing literature base led to ditions of the lower limb, with incidences esti-
the development of this study. The aim of this study was mated as high as 25% within the general population and 60%
to investigate the effect of 2 closed kinetic chain exercises within the athletic population (28). Vastus medialis oblique
(VMO) and vastus lateralis (VL) are the 2 principle muscles
and 1 open kinetic chain exercise on VMO and VL muscle
that work synergistically to stabilize the patella during
activity. Twenty-two healthy asymptomatic individuals partici-
dynamic knee extension. The ratio of VMO:VL has a
pated in this study. The surface electromyography (EMG) of
theoretical ideal of 1:1 (24), and research has shown this ratio
VMO and VL was measured and used to calculate the VMO:VL to be as low as 0.54:1 in people with PFPS (23). Any dis-
ratio during 3 different quadriceps-strengthening exercises turbance in the VMO:VL ratio, owing to a decreased medial
(a double leg squat with isometric hip adduction exercise, an pull, may lead to patella maltracking (1,15) and consequently
open kinetic chain knee extension exercise, and a lunge exercise). inflammation, pain, premature cartilage degeneration, and
The double leg squat with isometric hip adduction exercise was ultimately PFPS (26). It has been suggested that reestablish-
shown to produce a significantly greater VMO:VL ratio (1.14:1) ing this imbalance can be achieved by strengthening exer-
than the other 2 exercises (p = 0.015 and p = 0.005). The open cises specifically targeting VMO. The existing evidence base
kinetic chain knee extension exercises produced significantly supports this as a successful method of preventing and
greater activation of VL than the lunge exercise (p = 0.001 and p reducing PFPS (19,21,26), and current literature is flooded
with research concerning the best exercises to preferentially
= 0.036). The lunge exercise produced the VMO:VL ratio
activate VMO. Nonetheless, debate still remains as to an
(1.18:1) closest to the idealized ratio of 1:1. Potential clinical
agreed ‘‘gold standard’’ exercise and controversy litters the
recommendations can be made proposing the lunge exercise as
evidence base.
a key tool in early rehabilitation when restoring preferential Contradictory evidence surrounds the specific use of hip
VMO:VL ratio is essential. The double leg squat with isometric position to activate VMO. Hanten and Schulthies (14)
suggested that the addition of hip adduction is crucial to
selectively activate VMO. Anatomic cadaver studies have
Address correspondence to Dr. Gary Shum, shown that fibers from the VMO originate from the distal
The study was approved by the Human Ethics Sub-Committee of the part of the adductor magnus and by contracting the
University of Plymouth, United Kingdom. adductors the VMO is provided with a ‘‘stable origin from
24(5)/1256–1262 which to contract’’ (14). Hip adduction also generates
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research a stretch of the VMO fibers, which adjusts the length tension
Ó 2010 National Strength and Conditioning Association properties of the muscle and thus will increase the
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contraction force. In stark contrast, findings from Coqueiro The study of Tang et al (27), however, showed that the
et al (6) found that during a standard semi-squat exercise, greatest activation of VMO is actually achieved at 60 degrees
there was a significant difference between VL and VMO of flexion in a weightbearing position. The authors used a
electromyographic (EMG) activity in favor of VL. Different squat-to-stand closed kinetic chain exercise with knee flexion
conclusions were made by Earl et al (11), who found that angles ranging from 15 degrees to 90 degrees. Findings
combining isometric hip adduction with a closed-chain mini- also showed that a ratio of greater than 1 was present at
squat produced greater overall quadriceps activity compared 60 degrees of knee flexion. This has been confirmed by other
to a standard mini-squat. Previous literature highlighted studies (17). For this reason, it can be anticipated that lunge
problems with failure to standardize adduction forces (6); exercise may be beneficial in the retraining of the VMO
therefore, interpretation of findings should be made with muscles.
caution. The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of the
Open-chain leg extension exercises are often a routine tested exercises on the activation of VMO:VL and to ascertain
method of selectively targeting VMO in clinical practice which exercise preferentially activates VMO in relation to VL.
(13,20). There is little supporting evidence to verify its use, The choice of exercises aims to compare 2 exercises that are
and within the available literature common consensus is far commonplace in rehabilitation (i.e., open-chain leg extension
from conclusive. The established definition of an open kinetic and squat with isometric hip adduction) and add an exercise
chain exercise is a single joint movement that is performed in that has never been studied but is potentially a valuable addition
a nonweightbearing position with a free distal extremity. to VMO strengthening. The lunge exercise may offer a simple
Conversely, closed-chain exercises are considered multijoint alternative closed-chain exercise that is highly functional and,
movements performed in a weightbearing or simulated because of the increased weightbearing on the limb doing the
weightbearing position with a fixed distal extremity (25). exercise, may result in a substantial VMO contraction.
Although research is sparse, there are clinical situations when
open-chain exercises may be the more appropriate treatment
option. For example, those with a large body mass index (BMI) METHODS
may be at risk of increased levels of load being placed through Experimental Approach to Problem
the joint and, because of reduced exercise tolerance, this may The muscle activities of the VMO and VL were measured in
cause difficulty with following closed change programs. 22 healthy, asymptomatic subjects in 3 quadriceps muscle-
Additionally, open-chain knee extensions may be the only strengthening exercises. Surface EMG signals were utilized to
possible rehabilitation option for patients with cognitive investigate the differences among the 3 exercises tested. This
difficulties, with multiple pathologies, or who are at risk of falls. study was a repeated-measures design and took place in
Laprade et al. (20) showed that VMO was more active than a university laboratory setting.
VL during knee extensions. Brownstein et al (3) reported that The electrical activity of VMO and VL was recorded using
VMO was most active at 60 to 90 degrees of knee flexion surface EMG electrodes (Biometrics Ltd, SX230, Gwent,
in a nonweightbearing position and least active with the United Kingdom), with a set interelectrode distance of
knee fully extended. Additionally, Tang et al (27) reported 20 mm. Surface electrodes have been shown to be influenced
that in asymptomatic participants a VMO:VL ratio of greater by crosstalk from directly adjacent muscles (4), and the con-
than 1 was evident during open-chain knee extensions at tracting muscle can potentially change the EMG signal as it
75 and 90 degrees of knee flexion. Patients with PFPS were may consequentially move the electrode. Farina et al. (12)
also shown to have an improved ratio during the eccentric reported that surface EMG is influenced by motor unit
phase at 60 degrees, 75 degrees, and 90 degrees of knee discharge rates and muscle fiber membrane characteristics.
flexion (3).Comparisons to other literature need to be made Therefore, participants were swabbed with alcohol wipes
with caution because muscle force was measured via a prior to electrode placement and BMI was limited to 30 (26).
dynamometer as opposed to EMG activity. Results were recorded and filtered using Biometric software.
Current research has not yet explored the effectiveness of To enable normalization of the EMG findings, a maximal
incorporating lunge exercises into the rehabilitation of VMO. voluntary contraction (MVC) was carried out (3). The maxi-
The significance of such an exercise can only be hypothesized mal voluntary contractions of VMO and VL were determined
based on its biomechanics. Suggestions have been put by using the mean average of 3 static quadriceps maximal
forward that closed kinetic chain exercises, such as squatting isometric contractions at 45 degrees of knee flexion. A 30-
or lunging, utilize both multiple-joint proprioceptive reac- second rest period between each contraction was included
tions and muscular cocontraction. For this reason they are to eliminate possible fatigue affects. Prior to data analysis,
assumed to be a more functional intervention than open- all results were normalized by calculating them as a percent-
chain exercises (27). A recent study also suggested that age of their MVC (%MVC). The average value of %MVC
a closed kinetic chain exercise with a short arc (,45 degrees) for each exercise was then calculated as the arithmetic mean
is the best exercise to strengthen the quadriceps muscles of the 3 values. These data then were used to calculate the
group because it induced the least joint reaction force (27). VMO:VL ratio.

VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2010 | 1257

Effect of Kinetic Chain Exercises on Muscle Activity

EMG surface electrodes were placed on the muscle belly of

VMO, 4 cm superior and 4 cm medial to the supromedial
boarder of patella at approximately 55 degrees to the long axis
of the femur. The VL electrode was placed 10 cm superior
and 6–8 cm lateral to the superior lateral boarder of the
patella and orientated 15 degrees to the vertical (16). A
reference electrode was situated at the tibial tubercle to
normalize background electrical activity. Electrodes were
attached using double-sided tape, with additional taping over
the whole electrode site. This was to ensure the best possible
skin contact to limit skin impedance.

Twenty-two healthy asymptomatic subjects participated in
this study (11 men, 11 women, age = 25.06 6 4.67; height =
1.73 6 0.09 m, mass = 65.57 6 9.38 kg, BMI = 23.51 6 2.70). Figure 1. Open kinetic chain knee extension exercise.
Participants were excluded if their age was younger than 18 or
older than 40; if they had any current or previous history of
knee or lower limb injury (18); if they had any history of knee
This exercise was achieved by compression of a folded pillow
pain on ascending or descending stairs, squatting, kneeling,
placed between the medial joint lines of the knees. The
prolonged sitting, hopping, or jumping within the last
exercise was performed with the back flat against a
3 months (7,10); or if their BMI was larger than thirty
wall while squatting to 45 degrees (6) (Figure 2). The
(26). The study was undertaken in the months of March and
adduction force was maintained throughout the entire
April; however, this should not influence the repeatability of
exercise, and a pillow was chosen to maximize comfort
the study because the setting was in closed conditions much
because there was concern that a more rigid object
like an outpatient or ward setting. Participants had a range
could lead to discomfort, thus inhibiting muscle
of fitness levels and training backgrounds. The study was
activity and affecting electrode placement.
approved by the Human Ethics Sub-Committee of the
iii. Lunge exercise (closed kinetic chain)
University of Plymouth, United Kingdom. All participants
A lunge exercise was performed with the measured leg
were older than 18 years old and were informed of the
foremost in a stride stance with both knees fully
procedures, experimental risks, rationale, and their role.
extended. Feet were hip-width apart and both feet were
A consent form was signed prior to the investigation and
angled forward. The measured knee was flexed to
participants were informed of their right to withdraw.
45 degrees (Figure 3), followed by the return to full
extension while maintaining the knee in a neutral
alignment over the second metatarsal. The rear knee
Prior to the study, participants performed a 5-minute sub-
remained in full extension throughout the exercise, and
maximal warm-up using a cycle ergometer, working at a
both heels remained in contact with the floor.
rating of 11 or 12 on the Borg rating of perceived exertion
scale (2,9). The scale ranged from 6 to 20, where 6 meant ‘‘no Statistical Analyses
exertion at all,’’ 20 meant ‘‘maximal exertion,’’ and 11 cor- The dependent variables in this study were the %MVC of
responded to ‘‘light work.’’ Patients were instructed to reflect VMO and VL of the exercised tested and the VMO:VL ratio
on how heavy and strenuous the warm-up felt and must of each exercise. If the VMO:VL ratio was greater than 1, it
relate it to a combination of all sensations of physical stress, implied that the VMO had a higher muscle activity than that
effort, and fatigue. The possibility of exercise induced injury of VL and pulled the patella medially. A repeated-measures
was therefore limited. analysis of variance test was used to examine any differences
This study investigated the following quadriceps strength- in these variables among the 3 exercises. A post hoc least
ening exercises with no external additional weight. significant difference test was performed with the level of
i. Open kinetic chain knee extension exercise significance set at p = 0.05. The consistency of the dependent
The subject was seated on a raised platform with both feet variables over the 3 trials within each subject was determined
off the floor and thighs supported to the popliteal by using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) (1,3).
fossa (Figure 1). A single leg extension was performed
between the angles of 90 degrees to 0 degrees knee RESULTS
flexion (27). The mean ICCs (1,3) of the dependent variables were 0.94 6
ii. Double leg squat with isometric hip adduction exercise (closed 0.02, indicating that there were no significant differences in
kinetic chain) the variables among the 3 trials. It is concluded that the
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3 exercises (Table 1, p . 0.05).
and VMO:VL ratios between males and females for
There was no significant difference in muscle recruitment
enough to reveal any significant differences in this study.
effect size was found to be 0.87, which was sufficiently large
ization of results. The power of this study was 0.62 and the
results obtained were highly repeatable, allowing general-
Figure 3. Lunge exercise.

Figure 2. Double leg squat with isometric hip adduction exercise.

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

TABLE 1. The electromyographic values for muscle activity for the open-chain knee extension exercise, the double leg squat with isometric hip adduction exercise,
and the lunge exercise.

Double leg squat with isometric hip

Open-chain knee extension exercise adduction exercise Lunge exercise
VOLUME 24 | NUMBER 5 | MAY 2010 |


Male (n = 11) 0.62 6 0.32 0.89 6 0.44† 0.70:1 0.99 6 0.47* 0.84 6 0.43† 1.17:1‡ 0.63 6 0.35 0.55 6 0.33 1.14:1‡
Female (n = 11) 0.68 6 0.48 0.93 6 0.42† 0.73:1 0.97 6 0.75* 0.82 6 0.40† 1.18:1‡ 0.60 6 0.37 0.52 6 0.15 1.15:1‡
Total (n = 22) 0.65 6 0.38 0.90 6 0.84† 0.72:1 0.98 6 0.62* 0.83 6 0.44† 1.18:1‡ 0.61 6 0.36 0.53 6 0.26 1.14:1‡
VMO = vastus medialis oblique; VL = vastus lateralis.
No significant difference existed in muscle recruitment or VMO:VL ratios between males and females for 3 exercises (p . 0.05).
*Significantly greater VMO activation when compared with the open-chain leg extension exercise (p = 0.015) and the lunge exercise (p = 0.005).

†Significantly greater VL activation than the lunge exercise. (Double leg squat with isometric hip adduction exercise, p = 0.001; open chain leg extension exercise, p = 0.036.)

‡Significantly greater VMO:VL ratio than that of open-chain leg extension exercise. (Double leg squat with isometric hip adduction exercise, p = 0.019; open-chain leg extension
exercise p = 0.045).
Effect of Kinetic Chain Exercises on Muscle Activity

activation of VMO. Coqueiro

et al (6) reported that double
leg squat exercises increased
activation in both VMO and
VL, thereby producing a ratio
closer to the idealized ratio of
1:1 (24). This is in agreement
with our findings because
VMO and VL both achieved
a significant increase in activity.
Coquerio et al (6) showed no
significant preferential activa-
tion of VMO over VL; how-
Figure 4. The mean normalized electromyographic (EMG) activity of vastus medialis oblique (VMO) and vastus
lateralis (VL) with error bars showing standard deviation during 3 exercises. *p , 0.05, There was a significantly
ever, our study did show that
greater VMO activation in comparison with the Open chain leg extension (p = 0.015) and Lunge exercise (p = the double leg squat with iso-
0.005). †p , 0.05, There was a significantly greater VL activation than the Lunge exercise. (Squat with isometric hip metric hip adduction exercise
adduction p = 0.001; Open chain leg extension p = 0.036).
did preferentially activate VMO
(Table 1), producing a ratio of
greater than 1.
Activation of VMO The open kinetic chain knee extension exercise was shown
Double leg squat exercise showed a significantly greater to produce significant activation of VL instead of VMO,
activation of VMO in comparison with the open kinetic chain resulting in a VMO:VL of less than 1. This concurs with the
knee extension exercise (p = 0.015) and lunge exercise findings of Tang et al (27), in which, during an isokinetic open
(p = 0.005) (Table 1, Figure 4). There were no significant kinetic chain knee extension exercise, a VMO:VL ratio of less
differences between the double leg squat with isometric hip than 1, 15 to 60 degrees was reported. Therefore, it can be
adduction exercise and the lunge exercise in activating VMO anticipated that open-chain knee extension exercises may
(p = 0.602). have little beneficial effect or even an adverse effect on PFPS
rehabilitation because the decreased VMO:VL ratio 0.72:1
Activation of VL
suggests that open kinetic chain knee extension exercise may
The open kinetic chain knee extension exercise and double
induce excessive lateral tracking of the patella.
leg squat exercise showed significantly greater activation
The pathology of PFPS is generally accepted to result from
of VL in comparison with the lunge exercise (p = 0.001 and
VMO weakness and disruption of the VMO:VL ratio (19,21,
p = 0.036) (Table 1, Figure 4). However, whereas the
26). The high muscle activity and preferential VMO:VL ratio
open-chain knee extension showed a greater VL activation
(1.14:1) generated by the double leg squat with isometric hip
than the double leg squat exercise, this was not significant
adduction exercise showed that this could potentially be a
(p . 0.05).
key exercise in the PFPS rehabilitation. The double leg squat
VMO:VL Ratio with isometric hip adduction exercise will be useful in
Both the double leg squat and lunge exercises showed a restoring quadriceps strength with a desirable VMO activa-
significantly greater VMO:VL ratio (p = 0.019 and p = 0.045) tion when there is a large deficit in VMO muscle activity in
than open-chain knee extension exercise (Table 1). No patients with PFPS.
significant difference was seen between double leg squat This is the first study to look at the biomechanics of a lunge
and lunge exercises in the VMO:VL ratio. Open-chain knee exercise. The VMO:VL ratio of the lunge exercise was closest
extension exercise was shown to preferentially activate VL to the idealized 1:1 ratio (24). Although this exercise has been
resulting in a ratio of 0.72:1 (Table 1). shown not to produce as much muscle activity as the double
leg squat with hip adduction exercise, this exercise may be
DISCUSSION advantageous in the initial stage of PFPS rehabilitation when
This study has added to the existing debate concerning the sufficient VMO muscle strength has not been regained yet
best exercise to selectively activate VMO in relation to VL. and the priority is to establish a balanced patella tracking.
The conclusions drawn have allowed us to reject the null Little research has been undertaken regarding different stages
hypothesis and make possible recommendations for practice. of rehabilitation; therefore, this is an area that warrants
Results have shown that the double leg squat with isometric further investigation.
hip adduction exercise produced a significantly greater Attempts were made to ensure rigorous and sound
activation of VMO than the other 2 exercises tested. These methodology throughout the study. Exercises and electrode
findings are in line with a previous study (14), which also placement were strictly standardized, and confounding vari-
concluded that this was the most effective exercise for ables (fatigue effect, skin impedance, and learning effect) were
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identified and accounted for in the study design, alongside greater VMO activation than both the lunge exercise and
strict inclusion exclusion criteria, to maximize external the open-chain knee extension exercise. Furthermore, the
validity. There were a number of limitations within the study. double leg squat with isometric hip adduction exercise and
First, all the participants are asymptomatic and findings the lunge exercise produced a significantly higher VMO:VL
therefore cannot be generalized to patients with PFPS. The ratio than that of the open-chain leg extension exercise. In our
numerous independent variables that relate to musculoskel- study, the open-chain knee extension exercise was shown to
etal rehabilitation such as pain inhibition, secondary compli- preferentially activate VL instead of VMO and therefore may
cations, previous functional level, and stage of rehabilitation not be suitable for patients with PFPS.
could potentially and significantly alter results. Future study One of the main factors leading to patellofemoral pain is the
will therefore require the investigation of symptomatic muscle imbalance between the VMO and VL, leading to an
patients to enhance both the rigor and the external validity excessive lateral tracking of the patella. Because the VMO and
of the research. Second, the protocols used for electrode VL demonstrated a lower level of activation during the lunge
placement allowed for no variation in gender and size. exercise, the lunge exercise will be useful in the initial stage of
Therefore, it cannot be certain that we sampled fibers from PFPS rehabilitation when sufficient VMO muscle strength
the correct muscles; however, this is a common flaw through- has not been regained yet and the priority is to establish
out the literature (8). This is clinically significant because a balanced patella tracking. The higher muscle activity and
recent research showed that EMG pads positioned at mid- preferential VMO:VL ratio generated by the double leg squat
thigh level, opposed to closer to the muscles insertion, with isometric hip adduction exercise will be very useful in
detected lower signal strength owing to the close proximity further reestablishing the correct tracking of the patella and
of EMG pads positioning at mid-thigh level than a lower strengthening of the VMO muscles in the later stage of PFPS
signal strength would be detected owing to its close rehabilitation. The results of this study provide the scientific
proximity to the muscle’s point of innervation (29). Finally, basis for the use of the lunge exercise in devising a closed-
the current study only examined the maximum EMG activity chain exercise protocol for VMO strengthening with a lunge
for each exercise. Further study may wish to examine total exercise potentially commencing rehabilitation and progress-
muscle activity during the exercise. In addition, comparing ing to a squat with isometric hip adductions as a later stage
concentric and eccentric phases of activity may provide addition. This research potentially assists the practitioner in
interesting results. selecting the most appropriate exercises at the correct stage of
This study investigated the exercises with no external rehabilitation, thereby reducing the severity of PFPS and
additional weight. This ensured standardization and func- decreasing rehabilitation times of patients with patella
tionality. However, it could be beneficial to study the effect of maltracking. Further research is vital to distinguish the effects
external load on these specific VMO exercises because it is of these exercises on symptomatic participants.
common consensus that an external load will cause muscle
fatigue more rapidly than if no load was added. This in turn ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
may be of interest because knowledge of fatigue rates could No benefits in any form have been or will be received from
assist the practitioner in exercise prescription. a commercial party/grant body related directly or indirectly
This research not only adds to the existing debate con- to the subject of this manuscript.
cerning PFPS, but also highlights that there is a requirement
to investigate which exercise can preferentially alter the REFERENCES
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1262 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

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