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Journal of Chromatography B, xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

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Identification of organic acids as potential biomarkers in the urine of

autistic children using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry夽
Joanna Kałużna-Czaplińska a,∗ , Ewa Żurawicz a , Wiktoria Struck b , Michał Markuszewski b
Institute of General and Ecological Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Lodz University of Technology, Żeromskiego 116, 90-924 Łódź, Poland
Department of Biopharmacy and Pharmacodynamics, Medical University of Gdańsk, Hallera 107, 80-416 Gdańsk, Poland

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: There is a need to identify metabolic phenotypes in autism as they might each require unique approaches
Received 11 October 2013 to prevention. Biological markers can help define autism subtypes and reveal potential therapeutic tar-
Received in revised form 21 January 2014 gets. The aim of the study was to identify alterations of small molecular weight compounds and to
Accepted 23 January 2014
find potential biomarkers. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was employed to evaluate major
Available online xxx
metabolic changes in low molecular weight urine metabolites of 14 children with autism spectrum dis-
orders vs. 10 non-autistic subjects. The results prove the usefulness of an identified set of 21 endogenous
compounds (including 14 organic acids), whose levels are changed in diseased children. Gas chromatog-
Organic acids
Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
raphy/mass spectrometry method combined with multivariate statistical analysis techniques provide an
Biomarkers efficient way of depicting metabolic perturbations of diseases, and may potentially be applicable as a
Autism novel strategy for the noninvasive diagnosis and treatment of autism.
Principal component analysis © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction viruses, errors during the embryonic neural tube closure process,
dysfunctional immune systems and allergies [3–6].
Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is a complex developmen- Many causes of autism have been suggested, but the information
tal disability which impairs social interaction and communication. is still incomplete. There is indisputable evidence of the influence
It is characterized by Asperger syndrome, childhood disintegra- of genes on the pathogenesis of autism. Studies of identical twins
tive disorder, and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise show that if one twin is autistic, the probability that the other will
specified (PDDNOS) [1,2]. ASD typically appears during the first 3 be autistic is as high as 58% for boys and 60% for girls, while in the
years of life. Autism is a multifactorial disorder, which means that a case of fraternal twins the probability falls to 21% for boys and 27%
lot of factors must be considered when determining the case. These for girls [7]. Thus, it becomes clear that in order to explain the com-
factors include complex genetic interactions, nutritional deficien- plexity of autism, many factors need to be considered, including
cies or overloads, pre- and postnatal exposure to chemicals or the impact of genetic heterogeneity, reduced penetrance, epige-
netic factors, the involvement of multiple genes, gene–gene and
gene–environment interactions [8].
The recent research has focused on a number of known neu-
rometabolic disorders identified as having an autistic phenotype,
Abbreviations: 3PGPH, 3-phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase; CE–MS, capillary
as well as on the theories related to other metabolic abnormal-
electrophoresis–mass spectrometry; CNVs, copy number variations; CRC, col-
orectal cancer; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; GAII, glutaric aciduria type II; GC–MS, ities thought to contribute to the development of autism [9].
gas chromatography–mass spectrometry; LC–MS, liquid chromatography–mass These metabolic disorders include: phenylketonuria (PKU), dis-
spectrometry; MADD, multiple acyl-CoA-dehydrogenase deficiency; MSTFA, N- orders of purine metabolism, biotinidase deficiency, disorders of
methyl-N-trimethylsilyl-trifluoroacetamide; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance; cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) neurotransmitters such as deficiencies
PCA, principal component analysis; PKU, phenylketonuria; PLSCV, partial least
of folic acid, Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome (SLOS), methylmalonic
square cross-validation; PPA, propionic acid; PSPH, phosphoserine phosphatase;
SLC, solute carrier; SLOS, Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome; SNPs/VNTRs, sin- acidemia, dicarboxylic aciduria and other organic acids acidemias
gle nucleotide polymorphisms/variable number of tandem repeats; TMCS, [9–14]. The coexistence of numerous psychiatric, behavior, neu-
trimethylchlorosilane. rodevelopmental as well as metabolic disorders in autism [15]
夽 This paper is part of the special issue “Metabolomics II” by G. Theodoridis and
requires the study of the relationship between these patholog-
D. Tsikas.
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +48 426313091; fax: +48 4263131 28. ical states. It is suspected that defects in the gut–blood barrier
E-mail addresses:, make it possible for the central nervous system to have access to
(J. Kałużna-Czaplińska). compounds which can be neurotoxic, among them organic acids,

1570-0232/$ – see front matter © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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2 J. Kałużna-Czaplińska et al. / J. Chromatogr. B xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

causing the severity of symptoms in autism spectrum disorders 2. Materials and methods
(ASD) [16,17]. Organic acidurias may interfere with the regula-
tion of glutamatergic and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic 2.1. Participants
neurotransmission, neuroenergetics, handling of metabolic water,
regulation of transport of hydrophilic compounds from and to The study was restricted to children with a diagnosis of autism
the brain compartment via the blood–brain barrier, as well as in compliance with the criteria detailed in the Diagnostic and Sta-
the process of myelination [18]. Although it is difficult to extrap- tistical Manual of Mental Disorders [39]. All autistic children were
olate the mechanisms of organic acid blood-to-brain influx and assessed and diagnosed by clinicians specializing in the diagnosis
brain-to-blood efflux transport, some general rules have been and management of autistic children from the Navicula.
provided [19,20]. One of the main functions of the blood–brain
barrier is to control the passage of products of metabolism 2.2. Materials
and xenobiotics. The blood–brain barrier includes brain capillary
endothelial cells and the blood–CSF barrier, which consists of 2.2.1. Sample collection
epithelial cells. Molecules cross the blood–brain barrier via mech- All overnight urine samples were collected from 14 autistic chil-
anisms which include diffusion of lipid-soluble small molecules dren (4–10 years) who underwent rehabilitation in the Navicula
as well as catalyzed transport by one of three families of trans- – Center in Lodz and 10 non-autistic children as healthy controls
porters: carrier-mediated transport, receptor-mediated transport, (4–10 years). All procedures were carried out, having the written
active efflux transporters [21,22]. In the transport of organic consent of a parent. The study was performed in agreement with
acids across the blood–brain barrier, the following families of the Standards and Ethics in Biological Rhythm Research [40]. Urine
the solute carrier (SLC) group of membrane transport proteins was stored at −20 ◦ C until analysis.
are involved: SLC13 (Na+ -sulfate/carboxylate cotransporter) [23],
SLC16 (monocarboxylate transporter) [24], SLC21 (organic anion 2.2.2. Chemicals and reagents
transporter) [25], SLC22 (organic cation/anion/zwitterion trans- Heptadecanoic acid (98%) used as an internal standard
porter) [26], SLC27 (fatty acid transport proteins) [27]. It is believed and N-methyl-N-trimethylsilyl-trifluoroacetamide (MSTFA),
that disruption of the blood–brain barrier in autistic children trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS), urease, methoxyamine, pyridine
can be the result of acute stress, leaky gut and food intolerance were obtained from Sigma–Aldrich (Poznań, Poland). High perfor-
[28]. mance liquid chromatography-grade ethyl acetate and methanol
Because of a number of disorders occurring in autism, there is were obtained from POCh (Gliwice, Poland).
a need to identify metabolic phenotypes in autism as they might
each require unique approaches to prevention or treatment. There 2.3. Sample preparation
are treatment strategies consisting in the correction of biochem-
ical imbalance in autistic patients such as: eradication of fungal For sample preparation, we used a simple modification of
(Candida) overgrowth and restoration of gut integrity, removal method described by Zhang et al. [41]. 200 ␮L of urine with 40
of potential sources of opioid peptides from the diet (gluten- units of urease were incubated at 35 ◦ C for 20 min to decompose the
free/casein-free diets) [29,30]. Pharmacotherapy of children with urea present in the sample. Next, 800 ␮L of methanol and 100 ␮L of
autism in the context of a number of metabolic disorders seems to heptadecanoic acid (1 mg/mL in ethyl acetate) used as IS (internal
be a very promising form of treatment, but we need to emphasize standard) were added. The solution was extracted and centrifuged
that there is no clear evidence for the efficacy of this approach in at 12,000 × g, 5 ◦ C for 15 min. The supernatant was transferred to a
the study of large groups of children. vial, and then evaporated to dryness under nitrogen at room tem-
The study of biological markers may be an important step to perature. 30 ␮L of methoxyamine in pyridine was added to a vial
solve this problem [31,32]. They can help to define autism sub- and the solution was vortexed for 5 min. The reaction of methox-
types and reveal potential therapeutic targets. A perfect marker imation lasted 24 h at room temperature. Next, the sample was
should be detectable with good sensitivity and specificity in biolog- trimethylsilylated for another hour by adding 60 ␮L of MSTFA with
ical samples from the patient [33]. Metabolomics, which analyzes 1% TMCS. Before the GC–MS analysis, 50 ␮L of hexane was added
low molecular weight compounds such an as organic acid and to the vial. All samples were prepared according to the same pro-
amino acid, was used as an effective tool for the diagnosis of dis- cedure.
ease and phenotype prediction. Biological fluids such as urine and
plasma contain metabolites which can provide valuable bioinfor- 2.4. GC–MS analysis
mation on the metabolism of organism [34]. Compared with the
blood sample, the analysis of urine is non-invasive and can give 1 ␮L of derivatized sample was injected splitless into an Agi-
similar results. lent 6890N Network GC system and 5973 Network Mass Selective
Metabonomic studies in conjunction with multivariate anal- equipped with a capillary column (J&W Ultra Inert HP-5ms; Agi-
ysis are proved to be a useful information-rich strategy for lent Technology; 30 m × 0.25 mm internal diameter; film thickness,
investigating the metabolic state of biological fluids based on 0.25 ␮m). The injector temperature was set at 250 ◦ C. Helium was
modern analytical techniques such as nuclear magnetic reso- used as a carrier gas at a constant flow rate of 0.9 mL/min through
nance (NMR), liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC–MS), the column. The column temperature was initially kept at 50 ◦ C
capillary electrophoresis–mass spectrometry (CE–MS) and gas for 1 min and then increased to 240 ◦ C at 15 ◦ C min−1 and further
chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) [35–37]. Due to its increased at 30 ◦ C min−1 to 300 ◦ C. The MS quadrupole tempera-
relatively low cost, high separation efficiency and commercial mass ture was set at 150 ◦ C and the ion source temperature at 200 ◦ C.
spectra libraries, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry is very Masses were acquired from m/z 50–800. GC–MSD ChemStation
often used in metabonomic research of biological samples in dif- Software (Agilent) was used for autoacquisition of GC total ion
ferent analyses [38]. chromatograms (TIC) and fragmentation patterns. Each compound
The aim of this study was to identify alterations of small molec- had a unique fragmentation pattern composed of a series of split
ular weight compounds and find potential biomarkers in the urine molecular ions, whose mass charge ratios and abundance could
of autistic children using gas chromatography coupled with mass be compared with the standard mass chromatogram in the NIST
spectrometry. (National Institute of Standards and Technology) mass spectra

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J. Kałużna-Czaplińska et al. / J. Chromatogr. B xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 3

library by the ChemStation Software. For each peak, the software carbohydrates and fatty acids. 83 signals were obtained, but only
will generate a list of similarities comparing them with every sub- 43 signals which could be autoidentified by the NIST library by the
stance within the NIST library. Peaks with the similarity index more comparison of the fragmentation patterns composed of all frag-
than 80% were assigned compound names [42–44], while those ment ions were analyzed. 10 Organic acids in the “83 metabolites”
having less than 80% similarity were listed as unknown metabolites. were further identified through the correlation of retention times
The chromatograms were subjected to noise reduction and peaks and fragmentation patterns, when compared with the commer-
with the intensity higher than threefold of the signal-to-noise (S/N) cially available corresponding standards.
ratio were recorded prior to the peak area integration. The relative Data were statistically evaluated using statistical analysis pack-
intensity of each peak was normalized against the internal standard age Statistica, version 9.0 (Statistica 9.0, StatSoft, Poland). Firstly,
in GC–MS run. All known artifact peaks such as peaks due to the individual differences in the profiles of metabolite levels between
column bleed and MSTFA artifact peaks did not enter the final data the two groups were evaluated by the comparison of statistical
analyses. Integrated peak areas of multiple derivative peaks belong- parameters and after performing the t-test and U-Mann–Whitney
ing to the same compound were summed and considered a single test. The difference in the p-value of <0.05 was considered statisti-
compound. Each sample was characterized by the same number of cally significant. The Principal component analysis (PCA) and partial
variables and each of these variables was represented throughout least square cross-validation (PLSCV) were performed within the
the observations by the same sequence. Thus, a data matrix was Matlab environment (Matlab 7.0, Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA).
generated by intensities of the commensal peaks from all the sam- Before the analysis the dataset (24 profiles × 43 metabolite levels)
ples to characterize the biochemical pattern of each sample. The was autoscaled. The PCA was applied to check the dataset struc-
obtained matrix was then employed for the correlation analysis ture and assess the variability of the profiles belonging to groups
and pattern recognition. For each case three urine aliquots were of autistic vs. non-autistic children.
processed throughout the whole experimental process to test the
reproducibility of sample preparation and GC–MS analysis. Analyti-
cal accuracy and precision were assessed by a consecutive injection 3. Results
of the three derivatized samples into the GC system. To assess the
stability of the analytical system, quality control (QC) samples were In order to assess the stability of the analytical system, quality
measured after every fourth run. Prior to QC sample measurement, control sample was performed during GC–MS analyses. The relative
aliquots of the same volume of all urine samples from this study standard deviations values of the obtained peak areas of each 43
were pooled. They were prepared once and measured in tripli- metabolites used for PCA analysis were lower than 15%.
cate. All urine samples were analyzed with GC–MS according to Fig. 1 shows an example of the overlap of four typical TIC pro-
the method described above. The stability of the response per com- files of injected autistic urine samples in the same aliquot. The
pound was expressed in relative standard deviation (RSD) of peak data showed stable retention time with no drift of the peaks,
areas. which reflects the stability of GC–MS analysis and reliability of
the metabolomic data. Before the start of the principal component
analysis, the levels of metabolites were autoscaled to remove the
2.5. Data processing and pattern recognition dependence of the rank of the metabolites on the average concen-
tration and the magnitude of the changes. A score plot of PC1 vs.
After the GC–MS analysis each sample was represented by PC2, for 24 profiles of all the measured metabolites showed sep-
GC–MS TIC, and the peak areas of compounds were integrated. The aration between the groups of autistic and non-autistic children
peak area ratio of each compound to the corresponding internal (Fig. 2).
standard was calculated as the response. The majority of the peaks Therefore, it might be concluded that the PCA analysis dis-
in the chromatograms were identified as endogenous metabolites tinguished between autistic and non-autistic children using the
by NIST mass spectra library, including amino acids, organic acids, metabolomic profiles, collected by the established GC–MS system.

Fig. 1. Examples of four (from 8 to 15 min) typical GC–MS total ion current chromatograms (TIC) of urine samples obtained from autistic children.

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4 J. Kałużna-Czaplińska et al. / J. Chromatogr. B xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

Fig. 3. PCA score plot discriminating autistic specimens from normal specimens
based on GC–MS marker metabolites for 21 selected low molecular weight com-
Fig. 2. PC1 vs. PC2 score plot derived from total ion chromatograms (TIC) obtained pounds. A, autistic children; C, control group.
from urine of 14 autistic children and 10 non-autistic children for all measured
metabolites. A, autistic children; C, control group. All data used were autoscaled.
used in PCA analysis (Fig. 3). Secondary PCA model was constructed
using marker metabolite intensities as variables. ROC analysis using
Individual differences in the profiles of metabolite levels the cross-validated predicted Y values was performed to validate
between the two groups were found after performing the t-test and the robustness of PCA model. The sensitivity and specificity trade-
U-Mann–Whitney test. Considering the difference in the p-value of offs were summarized for each variable using the area under the
<0.05 to be statistically significant, 21 metabolites were identified ROC curve denoted as AUC and calculated using the trapezoidal rule
as potential biomarkers. The potential marker metabolites which (Fig. 4). The area under the ROC curve is a direct indication of the
were responsible for the separation of the autistic group from the efficiency and clinical applicability of the diagnostic method. It is
non-autistic group of children are presented in Table 1. Next, the widely accepted that diagnostic methods are considered to be clini-
two groups were analyzed again by means of PCA. The results of PCA cally applicable when the value for the area under ROC curve is not
support the observations provided by general data analysis. There less than 0.6 and have a very good diagnostic measure when the
is a clear separation between the profiles belonging to different value is greater than 0.8 [45]. In this paper the diagnostic system
groups, which is generally reflected by the first three principal com- based on the metabolites can be attributed to the good because it
ponents with nearly 56% of data variance explained. This is a slightly has values circa 0.8.
better result than that when all the determined metabolites were

4. Discussion
Table 1
Potential marker metabolites found in GC–MS chromatograms of urine samples of
autistic and control groups. At PC1/PC2/PC3 scores plot, the distribution of metabolite pro-
files from the autistic and non-autistic children is consistent with
No Metabolite Retention Differentiation p-Value*
the diversity of these profiles observed in the analysis of individual
time (min) for autistic
metabolite ranges. The group of samples from non-autistic con-
trol children is more homogeneous than the group from autistic
1 Propionic acid 5.28 ↓ 0.019
children. There is a clear distinction between those two groups of
2 ␣-Hydroxybutyric acid 5.32 ↑ 0.002
3 Oxalic acid 5.98 ↑ <0.001 samples. These results prove the usefulness of the identified set of
4 ␤-Hydroxybutyric acid 6.28 ↑ <0.001 21 endogenous compounds, whose levels are changed in diseased
5 Homocysteine 6.78 ↑ 0.036 children and confirm their usefulness in predicting their health
6 Phosphoric acid 7.44 ↓ 0.001
status and potential biomarkers.
7 Butanoic acid 7.59 ↓ 0.022
8 Succinic acid (butanedioic 7.90 ↑ 0.009
9 l-Serine 8.21 ↓ 0.007
10 Sebacic acid (decanedioic 8.72 ↓ 0.001
11 l-Threonic acid 9.83 ↑ 0.026
12 ␣-Hydroxyglutaric acid 9.96 ↑ 0.002
13 p-Hydroxyphenylacetic 10.53 ↑ 0.036
14 Tartaric acid 10.58 ↑ 0.031
15 Ribonic acid 10.71 ↑ <0.001
16 d-Arabinitol 11.28 ↑ 0.009
17 Citric acid 11.92 ↑ 0.006
18 l-Tyrosine 12.72 ↑ 0.036
19 Tryptophan 13.89 ↓ 0.036
20 d-Mannitol 14.05 ↑ 0.004
21 m-Hydroxybenzoic acid 14.37 ↑ <0.001

(↑) Means increased level of metabolite in urine of autistic children, (↓): decreased.
Statistical p-value calculated using the Mann–Whitney test (significance at Fig. 4. ROC curve determined using cross-validated predicted Y-values of GC–MS
p < 0.05). PCA model.

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J. Kałużna-Czaplińska et al. / J. Chromatogr. B xxx (2014) xxx–xxx 5

Moreover, it is very important that the motivation for this analy- of tartaric acid in autistic children. Based on this information we
sis was not to replace the established clinical evaluations of autism, can conclude that the differences in the excretion of tartaric acid
but to identify the metabolites which hold the potential to augment in the urine of non-autistic and autistic children may result from
the metabolic biomarkers gleaned from urine, as routine screening dysbiosis.
or surveillance. ␣-Hydroxybutyrate is a by-product of the conversion of cys-
The levels of ␣-hydroxybutyric acid, oxalic acid, tathione to cysteine [64]. According to our best knowledge, elevated
␤-hydroxybutyric acid, homocysteine, succinic acid levels of this acid in the urine of autistic children have not been
(butanedioic acid), l-threonic acid, ␣-hydroxyglutaric acid, p- reported so far. Nevertheless, the literature includes descriptions
hydroxyphenylacetic acid, tartaric acid (2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic of disorders associated with the high levels of ␣-hydroxybutyrate
acid), ribonic acid, d-arabinitol, citric acid, tyrosine, d-mannitol, in urine. Elevated excretion of this acid is linked to the increased
m-hydroxybenzoic acid in urine were higher in the group of autis- destruction of lymphocytes in infectious diseases [65], increased
tic children than those in non-autistic children. Metabolites whose cytoplasmic NADH2 /NAD ratio [66], birth asphyxia, lactic acido-
levels were reduced in the urine of autistic children compared with sis, glutaric aciduria type II, dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (E3)
non-autistic children are propionic acid, phosphoric acid, butanoic deficiency, propionic acidemia [67]. It is also suggested that the
acid, l-serine, sebacic acid (decanedioic acid) and tryptophan. The increased level of the acid in urine may result from smoking, poor
metabolites are known to be involved in multiple biochemical diet and lack of exercise [68]. According to this report, increased
processes, especially in energy and lipid metabolism [46]. levels of ␣-hydroxybutyric acid in the urine of children with autism
can be associated with poor diet in autism and increased excretion
4.1. Metabolites excreted in elevated amounts of propionic acid.
␤-Hydroxybutyric acid is synthesized in the liver from acetoac-
One of the metabolites whose level was significantly higher in etate (formed from acetyl-CoA) and when the concentration of
the group of autistic children than that in non-autistic children glucose in blood is low, it can be used by the body as a source
was citric acid. An increased level of citric acid observed in current of energy [69]. The increased level of ␤-hydroxybutyrate in body
investigations can suggest an amino acid deficiency or problems fluids is known as a “ketone body”, which is characteristic of
with protein metabolism in autistic children. Succinic acid (butane- metabolic acidosis. Another reason for the increased levels of ␤-
dioic acid) cannot play its role in the production of cellular energy hydroxybutyraic acid is deficiency in cytochrome oxidase enzymes
via the citric acid cycle when coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is inadequate. of the electron transport system [70]. Cases of the elevated levels
Elevated succinic acid excretion is considered a potential marker for of butyric acid in the urine of autistics reported in literature relate
deficiency of CoQ10 and riboflavin in children with autism [9,47]. to children [60,71,72].
Another metabolite whose level in the urine of autistics was The higher level of m-hydroxybenzoic acid can be a marker of
increased in comparison with the control group was l-threonic intestinal dysbiosis, which often occurs in the case of autistic chil-
acid, which is a product of oxidative degradation of ascorbic acid dren. Moreover, the results may also show elevated values as a
[48]. Ascorbic acid in plasma and cells acts as a powerful scav- result of ingestion of food [64]. The increase in ␣-hydroxyglutaric
enger or reducing antioxidant, capable of donating its electrons acid (2-hydroxyglutaric acid) in the urine of autistic children was
to reactive oxygen species and eliminating them. The mechanism described by Zafeiriou and co-worker [73]. The highest values
of oxidative degradation of ascorbic acid by hydrogen peroxide to of 3-hydroxyglutaric acid for a child with autism were found by
threonic acid involves the loss of two electrons, the intermediate Shaw et al. [61]. According to Shaw, this metabolite is associated
free radical can be further oxidized to produce dehydroascorbic with the genetic disease – glutaric aciduria type I, which results
acid. Dehydroascorbic acid, which is not stable, can be decomposed from the deficiency of glutaryl CoA dehydrogenase, an enzyme
to 2,3-diketogulonic acid and then to oxalic and l-threonic acids involved in the breakdown of lysine, hydroxylysine, and trypto-
[49,50]. The higher level of urinary threonic acid may indicate an phan.
increased degradation of ascorbic acid which in turn may indirectly Shaw [74] collected the data showing that many autistic chil-
indicate oxidative stress [44]. dren had frequent urination of small volume and found that the
Tartaric acid (2,3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid) naturally occurs phenomenon was associated with higher levels of oxalates. He also
in fruit, vegetables and in fermented products [51,52]. Tartaric acid found that these children often manifested gastro-intestinal symp-
is a metabolite of yeasts [53]. This acid, an analog malic acid, acts toms such as diarrhea and stomach pain. They may also experience
as an inhibitor of the citric acid cycle enzyme fumarase [54], which pain in the urinary tract. That pain is relieved when a low oxalate
is a catalyst in the interconversion of malate and fumarate. It was diet is introduced. Shaw also found that children improved their
noted that tartaric acid is a highly toxic substance, 12 g of this acid cognitive, academic and motor skills once the amount of oxalates
can prove to be a fatal dose with death occurring from 12 h to 9 in their diets was sharply reduced.
days after ingestion [55]. The symptoms of gastrointestinal caused The levels of p-hydroxyphenylacetic acid were significantly
by the response to this acid includes vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal higher in autistic children and this may reflect increased gut
pain, thirst. Tartaric acid may also lead to cardiovascular collapse metabolism of tyrosine secondary to bacterial overgrowth. d-
and/or acute renal failure. It can damage the muscles and kidney Arabinitol is a metabolite of the most pathogenic Candida species
[56,57], and may even lead to fatal human nephropathy (kidney and urinary excretion is elevated in autistic patients [60,61]. The
damage) [58,59]. What is particularly important, both muscle and use of probiotics can be effective in reducing the level of d-
kidney damage was observed by Shaw et al. [60] in two brothers arabinitol in the urine of children with autism. d-Arabinitol is
with autism. Shaw et al. described elevated levels of tartaric acid in five-carbon sugar alcohol, which is a metabolite of the most
the urine of autistic children [60,61]. In the case of a 2-year old child pathogenic Candida species, in vitro as well as in vivo. There are
with autistic symptoms, nystatin therapy was found to help reduce reports which show the improvement of some physiological and
the level of tartaric acid, improve eye contact, decrease hyperac- behavioral symptoms of autism after the use of antifungal prepa-
tivity, and increase vocalization. Lonsdale et al. [62] presented the rations such as nystatin [60].
case report of autistic sibling. The urine analysis of both children d-Mannitol is a monosaccharide, which is relatively poorly
showed elevated levels of arabinose and one of the children had absorbed by the human intestine. The higher level of d-mannitol
an elevated level of tartaric acid. In the next study Evans et al. in the urine of autistic children can be a potential marker of leaky
[63] reported no significant differences in the measured excretions gut [75].

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6 J. Kałużna-Czaplińska et al. / J. Chromatogr. B xxx (2014) xxx–xxx

Ribonic acid is an oxidation product of ribose by the enzyme acid in their colon [97]. Shaw and co-workers [60] observed the
ribose 1-dehydrogenase. Moreover, this acid is a tryptophan pre- presence of increased 3-OH-butyric acid in the urine of autistic
cursor [76]. Elevated levels of this acid and decreased levels of children. El-Ansary et al. [90] demonstrated the reduced levels of
tryptophan in the urine of autistic children observed in this study butanoic acid in plasma of autistic children from Saudi Arabia.
may indicate disturbance of synthesis of tryptophan in these chil- Tryptophan is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin,
dren or can be connected with diet and nutrition. which is strongly linked to autism. Low urinary tryptophan was pre-
According to Pasca et al. [77], the levels of homocysteine in viously reported as anomalous for autistic children [5]. Lower levels
serum were significantly higher in autistic children compared to of tryptophan may lead to the worsening of autistic symptoms such
the control group of non-autistic children. This fact correlated with as mild depression and increased irritability [98].
the deficit of B12 vitamin. Their results are consistent with other Our results also show decreased levels of serine in the urine
observations of autistic children presented in literature [78–80]. of autistic children. Serine deficiency disorders are rare defects
These observations suggest that hyperhomocysteinemia might be in the biosynthesis of the amino acid l-serine. Serine synthesis
present in autism. deficit may initially be considered a form of non-specific develop-
Another amino acid which occurred at elevated levels in the mental delay. Disorders such as deficiencies of 3-phosphoglycerate
urine of autistic children was l-tyrosine. Tyrosine is formed from dehydrogenase (3PGPH) and phosphoserine phosphatase (PSPH)
the essential amino acid phenylalanine in a reaction catalyzed by are associated with serine deficiency disorders. 3PGPH and PSPH
the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase and it is also contained failure can lead to neurological symptoms such as congenital micro-
in food [69]. Inborn errors characterized by the accumulation of cephaly and severe psychomotor retardation [99]. Ming et al. [100]
tyrosine in body fluids and tissues are tyrosinemias [81]. Impaired depict reduced levels of serine in the urine of autistic children, how-
tyrosine metabolism was linked to mental disorders [82]. Tahiroğlu ever, the importance of reducing the level of this amino acid is not
et al. [83] described elevated levels of tyrosine in the urine of a clear.
two-year boy with autism. Studies of tyrosine in body fluids made
it possible to diagnose tyrosinemia type III. The boy had mental and 5. Conclusions
motor retardation and hyperactivity symptoms, which resolved
after a therapeutic low-tyrosine diet and special infant food. Subse- The difficulty in determining the pharmacotherapy, which could
quent studies showed decreased excretion of tyrosine in children give a clear benefit in the general population of autism, results from
with Kanner’s syndrome [84]. In this study, however, we assume the wide range of spectrum disorders and existing phenotypic vari-
that the elevated levels of this amino acid observed in the urine of ation. Metabolic studies of markers of autism seem to be a good tool
children with autism may be the result of their unvaried diet. to extract the metabolic phenotype and this is the first stage of the
work aiming at establishing effective treatment for autism.
4.2. Metabolites excreted in lowered amounts In this metabonomic study, a GC–MS based urinary metabo-
lite analysis combined with a multivariate statistical technique is
The levels of other potential biomarkers were significantly lower able to detect metabolic profile variations between autistic and
in the group of autistic children than those in the non-autistic non-autistic children. This work suggests that there is a significant
children. Propionic acid (PPA) is an intermediate of normal cellu- metabolic difference between autistic and non-autistic children.
lar metabolism and is produced in the gut as a result of bacterial Moreover, an analysis of different metabolites such as some organic
fermentation of diet carbohydrates and proteins. Mortensen and acids and amino acids can be associated with autism spectrum dis-
Clausen [85] indicate that propionic acid may be a factor of Can- orders. In addition, the correlation of some compounds in autistic
dida species involved in the development of some types of ASD. children with some autistic symptoms could be used as potential
Literature describes the transport of propionate and butyrate across biomarkers for the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders. Biolog-
the blood–brain barrier. These intracerebroventricular infusions ical markers can also help to define autism subtypes and reveal
can cause behavioral, electrophysiological, biochemical and neu- potential therapeutic targets.
ropathological disorders in adult rats, which are compatible with
those seen in autism [86–89]. The low level of PPA in plasma of
Conflict of interest
autistic patients can be a reflection of the high rate of uptake by
brain [90,91].
The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
Low urinary levels of phosphoric, sebacic (decanedioic) and
butanoic acids are observed. Phosphate urinary excretion is directly
proportional to dietary intake. Excess phosphate is also associated Acknowledgements
with hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D-resistant rickets, immobi-
lization following paraplegia or fracture due to bone resorption. We would like to thank the parents of autistic children from the
Low urinary phosphate occurs in vitamin D deficiency [92,93]. Navicula Centre in Łódź, Poland for their help in collecting urine
There are data regarding a possible connection between ASD and samples from autistic children.
vitamin D [94]. Sebacic acid is a saturated, straight-chain natu-
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