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Course Code : MET 401 EIQU/RW - 16/1135 Seventh Semester B. E. (Mechanical Engincering) Examination THERMAL ENGINEERING - II Time : 3 Hours } (Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to Candidates :— a) @) 8 @ 1 @ ) 2. Solve @ ) © All questions carry marks as indicated. Use of steam tables, refrigerent tables and psychrometric charts is permitted. Due credit will be given for neamness and adequate dimensions. ‘Assume suitable data wherever necessary. ‘What are the distinct advantages from mechanical and thermodynamic point of view for multistage compressors over single stage compressors ? 3 ‘A three stage single acting compressor is required to compress 135m? of free air per hour from a pressure of 1 bar to 64 bar. Calcualte the power needed assuming n=1.3 when perfect inter cooling and ideal interstage pressure is used. Alto find the piston area for each cylinder neglecting the clearance if the mean piston speed is 140 m/min. any two :— Describe with neat sketch the theory of working of a simple carburetor. 5 Compare the phenomenon of detonation in S. I. engines with knocking in C.-L. engines.. 5 Draw a neat sketch of fuel injector used in C. I. engines and explain its working. 5 3. During the trial of a single cylinder, four stroke oil engine the following observations were recorded -— Bore — 300 mm, Suoke - 450 mm, Engine speed - 220 rpm, Duration of trial — 60 minutes. Fuel consumption — 7kg Calorific viaue of fuel — 45 MI/kg EIQURW-16/1135 Contd, ‘Area of indicator diagram ~ 320mm? Length of indicator diagram ~ 60mm Spring index — 1.1 bar/mm : Net load on brakes - 130kg + Brake drum diameter - 1650mm £ Total weight of jacket cooling water — 800kg. ‘Temperature rise of jacket cooling wate, - 40°C Temperature of exhaust gases - 300%C Air consumption — 300kg ‘Assume Cp for exhaust gases ~ 1 Cp for water — 4.187 KI/kg-K and room temperature - 25°C Determine the following — Power available at brakes (@ Indicated power developed Gi) Mechanical efficiency (wv) Thermal efficiency (%) Heat balance sheet on % & 10 4, (a) Draw a neat sketch of and explain its working. (b) Draw a neat sketch of Lim its working with the help (©) An ice plant working on per day at 0°C from power required to operate COP =0.85. Latent heat ia vapor absorption refrigeration system 3 - system for liquefaction of air and explain ‘Ts diagram. a pr compression cycle produces 20 tons ice ich is supplied at 20°C. Find out the for the following conditions : Relative of ice = 335KI/kg. 4 5. (@ Define and explain the fe (@ Relative Humidity, psychrometric properties. : (i) Degree of saturation. 2 EIQU/RW-16/1135 2 Contd. ) ) © Air at 12°C DBT and 10°C WBT is supplied at 16m?/min. It is brought to 22°C DBT and 60% RH first by heating and then by adiabatic humidification. Find @ Capacity of heating coil in KW, (i Surface temperature of coil if its bypass factor is 0.35 (ii) Capacity of humidifier in kg of water vapor per hour. 8 For gas turbine plant show that for perfect reheating the optimum intermediate pressure is equal to the geometric mean of initial pressure and final pressure after expansion, 4 OR Describe with neat sketch the construction and working of turbo—prop engine. 4 s a close cycle gas turbine there is two stage compressor and a two turbine. All the components are mounted on the same shaft. The and temperature at the inlet of first stage compressor are 1.5 and 20°C, The maximum cycle temperature and perssure are 750°C 6 bar. Perfect inter cooling and perfect reheating are used between compressor and turbine stages respectively. Assume the compressor and ine isentropic efficiencies to be 80% in all stages, calculate @ The efficiency of the cycle without regencrator i 2RRE (i) The efficiency of the cycle if a regenerator of effectiveness 0.7 is used (i) The mass of air circulated if the power developed is 350 KW. Assume the working fluid as air throughout the cycle, Neglect mass of fuel and all other losses. 6 EIQURW-16/1135 3 105 ee Course Code : MET 402 EIQU/RW - 16/1136 Seventh Semester B. E. (Mechanical Engineering) Examination DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENTS - II Time : 3 Hours } { Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to Candidates :-— Q) All question carry marks as indicated against them. 2) Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions. G) Assume suitable data and illustarte answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. (4) Design data book is permitted. 1. @_Design a protected-type rigid, CI flange coupling, to transmit 16 KW at 1000 rpm from an electric motor to a compressor. Assume suitable material. 8 () Explain various types of Misalignment in coupling. 2 2. @_ Derive the expression for actuating force for block brake with short shoe, and explain the terms self energizing and self locking. 5 >) A centrifugal clutch transmitting 20 kW at 750 rpm consists of four shoes. ‘The clutch is to be engaged at 500 rpm. The inner radius of drum is 165 mm. The radius of centre of gravity of the shoes is 140 mm, when the cluth is engaged. Assume coefficient of friction as 0.3 and permissible Pressure on friction lining is 0.1N/mm?. Calculate the mass of each shoe and dimensions of friction lining. 5 3. @_Explain the phenomenon of hydrodynamic lubrication with neat sketches. 3 (®) A ball bearing is operating on the following cycle for 1 minute : Radial load L Thrust Load | Duration Speed 3000 N 2000 N 15 seconds 1440 rpm 4000 N 1500. N 30_ seconds 1080_rpm 5000 N 1750N 15 seconds 720 rpm EIQURW-16/ 1136 Contd. The expected life of the tearing is 10,000 hours. Select suitable bearing if diameter of shaft is eal considering 95% reliability. 4. (@) Explain polygonal effect 4 drive. 2 (&) A V-belt drive is to be Gesii to operate a hoist by an IC engine at 800 rpm supplying 20°KW power. The hoist is to operate for 3- 5 hours/day. Provide cd b specification of V-belt drive. Take speed ration as 2.5. Draw schematic sipingement of the drive and design the palley 5. (@) Design a pair of spur geal) in which the pinion rotates at 800 rpm and transmit 6 KW to a goat at 200 rpm. Starting torque of clectric can be taken as 140% of rated torque. 8 () State the disadvantages ‘4 gear over spur gear. 2 6 (@)_—_-Explain with neat caveloping and single enveloping in worm gear. State advantages i disadvantages of the two types. 3 (b) Design a pair of bevel ismitting power of 8 KW with pinion shaft rotating at 400 rpm par shaft rotating at 200 rpm. 7 EIQU/RW-16/1136 Course Code : MET 403-1 “EIQUIRW-16/1137 Seventh Semester B. E. (Mechanical Engineering ) Examination Elective ~ I ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TEGHNIQUES Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to Candidates :— (1) All questions carry marks as indicated. 2) IMlustrate your answers wherever necessary with the help of neat sketches. G) Assume suitable data wherever necessary. 1." @_ What is thermoforming process? How it is used for obtaining different types of plastic parts? State advantages and limitations. 5 (©) What is composite material? Explain the function of fibers and matrix in the fiber reinforced composites. 5 2. @ ~~ What is jiggering? What shape does it produce ? 2 (©) Explain the relative advantages of dry, wet and isostatic pressing, 3 (©) Define the term wafer, chip, device, integrated circuit and surface mount, Why silicon is most widely used semi conductor in IC technology, 5 3 @ Explain with neat sketch Electron beam welding, State its applications. 5 ©) Explain the various ways of metal transfer in MIG welding process. 5 4 @ Explain Ultrasonic machining process, its parameters and control. Also explain its effect on material. 5 ©) Explain the Abrasive jet machining. Discuss the process parameter and give its applications. 5 EIQU/RW-16/1137 Contd. (@) o) @ ) @ b) 1 EIQU/RW-16/1137 What do you mean by Mano fabrication? Give its salient features. 5 ‘material, machine selection, processes, applications Explain various parameters iping. 5 with respect to microm nd working of Laminated Object Manufacturing 5 Explain the principle, s Process, Describe Selective Laser g Process. Also states its applications, advantages and limitations. 5 oR What is meant by ooking ? 2 What, are the steps educing a part through solid-base curing ? 3 nd working of Fused-Deposition Modeling Process. Explain the principle, 5 Course Code : MET 403-2 EIQURW - 16/1138 Seventh Semester B. E. (Mechanical Engineering) Examination Elective - I SYNTHESIS OF MECHANISM Time : 3 Hours } (Max. Marks : 60 necessary. 4) Mlustrate your answers with the help of neat sketches. 1. @ _—- What is redundant link and redundant degree of freedom of a mechanism? 2 (b) Define Grashof's law. Suate how it is bepfal in classifying the fourtink ‘mechanisms into different types. (© A linkage has 14 links and the number of loops is 5. ‘Calculate @ No. of joins (i) Degree of freedom ii) Maximum no. ternary links in it. 6 2. @_Explain following terms :-— @ Pole Gi) Rotation angle (ii) Centre point (iv) Circle point. 6 EIQURW-16/ 1138 Contd. (b) Design a 4-bar mechaniaa Coordinates of the B1=(47, 14); CL=@%, B2=(@,0); C2=204 Find link lengths and & fo guide a rigid body BC through two positions. ‘and C are given in mm. } of mechanism. 6 3. @)_—_ Explain Overlay Ik of synthesis. 4 (®) Design a slider crank ink and the slider fe the input link and Wienism to coordinate three positions of the input f following angular and linear displacements of respectively. Use relative pole method. slider eccentricity = 25mm. 8 iin what is cusps and crunodes ? Derive the 6 4. (@) What is coupler ‘equation of coupler (&) Describe the generation without p of synesis of four bar linkage for path timing with the help of neat diagram. 5. (a) _—_ Explain Rob theorem of cognate linkages. 6 () Explain Euler's Save 6 6. Write short notes, (Any Two) (@ — Least square method synthesis of mechanism. (i) —_Frudenstein’s equation, (i) point curve. «) fb generation. 2 EIQURW-16/1138 2 15 6. A full load test on a two stroke engine yielded the following results : Speed 440 rpm; imep 3 bar; brake load 50 kg: fuel consumpuo® 5-4 kg/hr; rise in cooling water temperature 36°C; cooling water flow 440 kg/hr; air—fuel ratio by mass 30; of exhaust gases 350°C; temperature of test room 17°C barometric pressure ‘Feum of Hg; cylinder diameter 22.cm; stroke 25 em; brake diametet 12m; calorific value TP fuel 43 MJ/Kp: proportion of hydrogen by mass in the fuel 15% : R=0-287kI/kg of sean specific heat of dry exhaust gases=1KI/kg K; specific heat of dry steam 2kI/kg faoume enthalpy of superheated steam to me 3180 KI-ke K. Determine — @ The indicated thermal efficiency. Gi) The specific fuel consumption. (i) Volumetric efficiency based on atmospheric condition. Draw up a heat balance sheet for the teat on percentage basis indicating the content of each item in the balance sheet. 10 EIQURW-16/1139 3 15 Course Code : MET 403-6 EIQU/RW - 16/1140 Seventh Semester B. E. (Mechanical Engineering ) Examination Elective - I ENERGY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT Time : 3 Hours } (Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to Candidates :— (1) All questions carry marks as indicated against them. (2) Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions. (3) Assume suitable data and illustrate answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 1. @_Explain the importance of Sankey diagram in energy analysis with example. Bs @) Explain the duties and responsi oR ities of an energy auditor. 5 © Explain in detail any five key instruments required for conducting energy audit in an industry. 3 2. @_ Discuss simple pay back method. What are the advantages and limitations of simple pay back method ? Calculate simple pay back period for a boiler that cost Rs. 75.00 lakhs to purchase and Rs. 5 lakhs per year on an average to operate and maintain and is expected to annually save Rs. 30 lakhs. 6 (b) Write short note on retum on investment. 4 3. (@) _ Discuss combined heat and power generation. Explain topping cycle cogeneration. 4 5 (b) Explain the principle and working of CFBC boilers. 5 OR (© What are the various waste heat recovery systems 7 Discuss any one in detail. 5 EIQURW-16/1140 Contd. (@) What are the energy system ? (&) What is the energy conservs 5. @__ What is a boiler feed in it? {b) Discuss in detail how 6. (@)_Explain Good Practices in, (b) Discuss variable speed (© Discuss energy efficient EIQUIRW-16/1140 me used in compressed air system ? ean be conserved in cooling towers. yg systems. tunities in reftigeration and air conditioning 5 5 What are the energy saving opportunities J 5 5 25 Course Code : MET 404-1 EIQU/RW - 16/1141 Seventh Semester B. E. (Mechanical Engineering) Examination Elective - 1 FINITE ELEMENT METHOD Time : 3 Hours } { Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to Candidates :— (1) All questions carry marks as indicated against them. @) Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions. G) Assume suitable data and illustrate answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. (PSG Design data book is permitted. 1. @_ How finite element method is useful for engineers ? 4 (b) Derive the material property [D] matrix for plane stress condition 6 2, Find the approximate solution of following equation by Galerkin approach and compare with exact solution i Z mars 441, yo) =0 and a ox 10 OR 3. (@__ Write down the displacement function for two-dimensional triangular linear ‘element. 2 () Explain various types of clement with neat sketch used in Finite Element methods. 4 (© State the principle of Minimum Potential Energy. 4 EIQURW-16/1141 Contd, 4. (@) Derive the shape 1-D quadratic clement. 3 (b) An axial toad P = 300-36 nodal_ displacement, applied as shown in figure 1. Find the ses and support reaction. Properties : Part | Material (mm’) | Length (mm) | (MPa) 1] Abminin 900 200 70x10" 2 | Steel 1200 300 200x10"| Figure: 1 5. For the plane trusses shown in 2, of load and the stresses in cach of cach truss clement is 200 a the displaccments at the point of application All clement have E = 210 GPa and area im 10 EIQURW-16/1141 Contd. e & Course Code : MET 404-2 EIQU/RW - 16/1142 Seventh Semester B. E. (Mechanical En; ering) Examination Elective - 11 STRESS ANALYSIS Time : 3 Hours } { Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to Candidates (1) Mobile phones are prohibited in examination hall 2) All questions carry equal marks as_ indicated. G) Mlustrate your answers wherver necessary with the help of neat sketches. (4) Assume suitable data wherever necessary. 1, @)_ Explain plane stress and plane strain conditions with suitable examples. 5 (b) Prove that ty = ty. 5 OR 2. Derive the equations of compatibility for plane strain condition in the presence of body forces. 10 3. Derive the general differential equations of equilibrium in polar coordinates. 10 OR 4, Derive the necessary equations for stresses in a curved beam subjected to couple at its end by assuming suitable stress function. 10 5. (a) Explain the set up and working of a plane polariscope with bright field arrangement. 5 (b) State and explain the ideal properties of the photo clastic material. 5 oR 6 (a)__Discuss Tardys method of compensation in detail. 5 (b) What do you mean by calibration of photo elastic material ? Discuss with suitable examples 5 EIQU/RW-16/1142 Contd. is (a) Explain the stress freezing technique in 3-D photo elasticity. 5 (b) Explain the construction angiworking of reflection polariscope 5 pr $8. What do you mean by separation ae stresses ? Meption the methods for separation of stresses and explain any one of 10 9. (a) Derive the relation for the arms of the bridge are stone bridge output voltage when all the five to the strain. 5 (b) What is a semiconductor: gfiain gauge 7 5 R 10, Write short notes on any two — , (a) Strain rosettes (b) Wheat stone bridge cireuit: (©) Self ‘Temp, Compensated gauge lo IL. fa) Write short notes on Britid@'eoating method mentioning the following :— (a) Why it is called Brive coating ? (b) Various coating (c) Principle of worl (d) Applications (©) Advantages () Disadvantages of tj method 6 (b) Explain the Moire fringe for stress analysis. 4 EIQU/RW-16/1142 Course Code : MET 404-3 EIQU/RW - 16/1143 Seventh Semester B. E. (Mechanical Engineering) Examination Elective — 1 REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING Time : 3 Hours] (Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to Candidates :— a @ @ @ 1 @) ) All questions, carry marks as indicated, Use of steam tables, refrigerant tables and charts and psychrometric chart is permitted, Due credit will be given for neatness and proper dimensions. Assume suitable data wherever necessary, What are the desirable properties of the refrigerant ? 5 A refrigeration machine using R~12 has the following data : Capacity = 15 TR Evaporative pressure = 2-1928 bar Condenser pressure = 7-4510 bar Temperature of refrigerant superheated as gas in evaporator = 5° C Temperature of refrigerant. sub-cooled as liquid in condenser = 25°C Compressor details : Number of cylinders = 3 Bore = 1.5 times stroke p.m. = 960 Clearance is 3% of the stroke volume. Determine : (1) Mass of refrigerant circulated / min, (2) Theoretical piston displacement/min/cylinder. (3) Theoretical power. (4) Volumetric efficiency. (5) Bore and stroke of compressor. 5 EIQURW-16 /1143 Contd. EIQU/RW-16/ 1143. (a) (b) (a) ) @ &) What is the effect of frost nie evaporator coil ? Explain flooded evaporator with neat sketch. 4 chine with a flash intercooler is to produce ~350C and 45°C, The pressure in the flash ‘of the upper and lower limits. The suction sor is superheated by 5°C. The working ‘A two stage compression. 30 TR while working cooler is the geometric gas to the low— pressure substance is R-12, 4 (a) C.0.P. (b) Power, (c) Fluid flow throug. L.P. and H.P. compressor (a) Volume handled. i L.P. compressor. 6 system with neat sketch. Explain vortex. tube sand applications. 5 Give its advantages, d ‘The cockpit of a jet flying at a speed of 1200km/h is to be cooled by a simple aieegfling system. The cockpit is to be maintained at 25°C and the pres he cockpit is 1 bar. The ambient air pressure and temperature ane ‘and 30°C. Cockpit cooling load=10 TR. Main compressor o=4. Ram efficiency =90%. Temperature of air leaving the heat exd ‘and entering the cooling turbine=60°C. Pressure drop in the heat S=0.5 bar. Pressure loss between the cooling turbine and cockpit=0: ‘Assuming the isentropic efficiencies of main bine as 80%, find the quantity of air passed and C.O.P. of the system. Take Y=1-4 and 5 through the cooling t Cp=1 ki/kek. Explain the working screw compressor with neat sketch. 4 % RH is cooled to 20°C and 60% RH by coil. Using the psychrometric tables only find : g removed in kg/hr. (2) The cooling capacity of hheat of superheated vapor in air as 1-88 ki/kgk 6 120m? of air 30°C passing it through a coo (1) Amount of water vapq coil in TR. Assume specifi and R for Contd. “osetia enn ae Course Code : MET 404-5 EIQU/RW - 16/1144 Seventh Semester B. E. ( Mechanical Engineering ) Examination (Elective - I) MECHATRONICS: Time : 3 Hours } [ Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to Candidates :— a @) @ All questions camry marks as indicated. Draw Figures / sketches / Circuit Diagrams wherever necessary. Assume suitable data wherever required. 1. Solve any Two :— @ @) © 2. @ ) © Distinguish between an Electro ~ mechanical system and a Mechatronic system, 5 List important features of mechatronics, design. Write note on hardware in loop simulation. 5 Briefly explain the meaning of intelligent control. 5 ‘A copper—constantan thermocouple is to be used to measure temperature between O°C and 200°C. The «. mf. at O°C is 0 mV, at 100°C it is 4.277 mV and at 200°C it is 9.286 mV. What will be the non-linearity error at 100°C as a percentage of the full range output if a linear relationship is assumed between e. m. f. and temperature over the full range ? 4 oR ‘An angular incremental encoder is used with 80 mm radius tacking wheel. ‘This is used to monitor linear displacement. The angular encoder provides 128 pulses per one rotation. What will be the number of pulses for a linear movement of 250 mm ? 4 Describe construction and working of optical encoder. What do you mean by Gray encoding ? 6 EIQU/RW-16/1144 Contd. 3. (a) With a neat sketch des @ Ball nut (i) Hydraulic DCV working of (ii) Timing Belt. 6 (b) How many steps/ pulses per second to a stepper’ 0.25rev/s and has a fecond will a microprocessor need to output if the motor is to give an output of ngle of 7.5° 2 ta (© A stepper motor is used a belt which is moving a 4 uniformly from rest to 108 force of 20N, motor ? a pulley diameter 240mm and hence je of 200kg. if this mass is to be accelerated /s in 2s and there is a constant frictional be the required pull—in torque for the 4 4. @ For the op-amp Vin is. square wave shown, What is the gin of this op-amp ? Draw ag (b) Answer any One :— (Explain the archite (i) Draw the ladder.“ fof a PLC and explain about its elements. Hea of NO and NC contacts. 6 EIQU/RW-16/1144 2 Contd. 5. Answer any Two :— © Wdentity the electrical equivalent of the following :— (@) Fluid pressure (©) Spring (©) Mass (@ Damper. @ Derive the differential equation governing the mechanical system of an electric motor, @ Explain building blocks for thermal systems. 10 & Describe any Oue of following mechatronic systems +— @ Anti —lock Braking System (ABS) for cars, @ Automatic car parking system. Gi) Engine Management System. 10 EIQURW-16/1144 3 45 Course Code : INT 413 EIQURW - 16/1134 Seventh Semester B. E. (Mechanical Engineering) Examination PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT TECHNIQUES ‘Time : 3 Hours) (Max. Marks : 60 Instructions to Candidates :-— (2) AU questions carry marks as indicated against them, @ Due “credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions. @) Assume suitable data and illustrate answers with neat sketches wherever necessary. 1 @ Differentiate between production and productivity. What are different types of productivity measures ? 5 ©) Differentiate between basic work content and excess work content What fare the reasons for excess work content ? 5 OR 2 @ Wiha is the objective of method study ? Explain the aspects to be considered for selection of the job in method study, 5 ® What is the importance of chart and recording techniques ? Give suitable example of flow process chart and two handed process chart 5 3 @ Esplain different types of allowances in the work measurement. Explain the Predetermined motion time analysis. 5 © ‘The work elements in minutes for a manufacturing process are recorded as given in the table : Calculate the standard time for the ‘Operations if, (@) Element 2 and 4 ate the machine elements, EIQUIRW-16 11134 Contd. ) (b) For other elem the operator is rated at 110%. (c) Total allowances 12% of the normal time. ‘What are the different How it make the gra different types of automation ? EIQURW-16/1134 5 2 and aspects of Man and Machine system ? 5 105

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