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Q.1) A client who is in phase 3 of the cardiorespiratory component of the ACE IFT Model is
beginning to utilize the three-zone training model based on ventilatory threshold.
Approximately what percentage of his time should be spent training between VT1 and

A. less that 80%

B. 70-80% (Your Answer)
C. 10-20%
D. less that 10% (Correct Answer)
Page 94 Trainer manual.

Q.2) Which is the BEST strategy for personal trainers to implement to enhance the liklihood
that a client will continue working with them?

A. Designing the program so the client can work out without having to think much
about the exercises
B. Motivating the client through extrinsic motivators to enhance self-efficacy
C. Encouraging client ownership of the program to facilitate development of intrinsic
motivation (Your Answer)
D. Creating an exercise coaching style based primarily on direction rather than

Q.3) Which of the following is a critical indicator that someone is suffering from heat stroke
and in need of emergency treatment?

A. increased body temperature (Your Answer)

B. altered mental status (Correct Answer)
C. red hot, sweaty skin
D. fatigue, weakness, and headache

Q.4) In which scenario is the personal trainer MOST likely to be found guilty of

A. The trainer suffers a low-back injury while spotting a client

B. The client gets injured on her way into the fitness facility for her training session
C. The trainer is talking with another club member while the client injuries himself due
to poor form (Your Answer)
D. The client follows his program but adds two more sets on all exercises and sustains
an injury as a result
Q.5) Weightbearing and resistance-training activities are MOST important for clients with
which of the following diseases or disorders?

A. osteoporosis (Your Answer)

B. diabetes
C. arthritis
D. low-back pain

Q.6) Which of the following observations would be notes as a postural deviation?

A. Left and right iliac crests are at same height

B. The ASIS and pubic bone are in line vertically
C. The cheek bone is forward of the collar bone (Your Answer)
D. Plumb line passes just anterior to the mastoid process

Q.7) Which of the following is an ABSOLUTE contraindication to stretching?

A. joint hypermobility (Correct Answer)

B. pain in the affected area (Your Answer)
C. presence of osteoporosis
D. joint swelling

Q.8) Contributing to cell membrane function, making bile acids essential for fat absorption,
metabolizing fat-soluble vitamins, and making vitamin D are all functions of which

A. Protein
B. Carbohydrate
C. Cholesterol (Correct Answer)
D. Omega-3 fatty acids (Your Answer)

Q.9) Which assessment would be MOST appropriate for a 54-year old male client who has
no contraindications for exercise but has not been regularly active in more than 10

A. McArdle step test

B. Rockport fitness walking test (Your Answer)
C. VT2 threshold test
D. Astrand-Ryhming cycler ergometer test
Q.10) Which of the following joint movements from the anatomical position has an average
range of motion of 0 degrees in healthy adults?

A. lumbar rotation
B. elbow extension (Your Answer)
C. subtalar inversion
D. hip extension

Q.11) After proximal stability is established in the lumbar spine, the focus of the stability and
mobility training phase shifts to establishing _____________.

A. static balance
B. mobility and stability in the distal extremities (Your Answer)
C. stability of the scapulothoracic spine
D. mobility of the pelvis and thoracic spine (Correct Answer)

Q.12) What form is used to have the client acknowledge that he or she has been specifically
informed about the risks associated with the activity in which hor or she is about to

A. liability waiver
B. informed consent (Your Answer)
C. agreement to participate
D. exculpatory clause

Q.13) A client is performing 250 minutes of exercise each week and has a weekly caloric
expenditure of about 1700 caloreis. What is this client's physical fitness classificiation

A. poor/fair
B. fair/average (Correct Answer)
C. average/good (Your Answer)
D. good/excellent

Q.14) Which stretching technique involves holding each stretch to the point of tension for 15-
60 seconds?

A. Dynamic stretching
B. Static stretching (Your Answer)
C. Active isolated stretching
D. Ballistic stretching
Q.15) Cardiorespiratory exercise in zone 2 is performed at what intensity?

A. Below VT1
B. At or above VT1
C. From VT1 to just below VT2 (Your Answer)
D. At or above VT2

Q.16) Which of the following terms is defined as the product of muscular strength and
movement speed?

A. muscular endurance
B. muscular power (Your Answer)
C. absolute strength
D. relative strength
Q.17) Cardiac output is defined as the amount of blood pumped during each heart beat.

A. True (Your Answer)

B. False (Correct Answer)
Stroke volume is the amount of blood pumped during each heart beat.

Q.18) Motivational interviewing is most commonly done during which stage of the client-
trainer relationship?

A. Rapport
B. Investigation (Your Answer)
C. Planning (Correct Answer)
D. Action

Q.19) Tidal volume decreases after an exerciser crosses the second ventilatory threshold

A. True (Correct Answer)

B. False (Your Answer)

Q.20) Which business structure combines the limited liability and flow-through taxation of
the S-corp with easier creation and operation requirements?

A. partnership
B. C-corporation
C. limited liability partnership (Your Answer)
D. sole proprietorship

Q.21) Which of the four components of blood carries hormones, food materials, ions, and
gases throughout the body?

A. Plasma (Correct Answer)

B. Red blood cells (Your Answer)
C. White blood cells
D. Platelets

Q.22) Which of the three tests included in McHill's torso muscular endurance test battery is a
timed test involving a static, isometric contraction of the anterior muslces, stabilizing
the spine until the individual exhibits fatigue can can no longer hold the assumed

A. trunk flexor endurance (Your Answer)

B. trunk lateral endurance test
C. trunk extensor endurance test

Q.23) What effect does regular exercise have on dyslipidemia?

A. exercise alone will significantly reduce total cholesterol levels

B. reduce exercise can increase LDL levels
C. triglyceride levels are reduced for up to 12 hours following exercise
D. regular exercise can increase HDL (Your Answer)

Q.24) Which of the following occurs when a positive stimulus that once followed a behavior
is removed and the likelihood that the behavior will reoccur is decreased?

A. Positive reinforcement
B. Negative reinforcement
C. Extinction (Your Answer)
D. Punishment

Q.25) ______________ represents the pressure that is exerted on the artery walls as blood
remains in the arteries during the filling phase of the cardiac cycle.

A. resting blood pressure

B. maximal blood pressure (Your Answer)
C. systolic blood pressure
D. diastolic blood pressure (Correct Answer)

Q.26) Clients who are beginning the basics of a particular movement and are ready for
specific feedback are in which stage?

A. Cognitive
B. Associative (Your Answer)
C. Autonomous
D. Affective

Q.27) At what point does a candidate for the ACE Personal Trainer Certification (or any
other ACE certification) agree to uphold the ACE Code of Ethics?

A. While registering for an ACE certification exam (Your Answer)

B. Once the candidate earns his or her first ACE certification
C. Upon receiving a printed copy of the ACE Code Of ethics with the printed
ACE certification
D. When accepting his or her first job as an ACE-certified Personal Trainer

Q.28) What should a personal trainer do if a client insists on using dietray supplements
desipte the trainer's assurance that his or her fitness goals can be met without them?

A. Refer the client to the health club's sales team

B. Refer the client to a registered dietitian or physician (Your Answer)
C. Check that the facility's insurance policy covers the sale of these products
D. Stop training the client until he or she agrees to stop using these products

Q.29) Which type of yoga is also known as "power yoga"?

A. anusara yoga
B. ashtanga yoga (Your Answer)
C. viniyoga
D. kripalu yoga

Q.30) Which hormone promotes triglyceride breakdown to aid in maintaining blood glucose?

A. Vasopressin
B. Cortisol (Correct Answer)
C. Norepinephrine (Your Answer)
D. Estrogen

Q.31) An older adult client who is interested in trying mind-body exercise has decided that tai
chi might be the best fit for her needs and abilities. Which form of tai chi would you

A. Original Chen style

B. Change style
C. Wu style
D. Sun style (Your Answer)

Q.32) The end-point of the VT2 threshold test is determined by the client's ability to recite
the Pledge of Allegiance, or another memorized group of phrases.

A. True
B. False (Your Answer)

Q.33) What is the most influential source of self-efficacy information?

A. Past performance experience (Your Answer)

B. Imaginal experience
C. Vicarious experience
D. Emotional state

Q.34) The following list presents the four phases of the functional movement and resistance
training component of the ACE IFT Model in their proper order. Stability and mobility
training Movement training Load training Performance training

A. True (Your Answer)

B. False

Q.35) What is the objective of conducting clearning tests prior to the performance of
movement screens?

A. to determine the client's health and fitness level (Your Answer)

B. to identify any movements that exacerbate pain (Correct Answer)
C. to identify clients who are unable to perform basic movements without losing
D. to address any static postural deviations prior to introducing movements

Q.36) Which progression follows the part-to whole teaching strategy in helping a client learn
proper technique for the bedn and lift squatting movements?

A. Hip hinge-pelvic tilts and back alignment-lower extremity alignment- figure 4

position (Correct Answer)
B. pelvic tilts and back alignment- figure 4 position - squats with varied foot positions
- lunges
C. hip hinge-figure 4 position - squats with varied foot positions - squats with arm
drivers (Your Answer)
D. lower extremity alignment - figure 4 position - squats with arm drivers - lunge

Q.37) After progressing to the load-training phase of the ACE IFT Model, a client has
mastered the stablity and mobility exercises from the previous phases and no longer
needs to include them in each workout.

A. True
B. False (Your Answer)

Q.38) What should you do FIRST with a person who suddenly falls to the floor while

A. Ask the person what led to the injury

B. Check for any medical jewelry to determine the cause of the condition
C. Assess the person's pulse and blood pressure
D. Assess if the person is conscious and asking if her or she is oky (Your Answer)

Q.39) According the general scope of practice for fitness professionals, personal trainers can
rehabilitate clients who are recovering from musculoskeletal injuries.

A. True
B. False (Your Answer)

Q.40) Which of the following activities falls outside a personal trainer's scope of practice?

A. Using a health history form to screen a client for appropriate placement and or
B. Recognizing a client's physical or psychological problems that might interfere with
safe and effective exercise (Your Answer)
C. Administering appropriate fitness assessments
D. Providing progressive exercise prescriptions (Correct Answer)

Q.41) Clients returning to exercies following greater trochanteric bursitis should generally
avoid _________________.

A. prone exercise positions that press on the anterior superior iliac spines
B. stretching the IT band complex
C. side lying exercise positions that compress the lateral hip (Your Answer)
D. strengthening the deep hip rotator muscles

Q.42) Clients working in the anaerobic-power training phase of the ACE IFT Model generall
have goals related to ___________.

A. Long-duration, moderate-intensity events requiring great endurance

B. Long-duration events of a nearly constant speed and intensity
C. Short-duration, high intensity efforts during longer endurance events (Correct
D. Short-duration, high intensity events requiring explosive power but little endurance.
(Your Answer)

Q.43) It is essential that personal trainers conduct assessments of muscular strength and
endurance before a new client begins a stability and mobility training program.

A. True
B. False (Your Answer)

Q.44) Your new client is a 47 year old woman who wants to lose weight, but is a bit
apprehensive about resistence training because she does not want to "get big". Based
on this information, what response would BEST facilitate resistence-training program
adherence and motication

A. Design a program based on primarily cardio exercise with a light (40% 1 RM)
circuit with high reps (15-25) sets to help her comfortably meet her goals
B. Tell her that has has nothing to worry about, as woman do not produce enough of
the male hormone testosterone to "get big"
C. Show empathy for her concern about getting big and ensure her that you will design
a program that will help her to get toned without getting big
D. Explain the average adult muscle tissue loss of 5lbs per decade, and how resistance
training can help her restore lost muscle and raise resting metabolism. (Your
Q.45) How can a personal trainer MOST effectively incorporate mind-body exercise into
personal-training sessions for clients?

A. including some Iyengar poses and yogic-breathing during cool-down (Your

B. enhancing power training through slow,controlled yogic breathing
C. adding yogic breathing to high-intensity intervals to facilitate greater minute
D. incorporating inverted poses as part of a comprehensive warm-up

Q.46) Which of the following presents the four stages of the cleint-trainer relationship in their
proper order?

A. Investigation, planning, action, rapport

B. Rapport, investigation, planning action (Your Answer)
C. Rapport, planning, investigation, action
D. Planning, rapport, investigation, action

Q.47) Which of the following would be contraindicated for a client who has an acute
hamstring strain?

A. Educating the client about PRICE as an early intervention strategy

B. Modifying the workout focusing on the non-injured points of the body
C. Stretching the hamstring for up to 60 seconds per stretch (Your Answer)
D. Recommending that the client see a physician if pain persists

Q.48) Which of the following business structures has double taxation as one of its primary

A. general partnership (Your Answer)

B. franchise operation
C. C-corporation (Correct Answer)

Q.49) During cardiorespiratory exercise with progressively increasing intensity, the need for
additional oxygen is met initially through linear increases in minute ventilation (Ve).
The point at which the increased demands for oxygen can no longer be met by this
linear increase, causing a nonlinear increase in ventilation is known as
______________________ and can be measure via a ___________________.

A. aerobic capacity; VO2 max test

B. second ventilatory threshold (VT@); VTS threshold test
C. Onset of blood lactate accumulations (OBLA); blood lactate analyzer
D. First ventilatory threshold (VT1) submaximal talk test for VT1 (Your

Q.50) When training in a client's home, a personal trainer must use recording produced
specifically for sue in fitness facilities or risk being in violation of copyright law.

A. True (Your Answer)

B. False (Correct Answer)

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