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PHYSICAL REVIEW A 77, 063831 共2008兲

Virtual dielectric waveguide mode description of a high-gain free-electron laser.

II. Modeling and numerical simulations
Erik Hemsing,1 Avraham Gover,2 and James Rosenzweig1
Particle Beam Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California Los Angeles,
Los Angeles, California 90095, USA
Faculty of Engineering, Department of Physical Electronics, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv 69978, Tel-Aviv, Israel
共Received 15 February 2008; published 20 June 2008兲
A high-gain free-electron laser is modeled using an expansion of the radiation field in terms of guided
Laguerre-Gaussian modes of a virtual dielectric waveguide 关E. Hemsing, A. Gover, and J. Rosenzweig, pre-
ceding paper, Phys Rev. A 77, 063830 共2008兲兴. The radiation profile evolution, power gain, and detuning
efficiency characteristics are investigated for seeding with fundamental Gaussian and higher-order Laguerre-
Gaussian input modes on a Gaussian e-beam in the collective regime. The full wave evolution solution at
different seed radiation injection conditions results in determination of the optimal waist size and waist position
of the seed radiation beam for maximum power coupling efficiency. Results for guided mode evolution and
power gain are shown to be consistent with simulations performed with the code GENESIS 1.3. The amplifica-
tion and spontaneous generation of FEL radiation with orbital angular momentum is also considered.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.77.063831 PACS number共s兲: 42.25.Dd, 41.60.Cr, 42.60.Jf, 42.50.Tx

I. INTRODUCTION systems with rectilinear symmetries. These functions are

both available in the guided mode description by choosing a
In paper I of this work 关1兴, a set of coupled excitation quadratic index medium 共QIM兲 for the form refractive index
equations is derived for the slowly growing mode coeffi- of the virtual dielectric. This correspondence establishes a
cients of the electromagnetic 共EM兲 signal field of a high-gain useful connection between the guided modes of the FEL and
free-electron laser 共FEL兲 with the effects of longitudinal naturally occurring free-space modes, and enables a straight-
space-charge waves included. The formulation utilizes an ex- forward examination of the propagation of radiation exiting
pansion of the time-harmonic EM fields in terms of eigen- the undulator, as well as investigation of the coupling char-
modes of a weakly guiding virtual dielectric medium as a acteristics of individual modes in the FEL interaction.
mechanism to describe the propagation of radiation guided The utility of the LG modes as a convenient FEL model-
by the source electron beam 共e-beam兲 during exponential ing basis is further realized in the exploration of specific
gain. The dielectric in the model is referred to as “virtual” coupling to higher-order spatial modes. This is of increasing
since no such external waveguide structure exists in the recent interest, particularly due to the development of high-
physical system. The dielectric is imagined to surround the brightness, x-ray FELs in which spatial structure in the trans-
axially propagating e-beam and is used as a tool to describe verse intensity distribution can be used for investigations of
guided waves over many diffracting Rayleigh lengths. This molecular and atomic scale processes. Hollow modes, in the
approach is also motivated by the variety of functional forms form of l ⬎ 0 azimuthal LG modes, have recently been a
that can be obtained for the expansion modes, which are topic of intense research since such modes are known to
determined by the choice of transverse spatial dependence of possess lប units of orbital angular momentum 共OAM兲 per
the dielectric refractive index. This feature is attractive be- photon as a consequence of an azimuthal component of the
cause it permits the freedom to choose a particular basis set linear momentum 关2兴. For next-generation x-ray FELs that
in which the coupling and propagation of specific mode will have the ability to probe the structure of matter on short
structures can be investigated directly. It also makes it pos- length and time scales, the generation of such modes may be
sible to study a variety of FEL configurations with arbitrarily relevant, since the OAM can be transferred from the photon
shaped e-beam current and density cross sections. The ex- field to the sample material. Such interactions using conven-
pansion modes can also be selected to be close in form to the tional laser sources have been previously shown to drive tar-
modes describing the actual FEL system 共if they are approxi- get particles to rotate or orbit the EM beam axis, allowing
mately known, or can be found through iteration兲, thereby the possibility of light driven mechanical devices, or the use
reducing the number of modes required to converge the so- of torque from photons as a exploratory tool 关3兴. Recent
lution to the correct value and thus boosting the computa- work has shown that vortex beams that contain OAM modes
tional efficiency. can be generated using mode-conversion elements placed in
Here we focus on a complete orthogonal guided basis set the x-ray beam path 关4兴. However, modern high power x-ray
of Laguerre-Gaussian 共LG兲 modes which are of particular FELs may limit the utility of such extrinsic methods due to
interest since they are ubiquitous in descriptions of paraxial damage constraints. For this reason, it is of interest to ex-
wave propagation in circularly symmetric structures. LG plore the possibility of generating OAM modes by intrinsic
modes are related by a simple transformation to Hermite- coupling to the source e-beam. In addition, in visible very
Gaussian modes, which also satisfy the paraxial wave equa- high average power FELs, it may be advantageous to utilize
tion and are common in descriptions of Gaussian optics in higher order modes that not only have larger angular spread,

1050-2947/2008/77共6兲/063831共8兲 063831-1 ©2008 The American Physical Society


but also have a null in the intensity on-axis. In this way, one on axis in a one-dimensional 共1D兲 model, ␥2 = ␥z2共1 + K2 / 2兲,
greatly eases the problem of thermal loading at the first ra- ␰q = Kk2 / 4␥kzq, K = e兩B̃⬜w兩 / mckw is the undulator parameter,
diation beam-directing mirror optic downstream of undulator
where 兩B̃⬜w兩 is the undulator field magnitude, kw = 2␲ / ␭w is
关5,6兴. The coupling to these modes, as well as to other
the undulator wave number and ĝⴱq = 共êz ⫻ êw兲 · êⴱq is the polar-
higher-order paraxial modes, can be investigated directly by
ization alignment factor which measures the relative align-
an expansion of the high-gain FEL radiation field in terms of
ment of the transverse electron motion in the undulator 共êz
guided LG eigenmodes of a QIM.
⫻ êw兲 with the electric-field mode polarization direction 共êq兲.
In this paper, the coupled excitation equations of the gen-
The EM field mode overlap in the virtual dielectric is given
eralized virtual dielectric expansion description are specified
and solved for an LG expansion basis. Results are compared by ␬q,q

, the mode coupling coefficient Qq,q⬘ gives the EM
to numerical simulations performed using the FEL code GEN- field coupling to the wiggling, density-modulated e-beam 共or
ESIS 1.3 关7兴. The radiation fields are examined in the context e-beam optical current兲, and Fq,q⬘ is the beam profile overlap
of differential power gain, spot size evolution, input seed coefficient, which measures the spatial overlap of the e-beam
coupling efficiency, detuning efficiency enhancement, and profile with the expansion modes q , q⬘.
higher-order mode coupling. The LG Gaussian mode basis The coupled equations in Eq. 共3兲 fully describe the exci-
also provides a straightforward way to examine the accuracy tation and dynamic evolution of the signal field and density
of the single Gaussian mode approximation 共SGM兲 devel- modulation during the FEL interaction, from the startup pe-
oped in paper I for predicting the supermode r.m.s. spot size. riod through the high-gain regime. The equations can be
The coupling to, and in situ generation of, dominant higher- solved for an arbitrarily shaped e-beam profile. The effects of
order LG signal fields that contain OAM at the fundamental longitudinal space charge are also included, assuming that
operating frequency is also suggested and briefly examined. the characteristic transverse e-beam radius is greater than the
bunching wavelength 共r0 ⬎ ␥z␭兲 such that fringing fields are
II. COUPLED EXCITATION EQUATIONS neglected. It will be shown here, however, that the equations
still adequately describe many of the pertinent features of the
In the formulation derived in paper I, the time-harmonic
FEL when r0 ⬃ ␥z␭.
signal fields of the FEL are approximated as dominantly
transverse, forward propagating guided waves, and are writ-
ten as a sum over basis modes with slowly growing coeffi- III. GUIDED LAGUERRE-GAUSSIAN MODES
cient amplitudes
The basis eigenmodes used in the expansions of the fields
Ẽគ ⬜共r兲 = 兺 Cq共z兲Eគ̃ ⬜q共r⬜兲eikzqz . 共1兲 and the density modulation satisfy the dielectric field equa-
q tion
The axial wave number for each mode q is taken to be real
here and is given by kzq. In a linear model, the e-beam charge ⵜ⬜
Eគ̃ ⬜q共r⬜兲 + 关n共r⬜兲2k2 − kzq
兴Eគ̃ ⬜q共r⬜兲 = 0, 共4兲
density is written as n共rគ , t兲 = n0 f共r⬜兲 + Re关ñ1共r兲e−i␻t兴 where where the variation in the refractive index is taken to be
n0 is the on-axis electron density and f共r⬜兲 is the transverse small in the paraxial approximation ⵜn共r⬜兲2 Ⰶ k. The spatial
density profile of the e-beam. The density modulation ñ1共r兲 dependence of n共r⬜兲2 in Eq. 共4兲 fully determines the func-
is also expanded in terms of the transverse waveguide eigen- tional form of the expansion basis in the excitation equa-
modes tions. To obtain the desired guided Laguerre-Gaussian modes
k⑀0 we choose the refractive index of a QIM, with a specified
ñ1共r兲 = 兺 Bq共z兲Ẽ⬜q共r⬜兲ei共␻/vz0兲z , 共2兲 quadratic spatial dependence of the form

e q
where Bq共z兲 is the slowly varying amplitude of the density n2共r兲 = n20 − , 共5兲
modulation with transverse dependence given by the mode
function Ẽ⬜q共r⬜兲. This expansion allows the density wave where zR = kw20 / 2 is the Rayleigh length and w0 is the char-
with phase dependence ␻共z / vz0 − t兲 to be described in terms acteristic waist size of a transversely Gaussian mode profile.
of the orthogonal field basis functions. The coupled excita- The refractive index on axis n0 can be set to unity for sim-
tion equations for the FEL interaction derived in paper I are plicity. By inserting Eq. 共5兲 into Eq. 共4兲 we obtain guided LG
modes which have the form 关8–10兴

Cq共z兲 = − i␰qĝⴱqBq共z兲ei␪qz − i 兺 ␬q,q⬘Cq⬘共z兲ei共␪q⬘−␪q兲z ,
dz 2 p!
q⬘ Ẽ⬜;p,l共r, ␾兲 = Ã p,l 共− 1兲 p
␲w20 共p + 兩l兩兲!

2 Bq共z兲 + ␪ p 兺 Fq,jB j共z兲 = − ⴱ 兺 Qq,q⬘Cq⬘共z兲e
ĝq␰q q⬘
, ⫻e−il␾e−r
0 冉冑冊 冉 冊
r 2
, 共6兲

共3兲 where Llp共x兲 = 兺 pj=0共p + l兲 ! 共−x兲 j / j ! 共p − j兲 ! 共l + j兲! is an associ-

where ␪q = ␻ / vz0 − 共kzq + kw兲 is the detuning parameter, ␪ p ated Laguerre polynomial and à p,l is a normalization con-
= 冑e2n0 / ␥␥z2⑀0mvz2 is the longitudinal plasma wave number

stant such that 兰兰Ẽ⬜;p,lẼ⬜;p d2r = ␦ ␦ 兩Ã 兩2. The
0 ⬘,l⬘ ⬜ p,p⬘ l,l⬘ p,l


mode index q now takes on two values 共p , l兲 corresponding where 共 nk 兲 = n ! / k ! 共n − k兲! is the binomial coefficient. We note
to the radial and azimuthal mode indices, respectively. 共We that, since n2共r兲 is axisymmetric, ␬共p,l兲,共p d
vanishes be-
will use both q and p, l mode indices interchangeably when ⬘,l⬘兲
tween modes with different azimuthal dependence 共l ⫽ l⬘兲.
the multiple indexes are cumbersome兲. LG modes of this Analytic expressions for the beam profile overlap factor
type provide a convenient working basis to model the FEL
Fq,q⬘ can be found for many functional e-beam profile distri-
radiation for geometries that are largely axisymmetric over
butions. Here, the e-beam is assumed to have a fixed, Gauss-
the interaction length. The field modes in Eq. 共6兲 are identi-
cal in the transverse dependence to free-space LG fields that ian transverse profile f共r⬜兲 = exp共−r2 / r20兲 throughout the in-
satisfy the paraxial wave equation, when the free-space teraction length, where r0 is the r.m.s. radius. In terms of the
modes are evaluated at the optical beam waist. The explicit LG mode expansion basis, Fq,q⬘ becomes
dependence on the Rayleigh length zR in Eq. 共5兲 defines a
specific form for the dielectric profile in which a free-space à p⬘,l⬘ ␦l,l⬘共− 1兲 p+p⬘
F共p,l兲,共p⬘,l⬘兲 =
Laguerre-Gaussian mode with waist size w0 共defined here as à p,l 冑p ! p⬘ ! 共p + 兩l兩兲 ! 共p⬘ + 兩l⬘兩兲!
the r.m.s. radius of the Gaussian field profile兲 will propagate
as a guided eigenmode of the virtual dielectric. In this con-
struct, if the guiding features of the e-beam in an FEL during

共p + p⬘ + 兩l兩兲 ! 共 兲
w20 p+p⬘

共 兲 p+p⬘+兩l兩+1
exponential gain are equivalent to those of the QIM, only a w20
single mode in the expansion is required to fully describe the 2r20

冉 冉 冊冊
The axial wave numbers of the QIM eigenmodes in Eq. 2r20 2
⫻ 2F1 − p⬘ ;− p;− p⬘ − p − 兩l兩;1 − ,
共6兲 differ from the wave numbers of vacuum paraxial modes w20
关10,11兴. The waves are modified both in the total wave num- 共10兲
ber by the presence of the homogeneous dielectric contribu-

2F1共a ; b ; c ; x兲 = 兺n=0共a兲n共b兲nx / 共c兲nn!
tion kn0, and by a transverse wave number factor attributed where is the hypergeo-
to the guided focusing of the paraxial wave due to the para- metric series and 共a兲n = a共a + 1兲共a + 2兲 ¯ 共a + n − 1兲 is the ris-
bolic spatial dependence. Inserting Eq. 共5兲 and 共6兲 into Eq. ing factorial. For a single Gaussian EM mode, F共0,0兲,共0,0兲
共4兲 we obtain the axial wave number associated with each w2
= 1 / 共1 + 2r02 兲. The e-beam mode coupling parameter Qq,q⬘ is
guided mode kzq = kz;p,l: 0

kz;p,l = k2n20 − 共2p + 兩l兩 + 1兲. 共7兲 共kz;p⬘,l⬘ + kw兲2 K 2

w20 Q共p,l兲,共p⬘,l⬘兲 = JJ ␪2p ĝ共p,l兲 ĝ共p⬘,l⬘兲F共p,l兲,共p⬘,l⬘兲 .
8kz;p,l ␥
This describes modal dispersion in the virtual dielectric
wherein each mode propagates with an axial phase velocity
␻ / kz;p,l. For modes where the electric-field polarization matches the
Since the axial field component of the LG modes has a direction of wiggling motion of the electrons ĝ共p,l兲 = 1. This
magnitude on the order of ␭ / w0 times as large as the asso- “polarization matched” condition is assumed throughout the
ciated transverse component, the fields can be considered to remainder of this paper.
be dominantly transverse. For TE modes, we then have a Equations 共9兲–共11兲 are the individual elements of the cou-
simple relation between the electric and magnetic compo- pling and overlap terms in the FEL evolution and excitation
nents: Eគ̃ ⬜q = −共␻ / kzq兲êz ⫻ Bគ̃ ⬜q. The mode power, defined as equations in Eq. 共3兲, solved specifically using the guided LG
Pq = 21 Re关兰兰共Eគ̃ ⬜q共r⬜兲 ⫻ H ⴱ
គ̃ ⬜q 共r⬜兲兲 · êzd2r⬜兴 becomes mode basis. With these terms, the eigensolution of Eq. 共3兲 for
the dominant FEL supermode can be found as a superposi-
kz;p,l tion of LG modes. The supermode emerges during high-gain
P p,l = 兩Ã p,l兩2 . 共8兲
2 ␮ 0␻ and propagates self-similarly and with an exponentially
growing field amplitude. Accordingly, the supermode field is
The dielectric mode coupling parameter ␬q,q d
in Eq. 共3兲 is
⬘ defined as Ẽគ SM共r兲 = eikSM z兺 p,lb p,lEគ̃ p,l共r⬜兲 and maintains a fixed
defined in general in paper I, and can be evaluated explicitly transverse profile given by the constant mode coefficients b p,l

using the LG basis
and the distinct complex wave number kSM = k +˜ ␦k. The
d k2 2 modification of the free-space wave number due the FEL
␬共p,l兲,共p⬘,l⬘兲 = ␦l,l⬘ 共n20 − 1兲␦ p,p⬘ − 2 2 interaction is given by ˜ ␦k, and is found from the solution to
2kz;p,l w 0k

冉 冊
the supermode matrix equation

⫻ 冑 p ! p ⬘!

共p + 兩l兩兲 ! 共p⬘ + 兩l兩兲! j=0
p p⬘

p + 兩l兩
兩l兩 + j
␦k − ␪兲2 − ␪2pM
兵关Iគគ 共˜ ␦k + ␬គ d − ⌬k
គ 兴关Iគ˜ គគ 其bគ = 0គ ,
=兴 + Q 共12兲

冉 冊 册
where the matrix elements of M គគ are given by Mq,q⬘
p⬘ + 兩l兩 共− 1兲 j+j⬘+p+p⬘
共j + j⬘ + 兩l兩 + 1兲! = 共kzq⬘ / kzq兲Fq,q⬘, and the matrices ␬គ d and Q
គ are comprised
⫻ , of the elements in Eqs. 共9兲 and 共11兲, respectively. The param-
兩l兩 + j⬘ j ! j ⬘!
eter ␪ is the detuning in a 1D model and the matrix ⌬k =
共9兲 has elements 共kz;p,l − k兲␦ p,p⬘␦l,l⬘. The dominant mode of the


8 TABLE I. Seeded VISA parameters.

7   100 A

6 X 300 A Parameter Symbol Value

5 X  0 500 A Undulator period ␭w 1.8 cm
r0 0
4 0  Undulator length L 4m
0 X0 X

 Undulator parameter K 1.26
0 X  
0 X X  
2 0 0 X
0 X
0 X
e-beam relativistic factor ␥0 123.18
0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 Signal wavelength ␭ 1064 nm
r0 (mm) e-beam r.m.s. radius r0 80 ␮m
Peak e-beam current I0 300 A
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Comparison of the supermode spot size
wSM / r0 identified by markers 䉭, X, and 䊊, with the predicted size
from the SGM approximation wg / r0, identified by lines. Three val-
ues for the peak e-beam current are modeled for VISA parameters, power evolution in a strong-guiding, diffraction-dominated
over a range of e-beam radii. Markers depict results from solutions system 共LG ⬍ zR ⬍ L兲. It is also ideal for investigations of LG
to the supermode matrix Eq. 共12兲. At each marker, the detuning in mode generation since both hollow and spiral transverse EM
the supermode matrix is set to ␪ = −1 / kw2g in accordance with the intensity patterns have been observed during SASE opera-
SGM formulation, where wg is given by Eq. 共13兲. The full solutions tions, both of which are suggestive of single or multiple in-
to Eq. 共13兲 are identified by the colored lines. The large X signifies terfering OAM modes 关14兴. The relevant VISA operating pa-
the usual VISA operating regime, from Table I. rameters are given in Table I.
The VISA FEL is first examined in the ideal case of a pure
system is given by the solution to the determinant of signal amplifier 共SASE effects turned off兲 to isolate the be-
havior of the input seed mode as it initiates the FEL interac-
Eq. 共12兲 with the most negative imaginary value of ˜ ␦k. tion and evolves toward the supermode. Ten expansion
The corresponding 3D power gain length is given by LG modes 共p = 0 – 9 , l = 0兲 are included in all calculations 共un-
= 共2兩Im兵˜ less otherwise noted兲, and the expansion spot size is taken to
If the system is modeled with only the fundamental be w0 = 3r0, in accordance with the best results obtained for
Gaussian mode, only the 共p , l兲 = 共0 , 0兲 elements of the matri- efficiency from the SGM approximation in Fig. 2. 共Any
ces are considered, and Eq. 共12兲 becomes a single algebraic value of w0 can be chosen, of course, since it is a free pa-
equation. This scenario is explored in paper I and is called rameter in the expansion. But for a finite number of modes,
the single Gaussian mode approximation or SGM. There, by the greatest efficiency is generally obtained by choosing a
comparing the difference between axial wave numbers of the value close to that of the eventual FEL eigenmode.兲 The
guided modes 关Eq. 共7兲兴 with the axial wave numbers of free- evolution of the radiation beam is investigated from the seed
space paraxial modes due to the FEL interaction 关10兴, we radiation point to the end of the undulator by solving the
obtain a simplified relation between the Gaussian mode spot coupled mode Eq. 共3兲 for different values ws0, which are the
size wg, the Gaussian e-beam r.m.s. radius r0 and the 1D spot sizes the input Gaussian seed modes. The seed radiation
coupling gain parameter Q = 共2kw␳兲3, beams are introduced coaxially to the undulator and copropa-

冉 1+
冊冋 1−
册 3
= 1. 共13兲
gate with the e-beam. Figures 3 and 4 follow the longitudinal
evolution of the signal field for several input spot sizes, with

The solution for wg can be used as an estimate for the super- w0 =4 r0
mode spot size of an FEL that is dominated by the funda- 14
mental transverse mode. This technique also provides a use-
ful value for the expansion mode size w0 that is used in Eq. LG (cm) 13 w0 =3 r0
共6兲, and is explored for the model FEL in Fig. 1.
w0 =2 r0


0 2 4 6 8 10
To ascertain the character of the FEL system described by
the evolution equations in Eq. 共3兲 and the supermode matrix FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Predicted gain length at resonance for the
equation in Eq. 共12兲, we use the visible to infrared spontane- VISA FEL as a function of the maximum value of the radial mode
ous or seeded amplifier 共VISA兲 FEL at Brookhaven National p included in the excitation equations 共solid line is from GENESIS兲.
Laboratory as an exploratory model 关5,12,13兴. The VISA ex- Different values of the expansion waist size w0 generate a range of
periment uses a planar undulator geometry and currently op- values for LG with only the lowest modes included in the expansion
erates in self-amplified spontaneous emission 共SASE兲 mode, equations, but quickly converge to the correct value as more higher-
but will come online shortly also operating as an amplifier of order modes are added. The best results here are given for w0
an input radiation signal 共seeding兲. It provides a convenient = 3r0, which is closest to the spot size of the supermode, as given by
FEL model for examination of the signal field profile and the full solutions and shown in Figs. 3 and 4.


6 0.8
0.6 9.5
w 5 0.4 1 dP
r0 0.2 (m-1 ) 9.0
0.0 P dz
4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
r/r 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
z (m) z (m)

FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Evolution of the intensity profile 共left兲 and differential power 共right兲 modeled for the VISA FEL operating as a
single-pass seed amplifier. Input seed waists ws0 = 3r0,4r0, and 5r0 of a free-space Gaussian mode are injected coaxially to the e-beam and
are positioned at the undulator entrance. The supermode evolves after the fluctuations settle ⬃1.5 m downstream of injection. Solid lines are
solutions to theory from Eq. 共3兲 and points are from GENESIS simulations. The onset of saturation processes is evident near the undulator exit
in the GENESIS data, using a P = 0.1 ␮W radiation power input, and the shot noise turned off. The effects of longitudinal space-charge waves
are neglected. Inset: Normalized transverse intensity 共solid兲 and phase 共dashed兲 profile distribution of the supermode. The vertical axis is in

the Gaussian beam waist located at the undulator entrance regime where r0 ⬃ ␥z␭, the “parallel plate capacitor” assump-
z0 = 0, for the system operating at resonance ␪ = 0. The r.m.s. tion made for the modulated space-charge fields in the exci-
e-beam radius r0 is fixed throughout the interaction length, tation equations still provides reliable results.
and is set to r0 = 80 ␮m as determined by the physical emit- In a seeded FEL system, the output power efficiency can
tance and ␤-matching constraints for the physical VISA un- be affected, and enhanced, by several design or radiation
dulator focusing lattice. In Fig. 3 the effects of longitudinal injection schemes 关15兴. Experimentally, the simplest method
space charge are turned off, and in Fig. 4 they are included to maximize the available efficiency is to operate off-
for comparison. For each modeled seed injection, the system resonance, i.e., “detune” the system by increasing the e-beam
shows clear dynamic evolution toward the supermode. The energy 共or by increasing the input seed frequency兲. This ef-
input fields are shown to undergo a short period of diffrac- fect has been recently observed experimentally 关16兴, and is
tion during startup before high gain develops. This dynamic explored here with the LG dielectric mode expansion for the
behavior is also sensitively recorded in the differential VISA FEL. Figure 5 shows the dependence of the power
power, where fluctuations are clearly observed before the gain length LG on the electron beam energy. It is clear that
field eventually settles into fixed gain, fixed profile propaga- the shortest gain length is obtained with a positive shift from
tion. This regime of the supermode is also where the effects resonance in the e-beam energy 共␪ ⬍ 0兲.
of longitudinal space-charge waves are most pronounced, The relationship between the efficiency and the gain char-
identified by the observed reduction in the exponential gain acteristics is also of practical interest for prediction of the
per unit length 共Fig. 4兲. The VISA-FEL is an exemplar of optimal spot size and axial waist position of the injected seed
this intermediate regime where the effects of space-charge mode. Once the supermode is established, the FEL should
waves are significant, but not dominant, and must be in- behave similarly to a single-mode waveguide 1D FEL, but
cluded in the full calculation for accuracy. In both cases modified by the overall beam profile overlap factor F that
共space-charge on and off兲, the predicted evolution calculated quantifies the departure of the 3D peak gain from the 1D
from the coupled excitation equations in Eq. 共3兲 closely value. The VISA FEL operates in the strongly coupled re-
matches the results from simulations performed with GEN- gime, where the 1D power gain is given by the G1D
= 共1 / 9兲e冑3Q L 关17兴. In the 3D scenario, the gain is expected
ESIS 1.3 关7兴, which also includes the effects of fringing in the
space-charge fields. This suggests that, even in the VISA to differ from the 1D model, both in the exponential depen-
7 9.0
6 0.8
w 0.4
5 1 dP
r0 0.2 (m-1 ) 8.0
0.0 P dz
4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
r/r 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
z (m) z (m)

FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Spot size and power evolution. Running conditions are identical to those in Fig. 3, but with the effects of
longitudinal space-charge waves included 共␪ p = 3.22 m−1兲. Points indicate results from GENESIS simulations. Inset: Normalized transverse
intensity 共solid兲 and phase 共dashed兲 profile distribution of the supermode.


13.4 substantially 共Fig. 6, right plot兲, and the optimal injection

13.2 occurs when the seed waist is positioned slightly further
downstream. It is noted that the optimal waist size for seed
LG (cm) injection ws0 ⬇ 3r0 is roughly equal to that of the eventual
supermode, as shown in Fig. 3.
12.6 The coupling to higher-order paraxial modes, particularly
those with 兩l兩 ⬎ 0, can be readily explored in the LG expan-
122.8 123.0 123.2 123.4 123.6 123.8 124.0 124.2 sion basis. By inspection of the mode coupling parameter in
γ Eq. 共11兲, it can be shown that there is no cross-coupling
between different azimuthal modes for an axisymmetric
FIG. 5. 共Color online兲 Gain length versus detuning for Gaussian Gaussian e-beam profile. In addition, none of the l ⬎ 0 modes
seed input and Gaussian e-beam profile. The dashed line indicates are excited during seeding with axisymmetric Gaussian input
resonance 共␥ = 123.18兲 for the VISA FEL at 1064 nm. The shortest fields, so only the l = 0 modes contribute to the expansion. It
gain length is obtained for a 0.39% increase in e-beam energy factor is interesting in this simplified context to consider the ampli-
to ␥ = 123.65. fication of pure azimuthal mode structures for scenarios
when it may be necessary to obtain a short pulse, high-peak
dence and in the proportionality. We therefore define a 3D power OAM mode from the FEL. Since in most cases the
fundamental mode usually dominates, generation of a domi-
power gain parameter
nant OAM mode can occur if a preferential and significant
1 冑 1/3 geometric chirality is intrinsic to the system. Such is the case
G3D = ␩effeF 3Q L , 共14兲 if, for example, either the seed laser contains nonzero OAM,
or if the e-beam has a strong helical modulation along the
where ␩eff is the 3D supermode excitation efficiency. The longitudinal axis that will excite a helical phase structure in
magnitude of both 3D parameters ␩eff and F can be found for the radiation field.
a variety of FEL operational schemes in order to ascertain Seeding and amplification of pure OAM modes can be
the optimal running conditions. In a seeded FEL, the longi- examined with the injection of a ls ⬎ 0 LG mode, where ls is
tudinal position and waist size of the input seed may have a the azimuthal index of the seed. Results obtained from solv-
significant effect on the excitation efficiency of the super- ing Eq. 共3兲 for both a Gaussian and an ls = 1 OAM seed mode
mode, particularly for strongly diffracting systems where are displayed in Fig. 7. The evolution of both inputs shows
zR Ⰶ L. Maximum power output is obtained for a proper bal- the development of an eventual FEL eigenmode, both in the
ance between a small injection spot size to maximize power intensity profile and in the power gain. It is evident from the
coupling to the e-beam, and a large spot size to minimize plot that there is a decrease in the differential power gain for
power loss from diffraction. Figure 6 shows the dependence each increase in the azimuthal mode number of the seed
of ␩eff on the longitudinal position and waist size of a Gauss- field. This trend continues for seeding with higher order
ian input seed coupling with a Gaussian e-beam for the OAM modes and is attributed to the reduction in the effec-
VISA FEL running parameters. Results indicate that the peak tive coupling between the e-beam and the field for increasing
efficiency is obtained when the seed waist is approximately l values, as given by Eq. 共11兲. This is due, in large part,
2–3 times the r.m.s. e-beam size, and within the first few 1D because the radial profile of modes with 兩ls兩 ⫽ 0 vanishes on
gain lengths inside the undulator. By further detuning the axis, and the central null becomes larger transversely for
system by +0.39% in energy to minimize the gain length 共as increasing values of ls. For this reason, it was necessary to
shown in Fig. 5兲, the peak available efficiency is increased detune the system to ␪ = −8.2 m−1 to achieve significant

7 7 0.9

6 6 0.8
5 5
4 4
z 0 L 1D 0.5
3 3
2 2 0.3
1 1 0.2

0 0 0.1
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
ws0 r 0 ws0 r 0

FIG. 6. 共Color online兲 The supermode excitation efficiency ␩eff for Gaussian seed injection at resonance 共left plot, ␪ = 0 m−1兲 and at a
detuning corresponding to the minimum gain length 共right, ␪ = −2.7 m−1兲. Different longitudinal positions z0 共vertical兲 and sizes of the
Gaussian seed waist ws0 共horizontal兲 are modeled for the VISA FEL.


10 8

8 6
w 1 dP
(m-1 ) 4
r0 6 P dz

4 2

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
z (m) z (m)

FIG. 7. 共Color online兲 Comparison of signal field propagation for FEL seeding with a pure Gaussian mode 共dashed兲 and a l = 1 OAM
mode 共solid兲, when the effects of plasma space-charge waves are included. Both input seed waists are located z0 = 25 cm inside the undulator
entrance, with the e-beam detuned to ␪ = −8.2 m−1.

gain. Also, in contrast to seeding with modes with different profile. It is particularly clear from the phase that the struc-
radial mode numbers ps 共either as pure modes or as a super- ture is that of a dominant 共p , l兲 = 共0 , 1兲 LG mode 共helical
position兲, the eventual output FEL signal fields generated phase evolution兲, and that the field is gain-guided from the
from seeds with different azimuthal mode numbers ls do not slight appearance of inward curvature near the axis.
evolve to equal transverse sizes. This is because, for an axi- It is noted that the amplification of light with OAM
symmetric e-beam profile f共r⬜兲 = f共r兲, the modes with differ- should impart a self-consistent orbital momentum to the
ent p values couple to each other, but the different l modes source e-beam. The effects of this interaction on the overall
do not. Thus, an excited higher-order radial mode can e-beam dynamics are calculated to be small relative to the
couple, cascading down toward the fundamental radial mode dominant FEL interactions considered here, and are ne-
of the system 共usually the Gaussian兲, but the higher-order l glected.
modes are locked. This, combined with the reduced gain These results on the amplification of OAM modes at the
length, demonstrates that the character of the final output fundamental frequency of the FEL device suggest that, since
OAM mode is specifically determined by the input seed an initial bunching modulation at the fundamental mode
field. The ls mode of the seed is the lone azimuthal mode typically dominates the interaction, amplification of a domi-
excited in the FEL interaction for the cold e-beam, and thus nant azimuthal mode requires a dominant azimuthal excita-
defines the fundamental azimuthal mode of the final EM sig- tion at startup. We have shown that this can be achieved
nal field. The system evolves to a state characterized by the either by injection of an OAM seed mode with the appropri-
features associated with the ls ⬎ 0 seed mode, including the ate intensity amplitude 共if available at the operating fre-
waist size, gain length, and helical phase evolution. As a quency兲, or by introduction of the appropriate spatial modu-
result, all of the gain delivered to the radiation field is de- lation that is not azimuthally symmetric to the injected beam.
posited only into the l = ls input OAM mode, and a scenario The magnitude of these respective initial conditions provides
that delivers pure OAM amplification, in the absence of a guideline for required parameters needed to obtain OAM
SASE effects, is realized. In the presence of SASE, in order modes in the presence of SASE, and will be explored further
to ignore it’s effects, one must seed with power well in ex- in future work.
cess of SASE startup power, and also take care that the total
共potentially higher兲 gain in the fundamental does not allow V. CONCLUSIONS
this SASE mode to compete with the final power in the de-
sired l ⫽ 0 LG mode. We have presented a study of the high-gain VISA FEL in
Generation of coherent OAM light without a seed field the virtual dielectric mode description, specified for a guided
input can be investigated in this model by introducing a Laguerre-Gaussian mode expansion basis, with an emphasis
dominant helical density modulation on the e-beam. The
density modulation in Eq. 共2兲 identifies the longitudinal Intensity Phase
4 4
bunching in terms of the expansion mode functions. Nonzero
2 2
values for B0,0共0兲 identify a prebunching modulation at the
fundamental that can be related to longitudinal shot noise, or y/r0 0 0
a SASE startup scenario. The coefficients B p,l ⫽ 0 for 兩l兩 ⬎ 0 -2 -2
describe azimuthal structures in the e-beam, and helical -4 -4
structures occur when B p,l ⫽ B p,−l. Figure 8 shows the trans- -4 -2 0 2 4 -4 -2 0 2 4
x/r0 x/r0
verse intensity and phase at the undulator exit for a solution
of the excitation equations with a relative initial density FIG. 8. Radiation intensity and phase at undulator exit, gener-
modulation of B0,1 / B0,0 = 105 共all other coefficients are zero兲 ated by a dominant 共p , l兲 = 共0 , 1兲 initial helical density modulation in
for VISA. The relative magnitude of each amplitude is de- the e-beam. A hollow mode structure is evident in the intensity
termined by iteration, such that the higher-order hollow distribution and is accompanied by a helical azimuthal phase
mode becomes visibly dominant in the transverse intensity variation.


on OAM mode operation. This interest in OAM modes is due to the dominance of the fundamental modes of the typi-
driven by the desire to obtain hollow intensity modes that cal FEL system, the excitation of a dominant OAM mode
provide power-handling advantages, as well as by applica- requires either an OAM seed, or a significant azimuthal den-
tions that depend on the orbital angular momentum in the sity modulation in the e-beam.
light pulse. The results of the evolution excitation equations
and the supermode matrix equations derived in paper I of
this work show good agreement with GENESIS simulations, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
with the effects of longitudinal space-charge included. The
LG mode basis provides a natural description of guided FEL This research was supported by grants from the Depart-
radiation by virtue of its connection to the paraxial modes of ment of Energy Basic Energy Science Contract No. DOE
free space, and allows the investigation of coupling to modes DE-FG02-07ER46272 and Office of Naval Research Con-
that contain orbital angular momentum. Results suggest that tract No. ONR N00014-06-1-0925.

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