220 V1a MLFP 00037 PDF

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P erm ission to pro cee d d oes not c ons titute ac cep tanc e or app rov al of des ign deta il, calcula tion s,
a nalysis , tes t me thod s, or m ate rials dev elo ped or s elec ted by S ELL ER , and doe s n ot re liev e
S ELL ER from full com plia nce with con trac tual obligation .

1 W ork may pro cee d 3 Rev ise & R esub mit. W ork may NO T p roce ed

4 Rev iew not requ ire d. W ork ma y proce ed

2 R evise & Re sub mit. W ork may pro cee d
s ubject to inc orp oration o f ch ang es 5 Can celled / Sup ers ede d

D ocu me nt Status :1
R eviewe r Na me : Luis Alberto Toledo D ate: 7/26/2011 00:00:00
D isciplin e: EM - Mechanical
Doc Typ e C ode :

J ob # 25635 VP # 25635-220-V1A-MLFP-00037
S ubm 002 E quip # 0420-FLA-0002;0420-FLA-0003;0420-FLA-0004;
P rog ram # NA;
J ob # VP #

S EQ # E quip #

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