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1.? " Device for determining the value or magnitude of a quantity or variable:-
a) Sensor
b) Transducer
C) Gauge
d) Instrument
e) Indicator

2.? The ratio of output signal or response of the instrument to a change in input or measured
variable is called
a)? Sensitivity
b)? Precision
c)? Error
d)? Resolution
e)? "ccuracy

3.? The smallest change in measured value to which the instrument will respond is called
a)? "ccuracy
b)? Precision
c)? "mplification
d)? Resolution
e)? Sensitivity

4.? Hysteresis error in bourdon tube can be minimized by:-

a)? Using proper tube material
b)? Using proper diameter and thickness of tube
c)? "voiding temperature cycling
d)? Using it well within the designed pressure range
e)? Using separating diaphragm and avoid direct ingress of hot fluid to tube

5.? Pressure measuring devices are not based on:-

a)? Measure of an equivalent height of liquid column
b)? Measure of the force exerted on a fixed area
c)? Measure of some change in electrical or physical characteristics of the fluid
d)? "rea measurement by polar planimeter
e)? "ll of the above
º.? Which type of device is suitable for dynamic force measurement:-
a)? Lever balance
b)? Spring balance
c)? Proving ring
d)? Piezo-electric transducer
e)? "ll of the above

7.? Which effect is useful in measureing rapidly varying forces:

a)? Piezoelictric
b)? Strain gauge
c)? Photovoltaic
d)? Pneumatic gauging
e)? Change of capacitance

8.? The sensitivity of reading of manometer can be increased by

a)? Inclining the manometer tube
b)? Using low specific gravity fluid
c)? "pplication of optical magnification
d)? Use of level sensing device
e)? "ll of the above.

9. Pressure gauges are never connected directly to live steam because:

a) the tubes or bellows which operate them would be overheated, causing serious error and

b) steam if leaks, can cause serious injury to operators

c) entry of steam would cause static heat error

d) parts of pressure gauge can`t withstand temperature of steam

e) pressure gauges are not calibrated to measure steam pressure directly.

10. Which gauge is based on the change of heat conductivity of gas with pressure and the
change of electrical resistance of a wire with temperature:

a) thermocouple gauge

b) bourdon gauge

c) ionization gauge
d) nuitating disk gauge

e) Pirani gauge.

11. Twisting the thermocouple wires together and heat welding them:

a) is the standard practice of making junction

b) would result is noise generation

c) cause small errors due to local e.m.f. which may arise if the junction is too long

d) would slow down the the response

e) result in inaccuracies.

12. Which of the following thermocouple generates highest e.m.f. for a given temperature:

a) copper- constantan

b) iron constantan

c) chromel- alumel

d) platinum- rhodium platinum

e) silver palladium.

13. The resistance of strain gauge grid use in pressure transducers is of the order of:

a) 0.1 to 1 ohm

b) 1 to 10 ohm

c) 10 to 100 ohm

d) 100 to 2000 ohm

e) 2000 to 100000 ohm

14. Pick up false statement:

a) copper- constantan thermocouple is a stable couple resistant to both oxidizing and

atmosphere, but needs protection from acidic vapours

b) Iron- constantan thermocouple suffers from oxidation attack on iron wire, if exposed
c) iron- constantan couple can be made stable by using enameled iron

d) Both wires of chromel- alumel thermocouple are prone to damage by sulphurous


e) copper- constantan thermocouple is used as a reference standard for caliberation purposes

15. The material used for resistance temperature sensor is:

a) Copper b) Nickel c) Platinum d) any one of above

e) none of above.

1º. Given an unity feedback system which G (s) = k/s(s+4). What is the value of k for a
damping ratio of 0.5

a) 1 c) 4

b) 1.º d) 2

17. The bode plot is valid for

a) Minimum phase network

b) "ll phase network

c) Non-minimum phase network

d) None of these

18. Pair of active transducer is

a) Thermistor, solar cell b) Thermocouple, Thermistor

c) Thermocouple, solar cell d) solar cell, LVDT

19. " 12-bit "DC has a range 0-10 V, what is the approximate resolution of the converter

a) 1 mv b) 2.5 mV c) 2.5 microvolt d) 12 mV

20. The instruction that doesn¶t clear the accumulator of 8085, is

a) XR" " b) "NI 00H c) MVI ", 00H d) none of these

21. In an 8085 microprocessor system, the RST instruction will cause an interrupt

a) Only if an interrupt service routine is not being executed

b) Only if a bit in the interrupt mask is made 0.

c) Only if interrupt have been enabled by an EI instruction

d) None

22. " transmission line is distortionless if

a) RL=1/GC b) RL=GC c) LG = RC d) RG= LC

23. KWh is a unit of

a) Energy b) power c) potential difference d) flux line

24. The phase angle of the system G(s) = s+5/s2+4s+9 varies between

a) 0ƕ & 90ƕ b) 0ƕ & -90ƕ c) 0ƕ & -180ƕ d) -90ƕ & -180ƕ

25. Consider a system with transfer function G(s) = s+ºåKs2+s+º. Its damping ratio will be 0.5
when the value of K is

a) 2/º b) 3 c) 1/º d) º

2º. " system has the transfer function (1-s)/(1+s) its gain at ȫ = 1 rad/sec.

a) 1 b) 0 c) -1 d) none of these

27. Measurement of flow, thermal conductivity and liquid level using thermistor make use of

a) Resistance decreases with temp. b) Resistance increases with temp.

c) Self- heating phenomenon d) Change of resistivity.

28. Which of the following motors has high starting torque:-

a) d.c. shunt b) d.c. series c) squirrel cage induction motor

d) ".C. series motor

29. The characteristic equation of a control system is given by

Sº+2S5+8S4+12S3+1ºS+1º = 0

The no. of the roots of the equation which lie on the imaginary axis of S-Plane

a) Zero b) 2 c) 4 d) º

30. Which of the following bridges can be used in inductance measurement

a) Maxwell bridge b) Schering bridge c) Wein-bridge d) Hay¶s bridge
e) Wheat-stone bridge

31.?Which of the following electrical equipment has the highest efficiency ?

a) synchronous motor b) dc shunt motor
c) induction motor d)   

32.?If the furnace temperature is T (oK) and the area of opening is ", quantity of radiation
loss in a reheating furnace is directly proportional to
a) T4 b) T c) "4 d) "2

33.?Electronic variable frequency drive (VFD) connected to motors:

i) Provide variable speed with high efficiency

ii) induces eddy-current in the secondary member of the
clutch mechanism
iii) is not suitable for variable torque load
iv) Does not provide variable speed and has low-efficiency

34. CMRR of an OP "MP is given as 80db and "d is 20000.Value of "cm will be:-
i) 4 ii) 8 iii) 2 iv) 1

. 35. "n electron moving in an electromagnetic field moves in a

i) In a straight path
ii) "long the same plane in the direction of its propagation
iii) Opposite to the original direction of propagation
iv) In a sine wave

3º. Which of the following is a broadband communications channel?

i) Coaxial cable
ii) Fiber optic cable
iii) Microwave circuits
iv) "ll of the above

37. . Find the odd retrofit group from the following:

i) Occupancy sensors
ii) timer based control
iii) photo sensors
iv) capacitor based control

38. Output resistance of ideal OP "MP is:-

i) 0 ii) 1 iii) infinite iv) very high

39. The X-rays beam coming from an X-ray tube will be:
i) Monochromatic
ii) Having all wavelengths smaller than a
certain minimum wavelength
iii) Having all wavelengths larger than a certain minimum
iv) Having all wavelengths lying between a minimum and
a maximum wavelength

40. CMRR of an OP "MP is given as 80db and "d is 20000.Value of "cm will be:-
i) 4 ii) 8 iii) 2 iv) 1

41. Non contact flow measurement can be carried out by

a) orifice meter b) turbine flow meter

  •    d) magnetic flow meter

42. Critical path in a CPM network diagram


b) is the shortest path in a network

c) where all activities of long duration fall

d) none of the above

43. PERT stands for _____

a) Project Evaluation Research Technique


c) Power & Energy Reforms Techniques

d) none of the above

×? Write Short notes on any two of the following:-

a)? Difference between PLC & DCS
b)? SC"D"
c)? Control Valve
d)? Steam flow measurement.

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