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Title page

Alcatel-Lucent 9322
digital Compact Node B
Technical Description
Issue 0.02 | February 2014


Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary
Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Use pursuant to applicable agreements

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Legal notice

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Alcatel-Lucent without its written authorization.
Not to be used or disclosed except in accordance with applicable agreements.

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Use pursuant to applicable agreements

About this document
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................................................................. xi

What's New ..................................................................................................................................................................................... xi


Intended audience ....................................................................................................................................................................... xii


Supported systems ...................................................................................................................................................................... xii


How to use this document ........................................................................................................................................................ xii


Prerequisites .................................................................................................................................................................................. xii


Conventions used ........................................................................................................................................................................ xii


Related information ................................................................................................................................................................... xiii


Document support ...................................................................................................................................................................... xiii


Technical support ....................................................................................................................................................................... xiv


How to order ................................................................................................................................................................................ xiv


How to comment ........................................................................................................................................................................ xiv


1 UTRAN introduction

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1-1


UTRAN introduction ............................................................................................................................................................... 1-2


2 9322 dCompact basic characteristics

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2-1


9322 dCompact introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 2-2


9322 dCompact features and functions ............................................................................................................................. 2-5


9322 dCompact external interfaces .................................................................................................................................... 2-7


9322 dCompact power supply interface ........................................................................................................................... 2-9


9322 dCompact optional features ..................................................................................................................................... 2-11


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9322 dCompact physical and environmental characteristics .................................................................................. 2-12

3 9322 dCompact hardware description

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-1


9322 dCompact digital shelf

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-8


9322 dCompact digital shelf modules ............................................................................................................................... 3-9


integrated Channel Element Module - 2nd generation (iCEM-2) ........................................................................ 3-13


extended Channel Element Module (xCEM) ............................................................................................................... 3-17


enhanced Channel Element Module (eCEM) .............................................................................................................. 3-20


integrated Core Controller Module - 2nd generation (iCCM-2) ........................................................................... 3-23


extended Core Controller Module (xCCM) .................................................................................................................. 3-28


GPxOIM module .................................................................................................................................................................... 3-36


Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for two optical fibers (C2OIM) ............................... 3-40

Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for three optical fibers (C3OIM) ............................ 3-46

GPxOIM board ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3-52


Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact digital modules ........................................................................... 3-56


9322 dCompact power supply system

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-57


Universal Compact Power System (UCPS) .................................................................................................................. 3-58


AC Distribution Unit (ADU) ............................................................................................................................................. 3-62


UCPS shelf and DC Distribution Unit (DDU) ............................................................................................................ 3-65


Rectifier ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-69


Cabinet Control Unit (CCU) .............................................................................................................................................. 3-72


Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact UCPS modules ........................................................................... 3-77


DC breaker panel .................................................................................................................................................................... 3-78


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9322 dCompact cooling and heating system

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-79


CECU components ................................................................................................................................................................ 3-80


CECU main functions ........................................................................................................................................................... 3-82


CECU inventory and alarms .............................................................................................................................................. 3-84


CECU hardware ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3-85


Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact CECU components ................................................................... 3-87


User racks

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-88


User racks .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-89


Manufacturing, Commissioning and Alarm (MCA) module

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-90


Manufacturing, Commissioning and Alarm (MCA) module ................................................................................. 3-91


9322 dCompact optional equipment

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3-93


Compact User InterCOnnect (C-User ICO) module ................................................................................................. 3-94


Short backup internal battery ............................................................................................................................................. 3-97


Long backup internal batteries ........................................................................................................................................ 3-101


Internal/External Alarm Module (IEAM) ................................................................................................................... 3-103


PCM Lightning Protection (LPPCM) module ........................................................................................................... 3-105


75-ohm kit .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3-106


DC lamp .................................................................................................................................................................................. 3-107


Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact optional equipment ................................................................. 3-108


4 Using the TIL tool

Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4-1


Using the TIL tool ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4-2


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A Document issue history

Overview ..................................................................................................................................................................................... A-1


Reissue history .......................................................................................................................................................................... A-2



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List of tables

1 Document changes for Issue 0.02, February 2014 ........................................................................................... xi

2 Generic terms ............................................................................................................................................................... xii


3-1 Backplane and digital shelf modules supported by the 9322 dCompact cabinet ............................. 3-11

3-2 iCEM-2 corporate LED behavior ...................................................................................................................... 3-16

3-3 eCEM corporate LEDs status ............................................................................................................................. 3-22

3-4 iCCM-2 corporate LED behavior ...................................................................................................................... 3-25

3-5 iCCM-2 7-segment display description .......................................................................................................... 3-26

3-6 xCCM corporate LEDs status ........................................................................................................................... 3-32

3-7 xCCM activity LED status ................................................................................................................................... 3-32

3-8 xCCM SYNC LEDs status .................................................................................................................................. 3-32

3-9 xCCM PCM LEDs ................................................................................................................................................ 3-34


3-10 xCCM MDA LEDs in configuration xCCM-4E1 ....................................................................................... 3-34

3-11 xCCM MDA LEDs in configuration xCCM-GE ......................................................................................... 3-35

3-12 xCCM MDA GE ports (in configuration xCCM-GE) and Ethernet ports (mother board) LEDs
............................................................................................................................................................................ 3-353-35

3-13 C2OIM corporate LED behavior ....................................................................................................................... 3-43

3-14 C2OIM transceiver activity LED behavior .................................................................................................... 3-44

3-15 C3OIM corporate LED behavior ....................................................................................................................... 3-49

3-16 C3OIM transceiver activity LED behavior .................................................................................................... 3-50

3-17 GPxOIM board corporate LED behavior ....................................................................................................... 3-55

3-18 Digital modules dimensions and weight ......................................................................................................... 3-56


3-19 Rectifier corporate LED behavior ..................................................................................................................... 3-70

3-20 CCU C1 and C2 corporate LED behavior ..................................................................................................... 3-74

3-21 CCU A1, A2 and A3 LED behavior ................................................................................................................. 3-75

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PRELIMINARY List of tables

3-22 UCPS module dimensions and weight ............................................................................................................ 3-77

3-23 DC breaker panel dimensions and weight ...................................................................................................... 3-78

3-24 CECU component weight .................................................................................................................................... 3-87

3-25 User rack dimensions and weight ..................................................................................................................... 3-89

3-26 User Alarm pin connections for UMTS use .................................................................................................. 3-95

3-27 UMTS Alarm pin connections ............................................................................................................................ 3-95

3-28 Intensium 1 Power 1500 LED behavior ......................................................................................................... 3-99

3-29 Alarm pin connections ........................................................................................................................................ 3-100

3-30 Optional modules dimensions and weight ................................................................................................... 3-108

A-1 Issue 0.02, February 2014, What's new ............................................................................................................ A-2

A-2 Issue 0.01, April 2013, What's new .................................................................................................................... A-2


viii Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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List of figures

1-1 Alcatel-Lucent UTRAN architecture example ............................................................................................... 1-4

1-2 NodeB dropping 3G NodeB .................................................................................................................................. 1-6

1-3 NodeB dropping 4G eNodeB ................................................................................................................................ 1-6

1-4 NodeB dropping 2G BTS ....................................................................................................................................... 1-7

2-1 Outside view of the 9322 dCompact Indoor and Outdoor cabinets ........................................................ 2-4

3-1 Compartment layout in the 9322 dCompact OD cabinet (Outdoor AC variant) ................................ 3-2

3-2 Location of modules in the 9322 dCompact OD cabinet (Outdoor AC variant) ................................ 3-3

3-3 9322 dCompact bulkhead top view ..................................................................................................................... 3-5

3-4 9322 dCompact functional architecture (with C3OIM) ............................................................................ 3-10

3-5 9322 dCompact digital shelf layout .................................................................................................................. 3-12

3-6 iCEM-2 64 front panel .......................................................................................................................................... 3-14

3-7 iCEM-2 128 front panel ........................................................................................................................................ 3-15

3-8 xCEM front panel ................................................................................................................................................... 3-18


3-9 eCEM front panel .................................................................................................................................................... 3-21


3-10 iCCM-2 front panel ................................................................................................................................................ 3-24


3-11 xCCM front panel in configuration xCCM-4E1 .......................................................................................... 3-30

3-12 xCCM front panel in configuration xCCM-GE ........................................................................................... 3-31

3-13 GPxOIM front panel .............................................................................................................................................. 3-37

3-14 GPxOIM front view with a C2OIM ................................................................................................................. 3-38

3-15 GPxOIM front panel with a C3OIM ................................................................................................................ 3-39


3-16 C2OIM-GS front panel ......................................................................................................................................... 3-42

3-17 C2OIM-GM front panel ........................................................................................................................................ 3-43

3-18 C3OIM-GS front panel ......................................................................................................................................... 3-48

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3-19 C3OIM-GM front panel ........................................................................................................................................ 3-49

3-20 Alarm management in the 9322 dCompact ................................................................................................... 3-53

3-21 GPxOIM board front panel .................................................................................................................................. 3-54

3-22 Interconnection inside the UCPS shelf ............................................................................................................ 3-59

3-23 UCPS architecture overview ............................................................................................................................... 3-60

3-24 UCPS front panel (equipped with ADU and two rectifiers) .................................................................... 3-61

3-25 ADU front panel ...................................................................................................................................................... 3-63


3-26 UCPS ADU control and power signal distribution architecture ............................................................ 3-64

3-27 DDU front panel ...................................................................................................................................................... 3-66


3-28 UCPS shelf front panel (including DDU) ...................................................................................................... 3-67

3-29 UCPS shelf control and power signal distribution architecture ............................................................. 3-68

3-30 UCPS rectifier (1400 W) front panel ............................................................................................................... 3-70

3-31 CCU front panel ...................................................................................................................................................... 3-73


3-32 DC breaker panel front panel .............................................................................................................................. 3-78

3-33 CECU functional architecture ............................................................................................................................ 3-81

3-34 CECU operating principle ................................................................................................................................... 3-83

3-35 CECU front panel (with heaters - 9322 dCompact ODAC cabinet) .................................................... 3-85

3-36 CECU front panel (without heaters - 9322 dCompact ID DC cabinet) ............................................... 3-86

3-37 Front panel of the 19-inch 2U user rack ......................................................................................................... 3-89

3-38 MCA module front panel ...................................................................................................................................... 3-92

3-39 C-User ICO module front panel ........................................................................................................................ 3-94

3-40 Distribution system architecture for short backup internal battery ....................................................... 3-98

3-41 Intensium 1 Power 1500 front panel ................................................................................................................ 3-98

3-42 Distribution system architecture for long backup internal batteries .................................................. 3-101

3-43 IEAM front panel .................................................................................................................................................. 3-103


3-44 LPPCM module front panel .............................................................................................................................. 3-105

3-45 Types of adaptive baluns for 75-ohm network .......................................................................................... 3-106

x Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
About this document
About this document

The purpose of this document is to describe the Alcatel-Lucent 9322 digital Compact
Node B. Its short name is 9322 dCompact.
The 9322 dCompact is designed to be used with one of the following radio devices:
• Alcatel-Lucent 9332 radio Compact Node B (9332 rCompact)
• Alcatel-Lucent Remote Radio Head 20W 2100MHz (RRH20-21)
This document only describes the 9322 dCompact. For detailed information about the
9332 rCompact and RRH20-21, see the following documents:
• Alcatel-Lucent 9332 radio Compact Node B - Technical Description,
• Alcatel-Lucent Remote Radio Head 20W 2100 MHz - Technical Description,

What's New
The major changes introduced in this issue of the document are described in the following
paragraphs. Changes introduced in prior issues of the document are shown in Appendix
A, “Document issue history”.
Document changes from the previous software release
The document changes for this issue are shown in Table 1, “Document changes for Issue
0.02, February 2014” (p. xi):

Table 1 Document changes for Issue 0.02, February 2014

Feature/enhancement Description Location


None None None

Document changes
CR 01145972 Updating and removing old Global
document references.
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY About this document

Intended audience
The audience for this document is Operations and maintenance personnel, and anyone
interested in learning more about the 9322 dCompact.

Supported systems
This document applies to all system releases.

How to use this document

No specific recommendation applies regarding the way readers should read this


Conventions used
Vocabulary conventions
For a list of terms used in this document, see Alcatel-Lucent W-CDMA System -
Terminology, 9YZ-04088-0002-TQZZA.
This document uses some terms generically.

Table 2 Generic terms

Generic term Used for


Typographical conventions
The following typographical convention is used in this document:

Appearance Description
Document reference, reference number Related document that is referenced in the document.

xii Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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About this document

Related information
For information on subjects related to the content of this document, refer to the
documents listed in the following table:

Refer to this document At this location For more information on

Alcatel-Lucent W-CDMA http://support.alcatel- Terms used in Alcatel-Lucent
System - Terminology, W-CDMA documents
Alcatel-Lucent 9322 digital http://support.alcatel- How to perform preventive
Compact Node B - maintenance activity of the
Preventive Maintenance, Alcatel-Lucent 9322 digital
3MN-00480-0002-REZZA Compact Node B
Alcatel-Lucent 9322 digital http://support.alcatel- How to perform corrective
Compact Node B - maintenance activity of the
Corrective Maintenance, Alcatel-Lucent 9322 digital
3MN-00480-0003-REZZA Compact Node B
Alcatel-Lucent Remote http://support.alcatel- The Alcatel-Lucent Remote
Radio Head 20W 2100 MHz Radio Head 20W 2100 MHz:
- Technical Description, • Basic characteristics
• Configurations available
Alcatel-Lucent 9353 http://support.alcatel- Alarm descriptions and
Wireless Management maintenance actions required
System - Node B Alarms for Alcatel-Lucent Node Bs
Reference Guide for 9311,
9312, 9322, 9326, 9332
Node B, 9YZ-04088-0060-
Alcatel-Lucent 93xx Node B http://support.alcatel- How to perform the Node B
– Commissioning and Fault installation, commissioning
Management User Manual: and maintenance tasks using
TIL, 9YZ-04088-0090- the Node B TIL (Terminal for
PCZZA Local Installation) tool

Document support
For support in using this or any other Alcatel-Lucent document, contact Alcatel-Lucent at

one of the following telephone numbers:

• 1-888-582-3688 (for the United States)
• 1-630-224-2485 (for all other countries)

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PRELIMINARY About this document

Technical support
For technical support, contact your local Alcatel-Lucent customer support team. See the
Alcatel-Lucent Support web site ( for contact

How to order
To order Alcatel-Lucent documents, contact your local sales representative or use Online
Customer Support (OLCS) (

How to comment
To comment on this document, go to the Online Comment Form (http://infodoc.alcatel- or e-mail your comments to the Comments Hotline

xiv Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
1 UTRAN introduction

This chapter describes the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS)
Terrestrial Radio Access Network (UTRAN).


UTRAN introduction 1-2


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Issue 0.02 February 2014
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UTRAN introduction
UTRAN components
The UTRAN is composed of at least one Radio Network Subsystem (RNS). An RNS
covers a certain geographical area. It is equivalent to the GSM BSS. Each RNS is
composed of one Radio Network Controller (RNC) and one or more Node Bs. RNSs are
interconnected through the Iur interface of each RNC to form a network.
Alcatel-Lucent UTRAN
The Alcatel-Lucent UTRAN is based on the following components:
• Node B
• WMS for the OAM part

The Alcatel-Lucent RNC is 3GPP-compliant. It is based on the Multiservice Switch

RNC main functions

The main functions of the RNC are to control and manage:
• Radio Access Network (RAN)
• Signalling between Core Network (CN) components and the Radio Network System
• Node Bs and their radio resources

RNC interfaces
The RNC provides the following interfaces:
• Iub towards a Node B
• Iu towards the Core Network
• Iur towards another RNC
• Iupc towards a Standalone A-GPS SMLC (SAS)

Node B
The Alcatel-Lucent Node Bs are 3GPP-compliant. The Alcatel-Lucent Node B portfolio

• Conventional unitary base stations
• Digital base stations
• Radio base stations
1-2 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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UTRAN introduction UTRAN introduction

• Radio heads
• Base station routers

Node B main functions

The Node B supports the following main functions:
• Network interface management
• Radio access
• Call processing
• Configuration and supervision
• Synchronization
• Performance monitoring

Node B interfaces
The Node B provides the following interfaces:
• Iub towards an RNC
• Uu towards a UE
• Interface B towards WMS


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Figure 1-1 Alcatel-Lucent UTRAN architecture example


The Alcatel-Lucent Wireless Management System (WMS) delivers an integrated UMTS

management platform through which all Network Elements (NE) can be monitored and

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UTRAN introduction UTRAN introduction

It plays an important role in providing the foundation of a complete end-to-end
management solution for UMTS networks. The WMS manages the entire UMTS
network, which is divided into:
• The Core Network (circuit-switched and packet-switched traffics).
The Access Network OAM manages the UTRAN part of the network.

Access Network OAM main functions

The Access Network OAM manages the UTRAN part of the network.
The main functions of Access Network OAM are the following:
• Fault management
• Configuration management
• Performance management

The Network Services Platform (NSP) is a graphical user interface to the Access Network
providing a common platform for navigation and control. The NSP interfaces with the
NEs through a Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). This
vendor-independent architecture links computer applications across different networks.

Optional Supported Network Configurations

From LR13.1.W, BTS daisy chaining through the NodeB allows one GE link to serve a
number of base stations. The base station can be multi-generation of 2G, 3G or 4G. The
number of base stations is limited to 1Gb/s of the GE link or by the capacity of the switch
of the most upstream base station of the chain which must be a 3G NodeB.
The NodeB located upstream in the daisy chain with respect to the position of another
base station B is called the ‘Chaining NodeB’ or the ‘Dropping NodeB’ while base station
B (whatever the generation) is called the ‘Chained base station’ or the ‘Dropped base
station’. The ‘Dropped base station’ is never aware of the daisy chain.
A NodeB can be used for daisy chaining once the software is uploaded in the NodeB. The
feature can be activated without the need to reset the ‘Chaining NodeB’.
The service is managed at the MDA level and makes use of the MAC addressing to
distinguish Chained base station frames from Chaining BTS ones.

This network configuration requires 9322 dCompact or d2U NodeB equipped with GE
MDA and full IP backhaul. Besides, only Alcatel-Lucent base stations are supported in
the daisy chain.

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Figure 1-2 NodeB dropping 3G NodeB

In this configuration, the both NodeBs are managed by the same OMC and RNC.

Figure 1-3 NodeB dropping 4G eNodeB


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UTRAN introduction UTRAN introduction

Figure 1-4 NodeB dropping 2G BTS

In this configuration, the 2G BTS has to be configured with ABIS interface over


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2 2322 dCompact basic

This chapter describes the basic characteristics of the 9322 dCompact.


9322 dCompact introduction 2-2

9322 dCompact features and functions 2-5
9322 dCompact external interfaces 2-7
9322 dCompact power supply interface 2-9
9322 dCompact optional features 2-11
9322 dCompact physical and environmental characteristics 2-12


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9322 dCompact introduction

The 9322 dCompact is a digital Node Bs designed to be connected to the RRH20-21 via
an optical fiber link.
The 9322 dCompact family includes the following cabinets:
• 9322 dCompact ID (Indoor)
• 9322 dCompact OD (Outdoor)
The 9322 dCompact, combined with a RRH20-21, offers macro Node B capabilities in a
compact Node B packaging. It constitutes an alternative macro Node B solution.

The Alcatel-Lucent Remote Radio solution improves flexibility for deploying mobile
broadband Node Bs in space-constrained locations. It is particularly suited to
macro-cellular applications in dense areas, where site acquisition is difficult, and on sites
where installation constraints prevent the use of legacy Node Bs.
Compared to legacy Node B site deployment, the Remote Radio solution provides the
following benefits:
• Reduced volume, weight, footprint, acoustic noise, and power consumption
• Reduced cost of feeder paths from the Node B to the antenna
• Increased RF power per carrier at the antenna feeder
• Reduced radio loss with use of the remote RF block concept, which eliminates the
distance between the radio amplifier and the antenna
The Remote Radio solution provides for the UMTS system:
• The means of communication between a User Equipment (UE) and a network using
Transport Channels
• Physical layer channels, which are necessary to synchronize the downlink and
perform cell selection/reselection and handover preparation
• Measurement information to the RNC for radio resource management (handover,
power control)
The 9322 dCompact provides up to eight E1/T1 with Inversion Multiplexing ATM (IMA)
or Drop-and-Insert capability (fractional E1/T1). The 9322 dCompact also supports
multi-PCM without IMA.

The 9322 dCompact delivers high UMTS radio performances and supports the enhanced
High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) and High Speed Uplink Packet Access
(HSUPA) solutions through easy software upgrade.
The 9322 dCompact is compliant with the Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI).
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9322 dCompact basic characteristics 9322 dCompact introduction

9322 dCompact cabinets
The 9322 dCompact provides the operators with a suited solution whatever the site
constraints are. The same cabinet addresses indoor (ID) and outdoor (OD) applications,
providing the operator with installation flexibility. Indoor and outdoor versions differ only
in their protective shielding and climatic control (heaters for outdoor version, no heaters
for indoor version).
As for other macro Node B cabinets, the 9322 dCompact cabinets, combined with
RRH20-21 modules, deliver high UMTS radio performances and support the enhanced
High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA) and High Speed Uplink Packet Access
(HSUPA) solutions through easy software upgrade.
The following figure shows an outside view of the 9322 dCompact Indoor and Outdoor
cabinets. The two cabinet versions share the same enclosure with a single door and the
following specificities:
• The Outdoor cabinet is equipped with a specific double-skin door and has a second
skin on the top and sides.
• The Indoor cabinet is equipped with a specific single-skin door and has no second
skin on the top and sides.


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Figure 2-1 Outside view of the 9322 dCompact Indoor and Outdoor cabinets

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9322 dCompact basic characteristics 9322 dCompact features and functions


9322 dCompact features and functions

The 9322 dCompact supports the following functions:
• Call processing
• Performance monitoring
• Network interface
• Configuration/supervision
• Synchronization

Call Processing (CallP)

The call processing function is in charge of the radio resource management inside the
Node B. This function manages the UMTS services (described in 3GPP standards) and
the internal services used for configuration and implementation purposes.
The call processing function is also in charge of:
• Common channel management, which includes setup, release, and modification
• Dedicated channel management, which includes setup, release, and modification
• Cell management, which includes setup, deletion, and modification of a cell
• Power control for controlling UE power emission
• Softer handover, in which a single Node B manages the cells in communication with
the UE
• Common Channels defense in case of CE (Channel Element) failure by relocating
them autonomously to the available CE resources (same board or another) without
involvement of the RNC.
Call processing is mapped on the iCCM-2/xCCM and iCEM-2/xCEM/eCEM.
The Node B call processing supports the multiple iCEM-2/xCEM/eCEM. The multiple
iCEM-2/xCEM/eCEM (or multi-iCEM-2/xCEM/eCEM) enables to use several
iCEM-2/xCEM/eCEM for call processing management.

Performance monitoring
The performance monitoring function is in charge of collecting performance

measurement data from the network interface function and from the
configuration/supervision function.
The measurement data is used to calculate and report performance data to the RNC for
traffic control and to the WMS for network operation and tuning.

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 2-5
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PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact basic characteristics 9322 dCompact features and functions

Network interface
This function is in charge of managing interfaces with RNC:
• Physical layer management (configuration, alarm reporting)
• Layer 2 (IMA and switching for example)
The standard network interface of the 9322 dCompact is eight PCM E1, with a layer 2
IMA machine handling up to four IMA groups, fractional PCM (Drop-and-Insert
capability), and redundancy management.

This function is in charge of:
• Module configuration and supervision
• Inventory information reporting
• Plug-and-play management
The remote inventory functionality provides the UMTS OAM access to determine the
inventory information of the Node B. The remote inventory is performed for the
following modules: iCEM-2/xCEM/eCEM, iCCM-2/xCCM, fan rack, optional modules
(alarm module, LPPCM), GPxOIM.

This function is in charge of retrieving highly stable radio frequency from either network
interface or optional GPS receiver.
The 9322 dCompact can be synchronized through the following means:
• E1/T1 PCM link (standard synchronization mechanism)
The E1/T1 link used for synchronization does not carry any data traffic.
• Local GPS receiver
In the GPS-based synchronization solution, the xCCM module is connected to a GPS
smart antenna/receiver that provides GPS synchronization source (Pulse Per Second
(PPS) synchro input from the antenna).
• IEEE 1588v2 Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
The PTP-based synchronization solution relies on time servers connected to the 9322
dCompact through the Ethernet network.
Note: This synchronization mechanism only applies to native IP Node B .
• Synchronous Ethernet
Note: This synchronization mechanism only applies to native IP Node B .

2-6 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact basic characteristics 9322 dCompact external interfaces


9322 dCompact external interfaces

The 9322 dCompact platform is equipped with five main types of external interfaces:
• E1/T1 and/or IP network interface (Iub)
• Optical interface (RRH)
• Alarm/remote control interfaces (optional)
• Power supply interface (AC or DC input and up to three DC outputs for RRH)
• User equipment

Network interface
The Iub network interface consists of eight E1 or T1 PCM links:
• E1 link complies with ITU G703/G704
• T1 link is based on the ANSI standard
The raw data rate between the Node B and the RNC can be as high as 15.872 Mbps (E1)
or 12.288 Mbps (T1). Depending on the data flow, ATM AAL2 and AAL5 are used on the
above physical link through IMA. The IMA framing provides physical link performance
monitoring and management.
The hybrid Iub interface consists of:
• ATM/PCM connectivity for R99, HSDPA, or HSUPA signaling and OAM traffic
• IP/Ethernet connectivity for HSPA traffic (HSDPA + HSUPA, or HSDPA only)
The hybrid Iub interface requires an xCCM module (xCCM-4E1 or xCCM-GE hardware
The native IP Iub interface consists of a full IP/Ethernet transport on Iub interface. When
native IP Iub feature is deployed, the ATM/PCM connectivity is no more used on Iub.
The native IP Iub interface requires an xCCM module (xCCM-GE hardware
For PCM connection cables, D-SUB connectors are located at the bottom of the 9322
dCompact cabinet. The PCM cable is connected to the Iub port on the Node B bulkhead
and to the distribution frame.
For a 120-ohm network, only the 120-ohm PCM cable is needed for PCM connection.
For a 75-ohm network, two baluns per PCM are required to adapt from the Node B (120

ohm) to the customer network (75 ohm). Three types of baluns can be used: BNC,
1.6/5.6, or SMZ type 43.

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 2-7
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PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact basic characteristics 9322 dCompact external interfaces

Optical interface
The optical interface consists of two or three ports (C2OIM or C3OIM) corresponding to
a maximum of two or three RRH20-21 connections.

Alarm/remote control interfaces (optional)

Optionally, the 9322 dCompact provides connectivity for six remote controls and 16
external alarms.

Power supply interface

The 9322 dCompact cabinet provides cable entry for power (AC or DC). The 9322
dCompact cabinet provides –48 V DC power outputs to provide power supply to up to
three RRH20-21.
A protection kit is available for DC power supply to the RRHs.
For detailed information, see “9322 dCompact power supply interface” (p. 2-9).

User equipment
The 9322 dCompact cabinet provides a user compartment with a 48 V power supply of
the following maximum capacity:
• One horizontal standard 19-inch 2U user rack at the top end of the cabinet
• One dedicated slot for an optional short backup internal battery, underneath the 2U
described above
• One dedicated 1U slot for the Compact User InterCOnnect (C-User ICO) module,
underneath the slot described above
• One horizontal 9.5-inch 2U user rack for the optional PCM Lightning Protection and
Internal/External Alarm modules, underneath the 1U described above
The 9322 dCompact also provides four user alarms (one-wire bus), managed by the
GPxOIM board.
The C-User ICO provides connectivity for four –48 V DC power supplies with associated
fuses. A maximum of 300 W is allowed for equipment in the user compartment.
A vertical 3U "passive" user space can be equipped when optional long backup internal
batteries are not used.

2-8 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact basic characteristics 9322 dCompact power supply interface


9322 dCompact power supply interface

The 9322 dCompact can be supplied with a standard single-phase or split-phase AC
power supply (230 V, 50/60 Hz), or directly with a DC power supply (–48 V DC).
For AC power supply, the primary power supply system (AC/DC rectifier system)
delivers –48 V DC voltage from the AC input. It includes a rack with up to two rectifiers.
The –48 V outputs from the rectifiers are tied together to the DC Distribution Unit
(DDU). The entire system and the optional internal batteries are controlled by a power
controller (CCU).
The rectifiers have a large input voltage range with integrated power factor correctors.
The output floating voltage automatically adjusts to the level of a control signal that is
proportional to the battery temperature. Each rectifier has its own AC, DC and
over-heating alarm signals.
The 9322 dCompact cabinet provides –48 V dc power outputs to supply up to three
RRH20-21. UMTS RRHs can be linked to the 9322 dCompact in star configuration (a
single DC cable for each RRH from the 9322 dCompact; maximum of three DC cables)
or in daisy chain configuration (a single DC cable for three RRHs, in a future release).
For DC power supply to the RRHs, it should be convenient to install a protection kit
(EMI filter and surge protector). This protection kit must be installed inside the plinth,
below the bulkhead.

9322 dCompact ID DC variant

When the 9322 dCompact ID is powered from a –48 V DC power supply, a terminal
block provides the connectivity for three wires: positive, negative and ground. The 9322
dCompact ID operates either in floating or grounded fix mode. In grounded fix mode, the
positive conductor is connected to ground.
The 9322 dCompact ID DC variant provides a specific DC box including:
• EMC filtering
• One specific DC breaker panel with three circuit breakers dedicated to the following
outputs: RF (RRH), Digital and Cooling system
With the DC variant, neither the internal nor external battery option is available.

9322 dCompact OD AC variant


When the 9322 dCompact OD is powered from an AC voltage (single/split phase), a

terminal block provides the connectivity for the AC cable.

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PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact basic characteristics 9322 dCompact power supply interface

The energy system is based on the Universal Compact Power System (UCPS). The AC
interface module is the AC Distribution Unit (ADU). It provides:
• EMI filters
• Alarmed main breaker and surge protection
• AC protection termination
Internal battery option is available on AC mode. External battery solution is not

2-10 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact basic characteristics 9322 dCompact optional features


9322 dCompact optional features

Optional feature list
The optional features listed below concern the 9322 dCompact cabinets.
The 9322 dCompact cabinets support the following optional features:
• Rectifier 1400 W
• Short internal battery backup (for 9322 dCompact OD AC variant only)
• Long internal battery backup (for 9322 dCompact OD AC variant only)
• Compact User InterCOnnect (C-User ICO) module
• PCM Lightning Protection (LPPCM) module
• Internal/External Alarm Module (IEAM)
• 75-ohm PCM interface
• DC lamp
This list is not exhaustive. In particular, this document does not provide information on
ancillaries (cables and installation kits).


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PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact basic characteristics 9322 dCompact physical and environmental characteristics


9322 dCompact physical and environmental characteristics

This section details the physical and environmental characteristics of the 9322 dCompact

9322 dCompact OD cabinet

The 9322 dCompact OD cabinet has the following characteristics:
• Size, footprint, and volume (without installation kit):
– Width (W): 580 mm
– Depth (D): 656 mm
– Height (H): 1100 mm without plinth, 1300 mm with plinth
– Footprint: 0.377 m2
– Volume: 410 l
When the 9322 dCompact OD is installed on the floor, the plinth delivered with the
cabinet is mandatory. When the 9322 dCompact OD is installed on a wall or a pole, an
additional mounting kit is required. In this case, the plinth is not mandatory but a
200-mm space is needed below the cabinet for airflow.
• Weight:
– Fully equipped (including Lithium-Ion battery): 117.4 kg
– Fully equipped (including SBS 40 batteries): 178 kg
– Empty (pre-cabled cabinet): 77 kg
– Plinth: 10 kg
– Door and skins: 17 kg
The 9322 dCompact OD cabinet is designed to support an external temperature range of
–33°C to +50°C, with an absolute humidity between 0.03 g/m3 and 36 g/m3.

9322 dCompact ID cabinet

The 9322 dCompact ID cabinet has the following characteristics:
• Size, footprint, and volume (without installation kit):
– Width (W): 560 mm
– Depth (D): 656 mm
– Height (H): 1100 mm without plinth, 1300 mm with plinth

– Footprint: 0.377 m2
– Volume: 407 l

2-12 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact basic characteristics 9322 dCompact physical and environmental characteristics

When the 9322 dCompact ID is installed on the floor, the plinth delivered with the
cabinet is mandatory. When the 9322 dCompact ID is installed on a wall or pole, an
additional mounting kit is required. In this case, the plinth is not mandatory but a
200-mm space is needed below the cabinet for airflow.
• Weight:
– Fully equipped: 81 kg
– Empty (pre-cabled cabinet): 50 kg
– Plinth: 10 kg
The 9322 dCompact ID cabinet is designed to support an external temperature range of
–5°C to +45°C, with an absolute humidity between 0.03 g/m3 and 36 g/m3.
The 9322 dCompact ID cabinet is obtained from the 9322 dCompact OD cabinet by
• The second skin from the top and sides of the cabinet
• The outdoor double-skin door and replacing it with the specific indoor single skin
• The heaters


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3 3322 dCompact hardware

The 9322 dCompact is built around the following blocks:
• The digital shelf
• The power system
• The cooling system
• The user compartment and the associated C-User ICO module
• The bulkhead
As the 9322 dCompact cabinet does not house an RF module, it does not integrate an RF
interconnection module.
The following figure shows the layout of the compartments in the 9322 dCompact OD


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-1
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Overview

9322 dCompact views

Figure 3-1 Compartment layout in the 9322 dCompact OD cabinet (Outdoor AC


The following figure shows the inside view of the 9322 dCompact OD cabinet.

3-2 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description Overview


Figure 3-2 Location of modules in the 9322 dCompact OD cabinet (Outdoor AC



The bulkhead of the 9322 dCompact cabinet stands horizontally, just above the plinth
designed for airflow and cabling, and in front of the air filter area.

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-3
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PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Overview

This bulkhead provides the following interfaces:
• AC or DC power interface (AC or DC cable gland inlet on removable bulkhead)
• Digital links:
– Iub interface: One 44-pin High Density D-SUB connector
– External Alarm 1: One 25-pin D-SUB connector
– External Alarm 2: One 25-pin D-SUB connector
– Spare 1: One 25-pin D-SUB connector
• Optical fiber output to 9332 rCompact or RRHs: Up to three connectors (O-M 1, O-M
2, O-M 3)
• Output 48 V DC for RRHs: Up to three 15-pin D-SUB connectors (DC Out 1, DC Out
2, DC Out 3)
• Other OEM equipment: Up to three connectors (Spare 2, Spare 3, Spare 4)
The right part of the bulkhead is blank or customer specific.
The following figure details the bulkhead of the 9322 dCompact.

3-4 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description Overview


Figure 3-3 9322 dCompact bulkhead top view



9322 dCompact digital shelf 3-8

9322 dCompact digital shelf modules 3-9

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PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Overview


integrated Channel Element Module - 2nd generation (iCEM-2) 3-13

extended Channel Element Module (xCEM) 3-17
enhanced Channel Element Module (eCEM) 3-20
integrated Core Controller Module - 2nd generation (iCCM-2) 3-23
extended Core Controller Module (xCCM) 3-28
GPxOIM module 3-36
Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for two optical fibers 3-40
Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for three optical fibers 3-46
GPxOIM board 3-52
Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact digital modules 3-56
9322 dCompact power supply system 3-57
Universal Compact Power System (UCPS) 3-58
AC Distribution Unit (ADU) 3-62
UCPS shelf and DC Distribution Unit (DDU) 3-65
Rectifier 3-69
Cabinet Control Unit (CCU) 3-72
Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact UCPS modules 3-77
DC breaker panel 3-78
9322 dCompact cooling and heating system 3-79
CECU components 3-80
CECU main functions 3-82
CECU inventory and alarms 3-84
CECU hardware 3-85
Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact CECU components 3-87
User racks 3-88
User racks 3-89
Manufacturing, Commissioning and Alarm (MCA) module 3-90
Manufacturing, Commissioning and Alarm (MCA) module 3-91

9322 dCompact optional equipment 3-93

Compact User InterCOnnect (C-User ICO) module 3-94
Short backup internal battery 3-97

3-6 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description Overview


Long backup internal batteries 3-101

Internal/External Alarm Module (IEAM) 3-103
PCM Lightning Protection (LPPCM) module 3-105
75-ohm kit 3-106
DC lamp 3-107
Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact optional equipment 3-108


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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Overview
9322 dCompact digital shelf

9322 dCompact digital shelf

This section describes the modules housed in the digital shelf of the 9322 dCompact


9322 dCompact digital shelf modules 3-9

integrated Channel Element Module - 2nd generation (iCEM-2) 3-13
extended Channel Element Module (xCEM) 3-17
enhanced Channel Element Module (eCEM) 3-20
integrated Core Controller Module - 2nd generation (iCCM-2) 3-23
extended Core Controller Module (xCCM) 3-28
GPxOIM module 3-36
Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for two optical fibers 3-40
Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for three optical fibers 3-46
GPxOIM board 3-52
Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact digital modules 3-56

3-8 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description 9322 dCompact digital shelf modules

9322 dCompact digital shelf

9322 dCompact digital shelf modules

The digital shelf of the 9322 dCompact cabinet is a 7-slot digital shelf equipped with
three types of hardware modules. A digital backplane supports all the links between these

Digital backplane functionality

The digital backplane is part of the digital shelf. It is in charge of supporting all internal
links and electrical interfaces between the modules of the digital shelf. All modules and
some cables carrying external signals are plugged into connectors mounted on the
backplane Printed-Circuit Board (PCB). The backplane board accommodates several
high-speed signals up to 1.3 Gbit/s. It supports –48 V DC power supply.
The digital backplane provides:
• Inter-module connections
• –48 V DC
The digital backplane used in the 9322 dCompact cabinet is a 400-mm digital backplane
named DBP402.

Digital shelf physical description

"T-bar" rails are used in the digital shelf to guide the modules during insertion and
removal operations.
The 9322 dCompact digital shelf houses the following modules:
• Channel Element Module (CEM)
This module is in charge of:
– Part of call processing
– Base-band transmit/receive digital signal processing
• Core Controller Module (CCM)
This module is in charge of:
– OAM management
– Part of call processing
– Internal/external data flow switching or combining
Note: xCCM is the latest generation of Core Controller Module supporting Common

Public Radio Interface (CPRI).


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PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description 9322 dCompact digital shelf modules
9322 dCompact digital shelf
This module embeds a Global Positioning System and Alarm function and an Optical
Interface function. It aggregates:
– The GPxOIM board in charge of supporting external/internal alarm connectivity
and external synchronization reference interface
– The Compact Optical Interface Module (CxOIM), with connectivity for two
(C2OIM) or three optical fibers (C3OIM)
This module is in charge of electrical-optical conversion for both uplink and
It reports alarms and provides inventory information through the GPxOIM board.
The following figure illustrates the functional architecture of the 9322 dCompact.

Figure 3-4 9322 dCompact functional architecture (with C3OIM)


3-10 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description 9322 dCompact digital shelf modules

9322 dCompact digital shelf
The 9322 dCompact cabinet controls the RRH20-21 modules through optical fibers
carrying digital links compliant with the High Speed Serial Link (HSSL) interface. This
control interface is based on the CxOIM and DBP402 digital shelf equipment. The
DBP402 routes the HSSL links between the CCM module and each CEM module, and
between the CCM module and the CxOIM.
The 9322 dCompact cabinet supports the digital shelf modules listed in the following

Table 3-1 Backplane and digital shelf modules supported by the 9322 dCompact

Function Module
Backplane DBP402
CEM iCEM-2 64
iCEM-2 128
OIM C3OIM-GS = C3OIM with Single-Mode (SM) optical transceivers
C3OIM-GM = C3OIM with Multi-Mode (MM) optical transceivers
C2OIM-GS = C2OIM with Single-Mode (SM) optical transceivers
C2OIM-GM = C2OIM with Multi-Mode (MM) optical transceivers

The 9322 dCompact digital shelf houses seven slots, shared as follows:
• One slot for the CCM (slot 4)
• Up to five slots for the CEMs (slot 1, slot 2, slot 3, slot 5, slot 6)
• One slot for the GPxOIM mechanics (slot 7)
This slot is shared by the CxOIM and the GPxOIM board.
The following figure shows the digital shelf layout.

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9322 dCompact digital shelf

Figure 3-5 9322 dCompact digital shelf layout


3-12 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description integrated Channel Element Module - 2nd generation

9322 dCompact digital shelf (iCEM-2)

integrated Channel Element Module - 2nd generation (iCEM-2)

The iCEM-2 is the second generation of iCEM. It improves 9322 dCompact call
processing capacity and offers capability to handle advanced signal processing features.
The iCEM-2 is available in the following two capacity versions:
• The iCEM-2 64 supports up to 64 channel elements (CE).
• The iCEM-2 128 supports up to 128 CEs.
The 9322 dCompact is factory-equipped with up to five iCEMs-2 64 and/or iCEMs-2
128, depending on the configuration requirements.

Main functions
The iCEM-2 comprises two main functional blocks:
• The Base-Band Unit (BBU)
The BBU performs all the transmit and receive base-band signal processing functions
for each of the UMTS channels supported (layer 1 of the UMTS radio network).
• The Interface and Control Unit (ICU)
The ICU provides the data, control and timing interfaces to the 9322 dCompact. It
also performs iCEM-2 control and management functions.
The iCEM-2 performs digital signal processing for both the Tx and Rx paths. The
iCEM-2 processes all types of UMTS physical channels in both the uplink and downlink
directions. Processing differs according to the type of physical channels. High-rate data
channels require much more processing power than low-rate speech channels. The
architecture of the iCEM-2 is well adapted to UMTS physical channel diversity. The
iCEM-2 hardware is designed to support up to two UMTS frequencies for three-sector
operation and two branch transmit and receive diversity per sector.
The iCEM-2 allows up to three-way softer hand-off. It manages a signal delay adjustment
to compensate for delay through the 9322 dCompact transmission path. A rack receiver is
used to comprise classical DLLs, searcher, and finger assignment algorithms.

Hardware description
The iCEM-2 64 comprises a single mother board with both ICU and BBU functions. The
iCEM-2 128 is based on this mother board and on a daughter board with an additional
BBU function that provides more processing power. A Mini BackPlane (MBP) provides

the interface between the 9322 dCompact digital backplane and the internal circuitry of
the iCEM-2.
The following figures show the iCEM-2 64 and the iCEM-2 128 front panels.

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PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description integrated Channel Element Module - 2nd generation
9322 dCompact digital shelf (iCEM-2)

Figure 3-6 iCEM-2 64 front panel


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9322 dCompact hardware description integrated Channel Element Module - 2nd generation

9322 dCompact digital shelf (iCEM-2)
Figure 3-7 iCEM-2 128 front panel

Port description

The iCEM-2 front panel has the following connectors:

• One Debug Ethernet connector (RJ-45 type connector) for synchronization of test
• One Sync connector (RJ-45 type connector)

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PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description integrated Channel Element Module - 2nd generation
9322 dCompact digital shelf (iCEM-2)
The iCEM-2 front panel also has one Reset button accessible through an eye in the front
LED description
The iCEM-2 front panel has two corporate LEDs indicating the iCEM-2 status.

Table 3-2 iCEM-2 corporate LED behavior

Green rectangular LED Red triangular LED iCEM-2 status

OFF OFF Sleep, unpowered or not
ON ON Power up self-test underway
ON OFF Module should not be removed
ON BLINK Module is partially faulty
OFF ON Module must be removed,
alarm state, BISTs NOK
OFF BLINK Module is waiting for Boot

Interface description
All signals to and from the iCEM-2 are carried on a full duplex High Speed Serial Link
The main internal signals of the iCEM-2 are the base-band data, the ATM traffic
information, the timing signals, and the control signaling.

DC power
The iCEM-2 is powered by a –48 V DC power supply received through the digital
backplane. Each iCEM-2 receives this voltage via the MBP.

3-16 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description extended Channel Element Module (xCEM)

9322 dCompact digital shelf

extended Channel Element Module (xCEM)

Main functions
The xCEM has the same format, fit, and function as the iCEM-2 module.
It comes with new functionalities:
• Up to 256 Channel Elements (CE) with:
– Four Base Band Units (BBU) at 64 CEs each
BBUs are multi-mode BBUs (m-BBUs) supporting DCH, HSDPA, and HSUPA.
– Maximum of two HSPA BBUs (128 HSPA connections)
• Support for compressed mode operation on DCH, HSDPA, and HSUPA
• Up to two frequency carriers
• Full six-cell support
• HSPA baseband resources of different cells can be allocated to different xCEM, even
if the cells use the same carrier (up to 3 xCEM per carrier).
The xCEM is interchangeable and mixable with the iCEM-2 module.
Technically, it can be replaced by an iCEM-2. However, the repair process recommends
to replace an xCEM by another xCEM.
A Node B can work with any mix of CEMs.
Note: At initial release (UA05.1.1), maximum of two xCEMs per Node B.
The internal architecture remains unchanged between iCEM-2 and xCEM modules.

Hardware description
The xCEM and iCEM-2 front panels are identical.
The following figure shows the xCEM front panel.


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-17
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description extended Channel Element Module (xCEM)
9322 dCompact digital shelf

Figure 3-8 xCEM front panel

Port description

The xCEM front panel has the following connectors:

• One Debug Ethernet connector (RJ-45 type connector) for synchronization of test
• One Sync connector (RJ-45 type connector)
3-18 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description extended Channel Element Module (xCEM)

9322 dCompact digital shelf
The xCEM front panel also has one Reset button accessible through an eye in the front
LED description
The xCEM front panel has two corporate LEDs indicating the following xCEM status:

Green rectangular LED Red triangular LED Status

OFF OFF Sleep, unpowered or not inserted
ON ON Power up self-test underway
ON OFF Module should not be removed
ON BLINK Module is partially faulty
OFF ON Module may be removed, alarm
state, BISTs NOK
OFF BLINK Module is waiting for Boot

Interface description
All signals to and from the xCEM are carried on a full duplex high speed serial link
The main internal signals of the xCEM are the base-band data, the ATM traffic
information, the timing signals, and the control signaling.

DC power
The xCEM is powered by a –48 V DC power supply received through the digital


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-19
3MN-00480-0001-DEZZA Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description enhanced Channel Element Module (eCEM)
9322 dCompact digital shelf

enhanced Channel Element Module (eCEM)

The eCEM is the latest generation of CEM.

Main functions
The eCEM has the same format, fit, and function as the xCEM module.
It is built with new generation components allowing an increased processing power and
It comes with new functionalities including:
• Number of downlink (DL) codes for HSDPA increased to 90 (48 for xCEM)
• Increased board throughput for HSDPA, up to 40 Mbps (28.8 Mbit/s for xCEM)
• Increased board throughput for HSUPA, up to 33 Mbps (10.8 Mbps on xCEM)
The eCEM is interchangeable and mixable with the iCEM-2 and xCEM modules.
Technically, it can be replaced by an iCEM-2/xCEM. However, the repair process
recommends to replace an eCEM by another eCEM.
The 9322 dCompact can work with any mix of iCEM-2/xCEM/eCEM.
The internal architecture remains unchanged between iCEM-2/xCEM/eCEM modules.

Hardware description
The following figure shows the eCEM front panel.

3-20 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description enhanced Channel Element Module (eCEM)

9322 dCompact digital shelf

Figure 3-9 eCEM front panel

Port description
The eCEM front panel has the following connectors:

• One Debug Ethernet connector (RJ-45 type connector) for synchronization of test
equipment (labeled “DEBUG ICU”)
• One Sync connector (RJ-45 type connector) (labeled “DEBUG BBU”)

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-21
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description enhanced Channel Element Module (eCEM)
9322 dCompact digital shelf
The eCEM front panel also has:
• One Reset button accessible through an eye in the front panel
• One handle
LED description
The eCEM front panel has the following LEDs:
• Two corporate LEDs (one green, one red)
• One LED labeled “Mode”
• One LED labeled “Status”
The two corporate LEDs indicate the board status as indicated in the following table.

Table 3-3 eCEM corporate LEDs status

Green rectangular LED Red triangular LED Status

OFF OFF Sleep, unpowered or not inserted
ON ON Power up self-test underway
ON OFF Module should not be removed
ON BLINK Module is partially faulty
OFF ON Module may be removed, alarm
state, BISTs NOK
OFF BLINK Module is waiting for Boot

The LED labeled “Mode” indicates the type of software running in the eCEM board. In
this release, the eCEM is only applicable to UMTS software (LED amber).
The LED labeled “Status” is not used.

Interface description
All signals to and from the eCEM are carried on a full duplex high speed serial link
The main internal signals of the eCEM are the base-band data, the ATM traffic
information, the timing signals, and the control signaling.

DC power
The eCEM is powered by a –48 V DC power supply received through the digital


3-22 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description integrated Core Controller Module - 2nd generation

9322 dCompact digital shelf (iCCM-2)

integrated Core Controller Module - 2nd generation (iCCM-2)

The iCCM-2 is based on a single Printed-Circuit Board (PCB) design.
The digital shelf of the 9322 dCompact cabinet houses one iCCM-2 (no duplex feature).

Main functions
The iCCM-2 provides the following functions:
• Iub interface
• Call processing
• Data switching and routing
• OAM management
• Node B frequency and timing reference
One iCCM-2 supports up to three wide-band carriers with transmit and receive diversity
in a tri-sectored carrier configuration.

Hardware description
The iCCM-2 is packaged into a two-slot module (iCCM-2 board + filler board).
The following figure shows the iCCM-2 front panel.


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-23
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description integrated Core Controller Module - 2nd generation
9322 dCompact digital shelf (iCCM-2)

Figure 3-10 iCCM-2 front panel


Port description
The iCCM-2 front panel has the following connectors:
• Port 1 (Ethernet 10Base-T) used for Ethernet access

3-24 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description integrated Core Controller Module - 2nd generation

9322 dCompact digital shelf (iCCM-2)
Note: An external device can be connected to port 1 to offer a total of 16 E1/T1
• Port 2 (Fast Ethernet 10/100Base-T) used for TIL connection
• One E1/T1 connector (44-pin High Density D-SUB female connector) for Node B
commissioning labeled REF OUT and ES OUT
Note: This E1/T1 connector provides a maximum data rate of 16 Mbps.
The maximum data rate can be boosted to 32 Mbps by using 16 E1/T1 connections,
either with two iCCMs-2 or with one iCCM-2 plus an external device (see previous
The iCCM-2 front panel also has one Reset button.
LED description
The iCCM-2 front panel has the following LEDs:
• Two corporate LEDs indicating the iCCM-2 status:
Table 3-4 iCCM-2 corporate LED behavior

Green rectangular LED Red triangular LED iCCM-2 status

OFF OFF BISTs results NOK, unpowered
or not inserted
ON ON Starting, BISTs in progress
ON OFF Module is OK and should not
be removed
BLINK Not significant Downloading in progress
OFF BLINK Module is waiting for Boot (all
the Boot level 2 are invalid) or
Boot level 2 is in failure
OFF ON Module is NOK and must be
removed and replaced

• One "Activity" LED (bi-color LED) indicating module activity status

• Eight PCM status LEDs indicating:
– PCM OK (green LED)
– PCM showing an alarm (red LED)
– PCM in tri-state (amber LED)
– PCM not used (LED is off)

– PCM in Loopback Test (blinking LED)

The LEDs display the PCM alarms in real time. These alarms are listed below:
– LOS (Loss Of Signal)
– AIS (Alarm Indication Signal)
Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-25
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description integrated Core Controller Module - 2nd generation
9322 dCompact digital shelf (iCCM-2)
– LFA (Loss of Frame Alignment)
– FE (Frame Error)
– CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)
– RAI (Remote Alarm Indication)
• One 7-segment display, plus a red dot that provides the synchronization source
The dot is located to the right of the 7-segment display.
Table 3-5 iCCM-2 7-segment display description

7-segment display Meaning

"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8" PCM number, PCM 1 to PCM 8
"a" or "b" GPS 0 or GPS 1
"A" The passive iCCM-2 is synchronized by the
active iCCM-2
For information only, as the 9322 dCompact
cabinet hosts only one iCCM-2
"E" Even Second external input
"H" Holdover mode (radio synchro): displays "H"
alternating with source (*)
"L" Network synchro NOK, no PCM synchronized
("L" is for local synchronization)

(*) For instance:

• If the source synchronization is on PCM 1, "1" is displayed.
• If the PCM clock is drifting over 2 ppm, "H" is displayed alternating with "1".
For the initial state (starting state), "8" is displayed on the iCCM-2 7-segment display
with the dot ON. If the source synchronization is on PCM 8, the dot switches OFF.

Interface description

Front panel interface

The iCCM-2 provides the following external interfaces:
• 10Base-T, 10/100Base-T, and a debug port
• 8-PCM (E1/T1) connectivity

• IP V6 readiness
• iCCM-2 duplex readiness
The iCCM-2 is linked with the iCEM-2 by a point-to-point HSSL connection.

3-26 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description integrated Core Controller Module - 2nd generation

9322 dCompact digital shelf (iCCM-2)
Extension interface
The extension interfaces are between the iCCM-2 slot and its extension slot.

DC power
The iCCM-2 is powered by a –48 V DC power supply received through the digital
The iCCM-2 is protected against polarity inversion.


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-27
3MN-00480-0001-DEZZA Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description extended Core Controller Module (xCCM)
9322 dCompact digital shelf

extended Core Controller Module (xCCM)

The xCCM is the latest generation of Core Controller Module.
The xCCM provides the same interfaces and functions as the iCCM-2, plus a Common
Public Radio Interface (CPRI) compatibility through a future extension board.
The xCCM and extension boards are plugged onto a 50-mm Mini-BackPlane (xMBP).
The xMBP has six connectors on its front face (four connectors to xCCM board + two
connectors to extension board) and two connectors on its rear face (to DBP402 digital
The xCCM module replaces the current iCCM-2 module without any change, either
mechanical or electrical.

Main functions
In addition to the iCCM-2 functionalities, the xCCM module provides the following
• CPRI compatibility through a future extension board
• HSDPA/HSUPA traffic separation
• Hybrid Iub interface
The hybrid Iub interface consists of:
– ATM/PCM connectivity for R99, HSDPA, or HSUPA signaling and OAM traffic
– IP/Ethernet connectivity for HSPA traffic (HSDPA + HSUPA, or HSDPA only)
Note: Hybrid Iub bandwidth pools resiliency (default configuration)
When IP connectivity is lost, new HSPA calls are transferred on the ATM path.
If the ATM path is configured into separate pools (one dedicated for HSPA on IP, the
other shared with R99 on ATM), and the dedicated pool fails, then new HSPA calls are
put in the shared pool.
• Native IP Iub interface
The native IP Iub interface consists of a full IP/Ethernet transport on Iub interface.
When native IP Iub feature is deployed, the ATM/PCM connectivity is no more used
on Iub.

Hardware description
Like the iCCM-2, the xCCM board is packaged into a dual slot xCCM module (xCCM

board + filler or extension board) which size is similar to the iCCM-2 module (50-mm

3-28 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description extended Core Controller Module (xCCM)

9322 dCompact digital shelf
The xCCM is composed of the following boards:
• The Control and Base-Band (CBB) board that manages the base-band routing and
summing, and up to seven HSSL links on the digital backplane
• The Media Dependent Adaptor (MDA) mezzanine board for transport functions
Two hardware configurations are available:
– xCCM mother board with a E1/T1 MDA (xCCM-4E1)
– xCCM mother board with a GE MDA (xCCM-GE)
• The Mini-BackPlane (MBP) that provides connectivity between the CBB board and
the digital backplane
Port description
The xCCM front panel provides the following connectors:
• One 26-pin High Density D-SUB connector for four E1/T1 connections
• One 25-pin High Density D-SUB connector for four E1/T1 connections when the
E1/T1 MDA is plugged
• Two SFP cages (1000 BaseX) and one RJ45 (100/1000Base-T) connector for two
Ethernet Physical ports when the GE MDA is plugged
Note: The second SFP and the RJ45 connector share the same Ethernet port.
• Two RJ45 connectors (10/100Base-T):
– Port 1 (upper port) for Site LAN or TIL connection
Note: An additional hub is used for simultaneous connections (Site LAN + TIL).
– Port 2 (lower port) for hybrid Iub interface in configuration xCCM-4E1
• One timing reference port (SMB female connector) for future use
The xCCM front panel provides a reset button.
The following figures show the xCCM front panel.


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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description extended Core Controller Module (xCCM)
9322 dCompact digital shelf

Figure 3-11 xCCM front panel in configuration xCCM-4E1


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9322 dCompact hardware description extended Core Controller Module (xCCM)

9322 dCompact digital shelf
Figure 3-12 xCCM front panel in configuration xCCM-GE

LED description

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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description extended Core Controller Module (xCCM)
9322 dCompact digital shelf
The xCCM front panel has the following LEDs:
• Two corporate LEDs indicating the xCCM status:
Table 3-6 xCCM corporate LEDs status

Green rectangular LED Red triangular LED Status

OFF OFF BISTs results NOK, unpowered
or not inserted
ON ON Starting, BISTs in progress
ON OFF Module is OK and it should not
be removed
BLINK Not significant Downloading in progress
OFF BLINK Module is waiting for Boot (all
the Boot level 2 are invalid) or
Boot level 2 is in failure
OFF ON Module is NOK and it must be
removed and replaced

• One bi-color LED (green/red) indicating the module activity status:

Table 3-7 xCCM activity LED status

Activity LED Status

No color Module not powered or not inserted
Green Active module
Red Passive module

• 12 tri-color LEDs (green/red/orange) indicating the SYNC, MDA, and PCM status
(four LEDs each):
Table 3-8 xCCM SYNC LEDs status

SYNC LEDs Status

At start-up, all LEDs are red. Synchronization
source is local clock.
If blinking, holdover on local clock

Synchronization source is GPS clock.

If blinking, holdover on GPS clock

3-32 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description extended Core Controller Module (xCCM)

9322 dCompact digital shelf
Table 3-8 xCCM SYNC LEDs status (continued)

SYNC LEDs Status

First LED from left green: PCM1
If blinking, tracking on PCM1.
Same behavior with second LED (PCM2),
third LED (PCM3), and fourth LED (PCM4)
First LED from left orange: PCM5
If blinking, tracking on PCM5.
Same behavior with second LED (PCM6),
third LED (PCM7), and fourth LED (PCM8)
First LED from left blinking green, rest of
LEDs red: holdover on PCM1.
Same behavior with second LED (PCM2),
third LED (PCM3), and fourth LED (PCM4)
First LED from left blinking orange, rest of
LEDs red: holdover on PCM5.
Same behavior with second LED (PCM6),
third LED (PCM7), and fourth LED (PCM8)
Second and third LEDs green: synchronization
source is active xCCM clock.
If blinking, tracking on active xCCM clock
Synchronization source is IEEE 1588v2
Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
LEDs one and four:
if green: PTP primary
if orange: PTP secondary

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-33
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description extended Core Controller Module (xCCM)
9322 dCompact digital shelf

Table 3-9 xCCM PCM LEDs

PCM LEDs Status

At start-up, all LEDs orange: all PCMs in

First LED from PCM LEDs :

• Green: PCM1 is OK
• Red: PCM1 is NOK (alarm)
• Orange: PCM1 in tri-state
• Off: PCM1 not used
• Blinking: PCM1 in loopback test
Same behavior with the rest of PCM LEDs
(PCM2, PCM3, and PCM4) from left to right.

Table 3-10 xCCM MDA LEDs in configuration xCCM-4E1

MDA LEDs Status

At start-up, all LEDs orange: all PCMs in

First LED from MDA LEDs :

• Green: PCM5 is OK
• Red: PCM5 is NOK (alarm)
• Orange: PCM5 in tri-state
• Off: PCM5 not used
• Blinking: PCM5 in loopback test
Same behavior with the rest of MDA LEDs
(PCM6, PCM7, and PCM8), from left to right.

3-34 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description extended Core Controller Module (xCCM)

9322 dCompact digital shelf

Table 3-11 xCCM MDA LEDs in configuration xCCM-GE

MDA LEDs Status

First 3 tri-color MDA LEDs dedicated to the 3
GE ports
• Off: the port is not configured
• Green: the port is configured and is
• Orange: the port is configured and there is
a problem on the connection
• Red: the port is configured but not
selected by the software (in case of
The last tri-color LED is not used.

Table 3-12 xCCM MDA GE ports (in configuration xCCM-GE) and Ethernet ports
(mother board) LEDs

Ethernet LEDs Status

No color At start-up
Green Ethernet Link status: Enable
Orange blinking Ethernet RX/TX activity: incoming or
outcoming traffic

Extension interfaces
The extension interfaces are between the xCCM slot and its extension slot.

DC power
The xCCM is powered by a –48 V DC power supply through the digital backplane, and
protected against polarity inversion.

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-35
3MN-00480-0001-DEZZA Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description GPxOIM module
9322 dCompact digital shelf

GPxOIM module
The GPxOIM Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) embeds the following hardware components:
• The GPxOIM board
• A filler board
The GPxOIM mechanics housed in the digital shelf of the 9322 dCompact cabinet hosts
either a C2OIM or a C3OIM in place of the filler board. Depending on the configuration
(GPxOIM board + C2OIM or GPxOIM board + C3OIM inserted), the GPxOIM module
is called:
• GP2OIM, if C2OIM is inserted
• GP3OIM, if C3OIM is inserted
The following figure shows the front panel of the GPxOIM module (GPxOIM board +
filler board).

3-36 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description GPxOIM module

9322 dCompact digital shelf

Figure 3-13 GPxOIM front panel


The following figure shows the front panel of the GPxOIM module equipped with a

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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description GPxOIM module
9322 dCompact digital shelf

Figure 3-14 GPxOIM front view with a C2OIM


The following figure shows the front panel of the GPxOIM module equipped with a

3-38 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description GPxOIM module

9322 dCompact digital shelf

Figure 3-15 GPxOIM front panel with a C3OIM


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-39
3MN-00480-0001-DEZZA Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for two
9322 dCompact digital shelf optical fibers (C2OIM)

Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for two

optical fibers (C2OIM)
The C2OIM is a transparent electrical/optical gateway between the dCompact and RRH
The RRH20-21 modules are linked to the 9322 dCompact cabinet through optical fibers
connected to the C2OIM and carrying UMTS downlink and uplink (main and diversity)
base-band digital signals, as well as OAM information. One C2OIM drives up to two
optical fibers.
The digital shelf of the 9322 dCompact cabinet can house one C2OIM.

Main functions
The C2OIM provides the following functions:
• Duplex electrical/optical conversion of High Speed Serial Link (HSSL) to/from the
fiber optical link
• Inventory through a Dallas one-wire bus
• Presence detection for iCCM-2
• Reporting alarms to the GPxOIM board via Dallas one-wire bus: optic transceiver Tx
Fault and Rx Los, detection of optic transceiver presence
• Laser emission on/off through a Dallas one-wire bus
• Detection of optoelectronic transceiver presence through a Dallas one-wire bus
• Optical wavelengths (Tx λ1, Rx λ2) or (Rx λ1, Tx λ2) configuration through optical
heads in Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) cages.
• DC fault detection through a Dallas one-wire bus
• HSSL loop-back control through a Dallas one-wire bus
The C2OIM uses two - single or dual fiber - bidirectional optoelectronic SFP transceivers
to carry duplex digital and optical communications with the RRH20-21:
• Transmit wavelength is λ1
• Receive wavelength is λ2
The C2OIM handles the optical transmission of two HSSL links in two bidirectional
optical fiber interfaces toward the RRHs.

In downlink, for each fiber, the C2OIM receives one HSSL link from the iCCM-2. The
C2OIM sends its data stream to the optical transceiver, which converts the signal into an
optical signal.
In uplink, for each fiber, the C2OIM optical transceiver converts the optical signal into an
electrical HSSL link. The C2OIM sends the received bit stream to the iCCM-2.
3-40 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for two

9322 dCompact digital shelf optical fibers (C2OIM)
The C2OIM has no microprocessor and no software processing capability. The C2OIM
board is remotely controlled by the iCCM-2 through the GPxOIM board on a Dallas
one-wire bus.

Hardware description
The 9322 dCompact digital shelf can host two C2OIM variants:
• C2OIM-GS: C2OIM equipped with Single-Mode (SM) SFP transceivers
This variant is dedicated to long-distance connections (up to 10 km).
The optical receiver part of SFP transceiver is connected to one fiber carrying both
downlink and uplink signals using Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing
(CWDM): Single-Mode optical propagation is used.
• C2OIM-GM: C2OIM equipped with Multi-Mode (MM) SFP transceivers
This variant is dedicated to short-distance connections (up to 500 m).
The optical receiver part of SFP transceiver is connected to two fibers (Multi-Mode
optical propagation is used). In this case, one fiber carries the downlink signal, and
the other one the uplink signal (main and diversity digital streams are multiplexed into
a single HSSL stream).
The C2OIM is hosted in a dedicated slot of the digital shelf (slot 7). This slot is shared
with the GPxOIM board.
The following figure shows the C2OIM-GS front panel.


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-41
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for two
9322 dCompact digital shelf optical fibers (C2OIM)

Figure 3-16 C2OIM-GS front panel

The following figure shows the C2OIM-GM front panel.


3-42 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for two

9322 dCompact digital shelf optical fibers (C2OIM)

Figure 3-17 C2OIM-GM front panel

The C2OIM front panel has the following LEDs:

• Two corporate LEDs indicating the C2OIM status:

Table 3-13 C2OIM corporate LED behavior

Green rectangular LED Red triangular LED C2OIM status

OFF OFF Unpowered or not inserted

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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for two
9322 dCompact digital shelf optical fibers (C2OIM)
Table 3-13 C2OIM corporate LED behavior (continued)

Green rectangular LED Red triangular LED C2OIM status

ON ON Module is starting.
OAM software does not
supervise the C2OIM
ON OFF Module is OK, it should not be
OAM software supervises the
OFF ON Module is NOK, must be
removed and replaced

• Two green circle shaped activity LEDs (one for transmit and one for receive),
indicating the optic link activity status for each optical fiber connected:
Table 3-14 C2OIM transceiver activity LED behavior

Green Tx activity LED Green Rx activity LED Meaning in operation

OFF - Tx disabled, no laser emission
ON - Tx enabled, laser emission
Normal case of RRH operation
- OFF No signal received
Loss of Signal Alarm
- ON Optical signal received
Normal case of RRH operation

The C2OIM front panel also provides connectivity for two optical fibers:
• One "Optic 1" connector (Single or Dual LC connector, depending on the C2OIM
• One "Optic 2" connector (Single or Dual LC connector, depending on the C2OIM

Interface description
The C2OIM provides the following external interfaces: two 1.3 Gbit/s single- or

dual-fiber bidirectional data links. The C2OIM is linked with the iCCM-2 by
point-to-point HSSL connections.

3-44 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for two

9322 dCompact digital shelf optical fibers (C2OIM)
DC power
The C2OIM has its own –48 V DC power supply.
The C2OIM is protected against polarity inversion.


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-45
3MN-00480-0001-DEZZA Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for
9322 dCompact digital shelf three optical fibers (C3OIM)

Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for three

optical fibers (C3OIM)
The C3OIM is a transparent electrical/optical gateway between the dCompact and RRH
The RRH20-21 is linked to the 9322 dCompact cabinet through an optical fiber connected
to the C3OIM and carrying UMTS downlink and uplink (main and diversity) base-band
digital signals, as well as OAM information. One C3OIM drives up to three optical fibers.
The digital shelf of the 9322 dCompact cabinet can house one C3OIM.

Main functions
The C3OIM provides the following functions:
• Duplex electrical/optical conversion of High Speed Serial Link (HSSL) to/from the
fiber optic link
• Inventory through a Dallas one-wire bus
• Presence detection of CCM
• Reporting alarms to the GPxOIM board through a Dallas one-wire bus: optic
transceiver Tx Fault and Rx Los, detection of optic transceiver presence
• Laser emission ON/OFF through a Dallas one-wire bus
• Detection of optoelectronic transceiver presence via Dallas one-wire bus
• Optical wavelengths (Tx λ1, Rx λ2) or (Rx λ1, Tx λ2) configuration via optical heads
in Small Form-factor Pluggable (SFP) cages
• DC fault detection via Dallas one-wire bus
• HSSL loop-back control via Dallas one-wire bus
The C3OIM uses three - single or dual fiber - bidirectional optoelectronic SFP
transceivers to carry duplex digital and optical communications with the RRH20-21:
• Transmit wavelength is λ1
• Receive wavelength is λ2
The C3OIM handles the optical transmission of three HSSL links in three bidirectional
optical fiber interfaces toward the RRHs.
In downlink, for each fiber, the C3OIM receives one HSSL link from the CCM. The

C3OIM sends its data stream to the optical transceiver, which converts the signal into an
optical signal.
In uplink, for each fiber, the C3OIM optical transceiver converts the optical signal into an
electrical HSSL link. The C3OIM sends the received bit stream to the CCM.

3-46 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for

9322 dCompact digital shelf three optical fibers (C3OIM)
The C3OIM has no microprocessor and no software processing capability. The C3OIM
board is remotely controlled by the CCM through the GPxOIM board on a Dallas
one-wire bus.

Hardware description
The 9322 dCompact digital shelf can host two C3OIM variants:
• C3OIM-GS: C3OIM equipped with Single-Mode (SM) SFP transceivers
This variant is dedicated to long-distance connections (up to 10 km).
The optical receiver part of the SFP transceiver is connected to a fiber carrying both
downlink and uplink signals using Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing
(CWDM): Single-Mode optical propagation is used.
• C3OIM-GM: C3OIM equipped with Multi-Mode (MM) SFP transceivers
This variant is dedicated to short distance connections (up to 500 m).
The optical receiver part of the SFP transceiver is connected to two fibers
(Multi-Mode optical propagation is used). In this case, one fiber carries the downlink
signal, the other the uplink signal.
Main and diversity digital streams are multiplexed into a single HSSL stream.
The C3OIM is hosted in a dedicated slot of the digital shelf (slot 7). This slot is shared
with the GPxOIM board.
The following figure shows the C3OIM-GS front panel.


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-47
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for
9322 dCompact digital shelf three optical fibers (C3OIM)

Figure 3-18 C3OIM-GS front panel

The following figure shows the C3OIM-GM front panel.


3-48 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for

9322 dCompact digital shelf three optical fibers (C3OIM)

Figure 3-19 C3OIM-GM front panel

The C3OIM front panel has the following LEDs:

• Two corporate LEDs indicating the C3OIM status:

Table 3-15 C3OIM corporate LED behavior

Green rectangular LED Red triangular LED C3OIM status

OFF OFF Unpowered or not inserted

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-49
3MN-00480-0001-DEZZA Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for
9322 dCompact digital shelf three optical fibers (C3OIM)
Table 3-15 C3OIM corporate LED behavior (continued)

Green rectangular LED Red triangular LED C3OIM status

ON ON Module is starting.
OAM software does not
supervise the C3OIM
ON OFF Module is OK, it should not be
OAM software supervises the
OFF ON Module is NOK, it must be
removed and replaced

• Two green circle-shaped activity LEDs (one for transmit and one for receive),
indicating the optic link activity status for each optical fiber connected:
Table 3-16 C3OIM transceiver activity LED behavior

Green Tx activity LED Green Rx activity LED Meaning in operation

OFF - Tx disabled, no laser emission
ON - Tx enabled, laser emission.
Normal case of RRH operation
- OFF No received signal.
Loss of Signal Alarm
- ON Optical signal is received.
Normal case of RRH operation

The C3OIM front panel also provides connectivity for three optical fibers:
• One "Optic 1" connector (Single or Dual LC connector, depending on the C3OIM
• One "Optic 2" connector (Single or Dual LC connector, depending on the C3OIM
• One "Optic 3" connector (Single or Dual LC connector, depending on the C3OIM

Interface description
The C3OIM provides the following external interfaces: three 1.3 Gbit/s single- or
dual-fiber bidirectional data links. The C3OIM is linked with the CCM by point-to-point
HSSL connections.

3-50 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for

9322 dCompact digital shelf three optical fibers (C3OIM)
DC power
The C3OIM has its own –48 V DC power supply.
The C3OIM is protected against polarity inversion.


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-51
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description GPxOIM board
9322 dCompact digital shelf

GPxOIM board
The GPxOIM board is embedded in the GPxOIM mechanics. It is located on the right
side of the 9322 dCompact digital shelf.
The GPxOIM board has the same functions as the GPSAM and compact GPSAM
(cGPSAM) housed in other cabinets of the Alcatel-Lucent Node B portfolio. The
GPxOIM board is similar to the cGPSAM: the same Printed-Circuit Board Assembly
(PCBA) is used. The main differences between the GPxOIM board and the cGPSAM are
the front panel height and some slight changes on serigraphy.

Main functions
The GPxOIM board performs two functions:
• Collection of the information on the state of the dCompact including alarms,
inventory and presence of FRUs, and commissioning
• Supply of timing information
Depending on the FRU, the GPxOIM board collects:
• Only the alarms
• Only the inventory information
• Both alarms and inventory information
The inventory and alarm collection process of the 9322 dCompact is based on the Dallas
one-wire bus.
Alarms, remote inventory information and commissioning information are collected
through this Dallas one-wire bus and stored by the GPxOIM board. The Dallas one-wire
bus is connected to the internal modules of the 9322 dCompact: GPxOIM, Compact
Environmental Control Unit (CECU), Universal Compact Power System (UCPS),
Compact User InterCOnnection module (C-User ICO), Manufacturing Commissioning
and Alarm module (MCA), Internal/External Alarm Module (IEAM), PCM Lightning
Protection (LPPCM) module, etc.
In this inventory and alarm collection process:
• The GPxOIM board is the hardware master on the bus, under the control of the CCM
• The GPxOIM board physically drives several buses to all modules in the 9322

dCompact cabinet that provide inventory memory and alarms.

• The CxOIM one-wire interface controls the output I/O pins and allows the CCM to
manage the CxOIM remotely.
The following figure shows the alarm management in the 9322 dCompact.

3-52 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description GPxOIM board

9322 dCompact digital shelf

Figure 3-20 Alarm management in the 9322 dCompact

Hardware description
The following figure shows the front panel of the GPxOIM board.


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-53
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description GPxOIM board
9322 dCompact digital shelf

Figure 3-21 GPxOIM board front panel


3-54 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description GPxOIM board

9322 dCompact digital shelf
The front panel of the GPxOIM board has two corporate LEDs indicating the GPxOIM
board status.

Table 3-17 GPxOIM board corporate LED behavior

Green rectangular LED Red triangular LED GPxOIM board status

OFF OFF Sleep, unpowered or not
ON ON Power up self-test underway
ON OFF Module is operational
OFF ON Alarm state

The front panel of the GPxOIM board also has:

• One "Interco link" connector (RJ-45 type connector) used to connect the
interconnection module in case of an extension cabinet
• One "Internal bus" connector (RJ-45 type connector) used for the Node B internal bus
• One "External bus" connector (RJ-45 type connector) used for the Node B external
bus link
• One three-position switch ("Base", "Ext. 0" and "Ext. 1") used, in case of a
multi-cabinet configuration, to indicate in which cabinet (base cabinet, first extension
cabinet, or second extension cabinet) the digital boards are inserted.
• Two "GPS Ant" 15-pin D-SUB female connectors for the optional connection of GPS
smart antennas, carrying Pulse Per Second (PPS) and data signals.

Interface description
The GPxOIM board is connected to the CCM via the DBP402. The CCM manages the
GPxOIM board through an I2C bus and RS422 lines. RS422 lines are used for the GPS
antenna interfaces. Connection to the other main modules of the 9322 dCompact cabinet
is done through the Dallas one-wire bus for collecting alarms and inventory information.

DC power
The GPxOIM board is powered with external –48 V DC.
The maximum power is estimated at 20 W.

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-55
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact digital
9322 dCompact digital shelf modules

Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact digital modules

Dimension and weight
The following table lists the dimensions and weight of the modules housed in the 9322
dCompact digital shelf.

Table 3-18 Digital modules dimensions and weight

Module name Width (mm) Height (mm) Depth (mm) Weight (kg)
iCCM-2/xCCM 50 335 409 3.7
iCEM-2/xCEM/eCEM 50 335 409 3.3
C2OIM 25 290 409 1
C3OIM 25 290 409 1
GPxOIM = GPxOIM 50 335 409 3.5
board + filler board

3-56 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description Overview

9322 dCompact power supply system

9322 dCompact power supply system

This section describes how the 9322 dCompact OD AC and 9322 dCompact ID DC
cabinets are power supplied.
The Universal Compact Power System (UCPS) is responsible for the power system
operation of the 9322 dCompact OD AC variant cabinet.
In the 9322 dCompact ID DC variant cabinet, the UCPS is replaced by a DC breaker


Universal Compact Power System (UCPS) 3-58

AC Distribution Unit (ADU) 3-62
UCPS shelf and DC Distribution Unit (DDU) 3-65
Rectifier 3-69
Cabinet Control Unit (CCU) 3-72
Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact UCPS modules 3-77
DC breaker panel 3-78


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-57
3MN-00480-0001-DEZZA Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Universal Compact Power System (UCPS)
9322 dCompact power supply system

Universal Compact Power System (UCPS)

The UCPS has the following hardware components:
• The AC Distribution Unit (ADU), for the 9322 dCompact OD AC variant
The ADU includes AC input termination for the different types of AC network
distributing necessary power to the UCPS and heaters.
• The rectifiers
The rectifiers are the AC to DC power conversion components of the UCPS. Up to
two 1400 W rectifiers receive AC power directly through the passive shelf
distribution. They interface with the DDU for DC output and the CCU for control.
• The Cabinet Control Unit (CCU)
The CCU provides the interface between the Node B communication controller (the
iCCM-2 via the GPxOIM board), the UCPS external components, the DDU and the
• The DC Distribution Unit (DDU), embedded in the UCPS shelf
The DDU provides the DC distribution, over-current protection and output
disconnects to enable cabinet temperature and voltage management. The UCPS shelf
is a passive backplane that provides interconnection for the CCU, the rectifiers, the
ADU and the DDU.
The following figure illustrates the interconnection diagram inside the UCPS shelf.

3-58 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description Universal Compact Power System (UCPS)

9322 dCompact power supply system

Figure 3-22 Interconnection inside the UCPS shelf

The following figure illustrates the architecture of the 9322 dCompact OD UCPS.


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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Universal Compact Power System (UCPS)
9322 dCompact power supply system

Figure 3-23 UCPS architecture overview


The following figure shows the front panel of the UCPS equipped with ADU and two
rectifiers for the 9322 dCompact OD AC cabinet.

3-60 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description Universal Compact Power System (UCPS)

9322 dCompact power supply system

Figure 3-24 UCPS front panel (equipped with ADU and two rectifiers)


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-61
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description AC Distribution Unit (ADU)
9322 dCompact power supply system

AC Distribution Unit (ADU)

The ADU is for the 9322 dCompact OD AC cabinet only.
The ADU mechanical and electrical design provides the connection of the AC mains
cable to the cabinet, protection against over voltage and indirect lightning strikes,
protection against EMI from internal to external cabling, protection against personal
injury and protection against overload and short circuit.

Main functions
The ADU provides:
• Termination for the main AC utility connection
• Means for configuring the ADU to single or split-phase
• AC power disconnect point for the Node B cabinet
• One over-current protected load circuit
• Termination points for the AC wiring inside the cabinet
• Central bonding point for AC equipment grounds
• Mounting and connections for the surge protector
• Mounting and connections for the EMI filters
• Alarms and inventory capabilities
The AC input terminal block can be adapted to two different types of AC power networks
(single-phase or split-phase).

Hardware description
The following figure shows the ADU front panel.

3-62 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description AC Distribution Unit (ADU)

9322 dCompact power supply system

Figure 3-25 ADU front panel

The ADU front panel has:

• One GSM alarm interface connector (9-pin D-SUB female connector with 4-40 fixed
screw locks)
• One AC input terminal block for AC main connection
• One heater power connector (Universal MATE-N-LOCK Pin Header Assembly)

The ADU front panel also has one AC main circuit breaker (CB: 30 A).
There are no LEDs on the ADU front panel.
The ADU rear panel has one AC, DC and Control connector (Power Blade connector).

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-63
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description AC Distribution Unit (ADU)
9322 dCompact power supply system
Interface description
The AC main interface has the following signal assignment: single-phase (L, N, NC, PE),
split-phase (L1, L2, N, PE). The AC interface for the heater power has the following
signal assignment: L, N, PE.
Alarm collection is for GSM only. UMTS alarms are polled and reported by the GPxOIM
board on the Cabinet Control Unit (CCU).

ADU control and power signal distribution architecture

The following figure illustrates the ADU control, AC and DC power signal connection,
protection, and distribution architecture.

Figure 3-26 UCPS ADU control and power signal distribution architecture

3-64 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description UCPS shelf and DC Distribution Unit (DDU)

9322 dCompact power supply system

UCPS shelf and DC Distribution Unit (DDU)

The UCPS shelf is a passive backplane that provides interconnection for UCPS

Main functions
The UCPS shelf provides:
• Four slots that accept and restrain FRUs including:
– One Cabinet Control Unit (CCU)
– One AC Distribution Unit (ADU)
– Up to two 1400 W rectifiers
• Input termination and distribution for either one AC feed to the rectifiers or one DC
• DC collection and busing for the rectifier outputs
• Space, mounting features, and DC power and signal interconnect for the DDU
• Signal interconnect between the CCU, the two rectifiers, the ADU and the DDU
• A passive design consisting of an interconnecting backplane and metal chassis
• A standard 3U rack to allow vertical externally forced air cooling of associated FRUs
The DDU provides:
• Input terminations for DC power and CCU control signals from the UCPS shelf
• Termination and over-current protection for four DC load outputs
• Three independent on-off control circuits for the DC load outputs
• A secure disconnection threshold at 40 V DC
• Current sense (current measurement shunt and termination for a backup battery plant)
• Voltage sense (battery)
• Inventory interface

Hardware description
The following figure shows the DDU front panel.

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-65
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description UCPS shelf and DC Distribution Unit (DDU)
9322 dCompact power supply system

Figure 3-27 DDU front panel

The DDU front panel provides the following over-current protection devices for DDU DC
power outputs:
• One 40 A RF circuit breaker (RF CB)
• One 5 A fuse for the cooling unit (Cooling Fuse)
• One 20 A fuse for the digital modules and the modules in the User space (Digital

The DDU front panel provides no LED and no connector.

The following figure shows the front panel of the UCPS shelf with DDU embedded.

3-66 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description UCPS shelf and DC Distribution Unit (DDU)

9322 dCompact power supply system

Figure 3-28 UCPS shelf front panel (including DDU)

The UCPS shelf provides interconnection interface for the UCPS components:
• One connector for ADU power and control (Power Blade connector (J1))
• Two connectors for rectifier power and control (one Power Blade connector per
rectifier (J2, J3))
• One connector for CCU power and control (48-pin Metral signal pin header, pin 8B
last make, pins 3C and 3D first make (J4))
• One connector for DDU power and control (24-pin Metral signal pin header (J5))
• One connector for DDU DC power (Bus bar clearance holes for 16-mm stud (J6))
• One Protective Earth Ground (PEG) output (M5 stud (GP1))
• DDU load outputs (DC cables on backplane PCB)
The following figure illustrates UCPS shelf control, AC power and DC power signal
connection and distribution architecture.


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-67
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description UCPS shelf and DC Distribution Unit (DDU)
9322 dCompact power supply system

Figure 3-29 UCPS shelf control and power signal distribution architecture

3-68 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description Rectifier

9322 dCompact power supply system

The rectifier is a bulk power supply that converts standard AC mains power into Safety
Extra Low Voltage (SELV) –48 V nominal DC output within the UCPS for powering
wireless Node B equipment and optional batteries for energy backup.
The 9322 dCompact OD cabinet provides up to two rectifiers (1+1 for redundancy, 2+0
without redundancy). Rectifier deployment depends on power requirements for the
configuration and redundancy strategy.

Main functions
The rectifier:
• Provides a digital control interface which operates with a system controller for
enhanced overall system operation
• Contains integrated AC input filtering to meet Class B EMC requirements
• Provides a Power Factor Correction (PFC) input section to ensure compliant harmonic
emissions and operation over a broad continuous AC input voltage range
• Provides rear blind-mating interconnection for all electrical interfaces
• Provides a single isolated –48 V DC nominal SELV output rated at 1400 W
continuous output power
• Provides constant output power limiting and continuous current limiting operating
characteristics and is protected for output over-current and over-voltage faults

Hardware description
The following figure shows the 1400 W rectifier front panel.


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-69
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Rectifier
9322 dCompact power supply system

Figure 3-30 UCPS rectifier (1400 W) front panel

The UCPS rectifier has two corporate LEDs indicating the rectifier status.

Table 3-19 Rectifier corporate LED behavior

Green rectangular LED Red triangular LED Rectifier status/condition

ON OFF Normal operation, no fault
FLASH OFF Serial communication fault
ON ON Display functionality test.
This condition takes precedence
over all other display


3-70 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description Rectifier

9322 dCompact power supply system
Table 3-19 Rectifier corporate LED behavior (continued)

Green rectangular LED Red triangular LED Rectifier status/condition

OFF ON OT, DCUV (except when
combined with INH assertion),
ACUV alarm conditions.
This condition takes precedence
over a serial communication
fault condition.
Indication from an ACUV
alarm is limited in duration.
OFF OFF Very low or no AC input
Rectifier critical fault

The rectifier front panel has no connector.

The rectifier rear panel has one AC, DC and Control connector (Power Blade connector,
pins 4C, 5D, and 6B are last-make-first-break, pin P3 is first-make-last-break).


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-71
3MN-00480-0001-DEZZA Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Cabinet Control Unit (CCU)
9322 dCompact power supply system

Cabinet Control Unit (CCU)

The CCU is a microprocessor based control unit that provides the control for the UCPS
AC to DC power system as well as general alarming for Node B support equipment.
The CCU facilitates power system operation such as:
• Rectifier management for current sharing and alarms
• Battery management for float voltage temperature compensation
• Charge current control and alarms
• Node B communication for alarms and configuration
• Advanced features such as Node B and customer alarms

Main functions
The CCU performs the following main functions:
• Rectifier module control through an I2C based digital communication interface for the
purposes of module alarm monitoring, output current monitoring, inventory
information gathering, and output voltage control
• System backup battery management for basic features such as float voltage
temperature compensation and charge current control, and advanced features such as
battery fault detection
• Rectifier output current sharing control for enhanced system performance and rectifier
• System backup battery temperature measurement for one probe
• System backup battery current monitoring through a system resistive shunt
• Communication with the Node B system controller (the CCM via the GPxOIM board)
through a Dallas one-wire interface for inventory, alarm reporting, and remote control
• System ambient temperature monitoring through a dedicated input (CEATS from the
cooling system)
Local temperature measurement (CAT) is used for alarms only.
• Node B system equipment shutdown control for protection from extreme voltage or
temperature conditions

Hardware description
The following figure shows the CCU front panel.

3-72 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description Cabinet Control Unit (CCU)

9322 dCompact power supply system

Figure 3-31 CCU front panel

The CCU front panel has the following five LEDs:

• Two corporate LEDs indicating the CCU system status:
– One green rectangular corporate LED: C1
– One red triangular corporate LED: C2
• Three red circular LEDs indicating the CCU alarm status: A1, A2, and A3

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-73
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Cabinet Control Unit (CCU)
9322 dCompact power supply system
The following table outlines CCU C1 and C2 corporate LED behavior.

Table 3-20 CCU C1 and C2 corporate LED behavior

C1 C2 CCU status/condition
ON OFF None of the following alarms asserted:
• ISEn
• LV, HV
• HT, LT
• RFAn
ON ON No CCU_FAULT alarms asserted AND one or more of the following alarms
• ISEn
• LV, HV
• HT, LT
• RFAn
CCU initializing, indicator functionality test
OFF FLASH CCU in LCOD command mode
OFF ON CCU_FAULT alarm asserted, CCU running in application code
POST fault, CCU running in bootloader code
LCOD command process fault, CCU running in bootloader code
OFF OFF Critical CCU fault or no input power

3-74 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description Cabinet Control Unit (CCU)

9322 dCompact power supply system
The following table gives CCU A1, A2 and A3 LED behavior.

Table 3-21 CCU A1, A2 and A3 LED behavior

A1 (REC) A2 (ThP) A3 (CEATS) CCU

ON OFF OFF Any of the
PIO_I2Cn alarm is
OFF ON OFF Any battery thermal
probe is missing or
out of operating range
OFF OFF ON CEATS connector is
CEATS is out of

The CCU front panel also provides the following connectors:

• One CCU BUS connector (26-pin HD D-SUB female connector with 4-40 fixed
screw locks), used for UART link, battery detection
• One CEATS & BUS ALARM connector (9-pin D-SUB female connector with 4-40
fixed screw locks), used for CEATS and one-wire connectivity
• One THERMAL PROBE connector (Universal MATE-N-LOCK Pin Header
Assembly), used for battery thermal probe
The CCU rear panel has one shelf backplane connector (48-pin Metral, pin 8B
last-make-first-break), used for rectifier presence detection, I2C enable control line to
rectifiers, battery current sense.

Use of optional short backup internal battery or long backup internal battery
The CCU is configured in "battery connected" mode and "56 V Floating Reference

Voltage" when the configuration includes an optional Lithium-Ion internal battery.

When the optional short backup internal Lithium-Ion battery is used, the CCU
THERMAL PROBE connector is replaced by a resistor that forces 56 V floating reference
voltage using the usual CCU algorithm (this voltage is optimized for the battery).

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-75
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Cabinet Control Unit (CCU)
9322 dCompact power supply system
When the optional long backup internal battery is used, the CCU thermal probe provides
a floating reference voltage using the usual CCU algorithm.

3-76 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact UCPS

9322 dCompact power supply system modules

Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact UCPS modules

Dimension and weight
The following table lists the dimensions and weight of the modules housed in the 9322
dCompact UCPS rack.

Table 3-22 UCPS module dimensions and weight

Module name Width (mm) Height (mm) Depth (mm) Weight (kg)
ADU 69 133 359 1.9
Rectifier 1400 69 133 359 2.95
CCU 25 133 359 1.1
UCPS shelf + 262 133 359 4.1


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-77
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description DC breaker panel
9322 dCompact power supply system

DC breaker panel
In the 9322 dCompact ID DC cabinet, a DC breaker panel replaces the UCPS.
The 9322 dCompact ID DC internal distribution system is designed with two feeds for:
• The digital load, protected by a 20 A breaker
• The cooling system load, protected by a 5 A breaker
The following figure shows the front panel of the DC breaker panel.

Figure 3-32 DC breaker panel front panel

The DC breaker panel has the following dimensions and weight:

Table 3-23 DC breaker panel dimensions and weight

Module name Width (mm) Height (mm) Depth (mm) Weight (kg)

DC breaker 294.5 126 370 <4


3-78 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description Overview

9322 dCompact cooling and heating system

9322 dCompact cooling and heating system

The 9322 dCompact cabinet contains a Compact Environmental Control Unit (CECU).
This unit is installed at the bottom of the cabinet and accessed through the front-hinged
access door.


CECU components 3-80

CECU main functions 3-82
CECU inventory and alarms 3-84
CECU hardware 3-85
Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact CECU components 3-87


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-79
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description CECU components
9322 dCompact cooling and heating system

CECU components
The CECU is composed of the following parts:
• Two speed-controllable axial DC fans
• One air inlet filter
• One temperature control sensor
• Two heaters (primary and secondary), DC powered
• Auto-reset heater thermostats
• A heater number selector
• Cable harness
• Power distribution, alarm LEDs
• Printed-Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) for control functions, alarm LEDs and
power supply, local PUPS from 48 V DC power supply
• Inventory EEPROM and alarm collection through a Dallas one-wire interface, CEATS
signal generation for extreme temperature range emergency
The following figure illustrates the CECU functional architecture.

3-80 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description CECU components

9322 dCompact cooling and heating system

Figure 3-33 CECU functional architecture


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-81
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description CECU main functions
9322 dCompact cooling and heating system

CECU main functions

The CECU maintains the temperature of the cabinet within a range that is suitable for
operation [0 - 70°C]. This involves controlling the cooling and heating functions.

The CECU operates by drawing in ambient air that is then routed through the electronic
equipment installed in the cabinet and ejected through outlet ducts located at the back of
the cabinet.
The CECU senses the input cabinet air temperature, and then selects the level of
environmental control necessary to maintain full operational performance of the
electronic equipment installed in the cabinet.

Heaters are present in the 9322 dCompact OD cabinet only (no heaters in the 9322
dCompact ID cabinet).
In the 9322 dCompact OD AC cabinet, the two heaters are DC powered by the ADU.
Both heaters are dimensioned to dissipate 890 W maximum at the minimum input voltage
For low external ambient air temperatures, the CECU control PCB regulates the action of
the primary and/or secondary heater circuits to maintain the internal cabinet air
temperature above +5°C.
It is possible to turn ON/OFF the heaters depending on the desired operating temperature
range and maximum site input current.
With two heaters, the cabinet can start up and operate down to –33°C. Without heaters,
the cabinet can start up and operate down to –5°C.

CECU operating principle

The cooling air paths within the cabinet operate as follows:
• The air enters at the bottom of the cabinet.
• The air is drawn through a filter to the cooling system.
• The air is distributed to the internal equipment in the cabinet.

• The air is exhausted through the door bottom front section.

The following figure illustrates the CECU operating principle.

3-82 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description CECU main functions

9322 dCompact cooling and heating system

Figure 3-34 CECU operating principle


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-83
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description CECU inventory and alarms
9322 dCompact cooling and heating system

CECU inventory and alarms

The CECU inventory and alarms are polled by the GPxOIM board.
If the cabinet temperature measurement provides an out-of-range [0 - 70°C] value, or if
the CECU control PCB is not operational, a CEATS alarm is sent to the UCPS to stop
operation of all digital modules.
The CECU for UMTS (GPxOIM board: one-wire) triggers alarms for:
• Fans
• Heaters
• Blocked air inlet
• Over temperature

3-84 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description CECU hardware

9322 dCompact cooling and heating system

CECU hardware
The following two figures show the front panels of the CECU, with and without heaters.

Figure 3-35 CECU front panel (with heaters - 9322 dCompact ODAC cabinet)


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PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description CECU hardware
9322 dCompact cooling and heating system
Figure 3-36 CECU front panel (without heaters - 9322 dCompact ID DC cabinet)

The CECU front panel has the following connectors:

• One power connector, which provides DC power for the CECU PCB board + fans
(100 W maximum)
• One heater power connector (in 9322 dCompact OD AC cabinet), which provides 230
V AC floating supply (1000 W @ 230 V) from ADU module
• One UMTS digital connector (9-pin D-SUB female connector), which provides:
– One-wire link (for inventory and alarm detection)
– Associated power distribution (5 V from GPxOIM board)
• One GSM digital connector (9-pin D-SUB female connector), unused
The CECU front panel also has one LED indicating the CECU alarm status. The LED is
green for normal operation and turns red for a malfunction.

3-86 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact CECU

9322 dCompact cooling and heating system components

Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact CECU

CECU weight
The following table lists the weight of the 9322 dCompact CECU components.

Table 3-24 CECU component weight

CECU component Weight (kg)

Control PCBA + fan tray 4.9
Air inlet filter 1.3


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-87
3MN-00480-0001-DEZZA Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Overview
User racks

User racks

This section describes the user racks of the 9322 dCompact cabinet.


User racks 3-89


3-88 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description User racks

User racks

User racks
Main functions
Horizontal user racks (standard 19-inch 2U + 9.5-inch 2U) are available for user-specific
modules inside the 9322 dCompact cabinets. They are –48 V DC powered and alarmed.

Front panel
The following figure shows a front view of the 19-inch 2U user rack.

Figure 3-37 Front panel of the 19-inch 2U user rack

Physical and electrical characteristics

The maximum DC power consumption (from the user modules inside the user racks) is
300 W.
The following table gives the dimensions and weight of the user racks.

Table 3-25 User rack dimensions and weight

Module name Height Width Depth of Weight

(mm) (mm) the user (kg)

User rack 19-inch rack 2 x 44.45 482.6 < 470 < 4 (per
(2U) 1U)
9.5-inch rack 2 x 44.45 241.3 < 470 <4

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-89
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Overview


Manufacturing, Commissioning and Alarm (MCA)


This section describes the Manufacturing, Commissioning and Alarm (MCA) module.


Manufacturing, Commissioning and Alarm (MCA) module 3-91


3-90 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description Manufacturing, Commissioning and Alarm (MCA) module

Manufacturing, Commissioning and Alarm (MCA) module

Manufacturing, Commissioning and Alarm (MCA) module

The MCA module is located above the space reserved for the optional long backup time
internal batteries.

Main functions
The MCA module incorporates three 4K memory modules for storing inventory data, as
well as installation and commissioning parameters.
It also connects internal alarms (a maximum of 16). These are simple contacts, with one
side connected to ground and the other side connected to the Dallas bus, so that the
GPxOIM board can collect alarm information.
This MCA module can be programmed on site at the manufacturing, pre-commissioning,
or installation stage.
The MCA module stores two types of information:
• Inventory information
Manufacturing-related build data is programmed during the manufacturing stage.
Additional site-related data can either be programmed at the pre-commissioning or
installation stage.
Information stored includes:
– RU parameter
– Serial number
– Manufacturing date
– Hardware release
– Last-in-service date
– Site location parameter
• Installation and commissioning parameters
Site-related data is either programmed at the pre-commissioning or installation stage.
Information stored includes:
– Node B parameter record: site mode (GSM, UMTS), packaging (indoor, outdoor,
– Backhaul record: type of incoming link (PCM, STM1), number of PCMs, number

of STM1 ports
– PCM parameter record: PCM type (E1/T1), PCM frame if T1 (SF, ESF), PCM
coding if T1 (AMI, B8ZS), PCM CRC (used, not used), PCM LBO if T1, PCM
receive sensitivity, PCM E1 CRC threshold, PCM T1 CRC threshold

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-91
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Manufacturing, Commissioning and Alarm (MCA) module
Manufacturing, Commissioning and Alarm (MCA) module
– Address record: existence of a DHCP server (yes, no), IP address of the Node B,
IP address of the OMC-B, VP/VC of the OMC-B, sub-network mask, client
DHCP port, server DHCP port, Network Element Identifier
– IMA group record: IMA used/not used, IMA 0 group id, mask of PCM in IMA 0

Hardware description
The following figure shows the MCA module front panel.

Figure 3-38 MCA module front panel

The MCA module front panel includes three connectors:

• "SIM": 9-pin D-SUB female connector, which is part of the internal Dallas bus and
connected to the GPxOIM board to collect inventory and alarms of the MCA module
• "IC1": 9-pin D-SUB female connector, which is part of the internal Dallas bus and
connected to the GPxOIM board to collect inventory data and preventive maintenance
• "IC2": 9-pin D-SUB female connector, which is part of the internal Dallas bus and
connected to the GPxOIM board to collect inventory data and preventive maintenance

3-92 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description Overview

9322 dCompact optional equipment

9322 dCompact optional equipment

This section describes the optional equipment supported by the 9322 dCompact cabinet:
• Rectifier 1400 W (refer to “Rectifier” (p. 3-69))
• Compact User InterCOnnect (C-User ICO) module
• Internal battery backup
Two types of optional internal batteries are available:
– Short backup time internal battery (for 9322 dCompact OD AC cabinet)
– Long backup time internal batteries (for 9322 dCompact OD AC cabinet)
• PCM Lightning Protection (LPPCM) module
• Internal/External Alarm Module (IEAM)
• 75-ohm kit
• DC lamp
This list is not exhaustive. This section does not provide information on ancillaries (cable
kits and installation sets).


Compact User InterCOnnect (C-User ICO) module 3-94

Short backup internal battery 3-97
Long backup internal batteries 3-101
Internal/External Alarm Module (IEAM) 3-103
PCM Lightning Protection (LPPCM) module 3-105
75-ohm kit 3-106
DC lamp 3-107
Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact optional equipment 3-108

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-93
3MN-00480-0001-DEZZA Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Compact User InterCOnnect (C-User ICO) module
9322 dCompact optional equipment

Compact User InterCOnnect (C-User ICO) module

The C-User ICO module is located in a 1U slot under the slot dedicated to the optional
short backup time internal battery.

Main functions
The C-User ICO module is required when user-specific modules are installed in the User
The C-User ICO module:
• Protects the user modules
• Distributes DC power to user modules
• Collects alarms from user modules

Hardware description
The following figure shows the front panel of the C-User ICO module.

Figure 3-39 C-User ICO module front panel

The front panel of the C-User ICO module has:

• Four power connectors (MATE-N-LOCK with locking lances and locating pin, female
housing) for –48 V DC

• Four standard fuses: Little fuse™ 2.5A: T 2.5A 48V (slow blow), 5x32 type
Each power connection (–48 V DC) is protected by a 2.5 A fuse. It is possible to
change the value of each fuse (maximum value of 6.3 A), but the sum of the four
values must not exceed 10 A maximum.

3-94 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description Compact User InterCOnnect (C-User ICO) module

9322 dCompact optional equipment
• Three alarm connectors:
– "User Alarm": 9-pin D-SUB female connector, to which customer equipment
alarms are connected
– "UMTS Alarm": 9-pin D-SUB female connector, connected to GPxOIM board for
UMTS system alarm collection
– "GSM Alarm": 9-pin D-SUB female connector, unused
A maximum of four alarms can be processed for fault management.

User Alarm pin connections for UMTS use

The following table shows the pin numbers and the corresponding signals for the User
Alarm connector for UMTS application.

Table 3-26 User Alarm pin connections for UMTS use

Pin Signal
1 unused
2 unused
3 Alarm 4
4 Alarm 3
5 Alarm 2
6 Alarm 1

Alarms 1 to 4 of the User Alarm connector are connected by the C-User ICO to the
UMTS alarms collected via the GPxOIM board (on the one-wire bus).

UMTS Alarm pin connections

The following table shows the pin numbers and the corresponding signals for the UMTS
Alarm connector.

Table 3-27 UMTS Alarm pin connections

Pin Signal

1 1_WIRE_BTS_INT (Bus 1)
2 1_WIRE_BTS_INT (Bus 1)

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-95
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Compact User InterCOnnect (C-User ICO) module
9322 dCompact optional equipment
Table 3-27 UMTS Alarm pin connections (continued)

Pin Signal
4 NC (no connection)
5 +5V
6 NC
7 NC
8 NC
9 NC

3-96 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description Short backup internal battery

9322 dCompact optional equipment

Short backup internal battery

The short backup internal battery is for the 9322 dCompact OD AC cabinet only.

Main functions
One Intensium 1 Power 1500 Lithium-Ion smart battery module can be hosted in a slot
(height 1U, width 1/2 19 inches) and provides limited backup time.
The internal battery is plugged on the 48 V bus of the energy system. It is protected by its
own breaker.
Battery charge is done under UCPS management at power up when the rectifiers DC
output ramp up is performed and by the battery current limitation integrated in the
internal battery.
To optimize the battery backup time when this option is selected, the CCU provides 56 V
floating reference voltage to the battery regardless of the temperature.
If the AC source or the rectifiers fail, the battery automatically turns on discharge.
The UCPS manages low voltage load disconnection:
• RF (RRH) load disconnected at 44 V threshold
• Other loads (digital and cooling system) disconnected at 42 V
The battery includes a self-disconnection feature at extreme voltage discharge.
The battery has four operating modes:
• Charge mode
• Discharge mode
• Sleep mode
• Floating mode
The following figure shows the distribution system architecture for the short backup
internal battery.

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-97
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Short backup internal battery
9322 dCompact optional equipment

Figure 3-40 Distribution system architecture for short backup internal battery

Hardware description
The following figure shows the Intensium 1 Power 1500 front panel.

Figure 3-41 Intensium 1 Power 1500 front panel


3-98 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description Short backup internal battery

9322 dCompact optional equipment
On the Intensium 1 Power 1500 front panel, the SOH (State of Health) and SOC (State of
Charge) push buttons display the state of the battery.
When the SOH push button is activated, the LED gives the battery's SOH:
• If LED 2 is red, then a weak SOH condition is detected.
• If LED 2 is green, then a good SOH condition is detected.
When the SOC push button is activated, the four LEDs give the SOC (%) as follows:
• LED 1 is ON if SOC > 10%
• LED 2 is ON if SOC > 30%
• LED 3 is ON if SOC > 60%
• LED 4 is ON if SOC > 90%
If no push button is activated, LEDs 1, 2, and 3 are managed according to the battery
mode and alarms, as shown in the following table.

Table 3-28 Intensium 1 Power 1500 LED behavior

LED Status LED Charge Dis- Floating Major Minor

number charge Alarm Alarm
Green blinking LED 3 X
Green blinking LED 3 X
Green stable LED 3 X
Orange blinking LED 2 X X
Orange blinking LED 2 X X
Orange stable LED 2 X X
Red blinking LED 1 X X ON or
slowly OFF
Red blinking LED 1 X X ON or
quickly OFF
Red stable LED 1 X X ON or

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-99
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Short backup internal battery
9322 dCompact optional equipment
The Intensium 1 Power 1500 front panel also provides:
• Two "COM" connectors (D-SUB 9-pin male and female connectors) used for alarm
and communication connection
• A "POWER" on/off switch
The following table shows the pin numbers and the corresponding signals for the "COM"
Alarm connectors.

Table 3-29 Alarm pin connections

Pin Signal
1 Major alarm
2 Reserved
3 Reserved
4 Minor alarm
5 Reserved
6 Reserved
7 Reserved
8 Alarm reference
9 Reserved

The Intensium 1 Power 1500 rear panel has one power connector (Dual Power connector)
that provides a 48 V bus connection with the energy system.

Interface description
The internal battery generates two alarms ("minor" and "major"), collected by the
GPxOIM board through a one-wire interface.

Backup time
The following table gives the backup time for the Intensium 1 Power 1500 Lithium-Ion
battery with a 57 V initial charge, until the 42 V disconnection threshold is reached. This
is based on typical DC power consumption of the dCompact.

Radio configuration Intensium 1 Power 1500

With RRH 6 min 30

Without RRH 13 min

3-100 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description Long backup internal batteries

9322 dCompact optional equipment

Long backup internal batteries

The long backup internal batteries are for the 9322 dCompact OD AC cabinet only.

Main functions
The 9322 dCompact cabinet can be equipped with optional long backup time internal
batteries, in a dedicated space on the right of the digital shelf.
These batteries consist of four SBS 40 batteries. They are connected in series to provide
–48 V DC. They are plugged into the 48 V bus of the UCPS DDU. Battery charge is made
under UCPS management at power up, when rectifiers DC output ramp up is performed.
To optimize battery backup time when this option is selected, the CCU provides a floating
voltage to the batteries according to temperature. The batteries include a self
disconnection feature at extreme voltage discharge.
The following figure illustrates the distribution system architecture for the long backup
internal batteries.

Figure 3-42 Distribution system architecture for long backup internal batteries


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-101
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Long backup internal batteries
9322 dCompact optional equipment
Interface description
The long internal batteries generate alarms collected by the GPxOIM board through a
one-wire interface.

Backup time
The following table gives the backup time for the SBS 40 battery with a 57 V initial
charge, until the 42 V disconnection threshold is reached. It is based on typical DC power
consumption of the dCompact.

Radio configuration SBS 40

With RRH 1 h 05 min
Without RRH 2 h 30 min
With RRH + DC heater 40 min

3-102 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description Internal/External Alarm Module (IEAM)

9322 dCompact optional equipment

Internal/External Alarm Module (IEAM)

Main functions
The IEAM kit provides the connection of 16 external alarms and six remote controls. It
also protects against electrical perturbances that can occur between the 9322 dCompact
and the customer equipment.
The IEAM kit consists of:
• One IEAM module
• Two digital cables
• One ground cable
The IEAM is located on the right-hand side of the 9322 dCompact UCPS rack.

Hardware description
The following figure shows the IEAM front panel.

Figure 3-43 IEAM front panel

The IEAM front panel provides the following connectors:

• One "External Alarm 1" connector (25-pin D-SUB female connector) for eight

external alarms (1 - 8) and three remote controls (1 - 3)

• One "External Alarm 2" connector (25-pin D-SUB female connector) for eight
external alarms (9 - 16) and three remote controls (4 - 6)

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-103
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Internal/External Alarm Module (IEAM)
9322 dCompact optional equipment
• Two "Internal Alarm Bus" connectors (9-pin D-SUB male and female connectors) to
connect the alarm bus cables (Internal Alarm Bus Out/In)
• One ground connector

3-104 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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9322 dCompact hardware description PCM Lightning Protection (LPPCM) module

9322 dCompact optional equipment

PCM Lightning Protection (LPPCM) module

The LPPCM module is located above the IEAM.

Main functions
The LPPCM module provides lightning protection for the PCM link.

Hardware description
The following figure shows the front panel of the LPPCM module.

Figure 3-44 LPPCM module front panel

The front panel of the LPPCM module has the following connectors:
• One 44-pin High Density D-SUB male connector to connect the module to the
• One 9-pin D-SUB female connector to connect the alarm bus cable (BUS)
• One 44-pin High Density D-SUB female connector for PCM connection (LINE)
• One ground connector

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-105
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description 75-ohm kit
9322 dCompact optional equipment

75-ohm kit
The PCM cables are connected to the Iub port on the Node B bulkhead and to the
distribution frame. This distribution frame is a connection point between the PCM cable
from the Node B and the transmission network.
For a 120-ohm telecommunication network, only the 120-ohm PCM cable is needed for
PCM connection.
For a 75-ohm telecommunication network, it is necessary to have baluns (two baluns per
PCM) to ensure adaptation from the 120 ohms of the Node B to the 75 ohms of the
customer network. The 120/75-ohm adaptive baluns should be secured as close as
possible to the specific distribution frame. Three types of baluns can be used: BNC,
1.6/5.6, or SMZ type 43.
The following figure shows the three types of baluns available.

Figure 3-45 Types of adaptive baluns for 75-ohm network


3-106 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
9322 dCompact hardware description DC lamp

9322 dCompact optional equipment

DC lamp
As an option, a DC lamp can be used to illuminate the 9322 dCompact cabinet for
maintenance tasks performed at night or at low lighting levels. Its DC power consumption
is 11.5 W. The DC lamp is located in the upper part of the 19-inch 2U user rack.


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary 3-107
3MN-00480-0001-DEZZA Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY 9322 dCompact hardware description Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact optional
9322 dCompact optional equipment equipment

Physical characteristics of the 9322 dCompact optional

Dimension and weight
The following table lists the dimensions and weight of the main optional equipment of the
9322 dCompact cabinet.

Table 3-30 Optional modules dimensions and weight

Module name Width (mm) Height (mm) Depth (mm) Weight (kg)
Compact User 228 44 - 1
Short backup 269.4 44 350 4.5
internal battery
(Intensium 1
Power 1500)
Long backup 97 206 250 12.7 (per unit)
internal battery 50.8 (for the
(SBS 40) complete string
of four SBS 40
IEAM 228 44 170 1
LPPCM 228 44 170 1
DC lamp - - - 0.3

3-108 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
4 Using the TIL tool

This chapter describes the Local Installation Terminal (TIL).


Using the TIL tool 4-2


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Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY Using the TIL tool Using the TIL tool


Using the TIL tool

The Local Installation Terminal (TIL) is an O&M onsite terminal. The TIL is used for the
installation, tests, and maintenance of the equipment described in this document.

TIL functions
The TIL provides the following functions:
• Displays the existing hardware of the equipment
• Automatically displays new hardware
• Basic maintenance and test capabilities for equipment modules
• Saves reports (including alarm, test reports) on a laptop
• Retrieves the hardware and software module configuration
• Configures commissioning parameters

TIL connection to the equipment

The TIL is connected to the CCM module through the Ethernet connection.
Two connection modes are available from the TIL:
• Peer-to-peer connection
In this mode, the TIL connection to the equipment depends on the CCM module type,
as described in the following table:

If the CCM module hosted in the Then the TIL is connected to the...
equipment is a...
CCM/iCCM/iCCM-U/iCCM-2 Ethernet port 2 of the CCM module
xCCM/xCCM-U/eCCM-U Ethernet port 1 of the CCM module

• Remote connection
In this mode, the TIL is connected to a LAN/WAN network. This connection is
available only if the equipment is integrated in the UMTS network and active (not
The connection can be checked by doing a ping [IP address] command.
For more information, see Alcatel-Lucent 9100 and 93xx Node B – Commissioning and
Fault Management User Manual: TIL, 9YZ-04088-0090-PCZZA.

4-2 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014
Appendix A: Document issue

This appendix provides reference material for this document.

Reason for revision

This appendix has been updated with the changes from Issue 0.02 of the document.


Reissue history A-2


Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary A-1
3MN-00480-0001-DEZZA Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 0.02 February 2014
PRELIMINARY Document issue history Reissue history


Reissue history
The reissue history of this document is described in the following paragraphs.

Issue 0.02, February 2014

The reissue history for Issue 0.02 is shown in Table A-1, “Issue 0.02, February 2014,
What's new” (p. A-2):

Table A-1 Issue 0.02, February 2014, What's new

Feature/enhancement Description Location

None None None
Document changes
CR 01145972 Updating and removing old Global
document references.

Issue 0.01, April 2013

The reissue history for Issue 0.01 is shown in Table A-2, “Issue 0.01, April 2013, What's
new” (p. A-2):

Table A-2 Issue 0.01, April 2013, What's new

Feature/enhancement Description Location

None None None
Document changes
First issue as None None
release-independent document
from 3MN-00480-0001-
DEZZA UA08.1 Release.

A-2 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014

Numerics battery, short backup, 3-75
75-ohm kit, 3-106 architecture, 3-97
9322 dCompact backup time, 3-100
benefit, 2-2 dimension and weight, 3-108
digital shelf module, 3-11 front view, 3-98
functional architecture, 3-10 function, 3-97
introduction, 2-2 hardware description, 3-98
................................................................................................ LED, 3-99
A AC Distribution Unit (ADU) bulkhead
architecture, 3-64 interface, 3-4
dimension and weight, 3-77 top view, 3-4
front view, 3-62 ................................................................................................

function, 3-62 C C-User ICO

interface, 3-64 See: Compact User InterCOnnect (C-User ICO)

See: AC Distribution Unit (ADU) See: Compact Optical Interface Module with
connectivity for two optical fibers (C2OIM)
alarm management, 3-52
alarm/remote control interface, 2-8 See: Compact Optical Interface Module with
................................................................................................ connectivity for three optical fibers (C3OIM)

B balun cabinet
See: 75-ohm kit compartment layout, 3-2
battery, long backup, 3-75 dimension and weight, 2-12

architecture, 3-101 indoor, 2-3

backup time, 3-102 location of modules, 3-2
dimension and weight, 3-108 outdoor, 2-3
function, 3-101 outside view, 2-4
Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary IN-1
3MN-00480-0001-DEZZA Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 0.02 February 2014

Cabinet Control Unit (CCU) Compact User InterCOnnect (C-User ICO), 2-8
dimension and weight, 3-77 dimension and weight, 3-108
front view, 3-72 front view, 3-94
function, 3-72 function, 3-94
LED, 3-74 hardware description, 3-94
call processing (CallP), 2-5 cooling system
See: Compact Environmental Control Unit (CECU)
See: call processing (CallP) ................................................................................................

CCU D DC breaker
See: Cabinet Control Unit (CCU)
dimension and weight, 3-78
See: Compact Environmental Control Unit (CECU) front view, 3-78

Compact Environmental Control Unit (CECU) function, 3-78

component, 3-80 DDU

See: UCPS shelf and DC Distribution Unit (DDU)
cooling, 3-82
digital shelf
front panel, 3-85, 3-85
description, 3-9
functional architecture, 3-80
layout, 3-11
hardware description, 3-86
module, 3-11
heating, 3-82
principle, 3-82
weight, 3-87
See: enhanced Channel Element Module (eCEM)
Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for
enhanced Channel Element Module (eCEM)
three optical fibers (C3OIM)
dimension and weight, 3-56
dimension and weight, 3-56
front view, 3-20
front view, 3-47, 3-48
function, 3-20
function, 3-46
hardware description, 3-20
hardware description, 3-47
LED, 3-22
LED, 3-49
port, 3-21
Compact Optical Interface Module with connectivity for
two optical fibers (C2OIM) extended Channel Element Module (xCEM)
dimension and weight, 3-56 dimension and weight, 3-56

front view, 3-41, 3-42 front view, 3-17

function, 3-40 function, 3-17
hardware description, 3-41 hardware description, 3-17
LED, 3-43 LED, 3-19

IN-2 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
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Issue 0.02 February 2014

port, 3-18 IEEE 1588v2 PTP
See: synchronization
extended Core Controller Module (xCCM)
integrated Channel Element Module - 2nd generation
dimension and weight, 3-56
(iCEM-2), 3-13
E1/T1 MDA, 3-28
dimension and weight, 3-56
function, 3-28
front view, 3-13
GE MDA, 3-28
function, 3-13
hardware description, 3-28
hardware description, 3-13
LED, 3-32
LED, 3-16
port, 3-29
integrated Core Controller Module - 2nd generation
xCCM-4E1 front view, 3-29 (iCCM-2)
xCCM-GE front view, 3-30 7-segment display description, 3-26
................................................................................................ dimension and weight, 3-56

G GPS front view, 3-23

See: synchronization function, 3-23
GPxOIM board, 3-52 hardware description, 3-23
front view, 3-53 LED, 3-25
function, 3-52 port, 3-24
LED, 3-55 Internal/External Alarm Module (IEAM)
GPxOIM module, 3-36 dimension and weight, 3-108
dimension and weight, 3-56 front view, 3-103
front view with C2OIM, 3-37 function, 3-103
front view with C3OIM, 3-38 hardware description, 3-103
front view with filler, 3-36 inventory data
................................................................................................ See: MCA
H heating system
See: Compact Environmental Control Unit (CECU) L Local Installation Terminal (TIL)
function, 4-2
I iCCM-2 peer-to-peer connection, 4-2
See: integrated Core Controller Module - 2nd
remote connection, 4-2
generation (iCCM-2)

See: PCM Lightning Protection (LPPCM)

See: integrated Channel Element Module - 2nd
generation (iCEM-2) ................................................................................................

IEAM M Manufacturing, Commissioning and Alarm (MCA)

See: Internal/External Alarm Module (IEAM)
front view, 3-92

Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary IN-3
3MN-00480-0001-DEZZA Use pursuant to applicable agreements
Issue 0.02 February 2014

function, 3-91 ................................................................................................

hardware description, 3-92 R rectifier

installation and commissioning parameter, 3-91, 3-91 dimension and weight, 3-77
inventory data, 3-91, 3-91 front view, 3-69
MCA function, 3-69
See: Manufacturing, Commissioning and Alarm
(MCA) LED, 3-70

................................................................................................ ................................................................................................

N network interface S synchronization, 2-6

hybrid Iub, 2-7 synchronous Ethernet

See: synchronization
Iub, 2-7
native IP Iub, 2-7
See: Local Installation Terminal (TIL)
O O&M onsite terminal ................................................................................................
See: Local Installation Terminal (TIL)
optical interface, 2-8
See: Universal Compact Power System (UCPS)
Optional Supported Network Configurations, 1-5
UCPS shelf and DC Distribution Unit (DDU)
NodeB dropping 2G BTS, 1-6
architecture, 3-67
NodeB dropping 3G NodeB, 1-5
front view, 3-65
NodeB dropping 4G eNodeB, 1-6
function, 3-65
Universal Compact Power System (UCPS)
P PCM Lightning Protection (LPPCM) architecture, 3-59
dimension and weight, 3-108 component, 3-58
front view, 3-105 front view, 3-60
function, 3-105 user compartment, 2-8
hardware description, 3-105 user rack
power supply, indoor cabinet, 2-9 dimension and weight, 3-89
See: DC breaker
power supply, outdoor cabinet, 2-9
See: CCU See: extended Core Controller Module (xCCM)
See: DDU

See: rectifier See: extended Channel Element Module (xCEM)

IN-4 Alcatel-Lucent – Proprietary Alcatel-Lucent 9322 dCompact
Use pursuant to applicable agreements 3MN-00480-0001-DEZZA
Issue 0.02 February 2014

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