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Wild Pokémon

Recall that no shaking grass will appear until after the first badge has been obtained!

'Special' refers to the rare spots. Doubles refers to tall grass where double battles can occur.
Unless otherwise stated, fishing encounters have not been edited.

Thanks go to for the images.

You won’t be able to get all 649 in the wild alone, but evolution will make it possible! You get enough
evolution stones during the course of the game for everybody, so don’t fret.

Note that there are several sections with a “Legendary Encounter.” The legendary is a normal Wild
Pokémon, just very rare. Obviously the total encounter chance can’t be 101-102%, but the Pokemon
whose chance is lessened as a result is not listed. Usually, it’s just the last one in the list, so a 10% might
become an 8%, a 5% might become a 4% etcetera. Although it’s somewhat untidy, this is the best
method that can be done for now, due to scripting being impossible as of August 2011.

There are a couple of differences between Blaze Black and Volt White. Namely, Blaze Black will find
Zekrom, Thundurus and the pink Shellos/Gastrodon wild, as well as Red Basculin only. Volt White
instead get Reshiram, Tornadus and the blue Shellos/Gastrodon wild, and Blue Basculin only. The
opposites of each legendary are catchable as per usual in their regular places.

Route 1

Grass, Normal: Lillipup (20%), Pidgey (20%), Bidoof (10%), Sentret (10%), Rattata (10%), Zigzagoon
(10%), Starly (10%), Hoothoot (10%)
Grass, Doubles: Herdier (20%), Watchog (20%), Bibarel (10%), Furret (10%), Raticate (10%), Linoone
(10%), Mightyena (5%), Pidgeotto (5%), Staravia (5%), Noctowl (5%)
Grass, Special: Audino (80%), Happiny (10%), Azurill (10%)
Surf, Normal: Basculin (60%), Marill (30%), Feebas (10%)
Surf, Special: Basculin (60%), Azumarill (30%), Feebas (10%)
Fish, Normal: Goldeen (60%), Magikarp (30%), Feebas (10%)
Fish, Special: Basculin (60%), Dratini (30%), Gyarados (5%), Milotic (5%)
Route 2
Grass, Normal: Purrloin (20%), Patrat (20%), Kricketot (10%), Caterpie (10%), Wurmple (10%), Weedle
(10%), Poochyena (5%), Meowth (5%), Spearow (5%), Mankey (5%)
Grass, Special: Audino (60%), Skitty (10%), Nincada (10%), Butterfree (5%), Beedrill (5%), Beautifly
(5%), Dustox (5%)
Striaton City

Surf, Normal: Marill (100%)

Surf, Special: Azumarill (100%)
Fish, Normal: Psyduck (60%), Slowpoke (30%), Staryu (10%)
Fish, Special: Basculin (60%), Staryu (40%)
Grass, Normal: Munna (20%), Drowzee (20%), Spinda (10%), Natu (10%), Venonat (10%), Ralts (10%),
Clefairy (5%), Jigglypuff (5%), Nidoran♂ (5%), Nidoran♀ (5%)
Grass, Doubles: Munna (20%), Hypno (20%), Clefairy (10%), Jigglypuff (10%), Xatu (10%), Venomoth
(10%), Kirlia (10%), Spinda (10%)
Grass, Special: Audino (40%), Togepi (20%), Cleffa (10%), Igglybuff (10%), Chingling (10%), Lunatone
(5%), Solrock (5%)


Jirachi, Level 30
Grass, Special, 1%
* Dreams and wishes often coincide, and as a result the Wishmaker Jirachi is attracted to the
Dreamyard. You might be lucky enough to find him early on your journey, but don’t undestimate its


Musharna, Level 70
Dreamyard Basement
Route 3

Grass, Normal: Mareep (20%), Taillow (20%), Shellos (10%), Sunkern (10%), Lotad (10%), Seedot
(10%), Shinx (10%), Abra (5%), Phanpy (5%)
Grass, Doubles: Blitzle (20%), Pidove (20%), Growlithe (10%), Vulpix (10%), Hoppip (10%), Budew
(10%), Marill (5%), Houndour (5%), Volbeat (4%), Illumise (4%), Lombre (1%), Nuzleaf (1%)
Grass, Special: Audino (70%), Oshawott (10%), Squirtle (5%), Totodile (5%), Mudkip (5%), Piplup (5%)
Surf, Normal: Slowpoke (60%), Psyduck (30%), Marill (10%)
Surf, Special: Golduck (60%), Azumarill (30%), Slowbro (5%), Slowking (5%)
Fish, Normal: Poliwag (60%), Slowpoke (30%), Chinchou (5%), Remoraid (5%)
Fish, Special: Chinchou (60%), Qwilfish (30%), Remoraid (10%)
Wellspring Cave 1F

Cave, Normal: Woobat (20%), Zubat (20%), Geodude (10%), Roggenrola (10%), Aron (10%), Whismur
(10%), Wooper (5%), Bronzor (5%), Axew (5%), Teddiursa (5%)
Cave, Special: Drilbur (40%), Diglett (40%), Gible (20%)
Surf, Normal: Wooper (60%), Shellos (40%)
Surf, Special: Quagsire (60%), Gastrodon (40%)
Fish, Normal: Barboach (60%), Tentacool (30%), Shellder (10%)
Fish, Special: Shellder (100%)

Cave, Normal: Woobat (20%), Golbat (20%), Graveler (10%), Boldore (10%), Lairon (10%), Steelix
(10%), Loudred (10%), Quagsire (10%)
Cave, Special: Excadrill (50%), Dugtrio (50%)
Surf, Normal: Whiscash (60%), Gastrodon (40%)
Surf, Special: Whiscash (60%), Gastrodon (40%)
Fish, Normal: Whiscash (100%)
Fish, Special: Cloyster (100%)
Pinwheel Forest
Grass, Normal: Tympole (20%), Timburr (20%), Meditite (10%), Spinarak (10%), Ledyba (10%), Machop
(10%), Makuhita (10%), Croagunk (5%), Slakoth (5%)
Grass, Doubles: Throh (20%), Sawk (20%), Dunsparce (10%), Doduo (10%), Snubbull (10%), Aipom
(10%), Cubone (9%), Burmy (9%), Heracross (2%)
Grass, Special: Audino (50%), Tepig (10%), Tyrogue (10%), Riolu (10%), Charmander (5%), Cyndaquil
(5%), Torchic (5%), Chimchar (5%)

Grass, Normal: Cottonee (20%), Petilil (20%), Sewaddle (10%), Venipede (10%), Oddish (10%),
Bellsprout (10%), Shroomish (5%), Exeggcute (5%), Murkrow (5%), Misdreavus (5%)
Grass, Doubles: Tangela (20%), Roselia (20%), Swadloon (10%), Whirlipede (10%), Gloom (10%),
Weepinbell (10%), Carnivine (5%), Scyther (5%), Pinsir (5%), Vigoroth (5%)
Grass, Special: Audino (40%), Snivy (10%), Pansage (10%), Panpour (10%), Pansear (10%), Bulbasaur
(5%), Chikorita (5%), Treecko (5%), Turtwig (5%)
Surf, Normal: Surskit (100%)
Surf, Special: Masquerain (100%)
Fish, Normal: Psyduck (60%), Poliwag (40%)
Fish, Special: Poliwhirl (95%), Politoed (5%)


Virizion. Level 56
Rumination Field
Liberty Garden

Victini, Level 20
Liberty Tower Basement

There are no Wild Pokemon in here as usual, but this is the only place to catch Victini. It is currently
impossible to give the ticket in-game and have it work fully.

You will need your .sav file. If you are using a flashcard such as an R4 or an Acekard, then it is likely to
be readily available; you will just need to utilize your .sav file. Those of you using DeSmuME will have to
use the Export Backup Memory found in the File drop-down, which will export your .dsv as a .sav.
Finally, no$gba users will have to use the savegames converter to change the .sav in their BATTERY
folder into a regular .sav.

You then need to load up your .sav with the Pokémon Mystery Gift Editor, made by Grovyle91. The
setup was included in the download for the patch. If somehow you have this document but NOT the
enclosed setup, you can download it here. Once installed, you will also need the .pgf file for the Liberty
Ticket event. This also came with the download, but if you are missing it then you can get it from here.

The rest is simple; load up your .sav with the Pokémon Mystery Gift Editor (you don’t even need to take
it off the storage device if you’re using a flashcard!) Once the new bit opens, click on Import PGF
(change the Current Gift if you happen to already have wonder cards on there) and choose the Liberty
Ticket pgf. Once loaded, simply hit the Save button at the top. This will save the Wonder Card to your
save file.

Flashcards already have their .sav ready to play, but for the others; DeSmuME users should use the
Import Backup Memory under the file tab to bring in the newly edited .sav. Be sure to reset the ROM
afterwards for the best results. No$gba users can simply slot their .sav in the BATTERY folder and it
should convert back to the no$ format automatically when the ROM is booted.

With the wonder card loaded, simply go into any Pokémon Center and talk to the blue guy on the
right. You will get the Liberty Ticket and all required flags will be activated, allowing you to sail on the
ship at the far left port of the city to the island. It’s all normal from there. Note that the trainer levels are
sufficent for you to catch Victini the moment you first reach Castelia City.

Don’t let the length of the words fool you; it’s simple!
Route 4

Sand: Sandile (20%), Sandshrew (20%), Darumaka (10%), Scraggy (10%), Cacnea (10%), Trapinch
(10%), Vullaby (10%), Hippopotas (5%), Elgyem (5%)
Surf, Normal: Frillish (60%), Clamperl (30%), Relicanth (10%)
Surf, Special: Jellicent (60%), Relicanth (30%), Huntail (5%), Gorebyss (5%)
Fish, Normal: Krabby (60%), Corphish (30%), Clamperl (10%)
Fish, Special: Clamperl (60%), Frillish (30%), Relicanth (10%)
Desert Resort

Sand: Sandile (20%), Sandshrew (20%), Darumaka (10%), Scraggy (10%), Cacnea (10%), Dwebble
(10%), Baltoy (10%), Trapinch (10%)

Sand: Trapinch (20%), Darumaka (20%), Cacnea (10%), Hippopotas (10%), Gligar (10%), Dwebble
(10%), Maractus (5%), Sigilyph (5%), Skarmory (5%), Mandibuzz (5%)

Darmanitan, Level 35
Desert Resort
* This is still the only way to get a Zen Mode Darmanitan!
Relic Castle

Sand: Sandile (20%), Sandshrew (20%), Rhyhorn (10%), Numel (10%), Golett (10%), Bronzor (10%),
Onix (10%), Trapinch (10%)

Sand: Yamask (20%), Gastly (20%), Shuppet (10%), Duskull (10%), Bronzor (10%), Elgyem (10%), Litwick
(10%), Beldum (4%), Larvitar (4%), Larvesta (2%)

B2F, B3F, B4F, B5F

Sand: Krokorok (20%), Cofagrigus (20%), Vibrava (10%), Hippowdon (10%), Sandslash (10%), Claydol
(10%), Sigilyph (5%), Crustle (5%), Darmanitan (5%), Camerupt (5%)

B6F, Maze
Sand: Krokorok (20%), Cofagrigus (20%), Vibrava (10%), Hippowdon (10%), Sandslash (10%), Claydol
(10%), Sigilyph (5%), Crustle (5%), Darmanitan (5%), Camerupt (5%)

Pot Rooms
Sand: Unown (100%)

Regirock, Level 50
Relic Castle, B5F
Sand, 1%
* The Relic Castle is a place with many ancient secrets sleeping beneath its depths. The arrival of Team
Plasma has made two particular members of a trio wake up… but you’ll be lucky to bump into them.


Registeel, Level 50
Relic Castle, B5F
Sand, 1%
* The ancient, sandy area is also enjoyed by the tough Registeel, but despite its size, it’s still rare to
make contact with it. Why? Who knows; blame it on their legendary powers.


Regigigas. Level 70
Relic Castle, Volcarona Room
Floor, 1%
* It’s of little surprise that the king would appear in the same area as the majority of his subjects. The
deepest, most valuable room in the castle houses this beast.


Volcarona, Level 75
Relic Castle, Volcarona Room
Route 5
Grass, Normal: Solosis (20%), Gothita (20%), Koffing (10%), Trubbish (10%), Gulpin (10%), Grimer
(10%), Ditto (5%), Mime Jr. (5%), Bonsly (5%), Pachirisu (5%)
Grass, Doubles: Nidorina (20%), Nidorino (20%), Rufflet (10%), Lickitung (10%), Smeargle (10%),
Minccino (10%), Miltank (5%), Tauros (5%), Bagon (5%), Munchlax (5%)
Grass, Special: Audino (40%), Emolga (20%), Cinccino (10%), Nidoqueen (10%), Nidoking (10%),
Braviary (10%)
Route 16

Grass, Normal: Ekans (20%), Pineco (20%), Skorupi (10%), Electrike (10%), Combee (10%), Paras (10%),
Buneary (5%), Pawniard (5%), Drifloon (5%), Spoink (5%)
Grass, Doubles: Zangoose (20%), Seviper (20%), Stunky (10%), Glameow (10%), Slugma (10%),
Vespiquen (10%), Parasect (10%), Girafarig (5%), Castform (5%)
Grass, Special: Audino (70%), Emolga (10%), Bisharp (10%), Lopunny (10%)
Lostlorn Forest
Grass, Normal: Karrablast (20%), Shelmet (20%), Yanma (10%), Pichu (10%), Psyduck (10%), Surskit
(10%), Farfetch'd (5%), Chatot (5%), Misdreavus (5%), Murkrow (5%)
Grass, Doubles: Escavalier (20%), Accelgor (20%), Wormadam (10%), Mothim (10%), Masquerain
(10%), Golduck (10%), Farfetch'd (5%), Chatot (5%), Swadloon (5%), Whirlipede (5%)
Grass, Special: Audino (40%), Pikachu (10%), Kecleon (10%), Whimsicott (10%), Lilligant (10%), Zorua
(5%), Eevee (5%), Mismagius (5%), Honchkrow (5%)
Surf, Normal: Magikarp (100%)
Surf, Special: Gyarados (100%)
Fish, Normal: Carvanha (60%), Magikarp (30%), Goldeen (10%)
Fish, Special: Sharpedo (60%), Seaking (30%), Gyarados (10%)


Mew, Level 30
Lostlorn Forest
Doubles Grass, 1%.
* Mew loves appearing in foresty areas. The Lostlorn Forest in particular is famous for its myths, and
Mew is drawn to such places… mostly to play.


Celebi, Level 30
Lostlorn Forest
Doubles Grass, 1%.
* Celebi also enjoys a forest, and although the Lostlorn Forest employs no shrine, it’s still a peaceful
setting where Celebi can find a home.
Driftveil Drawbidge
Bridge, Special: Ducklett (20%), Wingull (20%), Swablu (20%), Spearow (20%), Hoppip (20%)
Driftveil City

Surf, Normal: Frillish (60%), Tentacool (30%), Staryu (10%)

Surf, Special: Staryu (60%), Tentacruel (30%), Lapras (10%)
Fish, Normal: Horsea (60%), Wailmer (30%), Mantyke (10%)
Fish, Special: Wailmer (60%), Seadra (30%), Mantyke (10%)
Cold Storage

Grass, Normal: Vanillite (20%), Herdier (20%), Snorunt (10%), Swinub (10%), Cubchoo (10%), Buizel
(10%), Mienfoo (10%), Taillow (10%)
Grass, Doubles: Vanillish (20%), Herdier (20%), Swellow (10%), Floatzel (10%), Sneasel (10%), Delibird
(10%), Smoochum (10%), Piloswine (10%)
Grass, Special: Audino (90%), Mienshao (10%)
Route 6 – Spring / Summer / Autumn

Grass, Normal: Cherubi (20%), Deerling (20%), Stantler (10%), Foongus (10%), Pidgeotto (10%), Natu
(10%), Mime Jr. (5%), Bonsly (5%), Plusle (5%), Minun (5%)
Grass, Doubles: Cherrim (20%), Sawsbuck (20%), Stantler (10%), Foongus (10%), Pidgeotto (10%), Xatu
(10%), Mr. Mime (5%), Sudowoodo (5%), Plusle (5%), Minun (5%)
Grass, Special: Chansey (80%), Emolga (10%), Leavanny (5%), Unfezant (5%)
Surf, Normal: Finneon (60%), Goldeen (30%), Chinchou (10%)
Surf, Special: Lumineon (60%), Lanturn (30%), Seaking (10%)
Fish, Normal: Finneon (60%), Chinchou (40%)
Fish, Special: Lumineon (60%), Lanturn (40%)

Route 6 – Winter
Grass, Normal: Snover (20%), Deerling (20%), Stantler (10%), Foongus (10%), Pidgeotto (10%), Natu
(10%), Mime Jr. (5%), Bonsly (5%), Plusle (5%), Minun (5%)
Grass, Doubles: Snover (20%), Sawsbuck (20%), Stantler (10%), Foongus (10%), Pidgeotto (10%), Xatu
(10%), Mr. Mime (5%), Sudowoodo (5%), Plusle (5%), Minun (5%)
Grass, Special: Chansey (80%), Emolga (10%), Leavanny (5%), Unfezant (5%)
Surf, Normal: Seel (60%), Spheal (30%), Chinchou (10%)
Surf, Special: Dewgong (60%), Sealeo (30%), Lanturn (10%)
Fish, Normal: Seel (60%), Spheal (30%), Chinchou (10%)
Fish, Special: Dewgong (60%), Sealeo (30%), Lanturn (10%)
Chargestone Cave
Cave, Normal: Joltik (20%), Klink (20%), Elekid (10%), Magnemite (10%), Voltorb (10%), Ferroseed
(10%), Nosepass (10%), Lairon (10%)
Cave, Special: Drilbur (50%), Diglett (50%)

Cave, Normal: Joltik (20%), Klink (20%), Mawile (10%), Sableye (10%), Tynamo (10%), Durant (10%),
Nosepass (10%), Deino (10%)
Cave, Special: Drilbur (50%), Diglett (50%)

Cave, Normal: Galvantula (20%), Klang (20%), Electabuzz (10%), Magneton (10%), Electrode (10%),
Ferrothorn (10%), Durant (5%), Eelektrik (5%), Porygon (5%), Rotom (4%)
Cave, Special: Excadrill (50%), Dugtrio (50%)


Zapdos, Level 50
Chargestone Cave, B2F.
Cave, Normal, 1%.
* Zapdos, like most Electric types, is drawn to high potential sources. Watch out – don’t underestimate
its power!
Route 7 – All Seasons
Grass, Normal: Ponyta (20%), Aipom (20%), Magby (10%), Nincada (10%), Doduo (10%), Cubone
(10%), Skarmory (5%), Pachirisu (5%), Torkoal (5%), Gligar (5%)
Grass, Doubles: Rapidash (20%), Ambipom (20%), Magmar (10%), Ninjask (10%), Dodrio (10%),
Marowak (10%), Heatmor (5%), Bouffalant (5%), Miltank (5%), Tauros (5%)
Grass, Shaking: Audino (60%), Emolga (30%), Gliscor (10%)
Celestial Tower

2F, 3F
Tower, Normal: Litwick (20%), Elgyem (20%), Chingling (10%), Gastly (10%), Duskull (10%), Shuppet
(10%), Wynaut (10%), Bronzor (10%)

Tower, Normal: Lampent (20%), Beheeyem (20%), Chimecho (10%), Haunter (10%), Dusclops (10%),
Banette (10%), Wobbuffet (10%), Bronzong (10%)

5F (Roof)
Tower, Normal: Misdreavus (20%), Murkrow (20%), Drifblim (20%), Noctowl (20%), Absol (10%),
Spiritomb (10%)

Cresselia, Level 50
Celestial Tower, Roof
Tower, Normal, 1%
* The mistress of the moon is kind, and takes pity upon the departed souls of Pokémon. You can
interrupt her mourning and put her in a ball. Isn’t that dandy?
Route 17
Surf, Normal: Wailmer (60%), Corsola (30%), Mantyke (10%)
Surf, Special: Wailord (60%), Corsola (30%), Mantine (10%)
Fish, Normal: Luvdisc (100%)
Fish, Special: Alomomola (60%), Corsola (40%)


Manaphy, Level 30
Route 17
Surf, Special, 1%
* Manaphy likes the colder seas of the Unova region, so its presence in the vast waters of Route 17 is
not surprising. Go a little further and you might encounter its children, too.

Route 18

Grass, Normal: Throh (20%), Sawk (20%), Heracross (10%), Munchlax (10%), Dwebble (10%), Lickitung
(10%), Kangaskhan (10%), Tropius (10%)
Grass, Doubles: Throh (20%), Sawk (20%), Heracross (10%), Munchlax (10%), Crustle (10%), Lickitung
(10%), Kangaskhan (10%), Tropius (10%)
Shaking Grass: Audino (90%), Snorlax (5%), Lickilicky (5%)
Surf, Normal: Carvanha (60%), Luvdisc (30%), Qwilfish (10%)
Surf, Special: Alomomola (60%), Qwilfish (30%), Sharpedo (10%)
Fish, Normal: Tentacool (60%), Horsea (40%)
Fish, Special: Qwilfish (60%), Seadra (30%), Tentacruel (10%)


Phione, Level 30
Route 17
Surf, Special, 1%
* This often debated Pokémon can sometimes be found in the warmer seas of the Unova region. It has
gained more strength, but is still weaker than its fully grown counterpart.
P2 Laboratory

Grass, Normal: Porygon (20%), Klang (20%), Magneton (20%), Electrode (20%), Kingler (10%), Shuckle
Grass, Special: Audino (95%), Porygon2 (5%)
Surf, Normal: Wingull (60%), Tentacool (30%), Pelipper (10%)
Surf, Special: Tentacruel (60%), Frillish (30%), Jellicent (10%)
Fish, Normal: Krabby (60%), Corphish (40%)
Fish, Special: Kingler (60%), Crawdaunt (40%)
Mistralton Cave 1F – 2F

Cave, Normal: Onix (20%), Rhyhorn (20%), Larvitar (10%), Bagon (10%), Beldum (10%), Gible (10%),
Axew (10%), Deino (10%)
Cave, Special: Drilbur (50%), Diglett (50%)

Mistralton Cave 3F (Guidance Chamber)

Cave, Normal: Steelix (20%), Rhydon (20%), Pupitar (10%), Shelgon (10%), Metang (10%), Gabite
(10%), Fraxure (10%), Zweilous (10%)
Cave, Special: Excadrill (50%), Dugtrio (50%)

Uxie, Level 50
Mistralton Cave, 1F
Cave, Normal, 1%
* Mistralton Cave, though already home to the mythical Cobalion, is a dark cave close by to the
bountiful rivers to Route 6. It’s no lake, but it’s a good enough place for the pixie trio to reside.


Mesprit, Level 50
Mistralton Cave, 2F
Cave, Normal, 1%
* Mistralton Cave, though already home to the mythical Cobalion, is a dark cave close by to the
bountiful rivers to Route 6. It’s no lake, but it’s a good enough place for the pixie trio to reside.


Azelf, Level 50
Mistralton Cave, 3F
Cave, Normal, 1%
* Mistralton Cave, though already home to the mythical Cobalion, is a dark cave close by to the
bountiful rivers to Route 6. It’s no lake, but it’s a good enough place for the pixie trio to reside.


Cobalion, Level 56
Guidance Chamber
Twist Mountain
1F - All Seasons
Cave, Normal: Phanpy (20%), Teddiursa (20%), Cubchoo (10%), Sneasel (10%), Delibird (10%), Swinub
(10%), Graveler (5%), Boldore (5%), Cryogonal (5%), Gurdurr (5%)
Cave, Special: Excadrill (50%), Dugtrio (50%)

Not 1F - All Seasons

Cave, Normal: Donphan (20%), Ursaring (20%), Beartic (10%), Sneasel (10%), Delibird (10%), Piloswine
(10%), Mawile (5%), Sableye (5%), Cryogonal (5%), Durant (5%)
Cave, Special: Excadrill (50%), Dugtrio (50%)


Regice, Level 50
Twist Mountain, Ice Rock Room, Winter
Cave, Normal, 1%
* Unlike its brothers, Regice prefers only the very coldest of climates. Try your luck in a harsh Winter at
the depths of the area, and you might just have a chance at finding it.
Icirrus City, Route 8
Puddle, Normal: Palpitoad (20%), Stunfisk (20%), Croagunk (10%), Gulpin (10%), Koffing (10%), Grimer
(10%), Gastrodon-E (5%), Quagsire (5%), Toxicroak (4%), Swalot (4%), Weezing (1%), Muk (1%)
Surf, Normal: Stunfisk (60%), Barboach (40%)
Surf, Special: Whiscash (60%), Seismitoad (40%)
Fish, Normal: Barboach (70%), Stunfisk (30%)
Fish, Special: Barboach (60%), Stunfisk (30%), Whiscash (10%)
Moor of Icirrus

Puddle, Normal: Quagsire (20%), Stunfisk (20%), Gastrodon-E (10%), Toxicroak (10%), Swalot (10%),
Weezing (10%), Muk (10%), Palpitoad (10%)
Surf, Normal: Stunfisk (60%), Barboach (40%)
Surf, Special: Whiscash (60%), Seismitoad (40%)
Fish, Normal: Barboach (70%), Stunfisk (30%)
Fish, Special: Barboach (60%), Stunfisk (30%), Whiscash (10%)


Keldeo, Level 56
Moor of Iccirus, Autumn
Puddle, Normal, 1%.
* The Moor of Icirrus is a special place for Keldeo, and in the Autumn you may see this unicorn
galloping past. If you can catch it, you’ll have a chance at adding him to your team.
Dragonspiral Tower
Outside (Both Areas) – Spring, Summer, Autumn
Grass, Normal: Mienfoo (20%), Deerling (20%), Druddigon (20%), Swablu (20%), Kadabra (20%)
Grass, Doubles: Mienshao (20%), Sawsbuck (20%), Druddigon (20%), Altaria (20%), Kadabra (20%)
Grass, Shaking: Audino (90%), Alakazam (10%)
Surf, Normal: Horsea (60%), Dratini (40%)
Surf, Special: Seadra (60%), Dragonair (40%)
Fish, Normal: Horsea (60%), Basculin (30%), Dratini (10%)
Fish, Special: Seadra (60%), Dragonair (30%), Kingdra (9%), Dragonite (1%)

Outside (Both Areas) – Winter

Grass, Normal: Mienfoo (20%), Snover (20%), Cubchoo (20%), Vanillite (20%), Kadabra (20%)
Grass, Doubles: Mienshao (20%), Abomasnow (20%), Beartic (20%), Vanillish (20%), Kadabra (20%)
Grass, Shaking: Audino (90%), Alakazam (10%)
Surf, Normal: Horsea (60%), Dratini (40%)
Surf, Special: Seadra (60%), Dragonair (40%)
Fish, Normal: Horsea (60%), Basculin (30%), Dratini (10%)
Fish, Special: Seadra (60%), Dragonair (30%), Kingdra (9%), Dragonite (1%)

Inside – Room One

Tower, Normal: Druddigon (40%), Baltoy (30%), Golett (30%)

Inside – Room Two

Tower, Normal: Claydol (50%), Golurk (50%)


Articuno, Level 50
Dragonspiral Tower, Outside, Winter
Doubles Grass, 1%.
* Only in the doubles grass right outside the tower! Articuno enjoys a rest in the snowy north of the
Unova region, but you might be welcome to disturb it.

Suicune, Level 50
Dragonspiral Tower, Outside, Spring, Summer & Autumn
Surf, Special, 1%.
* Suicune loves bouncing around the seas, not just the Johto region. Three times a year, this journey
ends up leading it to the small lake in front of the ancient tower.
Route 9

Grass, Normal: Gothorita (20%), Duosion (20%), Kirlia (10%), Minccino (10%), Pawniard (10%), Skitty
(10%), Liepard (10%), Persian (10%)
Grass, Doubles: Flaaffy (20%), Luxio (20%), Hypno (10%), Cinccino (10%), Bisharp (10%), Garbodor
(10%), Houndoom (10%), Granbull (10%)
Grass, Special: Audino (90%), Gothitelle (5%), Reuniclus (5%)


Raikou, Level 50
Route 9
Grass, Special, 1%.
* You’ll have to sift through loads of Audino for this beast. Raikou is naturally attracted to electricity,
and the Department Store in the route has plenty of that.

Entei, Level 50
Route 9
Grass, Special, 1%.
* Entei and Raikou are like best friends and brothers; they will always stay together, and Entei will follow
Raikou to whatever attracts him.
Route 10

Main Route
Grass, Normal: Herdier (20%), Pidgeotto (20%), Rufflet (10%), Vullaby (10%), Machoke (10%),
Primeape (10%), Amoonguss (10%), Tranquill (10%)
Grass, Doubles: Mandibuzz (20%), Braviary (20%), Bouffalant (10%), Grumpig (10%), Drapion (10%),
Scrafty (10%), Heracross (10%), Manectric (10%)
Grass, Special: Audino (100%)


Tornadus, Level 40 (Volt White) / Thundurus, Level 40 (Blaze Black)
Route 10, Main Route
Grass, Shaking, 1%
* While one wreaks havoc with the weather along Unova, the other will await you patiently in Route
10… if you can find it. Luckily, this one won’t run. Don’t let its low level fool you; it can still be quite
difficult to capture.

League Path
Grass, Normal: Linoone (20%), Bibarel (20%), Skiploom (10%), Arbok (10%), Sandslash (10%), Dodrio
(10%), Zangoose (10%), Seviper (10%)
Grass, Doubles: Scyther (20%), Pinsir (20%), Cherrim (10%), Fearow (10%), Herdier (10%), Rapidash
(10%), Tropius (10%), Girafarig (10%)
Grass, Special: Chansey (90%), Blissey (10%)


Latias, Level 60
Route 10, League Path
Grass, Doubles, 1%
* The Lati twins have always loved challenging destined League champions, and in Unova this is no
exception. They even wait on the actual path to the League, just to be sure. Of course, they also like to
test people by remaining hidden.


Latios, Level 60
Route 10, League Path
Grass, Doubles, 1%
* Anywhere where Latias goes, Latios does too.
Victory Road

Rocky Grass: Heatmor (20%), Torkoal (20%), Mandibuzz (10%), Braviary (10%), Skarmory (10%), Gliscor
(10%), Pupitar (10%), Fraxure (9%)
Inside – Rooms with Water
Cave, Normal: Donphan (20%), Ursaring (20%), Zweilous (10%), Woobat (10%), Hariyama (10%),
Medicham (10%), Lairon (10%), Azumarill (10%)
Cave, Special: Excadrill (25%), Dugtrio (25%), Steelix (25%), Sandslash (25%)
Surf, Normal: Dewgong (60%), Lapras (40%)
Surf, Special: Lapras (60%), Dewgong (40%)
Fish, Normal: Basculin (60%), Gyarados (30%), Whiscash (10%)
Fish, Special: Basculin (60%), Gyarados (30%), Whiscash (10%)

Inside – Rooms without Water

Cave, Normal: Loudred (20%), Durant (20%), Woobat (10%), Golbat (10%), Klang (10%), Rhydon
(10%), Boldore (10%), Gurdurr (10%)
Cave, Special: Excadrill (25%), Dugtrio (25%), Steelix (25%), Sandslash (25%)


Terrakion, Level 56
Victory Road, Trial Chamber


Moltres, Level 50
Victory Road, Outside
Rocky Grass, 1%.
* Good luck using Repel with this bird! Moltres loves a rocky field, and after being shifted around by
game desingers twice, it needed a rest. The peaks of Victory Road make for a great perch.


Heatran. Level 60
Victory Road, Trial Chamber
Cave, Normal, 1%
* Heatran also enjoys the mountainous area, and has appeared to visit his old friend Terrakion. You
might run into him if you storm the same room.
N’s Castle


Reshiram (Blaze Black) | Zekrom (Volt White)
Level 70
N’s Castle
Route 11

Grass, Normal: Golduck (20%), Bisharp (20%), Mandibuzz (10%), Braviary (10%), Gligar (10%),
Marowak (10%), Purugly (10%), Skuntank (10%)
Grass, Doubles: Loudred (20%), Staravia (20%), Vigoroth (10%), Electabuzz (10%), Magmar (10%),
Flygon (10%), Rhydon (10%), Boldore (10%)
Grass, Special: Audino (70%), Emolga (10%), Electivire (5%), Magmortar (5%), Gliscor (5%), Staraptor
Surf, Normal: Buizel (60%), Floatzel (40%)
Surf, Special: Dratini (60%), Dragonair (35%), Dragonite (5%)
Fish, Normal: Goldeen (70%), Basculin (30%)
Fish, Special: Goldeen (60%), Basculin (30%), Seaking (10%)
Village Bridge

Grass, Normal: Exeggcute (20%), Bibarel (20%), Zangoose (10%), Seviper (10%), Volbeat (10%),
Illumise (10%), Farfetch'd (10%), Chatot (10%)
Grass, Doubles: Flaaffy (20%), Kadabra (20%), Lombre (20%), Nuzleaf (20%), Roselia (10%),
Togepi (10%)
Grass, Special: Chansey (75%), Emolga (10%), Togetic (5%), Exeggutor (5%), Roserade (5%)
Surf, Normal: Tentacruel (60%), Sharpedo (40%)
Surf, Special: Sharpedo (60%), Jellicent (40%)
Fish, Normal: Carvanha (70%), Basculin (30%)
Fish, Special: Carvanha (60%), Basculin (30%), Sharpedo (10%)


Shaymin, Level 50
Village Bridge
Grass, Doubles, 1%
* This little hedgehog loves the peaceful river and vegetation of the Village Bridge, and can be found
dancing among the flowers to the music. A run in with this small legendary is unlikely, but not


Meloetta, Level 50
Village Bridge
Grass, Doubles, 1%
* Meloetta, the Queen of Song, also highly enjoys the area, joining in with the vocal peformances given
by the residents. Her sound lends her location, but it’ll be a tricky place to find.
Route 12

Grass, Normal: Cherrim (20%), Combee (20%), Sunkern (10%), Pinsir (10%), Heracross (10%),
Scyther (10%), Rapidash (10%), Zebstrika (10%)
Grass, Doubles: Tranquill (40%), Butterfree (10%), Beedrill (10%), Beautifly (10%), Dustox (10%),
Swadloon (10%), Whirlipede (10%)
Grass, Special: Emolga (95%), Sunflora (5%), Vespiquen (5%)
Route 13

Grass, Normal: Absol (20%), Drifblim (20%), Swellow (10%), Lunatone (10%), Solrock (10%),
Wormadam (10%), Mothim (10%), Pelipper (10%)
Grass, Doubles: Golbat (20%), Tangela (20%), Nidorino (10%), Nidorina (10%), Yanma (10%), Gloom
(10%), Weepinbell (10%), Skiploom (10%)
Grass, Special: Audino (80%), Tangrowth (5%), Crobat (5%), Nidoking (5%), Nidoqueen (5%)
Surf, Normal: Pelipper (60%), Corsola (40%)
Surf, Special: Tentacruel (60%), Starmie (30%), Kingdra (10%)
Fish, Normal: Shellder (65%), Krabby (30%), Luvdisc (5%)
Fish, Special: Shellder (60%), Luvdisc (30%), Kingler (5%), Cloyster (5%)

Lugia, Level 70
Route 13
Surf, Special, 1%
* The sea is vast, and allows Lugia to spy on the humans it so dearly tries to protect. Of course, it’ll not
hesitate to fight if a gifted trainer comes along, looking for a challenge…
Giant Chasm – Outside Area

Grass, Normal: Absol (20%), Drifblim (20%), Swellow (10%), Lunatone (10%), Solrock (10%),
Wormadam (10%), Mothim (10%), Pelipper (10%)
Grass, Doubles: Golbat (20%), Tangela (20%), Nidorino (10%), Nidorina (10%), Yanma (10%), Gloom
(10%), Weepinbell (10%), Skiploom (10%)
Grass, Special: Audino (80%), Tangrowth (5%), Crobat (5%), Nidoking (5%), Nidoqueen (5%)


Deoxys, Level 70
Giant Chasm, Outside Area
Doubles Grass, 1%.
* With stories of the Giant Chasm formed from a meteor, it’s not unlikely to imagine that Deoxys has
made a settlement somewhere near. Perhaps you might encounter it while it searches for meteorite.

Giant Chasm – Inside Cave

Cave, Normal: Woobat (20%), Jynx (20%), Glalie (10%), Beartic (10%), Slowbro (10%), Piloswine (10%),
Graveler (10%), Boldore (10%)
Cave, Special: Excadrill (100%)
Surf, Normal: Seel (60%), Dewgong (40%)
Surf, Special: Walrein (100%)
Fish, Normal: Poliwag (65%), Basculin (30%), Poliwhirl (5%)
Fish, Special: Poliwhirl (65%), Baculin (30%), Poliwrath (5%)


Dialga, Level 70
Giant Chasm, Inside Cave (not Kyurem bit)
Cave, Normal, 1%
* The Giant Chasm, ruled by Kyurem, is sometimes rumoured to also be related to the powers of time.
Dialga’s visits to this place mean you might just find it, or perhaps its counterpart, Palkia.


Palkia, Level 70
Giant Chasm, Inside Cave (not Kyurem bit)
Cave, Normal, 1%
* Equally, the distortions in space mean Palkia has taken residence in this unknown area of the world.

Giant Chasm – Inside Plains

Grass, Normal: Clefairy (20%), Jigglypuff (20%), Skitty (10%), Sneasel (10%), Metang (10%), Vanillish
(10%), Golbat (10%), Porygon (10%)
Grass, Doubles: Piloswine (20%), Abomasnow (20%), Bouffalant (10%), Solrock (10%), Lunatone (10%),
Skiploom (10%), Metang (10%), Ditto (10%)
Grass, Special: Audino (80%), Clefable (5%), Wigglytuff (5%), Mamoswine (5%), Metagross (5%)


Giratina, Level 70
Giant Chasm, Inside Plains
Grass, Doubles, 1%
* Giratina, the third dragon of Sinnoh, also makes an appearance. Though he intends to see the
Celestial Tower, the Giant Chasm is an ideal place for rest.


Reshiram, Level 70 (Volt White) / Zekrom, Level 70 (Blaze Black)
Giant Chasm, Inside Plains
Grass, Doubles, 1%
* The remaining Tao dragon also appears, having split off from N and returning to greet the third
member of its trio. You might be able to find it, if you’re lucky…

Kyurem, Level 75
Giant Chasm, Rear Cave
Undella Town

Surf, Normal: Luvdisc (60%), Corsola (40%)

Surf, Special: Alomomola (100%)
Fish, Normal: Remoraid (65%), Shellder (30%), Luvdisc (5%)
Fish, Special: Shellder (60%), Luvdisc (30%), Octillery (5%), Cloyster (5%)
Undella Bay

All Seasons
Surf, Normal: Mantyke (60%), Wailmer (40%)
Surf, Special: Mantine (60%), Wailord (40%)
Fish, Normal: Remoraid (65%), Shellder (30%), Luvdisc (5%)
Fish, Special: Shellder (60%), Luvdisc (30%), Octillery (5%), Cloyster (5%)

Kyogre, Level 70
Undella Bay, Summer
Surf, Special, 1%
* The vast waters of the Undella Bay are perfect for Kyogre, who awakens only once in the four-season
period. The hot temperatures of Summer might lead a lucky – or doomed – trainer to find this beast.
Route 14

Grass, Normal: Gothorita (20%), Duosion (20%), Kirlia (10%), Lombre (10%), Shuckle (10%), Luxio
(10%), Carnivine (10%), Skiploom (10%)
Grass, Doubles: Altaria (20%), Mienshao (20%), Beheeyem (10%), Grumpig (10%), Drifblim (10%),
Breloom (10%), Tropius (10%), Galvantula (10%)
Grass, Special: Chansey (75%), Blissey (25%)
Surf, Normal: Seaking (60%), Lumineon (40%)
Surf, Special: Politoed (60%), Milotic (40%)
Fish, Normal: Goldeen (70%), Basculin (30%)
Fish, Special: Goldeen (60%), Basculin (30%), Seaking (10%)
Abundant Shrine
Grass, Normal: Chimecho (20%), Vulpix (20%), Growlithe (10%), Cottonee (10%), Petilil (10%), Bronzor
(10%), Murkrow (10%), Misdreavus (10%)
Grass, Doubles: Eevee (20%), Bronzong (20%), Girafarig (10%), Stantler (10%), Hypno (10%),
Mightyena (10%), Mr. Mime (10%), Sudowoodo (10%)
Grass, Special: Audino (70%), Emolga (10%), Arcanine (5%), Ninetales (5%), Whimsicott (5%), Lilligant
Surf, Normal: Slowpoke (100%)
Surf, Special: Slowking (60%), Slowbro (40%)
Fish, Normal: Goldeen (70%), Basculin (30%)
Fish, Special: Goldeen (60%), Basculin (30%), Seaking (10%)


Ho-oh, Level 70
Abundant Shrine
Grass, Special, 1%
* Ho-oh sometimes visits the shrine as a peace offering from Johto. Legendaries have culture too, you
know! If you’re lucky, you might catch a glimpse of it.


Landorus, Level 75
Abundant Shrine
Black City / White Forest
Trainers in Black City have edited rosters. White Forest has no changes to Wild Pokemon whatsoever.
Route 15

Grass, Normal: Throh (20%), Sawk (20%), Tyrogue (10%), Graveler (10%), Gabite (10%), Pupitar (10%),
Kangaskhan (10%), Marowak (10%)
Grass, Doubles: Machoke (20%), Gurdurr (20%), Pupitar (10%), Gligar (10%), Kangaskhan (10%),
Donphan (10%), Ursaring (10%), Marowak (10%)
Grass, Special: Audino (70%), Emolga (10%), Tyranitar (5%), Gliscor (5%), Machamp (5%), Conkeldurr


Groudon, Level 70
Route 15
Grass, Doubles, 1%
* With the lack of volcanoes in Unova there isn’t much for Groudon to enjoy, but the mountainous
terrain of Route 15 gives it at least some solace. Perhaps you’ll find it after shifting you a sea of various
Rock, Ground, Normal and Fighting Pokémon. If you’re lucky.
Marvelous Bridge
Bridge, Special: Swanna (20%), Pelipper (20%), Altaria (20%), Fearow (20%), Skiploom (20%)


Rayquaza, Level 70
Marvelous Bridge
Bridge, Special, 1%
* At the altitude of the Wonder Bridge, it isn’t all that uncommon to see Rayquaza flying by. Well, it is,
but regardless it needs to keep an eye on Kyogre and Groudon. Perhaps if a trainer looks straight up at
the sky, they may just be lucky enough to see it…
Challenger’s Cave – All Floors

Cave, Normal: Mawile (20%), Sableye (20%), Lickitung (10%), Graveler (10%), Woobat (10%), Boldore
(10%), Marowak (10%), Hariyama (10%)
Cave, Special: Excadrill (50%), Dugtrio (50%)

Genesect, Level 75
Challenger’s Cave, 1F
Cave, Normal, 1%.
* Though previously seen in the hands of Ghetsis, the artificial Genesect now appears in the top floors
of the looming Challenger’s Cave. The threats below keep it from descending, but this insect might just
drop on your head. It won’t be pretty.

Cave, Normal: Mawile (20%), Sableye (20%), Magneton (10%), Golbat (10%), Wobbuffet (10%),
Parasect (10%), Marowak (10%), Electrode (10%)
Cave, Special: Excadrill (50%), Dugtrio (50%)


Mewtwo, Level 75
Challenger’s Cave, B1F
Cave, Normal, 1%.
* Mewtwo returns in a post League cave once more. Challenger’s Cave is a lot like Cerulean’s Cave, but
a certain Pokémon God stopped him getting into the real bottom floor. Still, the dark and damp is
enough to make it feel like home.


Darkrai, Level 70
Challenger’s Cave, B1F
Cave, Normal, 1%.
* The dark, mid-depths of the Challenger’s Cave are also of intrigue to Darkrai, who loves the darkness
and occasionally likes to taunt the people of Icirrus City and Opelucid City with nightmares. But you
don’t need to hear about that.

Cave, Normal: Mawile (20%), Sableye (20%), Kadabra (10%), Golbat (10%), Zweilous (10%), Medicham
(10%), Ursaring (10%), Donphan (10%)
Cave, Special: Excadrill (50%), Dugtrio (50%)
Surf, Normal: Psyduck (90%), Tentacool (10%)
Surf, Special: Tentacruel (60%), Golduck (30%), Starmie (10%)
Fish, Normal: Goldeen (90%), Poliwhirl (10%)
Fish, Special: Seaking (60%), Gyarados (30%), Poliwrath (5%), Politoed (5%)


Arceus, Level 80
Challenger’s Cave, B2F
Cave, Normal, 1%.
* Only those who reach the very bottom of the most challenging cave in Unova are able to have a
chance of seeing the god of all Pokemon. Should you be lucky to come in contact with it, don’t
underestimate its power.

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