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Lista 1 com exemplos

1. about, sobre, We talked about our plans.

2. about, aproximadamente, We have about 20 CDs.
3. above, acima, The temperature is above 40º degrees.
4. across, através, They built a bridge across the river.
5. after, depois, Day after day, the rain continued.
6. again, novamente, Please, say that again.
7. against, contra, We will fight against the enemy.
8. ago, atrás (tempo), He went home 10 minutes ago.
9. all, todo, He ate all his food.
10. almost, quase, I almost broke the plate.
11. along, ao longo de, Peter walked along the street.
12. already, já, He has already been to the US.
13. also, também, He is studying German, but he is also studying French.
14. although, embora, Although he is poor, he is honest.
15. always, sempre, We have always lived here.
16. among, entre (vários), Divide the chocolate among your friends.
17. and, e, The hat was blue and red.
18. another, um outro, The dress I bought was dirty, so the shop gave me another.
19. any, algum, Do you have any time?
20. any, qualquer, Which dress do I wear? Wear any (dress).
21. any, nenhum, I don’t have any dogs.
22. around, em volta de, I’ve travelled around the world.
23. as, como, As you know, he is a nice person.
24. as, quando, As we were leaving, the sun came out.
25. at, em, He is at home now.
26. away, fora, I will be away for the week.
27. away, longe, He lives three miles away.
28. back, de volta, I will be back in two days.
29. back, atrás, There is a garden at the back of the house.
30. because, porque, I came back because it was raining.
31. before, antes, He got there before me.
32. behind, atrás, We are three points behind the team in first place.
33. beside, ao lado de, I am sitting beside the driver.
34. besides, além disso, I don’t want to go. Besides, I am too tired.
35. between, entre (dois), It will cost between U$100 and U$150.
36. beyond, além, The level of inflation has gone beyond 10%.
37. both, ambos, Both their parents are doctors.
38. but, mas, John was there, but Peter was not.
Lista 2 com exemplos

1. by, por, The city was attacked by rebel groups.

2. by, perto de, He sat by his sister
3. despite, apesar de, He didn’t get the job despite all his qualifications.
4. down, para baixo, The house is down the hill.
5. due to, devido a, He arrived late due to the rain.
6. each, cada, There are four bedrooms, each with its own shower.
7. either, também não, I haven´t seen the movie and my brother hasn’t either.
8. either, ou, You can go home either by car or by bus.
9. else, mais, Can we go anywhere else?
10. enough, suficiente, Do you have enough money to pay for the books?
11. even, até mesmo, Even the teacher doesn’t know the answer.
12. even though, mesmo se, I like the job, even though it’s badly paid.
13. ever, já, Have you ever been to France?
14. ever, sempre, We live in an ever-changing world.
15. every, cada, He attends to her every need.
16. few, poucos, Few people visit me nowadays.
17. for, para, This letter is for you.
18. for, pois, It must be late, for I have been here for a long time.
19. former, anterior, The former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso is a
20. former, primeiro de dois, We visited America and Australia, staying longer in
the former than in the latter.
21. from, de (origem), She is from the United States.
22. how, como, How do you make bread?
23. however, entretanto, I don´t have a lot of money. However, I will try to visit you
next summer.
24. if, se, If you go to Bahia, please send me a postcard.
25. in, em, My mother is in London.
26. in order to, a fim de, He had to find a night job in order to pay all the bills.
27. in spite of, apesar de, She came to class in spite of the rain.
28. indeed, na verdade, Would it help if you had an assistant? Indeed, it would.
29. inside, dentro de, The money was inside his pocket.
30. instead, ao invés de, I don’t like coffee. Could I please have tea instead?
31. into, para dentro, I saw Jim this morning. He was going into the post office.
32. just, apenas, Could you wait just a moment?
33. last, último, He caught the last bus home.
34. latter, o segundo de dois, We visited America and Australia, staying longer in
the former than in the latter.
35. like, como, She is like her mother.
36. near, perto, The station is near my house.
37. neither, nenhum de dois, Neither of the two boys could understand Italian.
38. never, nunca, I shall never go there again.
Lista 3 com exemplos

1. next, próximo, The next train leaves in ten minutes.

2. none, nenhum, None of us liked the movie.
3. now, agora, I am now living in São Paulo.
4. of, de, This table is made of plastic.
5. off, fora, The book fell off the table.
6. often, freqüentemente, We often go to the beach on weekends .We never go to
the mountains.
7. on, em cima de, The book is on the table.
8. once, uma vez, I would like to see her once more.
9. only, somente, I only go to the cinema on weekends.
10. or, ou, Would you like an orange or an apple?
11. other, outro, I saw him the other day.
12. out, fora de, This option is out of question.
13. over, por cima de, She fell over the cat.
14. over, mais de (antes de números) Brazil’s population is over 200 million people.
15. own, próprio, My brother has his own business.
16. quite, bastante, It's quite cold today.
17. rather than, ao invés de, Rather than watching soccer on TV, many people prefer
going to stadiums to watch live games.
18. same, mesmo, You have the same eyes as your sister.
19. seldom, raramente, In our summer vacation we seldom stay in Brazil. We
always travel to another country.
20. several, vários, I’ve got several mystery books.
21. since, desde, I have been studying at Unicamp since 2005.
22. since, porque, Since you’re going, I will go too.
23. so, tão, She was so happy to pass the exams.
24. so, assim, He didn't like her. So he sent her home.
25. some, algum, Some people will arrive tonight. Others, tomorrow morning.
26. still, ainda, I still haven’t found what I am looking for.
27. such, tão, She is such a good teacher!
28. such as, tal como, I would like to go to a calm place, such as a house in the
29. than, do que, Soccer is more popular than tennis.
30. that, aquele, Don't take this book. Take that one.
31. that, esse, That's what he told me.
32. that, que, Who is the women that you were talking to?
33. then, então, If you are coming next week, I will see you then.
34. there, lá, She lives there.
35. these, estes, These books here are on sale!
36. this, este, This is the book I’ve told you about.
37. those, aqueles, Those flowers over there need water.
38. those, esses, Those are nice shoes! Where did you get them?
39. though, embora, She went out, though it was raining.
Lista 4 com exemplos

1. throughout, por toda a parte, They searched for the book throughout the house.
2. thus, assim, She worked hard all day long. Thus, she was able to finish her work.
3. till, até, I will wait till six o’clock.
4. to, para, I went to the concert.
5. together, junto, They travelled together.
6. too, também, I like cycling; my sister does too.
7. towards, em direção a, He walked towards the door.
8. through, através, He came into the room through the window.
9. twice, duas vezes, He visited me twice that year.
10. under, embaixo, The cat is under the table.
11. unless – a menos que, Don't come unless I telephone you.
12. until, até, She was here until one o’clock.
13. up, para cima, She looked up at him.
14. upon, sobre, She sat upon the floor.
15. what, o que, What is she reading?
16. whatever, o que quer que, Whatever you do, don’t forget to let me know.
17. when, quando, When is your birthday? It’s on September 23.
18. whenever, quando quer que, I go to the theatre whenever I have the chance.
19. where, onde, Where do you live?
20. wherever, onde quer que, Go wherever she tells you to go.
21. whether, se, I don’t know whether it’s possible.
22. which, que, This is the book which you wanted.
23. which, o qual, I can’t decide which to choose.
24. while, enquanto, I saw him while I was out walking.
25. who, quem, Who do you want to see?
26. who, que, A doctor is a person who looks after people’s health.
27. whoever, quem quer que, Whoever gets the job will have a lot of work to do.
28. whose, cujo, What is the name of the women whose book is black?
29. whose, de quem, Whose is this bag?
30. why, por que, Why aren't you coming to the party?
31. with, com, I am going to travel with Jane.
32. within, dentro de, Within five months, I will be moving to England.
33. without, sem, Without money, I can’t go anywhere.
34. yet, entretanto, He seems to be very nice; yet, I don’t know him.
35. yet, ainda não, He hasn’t arrived yet.
36. yet, já, Have you finished yet?

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