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3, SEPTEMBER 2017 1251

Synchronization and Frequency Regulation of

DFIG-Based Wind Turbine Generators With
Synchronized Control
Linbin Huang, Student Member, IEEE, Huanhai Xin, Member, IEEE, Leiqi Zhang, Student Member, IEEE,
Zhen Wang, Member, IEEE, Kuayu Wu, and Haijiao Wang

Abstract—Synchronized control (SYNC) is widely adopted for adopted for doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) based WTG
doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)-based wind turbine genera- [4], [5].
tors (WTGs) in microgrids and weak grids, which applies P-f droop These frequency regulation strategies build a relationship be-
control to achieve grid synchronization instead of phase-locked
loop. The DFIG-based WTG with SYNC will reach a new equi- tween the grid frequency and the active power output so that
librium of rotor speed under frequency deviation, resulting in the the DFIG-based WTG can provide active power support un-
WTG’s acceleration or deceleration. The acceleration/deceleration der frequency disturbances. One way to implement frequency
process can utilize the kinetic energy stored in the rotating mass of regulation strategies in DFIG-based WTG is to introduce grid
WTG to provide active power support for the power grid, but the frequency differential signal (i.e., df /dt) and the signal of fre-
WTG may lose synchronous stability simultaneously. This stabil-
ity problem occurs when the equilibrium of rotor speed is lost and quency deviation beyond the nominal value (i.e., Δf ) to the
the rotor speed exceeds the admissible range during the frequency torque or power reference in the control of rotor side converter
deviations, which will be particularly analyzed in this paper. It is (RSC) [6]–[8]. This method is for DFIG-based WTG that uti-
demonstrated that the synchronous stability can be improved by lizes phase-locked loops (PLL) in the control of RSC for grid
increasing the P-f droop coefficient. However, increasing the P-f synchronization. Another way is synchronized control (SYNC),
droop coefficient will deteriorate the system’s small signal stabil-
ity. To address this contradiction, a modified synchronized control which applies P-f droop or virtual synchronous control strategy
strategy is proposed. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of in the control of RSC for grid synchronization so that PLL is
the analysis and the proposed control strategy. removed [9], [10]. The SYNC regulates the stator flux speed of
Index Terms—Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG)-based
DFIG (i.e., frequency output) according to active power output.
wind turbine generators, frequency deviation, synchronization Thus, the DFIG-based WTG with SYNC can provide active
characteristics, synchronized control, synchronous stability. power support under frequency disturbances. For instance, the
P-f droop strategy, as a typical type of SYNC, builds a linear
I. INTRODUCTION relationship between the frequency output and the active power
output to emulate the frequency characteristics of synchronous
NCREASING penetration of wind generations in modern
I power grid requires wind turbine generators (WTGs) to par-
ticipate in grid frequency regulation and provide active power
generators (SGs) for frequency regulation [11]–[13].
When the WTG is connected to a strong grid, the PLL can
track the angle of grid voltage or stator flux with robust per-
support under frequency disturbances [1]–[3]. To fulfill this re-
formance. In this situation, PLL is suitable to be applied in the
quirement, frequency regulation strategies, such as inertial re-
WTG. However, when connected to a weak grid, which is char-
sponse emulation and primary frequency control, are widely
acterized by low short circuit ratio, the tracking accuracy and
responsiveness of the PLL is deteriorated, resulting in a poor
Manuscript received August 16, 2016; revised January 10, 2017 and February small signal stability performance of the WTG system [14].
7, 2017; accepted February 17, 2017. Date of publication March 1, 2017; date of
current version August 18, 2017. This work was supported in part by the National
What’s worse, improper parameters of PLL may lead to failure
Key Research and Development Program under Grant 2016YFB0900104, in part of the low-voltage ride through [15]. Thus, the PLL is not a
by the National Science Foundation of China under Grant 51577168 and Grant good choice when the WTG is connected to the weak grid or
51677165, and in part by the State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Company
Technical Program under Grant 5211DS160020. Paper no. TEC-00702-2016.
within a microgrid, especially when it supplies a major part of
L. Huang, H. Xin, L. Zhang, and Z. Wang are with the College of Electrical the loads [16]. In these situations, SYNC is more suitable to be
Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China (e-mail: huanglb@ applied in WTGs.;;;
K. Wu is with the State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute,
There have been many works involving the modeling, small
Hangzhou 310014, China (e-mail: signal analysis and sensitivity analysis of DFIG-based WTG
H. Wang is with the China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing 100192, with SYNC [14], [17], [18]. However, the large disturbance
China (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
stability is much less studied. In fact, the WTG with SYNC
at can also lose stability under large disturbances. For instance,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEC.2017.2675480 the WTG can lose the equilibrium of rotor speed under

0885-8969 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

frequency deviations, causing the rotor speed to keep decreasing

and finally result in tripping of the WTG. Since DFIGs normally
can keep stable operation at admissible non-synchronous speed
range (with limited slip), which is totally different from those
conventional SGs, the large disturbance stability problem of
DFIGs could be quite complicated with both the power angle
and the slip taken into account. On one hand, the equilibrium
of rotor speed (i.e., slip) changes under frequency deviations so
that the kinetic energy stored in the rotating mass of WTG can
be utilized to support the grid. On the other hand, synchronous
instability can occur to the WTG when the equilibrium of rotor
speed is lost or beyond the admissible range under frequency
deviations. This instability problem should be of concern be-
cause frequency deviation is a common disturbance which can
be caused by the fluctuating behavior of wind velocity or the
power flow transferring, and the WTG should ride through these
disturbances [19], [20].
In this paper, we mainly focus on the synchronous stability
problem of DFIG-based WTG with SYNC, and the core contri-
butions of this paper include:
1) The synchronous stability mechanism with DFIG-based
WTG involved is revealed and it shows that in case of se-
vere frequency deviation incurred DFIGs possibly cannot
recover rotor speed equilibrium.
2) The interaction between synchronous stability and small
signal stability of the WTG is studied, which shows that
the WTG’s synchronous stability can be improved by
Fig. 1. Single DFIG-based WTG infinite bus (SDIB) system.
properly tuning the control parameter, but the small signal
stability performance will be degenerated simultaneously. TABLE I
3) A modified synchronized control (MSYNC) scheme is MAIN VARIABLES OF DFIG-BASED WTG WITH SYNC
proposed to improve the synchronous stability and the
small signal stability simultaneously by introducing an Variables Representation
assistant damping component in the conventional SYNC.
f0 Nominal value of the ac system frequency
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II
Vb a se Base value of voltage for per-unit calculation
reveals the synchronous stability mechanism of DFIG-based Pb a se Base value of power for per-unit calculation
WTG with SYNC. Section III analyzes the impacts of P-f droop V , U
 Voltage vectors of stator and external grid
coefficient on the synchronous stability and the small signal X Equivalent impedance between stator and external grid
ψ s a b c , Is a b c Three-phase stator flux and currents
stability of the WTG system. Section IV introduces the MSYNC. ψ s d q , Is d q Stator flux and currents in dq coordinate
Simulation results are given in Section V. Section VI concludes V r∗a b c , I r a b c Three-phase rotor voltages and currents
the paper. V r∗d q , I r d q Rotor voltages and currents in dq coordinate
PE , QE Total active and reactive power of the DFIG
Pre f , ω0 Active power and frequency setting value in P-f droop
Qref , V0 Reactive power and voltage setting value in Q-V droop
KP , KQ P-f and Q-V droop coefficients
Is m Excitation current in dq coordinate
WTG WITH SYNCHRONIZED CONTROL ωs f , ωr WTG stator flux speed and machine rotor speed (p.u.)
Ta Mechanical time constant of the WTG
A. Basic Control Scheme of SYNC D Damping coefficient of the rotor swing equation
θ , θr , θs l i p Stator flux angle, rotor angle and slip angle (rad)
When connected to the weak grid or within a microgrid, L s ,L r ,L m , R s Stator, rotor and mutual inductance, stator resistance
DFIG-based WTG generally applies SYNC to provide voltage
and frequency support to the grid (hereinafter, the SYNC men-
tioned refers in particular to the P-f type SYNC). The SYNC
embeds P-f and Q-V droop scheme into the control of RSC. A The P-f and Q-V droop schemes in Fig. 1 can be expressed
single DFIG-based WTG infinite bus (SDIB) system, equipped as
with a typical SYNC-based RSC control scheme [17], is given ωsf − ω0 = KP (Pref − PE ) (1)
in Fig. 1. The main variables are explained in Table I and the
V − V0 = KQ (Qref − QE ) (2)
main parameters are set as follows: f0 = 60 Hz, Vbase = 575 V,
Pnom = 1.3 MW, X = 0.25 p.u., Ta = 10.654s, Lm = 1.78 p.u., where V is the stator voltage reference output of the Q-V droop
Ls = 1.8037 p.u. and Lr = 1.8169 p.u.. scheme, and the excitation current reference of the stator voltage

control loop can be calculated by (3).

Ism = (V − Rs Ir q ) / (Lm ωsf ) (3)
The active power setting value Pref comes from the de-
loading curve, which is below the maximum power point track-
ing (MPPT) curve for realizing additional reverse capability
[21]. Pref is a function of ωr , expressed as
Pref = fD L (ωr ) = KD L ωr3 (4)
where KD L is the de-loading coefficient.

B. Synchronization Characteristics of DFIG-Based WTG

The indirect stator flux orientation (ISFO) control scheme is
Fig. 2. P E − ω r plane of DFIG-based WTG with SYNC.
jointly applied with SYNC in the DFIG, so that the stator flux is
controlled to be oriented at d-axis and V is oriented at q-axis in
   as the power
the steady state [22]. Define δ = q − axis, U
angle of the DFIG, and the differential equation of δ  is
dδ  /dt = (ωsf − ωg ) × 2πf0 (5)
where ωg is the angular frequency (per-unit value) of the grid.
The output electromagnetic power of the DFIG is
|V |
PE = sin δ  = P0 sin δ  (6)
and the rotor’s swing equation is given as [23]
dωr /dt = − − Dωr (7)
Ta ωr ωr
where the rotor’s single particle model is considered, andPM is
the following mechanical power from wind turbine [24] Fig. 3. Transient responses of DFIG-based WTG with SYNC under frequency
PM = fM (ωr ) (8)
Equation (7) can be further written as well as the grid frequency. The equilibrium of the system is the
2   intersection point of the black line and the red line, as shown in
dωr2 /dt = PM − PE − Dωr2 (9) Fig. 2, which meets fω r (δ  , ωr ) = fδ  (δ  , ωr ) = 0.
Substituting (4), (6) and (8) into (5) and (9) yields the syn-
C. Synchronous Stability Analysis Under Frequency Deviation
chronization characteristics of DFIG-based WTG with SYNC,
which are It can be deduced from (10) and (11) that when there is a
frequency deviation of the external grid (i.e., ωg changes), the
dδ  /dt = fδ  (δ  , ωr ) = KP (fD L (ωr ) − P0 sin δ  ) + ω0 −ωg solutions of fδ  (δ  , ωr ) = 0 in PE − ωr plane (red line in Fig. 2)
(10) will have an up-down translation, and a new equilibrium will be
achieved, as shown in Fig. 3.
dωr2 /dt = fω r (δ  , ωr ) = fM (ωr ) − P0 sin δ  − Dωr2 Under frequency rise (i.e., ωg increases), it can be seen from
Ta Fig. 3 that the WTG will experience an acceleration process
and absorb active power to provide frequency support for power
It can be seen from (10) and (11) that the dynamic behavior grid. The rotor speed of the new equilibrium may exceed the
of power angle and rotor speed are coupled, and the synchro- admissible range under severe frequency rise, but the pitch angle
nization characteristics determines the rotor speed and power controller will work to lower the rotor speed in this scenario
angle’s equilibrium of the WTG system in the active power ro- and prevent from overspeed. Thus, the DFIG-based WTG with
tor speed plane (abbreviated as “PE − ωr plane” in the rest of SYNC operates stably under frequency rise.
this paper), as shown in Fig. 2 (with wind speed vw = 10 m/s Under frequency dip (i.e., ωg decreases), the WTG will de-
and pitch angle β = 0). celerate and release kinetic energy stored in the rotating mass
The black line in Fig. 2 is the solutions of fω r (δ  , ωr ) = 0, to provide frequency support to the grid. However, the WTG
which is further related to the wind speed vw . The red line is the may lose synchronous stability if the rotor speed exceeds the
solutions of fδ  (δ  , ωr ) = 0, related to the de-loading curve as admissible range or the equilibrium is lost. For instance, when

Fig. 5. Stability boundary of the WTG in P E − ω r plane.

Fig. 4. Time-domain responses of the WTG under frequency dips.

unstable region, deduced from Fig. 3, finally resulting in trip-

the frequency drops to f0 − Δf3 in Fig. 3, the red line and the ping of the WTG. Therefore, it’s necessary that the rotor speed
black line have no intersection point. That is, the WTG doesn’t is restricted within the stable region i.e., remaining greater than
have a stable equilibrium. In this scenario, the rotor speed and the corresponding critical rotor speed ωr c under frequency dip.
active power output of the DFIG will keep decreasing accord- Otherwise, the WTG will enter the unstable region and lose syn-
ing to (10) and (11), which will finally result in tripping of the chronous stability. This requirement can be fulfilled by properly
WTG. This situation should be avoided since the WTG loses tuning the P-f droop coefficient, which will be particularly ana-
synchronous stability and cannot remain synchronism with the lyzed in next section.
grid. In fact, the WTGs ought to ride through the disturbances
and offer voltage and frequency support to the grid with large- III. IMPACTS OF P-F DROOP COEFFICIENT ON DFIG-BASED
scale penetration of WTGs in future power grids. WTG WITH SYNCHRONIZED CONTROL
To better illustrate the transient responses of the WTG under
frequency deviations, simulation studies are carried out on the This section studies the impacts of P-f droop coefficient KP
SDIB system in Fig. 1. Assuming that there are grid frequency on the synchronous stability and the small signal stability of
dips at t = 2 s, the time-domain simulation results are given DFIG-based WTG with SYNC and poses the challenge of co-
in Fig. 4. The droop coefficient in the three cases is set as ordinating these two requirements.
KP = 1/90. It can be seen that the rotor speed will move to a
new equilibrium under frequency dip, which is consistent with A. Impact of P-f Droop Coefficient on Synchronous Stability
the above analysis. What’s more, the WTG loses synchronous
It can be seen from Section II that the rotor speed achieves
stability with Δf = 0.2 Hz, as the rotor speed and active power
a new equilibrium under frequency deviation. An approximate
output keep decreasing and cannot move to an equilibrium point
expression of the new steady-state value is given in (12), which
in this case, which will result in tripping of the DFIG when the
is derived from (4) and (10).
rotor speed reaches the lower bound ωr m in (ωr m in = 0.75 p.u.
in this paper). 
ωr new ≈ 3
ωr3(0) − (ω0 − ωg ) / (KP KD L ) (12)

D. Stability Boundary of DFIG-Based WTG With SYNC

It can be seen from (12) that the new equilibrium of rotor
It can be deduced from the aforementioned analysis that for speed is related to the frequency deviation degree and the value
a given wind speed, there exists a critical offset of the red line of KP . Moreover, increasing KP can reduce the rotor speed
and a critical operating point that ensures the existing of the fluctuation under frequency dip and therefore the synchronous
equilibrium point, as shown in Fig. 5. Based on this, the stability stability is improved. Take the SDIB system in Fig. 1 as an ex-
boundary is given in the PE − ωr plane, which is composed of ample, assuming that there is a grid frequency dip event (Δf =
the critical operating points under different wind speeds, as 0.2 Hz) at t = 2 s, the transient responses of the WTG with differ-
shown in Fig. 5. The stability boundary divides the plane into ent values of KP are given in Fig. 6. It can be seen that the rotor
two regions. The left one is the unstable region and the right one speed fluctuation is greatly reduced when KP increases. More-
is the stable region. The rotor speed equilibrium point exists in over, the WTG will lose synchronous stability with KP = 1/90,
the stable region, and it should be noted that the equilibrium while the WTG can maintain stability by increasing KP from
value cannot exceed the admissible range of rotor speed as well. 1/90 to 1/60.
The WTG cannot achieve a stable equilibrium in the unsta- To ensure the synchronous stability, we derive the necessary
ble region. In fact, the rotor speed will keep decreasing in the condition for KP in the following. Under frequency dip, ωr new

Equation (16) can be further written as

Io = GU (s)Y(s)Vref − Y(s)U
Y11 (s) Y12 (s) ref
Y11 (s) Y12 (s)
= GU (s) V − U
Y21 (s) Y22 (s) Y21 (s) Y22 (s)
where Y(s) = Z−1 (s) is the corresponding admittance transfer
The grid voltage U can be expressed as (18) considering that
δ  = q − axis, U  .
Ud E0 sin δ 
U= = (18)
Uq E0 cos δ 
The active and reactive power of DFIG-based WTG can be
Fig. 6. Time-domain responses of WTGs with different values of K P .
calculated by

PE = Ud Iod + Uq Ioq
QE = Uq Iod − Ud Ioq
Substituting (17) and (18) into (19) yields
PE Y22 (s) cos δ  + Y12 (s) sin δ 
= E0 GU (s)V
QE −Y22 (s) sin δ  + Y12 (s) cos δ 
 2  2 

Y 11 (s)sin δ + Y 22 (s)cos δ
Fig. 7. Controlled voltage source model of DFIG with ISFO control. − E02
−Y21 (s)sin2 δ  + Y12 (s)cos2 δ 
should remain greater than the critical rotor speed, which is 2
[Y12 (s) + Y21 (s)] sin δ  cos δ 
− E0 (20)
ωr new > ωr c (13) [Y11 (s) − Y22 (s)] sin δ  cos δ 
Besides, to prevent the rotor speed from exceeding the ad- By linearizing (20), the following small signal model of a
missible range, ωr new should satisfy DFIG with ISFO control can be obtained
ωr new > ωr m in (14) ΔPE S11 (s) S12 (s) Δδ 
= (21)
Combining (12), (13) and (14) yields (15), which is the condi- ΔQE S21 (s) S22 (s) ΔV
tion that KP should satisfy to ensure the synchronous stability. where Δ represents the perturbed value, δ0 is the initial power
ω0 − ωg angle, S11 (s), S12 (s), S21 (s)and S22 (s) are
KP ≥ 3 (15)
KD L ωr (0) − KD L max3 (ωr c , ωr m in )
S11 (s) = E0 GU (s) [−Y22 (s) sin δ  0 + Y12 (s) cos δ  0 ]
B. Impact of P-f Droop Coefficient on Small Signal Stability − 2E02 [Y11 (s) − Y22 (s)] sin δ  0 cos δ  0

The impact of P-f droop coefficient KP on the small signal − E02 [Y12 (s) + Y21 (s)] cos2 δ  0 − sin2 δ  0
stability of the SDIB system in Fig. 1 is studied in the following
through bode diagrams and eigenvalue locus. S12 (s) = E0 GU (s) [Y22 (s) cos δ  0 + Y12 (s) sin δ  0 ]
The DFIG with the ISFO control scheme can be modeled as S21 (s) = E0 GU (s) [−Y22 (s) cos δ  0 − Y12 (s) sin δ  0 ]
a controlled voltage source in series with equivalent impedance,
as shown in Fig. 7. The circuit equation can be expressed as − 2E02 [−Y21 (s) − Y12 (s)] sin δ  0 cos δ  0

GU (s)Vref = U + Z(s)Io (16) − E02 [Y11 (s) − Y22 (s)] cos2 δ  0 − sin2 δ  0
where Vref = [ 0 V ]T is the voltage reference determined by S22 (s) = E0 GU (s) [−Y22 (s) sin δ  0 + Y12 (s) cos δ  0 ] (22)
the Q-V droop controller, U = [ Ud Uq ]T is the grid voltage, The small signal model of P-f and Q-V droop controller is
Io = [ Iod Ioq ]T is the current output of DFIG, GU (s) is the        
voltage transfer function, Z(s) is the transfer function of equiv- Δδ  KP (s) 0 ΔPref ΔPE
alent impedance. These variables are formulated in the rotating = − (23)
dq frame whose angular frequency is determined by the P-f
droop control. The derivations of GU (s) and Z(s) are given in where KP (s) = 1/(Js2 + s/KP ) and J is the inertia emulation
Appendix A. coefficient.

Fig. 8. Closed-loop transfer block diagram of power control loop.

Fig. 10. Closed-loop transfer block diagram of the WTG system.

Fig. 9. Closed-loop bode diagram of T P (s) with different values of K P .

Fig. 11. Loci of system dominant eigenvalues as function of K P .

The dynamic of the DFIG with ISFO control and droop con-
trol can be represented by the closed-loop system composed of poles. No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 poles have high damping ratios and the
(21) and (23), as shown in Fig. 8. participation factors analysis shows that: No. 3 and 4 poles are
The active power control loop is related to the frequency reg- most related to the inner current loop in the control of RSC;
ulation control and the inertia emulation of the WTG. Thus, it No. 2 pole is most related to the stator voltage control loop in
is chosen as the studied object here. The corresponding closed- the control of RSC; No. 1 pole is most related to the dynamic
loop transfer function of active power can be derived by com- of the WTG’s rotating mass (rotor and turbine), so it belongs
bining (21) and (23), given as to a long-term time-scale dynamic and appears closer to the
imaginary axis.
ΔPE No. 5 and 6 poles are sensitive to the change of KP . When KP
ΔPref changes from 1/30 to 1/90, No. 5 and 6 poles shift towards left
KP (s)KQ E0 [S11 (s)S22 (s) − S12 (s)S21 (s)] + KP (s)S11 and the damping ratio increases, which improves the dynamic
[KP (s)S11 (s) + 1] [KQ S22 (s)+1] −KP (s)KQ S11 (s)S22 (s) performance of the system. To obtain the optimal performance
of the WTG system, the damping ratio of No. 5 and 6 poles
= TP (s) (24) is chosen to be ξ = 0.707 (which is the optimal damping ratio
in second order system), and the corresponding value of KP is
The bode diagram of the active power closed-loop transfer
about 1/90, according to Fig. 11.
function TP (s) with different values of KP is given in Fig. 9.
Time-domain active power responses of the WTG with dif-
It can be seen from Fig. 9 that with the increase of KP , a big
ferent values of KP under a small phase disturbance are given in
resonance peak appears, which means the system is weakly
Fig. 12, which is consistent with the small signal analysis results
damped. That is, increasing KP deteriorates the small signal
in Figs. 9 and 11 that increasing KP will deteriorate the system’s
stability of the system.
small signal stability. For instance, oscillatory behavior occurs
The closed-loop transfer function block diagram of the whole
with KP = 1/20 and it is well damped with KP = 1/90.
WTG system is given in Fig. 10, where TP (s) represents the
active power dynamic of DFIG with ISFO and P-f droop con-
C. Challenge of Coordinating Synchronous Stability and
trol, given in (24). Then, small signal analysis of the WTG
system in Fig. 10 is carried out, and the loci of system dominant Small Signal Stability
eigenvalues as function of KP are given in Fig. 11. The aforementioned analysis in the last two sub-sections in-
There are six dominant eigenvalues in Fig. 11, and it is shown dicates that increasing KP , on one hand, improves the syn-
that the change of KP has little impact on No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 chronous stability and prevent the WTG from being tripped.

where J is the inertia emulation coefficient, KP is the droop

coefficient, Dassist is the assistant damping coefficient and ωg is
the angular frequency of the grid. With Dassist = 0, the MSYNC
is equivalent to the conventional SYNC.
The inertia emulation component Jdωsf /dt in (25) is used
to emulate the inertia response of SG so that the WTG could
provide inertia to the grid, which is essential for the frequency
stability of power system.
It should be noted that the proposed MSYNC scheme is in-
Fig. 12. Active power responses of the WTG with different values of K P .
spired by the SG’s swing equation, which is
dωS G
JS G = PT S G − PE S G − DS G (ωS G − ωg ) (26)
where ωS G is the SG’s rotor speed, JS G is the inertia coefficient
of SG, PT S G is the mechanical power of the prime mover, PE S G
is the electromagnetic power output of the SG and DS G is the
damping coefficient.
Comparing (25) with (26), it can be seen that the droop com-
ponent (ωsf − ω0 )/KP in (25) is equivalent to the damping
component DS G (ωS G − ωg )in (26). Therefore, increasing KP
is equivalent to decrease DS G , which deteriorates the dynamic
performance of the system, consistent with the small signal
analysis results in Section III.
This problem can be addressed by increasing the assistant
damping coefficient Dassist because Dassist (ωsf − ωg )is also
equivalent to the damping component in (26) and it can compen-
Fig. 13. MSYNC scheme. sate the effect of (ωsf − ω0 )/KP to improve the system’s small
signal stability. Moreover, the value of Dassist will not influence
However, on the other hand, increasing KP deteriorates the the DFIG’s new equilibrium of rotor speed under frequency de-
small signal stability performance of the WTG system. viations because there is Dassist (ωsf − ωg ) = 0 in steady state.
For instance, the WTG system has optimal small signal stabil- Consequently, by introducing the assistant damping component
ity performance with KP = 1/90, as shown in Fig. 11. However, in Fig. 13, KP can be tuned to satisfy the synchronous stabil-
it can be seen from Fig. 6 that the WTG lose synchronous sta- ity while the small signal stability can be improved by further
bility with KP = 1/90 under a frequency dip of Δf = 0.2 Hz. tuning Dassist .
This synchronous stability problem can be avoided by increas-
ing KP from 1/90 to 1/60 or 1/30 according to Fig. 6, but the B. Small Signal Stability Analysis
small signal performance of the WTG will be deteriorated. With the increase of KP , the synchronous stability of the
That is to say, the synchronous stability and the small sig- WTG can be improved, but the small signal stability perfor-
nal stability propose contradictory requirements on tuning KP . mance will be deteriorated, as shown in Figs. 9 and 11. With the
On the existing control structure of SYNC, it is very difficult application of MSYNC, the small signal stability can be further
to coordinate these two contradictory requirements i.e., ensur- improved by tuning Dassist .
ing the WTG’s synchronous stability and small signal stability The closed-loop bode diagram of active power control with
performance simultaneously. different values of Dassist is plotted in Fig. 14. It can be seen
that with Dassist = 0 (i.e., with conventional SYNC), a resonant
IV. MODIFIED SYNCHRONIZED CONTROL peak appears in both scenarios of KP = 1/20 and KP = 1/30.
Increasing Dassist from 0 to 20, the resonant peak drops ob-
A. Basic scheme of MSYNC viously in both scenarios. That is, the small signal stability is
The existing control structure of SYNC poses a challenge of improved with the increase of Dassist . However, if further in-
coordinating the WTG’s synchronous stability and small signal crease Dassist from 20 to 30, the resonant peak doesn’t drop
stability (dynamic performance), as analyzed in the last section. much and the bandwidth is reduced.
To address this issue, the MSYNC is proposed in this section, The loci of system dominant eigenvalues are given in Fig. 15
which modifies the SYNC by adding an assistant damping com- with Dassist increasing from 0 to 45. It can be observed that the
ponent to enhance the small signal stability, as shown in Fig. 13. system’s small signal stability performance is greatly improved
The dynamic equation of MSYNC can be expressed as with the increase of Dassist . To be specific, No. 5 and 6 poles
are sensitive to the change of Dassist , and with Dassist = 0(i.e.,
dωsf ωsf − ω0 with conventional SYNC), the system is weakly damped in two
J = Pref − PE − − Dassist (ωsf − ωg ) (25)
dt KP scenarios of KP = 1/20 and KP = 1/30. With the increase of

Fig. 15. Loci of system dominant eigenvalues as function of D a ssist .

Fig. 16. Active power responses of the WTG with different values of D a ssist .

Fig. 14. Closed-loop bode diagram of active power control with different
values of D a ssist (a) with K P = 1/30 (b) with K P = 1/20.

Fig. 17. Damping ratio of No.5 and 6 poles with different K P and D a ssist .
Dassist , No. 5 and 6 poles shift towards left and the system’s
small signal stability performance is improved. That is to say,
the assistant damping component can significantly improve the
system performance with proper value of Dassist , so KP can be been fully discussed in many research works such as [18] and
chosen to ensure the synchronous stability of the WTG without will be omitted here due to the limited space. Without loss of
deteriorating the small signal stability performance. generality, it’s assumed that J = 1 in this paper.
The active power responses of the WTG with different values Since the variations of KP and Dassist mainly influence No.5
of Dassist under a small phase disturbance are given in Fig. 16, and No.6 poles and have little impact on other dominant poles
which is consistent with the results in Fig. 15 that the small according to Figs. 11 and 15, we give the damping ratio of No. 5
signal stability of the system is improved with the increase of and 6 poles (σ5,6 ) as function of KP and Dassist in Fig. 17.
Dassist . Oscillatory behavior occurs with Dasist = 0, and it is It can be seen that σ5,6 first increases and then decreases with
well damped with Dassist = 20. the increase of Dassist . σ5,6 decreases with the increase of KP .
Also, KP should satisfy the ineqality constarint in (15) to ensure
the synchronous stability of the WTG. For instance, KP should
C. Parameter Tuning be chosen to be greater than 1/17 when subjected to a frequency
There are three parameters in the proposed MSYNC that dip of Δf = 0.4 Hz according to (15). To maximize σ5,6 and
needs to be tuned, i.e., J, KP and Dassist . Parameter J influences meet the ineqality constarint in (15), the optimal values of KP
the inertia emulation of the WTG, whose tuning process has and Dassist is KP = 1/17 and Dassist = 20.

Fig. 18. 29-bus test system with integration of three DFIG-based wind farms.


To further verify the validity of the aforementioned analysis
and the effectiveness of the proposed MSYNC, simulations are
carried out on the 29-bus Hydro-Quebec transmission system
with integration of three DFIG-based wind farms, as shown in
Fig. 19. Transient responses of grid frequency, WTGs’ rotor speed and active
Fig. 18. The wind farm 1 is rated at 39 MW (30 × 1.3 MW); power output under a load disturbance with wind velocity 10 m/s.
the wind farm 2 is rated at 39 MW (30 × 1.3 MW); the wind
farm 3 is rated at 52 MW (40 × 1.3 MW). The wind farms apply
the MSYNC and it is assumed that a single WTG represents the This problem will become more prominent when the DFIGs
aggregate behavior of a wind farm. The other part of the system operate at sub-synchronous mode. Assuming that there is a same
has seven SGs and is available in MATLAB/Simulink as a demo load disturbance at bus B1 and the wind velocity is fixed at
model, whose detailed parameters can be found in [25]. 8 m/s, the transient responses of the grid frequency, the WTGs’
rotor speed and active power output with different values of
KP are given in Fig. 20. It can be seen that the WTGs are more
A. Transient Responses With Conventional SYNC
prone to losing synchronous stability and being tripped since the
At t = 5 s, there is a load increase event occurring at bus B1, original rotor speed is about 0.9 p.u., which is closer to the lower
causing grid frequency fluctuation. Assuming the wind velocity bound than at super-synchronous mode. In this case, KP must
is fixed at 10 m/s, the transient responses of the grid frequency, be chosen to be 1/17 to improve the synchronous stability and
the WTGs’ rotor speed and active power output with different prevent from tripping the wind farms, as shown in Fig. 20(b).
values of KP are given in Fig. 19. It can be seen that the load However, the system is unstable with KP = 1/17, as the active
disturbance causes fluctuation of the grid frequency. Therefore, power output becomes oscillating, depicted in Fig. 20(c). That
the rotor speed fluctuates during the transient process and the is, with the conventional SYNC, the synchronous stability and
WTGs provides active power support to the grid, as shown in small signal stability of the WTG system cannot be fulfilled
Fig. 19. It should be noted that since the three wind farms apply simultaneously, as discussed in Section III.
the same control strategies, they have almost the same rotor To sum up, increasing KP can reduce the rotor speed fluctua-
speed and active power responses to the frequency fluctuation. tion and improve the synchronous stability, but the small signal
It can be seen from Fig. 19(b) that synchronous instability stability can be deteriorated simultaneously. It can be also seen
occurs with KP = 1/90, which causes the rotor speed to drop from Figs. 19 and 20 that the WTG provides active power sup-
below 0.75 p.u. and results in tripping of the wind farms. With port to the grid under frequency deviations. In fact, decreasing
the increase of KP from 1/90 to 1/17, the rotor speed fluctu- KP can make the WTG output more active power during the
ation is reduced so that the synchronous stability is improved, transient process and therefore, reduce the frequency fluctua-
consistent with the analysis in Section III. However, increasing tion, as shown in Fig. 19 that the frequency fluctuation with
KP can deteriorate the small signal stability performance of the KP = 1/60 is smaller than that with KP = 1/30. But at the
system. For instance, the active power output becomes oscillat- same time, the WTG may lose synchronous stability because
ing with KP = 1/17, as depicted in Fig. 19(c), which should the WTG intrinsically release the kinetic energy to provide the
be avoided since the system is unstable in this scenario. active power support, which causes a decelerating process.

Fig. 20. Transient responses of grid frequency, WTGs’ rotor speed and active Fig. 21. Transient responses of grid frequency, WTGs’ rotor speed and active
power output under a load disturbance with wind velocity 8 m/s. power output under a load disturbance with MSYNC.

B. Transient Responses With MSYNC

The MSYNC is applied in the WTGs to coordinate the syn-
chronous stability and the small signal stability. Parameter KP
is chosen as 1/17 so as to ensure the synchronous stability and
parameter Dassist is chosen as 20 to improve the small signal sta-
bility according to the optimization results. Assuming that there
is a same load disturbance at bus B1, the transient responses of
the grid frequency, the WTGs’ rotor speed and the active power
output with different wind velocity are given in Fig. 21. It can
be seen that the system is stable under the disturbance with the
MSYNC. It should be noted that the system is unstable with the
conventional SYNC when the KP is chosen as 1/17, as depicted
in Fig. 19(c) and 20(c).

C. Dynamic Responses With Different Values of Dassist

To further show how Dassist influences the dynamic responses Fig. 22. Dynamic responses of active power output with different values of
of the system, simulation results on the 29-bus test system are D a ssist (a) with K P = 1/20 (b) with K P = 1/17.
given in Fig. 22. At t = 1 s, there is a three-phase short circuit
occurring at the terminal of the wind farm 1 and it is cleared after
0.05 s, causing a small disturbance on the active power output
of the WTG. With KP = 1/20 and Dassist = 0, the WTG is In this paper, the synchronous stability of DFIG-based WTG
weakly damped, as shown in Fig. 22(a). What’s worse, the WTG with SYNC under frequency deviations is studied using the de-
system is unstable with KP = 1/17 and Dassist = 0. These rived synchronization characteristics in PE − ωr plane, which
oscillatory behaviors can be well damped when Dassist increases explains why the rotor speed will achieve a new equilibrium
to 20, which is the optimal value to improve the small signal under frequency deviations and shows that the WTG can lose
stability. These results verify the effectiveness of the MSYNC synchronous stability. Increasing the P-f droop coefficient can
on improving the small signal stability of the WTG system. improve the synchronous stability, but deteriorate the small

signal stability of the WTG system. In some scenarios, the WTG where P IE (s) = KP E + KI E /s is the PI controller of the sta-
can even lose small signal stability if the P-f droop coefficient tor voltage control loop.
is tuned to ensure the synchronous stability under frequency Substituting (28) and (33) into (32) yields
deviation. These contradictory requirements on tuning the P-f ⎧

⎪ ψsq = [1 − GI (s)] × isq Ls
droop coefficient are solved by the proposed MSYNC, which in- ⎨
troduces an assistant damping component to improve the small   (34)

⎪ GE (s) V − Rs isq Ls isd
signal stability. With the application of MSYNC, the P-f droop ⎩ ψsd = × +
coefficient can firstly be tuned to ensure the synchronous sta- 1 + GE (s) ωsf 1 + GE (s)
bility of the WTG under frequency deviation. Then, the small where GE (s) = GI (s)P IE (s).
signal stability can be improved by tuning the assistant damping The circuit equation of the impedance between stator and the
coefficient. That is, the requirements of the synchronous stabil- grid is
ity and the small signal stability of the WTG can be fulfilled       
simultaneously with the proposed MSYNC. vsd Ud sL −X Iod
= + (35)
vsq Uq X sL Ioq
where Io = [ Iod Ioq ]T = −ωr [ isd isq ]T is the DFIG current
The voltage and flux-linkage equations of DFIG formulated output injected into the grid and U = [ Ud Uq ]T is the grid
under the rotating dq axis are voltage vector.

⎪ sψsd = vsd − Rs isd + ωsf ψsq Combining (27), (34) and (35), the DFIG with ISFO control

⎨ sψ = v − R i − ω ψ can be expressed as
sq sq s sq sf sd

⎪ sψr d = vr d − Rs ir d + (ωsf − ωr ) ψr q GU (s)Vref = U + Z(s)Io (36)

sψr q = vr q − Rs ir q − (ωsf − ωr ) ψr d where

⎪ ψsd = Ls isd + Lm ir d = Lm ism GE (s)

⎪ GU = (37)
⎨ψ = L i + L i 1 + GE (s)
sq s sq m rq

(28) ⎡ [GI (s) − 1] × ωsf Ls ⎤
⎪ ψr d = Lm isd + Lr ir d R s

⎩ + sL −X
ψr q = Lm isq + Lr ir q ⎢ ωr ωr ⎥
Z(s) = ⎢

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ωr [1 + GE (s)] ωr [1 + GE (s)]
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Haijiao Wang received the B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of
Linbin Huang (S’16) was born in Guangdong, China, in 1992. He received the Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 2009 and
Bachelor’s degree in 2015 from the College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang 2014, respectively.
University, Hangzhou, China, where he is currently working toward the Ph.D. He is currently an Engineer at the Electric Power Research Institute, China.
degree. His research interests include stability analysis and control for power systems
His research interests include distributed generation and control. with large-scale renewable generations.

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